Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 23, 1904, Image 7

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    lMT"MlllllfWtWMtvt!tftV)tMt yfcj
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iii rfyihiii r ' wiMat.-.
tnwix-H.rti$r- mvwi -' VA
ii"Mm jtgfii''?flB;
, t.oiifs, April Ifl-OVrr 13,00,) per
sons who entrusted money to tho K. J.
Arnold A Co. "(Jot rich quick" concern
nro cntltloJ to n pro rain of the proper'
ly, according to n decision mndu today
by Pvileral tudgn Adams.
foow York, Apr. IB-Uy an efcplosl-n
In tho drying cylinder in the dyo works
h( Wllllnm Motile, at Wlllfajnsblirg,
thli morning, Hliuon Irollur VA killed,
one itlrl fntally Injured add seven othora
bnrnbdj i'anlo followed the eiploslon
ami en mud many lb jump (rom tlib
ft) t lo, Apr, IC Tho steamer inland
i'lyer bound (rom Hostile to Bremerton,
frtu on j-lio roo( at Restoration point this
fnclinlug In n foe at full apaed.j
BhewaB lltorally lifted out of tho
water and Hob her beam endi across the
Ibcki, Tho damage la not known.
Forty pAetKingora escaped uninjured,
Now York, Apr, 15-Edwin Uawley
secured a temporary order from Judge
holt of the United Btates Dlatrlot Court
this morning, rcstralnipK the receivers
anil creditors of the Sully Co., from ex-
amlnlng him further as to his conuec
tlou with the Bully cotton pool, Tho
order le returnable Monday, consequent
ly the hearing la postpond.
i Minneapolis, Minn, April 15 For
mer Mayor Ami-a has been again iudlct
tcd for alleged grafting, as an echo of
the former municipal scandal,
, The apcclflc charge is receiving money
from women ot the town for protection,
The previous indictments against Ames
rcrp nullified by the Bupremo Court.
Ills trial is ret for .May 2, and bail has
been furnished,
Boston, Apr. 15 Tho platform of the
.Masrachulselte Hopubltcane, while in
silling upon tho mahtainance p( pro
tectlon a a cardinal policy of the Ho
publican party, recognjres that parti
cular tariff rchodulos are neither ssxred
nor immutable. Tho plan tb Incorpor
ate a plank for reciprocal arrangement
with Canada was defeated.
1 Ban Francisco, Apr. 15 The prellm
ary examination of Mrs.Botklnoncbargo
of murdoring Mrs. Ida Dean was reaum
ud this morning)
Leila Dnan daughter of the victim I
tcok the aland. She testified about bel
ow n Illness and that of hor mother anil
remembered the Incident ol eating the
enndy very clearly.
Bcranton, Pa, April i5-Thtoe Ineli
' . . .. 1. .
were killed tins mora.nff on tiie ev,gg lUtil thtt tbe Hf was Anally
railway by tho brtk!ng)tafcoupllng of l8gljlhed fcy j, wJiQ
an empty coal train which was being 1 h K0t va,a,b'le wUaM of the
Bwitcbed at Wlmtaera .nmmlt. The' A mmm o fci mA
released cars raa backward with cyclone !atnly flfe
speed lor eleven tellesi runblng
two seouon uanas, wno were crofpg(
the track, and into another train, killing
fireman, '
Boonton, N, J. April J 5-Th 0 llfeleas
body of diver Hoar was brought to the
surface at onti o'clock UiIb altern'oo'n.
Not a moment was lost In releasing the
holmet from the armor that bduttd the
'unforluuato manj Vhon ffls face was
oxposed no sign bf lifct existed, Phyel
clans hurriedly ettipW the body bn't
camo to tho conclusion that death had
intervened tnrtny hours before, . ,
Trenton, Apr. ll Frank Mae'dor,' a'
St. Louis itnci: bolder 'in' Buffalo Blil'e
era I. News
Wild West, has filed a bill In 6haucory,
ntklng that n receiver bo appointed and
that Buffalo Ulll nnd other oflicera of
tho concern beNbrought Irlto court to
give tcctlmony ns to tho financial status
of tho concorn. Tho coinplolnt de
dares that tho corporation had no divi
dends in 1000, nnd that Cody is with
holding profits with tho intent of forcing
the complainant to noil his shares at a
tiuroka, Gal, Apr. lbThe body of tho
Judge J, Wi Turner, well kooan
throughout tho state was found missing
this morning floating In tho bay. It ia
supposed that ho committed suicldt
early thli morning He has been It
litigation vllh tho Examiner for Ifl
years oa account ofjrn alleged rrandal
with the actress Lotla. He has a
Judgement for fi0,000 pending In the
Supreme Court,
Bpokane. Wn., Apr. 15 Albert K,
Bell the notorious crook.who was arm t
fed last fall In Denver, where he was on
the operation table in a hospital and es
caped, was today Indicted by the federal
grant! jury here for robbing a mall
pouch In Seattle, April first.
He ia wanted for many charges all
over the country, lie waa arrested af
ter n sensational break for liberty in
Tacoma a week ago, and is now in the
Tacoma Jail.
Ht Louie, Apr, 15 Gov Vardaman of
Mississippi, interviewed here today
said! "Politically speaklug, President
B,ooerelt Is more to be feared than war,
pestilence and famine. He la looked
upon In onr state and (n tho south as all
that Is bad, and dangerous for tho
''ills action In the caio oi Booker
Washington waa a groat mistake.
Bodker Is a good nigger, all right, if h,e
only keeps in his place Parker Is
strong In tlio south, but I hopo Mist
issippl, will ttepd her delegation unln
London, April 16 The Parle corres
pondent rjf tho Kxcbunge Telegraph
wires that news baa been received
thai the Imperial palace o,.
Beoul. korea, has been destroyed by
Are. and the
emperor has lied,
touiiorJj April 16 Tho Kobe; Japan,
correspondent of tbo 6t. James gazette,
bends a similar report.
i Parti,
Apr. 16 A Seoul dispatch th.U
t'enJietOn, Apr. lB'-UmatllU rlVer
fit fioodlbg tbe east end of tile cltyi and
cltieena of all age are at work making a
levee td protect the main, buslbesi sec
tion, 1. ;. v s
iLPortlanili Ogn, Apr,' 15 Advices from
all eastern1 and southern portion of the
state show the worst floods in years, at
some placoB the worst ever recorded,
Tho Northern Pacific' is the only line
but of Portland doing VipalheM. The 0,
R, & N. annouuoed' (li'i'lHhero wodld be
'do trains for at least threedays, as do-.
eaB of wwhouts had occurred and brldg ,
l 'tll'''lntf
aM ii f ,fa Ti ill
JM And culverts warn destroyed, and
great damage done. . '
In the Blue Mountain cjlslrlct tiiiauf
fering is the worst, i
On the Southern Pacific but one train
succcodod in getting through in the lait
HO hours, The city Is Almost isolated.
Berlin, April 10-Tagehlatt today pub
lishes alnrmlng Information regarding
tho condition of the health of JSmperor
Francis Joseph
Queenstown, April 10 The Cunarder
Lucina, with Buffalo Bill and the VvUd
West, arrived this morning after a
stormy voyage. The Indiana enffered
severely and are a miserable looklpglot,
Washington, April 10 There will bo
no further congressional Investigation
Into tho Poit-ofllce Department, Is tho
emphatic slatcmcpt of Beverldge, of 'In
dlana, a member of the Cotnroittee on
I'arlc, April 10 By tbtfrxplosloa of a
Htnall projectile In the magazine of tbe
cruirer Forbin today Ave members of the
crew were injured. Fortunately the
other explosives aboard tbe vessel did
not become ignited.
Ban Francisco, Apr. 15 AVboc Mrs.
Botkln waa called for sentence for mur
dering Mrs. Dunning, this morning, tbo
court granted a postponement until the
IKHli, at which time arguments for a
new trial will be beard.
Hanford, Cal,. Apr, lb The man kill
ed In a duel with oflicers here yesterday
n mvip i; lane, uiu a uisuui uccuptr.
He Is believed to bo ono of the Redding
trdlh robbers. He had a clipping giv
ing an account of the hold-up. In bis
Vienna, Apr. id-Count Apponyj
leader of tbe National section of tbo
Liberals In the lower house will propore
an international congress at fit;LouIa to
regulate the . of torpedo boats of tbejdent ft ,onR tw(J and fuy
various nations, which 9 faught with
danger to innocent vessels.
Wlucheater, Va, Apr. 10 While torn-
porarlly lnsa.no today, Joseph Copen
hauvor, aged fifty, ki)Ied hia wife at
klndcrhoop, their beautiful borne, five
mlleeout. They are raembpra of on
old "VIrglna family, Oopenbaaver used
a shot gun. Oflicera have gone to the
scene, Copenbauver la well armed.
8an prancleco, Cal. April 10 Super
ior Judge Cook this morning made an
order for! distribution of the estate of
Charles; Fair. He accepted the apprale;
mentimale bv the appraisers, of f3,OIO
1,87.76. 'The bene&elarle of tbe estate
are Mrs. Herman Oelrlchs and Mrs, "W,
K, Vanderblft, sisters of fair.
I r
Port Arthur, Tex. April 10 By the
explbaltHrof aflBglUtor Ib the relnery
ot .the Quit .RefialBg Company last
night tk greater part ot the plant waB
ie,troyed with a, half million lose.
Three 37,000 barrel tanks blew up.
Are is still raging.
Wheeling, Wl Va, Apr. 10-Fire this
morning destroyed the (200,000 plant of
the Geo. Gall Cotajpany at Wellsburg.
Washington, Apr, 10 The River and
Harbor bill was Considered in tho Senate
Committee on Commerce today, but not
'completed. Itp'rovldes for surveys to
ascertain tho edst ot deepening channels
Vtcfwbero authoied, at Salmon .river.
idahojYouags Bay and Astoria-Harbor,-Oregon,
Everett Harbor; Columbia HVsf
i -i
Mr tl TV ''-
Star rock, Bellingham bay, Houtl
Bend Harbor, "Wlllapa barber and
Chehalls river, Washington.
Philadelphia, Apr, 10 Mrs. Cather
ine Danste, accused of tho murder of hor
husband William D. Danslc, by poison,
was today found guilty of mbrder In the
first decree, with tbe penalty fixed at
hanging. Securing $.1000 life Insnraure
was the hlleged motive, The prosecu
tion charged that tbo woman secured
areenlo in tbe form of powders from
George Hossey, who is also held for par
ticipation In the death of Dansle.
lleddlng, Cal. Apr, 10 A severe ebock
of earlhquako was felt Here at 1 :20 this '
morning. The yibfations were north'
and toutb. People ran from tLelr hourer, '
dlihcs-rattled and bnildings shook.
At the home of W. "W. Old, in llcd-
.u t,...l l, -.. i .t. .'
)'M, m umgiai nuu wub nt nui nil
reared away by the earthquake and e
raped after he had ransacked tbe home,
trunks and bureaus.
It was tbe most severe
r-hock ever
felt here.
New Haven, Conn. April 10 By a de;
cision In Probato court this morning,
Judge Cleveland sustained the demur
rer to the application for the removal of
Wis. J. Bryan a; executor of tbe will of
tbe late Pbilo Bennett, thereby defeat
ing the application for removal bo far as
the Probate court Is concerned, it is
probable, however, that an appeal will
bo taken to tbe Superior court.
Tbe decision maintains that Bryan's
appeal in the case Is not consistent with
bis duties aa executor.
Eureka, Cat. April 15 The Turner
suicide created great surprise except to
J. C. Bales, tbo ottornoy who had con
ducted his suit against the Examiner.
lie knew that Tamer bad been deepon
that ho would kill himself.
Tho suit against tbe Examiner grew
out df tbe statement that Tdrner was
mixed up in a land case with Lotta,'
when aa matter fact, it was another
man. Turner's despondency is sup-
pored to bo due to the supreme court's
delay In handing down a decision.
Buffalo U V. Apr. 18-When last
night's billiard abated this morning
there was a fool of snow on tbe ground,
with elolghlng good all through western
Newtfork-, Streetcars were blocked by
snow. At Tonawanda fourteen inches
Albany, N, Y. Apr 10 A heavy snow
J storm still 'continues today.
) t ' 'V
Norfold, April 10 Early vegetatioa
of this track sectloa Is .doomed tonight
ou account of freezing weather.
Fertland, Maine, April lG-Elghtiach
a of saorv has tied up the railroads
la this section,
CwflCT'offfOfltfid A Streets,
MAnSl'lEtp, k; OREGON
HOTKL aoIlcltiaUvud ot public pat.
rontgt. Nv. bed and. iprtnc msttrttiei,
havt bea pld la lfnoLl vry itetplng
room of thlt hpusa aad ailtKiV trouble aor x
paiar.iprdto kacpevemblug in ftrit.clats
ordtf. )t 'I? TKRM8-. 1
Board and Lodging, per wsek $5 00
Board, p x week U 00
Biogle luuala 25c
en&TMtarrh: tMy itr a tb ar4ie.
tflm J fill air si U tltM IsaUsMiaAlslA aULtl alAAtssm
fr'iBi isKwaarwTS7V ww sistw swTaB)ViSsaBBjaBj fsnnai txwmsjsjsj
!?, eaoafof a fac aaore MtfotM trwWa ihm
tMettaryrorasoffirrii. AToMaUry
Ing kHakmUt, tnmw, aeioka aa4 tmmit
and vm itat wfdab ,. aootfeM 4
htU. Kty'aOrMmBalmlaadohArMiiady
and will tira cfttarrh or eoldirt ILe head
easily and tileanaotlr. A trial Iz will ba
rnailad tot 10 canta. All dragIsU cell tfaa
GO, alae. Ely Brother, C Warrea Bl., H. Y.
Tbe Ikba wltfiout pln, does sol
imwio or CAwia BBraBg. aprenua itaeii
orar an Irrf tatad and angry earfaee, relier.
Ing immsdlatoly tbs patnfal InflAroHifttlon.
YYitci tAj't cream iJaira yonnre oi
ngftltt Kaaal CatarrU and Iiay Forcr.
The works are Elgin, Waltham or Doe
ber'e, any grade or eize you choose at
right price.
Wa tehee and Jewuliy repairing done oi;
abort notice, and ia ap-tc-date style
RI-PA-N-s Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 6caat packet ia enough fornsaal
occattona. ino lamur ooiue iou eenis;
cobUIbb a wpply for yer. All dreg
glata sell tbeea.
IsinaWif 1 1 ft tjMHsHftl
Oar Monthly Publkatka
will keep 70a posted oa ear
work smd metkodj. Killed
Free to ike
t any reepeaiiblt Mouse.
We Kallr obulu u. a aad fWm
Sead aw4i, k(ob or Bkott) oi iuytmUm i
uowtoswtYBiric Tiaanio -
s iuufcSMJinika
0lWf U8. Puttfti'
80 VtAR'
SftSBBfc eB1! SlVBSi SBJ
-,V ajiim
aMthr ynH4l vu
luraa MM-okablr
HamM mutli aaalaaiii
at ttmm. CTtiat iMMflKIMiriii lean.
FatoaM . anuikUmmfLQt. MatT
wfcvi aw'. hihuw awr. miaa. v
Scieiinnc mmm.
rTV rin1i'iwiii 11 1 ..,
, tnirntwavMi Ami mat (
Cast t Write
sH mLm jtf saw
ft "J t
- 1 ...
Flanagan & Ben
dan,J.W,BwMlt;rWteitp and. H. Baummi, TIQJt
ntES.; ITF, WilhutW
Capital, $50,000 '
2V t). jTEL0fy arartci .
Hit IWalkfe MeHlar Xrip.
Oref on Coal & Navigations Co.,
F.S.DOW, Agent. Maisbfleld, Oregon
S.O. CO. Ageat. Empire City, Oreia
are tbe three most isaporlaat months
ot tbe year
On the farm
Tbe work done then means the taocess
or failUiO of the faun fur the year, ,
As an Aid
to Success
every farmer should keep ia touch v itb
sew methods whkh will iacrease the
producUveneee aad coaseqaeat revenue
ot his farm.
which will give aid 'of (this kiad, with
the opinions aad practical experience of
the beat kaowa agritwtltural aathorities
in America, and la aa IntereetiBg man
ner, is
The New
York Tri;.
oune Farmer
Don't forget that it also has estertalH
lag pajtea for tb wives, sons asd daugh
Urtu Ye BMy aeeare It is eoaaeotloB
with yonr home paper,
The1 Weekly
Coast Mail
wbtcb wilbe brighter and better tiiaa
ever, beUvpapers Oae Year
For Only $1.80
Or with the Daily oae year for 1
Oniy$4.25 ;
by seadlBg yoer order at onee to
The Coast
Mail, Marshy
0 ,!