?. wrf)j WiW(jJv",w,'W!'',n , 4l. - rdv -. . ..,. n.v-r y'""' A''ifc,y ,1m '' .W-V.".'- i" v W WEEKLY COAST MAILl MARSHFXELD, OREGON Entered In the Postofflcc at Narshtleld as Second CIasi Matter. COOSBAY PUBLISHING CO., P. C LEVAR, F. X HOFER, Editors and Mnnngcrs. TELEPHONE, MAIN 451. DAILY: Bv ntalt, for advance payment Only, 30 cents a month; 4 months for $1.00. When not paid in advance th price is 50 cents per month, straight. Issued every morning except Monday. WEEKLY Issued Every Saturday. Terms: in Ad vance, 51.50 a.Year, Si. 00 Six Months. THE CHAMBERLAIN DEM OCRATIC CLUB The Chamberlain Democratic Club 'seems to be. conducting quite a picturesque campaign, . -...1 : ....:.. . ,Mlir,H UUU 13 IISIU sviiu. ...w..w hitherto untried in Coos County politics. They started off with secret circulars to the faithful, but some wicked Republican got hold of one and went and stuck it up on the bulletin board in the post office, which caused the Cham berlain Democratic Club much perturbation of spirit. A genu ine indignation meeting was held, but the miscreaut could not be apprehended. No wonder they weremad. They do hale to be laughed at, and this circular was certainly a pcabh as a provo cation of laugbter. , A second circular lias been issued since, and the Mail is pleased to note that it occupies considerable valuable space in the sheet. The News of yester day also has a department edited by the Chamberlain Democratic Club, which no one with a sense of humor should miss reading. It is said that the darkest cloud that has arisen on the, horizon of the club is the action of Gover nor Chambcrlaiu in opposing the endorsement of Willie Hearst, the t 1 1-1 ..r. r moi 01 me xioray Jiauacu ouua toil who founded the club and named it after the Governor. REGISTER NOW (Oregoniau) You bavsn't registered yet, tome of you, many ol you; yet you can't vote in the June election, nor In the residen tial election, in November, unlets you register beloro May 10 without an in fin'.to amount ol trouble in tecuring tho six neceary householders as witnesses cn electlou day. It la eaBy now to reg ister. Alter MayJO there will bo no reglbtratlon, for tho bookB wijifce closed, not to be opened again. Register now I There are many thousands of electors m t yofc registered. BK A BOOSTER It requireu- advertising to build a town, it requlrtai newspaper to do the advertising and' it requires nowa to make tho newepaper. A town without good newspaper is worth abouttaa much as a clock withalace. Thorefofo every person intereatetl'fc town should h lnterested Its newarfcper.If they ar? itrWlmcto WrftH P towtythty should ever rwaembor" that the newspaper id striving to tho samo end, Thoy should nlso romombir that rtrcneth lion in union. They should kuow that when they Assist tho nowBpapor thoy aro as aWtlng tho town. Ot coiitso tht nowspa per is llko tbo proverbial mare, l takes n little money to make It go; hut it also takes something betides tucnoy to shc ccstfully navlgale tho paper. It takes newa. in fact It takes nil kinds of news. It thereforo becomes tho duty of (every cltlrcnj at all interested In tho pron otlon tt his town, to dally contrib ute hia littlo mlto in this tetptct. If you bolievo in boosting tho town, you will bollovo In boosting tho newspaper which believes in tho tamo thing. You may not bo nblo to boost either very notlccbly in n financial way, but unices you havo tho leckiaw nil tho time, you arc r.blo to eav a good word for tho ton n aud to telephono tho latest nowa items to the paper onco in a while. It you do this it is boosting. Every littlo boost is a htlp and it doesn't cost you rthliiB to bo a booster of this kind. send tn yoar Send in news items and bo a booster. TER CONTRA The Coast Mail is inclined to givo the other fellow a say; hence tho communi cation in another column from a Nhope- less Democrat,1' who blames tho Repub lican party for everything that goes wrong, forgetting to givo tho tamo party credit for everything that goes right It is a poor rule that doesn't work both ways. If the-Republican parly is eolely re sponsible fcr tho increase ol truBts since McKinloy's inauguration, it is also solely responsible for the prosperity that has prevailed during tho tame period, and which has enabled the pcopte to not only stand trust extor tions but to make moro moqey besides than thoy over did before. However, we fear that our Democratic friend has not been reading his modern history very faithfully, or he would know that the anti-trust law, whic,h re mained a dead letter when the Demo crats had full swing, is now being on forced by a Republican administration in a way that is shaking up tho trusts .worse than they ever dreamed of being shaken, Further, if the btuffed prophet of Democracy, Grover Cleveland, bo noml- '.natcd ibis year, or tho ophinx-like Parker, of Now York, the trust con tributions will go mainly into the Demo cratic not the Republican compaign fund. The trutta are a part ol tho evolution of mankiud. They are hero to stay until tho next forward etep is taken, and' that Btep will never be taken under the guidance of tho Democratic party. Rut all this is beside tho question I vateo-l Viv nnr mlvnrnr.v nf llift election of jUUUtiVWOUK IU ."O JW.UV ;.....- ship. A too liberal mixture of national auip. a too noerai mixture 01 imwuncu ' , politics is the curEO ot Btate anu wuniy affairs. As Joint Benator from Coo and flurrr counties Mr. Coko will Lave uo more to do with tho trust que3ti -n than the man in tho moon. Neither will he havo to deal with tho tariff or money question. Ad a matter of fact the tleo- tlon of stato and county tickets on na tional issueo leaves tho successful candi dates entirely at Bed 00 Ho what the deuce is expected of them, in their spheres of action, any further than that 'they arq to honestly use (heir bost indi vidual judgement on tho-iiueatlono that may cerise. On Joeal questions they mnst dct as Inaivl'duaia-. and adt as Be publicans 0 Democrats, Looking at tho matter lit' this" light, where on any ticket can bo found a man better llttocT for tho placo to which bo aspires than John 8. Ooko? REGISTER NOW Remember you cannot voto this Kail in-tho presuleutlul election unlets you register before tho 15th ol this month. Register now and voto in your coming stato county election to show tho unity and strength ol tho Republican parly. In our stato and county election wo havo an opportunity to express what our election will be in tho presidential elec tion lut us do it nobly hud show tho opposition that we aro not lukewarm 'in our confidence of success. Lot our ma jority be largo aud unllorm. Support ovcry candidate on thi tickot so thera will bo no uncertainty about your dovo tlou and fealty to your party. Every sign ol weakness Is oncouragoment for the emeny and at this critical time, in tho fiuauclal world, It is absolutely necessary lor tbo wclfaro ol tho nation that tho Republican party shall remain in power to givo who administration of public affaire. OREGON WILL LEAD OFF (Oregonlan) Oregon will lead off In Juno with tho most splendid Republican majority over thrown in tho history ol the state It will bo, as it should be, big chough to electrify tho country. Such maiorily is duo to President Kosscvrit, as the first voice of the campaign of 1004 to President Roosevelt, tho man whoso knowledge of the West, whoso sympathy with tho West, and whotoiervico to tho West, are unequaled. To Oregon It la a epeclal appeal; for to him, moro than to all others, Is duo the recognition ac corded b.v tho United States to tho Ore gon Exposition, upon which all eyes here are now concentrated. Approva the President in Juuo by twenty thou sand! It is bis due. THE DEMOCRATIC WAY The Democrats seem to be concentrating a great part of their efforts on the head of the tick et, and following the usual Dem ocratic program, instead of boost ing their own caudidate direct, they spend their time knocking the Republican caudidate. Now, the Mail will suggest to the Chamberlain Democratic club that there is a nobler way of win ning a race than by hanging onto the other , fellow's coattails aud trying to yank him back behind you. To Republicans, the Mail will say that they have every reason to congratulate themselves on their candidate for joint sena tor. There isn' t a cleaner young man in the two counties than John S. Coke, and those who know him best hold him in the highest esteem. His absolute J integrity has, never been ques- - - I tinned, and his ability fits In in to 1 , - . . . ; nrponi1 ll,j.lntllr, W:M, hminr to his constituents, as well as h.nuclf. , Any attempt on the part of his opponents to belittle Mr. Coke in any way ought to react 011 the hearts pf the kuockers, for there are men all over the county who kuow him and can vouch for him, and these men are in a pos ition toTefute the iuuendos 'and misripreseji'tatibhs of the mis- gim vo sition. fCJJJM iMv'TpLCTT1 Tlte Defalocrftti havfc all ttU- tliarictl officer scouring the cotm ty tvith a notorial &eal under his arm, to register Democratic voters and leave Republicans but. This is good politics, but it is also a hunch to Republicans t!iat they should boar the same matter in . - . .. .. t.. nu. uuiy to unya remain ... h'dt to agister, and every Re- publican voter should take enough interest in his duties, as such, to take whatevqr trouble is neces sary to fit himself for voting at the Tune riud November elections. Don't neglect it. A COMPARISON There is a noticeable difterenco bo tweeu tho comluct ol n great man and ono of small caliber; tho foreman is chamctcriztsi by a doflnito and consistent lino of work whllo tho latter ilounddrfl around aud kicks about whatomo other pcrton is doing, and never has anything worth BpeukluR about to off or from his own brain. Tho foiWr is n bnlldar.nud ho works along tho side of othura in a peaceful and honorable manner, desiring to tee tho beat pleco ol work honored with tho wreath, tho latter seldom has anything orlgiuol but is always brlng Ingjon tho IruilH of honest industry and alms to foment discord and clofalo himeolf by destructive methods. There- aro seventeen clauses in the Democratic national platform of 1000, and tun of thojo cl&uses were protect abonl what tho Republican party had dono or was about to do. Hero wo see tho email man standing out beefing fbout what tho Republican party Is doing, Jn ploco ot presenting tho public with a manly platform of his own original conception. Thore were aUo seventeen clauses in tho Republican national piriform ol 1000. The first thrco causes nre tho only ones which make any montlon of the Domocratlc parly, and those re marks aro on historical lines and aro freofrom bitter denunciations. Notlcotho great dlfleronco betwocn tho two politbalparties. Tho Ropubli. can party conscious ol tho Banity ol Its own doctrines and patiently relying on tho intolllgonco of tho American peophi for support, proionts its platform in a manly manner. Tho Democratic party wants to sco what tho Republican party Ib going to do so thoy can havo tho opportunity to denounce, condemn etc. Ono of the achievements ol tho oto legislature ol Maryland wao cutting down tho hill of 0 washerwoman mote than one-half bolore paying it. Cloanll ness la two near to godliness for a Domocratlc legislature to havo much sympathy with it. Circuit Court Docket Tho following cases wero continued : M70V .7 S Hyde vs J P Max ton, par- titlon, D L WatBon for plt'f, 1523-lCatherino West to A I) Morae, OflBlgnment, J M Upton for plt'f. 17G0-J R Iluut to Geo P Topping, as- fiigntnont. 173?-T J .Stillwl to A D Morso, at Bienment J M Upton for plt't. 2032Margarot Kardell vb E W Kardell partition, Hall & Hall for dl't. 2011 Jullon Rlriguo ve Oregon Coal ft Navigation Co, M Henri Labbo, E B Watson and A J Sherwood for plt'f J W Bennett and J B Coko for df't. 2123 -Win Ward vs Pacific Furnlturo ft Lumber Co, action, Sperry ft Chaeo for plt'f, J W Bennett for dl't. 2120 E O Atkln Co, vs Pacific, Furni ture Company, action, A J Sherwood for plt'f, W Sinclair (or d('t. 2148 W T Culborteon vs Prosper Mill Co action on appeal fl D PuKord for 2160 Emerson Ferry vs Hillls Short ot all suit J W Bennott and J M Upton for plt'f. 201811 Lockbart vs II Bsnstackon, suit in equity, J B Coke arid J'W Ben nett forYplt'f, E B Seabrook for df't. boutintiW Tho following caoo against tho Coos Hoy Mill and Lumber Co. wiro stayed by bankruptcy ol dulonllantt 21011 John U Anderson vs Coos liny Mill .t. T.itntli,r do., notion. Hall .V Hall for, plt'f J W UonnoU lor tll'l a 107 Flanagan & llonnett Rank vs Gnos Hay Mill A 1 umber Co; action, JJon- nott Bwanton for plt'f, aiOS-Flanauan A Uohnott Dahk Vs Coos Ray Mill A Lumbor Oo, action, Hon- nott Bwanton (or pit's. 2100 Frieda llngelstullt vs Coos Ray AIII1 A Lumber Co, notion, llnll A Hall for plt'f, J W llonnott lor dl't. 2110 Roy Rosollo vs Coos lby Mill & Lumbor Co, action, Ilftll ft Hall for plt'f, J W llonnott for'dl't. 31 U Coos Hay leo & Cold Storage Co, vsCosillnv Mill & Lumbor Uo, ac tion, J S Cokn for plt'f, J W llonnott for dl't. 2112-J l 1-erloy vs Cojb,Uav Mill A Lumber Co, actlou, J B Coke lor plt'f, J W llonnott (ur dl't. 2113-J S Coke vs Coos Hay Mill Lumbor Co, action, Coko Farrln for l.lt'f. J W llonnott for dl't. 21 It-Leon Wand vs Cooa Ray Mill 2110-F H Dow vs Coos Hay Mill Lumber Co, action; J B Cok'u (or plt'f, J W llunuett for dl't. In tho cases below tho outriu aro as Indicated: 1032 -John Snyder va Luclon Glnsc, nctlon A K Seatuan for plt'l. J F Hall for dl't. Contluuod lor service, 200U-H T Scliweurs vs Sarah Watson, partition, Bporry ft Chaso (or p t'l A J Sherwood and J W llonnott (or dl't. taken tinder advisement. 2078-Dorn Hermann vs()x 1 Hofcomb ot al, suit in equity- (or continuation, Hall ft Hall (or plt'l. Bale confirm od. 20A2 A W N'cal vs Oraco Neal, dlvorco, J S Coko lor plt'f. W U Douglas lor pl't. Hut tied. nnd diainlsjud. 2033 A A Wcrloy va Cooj Hay Land Co nctioa at law (or confirmation, W U Douiclaslor pl't. Halo confirmed. 2000 J Danloy lludd vs Steplnin Galllor and W R Andrews, suit in equity, John T Long for plt'f F W (Jcnnon aud J W Bennett for di'r.-iUndor ad vleement. 2001 F W Wognor, treas Pool Co ve Great Central Land Co? action at law for confirmation, McKnlght A Beabrooko for .plt'l. Sale confirmed. 2102 D W Small vs Empire Construe- tlon Co, action at law (or confirma tion, McKnlght ft Beabrook for plt'l. Halo confirmed. 2007 U II Banning vs C fl A Romand er, action. Bporry ft I'hasa for plt'f, A J Sherwood for dl't. Judgement (or plaintiff (or ?!I2 and coats. 2008 C J Briuchu vs M Rosenborg, ac tion. J B Coko lor plt'l, E R Seabrook (ord('t. Judgement for plaintiff tW and costs. 2000 A J Khorwood, admr, vs E Dyor, action, A J Bhorwood lor plt'l, (I P Topping (or dl't. Settled nud dla miscod. 2KK1 F A Lolso vs Pacific Furnlturo Co, action, J 8 Coko lor plt'l. Settled and dismissed, 2101 Maud Mosttrs vs Elijah J Mast ers, dlvorco, J W Bonnott for plt'f O F MoKnlght (or dl't. Referred to rolorco. 2105 Aason Bros vs Pacific Fuinlturo ft Lumber Co. action. A J Sherwood for plt'f, J W Bonnett and J 8 Coko for dl't. Bottled and dlemlcsed. 2117 T J Razor vs II Senstackon, suit, J A Uuckhanan for plt'f. Dccrco (01 Plaintiff. Z118-HIReoBovs Coos Bay Mill Co, suit, J S Coko ft E L O Farrln for plt'f, J W Bennett for dl't. Docreo for plaintiff (or $1078.31 and costs. 2110 M R Leo vs S J ft Annlo Huff, ac tion, LA Roberta lor plt'f. Soltled anddlBinlflsed. 2120 Geo Boaln vs Cooa Bay Mill ft Lumbor Co, Hall ft Unit lor plt'f. Continued for Borvico.. 2121 Matt Lanfllla va Maria Lafmlla, dlvorco, Hall ft Hall for plt'f, Refer red to reforeo. 2122 ML Martin vs Clara P Martin, dlvorco, A J Shorwood for pll'I. De cree for plaintiff. 2121 Flora Waltormlor vs John Waller mler.sult, J A Buchanan (or plt'f. A J Sherwood , for dl't. Undor advise ment. 2125 Simpson Lumbni Oo, va Bargo No 2, action, W U Douglas. Settled aud dicmieBcd. 212(1 Kendall vs J L Krononborg, ac tion, McKnlght ft Saabrook for plt'f, A J Bhorwood for df't. Judgement "for deft. 2l$7rVftclilo Metal Works vs II S Krlbs, J action,, BpOrry A Chase for pit'. Dis- mlev&L .umber uo, ncuon, a j on iwoo. tij r union vs I'.tcltlo Furnlturo b.onch for plt'f. .1 llaiinottfor df't. , b , u A mmn w 21 n-Johi. 8 Coko vs Coos Ray Mil A u.( w 8,icnr ff)r ,.t.Jm,Kmonl Lumber Co. sctlon, J S Coko for j-lt'l, .,, fJm n(jd 4 iiennoti lur ui , -V 11V 11. lb .Iflt 2128-W E Raines vs Murshllold City.' injunction, MoKnlght A Hnabrook for plt'f, E L O Farrln lor dl't, Demur rer to complaint urgiunl and taken un der advlsemout. SliKMleoM Hltfl vs J II Bchromlor, adtnr, enlt, W Sinclair lor plt'f. Ju'dgmunl (or plt'f. UUII.1 L White vs Coos Ray Mnrblo A Btono Co, Motion, J B Coko aud E L O Farrln fdr plt'f, Dismissal, 2132-Etta Amlrim vs (luy Amlrtmr, divorce, J W UonnoU fur plt'f.-Ro- frrcd to roleroo. 2t;i:-R J Coko vs Pacillo Fnriiluira A Lumbor Co. notion, Bpotry & Chaso for plt'f. Dismissed 2131 Alice Kruio vs W B Chandlut, rec, notion, MolCnlght A Soabrook for plt'f. .1 B Coko and A J Sherwood (or dl't, Non-Knit grnntod. 2i:i(.-Auna Will ft va (1 W Canning, foreclosure, .1 V Ihuiuott for plt'f. Judgment (or plt'f. 213(1 Edw Blmlnwald va Ilebry Kylo. nutlou. L A Roberts fur plt'f, Judg ment (or plt'f, $12i0 and costs. 2137 (1 until lt Lyon va Chav Lyon, di vorco, Hall ft Hull lor plt'f. Dccroo for dlvorco. 2130-Mory McNamara vs W B Chand ler, rec. action, McKnlght ft Seabrook lor plt'f, A J Bhorwood lor dl't. Judgment (or plt'f, t2DO and rqsts. 2 HO LJ Blmpnon vs Great Central Lund Co, ot ul, suit, W U Douglaa for plt'f. Decren (or plt'f. 2111 Groat Central Land Co vs John KKollock.sultJ M Upton (or plt'f, McKnlght A Hnabrook for df't. Re ferred to rofereo. 2112 Altlo A Oardiuor va Chas Buodden action McKnlght A Beabiook lor plt'l Hall & ilall (or dl't. .lodgment lor plt'f. (M OO nud costs, 2113 Frank Boutin Jr vs Snoel Krotky, it nl, suit J W llenuett (or plt'f. De cree (or plt'f. 21 1 1 Isaac Lovlngston vs M Rosen beri; ot ah suit A J Sherwood (or plt'f, J W Bennett (ordcl't Decree (or plt'f. 2H5-T II Mollis Co vit II U Krlbs, action Sperry ft Chare (or plt'f. Judgment for plt'f. 2115 Nnncy A Geo vs J II Taylor action J ii Upton for plt'f. Judgment for plt'f,! 103 35 and costs. 211511 E Bhlmivo-WO Vl.llnms, suit A J Sherwood lor plt'f, Dccrco lor Plt'l. g... -Male II Mlnot vs T B Mlnot dl vorco W U Douglas for plt't. Decrco for plt'f. 2150 Emerson Furroy vi illllls Mhortot nl. suit, J W Bunnell and J M Upton for plt'f. Decrvu for plt'l. 161 Thos McUlnnis vj Cwy Hay Pack ing Co, foreolomiro, J W llonnett (or nlt'L Dccruofor nlt'f. 2162 -Win Cox vs 11 Short, action at law, Ilall A Hall (or pll'f-Judgo-menlfor nlt'f $350 and coats. 2163 Anna Cornelius vh Tlinmas Cor uellus, nut (or divorce, W Sinclair for tilt'f. Dlsmiiscd. 2161 (J Ledgerwood vs John Langlols, action nt law, nail llnll lor plt'l. A J Sherwood, lor dl't. -Judgomeut (or ill't. 2166-0 II Codding vs Holt Lino Rail way Co, action, J B Coke for plt'f. Judgement (or plt'f, 9 1 302 .(ft and coats. 2160-R C Lyons vs O O Gllkey, nclon, W Sinclair (or plt'f. Judgomont for plt'l, $160. 2167 John S Coko Jr vs W M Whllo, ot nl, hiilt, J B Coke, McKnlght A Sea brook (or plt'f. Decree (or plt'f. 2168 Emma M Lyonn, - ot nl, vs W T Kerr, ot al, (qroclwjnre, .1 W Bennott (or plt'l, I. A Roberts lor dl't. Con' tinned (or Gurvic?. 2150 N P Potorson vs CoDb County, writ of review, S U PuKord for plt'f. Undor ndvBnmunt. 2K0 Mary Flunagau vb Mary Floroncii Mullen, suit in equity, A J Sherwood for plt'f.- - Rofnrrud to roturoo. 2KI1-R II Rosa vs Eliza Rnlcu and J (I Ilolcu, foreclosure, J M Upton for df't. Decree for plt'f. A. D. Williams, ronrosfliitliicr tint Smith Premier Typowrltor Company U In Marlillel(l looking tutor business for hia houBQ today. -41t 91, Tlic Mystery Explained Our ostoomed contemporary down tho1 creek says: "On tho laet Alliance, for Instance, thero was received for nil tho points on Cooa bay, 330 of which 161 tons woro for North Bond and 170 tons for all other points. Thorowas 80 tons of this for Coquille, and taking this from tbo 170 tons will .loava 72 tons more hero than tho other points on Copdbay combined." Wo avo long wondered bow tho editor of that 'paper everhapponed to ge a,, nominatiorj f6f icu'ool iupe'rlqlendent at his former, home, The mystery is cleared up no 1 it iTas bis strength la mathornatlcSi 1