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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1904)
,U II J' im ,i tJSLl!MAiMaBXZ a r P ',t-.'V'&?Rai t:Li &. UiaMnta -it, .W K ".' "W? f . A4I.1 i'mtkivimiii',tti&m -W'Mv U,H4 !ILLESPIE ". -, . -t ' (.. 7' J, PPOER ' jf SUSPECTS SANTA FE s 'A ' ' i w; k .. 'W ; -v,.wr ' ' STRIKE it,', irfliGH z1 H ' FEAT AGAIN -Jt. M M b4 r TJj. CHARGE ARRESTED UNCHANGED SOCIETY v; MB JAPANESE DE MARRIAGE I 'f- -" Kvt-mi. J';w ' .. nRNBK Ji t iirr- r . , i . ".r. V t , A V A , , IlUlng Hthi, Jnd, MnjiH '! did not llnr'tlio shut which klllod uty hIm. tor"' omplmthmlly lfiolar) Jiunen (llllesplo on thu Htnild thlH morning, inltlui luivo 1 ilio nllghtost idea who ' JIu donled having hiiouhuO bin nlntw down In n quuri'ol. Ho wont hunting thy hy boforo tlio murder, Tim shot gun lined whs In evidence. Uo lilt tlio gun 'with Kiirl Howard nnd illil not neo It ngulii for two days. Mm. Dollu Howard, tho bint of tlio four defendants, guvo testimony hIiiiI lur to IJavlKiiir'n. Uillospin whs ciwn uxiimiucd, fulling to lirlng oit liny now features,, PRES. BAER AGAIN ON THE STAND On Resumption of In vestigation Produces Contracts' , With Roads New York, May 21, Ti IntenMato Cominyrce Comnilnlon today resumed Investigation of tliif cojiiphilut by Hfiimt ngniiint tlio iii'iMlliiK ! otlmr nillrimds carrying conl to tho rn'iilxjiinl frohi tlio iinthrnclto ' rrgloiw. Under tlio miiirctiin court decision timeout uilsMon will demnnd tlio production of tlio j;pntriuiti, which wiih refund Inst year, ' t Now York, M iy 2 1 liner produced tlio contracts of tho Tomplo comimny conjointly with. thu Jersuy Central, Ltiektiwnnnu mid KrioSusKiichiinna nml Reading railroads. Tlio counsel ruiid from ouch tho jwrcentngo of ton nage to Im accorded tho several coul carrying companies, ranging f""11 "(J Jo I, tho former (ho Reading, tho lut tor thu Spquehnnun, i jty w"? naked to produce tho con tuictn of April Oth, 1IH8I), Imtwocn tho trunk linen and tho Temple com pany, but Uuer'a couiwol objected, saying thoy woro not called for, hut on examination of tho aubioonnos wild thoy would jiroduoo them Inter. Ileplylug to Commissioner Prouty, liner nnid tho Dolnwnru, nnd Hudson, Pennsylvania, Now York, Ontario mill Western woro not in agreement with Temible. Tho IVtnutylviiitlii did not own any linos reaching tho mines. Uitor Hiild ho wiw not In any moro pro pared Htnto thlrt tlnio thrtii hint your. Tho Inonmtio In ooit of mining oiiusod ;hy tho atrlko wiih inuoh. ( . SlKnllloaikio In attnohod to tho pro HCJico of Burnett, which In liollovod to Imj on nu ordor from Attornoy iUnu oral Knox, PORTO RICO WANTS LOAN OF FIVE MILLIONS Sun Juan, May 31 Tho lCKlnlnturo , adjounlod today, bit't inimodlately ro opened for tho extra ordltmry HenHlon, oalldd-'to UioBOtiiito iv loan of itvo mil lioiU from' -tho tJilltod Stutea. tCutflii, Ohio, Mny 21 Tho Jpollco tmrly thin imirtilhK nrrontwd Illclmrd Mlgloy, Jinny I'lorco nnd TInoy L& Iwllc, ftiiopcot'jd of IkjIiij; comicotod with tho murder of Mw;ro V. Tnylor, n nioruhitnt wfio wiih killed on flntur dny nlglit, wliotui oommon law wlfo, tint co Dortolf, Jinn boon under Kurvoll lanoo nil it miHjM)ct. Will Capture foreign Minister Madrid, fny ai-Tologmmn front tho Ouota ntato that tho triben in tho neighborhood of TniiKlern Intoiid to capture oiio oC tho foreign mlulHtorn an a protcnt iiKalniit tho Aiik1o1jVoiio1 treaty, Renewal of Insurrection Sofia, May Si Sarafolf, tho Macedo nian leader, him crotwed tho frontier Into Macedonia. It in liolloved that thin jirontiiBW tho renewal of tho in- Hurreotlonary movement. OPERA FOR . EMPEROR WILLIAM , Hcrlln, Mny'Jl-Coiopoer Leon Ct- allo today banded tho Kalter his new open "Hobnd oi Horlln". writton at tho Kalier'a request, alter lx years work. Tho compose! told the Kmporor Hint it wab his highest onilenvor.i AVllholm will attend to tho supervision of re horiah. UNCLE SAM INTERESTED WiiHhliiKton, Mny 21 Diplomutio mmHul oflleem, n well an naval ofh com, linvo leyn liutruolvd by the Unit ed Htattn to investimite the report that tho, KurOdiiiiri nro M'tthiK and iiIIowIhk tho ifcniH) Iniyoud the tlireo mile limit of dodtmotlvo mlben, which nro a menace to viweln of any Hag. STEAMER OORWIN. . 18 SAFE Seattle, Mny2l Tho only founda tion for tho rojHirt that tlio Htoamer Corwln, from Seattle, for Capo Nomo, wiih wrecked oir Vancouver Inland In tho fact that tho viwpl put Into Ket chlkun to readjust her caro which wan top henvy. She loft Ketohlknn In yood condi tion. X Reporters Fare Sumptuously uuriin, jiny uiv ivainui- unn u doivd a luxiirloun Htoiunoc uHHljiiwd fiv lliti itvftliiul vii iiuu nf voimvlATft finis ii.. w... .. ml.- 1 .. 1 ... 1 .. lug Kiel r3j,Mittn week, The Social Whirl At tho last mooting of tho Progress blub, which wan hold at tho homo of Mrs. E. MinguH, tho following oflloors woro elected to norvo for tho ensuing yollr, iPronldonr, Mm. Songnnckon; vice president, Mys. Tower; serootary, Mrs. Nicholson; trcasuror,' Mw, Miu gun. Aftor tho buHlnonn of tho olub wan dlwjedof, un interesting paper on Japan wnH'toad, followed by roadlugs from Stoddiird'n Lectures on Japan, goneral 'dlnoUlon of, tlio Hubie)fc mid IquotDtiOun,1 Reported by the Xross Society GREAT MORTALITY AMONG JAPANESE Gfiolera at Feng Huang Cheng Anju Taken by Russians Seven Japanese BattaJ- ions Annihilated JAP DEl'EAT ACJAIN KEPOItTED London.Mny 21 Tlio Central Kmvrt' St PetomburK correniondejit tclcgraplw that tho Red Crow Society lnw a re jiort of a JnpMUcno defeat. Tho cAHUultlen aro the namo an tliono f'lvcn in the Boroo report of Japancno dofoat at Port Arthur which wan cur rent yoHterdny: l,000 Japaneno nnd ,'1000 JtuHiiiaun. Tho Centxnl Nown rojwrt plncen tho ilfiht at Pciik Hueug OhoiiK. RUSSIANS X'LED Toklo, Mny 21 Kuroki report that on the 2lHt one Hcction of Infantry en countered tho euemy'n naval cavnlry 200 Htron, elfjiit mljcn eunt of Kuan- tleu. The enemy lied iunnoitheant eru direction, leaving twenty dead. Thtro were no Japaucso casualties. SEVEN DATTALIONS MASSACRED St. Petersburg, May21 Tho Ruasian correspondent at LIo Yang telegraplw that nceording to Chlneso rcirtn a forco of Itunninun under General Fok nurriscd and mnssnorcd seven battal ions of Jnpaneso near Kiuchau. The Keystone of Civic Purity By Juitlee DAVID J. BREWER of Unlftd State 3uprma Court luSmilO VERY swindling cdrporptiou, ovorjr got rich quick con: corn, makes its headquarters in tho OITY. What do thoy who nro oiigngcd in sucli schemes, whother u crnnk, fnnatio or swindler, caro nhout tho roquiromonts of tho law? And how indifToront aro tho ones gullible enough to bo cniight by such echomes to tho regula f'H'M'-'-lliPl tions which orporienco hna ahowij aro necessary to protect tho UN WARY against tho wilea of tho designing I Accompanying tho rapidity of living is tho changod mannor of life. Tho marvolous inventions hnvo revolutionized all our ways from striking flints to matches, from horsoback to automobiles, from 'bus to olovated railroads, tfrom messonger and lottor to telephone and telegraph, with or without wiro. !Now curriculums havo taken tho placo of tho old fashioned courses of education. King James' version is suporscdod by tho woman's Biblo. ST. PAUL HAS GIVEN WAY TO ST. ANTHONY. Hothods of doing business oro now. rovgerd, combinations, aro in ordor. Strangely onongh, in tho days of trusts wo cannot trust our polvca to hold our own railroad stock, and so organize a security company to hold thorn for us. A now litoraturo possoascs us. Thoro is a bigger man than Shakespoaro, EVERYTlirNTQ- MUST BE UP TO D'ATE. , Aftor all, in tho long strugglo for civic purity and righteowaeM rolianco must bo placed not upon tho mcro MODES of administra tion of forms of government, but on tho TOLINOHING- PUR POSE. Tho man behind tho gun dotohninos the outcome of tattle. Wasto no timo or strongth over trivial difference concerning modes and methods. Enlist undoi' tho singlo banner of cMp purity, right eousness and obedience to law. Enlist not for one campaign only, BUT EOR T1IE WAR, Just as soon as that fae la known and all como id understand, that your single and resolute purpoeo is' tho mnintonanco of peace, obedionco to law that that purpose is some thing not tnkou up today to bo laid dowriftomorrow,BUT THE MXED " ABtDUTO; PURPOSE OF ' YOUR LIVES, . ywx aay , Uo suro that disorderly elomonts will yield to that purpoM fc Red ),-' Tho Japnneno ro reported leaving Feng Huang Chang arid' moving north, CAPTURE OP CRUISERS DENIED St. Petersburg, May i'4 Admiral Ty denion the rojiort of tho capture of thrco JnpauejHi eminent by the Vladi vostok nqufldron. TO DISPERSE COSSACKS Seoul, May 21 A forco of Jnpauctte ban been dlnputced from Getuang on tho eant ooast to dinperHO the Cwnack raiders in Norhtcrn Korea. ANJU DESTROYED f, Mokdcu, Mny 21 Tho town of Aiit ju, Korea, was attacked and destroyed 0Jl tho flixtwnth by tho RnHSiRng. Tho Japaucso garrison fired itn housofi and stores and retired in good ordor. JAPS DYING OF CHOLERA Loudon, May 21 Tho Central News' St. Petersburg correspondent wires Unit advicen from Lia Yang state that oholora ban brokou out at Fong Huang Cheng, nud hundreds of Japanono are dying daily. nfliiiiigton, May 28-At thu In teruntional Awioclatlon of MHOhlninUt' hcAfiiinArtcrn today it wan reported thut thtj Bimta Fe ntrlke nitsatlon wnn uttcbAuged, with the road ifiiiwrtlug nkval attnclio of mm JP?anJi Bmb men' 'Vrom Philadelphia rikI othr:Hy, wero niRrrie! i k ' ,fk 'Matthews' . i ji i oantcrn cities., most of whom, it is I claiiued, know littlo nboui th'g $&G, western" federation of miners Irf Ten,Day's Session . i At Denver ': Pphvor, May 28 The twelfth anmuU convention of tho Western Jfeileratiw of Mlnern wan called to order here to- (lav to consider a nSflntion which In vir'. ... .:.., ,..ja lany HiiecHug inv wuiiiitiu ui mo or der. VIco-PreflIditWilHamn,of Griws Valley, Cab, prenltled in the abseiwpe of Prenidont Moyw, who la In . i The convention Is expected to I wnnion about ton rtnyn. t V Dlepatea xe-, rnpresent Colo., Afiz,, British Colwm bja, Montana, Idaho, Kansas, Minne sota, Michigan, Noav Mexico, Califor nia, Oregon, Utah, South Dakota, Washington and "Wyoming. 'Coming on Areata. . Sau Fanoisco, May 23,-rTho ArcatA nailed at 2 p m fpr Coon Bay with the following passengsern: Mrs. R. Finlay Mn, Miss 'Emma Smith, Mm. . W Jensen, Edna Jensen, Mm. F. Earle and children, Mrs. B, Kolos, Miss M. Axtol, Mm. Cooper, Webster Cooper, J. W, Russell, wife and chil dren, J. E. Cannon wife and children, W. Beuham. Geo. Humbert, Thoa, Asmho, J. ,Waah!check, Chan. Shep. herd, Frank JoMollln, Ave steerage. Murdirs for InsuraiKi San Franolnco, May 24 - Ion Soeder, charged with murdering hU brother-in-law, Jon, Blaine, on w"hoe life ho lnid placed, several thousand ddllam insqrnnpe, after luring Jiim from Gernjonyi Wn found gallty thin afternoon of murder in tho first degree. o "Vlicn tho thermometer propped far bolow zero "lilst Deccmbpr good, Aim. Rogers was much disturbed, at ho recollection- that Ilulgah, the jiw kitchemnaid, Blept in' an un jipAtcd roonr. 'Hulclnh," sho said, roincmbcring the gpo( old custom of hpr girlhood, it's gojjig to be pretty cqjiT tonight. I think you had better' take a flat jron to bed with you." 'Yes, ma'am' said Huldnh in .mild and expressionless assent. Mrs. llogers slept soundly and f reo from care, .securo in tho beliel X i 4lrt vm !il ia AAmfrwfnitlii Til rk ",u u 1,u,"mr ttJ tho morning sho again Yjsited the r kitchen "Well, Hulduh ," she asked, "how did you got ftlong M'Uh tho flaU iron?" .' ' v Huldnh breathed a deep sigli of rccoUeclioh. ' "Veil, ma'am," sho said, "I got it most varm before morning." Youth's Companion. Tlio young die good. u Nhfttaary i '. "What are your' polltica, y good Baanfk . . "I kin still open Wcoavktloa. Have UU ffv ww , V tdMTt''' r'i Wnotiltinlwi, .W..v"4l"ii" 1 "K W- Laiighftiil, mtw (tt Burses JHirn- llerpr, wife of tJia Qiwunin ISmj or And Lletttemat Coinmfr'.w IrfiFnJto, ., church at ?leve this rtuirnng. The ,.f.-i A. .,..Ff l- ii 1 (Mi IfL.... 11 5 pigiicsi; uiuciiMH oi iiw lnipioHiai'io oirales inWHMkm nttMlUKrn. Im Ronvlt ld the llit iAi' and Mini tlngulnhed gueMn,' Inohnljng jjijsinbew of the CaWiii, Admiral Dw $iukI dintingukMied offlcern jSnA army. navy ) FRANCES' . QUARREL n. u ti . . WITH POPE .. 'M Minister to Vatieaij Recalled Parln, May 31 After a meeting or the CoBScil of Miuiniq today, a now wjw issued officiallf ' HOHnclg the recll of the Freach ambasoador to t Mi thevVaticai,. "' s ' , V Rome, May 21 CJardinnJ Merry Del Valpapal, necretrary, M .quotefl an nay- iBg that the holy nee is confidant that A satisfactory solution of the Freuoh idtuatiou will be arrived at, but should i ' tlie French chamler end arse the gov- ent antl.olwicalism, tlte Pope may. submit the whole affni f,to.thj. judgment of the European pqHm. tf , S WUSCiibAR . v. CHRISTIANITY , 18 POPyLAR Iri; Los Angeles M Gpnference ..ii- Los Angeles, May 21 Auotliarsou nation wan sprung in tlio' Metliodist poifernce thin morning, when Dr. Jamen R. Day, Cheanoellor of Syra: ouset N. Y., University f resigned, the, blslioinrlo to which he wan' elected oii Saturday. Day's electloji ivan duo to the published story that lie" h,ad lf nock ed down Protfesnor .Hardlo- of-Sim Foniaudo. Cab, during an argument, on thg higher orlticnm. The story turne the tide in favor of Day , who, was, immediately elected. Day this mornlug .uiadq tho request that bin resignation be accepted beoaune of the. seunatioual lnoboutn connected witli his oloctlou, pin resignation waa no, ' , qaptod, Day's aot established his horn or beyond a dpibt, and he is the popu lar man in the conferenpo, ', Th6 election of another bjshop' in made necessary, , Rotarua on tlie bal. j lot for three, ms4onary bishoiw wn, nimonnced this morning, renultiwg in the oholca of tho following; Rw. JJ B. Scott, Africa, the firat co!6red man so honored;, Ray. V, F., Old)Uw, J. P. Robiason, SoatfceMi Asia'. Merram CearrLs, former '8pfki teudent .of Paoiflio t Coant Jayaiwyi mission worlr,-wan aleetaA raiiMJiaiiry UahoP of Jaiwi 6a iiUmi iallit. I . . U " fc W . .t. L . . . i. 1 'h'U "' ' ;wi '. r c ''i'i a "'ff . A 1 V l vH i f' . h r !f 1 t a n. vh. uiS 'n y ' ' .i,'AuYKita'Vii4i v -. HSitf, - .. A 0,"-) v.w!A ftu ',.-U v .WWVM ; WPI (MTA i i . i v .', " J2r