lyr -rrt rw "vrt - -- j - - r .4 ,, V1- iiiw m iMMiii'i'irr ;'.i 4 I, h( h1" 1 s1 ll r J i ! l' u I V .--fc' '-w --' - "- - ; - Newt? of the War Russian Dstila! Ht. Peterabari, Apr. 15-An official denUlbpt bwa issued tUt the Jp aee fleet wm responsible lor the Ink Ib ol tfie bstftleshlp Feiropayotlak, and iy reported better, contrary to the rnsior that he bad dlejl. Cant uss the Wireless Washington, Apr. 15 The 8tte de- .rttnBt It.a. MtMltvttil ft feOtC ffCHS tl)6 BOewotlheeluaia b ; nmMtM ambsiMdor to the effect thut terTlew today staled tuat ituswen -1 wiptpor men i the iom of military etches failed to show that there wrtsj opcratIon8 ln lhe Ksst cauBbt using anynavai eneaRBHieni. wuKu, lreleM telegraphy epparetua will here the surrounding And sinking ol the tor pedo boat Veslrakhnl could be bo de signated, ir Crjancl Duke Cyril Bettor rt.tfetcrabBrR, Apr, li?-The cohdl- fioivpf Jtbo Grand Dake Cyril is official- alter be treated aa spies by the Russian, government. The Ambassador's note constituted tho ! principle topic at the cabinet meeting today. A number of correspondents ol English and Ameilcan papers nee tbe wireless. Two More Reported Lost Ldndon, Aprtt )0-JA despatch" from Hi. Pcierebttrg reports the battleship Eebastopol and another Russian veseel blown up at Port Arthur.' Report Denied London', Apr. lfcA Ceatral News St Petersburg dispatch says that tbe re port that the battleship Eeb&stopole has been sunk Is denied in tho Russian capi tal. .Three Jap Warships Dam. agod. Et. Petersburg, April' 10 A telegram rom Port Arthur state that three Jap anese warships irere damaged in the bombardment of that place Friday. months five submarino boats of the Holland typo for shipment overland to Port Aithur. Missing on the Yalu Takio, Apr. 16 A report has reached here that twenty thousand Russian troops are massing on the right bank of the Ytttu river and that tho Japanese force on tho left bank of the river la be ing Increased. Unstnsttltnr Haifinc Chicago, Apr. 15-Lol Peeaat, mur derer of Mrs. Mary Bptlka, a aelghbor, was banged this morning without tncl dent, Joe GhamberUIn Returns London, Apr. 15 Joseph Chamber, lain returned from hU Egyptian today and was gtvea a'roualag ovation bylils admirers at the elation. The former Colonial Secretary la bronsed and well. STATE REPUBLICAN TICKET u..nAv.A Tiuiodrftnlr A. Mnnrfi. ftf Columbia Uomtty. Dairy and Food Cofiamlsiloncr J. V Hallevi ot Aiuunoman. ..... Presidential Electors J. N. Hurt, ot Polks Jamee A. Fee, ot Umatilla Grant B. Dimlck, of Clackamas) A, 0. lloegh, of Josephine. Delegates to Republican Kattona PnntpanllAri. At large!!. W. Scott, ot Mult nomahs 8. L. Kline, of Brnton W. H. Ayer, w Multaomnb, and Ira S. Hmlth, Ol MHUlQlir. . First Congressional District J. u. Campbell, of Clnokamas, and J. M. Keene, ot Jackson. Second Congressional District Charles II. Carey, ot Multnomah, aud Jt IVItllBtUB, ui untvri Marx Killed Baudar Chicago, Apr. H Carbarner Marx today took the witness stand in the trial of Kmll Roeakl, hlsallegod accomp- lice. Ho testified that he, and not Roeskl, klll&l Otto Baudor In tho sa loon hold-up. E. C. Straw, M. D. Phvulctnn nnd flitntooii. Special nttontlon given to dlwiwea of tho Kyo, Ear, Nose nud Thront, Office lit .ScngotHCkon & ffmltn Jung. MAU8HK1KL1) t t 0UK00N R. H. Walter, D. D. t. . Dontnl Surgpou nnd Mechanical l)cntlnt Ofllco NnahUTR Btillillng, A SI, Phono 3t. W, U, Douglas AVVORNKY AT LAW AND J S. CIMIPJJIONV.U Iaralifiehl OfCfiOU W! tE CATARRH Not by Dlroct Assault London, Apr. lf Report that Ad miral Togo will attempt to capture Port Arthur by direct awault lax not believed by war experts here, who think the next move will be to land an army di vision in the reat ot Fort Arthur and march upon it. Accident on Great Northern Spokane. Wash. Apr. 13 Tho Qreit Northern northbound passenger ran In to an obstruction near Laclede, Idaho, last night. The first report was that many nero Injured, but later it was learned that all wero unhurt. Dies of His Wound Washington, Apr. 15 Genl., Wade cables that Cantain David Porter Wheeler, of the Second infantry, died yesterday in tho Philippines as a reault of tho wound sustained while fighting Moroj In Mldanso on tho cloventb. CLKAN1IXC1 AMU HKAMMa CURK VOH CATARRH Ely's Cna Bali Siy and rlwiMit to m.a. rnntllu no In. Jaileni druc. . . . It It qiilcklr hotUJ. QUnKtllffatone. It.Opi n4 Clenii . , t r A n in hmu i-MVBCf i. B.IJLIJ H SI LflU aeairi of Titt nrt 8ralU lrj 8it, 0 enti fct DttiRUU or br wall J TiUI 8I, 0 C4nl by aull. UVi W10TOKR5, 64 Wunn BUtf t, Tetk. Professional Cards MAltSHFlKLD: ; : ORKQOK W. A. Toye Dontlnt rr- Butintst Cardfi r-" .vi-aAJWwrMT rm .t a I Ghlorctlo Bullilliiff, MAHSllKlKM) Drug Phono 121 Plock' ORKUON i t KAUFMAN ; CO Make a Hprclally of Real Ktat,e ,. t Brokerage, Olllcet. Marshilold over Hongntaornn'o lirliu Dioro, norui iiiMiu, diuijbuh t i i i ; v jw4 iTVjF BA vA i2.H PcH iv i- r?z-Zm Alcxieff In Command London. April lG-Tho Central News' Port Arthur correspondent telegraphs that Admiral Alexleff has transferred hie flag to the battleship Bebastopol and Bseumed command ol the Russian fleet. Togo's Report Tcklo, Apr. 10 A report from Ad miral Togo regarding Wednesday's at tack on Port Arthur save that Tuesday night tbe Jnpanese sunk a mine at mid night, and at 8 o'clock this morning drew the Russian fleet out about 15 miles from the port, whew the Petro vavlovek struck one of these mines and went to tho bottom, Will puild Submarines St. Petersburg. Apr. IB The ship building yards on tho Baltic and Neva have been ordered to finish within three Cyclone In Texas Fort Worth, Apr. 10 A Cyclone wind did much damage in eeveral north Texaa towpa last night. Tho opera house atuv. jEsstland was P"Hr wrecked. Two Spies Caught St. rei-rsbanr, April 10 Two Japan etc officers diryulted as Tibetan lamas have been arretted vtbilo trying to blow up a bridz? over the Nonn river, in Manchuria. Trouble in Manchuria St. Petersburg, April 10 Tbe Peklu corrc-pondfn: cf the Gazette eaya that the renewal of military activity in Man. churia is causing fear that a breach of neutrality is being planned. Chinctc titops are beiug hastily armed and sent to the frontier of Manchuria. General Maysngen has been appoint cd commamler-iu-hitf ot the' northern army. hich has arrived on tho Man- churan frostier. The Chun Chusca are growing brnvcr, and are constantly attacking tbe Rus siau troops in Manchuria, caucing con ih!;rab!e lessee. No Decision Today St. Paul. Minn. April 14 -There will be no decision in the Securities caee to- Ganal Bill Passes Washington, April ir Tbe Senate this p. m. paisl the bill piovlJing for tho government' of the Panam canal zone aftnr amending it to provido for monthly audit of tho accounts of tbe canal commission. J. T. McCormac M. D. Physician nud Surgeon Kldoredo Ilulldlng, Phono'.lOul MARSIIKIELD :s ORKGON Wm, Horsfal M- D. HollandlBulhllng, FliuncIOSl MARRIIi'IELU :: '.OREGON J.'M.;Upton ATTOHNKY AT LAW . Marshfield Orcfeon Erlo Wold -Surveyor and Civil Knglneor-r; Dlfltico Hole! MAIlBIIFIIihD :: OREGON llomiitiad and Tlmbtr I.octton( Dr. Havdon OUIco opposite Union furnltnro Btoro llourp. 10 to 12 nnd 2 to F Special attention nnld to illaenroof Skin, Urinary nnd Uigcitlro Orgniw. U. 8. Pen?lon Examiner. Phone. SC3 MARSlIFIKIiD. : : CHEG0N MoKnlght & Sesbrook LjAWYKKS Upstairs Ucuuctt & Walter Ulock Marshfield Oregon ii II , 11 I ' s E. L. C. Farrln ArrouNMtv at LAw Office Lockhntt's Ihiilding rnonc 791 Marshfield Oicrou J. W. Bennett Attoknuy and Counselor at Iaw s Coos Bay Steam Laundry, Amsteln & Hlbbard, Props, All laundry work mmrnnluid flrflUolai All white lalmr, Foot of R Street , Mnrihfleld, Or Marshficlt Oregon Coko & Coko Attorn kys at I, aw Marshfield Oregon I Haynes & Chance Express ai.d delivery to any part of tho city ou short notice Tennis always on the street, F HAGGLSTEIN " General Hjncksmithing nnd repair work. HorscsliocinR and woodwork. l?irst St.' Marsh ficldj Oregon WILLtAM HASKELL All kinds of Harness and Saddlery work promptly executed. . .. .' Opposite I. O. O. V. hall Marshfield Oregon l'ensacolo, Fla. Apr. 15 Tho court of Inquiry, Admiral Ccghlan president, to duy commenced taking testimony in tho Missouri explosion case. No eye witneesf 3 survive and only theories are bcio advanced. One of Ltho Missouri ncamen makes tho state ment that W, Boorgard of the turret crew, who is missing, was blown through a hole in the top ot tho turret and in. to the gulf. Disagreement on Naval .Bill Washington, Apr. 10-Tbe Confer ence Committee on tbe Naval Appropri ation Bill made a partial report today, leaving thirteen items iu disagreement. Stephanie Insane Berlin, Apr, 10 The Morgan Post at. eerte that former Crown Princess of Austria, now the Counte68 BtephaniH Lonyay, has oecome Insane, Her father is King Leopold of Belgium. A Uwyir Gits Four Years l Grand Raplde, Michigan, Apr. 10 TlMttM McGarry, the lawyer convicted .ei WiWry la conaeettoa villi the city watw deal, wkitUty,jrJjw aoBtencedj Trying to Recover Body ti I I hrVCj52a y Woehlnslon, April 12-Ilenry White, in the abeenco of Ambassador Chaote. ntIondon, cables that the senior Na val Lord callod at the American em bassy and expressed sympathy of the first Lord of Admiralty on the Missouri riUmter. $50,000.00 Gash Given Away to Users of ON COFFEE ... m , ., u liuu tA T.lnn CinfTati. Not onlv will the we are Rotntr 10 oc more uDcnu man uvui m ii i -,--.. ... --- - --- -r.inn.Tfonci. mt frnm the nacknpes. be trood. as heretofore, for the valuable premiums wc have always Riven our customers, but ' k Addition to the Regular Ff ee Premiums tho same Lion-Heads will entitle ycu to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prlxe Conteat.yiMcjiiim make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired mere wm Do TWO GREAT CONTESTS- The first contest will bo on tho July 4th attendance at tbe St. LoalH World Fair; the second routes to TOMI Vote For President to bo cast Nov. B, 1001. $20,000.00 will bo distributed In each ol these contests, mnklns; 1 - .. . .. ...... ..In ' t. il l ..1.1l,lv tn Mill nmnntii. wn will aive a 940,000.00 on mo iwo, ana, jo inao 11 sun raoro imuiciiii, m ....... .- ..,.- ..... , ..- " .7 1 i W i. n". .JK G1!" fnrifl flffl to tne one wno i ncarvni curcn w m 1 ! MamMaMammtiaMmamwK'KtMWrMmamMmM'nmnmmMTimmmmmmiMmmrmBUKMH fT, HnaneHnnni IJrono;u, N,J' Apr, It Kfforts to recover the body of diver Howard con tinue tolay without result. Air is still being pumped down. Italians Arrested Martellles, Apr. 10 Three Italians hv-bawi taken into custody in con nectlon with a supposed plot to kill Pefcldflnt Loubtt during hie coming visit to-Italy, Morgan's Resolution Defeated Washington, Apr. 16By a vote of thirty-eight to eeventeon, the Benate defeated a resolution by Morgan, calling on tbe Attorney General to report ou tbe negotiations Ift progteea between the government and the .new Panama Canal Co. Washington, Apr. 15 Up to noon, todey nearly $S0O had boon added to tho subicriptlon for the relatives 0' the vic tims of the Missouri disaster. Secretary Hoy has contributed $100; Mm. Cowlos, wife of the Commander of tho Miusourl, f)Q. Washington, April 15 Tho president has received tho following lottor from the Kueslan ambassador: Having Just received the ead news of the loss of our battleship PetrovaloBk which cost so many lives to our bravo navy, I sim ultaneously am informed of tho dis aster which occured aboard your batlle chip Mierouri. which took eo many lives of your gallant comrades, 'Permit me to expreeB to yoo, Mr, 1 President, my deepest sympathy in tbe name of my government and my own la this ead occurance," TheBocrerary of tho Navy also re ceived condolences from dbo frie'ncu 1 'j Ambassor Juswran f Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a a cent stamp (In addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What will bo the total July 4th attomlahco nt the Bt I-o!l World'! Fair? At Chlcaco, July 4, IW1. Ih nttondnneo win 233,273. For ncaroit correct ontlmotot rocelvixl la VooUon Kplco Coin oany'a olilco, Toledo, Jhlo, on or bforo Juno 30th, VM. vru s glvo firt prize (or tlio noarcit correct ettlmalo, second prtzo to tho next ncareitt etc., etc., tit follows: 1 rirst rrtio ja.noo.oo 1 Second Prlro 1,000,00 a Frizes snoo.oo each 1 .ooo.oo n Prizes 200. OO " 1 lO Prizes ioo.uu QO Prizes 00.00 " OO Prizes 20.OO " 20O Prizes lO.OO " 1U00 Prizes 0,00 " 3130 PRIZES, JMS. " at BsfaiuMialnfll ww yfTjjj'tjz tif t X UwOUO 1,000,00 1 ,U(JOUU IIHMIMMtMtf SiOUUeOO UUULUU TOTAL, 320,000.00 contcatit. and thus your estimates have two opportunittesoi winntDKnuiK-48" !'" f Printed blanks to vote ton found in every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es JB timate is recorded. DPfiir)PNTIAL VOTE CONTEST What will bo tho total Popular Voto cast for President (votes for all candidate combined; at tlio election November H, 1VH1 la liWciloctlon. J3.M9.M3 pooplo voted tor President. I'or nonrrit cor reel osllmates received In Woolson Hnlco Co.'i . oftlciv '1 oledo, O., on or beloro Nov, 5, J9W, we will Blvo first prlro for tliiT nearest cor rect estimate, second pruo to the next noa-ost.otc.otc, us follows: 1 First Prize .,12,000.00 1 necouu iTizc ........................ jij'v-xj; a Frizes- JOpO.OO each 1 .000.00 J9S5'S3 1 ,000.00 , , . , 1 ,000.00 ""yy-y" i TOTAL, O Prizes 20Q.0Q KJU.UU m Prizes 30 Prlzeu 00 Prizes 200 Prizes 1000 Frizes aiao 1'nizr.s, no.oo 20.00 10.00 0.00 o.'oooioo 120,000.00 4279 PRIZES 4279 llttrliiuttd io th Fubllc-aengilln $45f000.00l iddlllMltwhlih'wa 'A,I,J llA . ,. . l .1. i.. imuaavM. .Ll. - ...yJ IsIaI aI CKsl. (11111. OB. tt irsctrt' unrKt (.tn purucuiasri in uuw uurrcc hihj wwim rn wm w, w.,www.,w COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF I 1AM AACCETC ) ;WO0U10ritlICCCO;(C0NTeTrDKPr') iYr.. 'hrmoloio- 'I 'Mm y ii" w ,T M 1 il '. l I '