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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1904)
15r"i""BlBBi ut.'.-.M. i . h . rrmis. K&5?i kt4iv w,wtmi;,f.;-i',w-n'rJ""K vixmht . ,,- " MM'W''.'"H-m"- -, ". v M Wj ivr- ' iA h&fW Uai.YCl!&LLU lW SJ illi I ,l,iaSgTbifcliMWWrgTTt- T . . T3 EX If : j?i :.1 ra y. nf ir ii ii J H :r h . . personal arjd l.o;al- (From Friday' Dally.) . Don't neglect to roglitcr. The schooner Vlklngwcnt to tea tr day. iJack Franz, of Dsnlols crtek, Vis in town today. . i T It. A. Church, of North Coos was ia town today on business. river, Did you pot up enrly enough .to tho boautlftl mow this mornlnc. 6ec John Dear rpent eevoral days on his ranch on north slough this week, re turning today. Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Ponebrake, Catching tlouch, were (hopping Marshfield today. II. Granbypf Rojs sloogh brought down a (at beef this morninc to Noble Brothers market. 'I havo used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most s atlsfactory results," BiyB Mrs F. L. Phelps, Hous ton, Txas. For IndUestlon, bilious nets and constipation these tablets aro most excellcut. Sold by Jno. Preuss. Yon couldo not buo a man today in Marsbfield because you could not And a lawyer in Marsbfiold to take a case. Teter Jordon of Tonmilo has rented Uio R. Beattio place onTenmrle lake and will farm that placa or a term of years. Clarence Woodward, of South Marsh field, who has been sick for tho past week with kidney trouble, is somewhat improved and will be able to be up and around toon. Let's demonotrato that Coos county people appreciate a bargain, whether in dry good?, real estate, or newspapers, One hundred new subscribes, coming in on our special Bargain Day offer will demonstrate it pretty effectually. T. E. Dow w'll take a trip to Southern California in the near future, to look after tome property Interests there, ex pecting to bo gone about a montb. He Bftja that any one wishing to exchange rain or snnehine can eend a consign ment with him, snd he thinks he will have no trouble making tbe trade. Chamber of Commerce Met Tho Marsbfield Chamber ol Com merco met in rezular tension last even ing and transacted a large amount of routine business. F. S. Dow wir chosen Treasurer, to' succeed Wm. Na.burg. deceased. ! A large nnmler of communications were read and ducussed, and much irat A larire nnmler of communications portant work was done. The meeting was well attended, considering the bad weather, After the Wild Man f With apologies to the Enterprise) Ed Hnseey of Mrtle Point, has been nworded tho contract to obtain tbe hide of tho wild wan in tho Sixes. He tbtk his departure Tuesday last loaded u-ltli nntl innla'tea. nnd nronoses to entran this demon of tbe El Dorado by eemeariug tlid above ingredients on tbo moss purported to havo grown on tbo back of this wild raau of "Borneo." Mr. fluesey will then bo an aspirant for tbo office of Joint Senator. Alliances Boiler Repaired A poreibtont rumor was current in Marsbfield that the steamer Alliance could not go to sea owing to some diffi culty with the engineers, who refused to go out. Upon investigation this was found to bo mudo from wholo cloth. A Coaut ' Mail reporter made inquiries of the officials and founu everything serene ond that thoro was uot tho least thing ,true ftB to differenceer oportod. Tho steamer had tho misfortune to tinvn one of tho nlucs b own from one of ber bolJors just before eho was about to eail yesterday, and It became necees- I II III 1111 H H H H H H B H H H H'S 'I III mm 1 1 Ibt WM mMmmlmw 11 ary to empty her bollorf, put out tho Arcs and wait their cooling oft before tho repairs could bo made Tho steam er was ready to tall this morning but tho bar was rouh and ebo was unable to cut out as expected this morning. LIGHT RUN OF FISH ON THE COLUMBIA A Lato Astoria dispatch says: Tho run of fish still continues exceptionally light and the canneries aro cooking only every other day, a thing that is neces sary to keep the fish from spoiling. The old-time theory Is being advanced that the slack run is occasioned by the tlood carrying fresh water so far out to tea that the. fish will not como in. There is considerable driftnood Heat ing in the lower river and this interferes greatly iciih tho gillnelters and trap pcrs. Tho Corbott seining ground 3n White Island and tho Elliott ground near Stcvensen havo begun fishing, as they aroBO situated that tbo high water does not intcrfero with them, The Altoona Packing Company's now can nery at Altoona, Wash., is not yet com pleted, but it will be ready lor opera tion the latter part of the week. NOTICE Will Strang, tht boy I took from the Co. Doorfnrm eicht years ago baa left mi' intntn triihmit nrovrwiitlnn Anr. (t andl am no longer responsible for any act oi jus or any aeoia no may comracc. E. J. Coitklt l-O-St (From Saturday's Dally.) Dr. Cook of Empire was In town day. to Fred Mast of McKlnley la in town business. on Wm. Lawborn will move to Ray City on Monday. Steamers Empire and Czarina sailed lost evening. Andrew Peterson of Empire was a Marsbfield visitor today. Arthur and Fred Getty o Meadows left on tbe Alljanco to positloas at Fort Stevens. Sunny accept Wm. Cavanaugh, of Bay City, was giv en a surprise party last evening, in honor of his 23rd birthday. 3 Workman aro hustling things on the milk condenserv now aud will soon I havo that structure in frame. i E. K. Sheldon, of South Marsbfiold, who has been on tho sick list for aome Xme !a Bga!n abi0 to be about t Mr. and Mrs. Lattin, who have been in San Francisco as witnesses in the Ames case, have returned to Marsbfield. H. N, Black, Matt Mateon. J. S. Mas ters, J. Meseerte and A. Cavanaugh were among Catching Sloogh visitors , to Mershtiuld today. : i The new pantryman on tho Alliance u on nhl tar on this coast, and has fill ed many a bread-baaket with his good ies; probably aa many aa auy man on this coast. Mullen, the baker on the Alliance, has gotten on the water wagon again; he does It every onco in a while. Wo presumo it is becuuee he kneads tbe jloogh. C. W. Pennock of Marsbfield 'has the contract to construct the E. O'Connell building at North Bend to be occupied by IJ. K. James. The now store will bo 30x100 with a largo workshop. Tho Alert will run from Coon rivor to North Bend, calling at Marsbfield, next Saturday evening, to accommodate tlio6o attonding tho concert givon by the North Bend Band. The Flyer will also run from Marsbfiold. 1 4your Health. and STRENGTH with J AYtfE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, a pleasant,! potent,. nd permanent Invigorator.for WOMEN, .CHiLDREN, and MEN. c'iktroMwDc&c Birthday Party Alex Budcrland'a home on Catching slough was tho scono of a pleasant aur priso Wednetdny evening, Yfhen tho (riendi of Miss Ida Snderland gathered to rolebralo her 20th birthday, Tho wbolo neighborhood, aswollaa 8utnnor and Hay City, wero represented, and the evening was hapu'dy passed with Ramos, etc. May Day Picnic The North Bond Band will glvo an ex cursion and llaskot Picnic up Coos River ou Sunday, May 1st. A puree of $25 will bo hung up for a baseball game between North Bend and Marshfield. There will also bo othor eporte. Audorson's Orchestra will fur nish mueio for dancing throughout tho (lay, aud h ncod time la assured to all who attend. Sortous Stomach Troublo Cured I was troubled with a distress in my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can truthfully say tlat Chamborlaln'a Stomach and Liver Tab lets cured nuv-Mrs. T. V. Williams, Lalngsburc, Mich. Thoso tablets nre guaranteed to euro every case of stoma ch trouble of this character. For sale by Juo. FreueB. A Beautiful Bird John Hcrron. of tho Boll Cord salocn. ahot a beautiful Northern Diver yester day. This Is tho second one that has been shot in tho bay this season. These birds seldom como up tho bay this far. Mr. Ho.-ron and a Nurtrod who goeB by tho naruo of ''Heck", sal lied forth to capturo tho beantitul bird, an art at which both proved thems.lves very proficient, especially "Heck", though bo only cnglucered tbe gunner. The bird will bo mounted In tbe latest style of the taxadormist, and will adorn the Bell Cord bar. Has a Tooth for Chicken Tho largo golden eaglo which Clay Moore turned loose recently, out of sym DAthv and nitv for tho captive bird, has been committing depredations on sever al bentcrics in Marsbfield. IleSccent iy appeared in South MarebfieUl and got away with two chickens for J. L. altc, and two for J. Garomll. A few days be fore he Investigated Mrs. S. H. Hazard's fiock, but sbo Ehowed his golden high ness a thing or two w ith tho broom and he concluded to depart. This bird was in captivity just long enough to becomo lomewhat clvilhcd and comes right into the door yards. Several Marsbfield Nimrods ore on the lookout for tho eaglo and it will bo all off with his highness if ho meets them. MINER KILLED AT BEAVER HILL Instantaneous Death Coal From Falling Anton Doerlng, a natlvo of Prussia, about -10 yeara of oge, was Instantly killed A-bile working in the Beaver Hill mine yesterday. He waa crushed by a mass which he had undermined, and. the accident is said to have been due to hia own carelessness. He had been at Beaver Hill about a month, and nothing is known of hie re latives, if he has any. flu will be burled tomorrow. CONCERT PROGRAM Of North Bend Conc-ert Sat April 30 1904 Band March Soldiers of the Queen Laurendeau Overture Crown Diamonds Auber Vocal Solo "Gypuy Maiden I" Miifl Ethel Witto II Parkor Waltz Our Beautita TobannI Vocal Solo Song of tho Anchor Chain L J Slmpeon E Daubort Selection Offenbacheno, No 2, Offenbach Piano Solo Mlflorero du Trovatoro MmETurpeH. fiottchalk Mazurka Frauonherlz StrausB Adagio from Anna Bolona Air Vari Chaa S Kaieer Donnlzotti Descriptive- Arnbuecado Lanrondeau M'HT' i ITW Dancing alter Concert. Steamer Alert will catry passengera from' Coos river to Concert (roe ot charge. Leavo Marshfluhl at H o'clock, Steamer Flyer. 8 wo. AUtniMion to Concert and dance 00 contu, Ladles free. MARSHFIELD WILL CELEBRATE Committee Appointed to Make all Arrangements The cttisons mass mooting which was hold Inst night lor tho purpose of ar ranging a Fciirth of July colobratton was well attondod. Dr. O.W. Tower called tho meeting to order and Geo. N, Fnrrln was chosen secretary. On motion, a committee was appoint ed to solicit funds, cousUtlng of II, Songstackeu, F. 8. Dow and R, O. Loo. Acommlttpoof Five on arrangements was appointed consisting of Jniiirs Flanagan, 11. McClaln, Wm. Dungan, Alex Campbell aud Ivy Condton. A motion to consolidate both com mittees aud add ono moro member was carried. Geo. Karrln was added to tho com mittee. The mooting adjourned after a vote was taken to glvo a rousing celebration. Thccotunitttco wont Into session and began to formulate plans and ways nnd means to glvo ono ol tho biggest cele brations ovor held in Marsbfiold. Tho regular ofllcora of tho committee are, President, F. S. Dow, Treasurer, jJumps II. Flanagan, secrotary, A. It. Campbell. Tho propor spirit is abroad among the citit.'ns of our town to make this ono of tho bluest celebratlcus ever held in Coos County. It is exrected that North Bend will tako a hand and assist in making thlf ono of tho best celebrations ever held hero. Sciatic Rhoumatlsm Curod "I havo been subject to tciatio rheu matism for years," says E. II. Waldron of Wilton junction, Iowa, "my Joints Wero stiff and uavo mo much pain and dlecomfort. My Joints would crack when I straiiihtened up. I used Cham berlain's Pain Jlalm and havn bven thoroughly cured. Havo not had a pain or achn from tho old trouble for many months. It Iscortalnly u wonder ful liniment." For sale by Juo. PrueHi. From Our Exchanges (Couilln Bullotlu) Zamecniko, n Bohornlan who Jas. recently struck thofo parts, and was splitting wood for E. A. Howie, above town, for a meal or two, split his loot with tho nx Wednesday and Thursday was sent to tbo county hospital at Marsbfield. R. M. Morean, a recent arrival from Southern California, liaa rented tho . A. Goodman placo west of town ami will move onto it next week. His family has been stopping at Marsbfiold aud he went over Thursday after thorn. Tbo Socialists held their mass con vention in this placo last Saturday and made tho following nominations: Joint senator. W II Ray; representative, M Brewer; county clerk, C B Lcep; asses sor, C II James; commissioner for two years, U J Coffolt; comlssloner for four years. B F Smith; chairman county central committee J I) Myers. The offices of sheriff, treasurer, surveyor and school BUporlntcndant woa left blank. (BAndon Recorder) Col. R. 11. Rosa took passago for San Francisco on tho Elizabeth Sunday, having gono down to makoarrangements of a business nature A. E. Bukau, of Tto milo was arrest ed laBt Saturday and brought before Judge Morse on a chargo of commiting rape upon tho porson of hia 13 year old daughter. Ho was arraigned In court on Monday morning, but waivod ex amination. Ball was fixed lit fD.OOO, and not being able to got bondemeu, ho wad taken to Jail. Tiie railroad suveyors roacbod Bandon last week and are now surveying two or thr;o miles south of tho town. TiTe survey crosses Ferry creek cIohu to tho county road, pasEoa near the southeast corner of St John's church, and croeroa tho county road n half milo south of the Btearner landing, in which placo depot Htaken havo been driven ; It then makes a turn through tiie Lothian property, and tbon takeu a nouthornly courtto. (From Monday's Dally.) A. J. Davis io moving into life store building at North llond. new J Mr. and Mrs, W. II, Short rmd Mis. vVi E, Dungan returned from Cooa river yesterday, "rr Mr. 0o. Wltte of North Bend has nurdiM-il Irom E. M, Furmnn Par lor Qrand Piano. A party of about 110 went to tho bunch yesterday from North Bond, on the Mayflower, and had a vory pleasant tlmo, The Kuueno Knox entorlatnmunt, giv en Saturday night under tho auspices ot tho Baptist Ladles Aid Souioly was fairly well attended and greatly enjoy od. Billy Cox wont fishing yesterday up Coos rivor, and hooked n fish so hlg that ho had to go In all ovur to got him, nnd then tho llih got away, 8. 13. IIlnoB had tho ntlsfnrtuno to toso a wheel off hts wagon Saturday night by thn caving in of a bank whero he was doing eomb grading, at North Uoud, K. M. Furman, tho piano man. left for Gardiner aud tho Umpqmi valley this morning, by tho out going stage, to which placo ho has made a shlpmnut of goods, In his Hue. Presiding Eldor Neff, of tho United Brethorn church will hold services at Bay City this evening. It is expected that the gasollno launch Bumuer will run from hero. Tho Coos Bay Creamery had a rilosii call yustorday, tbo roof catching tiro, probably from n spark. Tho IiIneo wh extinguished after a small hole had been burned in tho roof, Emll Ogren, of tho Pioneer Meat market, reports that last week was un usually lively in tho meat trade, tho veal record for Marsbfield being broken by tho salo of seventeen from that shop. Dr. O. E. Smith, formerly of Marsb fiold, arrived overland Saturday from i:nc..nn on n abort business visit. He exprotsoH hlmsolf as well pleased with Eugene as a pluco ot resluonco, .Mrs. dmitli also liking the now home. Dr. Hnrsfoll has evolved a now ichc mo to prevent smoking the fireplace which ho will erect at his country resi dence in thosnndbllls. He will build tho cblniloy In such shapo that nlnd blowing down will strike a broad, fiat surface aud bo deflected with a sort of eddy and go right back up the chlmley. I have for sale a grand orchostral organ, llttlo used. This organ will bo sold at a barain. Alto other eccoiul hand organs for sale. Addrers K. M. FtmuAX Marsbfield Agency for the Mason A Hamilton nnd Estuy Orgaui. Grade Stakes Again K. L. Parkor, who Is Just from tho UrnHua, reports tbut ho wai tnld nt Hedden's Btoro that two parlies of sur veyors had arrived ot Drain and wero sotting grade stakes on the survey mado by tho Cooper party. Fire At East Marshficld Archie RMcout. of East Marsbfield, had tho rnisfortuno to lore nearly all IiIh fiock of poultry Friday night, by u fire which destroyed his chicken bouse. Thu fire atarted from thn lamp in n homo mado brooder, and all Mr. Hideout's chickcnB, young and old, ovor sixty in numbor. wero destroyed except about n dozon that wero roosting out. Many of them wero of fine blood, and tho loss 1b considerable. A 0 U W Entertainment Tho ontortalnrnont given at Noblo'H hall In North Bend Saturday night by tho A. O. U. W., assisted by tho D. of II, wau u mhgnlllccnt succoss, On Invitation, 21 members of tho Mnrnhflehl D, of II. wero present, and tho guests numbered about 200, An interesting literary and musical program was rendoml ond dancing was Indulecd in, after which one of tho finest baiKjuots ovorflprcud on tho Bay was enjoyed, Tho occasion was tho celobratlon by tho North Bund lodgo of tho fact that It added more members during tho month of March than any olhor lcdjjo of tho order in Oregon. Appendicitis Operation Dr, Horflfall porforrned an operation for Wppeudicltls Saturday ' afternoon uboh MiM fcstelia Weekly b( Gravolford, The appendix was found to ho in a. gangrenous Joudlllon and partly siougn od off. Preparations had hpou made lor an enrly operation, hut consent ol tho paronto could not tio'galnod nt tho time, and owing to tho delay it In doubtful l( the patient rccovoro, Tho young lady has boon slaying for lomo time in tho family ot Olmn. llrndi bury of thin place, From Port Orford Tribune Thoro are bright prospocli for largo trnlt and berry crops thlu year, thn baokward season keeping buds bnok until there will bo slight danger of damage by frost. Tho firm of W, Doylo A Co., ot Gold Beach, havn sold thulr itoro to R, D, Hume, Mr, llumu has sold tho stock of tuorchamllse to Captain Cnuhvll, who will conduct tho business hereafter, Tho steamer Dispatch arrived In the harbor last Monday, aud In engaged lit another effort to haul tho steamer Fulton eff tho beach, Thu lumber will be transferred from the hold of tho Fulton to tho Dlspatoh, after which it Is believed thu vesto! can ho fioatod. If not her tnuchtuory will bo removed, and she will bo abandoned, Catching- Slough Items John Bonobrako and family wnrn up visiting with Mr. and Mrr, II, F, Ross on Roe slough thin week. Mr.Tllloand Albert Collvor'n Fami lies havo tho mumps, and it has caused some anxiety on the put of patrons of tho school, but It Is thought now than tho t'oublo will roon bo over, tho ex posed puplla having stopped attending school, Tho Sunday School at Unity Chapol boganon April 1st. It has n very good attendance) and wo predict (or It a huccossIuI Hummer work. Miss Lolla Cox who has beun stop ping with Mrs, HIHIj Short rolurnod homo Wednesday evening. A curtain young man in this vicinity has fouud out lately that there is lots of gamo to ho found near Mr, John Museorle'e farm. Wo was very sorry to learn that Capt. Harris had lost a rail, tho dipt, must learn to go slow, too much hntto makes wattoyuu know. "!io bratlful snow Is falling this morn ing April 22nd, the lato ralit has undono moit of tho work done ilurliig tho dry spoil, and ranchers are "up ugatuit It" so tospenk, thnv aro otillgiil to sit on their dignity nnd Just wait. Oh when will tho pesky neither clerk Income re conciled unto us, COOS BAY PROVIDED FOR In Clause Added to Emergency Bill In Senate Tho following dlspatoh. recclvml by I.. J. Simpson from Senutor Mitchell, sup plements thoeo published hist week, and rhowa that the action of the Coos Bay Chamber of Commnrco In stirring up our delegation probably saves tho day for important harbor work here: L. J. Simpson, Pros. Coos liiiy Chamber Com merco North Bend, Or. Coos Hay provided for in emergency bill survey and estimate for Inner hitr bar improvement referred to in letter, D"cembur IRth. Bill passed Senate yes terday, llopo wo may retain it in con ference, J. if. illtchoil. Conference Report Adopted Washington, April 2U Tho Homo adopted tho conference report on thu Naval Appropriation 1)111, - World's Shot Putting Record Philadelphia, Apr. 2:iR. Bono, of Michigan put fchot, 13 feel 'I 12 inches, today, breaking tho world's rccoid. Nusnl Ontnrrh (julukly ylrldn to trcaU inont by Ely'u Croam Jialiu, which in n;;rao ably nro'unflo. It u rooolrod through tlto iiontrlln, clcauHoa and lioulu the wholo mir faco ovor which it dlflusra itnolf. Dnmrjlrttu soil tbo COo. uiza; Trial tUe by tnnil, 10 , contu. Test it aud yon pro euro to coutiuuu thu trcatiuont. . ' Announcement. To nccoinioodnto thono who are partial to tho uto of aloinkors in applying liquidj into tho naanl pnsBnrjca for eatiwiwtl trou, bin, tho proprlotora prepim I'roaniBahii In liquid form, wliloh will bo known aa LMy'a Liquid Croam Bulm, Pri 'o Including tho spraylnK tubo Is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal proportius of tho fulld prparotlou ' Is H k wy i.;r.w& t- 'i'