Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 30, 1904, Image 3

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- ffrnt
Marx and Vandine Embrace Religion,
-Neidermeir Refuses All Meet Their
Deserved Fate Stolidly
Chicago, April 122 I'elor Noltlomler,
palonmlwoaklrom his doublo attompt
atmlcldo, otubbornly refuriliiK to ein
brncn religion wltllln ft (ow hours of cer
tnlii dentli, Joking nnJ IuUkIiIdk with
hit unnl nml smoklnu cltfrtrotlca tlic
Krojuer part ol tlio ri, Isolated from
Maix nuil Vutidltic, liU companion's in
crime, who themtolvcs, converted to tliu
Christian f nlth. spent tlio nfKht In peace
ful iliimbor, woro tlio Incidunta that
marked tlio closlntf bourn of tbu Auto
jnatlc trio. . Nono ol tlio bandits showed
oIkhh of weakening. While NoIJcmblr
did not ro to aloop until 6, Mnrx rollred
At 1 :20 nnd Vaudino tiro hourn later.
Vnndlne's lait hours were spent writing
letters to hl mother nnd relatives.
Whllo tliu two condemn rt men slept,
holy candles burned oy their bedeldo.
Up to nildnluht, Marx nnd Vandine
played slxty-slx, Vandlno winning tho
last KOtno. Ton minutes later they
bado each other farowoll to meet on tho
Neldemolor slopt until 8:20. 'Well''
ha growled to the jailer, whlht tho man
who stood by bis bodiido wnJproparinn
to nwnkon hltn. "It'd nearly nlno, I'oto,
haw do you fcol?", enld tho Jailer.
Ntldormelr nrowi nnd turned bis back
on his jailor without reply; nnd sullonly
moved away.
"Anything you want, Toto?" 'Yo,
to bo let iilono", snapped tho hnndtt.
GhlcagoAprll 22 Noldomolor'a break
fart consisted oi borrlos, cream, nnd yog
Mnmio Dunn, Vnndluo'fl awcothoart,
arrived early nnd wns admitted to the
ofllco o( tho jail, Hlio loft clean linen
nnd n white silk shroud. Tho garments
woro taken to Vandhio'a cell. Me don
ned Ilium, slopping in tho net to fcol tho J
tox'nrc of tlio silk, pulling tho looso
threads from it, thon lojnmod his sent
on tho bud, whoro ho rond his prnyer
book, niter eating his breakfast of Htrnw
berries uud cream nnd eggs.
Tvo Slstors o( Morcy wore eagerly
Knitted when thoy cntno lo,
Mark, who broaklastod in a elmll?r
mnnnor, wni pormittod to enter tl.o
prisjn clmpol with Vandine, nnd U
Kotiicr with tho slators tho bundlta prey
cd tor nn hour, lleforo leaving their
cells, tho doomed in on gathered tho'r
nffucts nod font tbcm to tho jail olllco
nnd tho uudortnkor was .thon ndmltled
tofico them.
Neldemolor wns inoroao eullon nndmoro
visibly affected tbnn the others, Kath
or Cox gavo Noidomoler n book entitled
"Notes on Iiigorfoll." Tho bandit tend
four pngus nnd thon returned tho
vol u mo with the commont:
"I got my opinions from my own
thoughts, not from IuRortoll nor any
one olsp, I wish I could bollovo in your
roigIoii, If I could hypuotieoinysoll
into tho bollof that 1 was going some-
whoro to bo happy forovor, don't y
'sr if & ,:A'JLjMg
think I would bo glad todlur
"Tlio world is all wrong. Thoro'i no
attractions for men llko mo. Wo grow
up In tho slums half ntnrved nnd always
miserable. Wo work day after day llko
filnvcs, only to dlo mUornbly. Chicago
Is full of boys llko me, growing up with
otitndvlco or help. I'vo been pretty
bad, I cdmlt, but I'm going to pay oil
tho penalty I shnll over pay, this tnorri
ing. "If tho churchs did something thoy
would do more good than thoy can by
converting men about to bo banged.
Hut you do some good ; you'vo cheered
two mon In tho othor colls Into tho bo
llef that thoy aro going to Heaven.
Tlint'a consoling to them. II you bad
not got Vandine Into that belief, It
would have taken n dozen mon to strap
him for the noote."
At ten tho jailor notlfiod tho mon to
gel ready, nnd announced that tho
hangings would bo separate.
relay was caused by Noldormelr'e
rclutal to pormlt tho guards to escort
him to tho scaffold. He was carried
through tho long corridor. A thousand
prisonors signaled tho hour of execution
by shouting "Hats off". Another
shout warned thoto in tho execution
chamber of tho approach ol tho con
demned. Ncldormolr was palo and trembling as
ho approached. Tho doomod man was
quickly pushed intonn upright position
on tho drop, Tho jailer strapped his
arms nnd legs, ndjuttod the white domi
no nnd nooio nnd stopped back, and the
drop (ell at 10:30.
For six minutes tho body writhed nud
twisted. Tho doctors Rathorod about to
feel tho pulse, "Tho man la conscious,"
said one, "Ho realises his condition, Ho
may bo too numbed to fool physical pain
but his mind Is,not to clouded to know
tho solemn Import of tho event taking
The doctors fingora folt tho puleo
fully flvo minutes, when llfo became ox
tluct. "Noldomoior kept up bis stubborn re
sietanco toroligloua comuol. Weakonod
by bis efforts to commit cuicide, ho
bnroly could sit alono in tho chair in
which ho wob carried under tho dreadod
loop, hut nt tho last moment ho held his
lio.id erect, to cnablo tho jailor to adjust
tho nooso and then it fell llmbly on Lis
Neldemoior'a body was cut down nt
IOi&Tj, Two hundred ofllclnls nud ppec
tutors witnostcd tho executions. After
NoUlemlcr'a bedy had boen removed,
tbo jailor clocod tbo trnp nniPUlod tho
rope for tho second victim, thon return
ed to tho chnpol to eecort Mnrx.
Mnrx, who wno prnytnu roeo niul trlpd
toepbik. Ho turned to Vnudlno, who
wns kiionling lth ,blm nnd extonded
hie hand. Tho mon stood silent n
moment, thon rmbrnced each other,
"Good byo, Que," exclaimed V,nndlno,
"Ke'op n brAvo heart, old man. Remom
bor what thopreB oays:( wo Bhall bo
together again,'
Marx answered In an Inaudible undor-
tone nnd the journey to (he scaffold be
gan, while another about came from the
prisoners, Two priests uttered prayers
while Mnrx waited for the black cap to
be adjusted, nnd submitted to.belng
strapped. The drop felt at 11:17. Tho
convulsions lasted two minutes and
death ensued In six minutes,
Marx boforo stepping on the scaffold
requested nono to apeak to him an bo
wan concentrating bis mind on rellglbo,
Ho was in tho midst of prnyor when tho
drop full. Hlo body was cut down nt
Tho yellow grass ropo was thou re
movod from hla neck, and again tied
rind tested for tho third victim, Mnrx
nick was broken.
Vundlno was found In prnyer when
tho cxocutlonore visited tho chapel.
Two priests took positions by bis side,
nnd with oyca bent on tho crucifix in
bis hand the march began.
Arriving at tho scaffold, Vnndino held
his head erect to permit tho adjustment
of the noose. While ho wns uttering a
prayer the drop fell at 11:05 12, Tho
short muscular body bung without a
movement. Death was almost instan
taneous, tho neck being brokon.
Tho bodies will be left nt the under
takers' until Monday, and with tho con
sent of tho families, slght-seera may
view tbo remains.
Eight murders ward committed by
tho youthful desperadoes known as the
"Carbarn Gang" Neldemelr, their
leader before bis execution confessed to
having killed flvo additional men whoeo
names be did not know. All tbo crimes
of tho trio wero characterized by tho
same absence of moral eeuso that Is
displayed by tho besHt of prey when it
dottroys a victim',
Crimiual annals nowhoro havo pro
duced moro soulcw or pitiless monsters
than ttieeo beardless boys. They wero
products of atavism and degeneracy.
Kacu murdorer had a drunkon father.
Thoy growup in Chicago'a slums, fro
quontcd "cawdutt saloons' read nickol
novels, belonged to "boys' athletic
clubs" and tie gnu their criminal careers
by stealing lead pipo front vacant bouses.
A cowardly, slow-witted louncor,
Kmll Rooski was taken into their confi
dence. Ho carried tholr weapons and
tools when thoy ordoied him to do so.
On July 0, 1003 boforo midnight, tho
Rang bold up a saloon. Rooski entered
it and ordorod a glaes of beer. Ills con
federates followed, pistols in bands.
Tlio saloon-keeper and patrons fled.
Tho robbora emptied tbcir'pistols nt tho
floolog men, killing Otto lhudor, a half-
grown boy,
Almost nightly thorcnltar tho baudita
robbed ecloons ami podostiriana nutil
August 2d, when thoy killed B. C. Ln
GtOBB and Adolnii Jnnnpn In i snlnrm.
Tho opflralOM unU,
pollLo'eoaruh for thorn Biibsldod. Real
izing tholr dangor thoy plannod a ''big
job and a got awny, .
AtSn. ni. August SOth, Noldomoler,
Van Dlno nud Mnrx held, up tho street
cnrbarnantGlet. nnd Stato ets. Frank
Btownrt. a cashler,bnd tho day's receipts
on a dek in front ol him, couutlng
thorn. Henry Blohl and James Kd-i
mouds, clerks, moisted hint, Jiunea
Johnson n motormau lay saieep on n '
bench bealdo n dobr communicating,
with tlo omployea waiting room. I
Ncidomcior npproaohod tlio window n ,
few feet distant, thrust 'bin pistol
tludiigh a pruio of glass and emptied it
nt tho threo clorks. Mnrx rushed into
tho waiting-room, Johnson ,oponed.hiB
and Marx shot him lu tbo Load, Vau
Pine, sledge hammer is hand, burst In
the door of the cashier's room, Dlehl
atafgercd to a closet and hid there
stanching the flow of blood from the
wound and watching the robbers, Ed
munds lay on the fjoor on hla face and
feigned dead, Stewart nd Johnson
were, si at n outright. The three bandits
ran Into tho room scooped up $2250 and
Thoy divided tbo money at daylight
in a park. ttofore their departure from
tho city Van Dlno and Neldemelr held
up a surburban erprots and ticket ofllco
on tbo Chicago and Northwestern Bail
road and failed In an attompt to dyna
mito tbo tracks, eo thoy could rob a
train. Tho bandits fled tho city, hut
threo months later they returned to rob
other car barns
Dotectlvoo John Qulnn and William
Blaul learned that Marx bad a pistol
of tho kind used by the car barn robber.
They found him in a saloon on tho night
of November 22 J. Qutnn and Blaul ecp
arated and entered tbo saloon, Qui tin by
the side door, behind him. On Slant's
entrance Marx jerked out his pistol and
leveled It at tho detective. lie beard
Quinn behind him and wheeled, shoot
ing the latter through the abdomen.
Blaul and Marx emptied tholr revol
vors at each other. The detective
wounded tho desperado eeveral times
and look him to tho polico station.
After threo days confinement Marx
tmlleved his nccompllco had deserted
him and ho confessed to tbo murderous
crimen thoy had committed. Van Dine.
Neidemierand Roseki whero within a
block of tho polico station, waiting to
dynamite it and kill tbo turnkeys, to
carry out a pact to rescue Marx, when
Uio nowspapers announced Marx's con
fession. They fled to Miller's Station-
Ind.. and hid in a holo in a hillside.
Their hiding place became known to
'even Uhlcago detectives, who surround
ed tho dugout. The outlaws gavo battlo
fatally wounding Detectivo Joseph
Dritcll and shooting Detective Matthew
ZImmer through tho tomplo. They
made n dash to a nearby railroad track
through a fusillado of bnllets. I J.
Soveft. a brcakman tried to prevent
them from seizing a locomotive, and
was instantly killed. Van Dine and
Ncldemeler rode the cnglno to Liver
pool, inu, wncre tueir progreee was
stopped by n locked switch. They
abandoned tho engine and fled across
corn fields under flro from a pceso of
Wounded and bleeding and numbed
by tho zoro temperature, in which
thoy had beon exposed for hours. Van
Diko and Noidemeier surrendered to the
farmers just as a poseo of 100 policemen,
armed with Winchesters and determin
ed to avongo their comrade?, arrivod on
a special train, Rooski was picked up an
hour Inter.
Flvo months later Van Dine, Noi
demeier and Marx were tried, con
victed and sentenced to death tor the
cnrbnrn murders.
Rooski was tried eeporalolv for tbo
Bandor murder.
Van Dino professed religion butNeldo
nielor refused nil spiritual 'advico, de
claring tnero was noitner a ueaien nor
a boll.
wiiu ntDICINE
Thwlfnrd'a niiwlf-Dmiif lm
saved doctors' bills for moro Uinn
sixty years. For tho common fam
ily ailments, such as constipation,
Indigestion, hard colds, bowel com
plaiuts, chilla nnd fever, bilious
ncsa, hcadaclics and other liko
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ulates tho liver, nsaisU digMton,
stimulates notion of tho kidnoja,
purifies tlio blood, and purges tho
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. cures liver complaint, indigootion, ,
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I btlkve Thor(ri'NdcDnHht
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iuw yenrj nave aipt tnem on root i
cnu ncsimy wim no ooctor out tfiacK.
Draught. A. J. QREEN, Hewu U.
In all It tf Mate
honld V$ d&llaM,
Ely's Cream Blm
tha iiitutA ntabriM,
It carts utwih tad ddrM
wr a sold la tbt B4
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