Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 04, 1904, Image 3

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    UBr,SHi!jj t inff'-vWT Vf-iirt M tJW '
pi ihiwiiiii nim'wiw ! " wTy"T ' .-
.n.., -j ... ,,, j.1 i - - - M , ,. i .1 dhf.afc
tAJb.4MrH-f -,fJ-,w''i'1tt,''f ''" 'Vi.r-l
- (nH"-it.imM
,---..( rV' . tjtwr.fii s?f tyviryp!t . Vy
4 ,'.
, 1
nxmrTrm'f" imwi - ftp
t I rw4 . 1 i
,. t ,',,m.'m '
,., , IT-,
Uiiilll lUt.
1 Vr II I I
r j-
, M
fl '
Mi Utter, to den,
Not Afraid to Show His
' JJorllni Mny HQTlin TtiRnMntt re
lovM (hut u Onrniiiii military nttnoln!
film Wm ilUpuWdjud to tlio Uuaslii Man
(hurlnu itmrtcrM With n long unto
irrnih letter from lllft Knlncrlo Uonurnl
Tlio KiiIhit Jiiih brditrcil tho war lu
Vloinicilt roixirtu ncnt f liiui ovcry
nl Jiomh. J
lU'rlli Jfrt? Ml It h dovolojwd that
i'jo Knitter ict'rintly mm! to Knvopatkln
,by apoolnl tiourluTi a letter which
toutnlnvd hlit vlawMOviiroMtcdut lgnirth
Art to Ihu probiiho (lovClopmL-uta of tho
war, urltlviniii of the wonk imbiM of
, Jtnwin anil ndvlco to Kurojmtklii. Tho
lettttr wh iiddnwcil nH ooiliin from
t i
Jjo anldlnr tJ iitiotiier, Tim KaUorV
nut irt herA tukuii n un iudUoro.iou
...,.i.. v. i... ..,. i - im.ni.
" ' '" """ 1"
of imrtnlity, putiinK tiio j;o7iHiR'nt in
n ilinioitlt )oHltion.
I -'', ! w!J?-,,,u,IK,, CaL Mny :u" T,iroa v!'"
tk l,dBHJN!mA of th oxpl(Mion of tho Keriwick
' fiuioUcr nW dend nro Kvcrutt Uliiir,
'S- Arthnr "lJivtlold, Ilunry lluwkliw,
I A.' , Mid T. C-IIiiiitto may dlo Ixiforo ldxijt,
i ' : ' and D. DUccker l daiiK'ennmly hurt.
(From TuoNdny'a Dally)
Memorial Day Solemnly Observed
""-Churches Hold Special x
Profoundly touched by tho aolomn
memory ol the alumbering martyre,
eloquently eilent In constant com
memoration of tho fallen herons, and
bowed in rcvoreut duration for our ra
tion's dead, Marahflejd paid tho tnbutus
o( Memorial Day by its fullest and most
eacrcd obeorvances ydsterday. An an
introduction to the ceremonies that tho
day would brloR foith, special services
wero held In tho churches of the' city
Sunday oveijlup,, and mninorin! day
dawned bright and clear upon the bay
to find tho flays oi tho city at balf
rnubt and the ureal commercial mael
stroms of tho business (cnUrs hnehed
in the ellonco ol n profqnnd rcvoronco.
Knriy in tho day larRe crowds from
tlio Burromidinu country boKnu (lucking
lu to town to toko part in the 'euro
monies and to decornto tlio Rravus of
frionde and loVod once gone before, At
the noon b.our all business throuKhout
the city was enaponded nud the work of
preparation for tho decoration exorcises
at tho cemetery bcijnn. At 2 o'clock
tho business thoroughfares nlmiR tho
proposed route of parudo wero lined
(v'ith tho vleltors and towne pooplo who
bail aesembled thuro nt tho nppuluted
hour to wIUiCBPf and eselst iut the
ceremonial rites of tho occasion.
Shortly after 3 o'clouk a laro pro
cession.1 was systnma'ilcnlly formod in
front of the Odd Fellowe block on Front
Oivf.v strcUm tbe march for tho comotery
0t .' utcan,.i-Tho procojelon wno in four
,h Becuona ueaueu vy inu iiuroincii jwhu,
tn ll.. nf (,.. .Imtit.nllntnlv hnlitml
the baud marohed battlcscarred
, ...V-rfv.,.-
i in i .
VsterMs'erf tVie efval war. AOMprfnliig
tli Baker Pwt 'No. 8 U, A, U. ,( this
elty. The third aeetiwi ( parade wm
oSmoJ by Ooo Buy Cp Ho. IW,
Wi 0. W. In full uniform nd acllng m
honorary escort to the blJ loldl'era,'
while the last lection wai made up of
long following oi cIIImiqb la cnrrlages
find on foot,
At tbecnmolery the uiunl oxdrcTiea
of both the 0. A. It, and W. 6'. W,
treie held, the fall ceremonies bl G"A'6h
order bclrtu carried out to the letter.
The firnvtm and iiionuraont of the lileht
city were profutnly decorated with ifaga
and beautiful ilowere. Aptiroprste
prayere and eieeciiea worn made, aonga
were ruriit and ralutea flrfd, The eir
cUut of tliu dny clone.l wth the unvoll
Iritc of a monument by the Woodmen
and an appropriate rojpomo by thA1
Il'iP. Thpinaa Murray, a(tr which ho
crond ofievorat lninclrcd people vttaro
dlimlKcod willi a fnrvent invocation by
the otllclntlnu chaplain.
' - o
V .(
The Sooial Whirl
A hlylffy pleacurahlo little launch
pnrty of .MarthtleiJeie oxcurird the
lower bay with OtU IlcKor' cnsollne
Inline)', "Muteor." Init night, vihIiIuk
the bowery and .midway plcniance,
hiiiaiiii.i: nv, of Jarvie city and re
turnlriK Mvorland by way of Bylvlno
Mcndowo and the clam Ante, Kcclta
tione and muilcal overture on tl 0
water, hand-pnlnlid jelly luuaeta end
niiirirtB viflw on tlio nhlrt frontr, with
drtln'y lunch and rofruvhiiirnta at th)
Villa Do lloruol Gay Jar van wrro the
fi-iitnrua of Ihu tivfiilnu'e outing.
IVorniiwnt rueinbcra of the party were:
Mittm Lena and Julia I.arnsn, Mra.
Tom Hall, lri", N. Kaarnnjtn. Mite
Xuiiu Kickworlh, MU Jcnp Mutluru,
,jM (Jraco aicCormac,
.MIm Addiu
Andu'rron, Geo Laird; Ji JV.Pembcr J
P. MeKt-e, W. I). Leahy, Otis Uojcre
and Ccar Wllhr.
Continued Plans For.7ho' Big Cele
bration Commltees Appoint
edGrounds Selected
The Cltiawnrt' 1th of July Committee
hold nuother meeting nt the Chumlxsr
of Commerco rooma here hint nigiit
and cuntinut'd itH jircjrntiourt for tho
big celebration that Murahfleld ia to
have on tho coming Iudupeuduucu
Dny. i
Couimlttcort on munio, entortalnmout
com miliar nud decoration wero tip
pointed nud iwtiiuatioun made on tho
eoritof thu eutertaiumuut ua outlined.
It wae decided to hold the celebra
tion nt P. 8. Dow'a big, warehouse ut
tho foot of U utreet and to alied nud
othorwlno Improvo the old wharf on
thu Houth aide of tho building for ru
freahiueuta, muUo and dancing. It wna
furthor dooidotl to make ovorj'thlug
free. I'rco boata will bo in operation
from nil part of tho bay and river,
free trulna will run from. Myrtle Point
nud way atatlona, tho dnuco will lo
free, n flith dinner to noobmmodto 0000
jcoplo will bo given freo and tho en
trance cnrd to all nthletio gnmci and
oonteata will 1h without ooat.
The. followhig wero tho coiuiultteoa
appointed. Mualc;J. A,. Mataou, R.
W Leo, "Wm. Duugan. Entertain
mont; Jus. H. Plauagnu II. Seng
Htnokvu. Ivy Condrou. CoinmiHrinry ;
Goo. N. Furrlu, A D. Camplell, Dr.
Ilnyden. Decoration; Vu). Dungau, J
II. AIoLain and Dr. Ilnydcn.
Artor rutty iiiatrnottng t"o oo-"-11"-1
tww that no paiiw uor meauH' wore to ,
iMHluuwl in tho elfort.to make tMa I
tho giandoHt celebration of itrt kind in
tlio JilHtory or Uooa oouuty, tne uioet
iug adjourned until next Friday eve
Can nnytllng bo yowo than o feel
that overy minuto will no your- itist.;
Such wuh tho experience of Mrs. SH
II, Newsom, Dec,tur,.clAli., uPrjr
threttyearri, Hhe wvltf.' "Ioudurod
iUHutforab";o pain from 'Indigestion,
Htoinaoh and bowoll ti"qnblo. Drath
seemed inevitable when doctors un , nil
romodiw fulled. At longth I w ah in
duood totry Eleolrlt? Blttoitjfiil'd tho
result was miraculous: 1 improved ut
once and now I am couYpletely I rdoov
orod.u For Liver, Kiduoy,, 'dtomueh
orod." For Liver, Kiduoy,, , dtoiutieh
tuul Bowel ti-onbleseetvloiU irt
0,o 'only , jpedioine: MQnly, Wo,lk"(t
guaranteed by John Prouw Druggist.
Ithn roillV , 1110(1101116. M
guaranteed by Joliu Pwuw DruggM
Whorlav Given Suck Qooci W
vIce'THIi'SMion' '
' .
Alitor MAilii-
I Imve JuMt pinwed 6Ver the Oc xm IMy
VnKOrod from Dorw to Stunner.
The condition of UiIk thorongHf" can
not bo dtttcrlljcd. "Whei'e o wor, 'c lino
benii dono thin aiiring tutfeh of the
road bod would acorn ImiMiwfnbloto nny
bnt tho moat courHKeou. How ;tlie
iiihII wan curried o RiiytliliiK H ko.
Hvhodulo time thrnugli tho pant utmai t
Ally wet winter, in' indeed a jnyaterj
to mo nnd iirdbnbly In to uvwytwrty
bnt thcia plucky ciirricrn.
It 1m fortunate or recipient of
mail dependent on tlio Oooa Bay
WhKOij Road aervlcu that the Laird
ldyH Hvo on tho Cooa comity end of
thin ronto. Of conrne thero are other?,
douUIewi, who would msnlfwt the
AHiue intgrcatin tho pnblio welfare,
but if anoh do 6xit , thoy have not
como tiudef my olwervation.
I have heard aoniolhiiifc of tho ceil
traetor'W difllculticH In procuring car-
riern, eapeciully dnriuir tlio winter.
Tho continuous rniiw and tho alruMt
lttoinlcroada limited tho ambltloni
of nioflt applloautrt to ft very few trips.
But the youufj men rurerren to
itniKRlod throuijli tho vorj worut of
tlii wholo routo all winter with u
purih unit K!rHa'i,niico that tvonld win
miccem nt any oallinfj,'iiud for which
tho putromt of tho road tbould Ihj
inoni thnu momentarily gmbofnl.
, 1 lwlloro that thla winter will
innrk tho turning po't l ne l'ltqry
of thin rond. It certninly Jiaa never
lxxn moro nearly impartiable.
Tho iniprovcmoutrt loiug mode by
thia comity, Huppleuicntcd b.y private
Hulwcription, Ik Krudnnlly extending
over MiHt aceiicri, clmractori el by
HtrnRKllng mcu nnd Hout'deriUK
horHea: nnd It In to lo hoped that tho
future will uovcr witnetw thel." re
Jlr. Fluudom and bin crow are
building tho flntt plank road I d'er
Haw. but barrinir the nuoation of
durability, it irt my opinion that uo
Ixjttcrjroad canjxxinibly bo coaitmoted
whero tho oouditioiw aro tlio iwmu an
uro met with horo and in fact as cxbtt
In many partn of the comity.
Tho part of tho rond alroady com
pleted i u iiKxlel of itrt kind.
IVeah teatlniony iu Kteat (juantltien
iu eoiiAtantly oomjiig iu, declaring Dr.
King'a New Dlncovery for ConHump
tiou Coughfl nud Coldrt to bo nuoqualed.
A recent lettor from T. J. MoFurland.
Uentorville, Vn., aorvea bh oxamplo.
Ho Tltoa: "I had brouohltta for
three year and doctored all tho tlmo
without being benefited. Then I
lwgau hiking Dr. King'a Now Din
covery, and a few bottlen wholly ourwl
me." Eqnaly clfeotlvo lu curing all
Luug nndTh-roat troubles., Consump
tion, Pneumouia and Grip. Guaran
teed by John Prouss, druggist. Trlnl
Iwttlo free, regular airea CO cents
and sf 1.00.
- - '
A Valuable Acquisition
Another grviflt strido in Morshflold's
rapid pivgress toVjommoroial fame is
hoou to bo recorded. One moro ship
to tho royal Hoot of coasters calling at
this greit distributing center is hoou to
Iw added. Tho Sprooklcs Steamship
Company's now passenger and froight
stoair,or "Dreakwator" is advertised to
tuak.o'her initial trip on tho San, Fran-
oii"co"-Coos Day rim somo tlmo next
w,ok. It is aunouuood that hIio will
leave tho oitV about the, Oth'Iuat, id
, . t HQhodulo of 28
hounJ lwhvoeii th6 two vlllo0H( 8ho wlll
ljQ rtufl tQ . iu MBwWtoW 0mo
tiiu.o west "Voduendiiy.
'.The Broakwator will carry ft crow
of -uniformed offlcors and a stewardess,
si 10 Has paasouger accommodations
v ,iiflurpiisflel by any Btoamor of her class
onthetiOastt aiidhor freight onpaoity
will boovoi' laOO, tons' with ii oargo
pa,co of SJtijAUio feet. Shoisiiot
lie'lug placed bii tlio run for a fow voyt'
ages only ro tid takeii otf and bou to
some other port but is an, established
flxtnro in tho tfade, an improvement
to our shipping fticilltios, founded
upon tho dodiuiids 'of our inoroased ek
norts and in vltsw li thrs marked' nd-
Vnnoo in, ,thelumj'iilw rating of , our lwrt
. r.TT ui.ii J."!!.. .i". x'r,
Ua W tJ. M
1W 00-Ie.te:WfIoVj,Ji10
rival by a grauit 'reception and turn
Ilia MAIL, Would jtgyha, Marij
fimm RillrHHdr M
Hw York, Jnue 1 aihs K. Cal
hJ1Vlle'lt of the Amenoatf Lot)"
onioflyH Companyrforer president of
the Jkkh rlhore and Newr York Central
LrailwAylii'l vice ja-eeideni of tfie Union
,rclfld, Wt suddenly thm morning
ax u rwtnlt o? tin operation for diseaae
of thfl niaatoTd Wne.
My Dear Aunt Kate:
I muni tell you tbe Rood new. Right
After receiWtiK ypur letter, the day before
New YcAr'n I darted in with new resolu
tloai on the firt of the year. I ivrotc to
Ilr. W. V. Pierce, at Iluffalo. N. V.. ai vou
I requested me to do. I gave hlra all my
Kymnioniff, which were iai i wan iireu
no tired att the time and did not care to
go anywhere, deprcMed and aad, and all
ambit Ion Rone, backache and a dragged-out
feeling, could not alecp, limits feeling aore
nnd aching. I followed tbe doctor' advice,
which be went, to considerable pains to
make plain tome to ret everyday a nap
after lunch complete relaxation cultivate
rcpouc of mind, try not to worry, Kct aa
much outdoor air as powiblc, and pra?
tice long, lUep breathing, expanding -the
lung. Tlten for a uterine tonic, Dr. Pierce'
Pat'orite Prci cription, coupled with a wank
be told me of. I mart say that nftrr follow
ing Ida advice for four months I feel per
fectly cured and like a new wotnat..
Youta atTectionally, JKWL.
fLcttcrs like tbe above arc not iimuuaL
Mf, Kootrun. o(f ji Grant Are., Schenrctaity,
N. V yi "I contlniKil with the medicine
nntll I had taken five bottle, alio two rial ol
the 'Heattnt I'dltt,' and I wan cured. I nV
way Tvcnmincoil Dr. l'ierce'ii medJdnot to my
friend when they are not well."
-Mrdauirhtcr in iitnuiteeood health. tbanV
to Dr. Fierce' medlcinea, My wUlicn are tht
alt who are afflicted will try them and fee nhxt
raod cau be done for the lck." writer Mrs;
lxibrth McConell. of Kocherteh lud.
Send M one-cent lUmpfi to Sr. It V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Tl' tar bi Commoa
Scuic Medical Adviser, 1006 pages.
1 rv it
tJ -flrTTga K3
A '.B.'.Y.MJ ura
fl . ...
3BBiTmmmm a i wm
Wc are coing to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users pf Jvon Coffee, Not only will the
Lion-Hcnds, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums v.e
havo always given our customers, but
Iddif ior. to
the same Lion-Heads will entitle
rcska some of our patrons rich men
The first contest will be on tho July 4th attendance at the St. Lomia World's Fair; the second relates to Tots!
Voto For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $ao,ooo.oo will be distributed in each of thet.o contests, making
$40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amoust, wc will give a
5vnl Civ! Dviva a! K AHA nn to the one .who 3 nearest forroct on hotk
tgdHHel rllSl rilZt Ol fOiUUUiUU contests, and thus your estimates heve two
Five Lion-Heads
cut from Lion
Coffee Package- and a
2 cent stamp entitle you
(in addition to the reg
ular free premiums)
to one vote in
either contest:
Whal will Irt the total Jtily 4th attendance -at the St. tfoula
World's Kalrf At Chlcaco, July 4. 1893. the uttwidanco rrat ao.273.
For nearest correct estimate received in Woolaoa Rplco Cora
pany'S office. Toledo. Ohio, on o- beloro Juno 30th, 1904, n wlU
ilvo Utst prlio (or the nearest correct estimate, second prlte to the
next nearest, etc, etc. us follows:
1 First Prize ,.,, i...v.. 'J-SSS'SS
1 Second Prise .. iPQS?
2 Prises ssoo.oo eaca
5 Priaos aoo.oo ,,..-.
io.rriaes iuu.uu
30 Prises S0.00
50 Palses 20.00 " .V-........ i. """"
aoo Prises 10.00 "
1000 Prises O.OO ......
9130 PSIZX8,
P"" ; -
' Clirki ( Mrtlwlirt jivUttl 0ff EE wttit) waking
H Iriurs
r .
'V i . aP"V
- X-
. -
iaJBiPt mm:.HJ'Mmut
IVi1CJIl2 2iJtl
Proftiilonal Cards
m ' mAm mrf0iiwf whhm
.!..: ,
J-T.MdOofm M. D.
TNyalelkH h4 Sijfefl
Jfidoredo Bnil(iiH1'f Pbmw 1061
Wm. Horsffil M D.
Helland Bulidlfi ' Phone Ml
Or ftiftVctort.
OlHce ojwMIto Union furniture store
" HourulO to 12 and 2 to P
Special attention wild to dieeeof Skid
Urinary andufstlve Organs.
V. 8. reflsfoa Kxeminer. Phone. 963
E.' C. f triw. M. D.'
Physician and Surgeon.
Special Attention given to Almma et,
the Kye, Eat, oe and Throat.
Office in SongstRcken & Smith Aldg. '
Hi H., Waiter. D. D. S.
Rental Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist
Office-Kaftbtirg Building, A St,
Phone 961,
w; a. f Vfe
Eldorcdo Building,
Phone 421
f Jj M. Untnn
.Attorney at. Law
Marshfield Oregon
E. L. C. Fsrrln
niiunaa Ai iftv
'Office Lockhnrt's BuUdiOff
I punn. nTM
i rBOtie 791
Marshfield Oregon
rtT 1' tftl-TfHl
ash Given Away to
. 1
the Regular Free Premiums
you to estimates in our $50,000.90
and women. You can send In as many
TBgJWlrlltawr if 1 1 nT tNf
What will b the total Popalar Vote -.ei fcr frt?Wwt : I'oH'-i
for all candidate combined) at tho etecthm Navinbc. S.Wr 'a
J900olctlon,lX9S8.SSJ people voted tor lresklcnt. ,U r (Kmrvtt cor.
ect otlraate received In Woolion bnlfo Co. 'a. oRWr. 'I oldn, C-.
rect oitlmata, aosd
1 Tlrst Prise
1 lAcaiad Prlzo
..1 .000.00
rnsee sbuo.uu eac
Prises 1
Prisea aoo.oo
1 'ntr ne
A................1 .000.00
OKrt VriBaa
JO PrUea 10
1SOO rrises
Tifr --t"--
TOTAI.. 320,000.00
3139 PKIZKB,
- 7 ..
to ' " li ? j -
j- .7
.aw" lSk. raHM BH SJMaM' MajMBj
raTlb & aW mm
mm "mw-'m m-
' McKnlgtrt W Hmyuli,
Uprtitfr rkitt ft WxHW Wmk
i v r r
J. W. rmtt .
Attorney ajcd Commuox: $f
' E'aw, -r.t-
Marshfitld , 'Ore-
f '
r :
CoK A 0k ,
AttornjcysatXai '
Marsh Geld Oregon
W. Ufbbui;la i
Marshfield' ' '" t, bregod
". . ,v -
BUiinoli Cards .
'J. IT1 IU '. ", If .' ! ','- ' , '-ftm. ', 5f Si." ' -T i aja ZSKZCSHKHUtf
Gritad display eiv
Ob July Fourth RtMirsfcield
I. 8. Kaufesas & Co's spti
Eric Wold
Sarveyor ' aad; Civil JBaxlwHir--
BkiBeo Bete'.
HeaiMtaai aaa tlrnatr Location.
Coos Bay Stum Landry
Amstftln a Hibbard, Propa
All laasdry work gaarautwd first-class.
All white labor.
Foot of B fltreet, JIarehfield, Or
" 1
1770 1904
On Fourth of JUly
This apace doMted by HajBM ifc Caice
Users of
. ." ' .
Grxud Prize Contests, which will
estimates as desired. There will he
01 wnmnjja di js; pn;c.
mm Printed blanks to
vote on ftqncl n
every Lion Cofrcs Par
age, The s 53: tanip
covers the cqpenso of
our acknowlcagtncnt to
vou that yjwr er"
timate is record ?w.
prUe to tliotxt twc-cit.ctc.ct;.. a Jo'.iowt:
""T..-. ?'8coo6
00.00 .. f9"-iR
50.00 ,.... ..At. ..J.JO.OO
a a i . t . VVVVlT
iT' .. Kirwx-i.
- 00
........ .1 . . - tfMVW.W
o.uu ,,,.,...,....
. v,n.
TOT At:,
. '.. 1 .. nn Mm
a grwil jataj jf SlyiWsgO
ra.. a.. a.
tl Js ,vt
..paaBSSBBC mmmmm "
v f t . TWWPPiw
illrr-iar: r-r
rI.iiLjrf-.M- iYt
i.' ,j.,
ju . -ar - i
-. 4g'eM -.
InflTTTRI ..i .-r i-i-ftv- rff'-r
aibw.iw'"-. -t
.MiJilM.WMto.MHW. HIIWWIW"'.'" " ' , -