f ( V t .,' i 3$ Late General News ftetltu, April 201)10 Post ntmouiicoii ', Hint Waraiw lino bean placid under martial law, A Polish revolution and nrmy plot urn ropartud. A oj u lla, Hii Salvador, April 20 Tho ttcnmur Colon (rout Ban Francisco, for Panama, which struck tlio rocks here (wo weeks ago will bo n total loss. Her back Is apparently broken. WaHhlngjnti, Apr. SiuVKour to tlireo, wild two absent, tbo Baiialo Committee on Education nnd Labor docldod to postpone further consideration of tbo Eight Hour bill till .Deconibor. Bpoknuo, Apr. 20 0. 1. Sobring, nn employment agontof tlila city vrlio used tlio U, 8. mulls to eond glrh to n house of III fame, was found guilty this morn lug. t'iilt I" Hrct conviction In tbo casts ogaiuat tbo employment ngonclt e. Rl Louts, Apr. 20 Tho Mississippi river liaa reached a atago of 31 fcot. It threatens cait St Louis, and n ropoll tlon of tbo big flood of a year ago. A thousand acres of wheat in tbo lowland nro flooded. Washington, Apr. 20 Tho Senate linn patted tho bill dividing Oregon Into two districts and establishing an asea ofllco at Portland. Tbo Military neademy appolnlmont was thon taken up, and pnssod, nftei striking out tho military tilts provision . liquid, Apr, ?b A Kiilltary review t twenty thriiRntid, troops was hold- It, honor of President halibut today. All Itomu turned out. Thul'rotldent drovo with thoQuicn. Hcexpreiaol gratlll cation at hla rccoptlon. King Victor re viowed (ho pageant on horioback. iVlce, Utah, Apr, 20 Molhor Jincs broke quarantine thin morning and ac companied by n mob of women and children attempted to break through the lino of guards to tho Italiana arrett ed yriterday, Bbo was arrested and thrown In Jail. 8io mads no rciiet anco, and statod that bho was awnro the oHlcors of tho law must bo lospcctcd. Suffering Will Not Help Your Disease, but Will WeaKon Your Nerves. Tolko who think It In better q bee pain than nootho It nro wronjr. Old-rnalilono4 iloctom used to nay It vna bolter, bocauso thoy tmd nothing with which to cftBO pain but dangerous,, heiirt-paralyatlnir drugs, i Hut now, that a rafo remedy bha lieon found, Br. Mlleo Antl-1'aln Pills', It l wrong to miffor, for nothing can bo ,ffnluedtliut wonkoned nrvc. A nafo rulo to remembor la: .When) Jn pain, tako nn Antl-rln PIU. Vhla will nootho your cjulvorlnif norves. r. Mllcu' AntM'aln PttU rvllovo patn ty restoring tho natural nocrotlons, in which thoy dlrtor from opium nn'd elm liar narcotic druco, which rcllovo pain by ohccUlnjf tho notion of tho islands. Thoy nro uro und liartntoss, nnd nro tho latest modlcol trcatmont for tho euro of Hendacho, NouralBla,- llacluicho, llhoutnatlim, Dlwlnosa, Toothaoho, Htomaclmcho, Monutruat (Monthly), J'nlnH. Also nervo Irritations llko Bca BloKneM, Car-HlckncBS, Sleeplessness, IndlKcntlon, etc. 1'lcaBant to tako, quick In reaults, "I Imvo uBcd Dr. Miles' Antl-raln VIIIh for. Blclc, norvoiw boadacUo. una imvo rocolvcil tho boot roaults. I hear tty roconiinoml their ourntlvo MPWfEr tk'tf. for tliov nro BUCccBBful,'' BV. I AY-A. WATKQ8. .";. Iowa City, Xa. Hold by dnmillstH. at'JBo. Mpnoy bark If ilnit box uooa not liolp. Novor, bo!4 in bulk. 1?TJT''n1 Wr to to jmfor JProo. Tr o) JJ ivJIiiij j'nckoBTo of Dr. Mlla; Antl. Pain Plll, tho Now Bolontlfto Ilemady fo I'iV ' Also Symptom Wank. Our Specialist will dlannoHo your cbo, tert iSSbRATOWBB, MLIUIAlVi', UfO, , r c-' :"' ". - t Han Francisco, Apr. 20 Neither eldo on thu street car controversy took Any stops today looking to u conference and submlssfon ofitnow proposition, Ills believed that n conference will be held lata thlo afldrnoon, but the railroad roprusentatlvos continue to flwort that the proposition rejected by the cannon yesterday will not bo modified, ! Washington, Apfl! D2t-Durlng consId oration of tho Naval Appropriation bill, Hale, chairman of tho Committee on Navf.1 Affairs of tbo Senate, declared that in tho light of recent events in the Far Kast, it is not ndvlsablo to construct any more battleships. Clorman hoped this experience would bring Congress back to a more careful scrutiny of naval appropriations. iJenvori Colo,, Apr, 25 The Sup remo Court loday rcfuacd tbo applica tion of President Moyet. of tho Wottcrr PeJcralloli of mlncrr, to bo admitted to ball ponding tho final arguments in his Writ of Hainan Corpua suit challeng ing the authority of Governor 1'eabody In declaring martial law and suspend ing tho writ of habeas corpus, The arguments will not bo beard un til Justice Campbell roluins to tho state, in about two weeks, and a final decision may not bo reached for et least eix weeks. In the meantime Moyor ro matns a military prleonor at Tolluride. Tho kitting Judges today wero .lustlcur Clabbert and Btcel, both Democrats, jtrel wroto tbo opinion and Oabberi concurred. Wathlbaton.Apr. 20-In the 8moot invuatigntlou today, witnoss Tbatchor a ild that l.ohad been unablo to rccopt thu rule of tho church, that oflkira o! the church should not run for political ofllco without having secured tho con sent of tbo church, becauso itgavo no indications to what ofllco It appliod. Atkcd what would bo tho result It any olllcor of tho church ohould por- slat In running for ofllco after having been refused concont, ho raid It might bo as in his case, but as for an Ameri can cltlzon ho would havo a perfect right to retlro from an official church position, and if issue camo ho wonld hold that-every man who loves his country would roalgn. Kingston, Apr, 20 King Kdward and Qucon Alexandria arrlvod off hero this morning, on tholr woy to visit 'Irelaud. Tholr Majostlcs upon landing wero re ceived with groat onthnslnnm, and tbo city J was brightly decorated. After greeting thu local ofllclale, tho royrd party proceeded to Puachcstnwn to eco tho races. Washington, Apr. 25 Tho Itlvor nod Harbor Appropriation Dill was calknl up In tho Jloueo today and tho Benato amondmonto wero dlsnjofcod to, No at- tompt was mado to send tho bill to con orence, which cctlon is Intouded us n rebuke to tho Konato for loading down tho Houeo bill. The Qunenil Do flcloncy bill was sent to confureuco. Madrid, April 20 A eccond rtltnmpt on tho Ufa, of Premier Mourn was made today whilo ho wn travelling botweon Allcunlo nnd Enolnnt on his way from B ircclonn to Madrid, Maura wrni Ar,cd upou, but tho bullot faflclftp find lodge ment, pasting thrcugh tho top of tho jarrlaco. In Barcelona, a fortnight ago, Maura. i rtno stabbed by. Ryoung auwoIiIbJ.' , ' ; : .i-itf ' .(' k,ZtX 9hn 'J'KPV Ban Kranclsco, April 20 Despite close search of tho hills At tho Presidio and vicinity, nd trace pf Lieut. Victor Lewis, Who disappeared after writing a note to a local newspaper, Intimating his intention to commit suicide flHdtliat his body would be toihid near old tfort Polnl, wae f6Und tejay, Horsemen and a parly -on foot have been searching since daylight but wet with no success. AtlantloOlty, N. J, Apr. 27 A largo fltoatnor went ashore on Drlganto shoals last night, A herfvy sea Is running and Irntriohse wavco are breaking over the vessel, which has been Identified as tho passenger ship Craig Neuk, from. St Tliotnas for Philadelphia. Now York, Apr, 27 Tho Panama Canal Commissioners arrived from Colon this morning, after an inspection of the canal zone. Uruusky eald the com! mlsaloncra had accomplished the object of tbclr visit, had nothing to Add to the statement mudo by Persona last week. PItUhurg, Pa., Apr. 27lh. A Balti more and Ohio engine explcded this morning whilo passing Draddock, fatally injuring Knglneor ilutcr, and Fireman Fred Dcaglo, and seriously injuring threo others. Five buildings were wrecked, and two set on Are. Ban Francisco, Apr. 27 Lockout of atable men by carriage owners Associa tlon who aro trying to enforce the open shop rulo, began this morning. Horso shoera in ehopa where horses from nonunion shopa wero being ehod went, out In lymrothy. Every horto ehoor Jn the cfty may becomo involved. .Berlin. April 27-Tho Votslcho Zyl-J ttittt rnorts that Kinz Chrlsllan, of Denmark, at tho weekly open rccoption, wis approached by n young, well brod nnd futhlonablo woman who propoecd marrioco to tho inonorch. "I fosr I'm too old", ropllcd Christian as ho re quested an ofllccr to ctcort tho appar ently deranged poroon to tho door. Indianapolis, April 27 Tho Republi can convention this morning adopted a platform endorsing Roosevelt, and nom inated Frank Hanloy for governor on tho first ballot. Tho preecnt iuenm. lientB for secretary, treasurer, tuditor, attorney general, superintendent of pub lic instruction and supreme court judges wero unanimously nominated. Indianapolis. Apr. 20 A million dol lara haabcon shipped tcday from Cin cinnati and Loulsvlllo to tho Indiana Trust Co,, ono ot tho oldest nml largest Inatitnlloua here. A run was started through rt tele-j phono girl hearing a business comoria.lroorrjBg to g checkered career as a tlon Involving tbo bank which sho mis- tont&tive adventuror. construed and enlarged upon una rumor appoared in tho naturo of the bank's in ability to caBh warrants, Tho concern has cash resources of two millions. London, April 27 Tho British naval commander at Adou reports tho capiuro of Illlg, West Africa, from tho Dervishes. Tho British bluejackets, who co-opor-atod with tho Italiana, lost three killed and six wounded. Tho Dervishes defended tho town In a determined maimer but the b)uejackbte drovo them out, and tho Dervlshoa lost heavily. Tho Italian nnd IBrltieh flags wors hoUtod to;othcr. Washington, April .26 In tho Houeo, Jonklup, t Republican of Wisconsin, chairman of thoGommlltcegn Judiciary, callod up the iYUlainB rosqUitlon ask ing the Attorney Goneral tto -report ..V-'M whether criminal proceedings have been itJHtituted aKalns't the priflcipala In T Northern Securities inerger and wheth er the Attorney General ever wade an Investigation of the charges polntd to the existence o( the, ccul trusls, Dy agreement, the resolution was not de bated but vfas adopted without' discus si; ''' i - Sofia, Belgarian Apr, 27 By a mere accident today tbe poisoning of six hun dred students of the military school was averted, when the cook caught a young student of tbe Sofia university in tho act of putting the contents of a package of cyanide of potassium into the food being prepared, When arrested, tho student suicided In his cell, Ho was a member of an Anarchist society, which appointed him to do away with all the students of the military school, Berlin, Ayr. 27 The Lokal Anioigor reports that a serious reverso has been sustained by tho force of Col, Glasen apps, operating against tho rebel Her reroes in German Southwest Africa near Oljihaona, Eight german offlcera and fifty six men wero killed, four ofllc ere and eighteen men wounded, Two thirds of the offlcera and bno third of tho men of tho column have died of typhoid, rendering Glasenapp'a force impotent and unable to continue the campaign until re-fn forced. It Is reported that Governor Loutweln will be miADondml on account of the uc- Eucccstful campaign and General Trotba cent out wltu a formidable army to save tho situation. WflRhington, Apr, 27 Tho Houso and Sen&to mot at ten this morning. In tbo former tho galleries wero well filled, in anticipation of tho appearance of Lttlle ilcld of Mnlno, in tho Dalzell-Cochrnne frr.y. 9 Tbo llouio pascod tho bill regulating tho disposal of public lands released and oxcluueu from nubile forest reserva tion. The conference report on tho Gcueral Deficiency bill wae accepted. In tho Senate, the Burrows Sraoot resolution, that tho Committee sit dur ing recess of Congress wont to committee. Tho general Deficiency and Sundry Civil conferonco reports wore agreed to Washington, April 20 Dalzell, Re publican of Pa., and Cockrano, of New York, wont at it again In tho Houeo, to day, hammor and tonga. Referring to Saturday's speech, the former said, that Cockrano bad mado a conjcmptlble attack on him, Dalzoll, and ho would bo a paltroon if he did not meet it. Ho did nqt say Cockrano tecolvod money for political work, but was "so Informed." He then lashed thn Tnmmauy orator in bitter Innj-uaco. Cockran camo back with a sarcastic inquiry if vituperation ia to bo the kcy nbto of tho Republican campaign, re ferring to tho PepaylYanlan with scorn and leathiug that kept the Uouso silent In rtwo. , ' Washington, Apr. 27 In tho Smoot Investigation, L, E. Abbott, n Mormon, of Farmington, Utah, was questioned as to his knowledge of Apostle J. W. Taylor. He said Taylor was roputod to havo five wives, two of whom aro now living at Farmlngton, ono with six, tho otborwith flvo children, Taylor also married two slsterer Rboda and Roxle Wellington, two years ago according public talk. Prior to that they had been living yyjUh Tflylpr'fl wife aa hired oirh. ' v jSi TTam;.;, jprmcrmjiKot il.lhq. 7, U4UWIWtJlCo.l!.,5.Ba1i?acoiji 4slW'PW6wr - - ' riected with Morman schools had plura wfvMlWtfcU wftneM" could not "tell' hew many, A letter from President Smith ,to Senator Burrows wa then put or re cord. In It he regrets his inability to procure the attendance at John Henry Smith, Geo. Teasdale, M. V, Taylor, and Jtf , If Cowey ' ' ' ' " . The committee adjourned, subject to call of the chairman. Oakland Cal. Apr, 27 Altera battle with a' heavy squad of police armed with Wincheeters'iand sawed-oK shot guns, beginning at 7:30 last rlfout and lasting until 8:80 am, Joe Smith, a negro sbarpshdoter,former member of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, was shot to death la bis home. Not until 7 bullets had pUccd hie body did tbe desperate nezro euixmnb, and up to the tle the fatal tnl j strnck him he kept tbe bulging party I at bay with a perfect hail of banel,. nono of wblcb, however, found a mark', Two offlcera went to Smith's home last night to arrest him for dia'urbln tho peace, He drove the offlcera away with bullets anil barricading his house, fled to the upper floor whero he station ed bfmeelf at a window armed with two- revolvers. Reinforcements were sent on a truck on which was placed a piece of nheet steel which was used as a shield, From the time of their arrival nntil midnight, tbo fight was kspt up. At midnight, bells signalled for ceeeatios'of hostilities until daylight, when tbe bat tle was resumed. Smith hesitated a moment after emptlngboth tevolverfland one of the officers shot him in the arm. A second, later another bullet struck him under the right arm pit. Ho was seen to reel, and fell to tbe floor. Tbe officers rush ed to the house and entering tbe room iu which tbe negro bad made his desperate stand, found him dead in a pool of blood on the floor, with scores of empty shells and both revolvers by his fide. Hungarian Strike Ended Bunapcst, Apr. 20 Railway strike is ended and trains are again running. Oom PaujAi; Right Nice. Apr. 20 Thejumors that for mer President Kruger is very ill aro denied. Chinese Warship Ashore Shanshal, Apr, 25 The Chinese war ship Mnytien is asboro on Elliott rocks off Liatung Peninsula. Killed on. Grade Grossing E.I Paso, Tes. April 20 Mamie Ford, of Marshall, and Jesse Quarnicam, of Juarez, wero killed lu a street car grade 'crossing accident this morning. II II PI ! ! German Commander Suspended Berlin, Apr. 25 -The Kaiser has sus pended and recalled Cola Duerr com manding tho German troops operating against' tho Hororoa in Gorman South west Africa". AMERICAN JOIN TURKISH- NAVY Constantinople, Apr, 20 Four Amerii can offlcera oi the crow navigating tho now cruisor Abdul Medtjl from Cramps yards to Turkey have signed contracts to Join tho Turkish navy.Capt. Buckman is creat'edraTurkJBht(YJcev R'drblrar(an given command. of theMediji,. ,g-8 -.vfo j t s . . .an rm& m 3ijw Uhlete, Ayr M-Vesw hnn eW ieie ttmlo the Mstlwlfst , coBhtfiswM It Lot Abm M loday by s,l JtralA -t k A PliasiRE$tatiHMt r London, Apr, .27 LarW 3, , ehlId'fl"SItet,"CiMiAny,ii, yfafy I the two thoawiad gulaea Trial Ka"" stake at the Newmarket races today. i Gnat Warihousi Fin London, Apr. 26 Fire this raorniria; dlcfone hundred ftioawnd pehnds1 ili&jV age to the freight warenoose a;tik' London abd Nofthweetera Railway, at AJdgate. , . v Coal Breaker Burns Fcranton, Pa. April 2fl Tho Scrantea Co.! Co.'s large breaker tat Phae Broejc Lorned lod' The rw,fest " prevailed among the relalivea oftheJOO.. boys And men in the mines, but all eg; caped by another exit. The low will be 12S,000. -flUt, World's FalrOpuiii St. Louie, Mo Apr. 2f-The National World's Fair iCbramiaeios, net this morning to make final arrangements for opening day. The general pro gramme aa arranged for Saturday re-, main practically unchanged. Mors Battleships Will bo Built Washington, Apr. 27. Representa tive Dayton of Weet Va., announced altera conference with the President this morning that, despite Hale's re marks to the contrary, tbe administra tion etlll favors battleship?. President will sign the bill today or tomorrow pro viding for more of these snipe. MRS. BOTKIN HELD FOR DEM MURDER Sua Francisco, Apr. 27 Mrs. Betkla was held this morning to answer tbe charge of murdering Mrs. Ida Dean. Bail, In any amount up to one'handred and fifty thousand dellara was offered but was refused, '-V CHINESE WARSHIP IS A TOTAL LOSS f " Shanghai, Apri(27 The Chinese war, ship Haetin, which went ashore bn. Elliott rocks, ia a total wreck. All on board were saved. GRAND GUARDS PATROL SANTA FE TRACKS San Bernardino, April 27 On account of the stlko of the Santa Fe machinists. oueN hundred miles of track are being patrolled by armed guards. There have been no disturbances bo far, J v Sixty-four men are working behind a, barbed wirb stockade, CDUISER CALIFORNIA SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED t San Francisco, April 28 Tbe Cruiser California was successfully launched at 10:i8 a. m.. today. Forty theusaad people wltneeeed the lauaeliing, wbieh was' the most eucceeeful ever held on irw Pacific coast, , , The cruiser took the WftUr in. isnual- ficieut style and when theroagklyt- iiMvaiiermeimpeiua o;or puua ntav .' n h ? r ,r.t , ji ia ed with the. krce of a awasl , -vr, UK O SW w."- -t ----.-"-,----- - r- -.i-. nii ItH' i 'ti ;. .r.v, .-,,, :; ,ys... AvXt. . ; ..w,vittvywijwtiiwwMyMitipy. A. rr -jt sr afss; 'J4--3W1lWs?V!re"5:'! )&