Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, May 28, 1904, Image 8

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personal apd
Absolutely Pur
.IL ii ire
From Tuesday's Dally.
The Eagle a ro soon to announce
grand picnic.
Tho Czarina called from San Francisco
this morning.
E. Judcll tho cigar salesman is to
day registered nt tho Central.
L. R. Robertson, the Telephone man,
is up Coos rivor on a businoa trip today.
C C. Carer, from Myrtlo Point, Li
in tho city today and in a guest of tho
Mrs. J. S. Cok Sr., who has been
quite ill for several da s, -is now rapid
Jy improving,
The work of laying tho plant for tho
Daily Evening Pott at North Bend be
gan this morning.
Over 700 ban now been subscribed to
tbo picnic fond. Keep it swelling until
it reaches the one thousand mark.
John Bear, Democratic nominee
county commissioner, accompanied
Democratic speakers to Tenmile
their campaign tour today. f
Howard 31. BrownoU, of Oregon
City, arrived in Marshfleld via tho
.Myrtle Point routo today, Ho in
guest 'nt tho Blnnpo. ' '
Attorney Fred Ilollister and Tho;.
Kelsay, of North Bend Mercantile & Im
provement Company of North Bend,
had bueineee in our city today.
Tho Roosevelt Republican Club is
plauning for a grand rally in Marshfleld
to take placo about tho tast of tbiB
month. Their announcemet will ap
pear later.
i "
A. A. Jncobson, tho North Bend
furniture mnn hud business in Marsh
field today. Ho in loud in liis praisw
for North Boud.
Capt. h. D, Mahoue, of tho ice
wntor brigade, returned from Myrtlo
Point ' todny, nnd is among tho regis
tered at the Blanco.
Made Young Again
"OneoiDr King's Now Life PilU,
each night for two weeks has put me in
my 'terns' again" writes D. If. Turner
of DempFoytown, Pa..They'ro the best
in tbe world for Liver. Stomach and
Jtowols. Purely vegetable. Nevor
eripe. Only 25c at John Preuss Drug
J. A. Jecbson, the North Bend furni
ture man left ou thlB mornings train
for Coquillo city, h'a old home, where
lie will remain or a week or eo straight
ening up his cfluire and looking after
hie interests In that city.
A. J. Rhorwood, R. C, Leo and K. B.
Senbrook left lor Tenmile on a cam
paign tour this morning. They will
epcak thero Iu the Interests of Demo
cracy tonight and return to Marshfleld
0. Johnson and family, of Coquillo
City oamu over ou thu noon train to
day and aro now registered at tho Con
tral hotel. Thoy lonvo for Gardiner
The lumber is being huulod ou tho
dock tore for W. U. Douglas' new
store lmildijwou (o bo oreofodonl
MkinPiMr W
M. I. Martin tlio Coquillo City
jowelcr who has liccn on V business
visitor in Marahflold tho past few days
returned by this morning's train to tho
county cnt.
Mlra Dol la Fox formerly of tho Coast
Mail force, hut now of tho Evoniug
Post nt North Bend, and who has been
visiting with friends and relatives nt
Uuquillo city, returned toMarahfleld on
todays train.
It is reported that John Parre, tho
jailor who was InjuHd by fnlUng from
tho Porter wharf last Saturday, and
who was brought to town yesterday and
placed In tho Marino hospital, U Injured
internally mid hie case is more serious
than was at first thought.
Pcheller It. Hermann, Ilepublictn
nominee for representative from Coos
County, and S. Pierce, Republican
nomineo for joint representatives from
this and Curry Counties, aro in tho
Coos Day metropolis today. They aro
reslstered at the Central and will re
main for a few days.
E. A. Anderson, who went as a dele
gate to tho encampment and Grand
Lodge I. O. O. F. which convoned at
Astoria on tho 17th and 18th inst. re
turned home this morning, coming
down from Portland and in over the
Rosoburg and Myrtle Point stage route.
Quick Arrest
J. A. Gulledge of Verbena. Ala., was
twice in the hospital from a severe case
of piles causing '2 tumors. After doc
tors and all remedies failed, Bucklen's
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
Inflammation and cured him. It con
quers aches and kills pain, 2oc. at John
Preuss Druggist.
Successfuf Entertainment
A very inccoitful entertainment was
at Moshler Chapel, on South Coos river,
Saturday evening, May 1st.
A fine program was rendered after
which cake and coffee was served by the
ladies. AbonL 21.00 was realized
which is to be preecnted ro Mrs. Bum
merlin who is now tick in MarabCeld.
Many thanks is due Mr. Enegren, for
bis kindness in running a froe launch
for a number of passengers to and from
the entertainment.
It is rnmored hero this morning tbat
the Hon. R D. Hume, who owns land
all around tho property of Capt. E. B.
Burns on the lower Rogue river, has
erected a four wire fence on bis own
premises In such a manner as to cnlirely
fenrc Mr. Burns' in or out, and Capt.
Burns, who has jast returned from San
Francisco, can not reach his houso with
out crossing the Hume fenco which is
now being guauded by armed men,
Tbo wires aro down today between this
place and Wedderburn and the particu
lars of the case can not bo had,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed will sell at public auction in Co
quille City. Coos County, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 4th. day of June, 1901,
the following described animals, to wit :
One umre fl years old in July, 10 hands
high, weight 1,030 pounds, color Unlit
bay. to satisfy a lien for pasturing and
feeding eaid animal.
5-14- it WALTER LAIRD.
From Wednesday's Dally.
MIm'h Eva and JooWilhon ofSumner
wuro ahoppiiig iu the city today.
The Alliance arrived in the bay from
Ban Francisco late last evening nnd
sailed for Portland today.
Mits May Black, of Sumner, returned
on the Alliauco from San Francisco to
day after an absence of several rnonthn,
R. E. Morris, is a San Francisco
gentleman who arrived on todays
Alliance and is registered at (ho Blanco.
A. J. Sherwood, R, 0. Lee and E. B.
Keabrook, political chomicta who went
to Tenmile to brow a little Democratic
medicine yesterday, returned to MorBli
field today, ,
Henry W. Wedekamper, tho man who
was injured by a falling tree and who
has for several days beeu so near
death's door, lying unconscious at the
Marino hospital in this city, is reported
to be mucn better touay. ijo may re
. II. Church, wall known in Geo
county, arrivou in jviarsnneiu oyyester.
dar'a stage from Gardiner fie reports
a steady and vigorous growth of busi
ness nt tho Umpqua metropolis.
Rev T. Irwin, wife, and daughter
Mnblo, were among tho passongeraol
tho lucomtug Alliivnco when alio arrived
in Marahflcld this morning. Thoy have
returned to MarshfluM to ttay.
Mr. A. Maun, nt Free Pott, lit,, ar
rived in Marshfleld by way or San Fran
cisco and steamer Alliance this morn
hip, and will spend tho summer visiting
with her brother, Dr. C. W. Tower, in
this city.
Just as wo ro to prow it member of
the 4th of July Committee informs, ua
that tho celebration fuud has now
lxn swelled to over $800. It is hoped
that tho $1000 will bo rvuehed to
morrow. Chns. Perkliw, proprietor of tho
Perkins Hotel nt Gardiner, id a busi
ness visitor on tho bny today. Ho
enmo down tho boaolt with Charles
Swnffonl, also of Gardiner, who, La
buying Homo horn to bo put ou tho
street work nt North Bend.
Howard M. BrownoU, of Oregon Olty,
who arrived yestorday by way of Myrtlo
Point, ioa son of Geo. Brownell, tbo
Clackamas statesman. Ho is an at
torney and is looking over this section
with a viow to locating hero. Ho brings
strong recommendations from promin
ent people of his lormer homo.
S. Lando, the popular dry goods
merchant of this city, who was recently
married in San Francisco, returned with
his bride on tcdoy'a Alliance Mr. and
Mrs. Lando, aro both well known in
Marehfield tociety and will soon bo at
home to their many friends in their new
quarters, tho Timtnerraan .cottage on
Pino street, in this city.
ll ! I
Tho steamer Empiro arrived from
San Francisco yesterday afternoon,
bringing 50 tons of freight for Marehfield,
a larga coueienment of wool for tho
woolen mills, a boilor for tho milk con
densary and considerable freight for
tho River. She finished discharging
her cargo last night, loaded with coal
today and crossed out on the rctnrn
voyage this afternoon.
Judge Geiry, attorney Fred Hollester,
and Mr. Grout of tho North Bond Mer-
Icantilo and Improvement Company of
vili Hanil .Aft 4tnMfllnn , ,,tBl(kkn
matters in MamhfWd this morning.
Among the many inportant realeeUto
transfers reported by this company
lately, is the salo of lot 1 block 'JO North
Bend, to Wm. Hutchinson, tho consider
ation being 14000.
K. V. Krusc, the nhipbuilder of thifl
city, who has been in San 1-VanicHco
on bualmaw for t-overul weeks returned,
homo on the Alliance today. It irt re
ported thnt ho haq tho contract to
build a thrco-mti.Hted uchoouor at his
yards hero thin Hummer.
Tom Bonnett and Russ Tower, Marsh
field Loys who aro attending the Bel
mont College, of Belmont California,
arrived on tho Alliance from San Fran
cisco this morning and will speod their
vacation with iiorne folk and friends in
this city. They have passed tho ex
amination of the Belmont preparatory
to entering Stanford and expect to be
enrolled among the studcntti at that
university about tho first of next Aug
Badly Hurt
As this pupr goon to prcas, Jimmy
Bob, of Empire, a longrihoromun, wiw
lironght to town ueverely injured by
fulling down u hutch way on the
steamer Empire, whore he wuh at work.
. Complimentary
The MAib deelree to tako this method
of complimenting the Chomberlan
Democratic Club pn his pnrontal editor',
ial appearing in tho last iesuo of the
Nowb. It was well done, thou good and
faithful servant, thou hast beeu faithful
over u few things, thou shouldst bo
mado ruler over many "THINOS,"
enter at onco upon the office of county
Democratic Central Committeeman.
Arrangoments ure being mado by
Baker Post,. No. 8, G. A.' .,It. of this
city,' to hold the usual' ine'morial Her-
twvi nf. fttn CAA 1?Allrttva ftiii.fmir
' her) on May 80th, A purade, beuded
by tho old aoldltaw mid ooiwIhUiik of
four sections composed by Bakor Post,
No. 8, G. A. It., Coos Bay Camp, No.
100, V. O. W, tho Mnrshlleld Brass
Baud, and tho GIUmum, will form at
tho Odd Followrt hall nt !) p. in, mid
march out Broadway to tho eumutery,
where tho uamtl ooremonieM of tho 0.
A. It. will Ik) conduotetl and two men.
muotiti will lw unveiled by tho
Tho litdioa ofMurHhllold iw arranging
for n Saoajawca eutvrtaiumout at tho
Lutheran Hull hero next Friday even
ing. Tho olwot of tho untortnlmmmt
in to ralo money for tho Saoajawea
mmmimmt fuud. Tho hall will bo
tastefully decorated for tho oucalon
and n very Interesting collection of In
dliiu ourioA will U exhibited, Tho an-
uouncement of tho committee will Im
found eldowhero in thin Ikhuo.
Memorial Services
Momoilal services will behold at tho
Methodist Episcopal church next Sun
day. TheRov. T. M. Mol'lioraon will
Subject at 11 a. in., ''Ownership."
Snbject at 8 p. m,, "Flowers for tl o
Dead and Cheers for the Living." All
who fought in any of tho wars are es
pecially Invited to tho evening service.
At this sorvlco tho G. A. R. will bo thu
guosts of honor, Let nil unite in mak
ingthe services a great success.
Travel by Sea
Arrivals by steamer Alliauco, Wednes
day, May 25 1003: From Han Fran,
cisco: MrH E S Irwin, Mablo E Irwin,
Edwin Irwin, C R McOlollau. D F
Ahearn and wife, Miss M Ln recti, Miss
L Barklow, Mim B Barklow, 0 J
Franchie, Mrs M J Mann, T Ponnett, I
Tower, L .M Donahue, B Lando and wife.
Miss Johnsou, Miss Black, Thos Irwin,
G L Rickol, Roy Emorris, 0 S Wlnsor,
0 Walker. K V Kruio, 0 Sodorland, M
Rasanon, '2 second class: From Eureka:
J A Swett, 0 N Nulten. Marion Ouster,
Alva Custer, Irvin Cutter, E 0 Garrett,
G A Clark, Mrs. 0 B Shiel, M Leahy,
J Pember. and 4 second class.
Allegany Items
Janie Blake is a now victim of mumps.
Bosslo Sawyers was visiting up river
Virgil Motion is leaving the river for
Daniel's Creek.
Miss McGlay and father went to Elk
Horn ranch Sunday.
School will begin Monday with Ethe
lyn Adams as feather.
Fannio and Bcatnco Smith and Jano
Porter aro to room on Knob Hill.
Newell Price, recovered from an at
tack of mumps the first of tho week.
Albert Slommerman is to movo his
family to Allegany for school purposes.
Henry Blako who Is working in Stern
morman's camp, is spending Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. Blalno and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas spent last Sunday at Mr.
Midgot did not get "Hold noleb"
mailed at usual tiino this week this will
not happen again until next time.
Owirg to bad veather Geo. Terry, did
not get his honse hold goods moved
down from Golden Falls until Friday,
Mrs. Sarah Blako was shopping in
Marshfleld the last part of week and
visiting her parents, on ono of tho
A Startling Tost
To save a life, Dr. T. O. Morritl, of
No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling
tost resulting in a wonderful cure. Ho
writes, "A patient was attackod with
violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera
tion of tho fltomach. i had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for acute
stomach and liver troubles so I prescrib
ed them. Tho patient gained from tho
first, anJ has not had an attack in 1 1
months." Electric Bitters aro positively
guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
t t f .1 fr.i. . .. 1. 1 ro
iLonsupawou huh jtiuuuy iruuuiue. ..ry
them, unly ouc at Jonn rreuas.
(From Thursday'!) Daily.)
Tbe Empiro sails today.
The Alllanco sailed from Portland
"Bill" Nye und wife, aro today regist
ered at the Blanco.
i F. M. Friodberg, who lies beon on
tbo sick list, is improving.
' Schiller B. Herman, left for Coquillo
city on this mornings train,
William Creaion, of the Uhtnso hotel
la confined to his room with erysipelas,
Miss Jo, IloyotB, of Sumner lintj ac
cepted a position as tenclior in tho
RoeobiUK (chool.
Prnimratlousnio bulnu nimlo for a
arntid republican rally in Mnrshduld
next Saturday ovonlng.
Baxter Hoxilo, n promluoiii barber of
North Bond was trading with Mnrsh
tleld iiiorchnutB today.
V. N. Porry, tho Connlllo city1
Marshal, is a Cooh Bay visitor today nnd (
Is rrglstetod at tho Central, i
L, M. Donlhue, is ii Han Francisco
business man whose iiaum appeal a on
the register ol thu Blanco tojny.
Mistrs Blanche ami Myrtlo Parker,
with their brother John, of North Boud,
wero visiting tho Coos Bny metropolis
Tho Ladles Art Club held 111 last
mooting at tho homo of Mrs, Roichert,
and thn noxt mcstlng will be at M rs.
Manager lloborteon, of tho Telephone
company, says that tho recent winds
havo leon playing havoo with tho local
tolophoiiu wires,
S, Piorco, Republican candldnto for
joint representative from Coos and
Curry countlos.lelt Marshfleld for a visit
to the loner bay this morning.
As wo go to press today tho U-t of
July fund hns renrlnxl SM), and Is still
urowlng. A meeting of tho romuilttee
has been called for tonight to arrange
tho program.
J, Pember and M. I). Leahy, rJan
Francisco commercial men who have
been Interviewing Coos Bay merchants
this week, left for tho valloy by way of
tho Myrtlo Point train this morning.
W.C. Mustek, roturned to f-'umner
Tuesday from Etna, Cat., whero Mrs.
Mustek, is visiting relatives. He left
Mrs. M. and their nowly arrived daugh
tor doing vtoll, and hurried buck to at
tend to his garden sats.
Tho Tug Hamilton, Capt. N. J.
Cornwall iiiaatur, arrived on tho Bay
from Gardiner todny. She will return
tomorrow, taking a Htuall cargo or
merohaudlfo for tlio Gardiner Htonti.
The A. N. W. Society met at tho
O'Couuell homo iu Kittyvlllo this af
turuoou. Am tho Marshfleld ladien of
the Hoolety attended In u wulkomobllo
pnrty tho ruturtia from tho convention
aro not in ns wo go to press.
John S. Coke, Republican nomineo
for joint sonator from this and
Curry counties, returned from a cam
palgn tour ou tho lower Routyt river
yestorday afternooa, Mr. Coko wa
looking happy, and seemed well pleased
with thu out look in Curry county.
The conrt has ordored tho rccolvors
for thu Kirby I.umbor Company of
Houston, Texas, to allow l per thou
sand stiimpago to tho company from
which tho receivers are cutting their
timber. This is a hint of what timber
will he worth on this coast Iu a few
W. C. Bledsoe, who is touring the
Paolllio Coast on a bioyole, reached
Marshfleld this morning. Ho came
up tho Coast from Eiroku and from
hero will leave for Astoria id a few
days. Mr. Bledsoe says ho is taking
it leisurely and looking at thu country
as hu goes along and may looato when
ho finds u placo to milt him. Ho Is
very well pleased with Coos Bay.
C. P. Barnard, of Roseburn',coritractor
of tho Roschurg and Coon Bnv mail
route, was at the Blanco in this rlty to
day. Mr. Barnard came through with
tho first sfOKO over tho Cooa Bjy wapon
road yestorday. Ho roports tho road in
very good condition and says that he
hopes to glvo us a sixteen hour eervlco
by tho first of July,
Jlmmio Boh, (lio Indian longuhorc
man of Empiro who was sorlously In
(tired by fulling down the hatch ol the
steamer Empire yestorday afternoon,
and who was brought to Marshfleld
and placed In the Marino hospital under
the caro of Dr, McCormnck, is not so
badly injured as was at first thought,
and is routing very easily todny,
Among other features of thu musical
program to bu rondorod nt tho Saca-
JawGA entertainment in thu Luihern
hall next Friday evenlog aro two vocal
You can hardly find a homo
without its Aycr's Cherry
Pcctornl. Parents know what
It docs for children: breaks
up 8 cold in a single night,
wards olf bronchitis, prevents
pneumonia. Physicians ad
vise parents to keep it on linnd.
'Tim IimI nmirli nieillMnn nimtftr iith tuir
Ii Air'i ttliBtt r I'm l'rl 't tti, rimnti vt
ciiuuit n iioiuiiur enmu
fflilLl.Au (tnltilitir Mntilit .jtt.lliltf lift ItMter '
Jacou Hiiux, muti'iM, tint.
All itrtuwliti.
j e Avitnw,
IjiwhIi M
Throat, Lungs
Ayor'fl Pllla
Pectoral In
Hid tho Chorrv
'hronHIng up n coltf.
noloN, (iood Bye Sweet Ihy" and
"Til for Tat," by Mrs. Char. McVluir
son, yoit cant afford to inlm them.
Travel 6y Sea
Passenger list of north-bound Alii
ancc, leaving Marshfleld Wrducsday,
May ins R A Clark, 0 0 Rcuv;. R
II Harrison, Chan Mtildor, Olmi Bol
strom, Otto Helipilst, Frnuk Parsons,
Frank Lane and family. Mrs J F
Wyatt and childron, II .Huiidorman,
W C Loomls, A F Crocker, Mrs Matklc
vltcli, John Anderson. J R I'itzliugh,
Mr and Mrs Martin Wallace, -1 stoerauo.
Another Small Hrc
A small hlsxo brokooul In tha Alfred
Huglund resldnnce In South Marshlluld
about II o'clock this morning. The tiro
.ilnrm nas turned In and tho depart
ment, with hook nnd ladder and hoto
carts started for tho (roues at euro,
followed by the usual largo turnout from
the buslnrss center of the city. By thu
l!mo tho crowd reached tho Marnnlc
Tomplu however, It wan discovered that
a volunteer bucket brigade from the
toulh end had gotten tho tiro under con
trol nnd no further arslstanro was
Tho trouble was caused by a defcctlvo
Hue In thu kitchen. Tho building was
uninsured, but thu damugos wuro very
Meeting of Settlers Held to Dis
cuss the Project
John Boar returned s(urdiiy from
North Slough whither ho wuut to at
tend a meeting hold at tho public hall
Iu that neighborhood. Tho meeting
was called for the purjxwo of usseiii
bllug the settlers find jiroirty own.
uvs of that vicinity to mn what could
bo done iu tho mattur of putting iu a
canal east of thu slough, and extending
tho Hunters' Cabin to Hotibx' laud
iug on the old Bealo placo, a distance
of something over u mile.
Such a uaiial would not only 15 a
great help to navigation, but it
would drain several hundred acres nf
thu finest laud which is now too
swampy to Imj of use.
Tho project has Im-uii under con
sideration for u long tlnm and all
th(Hu lutorosted aro strongly in favor
of it, and Mr. Bear informs tho MAIL
that over if 1 100, wan prnotioully in
sight nt tho meeting which ho just
It is proponed to dig tho canal nt
least !I0 feet wido. nnd deep enough to,
Im navigable by small taints.
This will bo an important improve
ment for that section, and it is to I hi
hoiM.'d that tho project will Imj curried
The Social Whirl
A very profitable Hession of thu Pro
gress ('lul was hold at tho homo of
Mrs. F. S. Dow Tuesday afternoon.
An excellent pujior ou Theodore
Roosuvolt, by Mrs. Dow, was followed
by readings from RUs' "Roosevelt tho
Citizen", by Mrs. Upton and 'Mrs.
Tower. A well ohoson soliodulo for
next, years' work was submitted by
tho oonuulttoo on program and adopt
ed, instead of tho usual Tuesday after
noon mooting Mrs. Tower will give an
iufnrmal musi"lo nt hor homo next
'l'i,oj,lnir nvniiillir.tn Wlliml 1111 lHIMill
burs of tho olub ajid their hukbriudit
ure invited,
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