?.' "-, r . . .u . SSr222E SSEZ i (VtoM falui'day' Daily,) W"V A "J The Social Whirl ' iiim Ill Ml III II AW (JlUM MMY ' ,Tlie LniliM;Art OlHU,mpt kt the liomft oi Milt, ia JiSiiilo, yr-aierday atternoon. A (nil turnout wan prwent nntt n tie lllit(ul (line laa hnd, TIiIb club In milking good proisro nnd In now ono of tltt etronftofit of lit bind )n Pouthem Iflrilillchl U fitat fining to (ho froiil Ada clnu towiijliaVlt'ltj fta ihldtit MVuf ill olubu within the l'uilflrAiion of woiunn'a olubu, bcrldtui n tiumbof which will bo In tlirtt (ilflpn aooit, At tho meetltiK yuotorilny, whun f ho bnalnosa (unotlonn hml buun carried out mill nltontlon turned to toclnl forUurfls, iofrehmonts wrro aorvod, nml Koiiflral KOgd tllno wan had, Tia hostoa wm HlrjwfUld wllli. I'mnpllimtntii nnont tho lidtpilalltlea of llor homo by tlm clui) ntM thoocnaalon will bo remembered an ono o. tlio pI(.'HWiilet Iti tho clubs exit (once. - XVKKINO IMUTV Mr. nml Mra. 1'otor Scott ontorlalood r ilcr.on of tliolr friend vfcry piqaianlly . Friday nvonlnpr. at tliolr homo in Hottlh lMnrMtflcld. 1 ho party had bcun nrrnn ccd n,9 a welcome for tliolr an 1'cter, who bus Juet returned from n trip to Australia on tho Clielinlle amy wna ox peeled on tlm Alllnnco from Portland. Tim Riimt of honor did not arrive, but Iho other Rttcita woro plontnnlly enter tallied, navorttioInRfl, with gnmon, story tolling pud rofreelimonta. nunrniHi: I'AiiTir Tlio homo of Mrp. and Mrf, K. Huck endorf Init ovenlm wai tlm nceno of a niOKt'cnJoyablo mirprlio party, given in liouor of Andy Nlulfion, who haa juet returned from an 8 rriontln trip to Aui trallaand tho Hawaiian Islands. Thnru worn Hlont "" young poopln pretont nni the liouta aped awlftly by while inuelo, dunning nnd Ruruea woro In prosreaa. Dollcinua rufroiliniontu wore nerved' nl 11 o'clock, utter which tho rarloun atnuroincnta woro returned until tlio wco lionra of tho morning, ivhon tho crowd dlaporaed, From Our Exchanges (Coqulllo Ilnllotln) It ia reported on Rood Authority that tho mnehlnory for tho Ilandon Woolen mill has been purchnaod and n mnn fa on tho wav to IntUII it. I'rospcctn for n pulp mill nro nleu eald to bo fnvornhln. Tho Ilamlon peoplo aro huetlora and do aorvoto euccccd in landing both of thcao enterprise?, and wo wiah them aurccis. Tho l'rohlbltlonleta hold tliolr conven tion in this placo last Friday and mado tho following nomination: Joint rion ntor, 0. M. Dimmitt; roprceontatlvo, G. I). McFnrlln; dork, Frank Humuor, cotnmlaalonor for two yeare, I. N. WIN aon; for four yoara, K. A. Howoy ; ns acaior, J. II. Sweet; coroner, Mr, Cole man. " John Porrott oxhlhl'od to ua aomo ckb this wook which wo think aro linrd to boat for aUo. Ono of them measures elx nnd ono qunrtor inohon in circumfor enco ono wny nnd euven nnd thrco eighth thoothur. Thu hen that la rnsponaiblo for thta product la n full blooded lllnck Mono'cha, nnd Johnny lift) named hor ' Mnrllin Washington'. Thueo nro not o:cialonnl tua that nro to largo, for Martha luya ono of tho einiu nlzo netirly every day. Lout; llvo Mnrthu and may hor tribe increased (Port Oxford TrUmno) C. 8. Wlnaor, for many ycara suporin tfltideut of It. X. Ilumo'a business at Kokuo Klver, waa in town ono day Inst week. Mr. Wlnaor informal ua thnt ho had secured n very duslrnblo position at North llond, nnd that ho would Im mediately move hla family, now nt Binlth Itlvor, to that place, whero thoy will make tliolr future homo. Mr, Wln eor la 9110 of tlio most export accoun tants 011 tho gonst an woltiut-ono of tho moat thorough all round business men, mid hla numerous Gurry county friends will bo ploueod to learn p( hie euccosa in obtniuinc a position oxnclly to hla Ilk Inn. ,', lhndqn Iteoordor) Tlio steamer Kllxnboth bfounht in noout IK) tone of frelijlit last Sunday fpr tho rl,orJnulOrmong'tha lot was 11 considerable lot of furm mnchiuery, Captain Pedereou mnda n (pilck trip up Ijom Ban Frn'leco Uvt.trlp in, "the EchoQnr Qpmillo heltiK ononly three dnyo., Up, wad aeyent days- uolnK down, and "epont' iourtoon Udye, this beirig IwHt m wA n tlmo m hm imn md by , echooner In going (o the olty. After a Iohk delay, BandfH lu t bflve anew Wool w Mill. Mr. HlHio In iiormp na.onay inm iih una, tuewwieu hi :l.ut in raising tho necessary fnnl to (piycliaie onu of Ilia, most complete plants In the Uiiltd Htatea for tho bIm of it. Tbla plant' will be about the Mma slr.a as tlio ono which was taken from here to North Jlond n short tiinn ago, but wlllhnvo fho latest Improved nin-' chlnory ami a greater vpluning as well M weaving cnpnclly, the efiglno and boiler nlto belus larnor than In tho former plant. Tho ileal lina been tnado for the ma chlnory nlld construction will beeln in earnoit on the biiildlngi, nrly tu May, ,Tho site hna not been nolectcd yet, al though ono baa been given tho now com patty by Mr. JJcdlllion, It is ( now thought that It may possibly be 'built nearer town nnd on (loop water, thereby Avoiding tho long, todlotla hauling buck and forth to and from tho mill, , All that now remains to bo dono to in !uro the oitcceaa of this undertaking, in ho raising of a few hundred dollnni by Iho oltlxenit of tho town who liavo not already takon atock in tho proposition, and of this wo liavo been eiaurod. Aa tho capital atock la mostly local, local help will bo employed in tho construc tion of the entire plant. A thorough mill mnn will bo sent cast aa soon bb possible to inspect and take up plant and placo It In rcadfuesn for removal to this placo. The company will Incorpor ate at onco for fifty thousand dollars, Tho nhovo Information ban been given m by Mr. Ik'dilllon, who has been tho prime mover in this inattor up to the present time. School Fund Apportionment I'ollowiug la tho opportlonmont of Iho county tchool fund for tho year 1001! amounting to Diet No. 1 Myrtlo Hank f 2 1,101, CO 207,05 207,85 aoi.tw 202,00 205,60 13(1,15 101,60. 21H.SO 2058,85 101-t- 401,60 272.M 670,75 S01,0 1C3.86 178,76 223,70 105,60 223,80 207.65 II H 11 11 . 11 2 Hermann U Arago 1 l.ampy Creek 11 11 11 11 " fi Brosotn'a " 0 Kmplro " 7 MelCnlRht ' bCoquillo " OMarBhQold " 10 Cummtnphatn " II Parkeraburg 11 12 Catching Slough ' 13 North Pond " 14 Itivorton " 1C Hlg Crook " 10 Willanch Slough 11 11 11 ii .1 1 11 ti '11 11 7 Kontnck Slough " lBFIigstall ' lObtrango " 20 Flshtrap " 21 Jltndolph, ' 2U Moon'a 23 Ie ' 21 HncklcR'a ' 25 Fnlrvlew " 20 HayncB Slough " 27 McKlnley 28 Gravel Ford " 20 Two Milo ' SOSumnor ' 31 Itural (North Coaliun) 11 11 ,i S37.75 3J, jo I HI III. "i"". ,1 11 1. 11 340,05 272.80 223,30 103,55 103.C0 327.15 267 85 288.15 1GI.00 151.00 208.45 203.45 300.85 130.15 218.05 188 05 S77.75 649,05 1504.05 131.20 300 65 P60.05 277 75 3 J Dora " 33 Dnld Hill " 81 Catching Crook 36 Daniel's Ceook " 3S Hogor'B 37 Sugar Loaf ill Templitton " 30 Cooa River " 40 Llbby " 41 Myrtlo Tolnt 42 Rock Creek 43 Norway " 44 Roy's I 15 Allogany ' 40 Now Lake 1 " 17 Roland Prnlrlo " 48 fihlloh ' 10 Hay City " 50 Remoto Bl Utter City 11 62 llancroft ' 63 North Slough " 51 Dandon " 55 Heaver Slough 50 Ksterbeck 41 57 South Slough 63 Bunny Sldo ' 60 Hall'e preok 00 Prosper " 01 Doachvlow 1 188.05 13120 257,05 1108.85 ' 228 25 ' lDH.Uk 257,03 -tu.uo 178,76 '248,05 10D.4G .154, -Hft.05 111,10 151. Ifil, 120,25 178 80 218,85 158,15 l7it.8H 101 W .'in'.rtR 1M.U6 - ' 02 Hear Creek kt " 03 Enclinntod ' 01 Fourmllo ) " 05 Sltkutn (t 00 Lnko "-' "07TRxcolBlor " "08 Lnreon'fl Slough ,0tl Hon,vor Hill I' ,HO Kim Qceolc . 1' " 71 Iluoll'a " 72 Ooaledo ,Ju 73 Plnnoapt View " 74Plcatuintiiili Ditcd this lSth'ilay of Anrll 1001, V 1 T wr.y f n.iliA.. t (3.r. ' ' 75 Lnnnst f rovo JU'l.N) O " 7(1 Oolilun l-'Alla " 15 t)3l Ti. . . V " 77 Urlilfo"(rcraity M.W' from JJ.C, MKE ' ? i,. iioOu 2 Olo3 ,, 1 Dor' Items Chas, Curry, a. late arrival from Okla homa, in viaitlng Geo, Folsorne and family,'1 Olark Ilnncli baa sold hls,flne black twin to Joe I.alid. MeHora Martf Klri nnd Karl Juhnn son, late Arrivals from the east, have bought h piece of land noar tho iww mill from J. Krnutr:, and intend opening n cabinet nhop. Mlnard and Foltomo are running n logging cmp on F, U. Scbofield'a and J, I), Hmlth'fl placoa, Clark IIuikIi. road supervisor, lms a crow of tnou nt work opening the road In the canon, and otagos will Boon be running. i. t.- ir.n f. mti. .ltt. .!. .... hi hi iiunv 111 sivtt mill Vila i,iuiiijti, being tho only case in the nelzhborhood. Sunday School ia held at Doraechool lioiiuo each Sunday at 10:30 a. m. 1'rcachlug tho second Sunday in each month by F. 12, Scholield. Mlna Hattlo Miller, of Iloaaburg. is visiting hor grandparents Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Miller. School ia progressing nicely under th management of F. A. Pferson, Quite a number Intend taking tho eighth giado oxariiinatlon in May. Miss Dcifllo Duncan, who has been otnylng with Mrs. W. M. Laird, of Cher ry Creek, returned to her homo at Bit kum last Tuoeday. ft la reported thnt F. K. Hchoflcld preached n most Interesting aormott at Plcafsant Hill laot Sunday, on tho sub ject "Should Women Talk in Church7" , Mr. and Mra. J. P. Stemmler aro ex pectod homo on tlio Alliance. DIED Kdmond Millman, at Cherry Creek, April 23rd, 1001, aged 20 yeara, of typhoid fever. r The deccasod was a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Millman, of RoeeUurg. Tho body was takon to Itoeoburg for burial. ' "A HOPELESS DEMOCRAT" Rips The Republican Party Up Back The Kd. Coast Mall: Iaco iuyorsterday's Mail nn able edltoral In tlio support of tin Hon. J, S. Cokn for Joint Senator. I do not proposo to lay any thorns in ,jirt cqVq's path nor crown bis opponent I . . . . . with rofioa. rnrlnormoro 1 uo not owe yn editor any mnllfo for I fully realize you aro preaching ygur covited doctrine. Put I do ncknowledgo myself as one of those hopeless Democrats who is atrlving with the multltndoa to break that great trust tho Ropnblicnn party which ia flapping tho laboring poor which ia tho backbono and alnew of the world, to fat tho lamb for monopolistic boodlora of tho nntion. Why ia tho Republican party great? Recauso our administration and law makers nro the greatest body of boodlers in tho world. Why do they stay in power? Rocauao thoy have control of, tho sack and tts'e it for political purchaso nnd aro backed by tho great syndicates, nnd truata which thoy (ranchlsed into their dominant power, It should bo remomberod that since Mr. Me Kinley's inauguration thoro has boon moro trusts formed, tnoro millions, made uy inom. tnoro Btruca nnu moro 110.05 'criminal depredations than in nny liko 183 70 J orio(l In the history of our government 171 80 f fan to nppreclatnto such as n free aud 07.45. ioyai admistration and I bellovo If 184.20 Ohrlflt desrondod to tho White Hoiiin and both Houses of Congress to bestow upon tho worthy tho golden wiugp, on invostiention Ho would nrieo with his full load of wings and construe thu oponlng Senato prayor as for tho father fattening of tliolr lamb and tho leaching J 0f tliolr ao callod iniorior laboring stib- tBOte. I donot wish to lmrm Mr. Coko as a candldato or a good cltizonor uny other good Republican but simply and cloarly aot forth, tlio reaeon Why all hoj'oloae Democrata und othora should repair from boosting tho old trust' party into tho fnrther motiopoliBtic power, W. O. M Sumnor, Apr, 527. $94aQWmmmM IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE 4) . IN NEWSPAPERS 1 nninuuKU ni n)iiuna Call oa or Writ- i'S ADVERTISING AGENCY Merchant Exchange BAN FRANCISCO. CAU ! "Wclpfcsof Sir Isaac." - Are distracted, Mil and' sore, That their days for "shiner" fishing Now have gone for ever more, And they pray some one to tell them, How to work the prdblem out, Whon their hook gets is a "elilser" 'Tho thoy cast it far about. Yen, Its hard (or e'n a christian, When I16 feels a frisky bite, And be lifts hla rod so gently 'Till the game cornea into sight, Yen, ills very vitals tingle And hla soul filled with doubt, 'Til! thu "shiner" safely landed Proves to be a frisky trout. And my brothers it ia trying To the morals of n all And there'a many truthful people Prono to taking a sudden fall -Prone to lose their moral vision 'Tho their lives have been devout Who will look upon n"ehlner," And can only reo n trout. I, mjrclf am pretty goodly And would blush to tell a He, Hut when gazing on a 'shiner" Comes a weakness to ray eye Such a dimness, that I can't tell Tho small "shiner', from a trout And so the verdict always goes In favor of tho d oubt, Ex. i Professional Cards VhMb-V! !J J. TMcCormac-lM.iD. riiyEiclnn and Surgeon Ehloro4lo Hiiilding, MARSHFIELD Phono 1061 OREGON U Wm. Horsfal M D. - HollandlHuIiding, " FIiono.031 SIARSHFIELU - : JOREGON Dr. Havdon. TOIilCQ opposlto Union furniture store Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Special nttentlon naid to dlsoaFcof Skin Urinnry and UlBCfltlvo Organs. U. S. Pension Examiner. Phone. 303 MARSHFIELD, : : OREGON u cxgisceszz SJfr., V r . W. . lU'Hrt'.S. Jm. ". Afl..lfr ...........B. . ".............V ..........Bk - 1. J!---- yn,fc- . . ....kk .mr r- W4-, k?tet. mm 3 u.uuu fl Oash Bimn Away k i S2B3E A!klk3 ia m m MTrn'm Wc nro gofn2 to bo inoro liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee, lot only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we hj have always given our customers, but fH f) A R fflBaia n tho sarao Lion-Heads win cntitlo ranee coxap 01 our patron; ncn rucn can women, you can ceau in ta many estimates as ueeircu. ruere wm 09 TWO &REAT CONTE3TS Tho fint contest will bo on the July Vofo For Probldcutrto be cast Nov. 8, 1004. $30,000.00 will be distributed ia each of these contests, lnnkiat; .c, 000.00 on tno two, aaa, to rsi;e it sttit moro istercstma:, incddiiloato liia .mount, wc win give a Gmd- fei Prize .off $5,000.iDD2&?.. BiaaswctxByr.r.Tivy.Tagg3assac3exr ana mm iimiiw , 1 dpportuaiticsof winhinjjabic ccsh pr.'n. Five Lion-5ieads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and A 2 cent stamp entitle you (Jfj addition to the reg ular free premiums) 4 to one vote m either contest: WORUD'O FAIR CONTEST What wilt bo tho total, Ju'.y 4th attor.lanto ni tho St. Lout Worlil'i fair? At Chlcafo, July 4.1S33. ths nttutdtcco was ZJ3XT, For noarcit, correct estimatos rocc(va4 I- W0oUri Spl;o Com pany'a olttce, Tolodo, Ohio, or or baton Juno 110th. 19il. wo will clvo first prlio (or tho nearest qo. ?;t citlcato, ocsomt prfzo to tho noxtncAtest.ctc.etc, t& Jollowa: " , , 1 First rrlea ..sa.GOO.00 1 second Price ,, 1,000.00 2 PrtuM $.'50O,O0 ocoU ,,..., 1,000.00 B rrlse 300.00 ' 1,000.00 IO Prlseo 100.00 " ;,,.. v.. l.OOO.OO ao FrUea GO,OQ -' .............1,000.00 fio Prlaoa ao.oo ' ,.'...,....1,000.00 QQO PrUa io.oo ,..l .a.ooo.oo 1UOO PrlzM 0.00 " .,.,, , O.OOO.QQ ) a ISO PRIZES, :tij 4279 it Iroscrs' Glsrks (sis jwrllesIarVto liOH QCFFEE o jjawMiwi'WMaaiiiOTiiaMTmwrritl,T-r-"'"'-J-'-' ""---'v'''w.''""''""" -- . .,...!m,MrjL.t. r-wt-ryBL-MTx,twr yi:-mMj-AMaiSMtkjmr Mi COMPLETE -DETAILED PARTICULARS BN m m -M- uiui W00L10Nl"ICEOO.,' ' ", 11iyBlcln,idJ5jrKw' s! Special Attention gireri to riUfswaa of , tlio Kyc, i;af, !ioe and ThrtMt ., Office in Sengntackeft, fc rJmltti1 JlH ,f MAR8HKIELD ; : OKIOON R. H, Waftor, D. D. f.y Dental Surgeon and Mwhanlcal Dntit 00100 Naaburt; Buildlnjc, A t,- Phone 361. , ' Imarsiifikld: OltJWdN t W.:A.'.Toy (Dentist EMbVedo Building, MARSIIFIELD PJione 421 OREGON J. M. Upton ATTORNIiY AT IvAW Marslifield Qrcgoti McKnlghf & teabrock . Lawyers Upstairs Bennett 8c vVValter-lJlock Marsh field Oregon E.:L. C. Farrfn . Attornby AX.LAW ' Office Lockhart's Building ' Phone 751 ' r Marsh field , ' Oregon J. W. Bennett ATTORNBYiANblCOUNSKr,OR AT Law Marsh field Oregon Coke & Coke Attorneys at Law r Marsh field' Oregon K.'K. Straw M D. -, r ..n . w - COFF - n Regular Fri Premiums ycc to rtmate3 ia our .$50,000.00 4th attendance at the St. Xonis World's for 00 reiacs 300 rrlso'. 1000 rrirec 820.00O.Q0 aiso TRizEa, 83 SK lirSfcs.-if'r.ir.. j,c-v:i n f mmnssm. J .- 1 - 1' ES- f . T A 1 ?-.- . i :n. -w - jst 1KSW M-.f TS&r-Y. HrJrA'- CVSV ', SSL. Sgp J tami77nrmiirmirrwtTfmlTtnvmM33zai2st'fM. jx PRSIE ca -W. mm-, wm uui - (CpNTEtTptDCa;T.)i " W.U-DHrtrta ATTJOKNKY AT- tWAWP j f 1 -A cnuuTitKTnmrit Vi Marsfificfd . ' ol Mr- i ,BuinVQi 1 rtixAm 1 utf. ".'. Mske'a SpMialfr oi: .' 1 WtktH,5 Officefl, JfarshlWd over 'SengstMrwi , Drug fstore, ierin Dma, mapson block, ' tT-K if ' r irf v A Va WofS OlTlfls Crio Surveyor ftli Enjtjueer-r WkW) IJotef-; dfe. MARSUFIIIj 5:i . ' OREaON HomwtMd and "flm Lotitloa. ,., Arnsteln .it Hibbard, Prop AH'kwdryiwmk g4raaW(y:flrslIa. Alt white labor. Toot of B Street, MarshfleJd, Or -y ;Haynes & Chance 1 Kxprees'KKcl delivery to say part of the i - city es sbt-r t Hotiee Teams always on the st'reefi F BAGELSTEIN General Blackstnithingfand ' repair work. Horseshoeing cMaod woodwork. First St. Marsh flfeld, Oregon WILLIAM HASK'ELL All kinds of Harness and Saddlery work prohiptly ' executed. . ... .' Opposite I. O. O.- F. ball Marshfield ' Oreeou Obers of Grand PrJxe Contests, which will Fair? the second relats to Total i ' 4.1 U . v. i . ' f inn i, .m . a zmLWJ W7 t.S Mm' ', kflC j. t mm ) JiMl-tlMnta Sao. .. yja c U rf; Printed i?:aiiks to vote ,on found in cvbry 'Liq Co!fep'-Pvick" cciQi's tho-CKHSH3GO o? our scKnowfedgsnent to you that your ei timateis reconicd. s5H PBESlDE?5TiAL VOTE CONTEST WUfttwillbottotctnliropular Voto cnt tor Proldcnt(vSts nltcanaiUitc comblntd) at tho ttcctloH November S.l'.VI? la roet C5ttatc,a(r4 prjio to iho05ctBca-cst,i:tC..cte4 toyovJt ' 1 FtrstJTl'.o . ,,M... tgSQ-SS l Gseomtfriso . 1:000.00 a Pritea 3500.00 each ,,.r,.'i. ,.k..l,POO,00 o Prisea QOO.00 " 1,000.00 10 prisec loo.on ...,: . i.ooo.qo UO krlrtr--- 6O.00 , l.OOO.OO -5u,uy ; ..,.. ,, -.. i.yy-y" ig.oy ; y,m 3,000,00 0.03 " .L. T . J -- C.OOO.RQ tou., 520,009.00 EVfcRY PA02UQB Q&A 1 t 9 msm wmm mK rt dS- A (fib nP&b' ' rvs um? ri-i m sj VJ u lissKi M t& $V '. T u m . 1 TO.Pog'I fc4 ' 4 m f ' ) .vH'OKJ v ji Ji. .(lW i, fr