Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 04, 1904, Image 4

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    'j f .-rWrSSWfc'-fc. -? r
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I i'i
i A
hveekly;co'ast mail
4m& rrrw rrn
;vi- V jv.j i ( j r.v
Entered in the Postufftce at JtAritiffeld
't, ''Stcftd CIass Matter.
f ,
LJJMjL . J JI..1I II .11 WHIT- I I I I " fc-A-
P. C. tEVAR; '
Editor fH Manager
" G. W. W.V.VU ARD, ForcmArf
By mail, for advance pa men)
only, 30 cents a month; 4 months f-'r
3i.oo. When net p"ild in adfaocc tj,e
price is 50 cents per month, etraieKfi
Issued every corning except Monday.
. .-
, Issued Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad
vance, $1.30 a Year, $1.00 Six Months.
When assessor of Gurry connty, K.
S. Dean pure tlio books and tho nMcss-
rueut of that county b straightening up
of which thoy hint loug been in need.
He equalized tho glaring inequalities
Of rslcation o'f which tbo people had
lieeu justly complaining, and he made
tf U recor,(i
of which lie may welt be
ilayr would it do to give him an o-
parfnuity to exorcise, as ass)r for
'Goos county, tho qualities which hnve
provod of value to our neighbor.
Thero is coi-tulnly a chance for im-
-provement in this county, an Improvo-
input which we are not likely to gut
under the present regimo which has
.. "JCyn J" lower for quite n number of
'It is an undeniable fact that large
tracts of Coos county land are held bv
"absentee landlord," who are doing
nothing to devolop the country but on
the contrary are holding it back by ro-
' fusing to poll their holdings or let auy
oiie elhe hiako any use of them.
Yet they are allow'6d to escape their
justjeharo of taxation and their lands
areT"asMsed at 11 merely nominal fig
ure. Land is nsseN-cd for them at
12.R which in the hands of any resi
daut of C00.1 codaty would be assessed
from I2.6O nil aero uj).
ThGro is n glaring instance of this
Suicidal injustke over by tho Coos
By Creamerj'. Land on one side of
ihe slough owned by residents, who
ure helping to build up tho coun
try, is assessed at $.'50 an acre. Precise
ly similar land on the opposite side of
tho slough, owned by a non-renideut
corporation, whioh is doing (nothing
for the qountry, is &hssed at ?G an
acre. It could not Le bought for $00
an acre. Is thero a farmer in Coos
county whose Jand is assew-ed at Icsh
than one-tenth of ittt value?
This iuotiuality in favor of tha'tipee-
ulator and ngaiuat the citir-ji, oxtuuds,
all over tho county. How do you like
it? Would yon like to teo a change,
and have the speculators ami non-residents
pay tbolrjust hhare' of the bur
den of tnxution? Do you .think the
Democratlo candidate is likely to
give yon relief? Ho will follow the
precedent set by a lino of Democratic
predecessors, and let tlio Eastern wet
, blankets oif easy, while tlio citizens
.make. up the deficit. . , , ,.
TJio Republican candidate for afeses
sor. fthowed wluit could be done in such
ouses when ho raised tho valuation of
certain land in Curry county from 91.25
to sj.fiQ per acre, against tho protest
of the cdruity judge, who told him that
he coulduH do it.
,110 did dq it, and tho small tax-,pay-
era of Curry'have eujpyod tho cojwb
qumxt lilting fit thoii; bidden ov.
V-m'stoUe.' leot hm' assessor of Coos
, , fsjtfSiitv aad lie wis! , do Hk same kind
Jlfeiitiwrt hS(b
It is to V expected that tho$tJ'vviio
wKeyoiytttdilbltiqn will voto fur
Ltho proposed local option law, hat why
any 0110 elso should voto for it is hard
to nuderatand.
, If tho law means rtuytulng at. all, it
jiueoiw prohibition,-- local in its appli
cation Imt prohihltiqu, , nevertheless.
i Wo are- told ly frfends of tho pro
poped measure that it will rtluiply give
L,tho people of each community tho
rlght"to say whether "liquor shall bo
fold there or not Yer"y wellj if tho
law bo not fiivokwWhou it will lo a
lead. letter for tho community which
decides against it. If it be invoked,
then it will be prohibition, pnro and
tdniplo fan thitt eohimuuity. And tlio
luoro experience a man has hnil with
prohibition tho less faith he Iiuh in it.
, As a matter of fact, Oregon has lo
fcal option law . enough now to pro
vent tho granting of a liquor license
in auy community lYVhcni tho sentl-
incut is strong enough "against it.
And'.'Hotno Oregon towns, notably
Woodburu. iu Marloif'jJcmnty for one,
jimu ,'ivc-u u.o no -license system a
thorough trial and abandoned it for
It doesu't All tho bill, nnd if tho pro
posed local optiou
lav nhould lw
iMssed, Which is not nt all likely, tlio
sauio experience would l had with
As tho Democrats are mnkiug n special
tight on JcfuJi S. Coke, and reiwatedly
make disparaging coui)iirisons Ihj
tweeu him and his opponent, A. J.
Sherwood, tho MAIL may Iks pardoned
,for adding something to what was
said in these columns somo days ago to
show that in the matter of ability Mr.
Coke is nt lonat the equal of Mr. Sher
wood, as tho former has attained a
standing iu Coos county legal circles
fully as high as that of tho latter and
has not Ix-cu half as many yeara doing
Coos Bay has reason to realito that
John S. Cok;e is one of tho most public
spirited of her citizens. While ho
does not muko a grand flourish to
arrest attention to ovcry act, ho has
quietly done homo very 'Ifective work
for tho bay in tho few years last past.
For somo time lefore tho lato re-or-
guulzjition of tho Coos Bay Chain Ixsr of
Commerce, that body consisted prac
tically of Mr. Coko and Jns. H. Flana
gan, and those two gentlemen freely
spent their time and effort rind no
small sum of money in postage", tele
graph.' tolls etc., in pushlug the mat
ter of appropriations for tho.jetty im
provomeots and for dredging in the
r '
In fact, for a number of ypars these
gsnt'.emcn acred rwthe Coos Bay ,
Chamber of Commerce, and loro tho
onrtro bnrdeu of the
work 'thut
should havo lxn done by a more ox-
tondod organization. The act thuti
Mr. Flanagan is a Democrat iu no;
wib detracts from the honor duo him,
and Mr. Coke's Republicanism should
not lesisen the'npprecia'tion felt by tho
community. .
Mr. Coko hns"tiH3U identified with
all such movements and has ,oxeinpli-
fled his public Hpirit .and his willing
jjoss to dovoto his time and effort for
tho benefit of his community. This
i a personal characteristic which ifi u
strong iwint among JiiS qualifications
for tho olllC'o of joint Hcuutor..
Nawv amoJg Mr. Sherwood's gOQil",
qualities it do6a ;iot aiipcir tliat public
spirit HJiiueroiplenduut, If ho has
lepn identified with movements for tho
publio good whore ho wa not directly
interested, theraot.iiaRno teen brought
out by hB frnji.theIin iu-'
forwod( 'that ho has never dlowuirtiy
strong indications of beiug Unlit that
"'. "
The coutrant HUqjhA,U) IxTmliu
liHlklJiK'ni'' h thStllor'tl two
t f&
iui.BinK'uirtho lHhw'of "tl'rtv two liton
tv fttLU" In '
for tho utllco-Jt. Yhol thoy aspire.
In answer to muuorouH inquiries'
and suggestions wo will ssiy that wo tiro
too busy just now to enter Into a nasty
nowspajwr fight, Hosldes wb waht just
now to husimud our powcra Of denun
ciation to "maltolou'dy and malig
nantly malign' tho gontlemon who
have tho temerity to differ with us in
After election -woll, itnylHi.'i ,
HowoVcr, we will say this in regard
to n statomeut that has Uhu pub
llshei to tho,eirect that tho "COAST
MAIL has lew than -100 sulcriUrs. "
This statement is cithor true or false.
If falso. thatiMtlcs IU If true, how
did tho parties making it oonlo by
' 'l
Uielr information? Thosu who knowi
f jj
the Girountstaticc can projwrly slw up
tho ImsivosV honor iuvolve in .tho
publication of that 8tatoiuoul,-v'loth-or
true or false.
For tho Information of our friouiTs,
wo will" ?ay that the quoted stateuivnt
is frflsc.
" Wo will add, by way of purunthM.'",
that tho COAST MAIL lias several
times as many real aubsorllcrs In
-Marshileld as any other ono pajwr.
Send Dinger Hermann back to
Congress, nnd Coos county's interests
will lw looked out for as no ono eW
has over looked out for them.
Voto for John :S. Coko and Coos
county will represented in the up-
per hoimo Of flio" Oregon legislature by
one of her ablest and oleauest young
Elect Schiller U. Hcrmanu, and
Cow will havo no reason td trcmblo
for the consequences.
Send Storey Plorco to Saloin n joint
representative, and Coos and Curry
will bo honored in their choice of a
lovel bonded man of character and
Elect E. O. Potter as circuit judge;
and tho bench will bo occupied not
only by an ablo jurist, nnd a man of
stainlcfts integrity, but by a gentleman
nlso who will not loso his head in tlio
high altitude,
Elect E. S. Dean and get tut cquita
bio assessment once, for tl cJiunge.
, t
Place tho entiro Republican coinrty
ticket in ofllcc, and you will always lw J
glad that you di it.
Editor MAIL:
Thu Mail May aist nnblished an
editorial on local optiou that does
not coincide with the writer's riows.
Tho editor is mistaken whe;i he says 1
' I
"neither local nor stato prohibition
lias Iwen demqnstriited a buccess','.
Tho writer liv:d. iu Kansaa a good
jnany years and during that time tho
prohibitory amendment was udddd to
tho atato constitution. Tho stato of
Kansas has demonstrated tliat Htnto
prohibition is a succens. .
Boforo thonmeudmout all -cities,
towilH and villages .hnd Open saloons, k . . ' , , it , i u
i'l ' twicolnco.cnrrlcd thubnimor inndlf-
Children of " all sizes and ages could' . ,. ., , , . i ,. u ..
n . j ferent direction and planted it up Halt
buy intoxicants ul though' it was coil-lT,,. ' ... , , . L. , , , ...
, , ! River, lliis will bo his third feat in
trary to licdjisilawfl. After tho amend- :.- ,. .. ,. a
1 ' 1 that direction Tho Sun.
meut and' Jaws that followed tlio f Li
traffics .was driven into a "blind pig" l.
and firrod cellor". M"oro of tho!'
men that grew up after tho amend
tnentrtVero holxir men.
Vou may hear that tho Kiuwan law
ii not enforced. What wo hoar is
ludrfttvhttt Houio desiro tlvu what ,is
true. Traveling, men and tfalesniell
' f ' '. 1 .v 1
will have what (lriukjhey (T(esire. It
is tho youth with' tliitlr undeveloped
mum imu ougui 10 oe proieimni t u
It is Hiiuh a ploasuw to a pen on who
dwnot rfrlnk to"! go lido 11 hotel ttud
ijfi-hear the oilnk of glasses ab a ' bar.
Iriiat Is what may lie experienced In
most hotels in Kansas.
U is an oien seoitit that license law
is not enforced unless tho laws are
made to please liquor dealers
Nebraska litis n local option law.
Ono hi Only to visit tho itlirarent
towns to seo tho difference id tlio as
pect of those that havo punned prohibi
tory laws and those that havo not.
Local option is not local prohibition.
It simply makes local prohibition a
possibility. A reasoning person sees
up objection to tho saloon being ox
bluded if tho majolty ho decide. Wo
ought always lw willing to abide by
the decision of tho majority. All
ought to think well on tho subject.
Allegany, Or. ' X
TlioTnbot-o brings but the joints tho
MA1I has iimdo that prohibition
does not prohibit. It closes tho "open
saloon", and substitutes tho "blind
pig" and tho "barred collar," to say
nothing of tho drug store, whero
"signed prescriptions' are kept ready
for tho insertion of tho thirsty caller.
And whore, think you, Is the law
ngulust selling intoxicating liquors to
minors the more likely td bo violated
in the saloon oicu'j to thd iusM.otiou
of the publio and the police, or iu tho
barred collar whero tlio polico and
tho uusyiuiuithetiu may not penetrate?
True, "A reasoning person seos no
objection to tho saloon Iwlug excluded
if tho majority so decide," but laws
now on the statute ljooks cover all
that, and cau lw invoked with only a
fraction of tho trouble nnd exjtenso in
volved iu the enforcement of tho pro
posed law measure. If all think well
of the subject, nothing olto Is nmlod
to defeat the project.
Tho Democratic paters of this ju
dicial district are making a big effort
to deceive the people Into believing
that Judge Hamilton Jms a record of
Jj)0 per ceat in affinnrd casos before
tho Supreme court Ah h matter of j
fact, of t)ip '.'U ciisoa nij)elik'd from Ills
decisions only 12 havo l'-n . itfllrmit..
In th6 rcmh.nlng 1 1, his Jndge.mmts
were forum wrong 'I His Is not it roc -
ord tfl U iiroud of nnd doesn't argue
. ;
rejwrts Of tho Hnpremo court mIiow for I
themselves that die has nndo move 1
errors than oonevt decisions Id np-
1 jwaled oa.t
- I I
Ho did gdt 100 jioi cent on vol- (
uiuo ill) of tlni roiKrts, but that -volume
'had only ono oa from
Jiw court.
This stttteiuont litis ln.-e.u jiervertud and
prencnted to the peojilo with the uian-
ifost intention to deceive
tho reports for yourself.
Look up
Tor sheriff", Taylor' Sfv'ii" will
curry tho, biyuter of victory uhjJiu
did fourteen years ag. ,to tho snuiu
iwsltion. Bulletin .
Correct as to IiIh lnildlng tho pJnni
fourteen vears tiL'O. hut Mr. Siuliu Jiiu
x 1. 1 .'J7TT
Ringer Hermann should havo tho
liirgfot nmjorlty ovoti counted for u
ugr3ijHloUiilor.iiitiito;i)fuc() .in. thi.V
distn'dt. 1 Ho has over' proved himself
a oairabrlb Vongr'csHniah, nu'd -ablo
lJ.wlaHf.l'' tBg'icr::rr.rr:T
worker for Oregon, duvlng'tho youra
iiivhus 'in'on in Countvsi ire Is well
reeognljied in Wt'Khiiiglon as 11 man
who vantn Holnolhlng nnd knows how
to get it for his slate. To untlttfy
oniwlf, If any ono oun "possibly Imrhov
a doubt in tho matter, it Is easy to
learn from tho general and speolal ap
proprlatlon blllM of thoso UongrosMOH
wherein ho hurt Iwen u member. Ills
Hervloes In tho Cougtwjlonal session
just closed havo also been of
huoh valuo Ut Oregon as to over"
couio altsolutoly the Idea that ho lias
imssed his day of usefulness In Wash
ington. .Mr, Hermann has ably repre
sented Oregon in the past, Is justaH
ably and satisfactorily representing
Oregon today, and will continue to
represent Oregon In Congress for tho
next term.
NO ono need despair of voting Isi
cause ho was unable to register. All
that is necessary is to produce at, the
polls the acknowledged certlllcatoof
six freeholders that the applicant Is a
qualllled elector. , Every legal voter
who is not registered should make full
calculation to avail himself of this
privilege, in the cltlwi this matter
will take care of Mtdr. Hut in the
country district" through tho state the
voters should attend to It by pro-arrangement.
Owing to tho trouble of a
special trip to the county seat, many
farmers have not registered. It will
lw vorj'fc1'" for theni m meet at the
polling plnco election day and certify
to each other's qualifications, and this
should bo systematically done.
: Drying proparntlon.i lmply dtV
en dry catarrh; thoy dry up ll.o iorolions,
Wnich adhtiro to tho nieuibrniio and doooin
po, caualng af at mora mtrioua tronhlo Uian
1L0 ordlnnrr form of cntr.rrh. ATOld oil dry
ing inhalants, fninoi, amokca and aauOa j
and UM Uiat rrhlch clcnusus, aoothca and
Loala. Ely's Cream ilalui ia kiioli u tomeily
and will euro cAtarrh or old in tLo head
eaaily and pleaaanUy. A ir.m alw will Ix
mailed for 10 cent. All tlru(,'g!t nell tha
COo. alxe. Iilyllrotbors, f0 Warren 81., N. Y.
llio Balta ourea without pain, doe vv
Irritato or canio aneetlng. It apraaU ItHeU
oTr on Irritated and angry mrfuco, rulier.
Inff tiauiadlatelr thapnluftd lutlaininalinn.
With Kly'a Cream Ualtn younroarmeJ
ugalnatKaaal Catarrtiax ' HayFover.
Corner of Front and A Streets,
-T-HI3 WELL-KNOWN and pavokiti:
I iiotei aoiieii. "';
jy.1 ',",d, kZyt&x ,n fl,,,'cU"
1 onul nnJ j0(uih. UCr week " ,)
n J""" .wPuk
f! 00
'alnKlo iiieoii
Trade Marku
tpt'wi nut wniwwfc y jrj ' I
scientific. American.
A hjmiUomr M llluMrtel wf kljr. UrufitU
twUtlnu or tir Oo.'iilBo Joiinml. Tmioi, 13 n
yVt.iri tour moAlhi, IU boll Uyull rrwlrluM.
vit.iri tour nionini, u oma p;uh nwnirmrj,
MMMH-aI ffn301DfOidr,NP.wYnrK
uraucta wmS;uWiutiiiiuiuii,n.O.
. ( NlihtOXt Ifantvi .
Vf.ll HllKr 4X;uHlir Ti-1h
-r - '
l'j I !'
Oregon Coal.i Navigation Co',
'j S.O. CO. Agonti Empire x0lty, Orooa
P SsaataiiiiiiiiiiiiiMssal
HE aitllllllllllllllllaBllllV
Arffna4lntf Bklehaii4tMcrliiilonmT I ij.0 lie IlloVUIIIUIltS of Ills par J III OVt'iy
1 m,.iii'1oii ! i.r iiiwrjMfiu.ift . uu"'.'"'! ' I Htniu and foretold, in il lining wcrdii
rwiirlcllr'oiil(1otvl, JfnnilUookuiii'Aleult ... . . ..
' ,r iifro illicit iiioiicr r.asi'urtnai'Aiaiii. I of c 'fkiijpuce, Ho foturo of our Ittnil, If
, I'nlrnu laken iCrnuih Mvci- A to, rucle '
-- fcnW
(Contlmmd fioni flret I'Ako'.) r
J W. Uounott was tlio nnitt apQr)kor
Introductul and uriuiefully tuipci)(io;tha,a
front greolotl by a roiulnif olicor fromi
tliantinumhly. Mr. Ilonnott opened lila'
roiunrkn by relating no nmuMUK 1 1 1 1 1 5
anecdote illtintrntlng lli'i fuiilltlom tin
dor nhlch "llottoat John" anil hlmeclf, ,
"Holy Joo" had united their fittuw wltli,
tho Republican party, nnd niter t lift I -.nfi.
nnd henrly applntue wliluli (ulldwtd ilio
tiairntion nt this approprhifo llttlo story.,
entered Immediately upon tl.u itibjcotof
hln dlfcourar, tho two old nriIK. II ti.
brunu by Invltlatt thu linUilinnno uf bU
llntcnors to a thorough an lm,arllnl In
VoMtlgntlon of tho iitnliuneiitnl prlmil
plus upon which tho two crcat p.utlos
arc posed, Il quoted the actual fneln
and llgiiroa of thelrhlstory utul u.tiitlan
ed the lending nccompllihtiieiiii find,
fijllurea ol thuin both f i qui t lip "il.-itnl-polnt
of nu iiubliiMod and 11011 prfjscn
historian, llodealtlunn houvpt ninu..
nor with their many dead ind living Is
sues, giving the linportauco nuil rauet'S
of llm (nine nnd dfllulng the jjrmir.il ru'
attlts from tho trn'.i that hnd been mndi).
by each parly In tlio past. Mo n okd
at couilderalilr breadth upen tho tnr
Iff and money quctlntis ami iIkmJdu
how they lisd bieu 10 amicably ii!!tlcd
by tho ltepnhlicnn party In t'.o rcqeut
vdiuinlstrntlon, Mr. IWunctt llnggroil
morn particularly on the money qiier
tlou and olng deeper Into the dutailn
of the aaino ho mild, ' buctuootf if-plenK'
In tho Democratic platform It acamo
so rotten Hint It would'nt over tuipurt
bin cuiifclciico." Ho referred with prliii)
to tho improvement of nttr financial
conditions under Republican uovern
montand cited as n compntlson tho
condition of 11 few tliort yoin hro
With Impressive tone 1 11 cft'rled his
nudiencn back to the panic ol IMM, re'-,
uuwed tho long rnd aiury of tiifTuririt,
showed Its .uhulu t) the atnndiiiir of
our count')' nu ong tin-fitlirr lutlon. of
tho world mid ncd If lmid Invite
through Ibe billot I ox J tlili clt'Otlon,
tho retmuiif tbo. eomllt'.ona
Ho then turni'd hlc attention hrlelty
to Hid prrrent iKilttlcal ltiMtlou iu tho
local nreuu, commeiittru illb ly uou
the lurnl l.cletsof the lo partita nnd,
cloH'il, umli g fon his 'riinlr v!m itii;
, Krtr.iicc and uec(ttv for nhitltig llu
entire KepuliKMii .ukt fioin l-.mpiru
to U.ilem iii-m Monday. -
U'ltli the cliK'iu I Mr. Hcnnptt'o
speech, chnlMiiau C'hate, Inlrcnlufi'd no .
the next sp nkcr, Al'eu R. Joy, ol ilult
uomnli coui.tj. Mr. Joy exptuisrd hip
Joy, prepaid, rt b g in thu 'nine town
and surroiii.dud by the many (Herds ol
tbo widely po.iilnr "lloncrt Join."
Coke, tho column Joint unntor from
Coos and Currv (Purity. , Ills IntroJiu
tory stnteneiil In ei.ol1 gy our no -uUr
"Hoii(: Join" mat hIHi ruin il
alter round ol btaity a;pliiuo oiler
IhIiIcIi the rpcakor proceeded lo tho
po'iits ol a hluhly i ti ti' rot I d and ln
rtrr.ctlvo uddicM upon tho subjet't ol
stato and nntinnnl palillcs. thing
back by way of political review, to tho
origin of the '.wo ureal partlos. Mr
Joy ri'hcurerd their history, dwelling at
consldornhlo breadth upon each Impor
tant epoch thereof end dunning tho pet
ition In which our great rupubllc was
lull at its close. Ho hinrkcd dlitiuclly
the ndvuuving steps ol our nation under
tho ndmiulctrntlon of ench party D
tiny I11170 occmed since tho rehullioni
All ol tho old iMid ueru reviewed nnd
tho ruptilts to the povorri intuit o( thoir
iidnptlnu or 1 ejection noted. Tho
npcaker mentioned with noti-utlo prldo
1 a Repi;bllcnu aduilulstrutloii, lie tpoko
(of broad proml&enof the golden wost, Kb
1 mnnv nnd unnderfiil lilcHaliiifR from tbo
1 t --- ----...- -
Ih - wtdof uaturonnd praleid In flowery
tones, the noble p
tnnoura ivtin Ind) ullli
, ., ..... v..-.- -......-.., .... ...,
nnmift 01 uonesi ion, una western
foundation for n mighty common'
wenth, Ho told of Iho duties wo owed f
our pioneers, who aro now dcrcen.llnir, '
Willi feolde tread, the weeturn lopo of '
life; ho monlijned the nuinlfold obllgn- '
lions ol tho youtu U'osbyrncr to )lf
country and pouterlly; and urgod upon
tho young moulder of our national
destiny, Ilia vast importanco ol carolul
and conservative action in mattora re
lating o tho Kovernmon'. ol our nation,
Mr. Uliumi tj'on turnod hla attention to
the politics of Ihoatiitjmadoahrlul. but
prniblnif, muntlon ol tho I031I oltuutlon
In Coos county, spoke In tho hlhet
tones ol prnieo for tho Ibnorablo finger
Horninun nnd hla services to tho coast '
and concluded by nektuR flio Republi
cans flj Coos county to elect their lull '
ticket n'ct Jon.d, ay. '
Mr, Joy -was tho last spMk&f 'AnrrWitn11'
,the close ol I1I1 spch jthn crowd t)S
(liamiHscu ana too rally brokea upanoruy
ulterlO o'loftk, " ,
11 1 1' J 1:11 iu imiiiiiuu utiiiiii Kuiu Him 11
"acr r"
.. -jiHluw rtlT,l
r , .'. .. acjAi' ,. -ATv.
iL-' :;'3.. t,v
rP;Ti?4S-Tr.s" '
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-Vf, J1SH'
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