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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
Vv . W 13 Irfl 'm' A . i I . '' t' .. ,iJ-!h.iiiV.giffi.'..,.jV,'i1r.. ,.LVaV, rlQODS 4 . ( V KANSAS Cllt Kaw River Approach ing Danger Line , ( Kansas City, April llfi Heavy ralna 'for the poat twenty-four lioura Iirvo caused n rapid rlfo In tho Kaw river, and tlilu morning It stood nt IB (tot. rl lniC rapidly. Tlio dangor Hue Is 20 foot. Following tlio collapse of tlio Argon tlnoArinotirdalo foot bridge, tlio ntcol bridgoand belt lino pllobrldgo wont out. Approhonslon Is folt that tlio low Undo will again be flooded i llko thoy wore a year ago. At Fort Hcott ono hundred thousand dollars damago has alroady boon dono. Kansas Olty, Apr. 2T At noon tlio Init bridge connecting thd two Kanaaa Uftloawaa declared unuafe. Tbo low lovel atroubi In Armournnlo and Argon tlno aro anbmorgod. DEADLY CYCLONE IN TEXAS Fort Worth, Apr. 3 Sovcn killed and forty to fifty wounded is tho lntoat of record of tlio cyclonu in nortliom .Texas and eonthor Indian Territory ,Hnnday ovonlng. Many wore'lnjurod at Mout Vernon, and Wluabro, and at Holpapa six woro killed. National Bank Closes Washington, April 22 Tho Formers' and Merchants' National Dank of llobart, Okla., closed its' doors this morning. A rocoUer will bo appointed, Suicided for His Health San Juan, April 23-Frotl V. Mattln, Commissioner of Immigration for Porto Hlco, sulcidod today, on account of ill health. The Secret of Long L)fc and How lo Overcome Waste. To "A'naw thyself? Is to take ndvnntnttO i of life' nccretH nnil equip one's self with ' nu armor wuicli wm aucccuMuiiyrciiMiiio ?recu,o? .1 The old Idea of fate or "kismet," auu , (lint n iiemoii al. I ways dlea when his time crimes, is now . jrvinuit lriKM ril. I "ttl. '& amount ,of wear and tu lire, can do i leiiKinencu or Hhorteiied Accord lug to thecarc that is Riven it, U ac cidul lint .or careless. nesii clcHtroya the worlcA of the watch or the human mcchanUut. h end comes to itn iiHcfulucM, hut It JiaH not actually "worn out." Man'a H'tcm at times jrcts rusty like the wheel of the watch and only tici'tlii u little cleaning and oiling to put it In hhape for llfu'4 battk-it. An imitation of ntuufti'tt method or as tttorlne waste of limine ami impoverish, merit of the blood and nervous force in uued when you take an alterative cxtraqt of hcrliH ami rootn, without the use of alco hol, like Dr. I'lercc'n Golden Medical I), covcry, TIiIh veKetablc medicine coaxps the dlk'estlvc functions and lielpit iu the assimilation of food, or rather enables the orpaim to take from the. food jiut the nutriment the blood requires. l'rof. T. it. TniiBimy.of fii Bt. I'eter Street, (fuet bcc.wrrtent I lnul been ill for nomc time with H Orlmw and did not regalu my ttrcriBth. Wltli lu a wtek after iibliiK l)t I'lercc'n OoliU-n Mai. icoi Discovery, i wnii anie 10 oc nrouiui nirniuj niul l found lliat my yHtem wag entirely free from nnu nf ,1i linil flfirlt of I.a Orltine. I now keep a Mtlc of the UoMen Medical J)U cowry ' oil hand, niul, when r catch com, take a lew UoiiCK, which keen me m perlect iieaitn. An a builder It) of loMt jUreimtli and viiallty I do not believe your ,IUcowy, ha an equal," f 'Accept no 6ubtltiuc'iforGoJdd,tlvMedlea. VDIncovery," uotltiiiK PJustos .Kood" for dUcaneaof tlio utomach. .. V ; I)r. Tierce's Vlmaant. Vcllet, the best laxative for old poplev Tbey cure cou Upation and bllloiuncss. IHRgAfEN GErSWx,vV' tT II &&& tr 0 9 rBmi aar 8E6RET ,n-- fl it' if TAKEN By Frisco, Street Car Employees Ban Francisco, Apr 2C A iccrot ballot ia, being taken today by tho Streetcar Mon'a Union on tho compromise offer inado by tlio United Hallways in ro- eponio to the inon'ii demand for hlghot wagoa and shorter 'ltotira. The general bollofls that it will bo rojoctcd and a strike called which wonld practically tlo up all the lines lathe city. , ( . , o, ATTEMPT fO KIEL LDUBET t ' Herlln, Apr. 23 Tho.Tagoblatt has a code dispatch from Rome reporting an attempt to aessstnato President Loubot, ' Tho plot was discovered and frustrated. Similar codo messages have reached by prominent financiers on the Dourso. Tho Paris correspondent of tho Tflgeblatt also wlrca that reports of the" attempt had reached there; The Italian . I . ' censorship suppressed the direct nowa. VIRGINIA FRANCHISE LAW STANDS Negroes ' Still Dehied The Ballot Washington, Apr. 25 Thq Supremo Court today decided in tho cate brought to tost tbo constitutionality oi tho Vir ginia election laws aimed at the fra'n chlao right of negroes, restraining tho board of canvaseers from canvassing tlio ruturns. that tho proceedings do sircd to prohibit It tho court had already bcon had and nothing could bo done. Tho case wnt dismissed, und the frau chlsu law stand, , , A , . n lit " i Lana upenea ior mmm Washinston. Anrll 23 Tho Pres dent " ---" (his mornlnc signed tho bill, opening ' lo 4W.Q00 aoros dl land iu tho -. Many Football Enthusiasts London, April S3 Forty thousand football cuthualssts today witnessed tho final match between tho Manchester Olty Club and tho Bolton Wanderers. Standing room in the Crystal Pnlnco waa at" n premium. . - 4t?iS3! l0 c.or" ,aca u n It la not so hard to bo n vvta expert a to draw a imlar for bolng ono. . " . r-' I; It Is not until oho Is along toward 100 that a wouum prldqs.-rjeraclf -pn 'being old. V ( Sometlmos when a girl la venr y'ounir Bho believes ovorythlng that ruen' i X2 r-vw T' If a youns murfihas monor thoro.Ja r)o dpubt but tjit some young Girl vHll1 ttusk; him clever. aifaWfyaTTiVTaii iiari fiTffiFi!ftflABiMnryl7,,tfiKi MOWI0YARIN '4i? NeW Facts Brought Out by Court Martial AGITATION IN . NORTHERN CHINA '- Cossacks Occupy Position in Rear of Japan's Troops Denial That Japanese Have Crossed the Yalu River .i ml (J How oyarln Wa Lost Et. Petorabnrs, Apr, 2& The naval court martial of tbo captain of the cru'.ier Hoyarln, partially destroyed by a mine near Fort Arthur, February thirteenth brought sonaatidna! facta to llB'.t.. Tho testimony ahowod that the day be fore she struck the mlno,thti Soyarln en gaged in a duel in the fog with another ship off Dalny, Both wore damaged, Tho fight stopped when tbb discovery was made that tha Boyarln'a opponont was the mine transport Ytiniseei which later waa sank by a mine. On the latter occasion, the Bdyarin withdrew without attempting to save the crew of the Yeniaael. Then the Boyarih struck a mine and her crew left her and made for land. Tho ebip drifted to sea and waa lost. The captain pro 3 need a letter from tho Dowager Kmpreia congratulating him on his courage In saving the crew of his vcatel. on which account the court merely withdrew permission to eerve In the future, V, Aloxloff Recalled Uflrlln, Apr. 2G Die Tost announces tho issue of imporlal an decree signed by the Czar this roornjog, officially re calling Viceroy Alojcleff, Jaoanoso steamer Sunk London, April So Japanese Minister liayashl roporta that two Buaslan torpe do boats entored tho harbor o Wonson, on tho oaet const of Korea, .today and sank tho nmall Japanoso atonttor Oeyo lilaru, oi elx hundred tons. " ' Brigand3 Making Trouble St. Petersburg, Apr. 25 The Vermja Rfdief Stains, lis wouldn't atru'u his hanfla with toil ror whnt tho work wouW brlhj;, But Btalnlnif thorn with boodle, thoush. Wan quite a dlrccrent th5ng. ' Evidence Enough. "Io ninrrleil bin wlfcfocher ibuej" "ly do you know?" "Uavcn't I scon her?' PERT PARAGWIPHS. t When ,n yoiurg ,man trice to tiiriko lovoto a girl wuolius,tao'uaa forvhlm ho discovers whethccfoi-isaot thcrd la auch a wordoaa fall. A burglar anay,4hwa!ttttfte moat bs pert bookkcopur. It; tho conltmhruleta yous(ivo a llltlo monoy pow lt is only4tthat'h e uia)' got more rtoxt whstiff. It la bMauBotthororla noOfcxil llko tin old fool that 'awldow 'has Sttclt n enap. "When naresits Inalstrcn wvill.tnff their children toyhayo tMv M lUi thorn I "hi fwntahkeot; . .... j rfiffwr it rMmwttut,,ritrM-imii,-i "" r1& tu WAS LOST k n today quotes Shnntyaog Shlda'o, of Pekin, as stating that tbe foreign agita tion in northern China Is growing arid Is being carried on actively by brigands. Bovep persona bavo bcin killed near Tientsing. Trouble has also occurred at Lonanfu, 8hanal provience, Shunde fit, Pechlli province, and several other places." A French merchant and Blgnor 1'oma, sn Italiea road engineer, have leen killed. A desperate fight is reported in the disturbed district in which 20 Europe ana are ealdf to have been .massacred. The authorities1 have telegraphed to Pekin for reinforcements to auppresa the brigands. In the Japanese Rear London, Apr. 25 A Renter dispatch from Lia Sing reports Cossocks have oc cupied the town of 8hentcben, probably BunKu'ebu, in tbe rear of the Japanese troops concentrated oh tlio Yolo. The object Is to cut oh detachments going from Gentah to operate in conjunction with the Japanese at Ping Y ang. Report Denied Bt Peteraburg. Apr, 2o Uenerai i-'ung chief oi ataff at Port Arthur denies the ?. . . s I - report that tho Japanese have crossed ho Ya lu, t Confidence a Port Arthur Port Arthur. Apr. 23 Tho defenaoa have i been eo atrepzthened that it la pow considerdd tbe city la impregnable. Bands play daily, children gambil about the stroota and tho confidence of the people is restored. Tho e ntranco to tho harbor remains open. j Thertf ttonhf bo great satisfaction in being a hbu for. a fow years just to be nblo to got tho laugh on tho dentist ,, .. uioiu jo ummug new unuor tliu.llcc, bedbugs ana various ouifr animaie, sun, tho man who tries to beat tho nth. er fellow's gamo, dfscovors that there ana many now combinations. It bounds .rnore' blooded to fay tho downfall of a young man jvho does not kl'P.w,.tho tasto of aiiythlng but beoi to ylno'nd wpmen. ,,,?, v No 'woman Is proud, when Bho baa a now .wrinkle to exhibit Tho Btroo't c,nr conductor may not-bo bravo and yotiUeseryo tbo faro. If sympathy would euro rhourohtlsni perhaps ityou,Id not bo tossed about bo frcoly.. tt la a great Bhock to a young man ,who marries a dellcato girl of artistic Umperament to. dlscovor how fond Bho la ot corned beof arid cabbage, v.v- WA uyHw . , , , t would not siirjlirlso any one to learn that the Btook bf th fiallk trust bid iHa;SHri. v - mrnurw mu- ' 'mil&Li 1. - ..l...Byt HUNGARIAN PARLIAMENT Striking Railway Men Rioting Vienna, Apr, 25 The1 Hungarian parllment was prorogued by royal de cree this morning, In order to obtain a frco hand for Count Tlssa. premier, in dealing with the striking railway men. During the rioting at Eleed Sunday a peasant knocked a aword from the hand of a captain of Ilnesars and a cor poral promptly clovo the peasants head. CHICAGO CARBARNERS I BURIED L ?V OhlcagOi Apr. 25 In a dovn-pour of rain tbe funerals of the late "automatic: w!o"of Car barners was hold this morn ing from the undertaking rooms where the bodies lay since the execution. Three thousand morbid people stood about. Services were held over all three, Catholic in the cases ol Marx and Van dine; Protestant for Neldermelr. The latter waa burled at Oak ilfdge, the former two at Mount Carmel. Tbe mothers bade a pathetic farewell to their off springs kissing trie palfd, faces. f- BOY'S COMPOSITION ON MARSHFIELD POLICE (From Monday's Dally.) tbe following composition on tbe subject of the Marohfleld police force was written by a pupil of the Marshfleld public acho'ol. It sbowa considerable power of good hnmored satire; also that the boys are on good terms with our efficient city marshal: J no. Carter, tile police of Marshfleld, is a brother of the famous detectives "Kick and Chick Carter who ara known lurouguoui me worm ior meir wunai work. John practices the detective wor ana watche8 every suspicions character, hoping to pick, up a clue. Carter is bolter known as "xuoa" but ainca'Jthat la nbta very respectful name, I shall continue toaU'tiim Jack, by which name he baa been called ever elubo he was a youngster bsck 03 the (tttlo Isle to greon. Jack la good at t unning horEcs, cattle and dogs into tbe pound. Jack ngs a bell known as tho dinner bell at twelve o'clock ; tho supper bell at eix o'clock, r-nd tho hoodlum bell at nine o'clock. "The tinkle of a cow bell looks like a bunch. of good clgara to Jack. Jack al ways haa one or more assistants. Another important thing la tbe jail. ..... . . k . I It ia .known aa Carter's hotel, and varioos other names, but Jack generally calls it the cooler. It is afar Irom pleasant place to look at or to be in It hft8 "llfl' and,n fact l" U,ly aU ovor' u bftB an oder ,ar ,rom P'e88anl and tho hay bedo aro aalto be so full of that even an Intoxicated person Svould refuse to eleop lu them. I uttlng In a good word for Mr. Carter, ho generally ia aucccesful in all lie always carrlca a loaded cane' an J a thirty-eight ,Colta revolver. Ono time ho got flip, worst of a deal when he broke hla taXio over a man'a head, ip, cause the bead waa mended, but alael Poor old Jack's cauo waa broken. r Kcvr Vvr'u Iu Juiuui, n Most of tbo pcoplo you meet on tho Japanoso NewYoar'Bdny aro carrying n squashed salmon, avIUi a plcco of paper tied routid ita waist by a paper string .Which 'holds a llttlo gold paper klto. .Tbtttldto means tMt tho thing is a present and haa not to bo paid for. sThoa vrjbo are, .not carrying crushed WlniocJ.oV taking Up thVMreethn giv- lad dwmict Xwf Yrt ulutatloaa are PROROGUED vNtobmimm mux- V'vir'i 'Wirmiu'"j4 GERMANS : MUST B ' - V-W lb Offended by Prafee pf .'"; StfirnhA'P3r.-' -"( Berlin, Apr, r25-tl'ei'lcnt ItoOtevelt has offendel hi German chauvinlsfa bjr an Interview with him by Eugene Zabel of the National Zelfnng, who cable that the Preaident devoted a .quarter ot an boar lo ixlrolllr. Steihburg, the Qarmanambjsaor., - i ,..4. 3, Altho flattering," toys the Bresttur Zellajsgtj "Bcoaevett'a testimonial off'jniia the dignity of the German En pire, as it creates, the Impression thai Stelnburg la striving to gain the Ameri can government's approbation, iaateai of resolutely protecting the interests of tbe fatherland," r c o '. 1 MORMON ' SdHOOLS I ARE GOOD . 4 Washington, April iu TbV crosa elr amlnatloa 'of Powers was resumed tHiat morning. 'Questional aa to Mormon interest:' in educational affairs, the wit nnsa said that Mormon schools ranked well amoBg the highest eetablislmenta of the kind in tbe country, and gave a list of ausy promiaeat pfcraoaa ia acl-, ence, drama tad bsur-Io who are grada atea ot the Utah khoola. SOUTHERN PACIFIC RESTORES OLD LUMBER RATES The Booth-Kelly Company rVIII Put Logging CaJRpe on Rivers at Once Both (From; Monday's, Dally.) . (Eocene G card) Through the cou?y of Hon R. A, Booth, of thq Booth-Kelly Comrany, the Guard gives the people of Eugene, a,nd Lane county some very good news today This big lumbering concern, with und ent mills at Coburgi yendliug, Sprlcgi field and Saglnawj all Lane county pulnte, capable of cutting c!oo to CCO,- 000 feet of lumber each twenty-four bonre, is to resume lojcjag operations immediately, and Btart tJitt m'tl.'a on full tlmo, with the rlosaible exception of Wendling, for which jt is not certain cue for shipment bu procued. Any way, tho Wei)dlng ptlant will be started up by September, The logglngcamps will be put back ort tho McKeuile and Willamette rlvera at once, and drivia started B soon bb a auiiiclent number of logs can be banked. The rate for dressed lumber that ,Uie railroad rostorea to the shippers of in terior points ia $3.10 prr tliousand feet and f3.1Y for rough lumber, the rate bupercedvd being f5 per thousand feet. Portland mill are not given the bene fit if the reduced rateB, ua they can ship aa cheaply by water besides the railroad has ouly sufficient equipment to carry tbo productB bf the Interior mtlla. . The intereUto commerce law pro videa that before a railroad operating ia two states may chance rates it shall cirt) ten days' public notico. This has I) jen done, and at the txplratlon of that time the old rato will be in force. rcrhaWa Would'hot be so proud ot our clvuWatlon if wo could iook at.4t fi-om tho BtaUdpolnt of 1,000 yers from now. , Japan tvtll 'discover la free wiai war iv" -Ki , trviiiAc. iifft,tfl' nnnaiiaialiati last I WBaataaitMafc ."4 vJr-r?'; 't';ij fiwK t'l'tfi i rL, 11m li Wi h 1 .jj 1 1 I ,vt( tt. i IP f , 'Viii'wi -J