Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, May 28, 1904, Image 4

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Enltrcd In the PoVtofflce at Marshf.eld
as Second Class Matter.
ifll ' "--- -
Edflor i Manager;
C W.lff WW RU, Foreman
DAILY: By mall, for advance paymyit
only, 30 cents a month; 4 months W'
$1.00. 'When not paid In advance ht
price Is 50 cent per month, straight
Issued every rr.t.-a'ng except Monday.
Issned Every Saturday. Terms. In Ad'
.vance, 51.50a Year, Si. 00 SbC Jloathsk
i;rfil iA i CT HA I! Wr"1 nfi,t ,nwl tho imWien 0M
WEEKLY tUAM ftlAlL thofenes, in perfect good faith, just
as many loft the Republican party on
The aamo issues and In equally good
Most of those who cnuio from tho
Democratic to the Republican pnrty
have stuck, while most of those who
went tho other wny have returned to
tho fold; that is what gives tho Ko
publican party its great prepouderenco
today. Then what justice or "fatr
ihW is there in harping on the ouo
string nnrl endeavoring by misleading
statements to give the impression that
lr. Coko has noted in bud faith or has
followed ft vacillating conrao?
Any One knows that it takes nerve
Ijaud baokboue to break tho political
ties of a lifetime, especially in tho eoso
bfa man of Mr. Coke's prominence.
Many men are In tho Deraoorn tic party
today simply because they didn't have
ho norve to
km- 1
1 pnrty took what they considered the
-1 wrong side of tho groat issues. They
tiro steadfast to tho party. Mr. Coko
is steadfast to principle.
Many good peoplo nro imbued with
tho spirit of partisanship to such an
extent that thoy follow in good faith
wherever the party leads. Their mo
tives are not to bo critioized; neither
fkonld the motives of tho man who
thinks for himself and stays with his
principles even though party lines bo
re-drawn md leave him in another
It m!iy evou be tnat tho Chamberlain
De'ni.ratio Club really consider Mr. j
Coke'b conclusion that ho would rather
the. cnuso of nuoxpootod and sudden
emlwvrHssuiejtt.' It is a living "trco
full tit slrenftht and almndaneo of
nourishment for tho needs' or tho puu
Shall tho pooplo forsako it and put
fattlr In a shadow 'made up of th
Deaiooratiu party and uaitimign
No I Kvory KepnbHiiu)i will Vtuhd
siiuaro In the ballot box'aud put. his
vote over tho homo plalo and tho
Omit Umpire of truth will almcmnoo
A strike I When game is oalled tho
Hiwo will staud, 0 to 10 In favor of
tho U. 0. P.
New Machine Added to the Equipment of the
Coast Mail Office
Last week thore was Installed In tho but nono tho loss marvelous result of
ofllufl of tho MAIL a Simplex TyM) brains tho modern printing' press.
Setter. Tho addition of this nw and Tho Simplex does it though, and does
expensive machinery Is necessary to it live or six times un fast as tho most
break away when thoj lie disappointed.
politic' the. Democrats don't know
where thy are at, just now. Their
whole vorkJ are in a decidedly ohaotio
state. As au illuslratiout Marshtlold
has a Demooratlo oluls named for
Governor Chamberlain. Tho iucm
bera aro Hearst uun,and Chamber
lain defeated tho ondorsement of
Hearst by tho state convention. Tho
only thing they can all ngrco on is iu
cussing tho Republican party and
when yon get right down to it, that is
hardly a declaration of principles.
It in rather curious that while mak
ing the "Iwst men" talk tho Democrats
can only cito the acts of two Demo
crats who have passed away, and even
then they fail to specify what it was
that thoso two did.
It is to bo oxpeoted that tho I)om
, ,ntj ...lit anmnrl tliolr tlokot. )t ..n .1. ........ ..I. .!., v ......1.1 ...... i.jl(.
VfVA.Ilct ... r...i- ..-- ..-....., HllirU Illliy HlWl llll' 4UtlllilTlllVllin lift ftllJPIU vIUInJ.,,..
when It comes to expecting . llepubll publishing a dally uiiwsaar siiol It was easy to mako tulstakes In tho
cans to support it they Will certainly, as tho enterprise and progresstVourss ' old way An o would slip Into the
oi tins communuy oemauos. ino.u isr iir u u imu mu -i , "v
no Htich mis-
Judgo Potter, of Kugene, who lhad'j
a brief visit to Coos recently to give
Republicans a chnnco to see what sort
4muiiui Utey were nskel to vote for to
fill theoflicc of judge in this district,
r r-nindo an excellent impression on all
with whom he camo in coutact. (Juirt,
rnnbsmning aiid gentlemanly, ho gavo
the imrafcssion of being n nlu of great
reserve force, as well us s-tudions mind
anil intellectual power. He should re
ceive his full party vote, and will un
doubtedly draw 8Uiort from among
thoHS of Uio other party who have been
sat upon by the present judge in lib
moments of irrnscibillty, or have ob-
served tho decidedly unjudlcinl manner
which is sometime allowed to char
acterize that gcutloainu's demeanor on
the bench.
Judge Hamllton'sf rieuds bank great
iy on tho money he saves to the tax
payers by rushing the business before
hls court. While this is a good point,
In moderation, tho desiro to mako tho
terms short should never interfere
With tho administration of justice.
Judge Potter will not allow matter
to dawdle in his court, but neither
will he "slam things through." re-
gurdlei of consequences. He should
receive tho unqualified bupport of his i
The h
largest possible amount of news mat the Simplex can mak
In the strugglo over tho head of tho
ticket, Republicans should not forget
tlut among tho other candidates they
have n good sheriu" to ro-eWot. Stove
Gallier has conducted his oftlco iu n
manner with which no one' seems to
have been able to flnd.tho slightest
fault. Ue is a thoroughly competeut
oftlbial and should be re-elected with
out question.
The Democratic enndidato for treas
urer nrcMutrt in ouo. of tho Coqulllo
papers n good recommendation from
home of the residents of tho conuty
from which ho camo to Coos. John B.
Y. ......i . ,. .mnli NitiwlnnHnil..
Iks right thou a Democrat nu erroneous. '
, , ., . . ,...' Ho has Ikjcu a resident of Coos county
one, but in their overmastering "spirit
, , . . ' since tho early days and thoso who
of fairness" thoy should present tho . , . ., . i .
know him best hold him in tho high-
pnen fiilrlv. 1
'. . . rT.. 1...M uwlnw .t.nllflB
Iio uiin nujviiui ii.......
The Democrats say: "Tho Democrats
are asking your support ou tho ground
that tho interests of Coo county de
mand tho election of the best men and
that their ticket is composed of tho
best men."
It will take something stronger
than any arguments yet sot forth by
i tho Democrats to convince the voters
est esteem.
cations for the olllco he occupies, and
lie will be given another term.
E. A. Anderson las been a resi
dent of Marshfleld dluco "tho old
trail" toEmplro was tho only over
land routo out of town. Ho ban con
ducted a successful livery and team
ing business nil these years, and if
any ono knows Coos county roads,
,he does. As good roads aro Loos
1 'r !J!va ' W ( w
f -fl , , -y'
Trywr'ffnwy.Uii rrr3Ji
i V tt'.ra-ylcr that tho "spirit of
fuirs 'iThich Iwnauch a hold on tho
OaaznUrlftia Dtmyt-ru'.Ic Club, does
iOt tet it to accord fair treat.
! .!... ..,!,.,. tI,fc U rnmnort of tllO OOUUtJ-'S gTWlt HW.fl, Mr.
W men", lit truth, the facts aro ! ,ricnce will bo of the utmost val
I exactly tberovme. Both individually l the office of county commls
; and collectively tho Republican is tho woiwr.
ijetter ticket, nno wneu i cumra iu "
uvenige the variutlon is wide; there
aro 110 mlutw quantitiiM ou the Ropub
llcan ticket.
avo filled with "dead mattor" (typo
that htiH Ihmiii wort) atal 1 revolved
step by step. At eaoh stop ) move,
itmiit of tho distributor oyllnder tho
iKittoin typo of eaoh lino of dead matter
is tested by tho wards ov ohaunolo of
tho lower cylinder, until it finds ono
oxaotly oonesiKiiidlng and drojw down
into tho lower magavslno. Tho lower
cylinder Is stationary and at tho Isit
torn of each channel It contains with
a koylward Hlmllar to that of a tyisi
writer. When a ohitraoter on tho key
Ixiard Is pressed down tho lever releas
es tho corresponding ohuraoter from
tho ohiuiuel and deinwlts It on a rapid
ly moving dlsa which onvrles It around
the machine and to a "paoker" which
jmuks tho lttors into a Una in their
proimr order, In an upright iMItlou,
or, touso a printer's phjase, "standing
on their feet." A long line of tyin)
rapidly forniH In fiimt if tho operator,
and when he has enough for his purixwo
he whirls his chair around, and with
a small instrument called a "grab
separates enough from the long lino to
make a Hue the measure ho Is sett big.
This ho justifies or "spaces" and then
take auothor Hue and so on . When
two ix-rsoiis am working at the same
time, one ojieratos the koylsmrd and
the other dews the spacing. As wain
as one line Is spaced It Is automatical
ly pushed buck to make room for an
other and at tho wuim time the matter
is leaded if so desued.
After the uiauMno Is once in oj"ira
t Ion all that i-uuioe-wary in the way
of distribution Is to plaee a gully of
dead tyjs on tho side of the ujijsir cyl
inder lu'ii plaee prepaied for It. It
dns (he 4work perfectly, and while It
Is iipMinntly simple, It would 1st liu
IKMslbte to explain the matter lutein
giuit ly, so wo won't try, but Invite
you to come and see for yourself.
The Simplex is small and compact,
occupying no more floor space than au
ordinary coal stove, and while It took
brains and lots of thmu to tnvnut It, It
Is or remarkably simple unu-triiutioii
and not at all liable to get out of
Wu have had It lnoM-ratlononly a few
days, but that Js long enough to dis
cover itn true worth, and every time
we see It work, with almost human
Intelligence, wo feel like taking oir our
hat iu its prviouco.
It is certainly the Ixt and most
wonderful machine that ever graced a
country print shop.
TUn rinnnliHiiiui nnrtv comes lsjforo
Do not bo rteeelveil uy use inrgumwiii tJl(J 1KKJ)i0 wjtj, fl loup. record of sue
ter must lo handled, and hand com
position is becoming too slow jn this
rushing age. With tho aid of tho
Simplex, we will not only lio ablo to
handle u largo amount of news, but
dQ it easier and letter, holding the
forms ojen later and getting the best
of tho news of the day that which
cornea in lato in tho day.
Especially in the matter of handling
mout 'to the head of the Republican " that lecaos the Rejmbl icans urge a Ct, a practical demonstration of its machino we will lio a great improve
- .....,'... , - n,..i. -,.. iflfiiirt ami tKilitical doctrines. Its ment over the old and tedious buck-
ticker. "la changing his political strong eimor.,emeiit pi iux..cu. i --; r; , of . .. . . ,.ftllIfWMitint.
untni.ia.7.1 t -.- -r-- w) vw.rv.....-
, afflliotiona from tho Democratic to the are at all weak in the nuitter of tho tMporj. ind vflKU0 Hj.culntIon. The it jH probable that on labor
t I. ii.... ....i.. r. f !.,. ..11,,,...1 ' tiiA'i.t ittinf T..tv!tir ITitioll.vl -Kill- ....!,. .l.lj T?i.ttulil L-tinu' rolint it I.... ......Llm. Imu mnrn limn .mill
HUJiuulJUJiJ yai, .Hi., wiki wiwiiwi ..urn. .. .--. ...n . --- jnajjisu ui nun -j .,. ..w.. ... ,,,j, iiiituniuu ... ....w
an oin, straightforward contra, in ac-'ticj out of consideration, t hero would is and what it has done; thoy under oy Ihjoji ex)eiided than on a device to
. . ., ... . . .' . i. ,i. ..i. .i... Lmiii tlwi tminr nf Hq coiidnct when ui.f nti iHatrilmJn tviio. For over a
oord with his convictions or vJgnt and iw ovory reason xor uoo w e-ui v n , ;, , ,, ". . ,
. J i n mi .. ii.t .ii.m.lv1 ussutulugtho administratlvo and leg ceutury inventors have struggled
vrMni. Tlie Dumooratic irty went, tho entiro Republican tiohet, mmply JJ of th C0UI Tho w . am whllo tJllllr
1 , public tmst the Republican party ,.fr,vts wore partially Huccossful, It
t.t- it... 1. ....!..,.. Mir.itv.1 Af ltd fmflnti. i ....... I....... I. !.. ...i, Int. vnfivj
, i..n. ...v ..v. m..... . -viin Illn Olltwivr' . n" " ........- jiuh UUI iaiuii in uiu J'i' '" ...n
Evory ono wlio knows the facts knows It is no woudar tho Democrats mid feel hecuro in its leaderHhip. that a nractical machine has been
. -I Tl... iitiiitirfillnlpil fiurlnni uild fore t .. iL ,...i r. .,.., ii... ....
.. i ...,. v...-- it.. ' l. i i.n ...,n,.i,Ki(,.i:niiinii j..u ......... ..w... .. imr oil inu iniirKUL. t wumn into
inwi iraiiLiHiiiiiii uiiu iiuiiiu, iiu tiujiv i hvuj ..vw.. i....-. - , .. . , , i... , ,.i.i... rr
- ry"-- - -.-- ---. ... m ..
counter to hia convictions on tho two for. the ;
main issues of money and expansion, j with the best men
Democratic ticket known it; if any r j night. One reawjii Is that Coo
cent arrival among the members of tho ' Is strongly Republican, und
CamlMKl&iu Damocratic Club does not ly chunco is to palaver tho Kep ublicau
know it ho win u,nlly verify tile statu i voters into forgetting that they , iro Re
ment among his political usitociates. pnblicuui.
T&oiu-audsof moil Ifelt the Democrat-1 Another reason is thai; in na.li- nal
,1 tb'eirou- the nation's prosperity ami welfare machinery' other than that encom-
Jl l fvn " T....l.ll....i ....eK. in ......,1 t.. t.n I..11.0HI lu1v finiilil unn.-ir.
COUllIlCllllH UIO jvujiui,v.. j' " Hinwni iu uiu iiiiiiiimi .-..v w .,-,.
ihe voters of this commonwealth as a uto ,,eariy u hundred cliaracters. f pick
reliable and trustworthy political . . f ., , t h
For Pain
JaKo a Pr. Miles'
Antl-Paln Pill, and
tho Pain will dis-'
appear Lillo
Net by pornlyitnff tho nerv ' n4
ulnnild, llk opium, rnorrhln. coclnJ
und othor ilaiiupromi druff.1, tut by In
orlnir tho naturnt lcri'tlons.
This notion in obtaliiott nu a renal t at
inodra illncovcrltn in nrdto'.no, maklnir
1. ...mII.Ia . .mII.v. .. tin Ufllliml, I1U1I
description of this aftor-orr-cl.
I f .. . M ll
our dispatches, the Inof which do J wonderful machine and the only way; ,73"
not nrrivo until a few minutos I fore to get even a faint Idea or its posit rftlnn NeurulKla. Heod aolio. Htomach
... .., iiIiIIl.,..! to pf in nrvtu. th iiuw bllith-i is to come and examine Itslncho. Menatruat Talan, Ithcutnatlim.
' r) i .... . t PHMbMftlui 1rtrtlMnllrt lff
workings. We publish a picture in "Vy J1I fio. ly iWr calming act-
this Issue which is accurate as far as Jon on tUo nnrvnHi nlmorft Inttantty ro-J
Konoral apwaraneet go, but of course' vo such dUtninInc fc'llnc rts DU.J
, ,. , , ,. ,, ,,.,, ! aloes, Car-aicHnesn, lite iRoxtlon, Irrl-j
gives no Idea as to how It Is operated. taWtyf fii,opiHinrM, Nol .you-ae--.. ctcj
Tito Simplex typesetter uses Just the Not moroly Jo they rrl uvp, but thoy;.
Ha.no kind of tyie as Is set by hand. -" nbjoJutoly citre. Loeauw y pcr-o
n , ' , vrrlnir In their uoo, you le awny with,
Each individual typo has a separate tho cnuae.
combination of "nicks" or notches Dr. Mltrs Antl-Pnln rflls'nro mtar-;
. , , , i .I.,. ....i ., natccU that first pncknjjo tl hrnellt, or
cut In tho edge, and on this fact is yoUp ro clt. Never mM la bullc.'
based tho fuudameuttil prlnoiple of "t am UmnUful for tlm oxt Dr.'
.iiiicn jmi-i'uiii x'lun nuvo ana aro
iloini in. l.vur ntneo tuo war 1 havo
thn nnlv rn,m.iii Him, mh. ..nt'..
I mi M ... T. -. -.-- ..-;
Mm nUiirr mill rolniiiiir on an iixih. Ill ",0 rruer. miih-o inon I navo not linn
tli( otlter, aim roiaung on an axiH. in ot)ft ,1IirU nttlll( j)PClU1 , i (ai, a I'M
ixitli cyllndei-ri, cxtendliig vertically!
, ,, Ilium Uli K"i ....... ........ ...... ..
ll fMO fw., W vnAlnnl n.wl nn. CQIubiUO tllO Words into HOUtQIIkCH llllll
vulaivn measures which aro freouontly ,.iaco theut in roadlness for that older,
tnkes. Tho operator can and doubtless
will continue to make mistakes, but
they will ls fewer than Uifoie and the
hardships of the proof reader will Imi
considerably lessened and the sensi
bilities or tho critical iirnvspajmr
reader shocked b-ss frequently than bo
fore. It would Iw nlmost lmio-slblo to
give nn accurate
tho machine. As will 1st noticed iu
ll iw .i. ' i. - -.w,-w-- --- tiuiiif fl" iIWI nuivu Utttt Will A I Ml
the,,ioture, tho tody or tho Simplex. X'&VXli? Wiftx 'S
coniiHts or two cylinders, one hIm.vo ' onlyKenJy,nBll?l,o?Jrn .in
thtjlr full length, are ninety parallel
channels, each claunel corresisiiKllug
to some one type.
To distribute the type In thv first place,
the channels of the upper cylinder,
uiir nil4 l.l.uvii, i--.ttVI l 1 laail It. J 114
rind It nvorcomu.i tt.o 'Jlftlriilcy,1 -QUO
llATTVmi'llU U....iul..... .!
ijaiuiwkihii tinmimim 1 1, j nu.
"PPP.P. Wrl.l t0 ,1" tr 1 rco Trial
X.XViXj j'ncltaito of Dr. Mil' Antl
Paln Pllli, tlio Now 'Sulontlilii Iloinml
for I'aln. -AIho Kyinptom lllunlc. Our
Upoclnllut wilt illaunoia your cauo, telt
jou what Is wronjr. mill linw to rlirht It,
i'reo. 1)11. MILUrt MUD1CAI, CO.,
juviiOitAToiuisa, jJtaciLvitx, mi
V v
4 '
H n',-!U- -
1 . i.
4 4
f f
H Piano
of'man International medals endorsed. Dy famajis"a-Rtists. of.M;CQ.ntinen a, , , ". i,
..m.. vma, ... r -ymrrujmrxtJ&M
, .rmr aom'JKaiy
v 1 ir I ' .1 v rCi. A svustTw r t
I .... ' V