Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, June 04, 1904, Image 2

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    4, A-V H " "T!M
personal ai?d
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Tfie Rev. Chas. McFherson, conducted
WthodUtsarvwesat FUgaian nmeven-
' ,
'Uri. J.fMKn."!i expected to
trip of the steamer Breakwater.
Better sco tit at tho dry moil la all
cleaned off your roof, If you. dori1 want
togolome toaplleof ashes sotuo day.
y. V. Ilevener, representing tho
Pean Mutual Life Insurance Company
in this district, returned frcra a week'
visit to Ihe Teumilo country yesterday.
Mn Will Lyoxn, of Coqullle, City is
m, visitor iu Narahfleld t(xlay. Sho
arrive ou tho uoou train and is n guest
at tho Blanco.
Mr. J. A. Lamb nud Mr. Pred
Single of Coquillo City arrived in
Murahfield on the uoou train today,
nud nro visiting with fricud iu tho
S. Pierce, the popular Republican
candidate for Joint representative from
this and Curry counties, left for Coqullle
city on this mornings train after a few
clays visit on the bay.
T. H. Sheridan, the Rosebnrg banker,
who is company with Geo. Steele, a
Michigan lumberman, arrived in Marsh
field yesterday and who has been look
ing over Coos Bay lumber lands, left vis
the Myrtle Point route for the valley
this morning.
Tho fire alarms of tho paal few days
should remind ovary ono thatf the 'seas
on has arrived when extra precaatiotid
are needed. Old trash should ' bo cle
nred up, tho Hum looked after and
tuom removed from the roofs.
Speed of Ike Czarina
The speed of the steamer Czarina
may be appreciated by a statement of
the fact, that on her last voyage for
San Francisco ebe left Coos Bay nine
Lours behind, and reached that city
three hoars ahead, of the steamer
Areata. .
Travel ly Sea
Pawenger lift of out-going Areata
Friday, May 27th. F Hanson, L Clemeu
tonJ Campbell, L Karl, 'II Frye, Mrs
White, K Emerroo, Dr Boyle, Mra M
Manning, A Hern, H Olsen, H Acker
man, A B Qampbeil and Miea A Ander
spn, steerage.
Allamingemeuta have been made to
extencVthe Coos river telepiiouo line
up the North Fork as fur us there- ar
any farmers who will subscrilxj for
trfepliones. ,
Tliis Is a good move in the right di
rection, and as the -telephone is.u ther
mometer of btBtincMt it goo to show
that timed iu Oooa county uro ljotter
than ever..
The line will connect with local ex
change of tho Pacific States Tele
graphic & Telephone. Co.
be Established Here
trie Weather Bureau
The follo'wiug letter from the Chief
of tho U. S. Weather Bureau to Hon.
dinger Hermann in regard to the an
tnbliahuieut of a Htorm warning ni a-
'tiou tit thbi place., will 1 of iutereat.
i'-Ju'vfow of tho rihippiug InterestH
ofithirt port, riudh a statiou certaloujy
tiught to bo maintained here
'BaaHa naaSar
Washington, D. tt May 7, 1001.
Hon. Dinger Hermann,
House ot Representatives,
t Washington, D. Cl
I have tins honor to acknowledge
receipt of your lotter of tho 4th in
Htnut, enclosing n request of tho Cham
ber of Counuerco of Marahtluld, Ore
gon, for tho wtnliHshiul'ut of a storm
warning station nt that placo HUd. btg
to say in reply that tho matter will bo
referred to tho Weather Bureau OftU
cial nt Portland, Orcg., who is iu,
charge of the North Pacific Coast dis
trict forecast and warning aorvieo,
with a view to, if practicable, comply,
lug with your request.
Very respect fully,
Willis L, Mooro
Chief U. S. Weather Bureau.
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed will sell at public auction in Co
quilld City, Cooa County, Oregon, on
Saturday, tho 4th. day of June, IIK)I,
tbo following described anlajals, to wit:
One mate ft years old In July, 10 hnnds
high, weight 1,060 pounds, color light
bay, to satitfy a lien for pasturing and
fuelling said animal.
Successful Sacajawea Sociat
Under the title of "Sacajawea" a
very plearant entertainment was gives
br the Indies of Marshfleld at tho Loth-
erau hall here last eight. The object of
I" the entertainment was to raieo a Marsh-
field subscription to the Sacajawea mon
ument fund now being collected by the
Ladles of Oregon. From a financial, aa
'well as a sccial view, the entertainment
was highly successful, the proceeds
amoonting to something over 125.00
The entertainment opened shortly to
fore 0 o'clock, with a vocal solo, "For
gotten," by Mrs. J. D. Uawes. whoso
appropriate Introductory met with snch
a hearty encore that shawaB obliged to
appear the secoodtiae. Following this
popular solo, was the Rev. Thos. Mur
ay, who was introduced by Mrs. C. H.
Uungan as the speaker of the evening.
Rev. Murray appropriately opened bib
address with a brief eulogy on 8scaja
wea and introduced her historical record
relative to tho Lewis and Clark expedi
tion of century a ago. Ho gracefully
drifted from the history of these famous
explorations in the primitive North west,
onto the subject of the Redman as a
child of nature, tolling of his natural in
stincts of woodcraft. Ho then told of
some of his own exporiencetmccg tho
Indians in the pioneer days ot tho Can
adian weat. and. closed his remarks with
tie hepu that this simple, yet noble
race might even yet becomo adapted to
the laws and customs of civilization and
be presented.
Tim nert feature of tho entertainment
was tin appearance of Mrs. Cbas. Mc
Phereon id vocal solos, "Good Bye
Sweet Day,"nd "Tit for Tat," which
merited the jxiarty applause that went
up from the crowded audience.
Mrs. McPber.vm was fallowoi by tho
program by Mre. vPr. W. C. Tower, and
Miss Susie Eeck worth, In) the charming
du8t'Tell Mo Will My Dream Come
(True.' Their number concluded tbo
proaraaie. and while it was the last, it
Htbs by no means Ujo least, feature of
.the enfHtainment'anrf it justly merited
the ha'tv appluuHO b-ouiiht forth.
After the- entertainment, which wan
concluded about 10 o'clock, tho crowd
was invito! to nxamine the large collec
tion of Indian curioes ou exhibition in
the hail aid to vial with each other
nntll the laJiea ill chonro of refresh-
.ments could arrance to entertain them i
otherwise. Aa noon as tie tables could '
ibce SSSS&bSffSOSfXiSS 1
.at 15 eta por plate, auu wau Itlgniy lu-
joyed by all prebent.
R-I-F-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5 rant packer ir enough for usual
)craeious. The farnllv bottle (00 cont)
eontaina a suppjy for a year, All drug
lete -jeH them.
a .pjjiiaiiitii, teiiht, uuj athMMat bvttsfttor for WOjEJJ
mm MM 'Umm nil imi '
aana aW aTawWK TCHl
Ho will bo buried, with tho honors of
his lodgo.at the Odd Fellows cemetery
tomorrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock.
Change in Fir
Having purchased A. B. Campbell's
stock of groceries, I hope to be favored
with continuance of tho trade of his
present patrons, as well as that of other.
I Intnml to carry urocerles. fruits, and
vegetables of tho very best to be had
alt goods win no guarauieou exacuv j
represented. Special care given to tele
Ytimnti orders.
I will he pleased to. .extend 90 days
credit to thoso justified in receiving
credit Respeetfully
5-2-tUd 4tw. E. K. BjtauwK.
(From Tuesday's Dally)
Tha Smart Set magatiue will eutor-
tain yon.
Tho uteamor Alliance, arived (M the
I ay thbt morning from Portland,
Jdorton h. Tower nudwifo were Em
plro city vlHitora in Mtirohllold yeator
day. Jolui S. Coko and Herlwrt Look hart
were among the. jwiweiigern lwuud for
the Coquilie today,
Misa Lena Wessela, the Empire
school teacher, attended the memorial
cervices In this city yesterday.
Attorney John Hall returned from
a business visit of several days dnration
on the lower Rogue river yesterday.
Sheriff Steve Osllier, arrived in this
city on todays train from Coqullle bring
ing tho ballot boxes for all tho precincts
on this eido of tho divide.
Geo. Woodruff, is a gontleman from
the county scat Whose name appears
among tho long list of registered at the
r One good horse or a span of horses,
will be taken ' in exchange on a piano.
Apply to K. M. Furraaii. 5-18-6ttxw
- o
Olirls Rn)miwsQn( of Bnudou, ban
Hmu Hieiding aovorul iaya iu town, it
U wiid iii tho interest of A. J. Sltur-
wood'n cnudidaoy.
MrB. J. A, Lamb and Mrs. Fred
Hlagle. Coqullle city ladies who virlted
frionda in this city Sunday, havo re-
d t0 t,,e!r the "r -eat.
Houry Laird, of Loon Lake, arrived
in town today. Ho briugH u liuml
of 127 head of Angora gdatH, which ho
Iiuh Hold to John Yoakain.
f J. A. Jacobson, North Beud'd popUlat
furniture man. who has been spending
a few days at his old homo in tho
county seat paused through Marshfleld
en ronto for his homo yeatorduy.
W 'Al,
1 1
i Jftf t.fc
Zl '-.'111
t .- - -
' DkTd at Marine Yloslfal
Heury W Wedekamper, the m who
was Injured by a falling tree whllo
working at the 8engalacken wood wmp
near Marshfleld on the UUh Inst, died
at the Marino Hospital In this city last
night, at 0ti5. Wedekatupnr was in
gaged in cutting woodwen a heavy
Rust of wind blew dovm tree which
foil toward whero he was ,worklug,' Ho
raw tho tree coming and bolng uuable to
got onterely out otlta road, took refugo
behind an old snag, which was struck
by the falling tree In such a manner
aa to catch his hAd between some
limbs, jarliig It to tho extent that cou
cuMion of the brain result id. He was
brousbt at onco to this city where he
was placed lit (ho Marino Hospital under
the care of Dr. McCormao; and although
all possible attendance was given him
and all that medical skill could do, was
donf, ho never regalnod consciousness
from the time otthe accident up to his
Wodokamper, was a Michigan woode
man who cmo to this country about
threo years ago and who has followed
logsing durlaa his residence In tilts' sec
tion. Ho was a man about (0 yeirs of
ago and was a number of tho CKVd
Fellows lodge, in good standing.
Rotit. Rural, of Curry county, Demr
oratlo nomlnea (or joint reptetentntlve
from Coos and Curry, left by yrutnr
day's train lor J Myrtle Point after apond-
Ing three daya i tuiong tho bay shores
Mixa Anna Cox, al .Catching
slough, who was Vrottgfct to Marahdeld
und Httcowaf oTtUf bjwrld ou for upiHrn
dloltlrt Sundi.y ii i reported to bo rent.
itigeattlly today.
Holt Bouobraki , wU known iu tliin
city, nud who is visiting rolntlvca
hero nt prcaout.wr ut attworwfttUy oiwrut
ed on for nppondl. oUIm by Dr. Hornfull
lust Sunday. His condition la grvntly
improved today.
T. J. and At nralmtu Vandyke, of
IUwobnrg, und C ban. Stein, an Kant
em geutlemau, "ncro in Manthlleltl
today. They ha'o IhV looking nt
tluilwrlnnd in thia, Huutlott nud huvo
mudo some pnruhmtea,
Thoro i no nioro prollflo Honrco of
tlnv iu thlt count: ry than tiio on tho
roof. Tlte fungus Koht it gtod growth
(luring the wiuHrr nud -when Spring
connw it hoou drica up and Iwooiiioh
tinder which oulj ueeda a Hjmrk from
tho chltuuuy to aturt iv conflagration.
Mix MUIh haa uhuuged tho location
of liex LikIIm' Hairdnwlng Parlora to
rooniit in tho Niudmrg building, where
rihn will open tho crttablbdiiiiout to
morrow. MImh .MIIIk la ii graduate of
the Monroe Toiworial College, nud In
thoroughly nkillod iu ladle' hair
dnvttdng, maulonriug etc. Do not for
get tho new locution.
The MAIL lit Imppy to nco tho fact
nckuowledgod that It in tho Htaudnrd
of uowxpnpur oxcelleucu iu tills neck
of tho wood, ao that tho Hollciturn fur
other paper, when they wiah to ox.
prnv-t tho worth of their publication,
say it la, or will bo "better than tho
It is a timo-houored flotlon of tho
uowjipapcr bualneea that it is a right-,
ecus act for tho publisher to Ho nlwut
hi circulation. When, however, it'
cotucn to lying about hi competitor
circulation, common buidue-M cmut-!
exy ia supiKJaed to act aa a restraining
Beginning Juno iat, daily Htngo
will bo run on tho Drain and Coot Bay
Stago route between Marrihfleld and
Drain stnitou ou the Southern Paclflo
railroad. Tho attention of tho trav
eling public i called to tho advcrtUo
inont of the stago company npjwnrlug
iu another column of thla bwuo.
For ndditionral information aeo F.
P. Norton, tho Marnhlleld agent of
tho company, nt Nortou'a storu.
Tlie Post
Tho first number of tho Evening Post,
North Bend's now dally paper has been
iaeucd. Tho namo of North Bend Pel).
Ilahitig Co. appears aa owner, Dirlght
L.LooIbourrow, editor, Frank X. Hofcr,
business manager.
Thia number conaiata of' 1 0-column
pages, rmt it is stated that the paper
will be larger hereafter. If the pinna
outlined aro intelligently carried out,
tho Post will be a credit to Coos hay.
Yisiled the Dead Whale
About forty young pooplo from North
Bond comprired a party who chartered
the gasoline launch "Dixie" and visited
tho North beach above Jnrvls landing
laHt Sunday to eeo tho dead whale that
was drifted othoro there soveral days
ago. A inomber of the party" informed
the Coast Mail reporter this morning
that the whale is thought to ho tho
namo ono that was chased by n Hindu
tug boat, and injured very badly, about
a mouth ago. The wholo Is about 40
feet long.
t Sunday's Ball Game
Laet Sunday's bao hall gnthu pulh.-d
off on the North Bond Jinmond biiUoeu
Ihu Nui th Bund and Mnrahftoal nines
amounted to a fcoio of 17 to 71 elo etc
Tho game wo u blind lead, the onlv
features of tho en mo being Del Lonnon'i
pitching and the jiato receiptr, The
boys old fair to play warmer games in
the Injure however, and no inatter how
far d'iataut that fiiture hi ay be,, our
eoaaisSHrt N tttaiai Is sah tkat wa M
1U vi tUy will iBiiki irbhI,
Dull Sport
"NlmriMl1 Curry, Marnhflold'H
Toiworlul urtint uf Hiwrtlng fanio,
uiiido a (lying run up Hayncd' (dough
with liln llttlo bout litHt Buudiiy after,
noon. When asked by u MAIL report
w what nlght h doing, Mr. Curry
Haiti: "Oh nothing much, pretty tame
II-.. J..-.. .. t .! ll
" jiinb, iwhi uu imi. an tno
nftenioon Hpavrhig with Ute Hixnikled
Iwiutlw und only biiKKod 10ft. I'do
Ih thourughly illngunttHl thin oven
itig if it woro not for tho fact that I
hud tho ploHHiiro of wltucHslng it warm
llttlo Iwill gniuo Imtween tho Hnynoa'
lough Juniors and tho Tall Tint lair
raoora ut tho bay nltto diamond thlrt
afternoon. Rlghteou iniliugH wnvo
played nud tho wow wiw 08 to 10ft".
Union Memorial Services
Under tho miHplcea of tho Methodist
church, In thin uity, Heulul union
memorial nut'vlot were held ut tho M.
K. church hero lant Sunday uvmilug.
Special lnvitutlona woro uxtuiidud, and
niacin I attention ahown, tho old mil
dhtra of Bakor Post No. 8 (L A. R., or
Murahtlold. Following is tho very in
tereflting program rendered t Volun
tary ftOS: Hymn "Faltli of Our
Father" Choir; Gloria urgiiuhtt;
Sorlpturu Iavwou ixiator; Quartet,
Duvinon "SIwp Soldlera Sltwp"
Mra. Hebuier, Mn. McPhermm, and
MeaMorri F. S. and M. D, Sumner; Uol
ectlou and iinuouuoouieuta; Hymn
"Clod tho Natlon'a Guanllan", Choir;
Sermon, aubject, "Flowew for tho
Dead nud ChOom for tho Living"
Anthem, Kliwlngvr "Oo with Flow
era, Bright Flowrot" . Choir Hyiiuii
"My Country 'Tin of Theo"; Invo
cation. (From Wcdaaday'a Dally.)
Tho steamer Alliance sailed for Han
Krnuolico today.
Waltor Capulus, Is laid up with a roto
fool and Is leglatered at the Central.
H. Jtcobaon. of AsUria is registered
tho Central tothls city today,
Frea tin nco at the North Bend
villou next Saturday night.
John S. Coko rctnmed ou today'
train from a visit to Coquillo City.
Tho Democrat aro announcing nit
old time lovo feast in Marnhfleld next
Saturday evening.
Tho A. N, W. club havo xHtiKu.
vd their next meeting until Thurmluy,
June 0th.
' Dr, J. Curt in Snook, tho jiopular
Cotiulllo City deutirtt, 1 a gucxt at
tho Blanco iu thin city today.
"Bill Nyo" and wife were piowou
ger ou tho Alliance en routu for San
Frnuoirtco today. ,
Mi Emma Uottri, who ha IhhjU
vlhiting friend in thi city for omo
time returned to Cullforniu ou today'
J. R. William,' tho widl known San
Franoirtco commeclal mini, I iu thu
oity today and nfay lw found ut the
Hotel Ouutriil.
Mrs. Oilman, of Coijulllo Is a paisen
gor on today's south-hound Alliance) go
ing t.i tiurcka.
Mr. Win. Na burg left on Mon
day' overland Htngo for a hort vlrtlt
to Portland.
J, B, Roo, of Rocheator N. Y. arrivod
in Marshfleld by yostoidays train from
Myrtle Point and may bo found today nt
the Hotel Ceutral.
If. B, (list, traveling representative
for tho California Saw Work , camo ovqr
from Myrtle Point on yuaterdaya train
and Is n gueet at tho Central.
Mrs. E. L. C.'Farrln. who haa hean Iri
Portland for medical and au'rulcil treat-,
meiA. returned otv the steamer Alliance d.m' horo or hwvotmI yeurn, 1'ho fun
yeardsy atsVacKia, ha was 'greatly e"l will take place ' ut a p, m, Tlww
iMHiftd br thi typr" "
' Ctipl, A, M Klmpcoii, Was a pVsicng'
or from Portland on tho steamer
AllltUicu yoatordny, ltn l'n returning
from an okbwidod biiilneis vlilt to
Miss Biidlo Johnson, of Coqullle city";
OAino over on yetterdHys truln and was a
I . l 'i . . 1.1
- paisHiiuer on toonya Alliance tuiro'iut
for Kurukti uhrro alio
ft lends ami relatives,
Kooe to rvUlt
V. 8. Booth U a Portliuitl mini
Whotui iinmo appoarn ou the reenter
of tho lilmioo of tlilrt city, hIiioo tho
arrival of tho Allliiuco ywterday.
Morris 1', Mondolfohn, traveling
arthttmnn for tho Meyers Meilt A Co,
vliolesnlo cigar houso of Han Frnnclico
arrived In this city via the ovorlnnd
route today and In now among tho man
registered at the Central.
Hal Palmer, ailvmico agent for
Tim 13m plro Stock Company, arrived
in thla city yoHterday. Mm company
will ohu an engagement at the Odd
Follow- opera house hero Juno lUtli.
The Noblo Brot. yeatwrdny reoolvid
twenty-Hlx fluo hoga from tho Nor
way Davlrt rauoli ou tho Co
(ulllo river. Tho hog are for butch
ering purtxHcit and weigh on an aver
agu 1H0 K)uud.
Clin. Adam, of Myrtlo Point, ar
rived in tills city ycrttuiduy en route
for San FthiioIhco, whom hu gow to
meet hi wlfn who In vitr'. ill In South
ern California, mid who will lw
brought to' that city formedlcal at
tendance. '
o .
A California nowjmmr meiitloui
tho death of JiimeH. Mullen. former
rcHldont of thin county. Mr. Mullen
wu 218 ypar of iigo.nud died recently
nt hi riMldoiivo in Monterey, Ctillfor
iiiu. Mr. Dimelernf Salem and MUh
Dlmeler of Portland, mother nud
alntor of Mr. K. R. Colgan, urrlvtsl
on tho AUIaitoo on a vllt. MIm
Dlmeler, who in n graduated iiuwe,
contemplatcH making her homo hero.
Dr. Allen Jlouubruku and wife,
father nud mother of Holt Bouobrake,
who wa lately ojwrnled on for up.
poutHoltift by Dr. Horaofiill in thl
city, arrived iu Marahfliild by yentor
day' tgo over tint Drain ronto from
tholr homo nt (loldeudnle, ' Wahlng.
ton, and will rutnlan with their o
until ho I ublo to bo out iigalu.
Tho IiiidliH' Aid Society of tho Bap.
tint church norvixl ico cream and other
refreshment at tho old SaochI Htiiud
in thiri i'ify on Decoration day. They
woro very Hucciwful in their venture,
Holliiig out iilniOHt ovoothlng they had.
Tho MAIL ncknowlodgc receipt of n
complimentary ttamplu pitcher (or,
their cream. '
Trayel by Ser.
PiiHeuger lint pf Incoming Hteumer
Alliance, iivrlxlng from Portland,
Tucmluy, M,uy .'11: For North Bond:
Van Chirk, John OInoii, Mr. W. JCern,
Mi HiiHburger, dipt. Sinijwon, C. H.
Collender, and wife, II. JiicoImou, NT
I) . l'ulmer, Pnkor, Frank CriiMO, For
Mandilltdd: Mr. (). 13. Mlcholmm,
Albert Ilagainniiter, Mr. Mary 'Fair
child, .Mr. S. A. Pnrrin.'N. S. Booth,
Mi WIho, V. II. Vallely, 13. Rothl,
Mr. K. L. 0. FiiiTin? iw. D. L".
Rood, Hy Funck, C, 13. (iorrold, (L
P. Storey, Mr. S. J. FoiToy, MU Fex
rey, J. M. l'Vanltherii, Mr. Arlington,
Min Duiuhtr,
Mi'. Domlor, .W. A.
L13I3 In Miix-rtlilleld, Oxogou, May
ill, lOOl.Mr. R. C. Lee, ifged i
Tho deeeancd had lxien quite (litugor
oiinly ill fox xtivorul day, but her
death emtio a u hock to thi coin-
mximW w"(,ro ulrt "tliuiilrto lady had
" """ '"P"'1- lrlng her rel-
ay from ths M, K, church,. f
'4.iS -
... .-jr-vss"Sitss!-ss tr9Ww
f, fjiMrr
T '