Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, May 07, 1904, Image 2

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    fr W -Vl-fa-yP-fr
- t
.personal' apcl
(From Friday's. Dally.)
(The Cmliia arrived today,
i ' s i i1"
By ,' the "way, Murk Detrceee got out
again, s'
J. II. Taylor wentito'Coquillo on bus!
new today.
Tito AllUnce had 200
or North Bend.
tins of frolclit
Capt Tom .Holland
Czarina oday,
arrived on tho
Howards',b.untnoter roietercd
at 11 a in tod a.'.
The now warchouso was
for tho 11 ret time.
D. Johnson tho Myrtle Point meat
packer was In town today.
Mrs. Mnmio Noah returned from a J
protracted visit in Portland.
Mrs. K. 0. Raymond, of Daniels crock
was in town today chopping,
Eliia Smith arrived on
the Alliance
Mr, Smith is in Uio best of health,
Mr. and Mrs. J. I.', Hibbard of
milo aro in town viaitinj; relative?.
H. Senstacken went to Goqni.'lo tpday
on business beforo the circuit court.
P. L. Phelanof Myrtio Point was
town today renewing old acquaintances
VA Gallier was nn Coos river yeatcr? '
day-ervingpaperannd returned today
(o Coquille. n
J. W. Flanacan and the ecnial
manager ffl'r tho IJoyal Tallori went to
Empire on basinets.-
Tho Tenciile creamery shipped a
large quantity of butter from North
Bend on the Alliance ..
C. E .Nichohan-lias noved intothe
Teiidcnco" widen has' been p:epared Tor
him in North Merehfltld.
Ir. and Mrs. Cliae.,Salandtr return
cd to their homo ka(tcr a week'a visit
with friends In Marehfield',
A camp of the Modern Woodraon of
America wus organized in North Bend
last evening, with a l&rgo charter list.
Mr. and Mre. A. II. Newell
decn Washington arrived on
ance. Tiie family will epond
mer on Coos Bay.
Andy Nieleon returned from Australia
pn tho Barkontino Chehalis. He re
turned on the Alliance from Portland
hiB morning, ;
J. II. Anderson rot;, his foot badly
hn't yuaterdVy afternoon bv a heavy
timber droppii.g upon it while ho wa.8 at
work in tho Portor mill.
The tteamcr which was engaged on
Teumile has been chungoj to a gasoline
and is cow doing the-rrork lor tho Ten
mile creamery,
Will Strang, tht boy I took from tho
Co. poorfarm oight years auo has left
my house without provocation Apr. 0
andl am no longer reaponelbln for any act
of hie or any debts he may contract.
E. J. Cowelt 4-9-5t
Dan Keating has resigned his position
CBsalieman with Chae. George, tho dry meat market building today to tho cor
goods merchant, which will he filled by ner which was formerly occupied by
0. E. Williams. Abol'e cigar factory.
I). B. Keating and daughter, Mrs- A.
L. Lcrko, of Boston, leave on llio Alli
ance for San Francisco' whence Mr.
Ldcko will slatifor the east. Mr. Keat
ing will visit Iriotula niul relatives In
Sn Kraticlrco some time before) I tun
Tho Marsh field Band lias accepted an
invitation to accompany tho North
Betid Band on tlie Mayday excursion to
bo given hy tho latter next Sunday.
Tho baseball gamo will bo played by tho
samo two teams that met on tho North
Bend diamond last Sunday.
Tho mail arrived at 5:45 thU morn
inc. and folks were eutpriscd to fiud
their mail tn their boxes on coining
down town. This is as well na auy ono
could with it to be, nud it is understood
that it will bo a regular thing hereafter,
which will bo mish'ily ploasiug to us
Mado Young Again
"One of Dr. King's Now Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put rao in
ray 'teens' again" writes D. II. Turner
ot'Dempeoy town, Pa.. They're tho best
tn thn trnrlil fnr T irnr. Slnmuch unit
Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never
Only 25c at John Preuss Dreg
C. A. Rohrabacher; : tho insuranco
agent, has returned from a couple of
month's absence, during which he visit
ed Washington and fckmthern Oregon.
He reports good times in tho sections
visited, productu bringinc n good prico,
and considerable real cetnto changing
hands, from thd iotlox of immigration.
A N W Club Pays Bills
The ATtistlc Needle Workers' club mot
yostemay niternoon ai mo nome oi mtb.
F. P. Norton. Tho regular business of
c'aD w" transacted and the im-
proromenta at present being made on
the school grounds in tho way of put
ting onttlower beds and thadotreea,wero
paid for to the amount of $34.10. this
beinc the proceeds from the two ''after
noons" recently given by the ladiea of
tho club. The noxt meeting will bo
with Mrs. T. S. Minot,
(Froni Saturday's Dally.)
The Alliance sailed at 11 a. m. today.
The Crsrina ealled at 12 o.clcck today.
Howard's barometer
today at 11 o'clock.
registered 30.05,
Tho Areata will sail from Sau Fran
cjeco at 10 a. m. next Tuesday.
Frank Vincamp of Allegany moved, to
North Bend today and will open n board
ing house.
Miss Maggie Murphy .tho sphool
teacher of Allegany la visiting friends in
town today.
Fred tfoah'e logging camp shut down
yesterday and most of the men parao to
town toduy.
happer's Lodging fccamp has . shut
do-vh fur uu indefinite )Wiod anil many
of the loggers came down today,
Tho government snag puller is hard at
work near Allegany and clearing the
river of aomo bad obstructions.
J, II. Grills has taken the ngoncy for
the celebrated Iver Johnson bicyclo and
will carry a stock of theeo wheele,
Tho Mail is in receipt ol a communi
cation "To the Town," but.would havo
j to know whero it'eomea from beforo us
ing it.
Noble Brothers started to raovo their
a pleasant, potent,- and permanent Invigorator for WOMEN,
' -- .
' ' -' "' '-
A. D. Williams, of Portlcm?rVepre
sontlntf tho 8mlth Promler Typewriter
Co.,camoln on tho Alllnnco and will
visit tho dilTorout towhs of tho county,
taking orders for that mnchluo, which
is one of tho best.
Row H. T. Murray tho now paslor of
tho Marshtleld Presbyterian church
arrived from Santa Harbarn today. Mr,
Murnv will conduct the sotvlco tomor
fowove'nlntr.iMr. Waller of jforth.Beml
preaching In tho mornlug.
Ju duo Potter, of Eugene, who will bo
elected judge of this district on tho Re
publican ticKet In Juno, camo ever from
tho Cequlllo yestordAy and is making
acquaintances in town this afternoon.
JJicnlc Postponed ' f
On account of threatening weather,
tho Mayday picnic which tho North
Bend band was to give tomorrow nt
Euegrln's gtovo la beon postponed.
This will not in torforo with tho concert
at North Bend this evening,
Nearly Completed
Tho contract for putting slack on
First street is fait being comploied,
Mr. Ilcisnor expects to bo through with
the work by the middle of next week.
Tho Job includes about four blocks
street which our town can bo proud
so far ns tho perma'neucy goes.
0. L. Williams, who has beon lu the
roal estato business hero as tho manager
of tho branch office of tho North Bend
Mercantile and Improvement Co., has
accepted tho position of City Kdltor on
iUioDaill Coast Mail. Mr. Williams
has had considerable experionco in tho
I nowspapor business, and will uio his
best effort to building up the Mail.
Thrown Overboard
While Frank Vincamp was moving
from Allogany to North Bend tacjay,
some miscreant pitched a sack overboard
which contained Mr. Vincamp's fellno.
Tho eack went to tho bottom of the river
nud when tho discovery was made.
qnito a disturbance wan mado and had
tho real perpetrator been discovered
there would probably have been a gen
eral riot. As it was there was consider
ahlo warm blood displayed.
Bridge 'Will Be Repaired
Second street bridge alongsido
Rood property is to Ixs repaired.
work will be done by tho day the board
not deeming it advisable to let a con
tract for tho tame. Now underpinning
will be put in and the bridgo repaired
eofllclent to make it last eeveral years,
when the work can be dono in a more
completo manner.
Burns' New Cannery and Schooner
Steam Schooner Almeda. is eoon ex
pected to reach Coos Bay. on her way
to tho Columbia river. This schooner is
tho property Of E. B. Burns, of tho
Gold Beach and is on her way to tho
Columbia for tho cannery plant which
will be installed nt Gold Beach. Th
schooner has heen tied up nt San Fran-
cieco owing to tho strike. Frank
Flyo has been engaged to suporintond
the cannery and saya tho now cannery
will. ho a fine plant ami-able to handle
an immonBO quantity of salmon. The
new company is composed of some the
largestflsh dealers on the coait.
Travel By Sea.
Arrivals by Alliance from Portland
April 20: For North Bend: Miss Von
zlie. Mre. Vanzllo, F. J. Duncan and
wife. Potor Houek, L. Raemuseon, 8, P.
Josponon, Cbas. Baer, B. Anderson, II.
Jacobeon, and 0 2nd class. For Marsh
field: A. N. Nowoll, Mrs. Newell, Mra.
M. Noah. Mra. J. E. Tanner, J. 15,
Htornlor wife and daughter. A. 15, Hinch,
Cbas. II, Lanhorn, Mlaa M. Boryee, V.
8. Brown, and wife. ,8udoo Salver
Mabel Kyle, B. W.Richards, John Wall
E. L. Bailey1, T. J. .McNomel, Ouetav
8nonenon, B. Seoley, MIbs E. Gaogor,
J. 8. Sperry, J. 8. Polhemns, 8. O,
Weeks, 0. 8, Bartholms, E. B. Scofield,
E. Smith, A. I). Williams, W. W. Redo
leigh and 4 2nd class.
Tho now onulno (or Unptntu Ilollnnd'e
now passenger laufeoh which is to carry
ptoschgere ou Coorllay, arrived on tho
Carina, It Is ono of tho "Hercules"
viiiiiei, wh'leh In considered as high
elnss pnglno'na Is mado any where, Tho
ungtao is a .10-horse power and l cspeo-
fnllr built for tlilfl noni. Air. nonanu
will toon launch hi boat wtion ho will
begin mnkltitf regular rum between
Mnrsbfleld nnd Empire stopping at nil
Coptnln Holland lias taken tho agency
for the Hercules Co., for both thu run
rino and stationary engines nud will he
in tho Hold to supply Uoos county with
Qulok Arrost
J. A. Qulledgo of Verbena, Ala., was
tuico In tho hospital from n Hcvoro cano
of piles causing '- l tumors. After doc
tori and all remedies fnllod, Buekleii'fl
Arnica Salvo iiuickly arrested furthor
iullatnmntiou and cured him. It con
quers aches and kills pain, 25c. at John
Preuss Druggist.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Mits Lena Wcsiola, teacher in tho
Kmplro school was a visitor in tho Coos
Bay .Metropolis Sunday.
A. 1). Pettyjohn has acoptcd tho pos
ition bs circulation agent (or thu North
Bond Publishing Company.
Wm. Murphy ol Gardinor arrived on
tho Bay last Saturday 'and is visiting
with his sistor, Mrs. Cal Bridges of Coca
river today.
Mrs. D. L. Rood in expected hero be
tween tho loth and 20lh of this mouth,
coming from Troadwell City, Alaska, to
spend her vacation here.
A meeting of tho high school Alumni
will be held this evonlng at the resi
dence of Dr. McCormnc, nnd coruinl
matters of importnnco aro to bo acted
Mm, Jas. Richmond, on whom an
operation was performed by Dr. Min-
gus, last week, is icportcxl still in n
satisfactory condition today.
Miss Grace DJoU who lias boon stop
ping in town for soma timo, was cal(ed
to her homo in Coqttillo city today on
account of tho serious illncjs of her
Fred Holllstor, of tho North Bend
Mercantile A Improvement Company of
North Bend was in Marahfleld
morning looking after the transfer
tract of Coos County property.
of a
J. A. Hinch, today purchased of fleo.
Rhoda of this city lots 4 and " in block
22 new North Bend, tho consideration
being $1000. Tho dead was transacted
through the North Bond . Mercantile &
Improvement company.
Tho Noble Bros, bought 200 fine mut
ton from Hermann Bros, on tho
f'oqulllo river last week. Thoy nro to
ho delivered in
Morebflold na uarly up
On account of n rush order for a ppec
ial shipmont of carrhigo cloth nnd flan
nel, the North Bend Woolen Mills ran
two hours l3t bight. The order 'was
lomplesed and packed for tho Em
pire which ealled today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. A. Rohrabacher will
go to Portland on tho next trip of tho
Alliance, and will epeud thn summer
traveling in tho East and middle West.
Thoy will visit tho St. Louis Exposition
and will return to Marshfleld to spend
noxt winter here.
Mr. KalkonHtion, assistant manager
for tho Simpson Lumber Company nt
North Bond, informs" "tlio MAiii that
about twenty houeca ore now under con
struction in tho new town, not including
tho manufacturing buildings, nnd that
the mills now havo ordera ahead for the
mo tor Jul for as many morn, which will
be turned out us r.6on ni possible.
Dr. G, A, HolmcB, of Lawrence, Knn
Bas, Is n vieitor on tho bay in soirch of n
location. The doctor U Just on hie iwny
back to Kiuioun niter an extended tour
of llla coast and oxprcbCCBhimecIf aa be
in? very favorably impressed with the
coaBt in general nnd with 'Coos Bay in
Particular, Ho may locato at North
"Mile North llonu WbYClintlle tfrid Im
proyoment Compnny of North Bond
liavo sold their branch ol)co In thin olty
to 0, h Williams, their former ropro
sontatlve, tho transfer being made today,
Mr. WllllamB, who lu now ennnged with
tho Mar, will employ rt man to look nf
tor his interests lu the ollloo, and 1-
thouah under a new firm nnma, thu
huilnets of uenornl real ostatii will be
uontlnued at the old stand on A struct.
A Startling Teat
To stvo a lllo, Dr. T. O. Merrill, ol
No, Mehoopany P'm mJu startling
tort resulting In a wonderful cure. lie
writes. "A patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages, out ml hy ulcera
tion of the ntomnch. 1 had often found
Electric Bittern excellent for ncuto
stomach and liver troubles so I proicrlh
ed them. Tho patient gained from tho
first, nud has not had an attack lu 1 1
months." Electric Blttors aro positively
uuaranteod for Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
t'onstlpallon and Kidney troubles, Try
them. Only Wc nt John Preuss,
Struck in the Face
0. P. Colomryj4, of Tcnmllo,
his faco to town for repairs.
Ho was
watching n ball game yesterday, when n
batsman lot his club go and It struck
Mr. Coleman n downward glnnclnghlow,
cutting n eaeh In IiIh upper lip nnd
knocking out two of his teeth, lb was
patched up by Dr. Mlngus.
New Addition to arshfichl
Whon Interviewed today, II. Seng
slacken Informed tho Mail correspond
ent that tho Seugotacken addition to
Marshfleld, now being plotted West of
Elm street, would bo ready for tho
market in about two weeks. Tills uddl
tion contains tomo very, dosiieblo real
de'nco propeity which Mr. Sengstackon
promires to put on the mnrkot nt rcat
ouablo figures and on easy terms.
Another Business Transfer
A.B.Campbell has sold his grocery
Store on tho corner of Front nnd Astreot
In this city to E. K. Sheldon, of Colfax,
Washington, Mr. Sheldon taking pos
session this morning. An official an
nouncement of the new firm will appear
Street Iniprovmcnts
Tho (own council has decided to im
prove G and Filth st. Tho street is to
be graded to the proper city grades and
work !s toon t begin. This will make
South .Marshfleld property on that
street more available and will consider
ably onhanco it in value.
Court Adjourns
Tho circuit Court adjourned
nt tho county seat this morning
oftcr a ton days aession. Tho following
criminal cases woro acted upon.
State vs Patrick Naglo, assault with n
dangerous weapon, lino flOO nnd cost
State vs Suckau, rape. Information
filed, bond fixed and case continued un
til next term.
A report of the civil docket will ap
pear tomorrow,
Base Ball Sunday .
Tho match gamo between tho Marsh
fleld nine and tho North Bend regulnri
puilod off on thu North Bend diamond
yesterday afternoon, loanlted In n rcore
of ft to 3 in favor of North Bend. About
200 people Vitnouod the pame nnd
while on ndmUsion fco wna charged, b
collection was takon to delrny expenses.
The collection amounted to $12 and was
divided by tho players.
False Report
Tiio rumor that wab afloat hero this
morning to thn effect that Abner Suck
an, of Bandon, had coufente vt mo
murder of Tom Drain which was com
mitted in f'003 county ten years ago, and
which waB charged to LaudiB, the multi-murderer,
is ontlroly without founda
tion. A telephone mossage from tho
shoriff stated that the truo circum
stances aro that tho elder Reckon was
simply re-arrested or retained on tho
rape cabo for which ho was before tho
grand jury In its rccotit eoaslon.
Moving Some
Tho old two story building which con
tninr.d the cigar factory on tho corner i
of Front and D dtreote hue been moved ;
to tho woet side of thu block and tho
Nohld HroH,, pre now moving their meat
market building onto thn lot whore tho
factory stood. The usual business
of each house was carrled-on during tho
movo. It is reported that n fine two
titory building is booh to be erected eii
tho lot vacated by tho Noble Brothoru,
ffi Firm
Having purdlfl'i
1). Campboll'it
J stock of groceries, hope to he favored
with ncontlmuijiceof thn trade of his
present patrons; aawe)l as that of others
1 Intend to carry groceries, frtilln, and
vegetable of tho very heat tor be had
alt goods will he guaranteed exactly, as
represented Special earo given to tele
phone ordera.
I' will ho pleased to extend 80 d.tyo
credit to those Justified lu receiving'
credit. Respectfully
filMIUl IU 15 IC, BllKLDON.
The New Coal Find to Be Developed
Sam Archie has taken tho contract to
fare up thu new coal vein recently dis
covered ou Mr, Hcugstackeii'e properly
on Cntohlng Slough Just opposite East
Mnmhlteld, There Is now a movement
on foot hy local capital to develop this
vein If found to bo ns It Is expected,
Mr. Songstnckcu Is hopeful that thn
now fiud will ultimately he valuable
mijting property. The favorable loca
'tinn and close proximity to n local
market and nearness to mtv luabhj water
will all tend to make cany calling for
getting thu product, to mnrkot.
Letter List
List of unclaimed lottert remaining In
the Marshfleld Pout Office, May 1st, II KM
Person i calling for tho same will plense
ray ndvertlecd and pay one cent for
each advertised letter called for.
Btatichitrd Joseph. Desoto Glm, Czar
oka Mr., Dales D I), Elk The, Glenn
George, Glover Mrs. Sarnh, Gaffy T, 2,
Glorvnuo P, (iocdrum W L, ", Harloy
Clins, Holden Tom, Jones T li, Koblar
Frank, I.tiuduulst Andrew, Mathesnu
Fred, Magrl P, McKny Doo. Murry J E,
Nyman Mrs, Neerlng John, Nelson Oltv
Orr George W, Paulln Miss Manda,
Ruwberg Mre K, Richards Walter,
Rooko Mra E, Slmi R, Terry Ocorgo,
Underwood J A, Woollcvor 0 M.
W B Cuiim, P M.
Allegany Items ;
Frank Barknsof Marshflold Is visiting
his uncle, Frank nud Will Vancsmp,
Grandma Vincamp is qulto poorly.
Henry Bioko was teen In Allegany
V. ...day.
Graco Gould io homo from n visit on
tho Co'iulllc.
Mrs. Tiborg wan In Marshfleld Tues
day nnd Wednesday.
RevMcPhcrson Is expTtd In "Alle
gany, Wednesday evening.
Elec Essolstrom of Asli was iu Alle
gany n few days ago.
Frank Vincamp is to move to North.
Bond, Saturday, to run a (warding'
house. Mtnatrr.
Tho works aro Elgin, Wnllham or Duo
ber'e, any grade or slue you cIioqxo at
right prices.
Watches nnd Juweliy repairing dono ou
short notice, nnd in up-to-date stylo
nt the
RI-PA-N-s Tabules
. noctors find
A good prescription '
For mankind
Tlfo C cont packet lV enough for usual
occasions. ,The family bottle (00 wn)
nontaine a mipply for year. All drug
gista eoll ,thew .. . ,t .'',
iptto i