f.N.fn' , ;,''' VII V. I M. (l'M f,v ;-!-b ,- 1 f -ifcrt.-- Su.t-Wi'V , M!W , t V .- V s . "V M --.. Zi - - r v ftf T If .. JPL- ri .-'.i a3Bc' 4-A 1 : mLm k. X. I-4 -S.! nrw" News of Fort Arthur Freo on Land Side Bt Petersburg, May 10 A dispatch today report tbat Fort Arthur io agsin tree on llio land aide, the Japanese being repulsed In aa cncountor twenty kilo mctcra from tlio railway. ? r ,- Naval Ensagomont Rumored London, May 10 A report (bit oven lng has it that tbo Vladivostok and Poit Arthur squadrons bavo effected a junc tures, alter a dosperato battlo in which ttio Japanese lost three cruisers and the Russians two cruisers and torpedo boat dostroyere. Japanese Version London, May 10 A Tokio dispatch Bays it is reported there that Uriu'e rleet has fought a battlo with the Vladl voetok squadron and a Russian cruiser was sunk. Japanese Reconnoitoring Seoul, May. 10 A party of Cohacks have arrived at Songcain, couth oi Pankyong province, and are believed to be reconnoltering in anticipation of a Japanese advance on Vladivostok. It is probably the same force reported tn tiave crossed tbo Yaln above Wlju, May plh. x Patrols Seen 4 A Mukden dispatch says tbat Japan ese patrols from Feng Hung Cheng have been observed in the direction of Yaoyp and that a email Japanese detachment has occupied Kwandian Sinn, i . M Kuropatkln Details Plans St Petersburg, May 10 Kuropatkin has Bent a long telegram explaining the eltaation at tbo front and declaring Lis plans for the conduct of the war. which are entirely differenUrom those of Vice- toy Alexicff. L!U r f Daring Attempt Berlin, May 10 The Lokal Anseiger says that a daring attempt to destroy the entiro fortress at Kronstadt has been frustrated, and Admiral Biriloff has confirmed the report. It is not stated wbetborthojilqttora were Japan ese emissarias.or evolutionists. f Telegraph Wires Cut Lonbon, May 10 Tbo Central News' Tokio correspondent sends a report tbat Koreans in Russian pay bave.cut ( tbo Japanese military telegraph north of Faogkyong, a province of Korea. Three hundred Ruesians who wero captured at Yalu river havo arrived In Tokio. Reserves Called Out. St. Petersburg, May 10 An imperial ukaee today calls out the reserves in uix governments to complete the Kleff aod Moscow drafts. Cotton Contraband 8t. Poterspurg. May 10 An imperial order today declares cotton contraband, tempting ttf induco tho Chinese to take of war. General Huber has been" appoin over the local government. Many Jap ted commisslary general ol tbojtnstf an nnoee.epleB'OTo hereabouts, while Chin army in Manchuria. -' ' Mesebrlgands are stirring irpiterror. Train Reaches Port Arthur 'London, May 11 The gentral News! LUo Yang correspondent says the train hence reached Port Arthur,, yesterday. f ' No Japanese troops were observed pear, l . 4 'My v ' 'in- ..II....1 t...fanma JltHtlMA fflVftlrV l ,hve been seen Behind, Feng Wang Chw. 'i; the War Dalny Capture Denied St, Petersburg, May 10 A Mukden, semi-official dispatch denies that Daluy has been captured by the Japanese. Tbo Adrnlrnllty rejects the report that the cruiser Rurlk is destroyed. a Kurobatkin'a plans are kept & cloeo secret. Tbo local newspapers discuss in a fearsome manner tho effect of the Jap anese temporary successes upon the Chinese and tho Icadera o! European politic;. Russian Ropulso St. Petersburg, May 10 A roport from Shau Hal Kwan says a serious ac tion has taken place between the Japan eso and Russian forces south of Liag nog, the Russians falling . back, Llay ang ia on tbo railway betweon Mukdon and Port Arthur. The first Japanese corps overtook tho fleeing Russians twenty miles eouth of I.ia Yang yesterday and a Bevero en gagement followed. The Japaneso drag god their guns up apparently insur mountable hills. The RuBiians con tinua tbvir retreat North. A division of tho first corps, is approaching New Chang wboio evacuation ia confirmed by the number ol women just arrived. Nothing Alarming St. Petersburg. May 10-To offeot tho reports of epidemic? at Muje and Muk don, the authorities state that while small pox aud typhus aro epidemic in Manchuria and dysentery is, inevitable where large bodies of men are crowded together, there is nothing alarming in the situation. . . Vlcksburs' Offered Assis- tanco . st, PeUreburg( May 10Tbe 0ffioIfll Mossenger today prints -the report of former Minister Pavloff at Seoul on the disputtd question as to whether the United States gunboat Vicksburg offer ed any ascistanco to the Variag and Korie'z men. Tho commander cf tbo Vicksburg sent a boat with a surgeon to offer med ical aid to the wounded on the cruisers, but the officer in command of the boat sent, said it was imnossibld to tako any Ruseians aboard of his ship. The Commander ot tbo VarJag de clined assistance. The commander of theFrccch cruiser Pascal asked the Vicksburg's captain to lake Eomo of the wounded Ruseians from hi e ship, but the American refused. Russian Troops JVIoving New Chwanr, May 10 Four cr five Russian reglmeuts tbat were in the garrieon hero lift Monday night. Tho Russian are strongly intrenched ot Anping whero the guns from the New Chwang forts wero sent. It Is believed the, Russians aro at- Official Report of Casual ' ties Seoul, fay llAn." Antung dispatch gives the official casualties at tho battle of, the Yalu op thirty-ono Japanese offi e-irekillwl and .twenty nine .wounded.. 100 mon killed and 000 wounded. Thirteen hundred nnd sixty two Runs iana were left dead on the field, and 470 were woundop, and 133 were taken prls loaers. .Destroy their Fleet London, May U A correspondent of Reuters sends an unoflloial report that the RuMiaus hnvo destroyed tholr Port Arthur fleet. Preparing to Evaouate Tokio, May 11 Togo reports that since the 0th, many explosions uavo been heard in tho direction of Port Arthur. The cause has not boon acerlaln cd, buttholuiprojslou is that, tho Russ ians, despairing of defending the fortrese, aro destroying their ships, previous to an evacuatlou of Port Arthur. Protection of British Sub Jocts Loudon, May 11 In tho liouso oi Commons committed on Foreign affairs, under Secrotary Karl Perry stated that tho British consul at No w Ch wnng had not requested dispatch of a gunboat for protection of British subjects. Tho place was within tho theatro oi war nnd the only course op in was to address tho belligerents. This had done, and Russia had replied that nil precautions would bo takcu to protect Brialsh subjects. Uowover, in tho interval botwecu tho re tirement of tho Russians and tbo Japan eso entrance ho did not suppose there would bo auy protection. Russians Attack Anju Seoul, May 11 Two hundred Kuesisns have attacked Anju, one hundred miles eouth of Wijti. There is a small Japan eso garrison defending the town. Will not Attempt Junction Loudon. May 11 Reuters' St. Peters burg correspondent denies tho rnmor that tho Russian rquadrons will attempt a junction. Vladivostok will be ured as a baa 3 from which tbo squadron thore will conduct raids, and will bo pro served intact till tho balance ot the fleet arrives. Cabinet Has Resigned London, May 11 The Central News' Seoul correspondent says thu Cabinet has resigned in consequence of censuro by the Emperor, who accused tbo mem berc of neglecting their duties. Russians Compelled to Move S London, May II The Exchange tele graphs from Rome and says an official dispatch from Chefoo states that, owing Late General News Monterey, Cal May lOVRsslmonUl Bergant Major K. A, McKenzIo, of the 15th. U. S. infantry wasj fatally shot about midnight and officers .aro npw bunting for tlio assassin, who is said to bo a member pf a company of tho 0th. colored cavalry and who was heard, to state earlier in the evening ,that he would kill his victim if he met him. Tho ruaallant Ured from a dark alley, Monterey, Cal. May JO-Piivato Rico has been arrested on chargo of ohootiog Henry, not McKenzh. Fort Thomas, May 10-j-Becaueo three German cruisers which wero about to sail for the United States havo changed their course to Haiti, it is -sad a rcvo- lutlon has broken out thoro, to a simultaneous advance ol tho Japan eso from Fong Huang Ghnng nnd Now Chwang, Mio Russians consider tholr positions at Lia Yang nntonnblo, nnd are preparing to (all back on Mukdon, u whero tho ilrst curious Attempt to ro elst tho Japnnoso ndvnnco will bo ninitu, Japanese Transports Sunk ' Loudon, May 11 It is reported this aftornoon that three Jnpanoeo transports have been sunk, but no particulars ac companied tho roport. It H bolloyed that tho report is n rope tltiou ol tho rumor that tho crullers Aekold, Novik and Baynu, accompanied by a torpedo boat, loft Port Arthur Monday in tho dlrcctiou of PiUoeowo in which neighborhood thoy mot tho Jap aneio transports and sunk thum. At Shanghai during tho rioting nt Bhang Khuig today, tho mob burned tho police headquarters nnd sovorcl orsous were killed. Japaneso Ropulso Paris, May 11 A St. Petersburg dis patch reports a Japaneso repulse, twenty kilomoters ensto( Port Adams. Tho Japaneso woro attempting to cut tho railway when they wero attacked by six thousand Russians, under General Heykoff. asvistcd by troops under (Jon eral Stossel. Bonofit for Red Cross St. Petersburg. May 11 Tho Crar to day reviewed five thousand troops for thobenofit of tho Red Cross society. An admission of Uity roubles was charged All tho noblo and fashionable clement of tho Capitol attended. Tho rovlow ended with a charxo by tho Cossacks. Now Issue of Bonds London, May 11 A Contral News' Tokio correspondent says a second issue of oscheqner. bonds for a hundred mil lion yon will probably bo mndo towjr.l tbo end of tho month. Tho cabinet Is contorting with bankers regarding tho matter. Russians Purchaso Llnor Berlin. May 11 It is reported thfct the Russians h'avo bought tho Hamburg American linor, tho Princes) Victoria Louise. Missing Japanese Washington, May 11 At a rcquoitof tlft Japanese government, Secrotary Hay today instructed Ambassador Mc CormickatSt Petersburg to inqulroof tho Russian government as to what be came of tho forty Japaneso sent Into Port Arthur in the.last battling expedi tion of the Japaneso. j i Borlln, May 10 faring a debato in tho Rnetian diet toJay on oppression oi tho poles in tho eastern Prussian province Minister of tlio intorior Ham mcrstein, defending tho Govornmont repressive polf'cy assorted that Tolos throughout tho world aro ccnotly wotk ing to re-estabHuh tbo ancient kingdom of Poland. The Poles' of. Chicago ho sold aro now drilling a corps of officers nnd a regi ment of picked trieu, intended to form thonouclouc of. an army to iihorato Pol and forn tho triplo yoko of Gormany, Russia nnd Austria, , London, May 10 E. T. llooley, a promoter, of mcteorlo careor, was w i . . rested together with Henry J, Laweon, who was connected with the llooley Co,, 'charged with conspiracy to defraud. Tt- St Louis, Mar 10 Germany's sections In the Palace of Fine Arts was dedicated this afternoon J when a reception was hold by CommistlonersGebl aud Lewald Tho fair weather continues, Work was begun this morning on the building (or thu norlnl exhibit. Twelve ncrcB hnvo beou nllottod. Fi(tyflve entries for nlr ship contests Iwo been mndo. Paris, May 10 Iho Patrla today pub f llshed tho toxt ol tho lVpo'e lottor to l'rosident Loubet, In which his holiness takes oxcoptlotiD to tho Proitdonts nog toct of tho Vatican during his trip to Rome. It is nu ouorgatla but dlguifiod protest against Loubot's neglect of tho Pontiff ns Christ's ylcnr on earth. Tho lottor concludos with an exhorta tlon io Louhot as n "Donr ion in Christ" to uto his powor and his authority and personal magnanimity to maintain tho concordat integrally. San Rarnardlno, May U Tho Union Bollur Mnkors joined tho machinists' striko this morning. All boiler makers on thosystom aro expected to go out in sympathy, possibly tho tralutnon also No strlkors hnvo rotnrned to work. All is quiet hero. a Port Chester, May 10 Engineer Kconau and Fireman Howe, of Boston, woro killed, nnd several woro injured in n wreck of tho Adams oxprois train on tbo Now York, Now Haven nnd Hart ford lino early this morning. Tho train was composed of six express cars and carried half a million in bullion for Philadelphia, which caurcd a roport cf robbory Tho wreck howoror was puroly accidental, duo to too high speed over tho switch. Omaha, Neb,, May 11 A Surgical op eration wns today porformed on Mrs. Mary McElvaln, of Ruskin, Neb., who was relieved of n cystic tumor weighing ono hundred and two pounds, the largest in thu history of surgery. After thu oporation tho woman weighed 02 pounds, Manila, May 11-Llout. WInfleld Har per and thlrty-nino tnon oi Company 17, wcronmbiithcd May 8, atSImutom Man zane, by several hundred Moros. Two American officers nnd fifteen men wero killed, and fivo mon woundod, Dixon, III., May lt-Tho Illinois Cen tral passcngor train wns ditched this morning two miles south of here. Ten pasecngors werelojurod, three sorlously. Thrco cars nnd tho onglno' rolled over a soventcon foot embankmen.t. Rising Sun, Ind, May 11 Proceedings in tho GiU'espIo murder trial today wero waited by tho challenge of a jqror, who hasexcusod, and tho examination ri another wns begun to domploto tho panel, , J7i Bnrlin, May 11 German secret eer vico agonts confirm tho ctatempntof the Diet that Polish nationalists nre thoroughly organized in phlcngo nnd othor American citios, with n large fund to financo a war for Polish liberation, Los Anjjelos, Cal,. May 11 Dr. Ed ward S, Hammond nt Tennessoo, a col ored educator, offered' u resolution At Iho Mothodist conferonpo this morning, condemning tho attitudjj of covers! ho tels and restaurants in refusing to serve moals to the colored delegates. It waa unanimously passed. A resolution looking toward, tbo con tinucd activity. pf eupornnuated bishops for as long ns possible wns pasetf. '' n r ' '; !,' f Los Aogeles, Cal. May 11 A res'o- lution Laa been tefsrired to thd Btato, of the Church Cdmmlttce, urging Jhnt n ganerM conference petition bo presented at the next legislature, to re-ensot the amendment to tliooonstltutlou, innklng It linposilblo to dlvldo tho public school fund for secular putfioies. ; t . Murphysboro, III., Mny II An xplc' slon ouctirod this morning in tho mine' ntflorreln, Fivo nrejknown lo bo dead nnd twonty-flvo injured. Tho loss o( llfo wns known to bo twen ty nt noon. Eight Itnllnus hnvo been taken out and othor bodies nro in sight' Tlio in I no has long buou considered tho host in southern Illinois. Tlio oxploslon was caused by tho Ignl' tlon ol flro damp formed In n pocket aud louche:! off by r minor's lamp. Filty mou wore nt work, Tho insng led bodios woro ptlcxl high on those of tho badly Injured. Rescue work began Immediately, HT ho Identified dond nro Tom Greor," John Mill or, Frod Thoburg, II. Williams and A. Craig. Bakers On A Strike Berlin, .May 10 Bakers havo doolnrod n conoral striko nnd famlna is lmtnl nout. Roosevelt and Fairbanks Birmingham, Aln, Tho Republican stito committee has boon instructed for Roosovclt and Fairbanks. Llllakalanl Taken III St Louis, May 11 Lltlakalanl, taken 111, loaves Saturday for Honolulu, instead of remaining two weeks. Heir Expected Rome, May 11 In tho Chamber this aftornoon tho spoaker announced that Queen Uolona expected to be confined In Scptomtier. Book Binders Strike Chicago, May 10 Eight hundrod book blndois struck today for recogni tion and n closed shop ngrecmont. Tho striko threatens to sprtad to other, brnbehes ol tho printing tradoi. Trust Wins Jcfforeon.Mo. Mny 11 Tho Supremo V court today knocked out the anti-trust? proceedings Instituted against the Terminal Association ol St. Louis by tho ( Attorney genera), sustaining the demur rerof tho Association The Ecclesiastical Question ' Rome, May 11 At a meetlHif of tho leading cardinals at tho Vatican today, tho Amorican occlosiastical question was discussed. It was decided that Satolll in his approaching visit should axhauBtivolyJnqnlro into tbo eltaation, Crawford & Go Suspend Njw York, May 10 Tho suspension of Crawford & Co, was announced on tho Consolidated Exchange this morn ing. Tho firm lias branch offices lo sixty citio. No statoment bns been issued, Government Money Galled In Washington, May 11 Secrotary Bbaw decided to call in ten per cent of tho government money en deposit In Natiorjft! banks, May 25th, Shnw'B call approximaten 110,000,000, WltMew Exceptions, the call is mndo 'upon 'all banks VDoee authorized baj- Iinprii -hnfnri vwvAwtm.isi AallJ ..... Aittn ftuB or moiV ' 1 1 . i 11 . i . I tfMUMaHUMPgt