,vf Wtf Mf tin'. .V.iin'iilfiHt ; . ,? - r . 1- , . ,... i iT V-Sat Jtii iM- A jn .1 SOCIALISTS ..-, -DISCUSSING ': METHODS .Chicago, May 15 Tho morning noenlott o( llio Socialist National Conventlpn was duvolud to dlsousuloii no to tho inotlioil of adopting tliu proposed plat form, by elauno or no n wholo, It was i 4 iiuspoolod thnt n "Rider" might bo in sorted, o .I. LOST HIS MONEY THEN SUICIDED Portland. Oan: May S II. W. flowall, ono of tlio widest known advertising specialists on tho I'nclllo count, lor years advertising man of varioun larga raatotn department stores, suicided this tnorning by moans of gns. Klna'nclal reverses wore tho cause. Ho luft a notjMijIiiK that Iiu had lost this hit o( many thousand o( dollars unil llng beyond Iioki of recovory,' and ho bo I loved lliu gamblots should pay lor hi funeral. We Risk It Druggists Who Sell Dr. Miles' Nervine Agree, If It Fails, To Refund Cost. Of coumo tyo rclmhurso tho druwKUt. You know Mm, find trust liltn. Dr. Miles Ncrvlno la racdlclno for your nerves, ' It curca dlstasta of the Internal or (pns, by Rlvlnir tono to tlio ncrvea whlcH .Inuko thcao organs work. .. It la a novel theory not of anatomy, (nut of trcntmant: first dlacovarcd by a)r. Miles, nnd slnco mndo uoo of by innny wldo-awako phrslcl.ina, who ap (proclate Ifa vnluo In treating tho alck. If you nro alck. vro offer you a way to bo inado well Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno. , This mtdlalno la a sclontMo euro for Siorvo disorders, audi na Nouralsla, 'lloadach, Lou.i of Memory. fllovple V, Unasmit, Ilnckncho, Ht. Vitus' Dance, Upllopay or Ills, Norvoun rros itmtlon, etc. Ily tonlne up tho nerves, Dr. MlleV tcstoratlvo Ncrvlno will iilno euro thoso diseases of tho Internal organs duo to u disordered Mcrvoua ayatcm. Bo mo of thcau tirui Indigestion, Till' lous Hcntlncho, KMnoy Trouble Chrunlo Constipation, Dropsy. Catarrh, lthcums ttsm, etc "My brother liail nervouit prostration, nnd was not fxpectcd to llvo. I pro ivnllfil upon blin to try Dr. Mile' Jlcntorntlvo Nervine, nnd now ho tmu fully roeovorrd. You remember 1 wroto ; ou how It nuved my llfo n, tow yenro two. when 1 htul ncnoun trouble. I prenrh tin merit to ovarynno.' ltKV. fa. V. MYK HH. Corrcctlonvillf. Iowa. 1? T TT"'V7rlto u nnd wo will tnnll X XVjJU y0u n ).-rpo Trial lhickaxn of Or. Miles' Antl.Paln Pills, tho Now, tSclentuto Iletnvdy for Pain, .Also flymp' to om Dlank for our Hncclullst todlnKiioxo your cniw nnd tll you what I a wrnnit nnd how to right ft otn nd lO riglll II. Ainnimi'iy rrr, Dlt. MILKH MHDICAIi. CO.. Ailil L-VUOltATVUlCa, kililna: nil. AIIL.I-: ULIUX.UIT, IfiUt ... Wlill Flanagan & Bennett Bank JHKKCTOIIS: T. It.Sliorl ilun.J. W.Jlennoli; VMM. : ituil . H. KlnniiKim, VIOB lJ?KH. : It. F. Wllllniiw, OA61UKII. Capital, $50,000. MARSHFIELD, 0RE06N Qaajli iaaa IIIIV.ll'C BkZX. J. fc.JtEjalaJs Our Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods, Mailed Free to tho ADVERTISING MAN of nay responsible house. i MMi M ; JAPANESE WIN SUNDAY ESCAPED ANIMALS' RECAPTURED Truckoo, Crtl., May 2 AH tho animal! that cooapod fiom tlio Nprrls nnd Itovto circus train ni'dr lumtnlt ycotvrday ImVo been rccaplurod. Tlio Mgor wan Inkon after a lon chaao. It was thought for a'wlillo that it would bo noceniary to 1:111 tho beast, but tho clr cur liandfl tuccucdod in driving him inlo n caiio. REVERSED -BY SUPREME COURT f; Ohio Judge Erred in Chinese Cases Waililnulon, May 2 Tho Bupremo Oourttody deciacd that Judgo Wing, of tho northern district of Ohio, was In orror 'alien, attor otduririf; tho dlecharfto of a number of Ohlneio ordered doport cd by tho commissioner, ho rolutcd to allow n bill of exceptions to bo filed by tho United Htatos district Attorney. O ' Coat of Hd HilMtlH. At n Rood roatbi convention recently Joaeph II, IlrlKlmm, II rat nbslstnnt aec rctary of HKricuIturo, apoke In furor of imtlonol aid from tho fanner' wtnnd point, which vould be uecnrbJ by cdu cullui; tho ptoplo up to dcmnudlnf: It nt tho linndK of toiiktwh, Of tho coot of bad roada ho aald: "I rvgrct tlio tax that la Impoacd uioii nil our clttzona by bad rondrt aa tho moat oucrouR nnd uhc leaa of tnxca, niitl Ujo way to Kot rid of that tax la to mnko hotter rondo. That will coat money, but It will pay. Wo ennnot afford with tlio other Improve ment! that nro belnn mndo In this country of ount to continue longer to drng our litodlca thruURh tlio uudls turbed mud wo llnd at ccrtnln aeaaoiiH of tho year In tbeso great, rich nurlcul ftiral states." ooncruflionB muat bo mnacullnc, Judg- ln from tho way awomoti Jump nt them. I 1 tJnttnaTrercd. Ilnrry'a mother had found It ncce tuiry to puulNh him by, whipping him thorouRhly. Ula nhrleks brouj;lit the ready teura to hla motber'a eyes, nnd alio Informed, him that It hurt hoc juut da much na It did him. 'Well," ho mmiuikih! to aay, "wbut'a tho use of making us both foul had ,-thour' l'Utlnu. "I beff your pnrdoni doctor," Bold tlio lonat maalor nfter tho dinner wua over, "for lntroduclut. you lundvortently na Vrofoaaor.' " "Thnfa nil rlBh.t," replied tho priii clpal ap9,nJ0T of tlw occoalon. "Tho' IIU9 flta mu hottor tbny 'jjoctfy' does, I profosa to bo n doctor, but I got uilghty Utlo practice.' THE STEAMER ARCATA. ir, 0. NHLttOX, 3Uitct, Will It! a Ifn llouiilnr Trli -DETWEEN- ooos ba.y AND SAN ' FRANCISCO -OAliltYlNG PASSENGERS. tAND FREIGHT!!! AT -LOWEST' rUTpS. Orogon Qoal 6 Navigation Co,, , , f -if.' .'. pWtOH., 1 I w l rf"- - F.S.DOV, AgontN, Marshfletd, OregohN S.0, 00, Agect, Umpire Oity, Oregon RUSSIANS ARE . BADLY WHIPPED Troops Retreat in Much Disorder LEAVING ARMS AND . AMMUNITION BEHIND town of Antung, Burned by Retreating Russians-Valuable Plans- Sold by Traitor Warship Ashore Yalu Victory Comrjjoto London, May 2 Tho Central News Sooul correspondent wires that tho Jap ancso victory on the Vain Sunday was most comploto, tho Itustian lines be tag'thrown into contusion and retiring In z disorderly msnnsr. Kuroki's Report London, May 8 Japanuse Minister Ilayashi this morning issued a later re- port, by General Kuroki, regarding tho Valu fight. It Is dated Kiulcng Cheng, Manchuria, northeast of Antung, and roads "We advanced on May 1st along thrco roads, driving tho enemy before us. At eight p. in., wo captured the lino from Antung Slen to Uusheuko. Tho Imperial guards eurronnded tho enemy on thrco aldea, and after sovero fighting, wo captured tho gtons, besides tho horses and carriages. Tho Gonoral ltoserva corps) advancing along tho Llaon Tang road, taw the enemy fleeing towarda t'enuhuang Ohoni;. Tho booty captured includes a large quautity of anus and ammunitions. A captured oflloir saya tho commanders o bo Ji army dllfliona wero mounted." BurHfng of Antung Con. firmed London, JMry 2 Tho Jupanow mln later today la sued ,11 report from tho Wi HI!" H-fr-H-H-H' I HI I I I I OUR OCEAN VIEWl I Addition to IS NOW ON THE MARKET- Lots Ave Selling FROM $25,00 UP ' ; f The 'most desirable residence property-ori I CnmtRav. An oDttortunity.for a safe in- " VMtmontni short' ,, . w.,...w.. .- .-- thatcyou can't attora ". for i.Tnation see v J jLsi ff T hetaarshfifeid reipresenttiye of- Ht h mi mWi ii 1 1 mi Av 'It' captain of tho gunboat Maya, wjiich acled In conjunction with tho land for ces of tho Japanese in Sotoday'a attack on tho Russian line on the Yalu river. It' confirmed In a degroo Ibe report that tho Russians had burned Antung. "A detachment comprising Maya, UJl and eomo torpedo boats ascended 'file Yalu and bombarded the enemy, silencing the enemy's artillery fire after thirty minutes severe engagement. All returned to .Yong Ampho. No casua lties. "Our armed lauricheseached the An tung tho eamo morning and repuleeJ the enemy's infantry artillery after thirty minutes of sharp fighting. "Fire was seen rising from tho towtj, and a nativo said tho onomy fled after eottiug thn place on fire." Battleship .Orel Aground St. rotcrsburg, May 2-Tho now Hat- tleship Orel ran aground on a sand bank In Nova, and it is 'eared there will he difficulty in refloating her. Traitors at Work Br. Petorsburg, May' 2 It is rumored hat tho Rusalan plana of mobilization havoVeh sold through Warsaw treae ury ofllciale. Now plans accordingly haVo been laid. I I I I I I I ' 1-CTVTTTTiril-- North Bend f money and a chance . i- x..ii : to miss, rur mu m ILLIAMS 1 1 1 1 1'rrati i mi i fc i M i i hT BATTLE BEAUTIFUL i WEATHER FOR .FAIR St. Loolr, May . 2 Beautiful wealher conlinuer, and the throng on tho Fair ground Increase, in tize today. 1 he state buildings of Pennsylvania, Mfrlil- gan and Ohio, were dedicated today. TYNER AND HARRISON ON TRIAL Washington, May 2 James Tyner and Harrison Barrett wero placet on trial today in the postofllco cases. Tyner was assistant postmaster general of the poatofllce department and Barrett t was his law clerk. On account of tho illneW of Tyner, counsel said it would be impocsible to bring him into court until aiternoon. Delegates Delayed by Strike Los Angeles. May 2 First Methodist conference delegates, who are coming on specialp. will not arrive until lato Mon day, being delayed by tho atrike. SANTA FE STRIKE 18 CALLED BBjaBJBJlBMBBBBajBJBBjajBjtBJBiBBaBiiajBB Fight Will be Long and Bitter Labor , Sit uation in Other Lines Washington, May 2-A general strike . Topeka, May 2-Geheral Manage of machisUts on the SanU i'e system Mudge said today that the lock-oat of has been ordered by President 'O'Con- machinists was for the purpose of gh uell, of the International Association, ing tho men time to think oer tho litn niinB ffprt t nln?. o'clock western atlon.aml to prevent dau.sye u tla time, 'this morning. This will effect 'six thousand members, and may result in bringing out boiler makors, Black smiths and core workers in eymathy. Washington, May 2 Forec:sting the p.-ohablo extent ot the strike, O'Counell said that fifteen thourand men will I'e nffecleJ. The Allied Metal Workers are oxpected to 'ipM work. Theio. is no prospect that tlie tjransFort61" dc partmentwlll be crippled -at .present. Third Vice President Kendrlck.has - prepsod a determination to 'fight the strike to a finish. Topeka Kans May 's-Elght hundred employes in tho Santa Fc Elmpa here ere lopked '.out this moxulng when tlwy reported for work, A high Inco encloies tho plant. Tho men were taken greatly by Burprlso. Chtcaeo, May 2.T-V!to -president .Wil son of the mechanics pays that a tactlul polloy on the part of tho company would have averted the etriko, which wllnow bo a Jong and bitter one. He lejloveq that tho niiiliaUid unions will taio a hand, When exiya& to Tho air c'ornmcnl becomea heavy nnd eoggj', conBCiuont ly 8lKuldil ground Juat Jiofovo food- vlng. It la "woll tq mix meal "witu nraii terM Corw nil:9ob'ealvli8,ftulto st Jactojy'for dairy coefiTWe the ex- FIERCE HAIL i , , SJQRM,AT. " FO'RT WORTH 4. 1'ort Worth, Tex. iMay 2The worst hall ttorni that has ocenrred swept tl Is and adjoining bounties last evenliiv;, the crops and" fruit being rofued'. Hall flva inches in diameter crushed through the roof 0! house and trees were uprooted, No lives are reported lost, although much stock: was killed. Grigsbfs Resignation - Washington, May 2 Tb resignation of Molvcn Grigsby. pnlted Statsa At torney for the Nome district of Alaska has been accepted by the president There is intimation as to his successor Attorney General Knox a year age recommended Grigsby's dismissal for leaving hlB poit withoat permission. i'i ! ) ' Plans for Capitol Extmslnd Washington, May 2 A Joint commis sion by the Senata end tho House .at A meeting todav ihcidoi to adopt the Walter pinna of a G5 foot fxtension to the east front 0? the cap'.tol. Sbe ICacir the Reason. ( At th dinner tnblo one evening som ono remarked that n certain lady Lad a. thin, falsetto voice. Little Mnlsle waa acaunlnted wltli the person roforrod to, and alio cried put abruptly: "Oil, I know wliy! Because ntie'o got n fnVc sot of ti'ctlii" y shops. "lie icli this nlteinoau he would a'eet the employes here and ecb whether they wanted to return to work. JS'owlon, Kansas May 2Oue huLdred andfilty haachlnidta were locked bat 'this morning at the Santa Fe shops and nobody is allowed on the railroad prtp erty. Ottawa, Mey 2-Bttecn t'na hun and 2 hundred Santa. Fe men are ont here. , Chicago, May 2 Strikes hore are comparatively unimportant, consisting 'of eevcntoen hundred picture Iran.e workers, four thousand hcot and shv e workers and five huudre'd bakers.' New York, May 2-hh the- ffscq tionoIaBtrikooIDCOO wafon and cir riagd makers, tho May Day labor fllut tlonlnGotlam Is one tff peace this Borstqn, May2Th.:ioc.ro no wnqpa dhtu.-bancqajn New,Engtind;J.aiMl at in uisny yecra h-i? the labor siiuaton boon co peaceful.. AU So Cey. 'While no one would opwdV.wbrk For mch a diWtfui Vf). ., ' Boroe oaa dMt be vW WfrnUmt, he vho w&MWS9r ti MMWt wow w,ff f4- - o HI : A 1 M i 'i' V5 -1 1 ff iU --