'"""rt' w, . i i n hmm t4r -T- '-, ,''.' i Iiriqiti, . - da ji . ' -itj i -. v 41 .- ftHf ia6 yyiiiK K 'I i i-i n i ; w I- r. r u ; fc " tate General News Manila, April 29Natlve la tho Mr V.fcll districts are in a treaty over the ' nrrest of 0 man who bag been exhorting them, claiming that he was r bkek JOBUB. - " St. ..Louis, Apr. 29-Tho Ko fcashvlllonrrhed this morning to Pr - ileipate In tho opening of tho fair. Tho weather forrcatter tare there la a itrotip i. probability .of rain tomorrow. JJcrliu, April 39 An attempt was mado by a revolutionist today to nms- frhato tho district governor of Estkmad jam near Itivau in tho Cancasui?. Th governor was twice woandedi once in tho breast. 4 . ' London, Apr. 20 Ueuter'a Madrid correspondent wires an official state ment regarding the coal gas txplosioa in tho Reunion mine uea'r Sevilfo which Ktvea tbo dead as 53, iojuicd 34. "Tbo Central News says this list Is too email, as eixty-tbree lives wero lost. ' Chicago, Apr. 29 On tho result of a conferanco proceeding this afternoon depends tho strike of one thousand track drivers who demand a dollar a week advance in wages. Business in terests will bo plunged into chaos if the men go out. San Diego, Cat., Apr. 29 A Tosso of Mexican officials left Tiajoana this morning for the mountains to bring in the body of a man supposed to be Dun ham, tho Han Joao murderer. They will not bo back until tonight, as the trip is a long ono over a rough country. Tellurlde, Colo. April 29 Captain Buckley "Welle, commanding troops in Ban Miguel county, notified all re maining strikers to leave tho vicinity on the ground that personal violence may happen to them and the militia be pow erless to protect tbem. Tbo idle men declare they wont leave UuleES force ie used, Tbo Citizens Alliance meets tonight, and it is rumored that another mob may be formed to run tho strikers out of town. OSE OF DR. CUPID'S PRESCRIPTIONS. u ' ' That Love sometimes curci disease is a ... " fact that lias recently been called to the v - attention of the public by a prominent f physician and college professor. In some ue'evous diseases of women, 6uch as hys- teria? this physician gives instances where women were put in a pleasant frame of mind, were made happy by falling in love, and in consequence were cured of their nervous troubles the weak, nervous sys tem toned and stimulated by little Dr. Cupid became strong and vigorous, al most without their knowledge. Many a woman is nervous and Irritable, feelu drajj ged down and worn out, for no reason that she can think of. She may be ever bo much in love, but Dr, Cupid fails to cure her. In ninety -nine per cent, of these cases it is the womanly organism which requires attention; the weak back, dizzy bpella and black circles about the eyes, are only symptoms. Go to the source of the trouble and correct the irregularities, the drains on the womanly system and the other symptoms disappear. So sure of it is the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, proprietors of Dr. Pierce's I'avorite " Prescription, that they offer a $500 reward for women who cannot be cured of leutfor rhea, female weakness, prolapsus, or fall iup of the womb. All they ask is a fair ' and reasonable trial of their means of cure. - Dr. Pierce's, Pleasant Pellets clear the complexion and 6weeten the, breath, they cleanse and regulate the stomach, liver and bowels and produce permanent benefit and do not re-act on the system. One is a ' gentle laxative, ,.,,,,, u f "The Common .Sense Medical Adviser)1 is sent free, paper-bound, for onc-ctnt stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Sena 31 stamps ior ciuiu-uuiwuwyjr, Addrew, Wcld'oi Dispensary, Duflafo, N.Y. Albuquerque, N, if. April 27 On ap plication ol tho Sunt ft Fe, District Judge Ilaker has leoucil aq Injunction restrain Inj tho striking railroad shopmen from aby mora interference with tho agents employed by tho company, or tho moment or operation ot tho company's cnncn(, 0n other machinery and appli- ances, also enjoining them from enter ing tho company's right of .way or oth er grounds or property. Washington, Apr. 29 Referring to I the pouted nottco in tho company's shops warning the men against unlaw ful acts, O'Connell eaya tho company jumps at conclusions In lta prepartions to meet desperato methode. Tho offi cials know that wq are opposed to vio lence. Whilo tho handbills deserve no atteotiou it is only right to say that bis h an attempt at intimidation in threatening suits. Tho company hopes to frighten men who own homes in tho neighborhood of tbo shops. Tho warn ing is a bir biofl. The machinists havo nothing to do with tho operation of .trains so cannot interfero with tho malls or commerce." Wushingcon, Apr. 2D President O'Connell, of tho machinist, this morn ing ttatcd that there were no prospectB cf avoiding a strike of tbo Machinists of tho Santa Fe, though last overtures to the company are now being made, pend ing a formal strike order about May 1st. O'Connell has just returned from Den ver. Washington Apr, 30 President Roose velt presosd tho key that opened tbo World's Fair at lslu p. in. Ht. Petersburg April 30 Tho airship constructed by Capt. Reutonski was fairly lucceesfuliy tried today at Yios ths ihovi, traveling sixty miles an hour. Manila, Apr, 30 Tho democratic con vention today adopted resolutions con- r demning tho aJmlnietratiou'sl'hilliplno policy, end elected delegates to Bt Louis, Halifax, April 30 The schooner On oro from Porto Rico went ashore on Dugano reef this morning and all hands wero loet. Falmouth, April 30 Tbo oleamer Cresyl and Zaziprak collided in.ibe fog last night off here. The latter sank and ten of her crew including tho captain were drowned. Kimmswick.y I' 30 Tho Iron Mountain ex pre .., IS from Hot Springs to -St Loulj wj ditched near horn thia moiuiug, Si' coaches were overturned. The train waa raorung 13 miles an hour when it hit tl.H ewitcli too hard. Five were killed outngM n ,,i ten fatally hurt. Fifteen tusUir.e - n mo injuries. Among the dead ar- A nutt Bailey, Fireman Grumpert, tnRr Oroat Mg&Ur MbdiantaJraylc mail clerlr. A relief train offph; icteuf hurried to tho fcene of wreck.froiu i, r.ouip, 28 mile.. , At 2:30 thesHurnb3i injured was etat en as twenty five, a half -on probably fatally, The traln'was rt ' ced tocrap iron, - Madrid April i-t pullce, in search jog the .room 0 the pum atudenj who attempted to aceas' pato Premier Maura, at Barcelona, found letters from if. tion o( Lnztuo niul llrevn. Lisbon, Apr. 30-Tho rocont illness ol King Carlos la now believed to havo been duo to an nttemp to ajenaslnalo him by placing poison In his food. Tho King's secretary and aide, who wero ill at tho eamo time nro kuowu nt havo becu pivxn anti-poison treatment. Out of His Misery Sun l'rnnclsco, Apr 30 Welcome- liot kin, divorced husband of Cordelia llotkiu died thin niornliig of heart dinotw. Drowned by a Capsize St. Petersburg, April "0 A party of boat builders wero crossing tho Volga at Muron, near Nlschlnovgorod, when tho boat capsized and Alteon wero drowned. Death in Hotel Fire Lancing, Mich, Apr. 20 Geromo Style, John Volin, Kansomo Dlngmau and John "Roy, wore burned to death last night in rooms in the Bryan block. Tho upper three floors of tho building were a hotel. SAIi FRAHGISGO STREETCAR MEN WILL STRIKE San FranclEco, April 10 Tbo officials of tho United Railroads this morning informed the Carmen's Union that the proposal for nrbltraiton would not -bo considered. The men will tako a formal vote on tho question of a strike- tonight, and it is expected they will bo unani mous for a striko and will quit as soon as tliev run tho cars into tbo barns. (From Saturday's Daily.) IMPROVING SCHOOL GROUNDS Work Already Accomplished And Contemplated. The work of improving tho tchonl grounds, for poit of which tho A. N. V. Club is bearing tho crpenso, already begins to show results. A number of olm and maplo trees havo been planted along tho front of tho grounds and pro tected with boxing, tho latter paiated greent Klch earth has been put in and two largo triangular flower beds planted, ononn each side of tho front steps, Tbo flowers were contributed by the children, tho boys and girls bringing tho plants for their respectivo sides. Sweet peas and other climbing -vines havo been planted where they would do tho most good. The work ulready dono make a de cided imprdvement in tho appearance of the grounds, and other work in contem plation will result iu still further beau tiflcation of the surroundings. Tho Echool board will put in new and widor walks around the school house and a new bulkhead around tho foot of the bank. ' t Tho A. N. W. Club proposes to then plant the slopes with ivy, covering tho un'tightly yellow clay mid also 'Holding it in place, From the utilarlan slandpoict, how ever, tho wises proposition of all in to cover tho yellow clay of the grouuds Kith a coating of burned fclack, provid ing a play-ground for the children, a place v hero they may got off the board walks, and may oven run if they want to, Tho toilet arrangements also require attention, which they will doubtless re ceivo from 'tho fichool board, A SuroThlng It is eald that nothing 1s suro except death and taxes, but that is not alto gether true. Dr. Kiuu'i Mew Discovery for Consumption iua 11 uro euro for all lung and throat troubles. Thousands can loatify to that. Mra. O. B, Van Mot roof Shepliordtown, W V,, saya "I had a uevero case of Hronchiiis and for a year tried every thing I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King' New DItcovory then cured mo 'aboluto Iy."It'fl infalliablo for Croup; Whooping COugb. Grip. Pneumonia and Consump tion. Try it, It is guaranteed by Jno. Prouts, druggist. Trial bottle freo, Reg, eiies 60c, 11.00. Patterson, N. J, anarchists, I,nxnro and Brova, written in March ami urgtuR tho aasaninatlon ol Alfonso, 1 Tho Rovornmont will ask tho requisi News of Details of Captur Vladivostok' April 20 Admiral Yr sin's (our cruisers, which nttulo llio dafth off tuu Korean coast, uro bo I tig cteaned today, Details ol tho rrulsu f'aow that tho squadron mot tbo Japanese transport Ktnahtu Marti nt 11 o'clock on tho night of tho 27th. J Tho lnttor'a coin mcudor mistook tho Russian for a Jap nuoso cquadron and elgnalled that ho had coal (or thutu. Tho Russian commander slguallod thu ordor to rtop whereupon the Japanetu dircovorod their mlstako and began to lower boats and stonra pinnaces in an ol tort to of capo but tto Russian steam cutters captured nil. Apparently nono wero left aboard, but examination rovoalcd that six Infantry officers wcte u tho cabin, and in another part of tho ship ono hundred and thirty infantry who refused to surrondor. Yet ten ordorcd tho men away and the Jupnnoio soldiers opened fire, wounding it Ruisian boostwaln. After that tho transport was sent to ttio bottom by mechanical mine and a few shrapnolls. Tho Japanese aboard did not cease tiring and madu no attempt to e.iv thomselves, although thoy bad 11 launrli left. Tho sholo rani: until tho water closed over tho 'heads of tho intrepid soldiers. Ships off Port-Arthur St Petersburg, Apr. 20 Alexteff r ports tho enemy's ships seen six miles off Port Arthur last night. Thia morning two Japanese cruhersj and six torpedo boats wero observed in tho Uixurian gulf near Port Arthur, Many Prlsonors Takon CISt. Petersburg, Apr. 20 Kuithor re ports of tho staking of tho Kinthlu Maru ftato that altogether two hundred and ten prisoners wore taken. Of tluco lb3 wero taken from tho transport, and include a colonel and a high staff officer. Tho Japanoso Account Tokio, April 20 According to a Jap- Japanoso Victory Reported Washington, April 30 TI10 Stato De partment officials aro informod that n big baltlo fought on tho Yalu rivor re Halted in a Japanoto victory, but decline to givo tho ruurco of their information, The State depaitaientadvicoa aro of an indefinite charnctor and whilo they give a rumor of JapaneFO vistory on the Manchuria sido of tho Yalu this is not confirmed. Tho text or source of tho department diepatuh is refused. Tho Russian Verdict r St. Petersburg, Apr. 30 Heavy en gagement on tho Yalu is reported, Slxteon thousand Japanoso crosned Thursday, and attacked thirty thousand strougly fortified Rue6iune, It is rumored that tho Japanoso wero min&ziimT?sttttnxz.mzi 8 Pills it, IWaMriaaaaMuLralaiuid rtivo-ntci. I mamtl t$tJklti.lfHkt bvtu. CUeatari . Mormon Blnhppg' Plllul an lirrn la i ChurvliaiiUfitlrroIliiWurii. I'u.lUnly luru. t atrtcl.ot ,cirliui,illlatl,ii, (xci).h, ortl im poionoy, i-oBt cower, nnsnx-uoB8CH,pormnio'rnoo.i. inuornnin,f mnu In Baok, Evil Deatros, Homlnul KmleBloni, tnma BhoS, Nprvoua Debility, HeaUaoh,Cnfltneaato Murry. LotaofBeri.oN tfpm Vnrioooalfi.or Opn tlpatloni'tltopa Premattirtmefa, stopu Nerv Brf 3 ous Twltolilnj ,,Xf ysljda. Effl ra liniutulatu.l Iniuart U(vHiiil I kr-M imfminy u btuiT uii fciAii. DoM'tl7atdiuoniAnt. a urli&ftli&nu. ltaikiiiftimt.fi ff Jl P ?! utilAvfitofiid" a rva ll a. tnt.aeuraliailiand. IKituutim it. Auarofi 11 t miiwn He r nuoso account, only 73 Japnnoao wore killed or drowned when tho transport Klushlu Mnru sank. As tho ship wont down, tuvoral eoldlera committed eni ctilo. Two cnptiilnH and thrcn llotiton ants voro among thoso who wont down, Tho transport bocamo tcpnratud from her convoy, Aloxloff'o Version London, Apr, 50 Tho Control News correspondent at tit Potursburg states that Alcxlr-ff has Issued a communi cation Indicting that tho Cc.tr, instrad of recalling thu Viceroy, has uommoud od htm (or his work. Alcxlcff sayu "I nm4wppy to rocoivo nt Mukden a dis patch from tho Kmpuror stating thut his majetty Is watching attiullvely the concentration of thu troops for tho far oart, and notes With special pluasuru the RpU'iidld success attained in thia respect. Tho Czar concluded : I jittrlbuto its success onny to your able direction and initalivoaml tho work of the stiff off uillcUls subordnatt) to you,' " Chomulpo Survivors Arrlvo St. Petersburg, Apr. 20-Slx hundred mrvlvors of tho VrLig and KorUtr. disaster at Chumulpo arrhed tills morn ing. Thulr recoptiou at Nicholas station was of a religious naturo with no speech and no band. Grand Duko Aloxi was preeeut and shook hands with tho officers as I liny left tho train, Tho turn ho grooted with: 'Good day brother'." Ouhldn tho station a largu crowd gathorcd and greeted the horoes enlhutUstlcally. Slow Transportation London, Apr. 20 -Tho Central New Toklo correspondent itatt-s that repoits thoro indicntu that tho bulk of Russian stipp'ics aro being transported to Kent' Wang Cliong on tho road to tho Yalu by means of carts, occupying fivo days to cover ninety mlhs from tho Runiau head quartors. t Off Vladivostok Also Vladivostock, Apr. 20 Tho Japanese (loot was sighted off this port this after noon. "VW reinforced and tho batt'lo continued. Japanese sharpehoorors killed many Ilueslau officers. Nothing Known in London Lou Jon, Apr. HO No conformation Is obtainable of tho report current this afternoon to thu effect lint a battle lias taken placo on tho Yalu. Tho Japaucoo minister haa received nothing authentic. Tho Russian em bassy ttutes tbo same. Tllo last news from tho Ynlu they say ,waa contained in Kuropatkfn's report to tho Car slat idg that all was qulot along tho Yalu yesterday mornimc. Marching on WIJu fit. Tetersbbrg, April .'JO An official dispatch today roporte tho Jopanopo column moichiiiK rom YouiKampho to v;ard )Vlju, Small J'jrces of Japanoso liavo cro'aed tho Yalu, lirciilaeovtrW)r'iliy llilnilrii( llio Jlorinon rw will won. in vih Mini yuiiiiir Kri.inH irum u'w. . uuroa Lost ni Knriisini'uw. uuroa ludi mnnnDeu. Mtlaboi.artrllW tirraall, Xwrlt. Uui(iiaraiitca,Utfurar' Hianop Komeay oo., aan Frno:eo, uuu F6rISHl bvLtlohn FruB. JJrylnu; moimrntlous dimply dovcV n)tdrycatarili tlie'y dry tip the seorotions, widen ndhero to tho lncmhrano and ilocoin. pouAUttingrtfa'UioroKflrlouiiti'uublothAU tho onliunry form of catarrh, Avoid all dry lug lnhalnuti, fumes, aiiiokon and aimna ami tiH Hint which oUaimw, toothos and Iia1m. Ely's CroAin llahn Is Kich a remedy aiul will euro catarrh or cold in tho litad eanlly nmt i)lesnntly. A trial nlxe will b mailed ior 10 cents. Alt drugluta soil thi W)o. Mm. KlllrotUera, CO Warruu Ht., N.Y. The Jlahii cura without imln, dotui not Irrltnto or cauko aiiesiluK. It spread iUeb ovor an irritntmt and ntifiry nurfaca, lollov. lug lininedlntoly tlio painful inflninmiitloii. With I'ly'n (Jrcnin Halm you nro armed Bgniunt Nasal Catarrh, tuid Hoy 1'fl vor. We imimi'tly obtain I). H, nud Kofolmi 1 i I af HI M 1 I dflllnlill 1I"1III Hnd iiuxlal.ikctoii or tiliuto oIIiitciiIIou lor inwiviurv (Mi inicniniiiuir. Kor life look, fflf0TRAOE-MARKS "&- WErmm L:iMfcJilwllfty Opposlts U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. BO 7GAR8' EXPtRIHNCE Traoc Mann , DCSIQNB COPVniOMTB Ac. Anrnn ttnAU't a tkIHi nl dertli(lmi mi) nillrklr utrartaln ir olnlm (( ohMliir 'J i,,rnilfm l iTi.biitilr iai iilalila. ( oinniunlev 11 iiiteiiiciirmnDUOini!. iinnuixKisur iirim Kill Ii. (liar I fl. lllllrtl tflMCr fOftMTJIItljt ItllU. nlnl tkn ibrouth Mumt k Co. rcttlftf rl-U nl(. wllhuui cbrir. In Ilia l'nln tyttl,U 1 Scientific JJmeric ikniltimlrllliiirl1 wnklf. jrril rrr. ilnlluN or nr rlvtillfia loarutl, Trrnx. f 1 rri inur luiiiiuii, (. ttumuBii nwurior. ftllJNN&Co,30'6'"' New York iiraucn imco, u u. ubihhikiw, ij. u. lirauch Tin: CMMXMNn AM IIUAI.INO CATARRH cunu roii CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm ii.-. Uunlaliu uo In Julloui Jtui. lliqulcVlal0t)C!. (ilvt IWlrf at nncv. jfoiVSUXXSes: COLD 'N HEAD )ltl (nil I'rottffU llio Mruilmne. ltritorr4 I In KonfC o( Ta.lu ami hnitll. Lr Htr, CO cent at UruiHliU 1r t mull j TrUI .S, 10 tiiil ht mMI. lllX HUvmUHH, W Wartia blfist, ittit uric. CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of front and A Streets, MAHSUMtiM), :: OUKfiON JOHN SNYDER. PROPR. -THia WKI.L.KNOWH AMD PAVORITtf I IIOTUI. lollclta aaliart of public pat. ronag. tltw bfdi and aprlnr matlrcMM, liava ben plactil In almoit ivtry iletplnc room ol thia houit and nrllhtr trouuta nor pintalt aparadlo kcrpavaryihlne In nuwclati order. TUKMS- iioard and LoiIkIiik, por woolc V 0 Hoard, per week f i 00 fjlnglo meals "bo Miss Ido. M. Snyder, Trtmnurvr of Ifao llrooklyn Lttat L'ad AttfHh, " If women would pay mors atUatlon 9 their htplth we wouli il I have more hippy wlvei, mother and dauthtcri. and ht Htrity would obitrve rctulU the ... . . f . ' .... -a y would Una itloni do not that the doctor' prticrlotloni perform the many cures they are given credit for. "In coniultlniwlth my tlrutf jfee he ad. vised McElrce'a Vrfna of Carduiand Thed. ford'i Ulack-Draught, and so I took It and have every reason to thank him for a new life opened up to me with restored health, and It only took three months to ewe me." "Who of Cardui isaroauJatorof tho oimtrual iunetlons and Is a most as tonishing tonio for women. It cures scanty, supprecsed, toofroauoat, irreg uiarauii painrui incnstration, lallinff aisw afi 'aat lvsilkUIllVll Atlll of tho womb, whites tind doodiuff, is helpful whflri upproachinff woib woman- npoa, uiuring piognancy, ajxar en blrui ana in cUanno of lifo. It ff auenly brings a door babyto-bonv tliut havo boon barren for yori. i 08 yori. All druogisU baVo f 1.00 bottles of Wiae ot uaruut. INEorCARDUl k ijmTjra isssssssssssViC'.VQissssssV I Miss Ido. M. Snyder, I I Trtmnurvr of ifao I jirooKiyn umi saa Artf.'wu.