f r$ff - ' ' ,v , fr? V V J, f f ' as A- rV $1 'It, News of More Details of Flejht tanrtou, May il Additional details oi tho Husslnn roptilse on tlio Ynlu con llnuo to btft In, ''Neuter's Heoul correspondent nlntan 1 1 lint thu .Tnpnnoito now hold tlio north bank o( tlio Ynlu from Antung to files- kukou. Despite tliulr confused condition tho ' Russians woro nblo to carry off nil tliulr woundoJ nt Antuntf , Thoy on ml Hint in Addition to tlio forco confronting thnui thoy wsra .Jjjrcntenod by strong detachments on lllhor flank, and thon tholr rolroat bo- bauio so rapid that thoro woh no tlmo to l.ak. roplnco tho arllllory horocs shot down by tho Japnnoo, and the guns, Rtntnu nitlon, rillos, odlcorg and mon who caplurod' Probably Bolatocl Rumor I.ondon, May I-A St. Petersburg dispatch says that a rumor la current thoro to thu effect that another ureal bnttlo tins occurred on the Ynlu butveou thirty thomand Hussions nnd eighty thousand Jnpanoio, in which tho Jap ttucto woro victorious, capturing tlilrt -six HutsUu cannon and two thousand prlronora. Twenty olllcora and about tlk hundrod men nro roporicd iron tided The rumor may bo n belated exaggera tion of tho last fight. Jnpanoso Vorslon London, May, 3 Jnpsmoio minister Hayeihi made public ttila ovoning n despatch from Ocnornl Iluuokl, com tnandloK tho Japnnoeo forces giving de tail ot tho fighting following tho bnt tlo of Ynlu and tho pursuit of tho re treating Kussians. Kunki anys "on tho afternoon of May lit, tho enemy offored a stubborn ro slatanco to our parault, adding three hundred to our caaualitios. Tho onomv fought bravoly to tho lat. Finally two companys of artlllory, haviug lost n majority of tho mon and horcer, sur rendered, raising a whitu Mai;. Odlccrs takon priaonors assorted that Oonornl Kathtariuskl, cotnmandor of tho eleventh and' twollthjlnfnntry regl inonts and many olllcora ol tho nrtllior arid ahnrpahootors woro killed. Many other superior 'oflkora woro killod or tvoundod. Many refugees subsequently returned and surrendered, Tlio total humbor of prisonorsls thirty oflkors and threo hundred sub officers and mon, Tho doUlls of our losses nro undor In Vflatlghtion.", i ' v j) yy ' fy i : u -THE MIKASA, JAPAN'S LARGEST puooosB ciaimoa f Itomoy May 1A Toklo ' iflspatUi, nsserU thattliolateBt Jananos attempt itq Idonle .c,bafiel jft.'Vort Artlmr iwaBi .ays, now lie la tl& barber' ent&i&9, ' the War Failure of Bottling Works St. Petersburg, May 8 A coniallnnnl rumor In ourront thin ovonlng that 8 Japnnoro tiro ships nnd two torpodo boats havo boon sunk by tlio IlUBalnns fit l'ort Arthur, whllo tlio former woro trying to bottlo the harbor. Two ofll clt! telegrams hnvo nrrlvod but hnvo not yot boon Issued to tlio press, Kouropatkln to tho Rosouo, Iondorf, May 3, Tho Contrnl News Homo corroipomlout wires that n Muk- don dispatch reports Kuropntklu march- from Lisping to Fonwang Cheng with "0,000 mon, apparently for tho purpoio of taking personal command ol tho forces opposing tho Japancao. Ho Cots Thoro Berlin, May 3. DIo Tost roports thai ICuropntkln has arrived at Kong Iluang Chong to rally tho troops Hosing beforo thu Japanese. UnoohfirmocJ Roport Now York, May 3-A Wall fitrcel nows agoul dlipatch from London staloi that rumors nro current (hero that tho Japaneso fleet In couimand of Admral Urni has captured the Hussion Vladiso stock wjundron, but this is wholly tin continued. Eight Ships Sunk St. Poterabuig, May 3 Viceroy Alex left reports officially that eight Japaneio tiro ships wcro cunk last night when an attempt wagmada to block l'ort Arthur harbor. Boino torpodo boats also went down, according to tho roport, Tho ilro rhlpB wero discovered by tho search lights, crooping in from tho cast and southeast. Five torpedo boats and destroyors wero ordered out, nnd Alexicff hlnucll went aboard tho coast dotonto ship Olavalhni. A heavy flro wnB opened lasting from midnight till & o'clock, when tho last, of tho tiro ships sank. Japancao steamers armed with Jlotch kiss and Maxim guns rejjxjnded warmly to tho Itussian flro. Two oflkors and a few metnborsof tho crows of tho flro ships woro savoJ by tho ItusBians. Nino Sunk Tion Tain' May 3 Tlio Russian offi cials hero havo received a diupMch stat ing that niuo Japaneso flro ehlpa wore sunk by tho guns nt l'ort Arthur clear of tho harbor entrance. BATTLESHIP, 15,200 TOMS, dlalm Reltoratod London, May 4-rUQUtar.' Tokio cor respond,e'nt Alec: states that tho JnpanoEe, erV succM(olvIn their attempt io bot tle l'ort Arthur, Monday; Terrific Resistance l'ort Arthur, May 4 Bomu Idoa of the terrlfHo.resIatanco offered by the Rus sians In dofoudlng tlio channel Monday may bo gained from tho fact that thirty flvo hundrod shots woro flred by tho Russian battorlea and guard ships on tho attacking ilro ships, Army Ready to Advance Heoul, May 4 A dispatch from tliq Japnnoeo front at tho Ynlu states that tho dead from Sunday's bnttlo havo all hcou burod and tho wounded givpu tnodlcal attontion, nnd tho army is rendy to continue tlio advance. Tho tncsiaeo adds ''Many of tho enemy found hiding In tho underbrueh hnvo bcon takon." Doubtful Roport London, May 4--Nothlng farthor has been received concerning tho capture of Now Ohong up to 3 p. in,, and tho occur acy of tho report is doubled. Agitation in China St. Pctoreburg, May 4 Tho newspa per Laviklo claims to havo authority for tho assorlion that tho Ohincco generals Yuan, Shikal and Ma are promoting an nntb Russian agitation in tho flowery kingdom. Late General News Wathington, May 8 Tho Jury on tho Tynor-ltarrctt poatofllce caso was com pleted this morning, and tho prelimi nary ttaterncuts in ado. Tyner was brought into court in an invalid chair. Dannemora, N. Y., May 3. Allan Moonoy, murderer ol Kllon Thomas end Vlolot Mlddelton, womou of question able roputo, at Saranac Lako in Novem ber, 1002. was elcctroautod nt 11 :30 this morning. Jeatousy causod tho crime, Cormoll, N. Y., May 3. A flro in tho Smith Memorial hall this morning caused a panic among snventy feminine students and teachers, who all reached tho ground safely, garbed in thoir night apparel, Tho building was totally des troyed. San Francisco. Cal., May 2, Tho n roth airship rnado a free flight this morning, going southlat a good speed after describing n numbor of circles at nu altitudo of one thousand foot. Tho aoronaut was forced to doscond on tho outskirts of 'tho city by a minor break in tlio ongino. London, May 3 A dispatch today re ports that tho British forces under Mn jor Tronchard. wbilo operating against tho natlvos in eouthorn NIgoria, had a sovoro bnttlo in which tho British na tive troops lost four killod and soven woundod. Tho enemy lost two hundred killed and wounded. Six villages wero burned. Washington, May3 Presldo.nJ.Q'Coiv noil has . advices this morning stat ing that thOvSantnt Fo. striko order is generally oboyed .throughout tho system, with no roports of disordor. Topoka, Mny3 'Allis quiet this mojrn iug in tho Santa Fu, ehope. Klghteon additional deputios are on -guard. ' No trouble is roporjod along tho lino. Dosmolfaes, Idwaj" May 3 Twenty four hours boforo tW mooting of tho Democratic BUtb' Convention ttift.eou- teat betwma llwr'stand ParCM J,ing mora BlDborniy Wlilil'',tha'.Wfw. v Student Spies Borlln, May i A fit, Petersburg die patch states that three students who woro aont to Siboria in 1001 and were pardoned and sent io tho front havo been haiiged for an attempt to betray ' - tbo lluislan caueo. Vossel Soarohod London, May 4Jtoulcr'a Port Said correspondent roports that tho Peninsula Orient liner Oairis was stopped by a Jtueelnn warship, and her mall was gone through In a search for Japanese letters Tbo Japancto mall was at tbo bottom ot a lingo pile nnd was not touched. The Ptlris wni out nine hours from Brindiski when eho was stopped by a blank shot from tho Warship Kralzr, and was de tained (wo hours. Orol Still Aground St. Petersburg, Moy 4 Efforts to drag tho battleabip Orel off tho sand bank on tho Nova today failed. Japanoso Loan Floated London. May 4 Tlio Kvonlng Nowb Announces that tbo Japanese loan of ten million pounds has been floated at about 03, secured on import duties and bear ing sis percent intoroat. Indlcationa still favor tho New Yorker, but tbemargin is so small that it make it any-bodya fight. A new element la being brought in, in tho shapo of n boom forCockrcll, of Missouri, Bryan Demo crats who are not for llearst aro fllock ing tpCockrell, while Parker does not figure Washington, May 3 Tho text ot tho finding of tho Court of Inquiry In the Missouri disaster was mado public this afternqon. Tho cauen of tho Occident was tho un expected ignition of two sections ol a charge of smokeless powder, then in the gun by a "fluroback." Tho flames ig nited two of tbo sections ot ammunition in tlio car and a shower of burning powder was projected down to tho twelve inch handling room, igniting eight othor sections of stnok'eloes powdor. Tbo accident was iu no respect due to fault or negligouco on'tho part of tho officers or members of tho crew. Tho Court finds the following worthy of particular mention nnder tho head of extraordinary horoism: Acting Gunnor Cox, Chief Gunner's Mato MouBsan Schohko. A Hat of eighteen othor ofli- fcora nnd men, including Oapt. dowels, is given as "deserving spoc'ial commend ation." Hear Admiral Baker approves tho findings, and commonta tt length on tho properties of smokeless powders tho ueo ot wIch is apparently not thorough ly understood in our nnVy. Tho Admiral said tho conduct of the captnin, oflkors and crow wii'b eiiporb, and ho makes special montion ot Moua een'estt in crawlingthrouglr a holo into thq. burii)g wogaziuq., ,, , t wl- , " J Osslnlngi Ny Y, May 4 Sam Parks, walking delegn'fo of tho Houao Smiths' Union of Now Vk, who was convicted, of estorllpn' hi connection with the building strikers, 4ied at 7:15 this morn ing, 'in thoM prison hospital, Ho was senteucod td p year and'elXJtnoutha. Wfea' 'health' 'ailed -Jmmediatly' after . I1 J..4- Jt-llllalWL wll.-l'.. 1 uo fvu tuiif ua uiun.ui iua Jd,yir, hqii hodleddh&tortolofcts.l ' -f - , b "i j Vancouver, May 4 Dan McKinnon' who has juet arrived from Aisek dig gings today says there is quite ,ft large exodus from the creeks, lie pronounces tbo diggings a fake, Dublin, May 4 A' wagonette convey ing Chala convent school children and servants from a visit to King j-ldward at Spaodbally was overturned today, and two wero killed and otbers Injured. Washington, May 4 Not a dozen spectators wero in the court rdom today when the Tyncr-Barrott post office caso was resumed. Webster continued his testimony which was' largely in tho na turo of identification. Berlin, May 4 Lieut Genlf, Teioth, has been appointed to command tbo troops operating against the rebel Ucrcrow, in German south west Africa. Stringent mcaauioB to suppress the re bellion will be taken. Now York, May 1 Captain Bertolezzi and crew of eight men, from the Ane trian barkentino Marijo, abandoned in mldc-ccan Sunday, arrived on the Ger man steamer Princess Ireno today. Being dismasted in a storm, the Mnrlje sprang a leak and for nine djjB tho crow labored at tho pumps while. the captain stood oVer them, revolver in band, and compelled them to continue at work. Topeka. Kan. May 4Efghty-foar machinists and apprentices went to work in tho EtntaFe shops this morn ing. The company will bring men to tako the strikers' places immediately; Third Vice Pros. Buckalew of the In ternational Machinists is in charge of tho strike on tbo entire system, and ho will tonr the road. A picket line was established today. The strikers are or derly. Ogden, May 4 Officers are looking for Doputy Sheriff Miller, ot Butte. Miller reported to Sheriff Qninn laa.t night that Murderer Lennox, whom bo had in custody, escaped from the train, and that bo followed but) seeing ho could not capture him, shot Lennox dead. When tho sheriff started this morning to recover the body, Milfer had disap peared and cannot be located. His story is not believed here. Portland, Or. May 3 A deeparate, freofor all fight took place yesterday between the crew of the French bark Marshall do Noaillee, now in port, in which fifteen men wero wounded) three seriously. Tho men usod knives and the deck of tho ship was covorod with blood. The battle onded only with the intervention ot the U. 8. marshal. The trouble was tho result ot n drunken spree. Jos, Col lett va3 arrested this morning on a charge of murder. Los Angeles May ,llVesidont Roose-! velt today jont tho following greoting to thq( Mothodiefe Cguferenco in, session hero: v . . ."Fgrniit mo, (o extond ,gfeetlngj to tho assembled MethodlttB. ' It U impoe siblo for any student of the social and religious growth ot our people-to tall to nndertagdtltro.rfleqitQ i,nfluenco oi' , tlio iletlipiliit, church in sbnping this growth avight and 1 therefore On this occasion congratulate' no,t merely Lyon but all yourcoAhWy pn' Vbat yon liaveuope, waiwiM.L couil be Wltu jo iri prsok us lam Im spirit,' t it3 ft 1 V! H i.IAW Dee Moines, May 4 Whsn.tha D oeratio conyentlon assembled at 2 p. m. Hearse was master ol.tfee sHimUm ami' it was a foregone esetaW tkM Iew' 80 delegates to the Mttta-ial awnvMUen would be insructed for him, , ' Bailer was chosen permanent chatr- - man, Ue shouted sons for Hearst. 'The Resolutions Committee, eight to, thred reported a strong Hearst endorsemt: while tho Committee on Credentials seated the llearst people except 30 left to pacify the antls. Sixteen 'out of 22 district delegates and each of the four delegates at largo wore named by Ileamt forces. Panama, May 4 The formal act of turning over the Bahama canal to tho United States government was perform ed with ranch ceremony at seven 'this morning. The canal was recelvedby Second Lfent. Mark Brook,' of "the En gineer Corps, ort behalf of the United States. Consnt General Gndger and other prominent Americans witnessed c. tbo cereffionyj which concluded the raising of the American itag. with Washington May 4 G. 'W. Davis, Governor of Panama and Colon, accom panied by a corps of American engi neers, will leave New York Tuesday ami on his arrival at Colon will assume on tiro control pf the canal property. The 1700 laborers now employed will be con tinued on their work. Shops Re-Opad Argentine, Kans.. May 3 The Santa Fe shops reopened today. The plant is apparently in full operation and -tho Newton and Ottawa shops ire also re opened. c i :i Bl(, Til-lip of VKSils ,j Marseilles, May 3 Over three thous and men are idle and one hundred and two vessels are tied dp1, as tho result of aaUikiOt master mariners and duck worker!. ' ' To Inspect Naval Station .Norfolk, May 3 Secretary Moody. Senators Hale, Penrose and Bacon. Rep prcscntatives Dalzell, Meyers and Hem ingway sailed for Guantenamo bay this morning aboard the Dolphin, to Inscratt the naval station there. Cochin China Typhoon . Saigon, Cochin China May 4 A ty- phoon swept this country Tuesday, ' slaylrJg a hundrod natives, wrecking many native vessels, prostrating 'wires and houses. Tho foreign ships forcaped by putting out to eoa, y mill&v Pnminrr. on .Areata Winnie vii ' t W . f. '. y San Francisco. Cal., May 3; Tlio Areata sailed at 11 a. m. today with the following passengers: J.' . N,yo and wife, Mrs. T, Jeffers, JoJ.uia and Dela Jeffers, Mrs, W. A, Gil more- Mlsn. IS mm a Betts, Miss Alico Bunch. Mre. M. Morcan. John Sutton. J. B: Ooorcr. J; P- ar" ?' A' Oundorflugor. U. jtictu, iu. iu. ntuuBuii, i' in iuiii;uiiiur, CMcGee. J. A. Metz, Cinranco Mols, A. II, Stcmmons,. 1 Kamborg, -F. Miller',' ytojfr,?tcfU8k . M.lixZr.titJti.if.. , . . .U3-1 '! Ol 0" e . 1 , CurecbMHtm,iViotrier of on Rhaiumsttism "My rriolriec haB leei a eufforer for mauyywrffW;rndumatliiiiJ." Bays V. 14. laVar!rj3uabandl4Pa.J,At times she waq unablfi tp mqyo at all, while at alljtlmtM.ivalking was painful. I pre-eonted-lwr'wlth'Altbbttio oi ChamW laln's Patn Balm'and after a rew.-iippli-catios ahe decided was the &bt wotjdOTf'ul pain reliever she ,had eyer tried, in fagt, she. J8. sever fihqnt U mQwauiilsatau time ow to wair;- kaDa iwav the caln that she was :i '") ,t i ..wjJ.S rr ,.i