rrnwjanftti msBnm '? . ..aa 4 - .ii&r V V " - If j" :m it!. ' Tr UfW 3AM GREAT ! " ENGL'JSh rrxiPrtrgrft . ARMENIANS fiREAT OA" . utm swrcr'STAND f ' i TO BE to - ' : W NONSENSE -' DERBY HILATED J. PROBABLY IS , EXAGGERATED Account of Crushing De feat bf Russians i t r ' GOLD'pstr; .- :. . 5' ' 7 Jt 'A tyfr I i i Energetic Action With Warning Sent to thfe Brigands WiiNhlngton, Juno I It Iiiih been de termined thnt tin) United Hlnto-4, hi gnrdltM of tlio ni'tloii f nuy other jHpvpr, will iiMxtittiu tho rcMjKiiiMllilltt of pumilng HiiIhiiII into tho inoun. tnliw of Morocco, should ho make good U throat, mid will 1'iipturo anil u cute him auniiniiilly. . At tho first Infoniiullou of hiirin to Pordolitris or Viirloy, murines will be landed from American viwels at Tim nglirs and started for tho loir of tho 1rigiiuds. Washington, Juno 1 Word hurt bt?o:i sunt to tho Moroceoti government ly tho Htuto Dopnrtnient on order of tho Prcj-ldunt that tho United Htutes wllliiiilst that thuMontoeoii govern niont nipturti iiud execute tho bri Kami Ituisuli should ho cany put hi tltwit of killing Pi-rdlrurix. 4 r SIXTY SECOND BALLOT t. r,.BJows Little Change .,.." In Deadlock Hpriugilnld, Jonnl After an oil night uouft-ronco of tho leading Ho publican in tho deadlock it .was thongth Homo result would ho notion), jmt thu sixty nocoiul b-tllnt thin morn ing showed lit t lu change Ynto 1h losing VOtl'S. THAT TiptOlllSIKU HKADAOHD Would (ilckly Icavu jon, if you liioil Dr.KliigSuNow Llfo Pills. TlimiH. liudi of rmffitrorrf liavo proved thoir niittohlcss merit for Sick mid Nervous lIcudnohtM. Thny uiiiko pirni Mood and build up your health. Only 8 ft o., money lmek if ' not cured. Sold by John Promts Druggist. llrMDtnr. Mini) Mennwell (complnlsantly) Ah, Mrs. Goldhnps, no ouo could mlHtuko wW'ho tho mother of thCHO hniulsomc (children In, You ought (o bo proud of Ithetn, for they Inherit nil their moth. fiir'a tinniiit mill frncn frl. finlfUinpa l So I mil told: but, you know, I never mot my huHbniid'ii firfit wlfa Ilrlpful Invtintloii. Adolo Wlmt o wonderful invontlon .tlioso ennh reglsterH nre, Ilstello RWliy? Adolo I hnd no trouble totlny illl peuiiiK juhi iiinv umcn iiuu nuieiui V Jolinnon Klrl paid for hor lunch. I'lilN fldoljiiln Telegrnph. When o boy Iiiih a do otld tlio fain. Illy tlccldou thnt ho can't keep It, ho inpondfl tho next threo weekn In Blvlnif I'lt iiwny-Atchlbon Globe. I'arlco-Voor Pllterl HIh wlfo in n fciicitdlbrltt. Ih thcro nnythliiK wowo, 1 wonder, tliun a wlfo thafa too ox travngunt? Tame Ob, yip, ouo that's too ociMiomltyill HrooUlyu Tp fassEEGSMsnzsssaa Mormon Htahon' llllBlikVqlnlnjicorjrrib)iili..ilrullh Motq OhuraA KiiiTiTitir ToiKCSrt- ."-'..UU ly vmv tlio wont . fii olil nl youiiB jtOIbb from iliccunr ,cirule,ui,liaiitii, virtnii, vrnnnmii iwuiiiuh wurw mil "".""ti" 1 h iuok. Ifviroeslros, ttomlnnl KpilasloiiB, LRroeBaok, Nf jom PaDiiityi Ha0oli9i CnfltnoaBto Mnrrf. toiaof nif. tSn J.?Il0tft&3fi5?S imnntannv. Lnat rownr. mKni"i.ooo. oBormmu'inuow. ,nawinni WUHv mibb l.nrtfl BvaininfrL,rMMan. Htntttt Mmnt Tl M QUI TWIl "T.'.irsfl j 'vA'ttf ti.t.tiAtiiktiL. UtVUa IWIMMriMVW toJWidMuondnt.cur1H)uiniV.KMt4rtf imU HUSI uhiltvl.oMittlrKtutk 2 'WM'VM tt.x.w(A?ni I f" ( tu HqrfGrs Carried Off by' Frenchman London, Juno J -Tho Kiigliih i t Derby ot Ewoui today was won by Leo Kilil do Rothohlld't Bnint Amimt, llru to ouo. Tho French colt (Jouvoni nut w'ih tho favorite, seven to four, but did not show Lancashire, tho only Aiiiericim bred oolt at tlio track, owned to' thu Buck aiu'ui Whiskey Distillery, also ran, with mi Anioricn jockey. King Kdword viewed thoriico.but tho (ucflji remained away on account, of ruin in tlio early hour. Tlio usual crowd wan in nttcmlnncu. 'Hom IrJh WeridlMfrf " """ " Khrovo Tiicuday wtildliiKH In Irclnnd nro rxcccdliiKly cooiliion, nnd nomo tltucM nmoiiK tho peiniantry they nfo' cclobriitotl in xtraiiKP clrcuniMtiiReeii. Thero U a ntory of'n" youiiB pennant Klrl Im?Ihk aroiiHcd out of hcdvir the nlKbt of Hlifoio Tiie-ulny to bolimr-' rlinl lioforo iiildiilglit lo rt well to jlo. IrlMh'AiiritrabiNltin whom mIic Imd iv-w rr Hct'ii, thouli ho nan known fT) lur pareutN, who made tho match, 'it turned out n happy iiinrrliiffi'. Tho yound poplo UHitally toko tho mutter plilloMnphliiilly, iM'llevliij? thnt their partMitH know bent bon to mako tbem happy. TliU nnccilotu In told of n Tip. pernry lrls "lllddy," imkiil her friend, "are ye koIii o(T thin Htimff " "MhhIih, 1 don't know that." hold Iltddy, "but they'ro Hlttln' on mo iipntnlr" mean luc that mati'buiaklm; wan Jn procrexK. Another Ktory relntex to a uumbtfr of wiildoj,'n taUliiK placu in a MtiUMter church on Hhrovo Tuemloy. "An' .vliCix''n 'er biteoded, .loo!f" ouo hwuIii won anki-d. "Itceob, Mlelc, I couldn't tell ;e, but I liellcro mIic"m up thero utiinn tho fcathern nod rlbbom. In tho (root nw of dnlon." Ilu learned who MiO win when tho niiuiort wcro calleil out. TnnKUl 1 1 1 tit I.rnaou. Hack iiPtho lievelitlert, when Dewoy had commnnd of a idilp of tho old Hart foul type, ho woh lyhitf lu tho harbor off Genoa, VMItord woro otlowcd on lionrd at all t linen, except Ktinday morn Ink, when lonpcctlon took plnco. Ooo Huudny a well known American mil llooalro fltenmed out with a party of friends In bin private yacht and nuc' cccded In Kottlu? on deck, where ho wan met by Captain Dowey, who finked lilm to leave. Mr. Money reiiionntrated, mill dually, oxuHpcrutin! by tho cool flrmnenn of thu oillctir, bo burnt out: "No, nlr; I won't leave. I am an Amer ican citizen and have a perfect rlk'lit on thin vcnncl. I pay tuxen iti Ameri ca. I nut on my own property. Tart of thin ship botoiiKrt to mo!" Calmly Dowey opened bin penknife, Htoopcd down and npllt off a piece of tho deck HoorJiiK. Ilnndlin; it to tho Incensed American citizen, ho replied: "Tliero'a ubout what you own, and tboro'a tbo ladder. Now Kltl" And bo got. Acrnbittlo In Metajihora. It Bomotlnien happens that n upcak cr'a ontbUAlnBin runs away with lilm and bis inotupbora, ns, for instnucc, when a zenJoUB supportor of a certain 01-gnnlrnUou recently thnndereil forth, "Ho la o ponton, my friends I know What I nra stiylng, for I bnvo had per. Bonnl pxpcrlenco ho in o person who would not houltato to slap you on tho back before your face and giro yotf n black oyo behind your backl" l'rnnf. A lady who had been traveling) nbrond woh dcacrlblug nil Irishwoman whom sba mot. . "She Avns so roflned, so wU etlucnt ciir'-Bbo sold. "Why, buo was so enro ful in avoiding nil toniptntlons to broRiio tliat hIio Invariably called 'tho water ot Mount Voauvlus 'tbo crpa turol' M irorerftnlltttl. ,. Crook (gonlnlly)7lly Jovol I'm glad to nob you, neighbor. How nro you, nnd how nro nil tho folks? Ilow Pnrmor nrondhend (grimly) Wnnl. young mnn, whtifs your l'lttlO t;nnio jjreen goods or ruunln' for otllco'? ruclc '.'.V Tl Jll Vixm uirtti i , t . 1 1 1 m iiutvAt - B vnraiaitLi m?m iitiMneir tm arvrx TP1 ." r BBBB liM-:-. I 1 -i-. i BATFTLESmFTOjT agSqund on reef Japanese Will Concentrate on Port Arthur-: Skirmish Between Cossacks and Japanese COMPLETE DEFEAT , Rouio, Jtmul A .Tokio telegram Hnyn that- Uurokl ban ijduiiuiatered a complete defeat to tho Rtuniniw uuder Kuroimtkiu near Sumcntz, and that all Rtiiwliui iKMltiouicnnt of Hni Clieug have Itecii abandono:!. Several, gnu wcro captured and a wbolo .tKiuadronJ of Connauka wero token prlnonern. .Potwlbly tho altovo iti.a greatly oxag-j goraf 11, account of tho 1IM at Himatal, (hlrty-flviTmJVMyiOitb otl'eug ilnoug Cheng- Jn" J 1TJJIA0R0UKD -, Bt. Potci-nbtirK, Jnuo 1 A Mukden illrtimtch nays the rujiort in- onrruat thero that tho Jiqwuwo battlisdilp Fuji in Hgronnd on n wef oJr Miao Tno In luudn, and U Kuardwl lty toP.tedo lxwits. WILL CONOKNTRATE ON THE PORT . -Berlin, Juno , 1 Colonel Gaedilc, war corripondent. n Manchuria of Tagoblott tolcKraphn that tho JaiMiicno hnvo alxiudoucilalliuilitary opera tiom excejit tho nlego of Port Arthur, and will attempt nothing oUo until the Port in captured SERIOUS SKIRMISH' Lino Yang, Juno 1Rvuwlun aoldlow wounded iu tbo HkirifiMi nwir Vagen- GUNBOAT LOST Mukden, May 511 A report reached hero today that tho Japanese had lont ono gnuboot aud two torpodo boutn in au attack on Port Arthur Saturday, in an attempt to blockade tlio harltor. Search Hghtn on ahoro diHCOvered tho approuoli of tho Japaueao. After the Japaueao gunboats and two torpedo boaat had Ihjou lont, uierohautuiou which had intended .to block the har bor, withdrew , , DALNY OCCUPIED Tokio, May Ul Oku, tho pquiniaurt- or of the army operating ogaiuat Port Arthur, roporta that tho Japiueao oo s. oupiod Dalny Monday. Over ouo hun dred war bousofl aud barruokn, beflldoa telegraph oftlooa and railway stationH woro found uuiujured. Over two huu- drod railway oanj are still unable, but all small rulhvay bridgoa lu tho noigb borhood woro dontroyod. All dookn aud plera, oxoopt the groat plor, wbiob wan sunk, roniaiu uuiujurod. Some Btcani lHuitohoa aro nlno nunlc at tho mouth of tho dookn. JAPANESE AT DALNY ' ' ' Ch'ofoo May U 1 Dalny refugees,, uiontly Oliiiioso, states that the Japan two arrlvod thoro shortly attar evacua tion by tho Russians. Bandits had attaolrtd the place baruiiig a'adlpllU jgiiMT WMiy UUalBf, Th awiral U fuohn Monday arrived today. They ntnto that a detaohnient of Japaneae of the thirteenth Infantry and aoaie car, airy attacked a forage convoy of two hundred meu. w Siberian t CoHHnokn came to the nw- cue and charged tho Japaueae with lance aud nwordn. Only threo Japa- TiniM riiTUri niinrnwr nwrnnnmnnr Another detaohmeut ,w vw..,,. . .v.... tried to help the Japaueao but inK.Maroo"ataten that tbo faniily Bf?Poftr tho attempt to be hopolesa hurriedly retreated. Tlio Connokri followed but meeting heavy machine gun tire and two bat tolloiw of4 Japriuee Infantry intrench cd tho Connatikrt retired with a lona of twenty-five wounded. w Hi'- FETE POSTPONED St. flou Peteraburg,- Juno 1 Celeltra. of tomorrow'a national feto has Iteeu jtoitjxDud on account of the war. t i "" i LAND ATTACK BEGUN 'Cheofoo, June 1 The land attaok on Port Arthnr -began yeatenlay. The Itmuifiu forcen tliat were driven south ward from Dalny and Kiucbow aaaiat cd tho garrison, and the Ruaaian navy jdinod the moVement to repulno the enemy. It in tho opinion of the rcfu geea who have arrived here that Port Arthur must sucounib to overwhel ming uumborn. the Japuueae alfordod protection to the Ohineso. Japaneno gnnboatNo. 3, aoconliug to ro,K,rt today was damaged by shells 1 from Port Arthur forts Monduy. She wan roconuoiteriug near tho shore and thus drawtlro from the forts. I One petty oftlcer wan killed and threo injured and ono gun badly damaged. THE CAPTURED GUNS Rome, May til A Tokio dispatch atuton that nearly all thd guns captur ed by the Japaneno at Kiuohow are in woellen oouditiou. Two thousand wounded Japanese nro to bo ro-em- Jaineso nro to boro-om barked nt Kinohow for Japan. FOOD SCARCE AT.LIOAYANG St. Petrenburg,- May 81 Dispatches that extreme . unnmlfv r9 t-lia viAiaiilf au rt Ufa avIqIji' M .W. W. ... -..W, U ...y.. , i i been ordered awny fi-om Lloayaug and Mukdeu, ' r ' MORE SUBMARINES Berlin, May 81 The Vosslsoho Zoi- ( tung states Russia has ordered ten sub - inuriues from the Holland company, pf Boston. . TO RKLIEVB POrVaRTHUR ' Tieii TsUl.May S1 It is reixtrted that Siberian regiments twenty Ui lies south of New Aiwauw uaj, uuw jt jh iH3uv(v' theeewill be 'followed by the 'ebfireN'Sy.rWm 4wtHt a, ailwr Nmhi. dlvWen iu u effort toW rrtieve Port J.V i't human Sultan Plans Massacjr6 ! Berlin, June 1 AH Nonri Piwba, tho Tnrkinh reformer, Js the ooiftribat- of a Article to the Yolks Zoftang lu which he stfttes tlmt the 'SViHu of Tnrkisy is plibuiup a greAt raid aa'd fbwl rnmwMTO of Anaeulam, tho re trait of whleh will Ikj the total annihi lation of tho Armenian in the 'Otto'- Biaii emtite. CAPTIVES REPORTED COMFORTABLE Are Fairly Treated by Bandits n . v v . AHngiera, jmno I Tfie iwwapaer carl- have received lettera ls"tho captives in whieh they ntate ifiat fbey are in fair spirits and that thlr cap tors are considerate. i DRIVEN TO DESPERATION Living at au out of the way place.re mote from civilization, a family is oftea driven to desperation iu cased of accident, t rpmlksK ia Burns, Cuts, j!S'oBHda, Uloraneto. Lay la a ampply P Backlen'a Arnica Salve. It'a the bent on earth. 25c, at John Preuss Drugstore, Cemneicemejit ProfraM Following ii the program of the Marsh field , High school gradaatiog exercises which take place in the I. 0. O.F.,ball Friday night: Overture, "Silver Bells," Schlepegrel. Kirkman's Orceitra. Processional March, "Jersey Carnival," Llttlefleld, " Vocal Solo, Gypsy Maiden j" llebry lVrker, Miss E. Vitu. fnvo'catldb. i Rov. V. Ilorpfall, Balutatiou, "No Excellence without Great Labor," Delia D. Chapman. Tl O.I. 111. .. f 1L. ITL1 II 1 Pari llnhm Mra V "M Vnnnin 0rM,onf ..Decj8,oa aDd iDljecIeIon 'of Character Contrasted," ?vn M Coke loJ Btot-Vok Jhenorr.e- I nV Ione, Mr. Ohrs. S. Kalwr. preentatiou dI Class Mantle, "Success tho Reward of Effort." Sim MareJer. Acceptance for Class oj jIKB,--Pfcr-; sAUAsanna Winn " Tllmti Stnnlinlm STV fk RIIVH II IUV (IUII WliMUVIUJt Vocal Solo, "Fleetint: Djivb Yaltz,', II. Bailey, MC. "VViToer. Clais Prophecy, V. Viylan Tavh r, Piano Duet, "Gallop de Coacert." 6id aev Smith. I Miss. Kick worth, Mrs. McPherson., . Validlctory, "Conquer'ng nJ 8U1I to , Conquer,' Stella R. Qulloveon, Selection, 'Birth of Love Waltaa,'? l0,,,ne.ux ': mea B ulcu"- vrcsonianon oi uipiomar, Principal F. A. Ooldar, Sehctlon. March, JUCituoka," 8lndey Smith, KJrkinan'a, Orclieelra Unclaimed Letters , Jilelof unclaimed le'.teia remalnlo!? ia (ha "Mnrnliflbfrf Orocon nnst offiftft .Inn lst im p,rl$ni MUjng $0P tae .am() will please say advertised and Bay one cent for eaqh advertised letter calhd for: ,E A Aasen, A F Bllllen, )V F Campbell, Alexander Card' 2, ,E Com- l, oil t?l.n T? T7m,Ih Tt W TtlllnB r.a ' tf ' - . -V. Oap.US.EBtvait, John (iriswi'elr, F y uaxiord, w it uoourum u, unanuo Hamilton, Mrs Mary Hall, Jame Hall, Henry Howard, W II Hunter,-OJoppas, Marshall Kin?, J W-Lynd J T MayT uertrecte iteeu. irvintr Whi&Wfoi left Tasochao,. Um"b WacphereoQ.-yacJc.'McUraV' 2. J Ghwuurfm? MJ,MH!iVMlM MlBOlO Mi let. O E , F7 f? NeatJJfrWl qtti'8tet':PeterielK Mrs op. u 11 Create Excfeni6ntlB . ; " j a.. Colorado W. Z 5v. One )s of'pelrneffa) is RicHnM f. r1Er ,,6 "&, Crippki Creek, Colo, Jta .1-3 gold fltrioel beei of this ptawi, jtMrtaMdi; af -Western xeuernnyu tuumm (: j, , .,' i nitif vuwro On special trabw. TMg menaiand has jbeeV feiii ' a! . e u nluMMi . t- 1 quantiiiea outaide the Cripple .i mineral zone, t. i M rriMPh hut -ryHtf Hv 1r .mgf " ' x "A' vSIBasB 5-1 v . . r ' . V j( TROOP . r.. iNHif ; . ?Sl. f A -M Fop Quelling BiMV Snkep t Columbus, Ohio, Jane j, h: '.i Hcrrick today ordered troops to Hang ing Bock, Lawreace eoaatgr, ,to pre- serve onler at the Hamilton f osraaoe where serious olanhart lit strikers and t afV -x" colored strike breakers have occurred. The sheriff telegraphed that a mob was parading the etreete armed .with Winohesters and nkHjraas and openly thceateaistC Tieleaee and tiontnwttoa of prejwrty- Foar companies 'of -ktfaR- f try left at noon for thojHfeue'. wHl if0l k Mm -t Washington, June 1 The Preaideuu has decided to 'appoint Ed A. Mann, Of , Las Cruaes, twwockte" jnntioe of the Supreme court of new Mexiee. A man is not hecesMrOy n fool 'hi causo he can ask ipwntloaa -that a pal- lotiopucr can t answer. w ta. No One JSiit .Yturitlt 11 You vvDon'i.Gt " WU Wh'tq Sick. 'Alt ws eaa do la siva atteej , Of course that's ?. But otir advtee U rtUr wortM at 1HM4 mare to ypu than most peopU's, ec we offer to givs you thtf first fcottle ot tw welolne fre. If It falls te hstct ywt. ?? could not after te tortile mttH our mtdlolno-WfttTgood. Such aa eaTsr, on the wrong-' kln4 of mcJUame, weM put a merchant prlaee ia tHe peer fceese, Dr. MUm Nervlas, howsver, as ysare of xprUao save proved. Is a mtei cln that eurea the sick,' j Those whom It saanot Bealtt Ise than one la tea tHeeeaad we ftrefer p refund then moaey, AM we' ask e yo la to try Pr. MnW Restorative, Nervlae for your eeaaplalat If you suffer from etatplaasnass, nerreae eshausttot-,' dtxeiBaes, )i4aohe, mea cute?, twitohtofs, melancholy, loss ef msmory, weak stomach, ipoor blood, hlrioae trouhlM, e41psy - YHur Dac, eta., we.tviMirantM,to heasflc you or rsfund your money. '' Tou are the doctor. ' l J , "Mr son Bert, when Iri hVs lTtK.ys, became subleot to RtUoks et, VBHeasy. no. Bcrious, that wo were w-affifBeaTTfa take niui out-or scbooi. Alter sowemi nit Deputy Co. aerk,tipaUa, Ce,,: JifTtl WEE J22 .SWS Dr. Mllea' "Antl Sclentino Remedy ror ralrutv torn Blank for our iMcialm your .oas a mi ten aew, Blame ul hLr m. J.i I Ks it 0 j t .' Hi, . ,li( -h ,- .Hi' y v- itiA rm0 vru. &A'MiUm'iv ' V ' 1 . v 1 I fesjMtWFfiS 'MN!K?!'.K''ij'ia-! o t)SC ttfeijjtahlxi j4tsi uhswa' Mi UkW ffo!exvt!i:si, '-,. WWMWIWHi 'V R,Hiii '""-WW'WIMtlwAlt " j"imi 'a -iM'.iiiiiiiaiimM Si it . , i , " t