Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 23, 1904, Image 5

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Late General News
T .
I '
Hun 1'rntiol-co, April 10 The Jury In
tlio case ot Thomas' '.Davit, oliafKeil wllh
s '
ntcniill on Mrs. Atnce, of Mnrehlleld,
OK. on tliu high tu.te, failed to iigroo,
(in (I linvo liijon onlorcd dlMolinr'god.
Health), Apr, 10 Tlio twilnu of it cohl
trnln qn llio Columliln mid 1'iiroI Round
rnnd Jumped the track nnd tnrnod ovnr
Jto.tr lllnuk Dlniiiond thin morning ln
itnnlly killing onguidtr Joo Scnnlon,
od and will voto m n nrilf.
Tho platform makes' no nllunlon.fo
llioallvorqiicotloni flndo Itoosovolt n
Monaco to constitutional govcrnmynt
nnd International pence, declares against
coiiirniuniion ol power, opposes paler
sialism, favors reciprocity and com
mondo lobor unions.
1'rttli8plnof tlio director of the j first plural wlfeihehad eight chfldm,
Northern Hectirtylerj Co. for distribution
of the stock of tbo Great Northern. nd
Northern 1'nolflo la not In violation of
Jlio decree In tlio Northern Securities
nnd rovoroly
Injuring flruuinn Ono.
Denver, Colo,, Apr. 18-Clonornl Bli"r
man Doll nnd Captain Iluckly Wells
tiutnorrot, Pn, April 1U A mob, arm-
d with rltltiHi has surrounded tlio (lilr
rol coal work, nud nu outbreak li
expected hotneou tlio ntrlkorn and tin
miners In tlio company barricade, Tlio
latter tint Itnllnua ttnd nro snltl to Imvi
nrmi. Twouty ehotti were exohang-d Inst
Washington, Apr. Ill Tlio Boiintu to
day agreed to resolution by Morgan ln
liUtictlnj: tlio Comuilttuu on Fprelgn re
Intlont to Investigate certain charges o
crutdty ctongnlnst American rraldrnU
of tlio Congo free stntca nnd report what
expression of opinion tlioroon should 1m
pi ado by congress.
Uhlrago. Apr. 1U Noldormolr, tlio
Cm bin bandit, w ho nttnmptod suicide,
continues improving nnd tlio Jail phytic
Ian ninlutnlnn tjint ho r.lll bo ablo to
walk to tlio gallows Friday. Friends of
tlio bandit will appeal totho Governor
(or n (rorplto until tlio man btcontes
stronger, .Noidortuoir hinnolf fa nppaiS
unify iudlfftirunt. '
Tiunpn, Kin. Apr. 10 In n aeml-da-llrotis
atato, tlio result of a recent illnroa
Abnrr McKlnloy, biothor of tlio Into
Prcrldont walked from hii room Into
tlio corridor of tlio Tampa Hay hotel
laat nlht wiiilo n concort wna in pro
cmiK nttlrod only in Ida iilaht clothes
nnd calling for Mrs. McKiuley. An tit
t umlaut took him back to hie room, and
hid condition la causing' hia friends
(nncli concern.
f of Troop "A" nrrlvpd from Tcllurldo
thin morning nnd thou lonruod for thu
llrat tlmo that both had formally
and officially declined corvJco of the
4upromo court writ of hnbeas corpus
(or tlio rolenjo of l'roeldont Moyor, of
tlio WoBtorn Fcdorallon of Minors.
llnll nnd Wolla wont Into n long con
foruaco with Governor l'oabody nt the
oonolutlon of which that uxecotlvo y,nvi
oymytomaof rovcralnc lilmoolf, In the
mnltor of ordering Dull to produce
Moyer. Tlio Governor will probably
follow one of two courier; olthor refute
to make tlni ordor to Doll in tlio mat
ter, or n-k tlio tupremo court to bo
modify IIh ordor that tlio prceonco
of Moycr bo not required when tho cafe
comes up Thnriday.
Bocond, nolio but jtho United Btates
oan nuccoRafullv nppoat to tho court to
enjoin ho oxocutlon of Hint plan on tho
Kround (hot it In In vlolntlomof thoSliur
mnn Anll.Trut not,' nnd tlio United
fjtatco oxprcsBou Hatltfaclion with tho
prcaent decreo.
Third, thu otock of tlio tvo r til ways Is
nut in llio custody 61 tho court. '
Fourth, an Inter vcntfoi In not neces
sary to enable tho petitioners lo protect
nny pecuniary interest or equity llio
may huvo. Tjmyer delivered .the opln
some of whdm were bom snco hia elec-
tlori to co'riKrcss In 1808.
Iio was-married to Difi third wife by
Daniel 11. Wells, jCouneoller to the
AnOMlA'ftt Pn!t T.nt-n. ... Tliarn tear tin
hil'tnn 'iu ,titr.
1 1 i "' """ L ffin
wiwmoea nor wbb -nwior oi mo previoun
wives .preiicnt. ,
olls mado no ohjectlo-i, to lii3 mar
rlago to Mrs. flhipp, hla third wl!et
neither hod tho othjCT two wives, Hov-
ever, thoy did not know of it at, 4the
Jlomp, Apr; 20 A., hutidrotl minors
woro overwhelmed by nu avftlaucho
In tho comrhunu of Proxolalo today.
Twenty flvo nftonvard oicapcd, but tho
remainder woro buried. i
Tollurldo, Colo. April 20-Gon6ral
Hell, accompanied by thrco offienrs and
sovontcon iron, left thin morning foi
Dcnvor w 1th 1'roaidont Moycr, to he
prctont n thfa habeas corpus proceed
irfgs in tho Hupiemo court tomorrow.
Iirnseolc, Apr. 20 Tho Court of Ap
peals in hoaring cloImB nainst King
London, Apr. 10-Tho nnnouncomcut Loorol(1 by crt.ditor6 of Princess 'Louise
that tho.budKOt for tho comlnR yea. 0f CoburK, bis dahtor, nnd tho claim
of Counters I(inyny, another of Loc-
Whcolln, W. Vo. April JD-llccauto
of hor beiiiK accused of boiiiK in coneplr
ncy loflwindlo livromployorv, tho fftlflo
Dry floods Co., Mablo Fulton, aged ID,
ran weeping from tho storo nud, in full
view of hundred-, climbed to tho hlch
oet point of thu now etuol hridRO and
throw herself Into tho Ohio river.
Tho Rlrl'a clothing noted as n para
chute and tho struck tho water, ono
hundred foot bolow, so gently that hIio
nnffurud no injarie-, nud men In n boat
rojcnod her.
would bo mndo known drew n record
crowd to tho Hotxoof Commons todaj.
Chuuccllor Auitlu Chamberlain and Pe
ttier Jotcpji rccoivod ovations, tpunctu
ntcd with Irleii chaff.
Introducing tho budget, tlo Chan
cellor appealed for forbearance. Tho
cycle of prosperity prevailing at tho
tlmo of tho Inst budget ecomed to hao
been oxhauatcd.
Tho commercial doproaslon had been
nggravatfd by that of Booth Africa
whllo foreign competition is kconiir than
evor. Exclicquor rccoipts fell short of
tlio estimates, 2,721,000 pounds.
The nipcnl ol tho Corn Tax bad
proved costly in oporntion. I'xcIho re
turns also full short by n million nud, n
half pounds. Expenditures during tho
year were 1 15 millions, sxcccdlnjj tho
cstlmnto thrco millions.
pold's daughters, was today decided Id
favor of tho King.
Louleo contracts debts on tho strcneth
of nn inheritance duo from hor mothor'a
ostato, nnd King Leopold Claimed that
none d( th ostato is loft. .
Lonjay Countoss sued for portion of
her mother's estato, and tho King gave
thosaruo answer.
Key York, April 20-Unl(cd 8'latCB
canal comrjilssioner Parsons, who Arriv
ed from Colon today, eald that nflcr hla
arrival, Aprllflth, tho canal commUsldn
or examined Colon and proccoded to
Panama, wlioro bo inspected tho ''Work
already doito nud commenced.
He examined nt (rcat length tho cole-
brated Kmperador and Calttlbra cuts,
nud travoretd tho Chsgres river coroo
miles in thu study of tho construction
necessary to control this strcAm. Tho
result, in his opinion, is that tho con
struction of the canal is perfectly feas
ible. Parsons raid it wts too early to speak
of dclails o( plans. Tho climoto was -a
snprisoto Him,. Although yrrta,rit
was not so dlHagrcoablo asextromo Sum
mer In Now York.
U'hilo the preccnt death rato is con
siderably higher than it should" bo, ho
Is confident that with a supply of gool
water and n system of tewcre, Panama
nnd Colon can bo mndo healthful.
Pnrrons loft tho Commieaion in good,
health. In a fow weeks the rest of the
Cninmlesion will return to Washington
to organize tlio ccccesary engineer
ottbegoutfwrtiaclnii And 1$
dashinj- over th& rold hc$, The frfghi
schedule ha9 been abandoned. There Is
a rumor that a gang ,of men in stMra
launches, who wore gatborlngr up .tlm-
hers, have perished.
' ' ' W l-A
Chicago, Apr, 30 A- snow storm at
St. Louis caused a postponement of the
ball game. Tho gamps at'Urooklyn and
Philadelphia were also ca' od &0,n& ac
count of freeziflK wPAther,
coal works .this morning. i
Beaconsflold Remerrfjered
London, Apr. 19--l,rlHOPfc day waa
celebrated today, tho.elatTio pf Beacons
field belnR covered wjth wreaths oi
i . ' ' '
Delaware for RoosbyoIT
Pover.Apr. 10 Tho regular Itarui oil
cans, In conventfon, today endorsed
Koo-ovelt and Instructed dclo:atC3 ti
vote for Win. "
gomdrstt, Apr. 80 Sheriff Coietoah.
reports everything quiet at the fl,yr'
iif ' f ,
FnnftVirs Wti Mm
, "r - "V.,. tmx&k
J "" '"' J-"-!-
Kaiisafl City, April 20-iThe trnek
drlverr' strike, which has lasted eovesj .
', - w y?
weeks, bas been declared off, the ot,i , is,
Vioyers wlnnins;.
' ' . . i i
(Front Wednesday' Daily.),
A Bulgarian Suicide
Vienna. Apr, 10 Tho JWcarfen
commercial Bgent, TacbakBfon, ahot'j
himself thlstnornlDg. Ho was recently
discovered supplying the Macedonian
Insurgents with amssnitlon.
Gat His Medicine
Somerset, Ky. Apr. 19 George Troxlll
while intoxicated broko into tho home
oi -Deputy Shorifl Foster who was
absent. Foster's wife warned Troxlll,
who continued bis dopredations, when
the woman shot and killed him.
Toronto, Apr. 20 At eight tbis morn
ing i great fire which has boon raging
uuru id uuuvrcumrui, iiiu names iaiu
wasto mom than ono hundred and fifty
Washington, Apr. 10-ConsIdoration. buildings, with n nropertvloeB ostlmato.ll
After Polyamous Postmasters
Washington, Apr. 20 Tbo Senate to
day, adopted a resolution introduced by
Dubois calling on thePoitmaster Gen-
jeral to ascertain whether any PojI-
1 masters in Idaho are living in polygs-
Stiibonvlllo, Ohio, April 10-Molvlu
Owens, nged twelve, tonfeaeos in nu ulll
davit that ho accidentally bhot tils fath
er, October lust, during u tculllo with
his sletor, who nttomptqd to provent
him golnu idler chluken thiovca in tho
Tho family agreed to kcop tho matter
qtilut, but Mrs. OwoiiB wan charged with
murder nud allowed herself to bu coy.
vlrtod rather than plnoo tlio crime on
tiiq boy. Tlio vlrlcut wan eet nsldo.
ilurrisburg, Pa. April ll)--Tho bohi
ooratloelntoconvnntlon today was on
jlrojy under control oftho atu oi'ganf.
aWi. Tho programttgrecd upou M,
uarrid out, Hiiinuol Q. Thompson, of
Philadelphia, wnj nominated for Hit-
promo court Justice, 4IiyIt7lig--TalSfltTL01
Portland, Oun. Apr, JO There was n
hot fight in tho Democratic Stato Con
vention this afternoon ovor Hearst, Gov
Chamberlain loading thoso oppoiod to
his ondorjemont or tho instruction of
tho National delegates.
This w ill bo fouyht out on tho floor.
Instead of through committee as por tho
truce ngrcemont roaohod this morning.
Tho lleurst leador last night decided
to Ignore tho Btato Conlral Commlttoo
I which la opposed to I iuaret'a endorse
ment. This threatened for n time to
moku tho convention i veritable battle
Chamberlain nnd hla followers mnko
n fight, not bucHiiso they nro personally
opposod to Hearst but they want uu
luutructod delegates. It la probably
tbat tlio later will bn Hoarst'd but Hint
neither Itcsolutiou or Instructions will
of nmondmonts to tho constitution was
resumed liy tho D. A. It. tbis morning.
.Mrs. Little, of Now York, Introduced
n resolution denouncing polygamy and
roquostlngcongros -not to ncrmlt nn
officer of tho Mormon church to hold
office. A standing voto resulted in nil
but thrco in favor.
Wlleu tho trio stood up to voto -'No'
thoy were liisiod. Ono was Mrs. Ida
HiiPBtcd, of Harper, Calif., who declared
audibly that sho would have made n
speech against the reeolution if sho wcro
known hero.
r Bt Paul, Minn, Apr. 10-Tho United
States Circuit Court this mornlni; de
nied tho right of Ilarrimnn and Pforco
to illo n petition against Hill's proposed
pro rato distribution of northern
scmultlo'ajtcQkSJWl.isTiBW vMimJoj?
"The decision of tho court la unauj-,
. r ' V
lowing grounds:
Chicago, Apr. ?.0 Kmll Hooski, found
guilty of tho murder of Olto Hauder,
wna this morning contuucod to life im
prlsouraout. Ho is tho fourth member
of thoCnrbarnors.
Itoeskl received his sontonco smiling.
Doth ho nnd bis counBol nnd family np
pearcd relloved that he would not hang.
Jurors claimed t hnd not bton mado
cloar that Kocskl actually fired tho bul
let that killed Bander.
In tho trial, Marx sworo that ho flted
tlio shot, nnd whllo ho iutonded to kill
Itooskl, who wao in disfavor with tho
carhnrners, ho nceldentnlly killed the
youth, who was silting ntn table in the
saloon Intended to bo held up July, 9S.
nt ton to fifteen millions. J
A high wind fanned tho flamee with
tearful Intensity, and the ' firo depart
ment was unable to cope with them.
Montreal and Buffalo sent engines and
men. Shortly after ono o'clock this
mornlni: tho wlud changed to tho direc
tion of the residential portion nnd many
homoa woro burned. Several neonlo
nro roportod missing nnd nri thought to
havo lost their lives.
Tho blaro started in a factory in
Wellington etrcot.
' Whllo working on top ot a six otory
building tho fiiimos cut off the escape of
Chief Thompson and Freman Dowkes
Thompson loapod to tho ground, hla
fall being broken by wires, nnd sufforcd
n broken leg. D?wkos is missing nnd is
believed to have porished.
A flol stand by tho fire department
wns made nt Montr. rd e'ruut r.nd with
a thift of wind nt cevm o'clock the
finmea woro controlled.
A recent Eureka dispatch to the S, F.
Examiner says: Over l,5CO steerage
pas!Cngeri havo been landed In II em
boldt county tJnceFobruary 1st by tha
various steamers and steam scbeonera
plying between Kan Franetao aud thk
nott', n? leaat W) per en of whom,hava .,
uujiir i f ih uy ienaji nt me misrenre-
fentationefof ensploymont 'f-eacfefl In
S.u, Francfeco as to the labor conditions
exftting in this county. w
'On the steamer Spokane, arriving
tlifs morning, there wei'e lie' steeraco
paMenaerB, most'of whom .wertjtallaur. ' t
ffae Pacific. Coast Steamship Company
alone has .bronght from San FTatfiitca
to Eureka 1.3-1 i iledrage s'$itP&?ta
during tlie pasH lftf'o "and one-half ,
montl-.s. , -, , .
Aong the line 'e'VaTOlfa.'d'tho
county roado hdmffetfsof I'racri arn
traveling, pfekin their bedding acd-
seeking employment which Is not to bf
found. At a recent 'meeting of the local".
Federation Council "a, 'resolution was v
paseeu eoiiciung tne, aiu o; tha exec.
tlve board of tho- 8taie Federation of '
Labor and the San Francisco "Exarflin
er," asking tho former to tuife leal ac-
Hon against the employment agonclea i
In San Francisco for misrepresenting
the conditions as ;o the dewand of f
labor In Humboldt county. ' t i -&
t psrr
Was Seen by Crew of Mary E Rusvfe
But Evidently Got off
- &
, J
- is
London, Apr. 20 Tbo City and Sub
urban handicap of two thousand sover
igns, run on Epsom Downs, was won by
Lord Carnarvon's Robort Li Diablo,
Lauo up.
Captain Evonton.'of the Jklarv" E7"
Rubs which arrived Monday and is
loading lumber at the railroad wharf,
repot i seeing a three masted schooner
on t. a beach 5 miles south of the
Uropqua at 10 a. m. Monday. k
Tho Russ was beating down to tha
Boos By bar, when Captain Eveneon
I noticed the schooner apparently on her
beam ends and on the beach. He .
called his mate and both saw the vessel,
also eaw the crew, or part ot It, leave .""
her iu boats anil put off shore, the 'sea '
boiug romparatively smooth at tho - ,
As no Yoseel has been reported ashore, ' ' " --v
it eeoms probable that the schooner
was kedged off. aud that the boats seen ry...
leaving her were putting out kedgeV ' ,
anchors. Had she remained nn Mm V.
beach, eho would have been seen by
.jwuftuaMM a lJJU I'flOCVWJOlO,
Boston, Apr. 20 An Inch cf snow
last night.
Washington, Apr. 20Brigha,m
Roberts, ono of tho sovon First Pros!
donts ot tbo Mormon church and who
vfnsoloctod to congrepa .but was pre
vented from tnklng his ont, wan. the
first vrltuoaa this morning on tho ro-
-. .4Mk W -tm kdt S
" . i hi dI7.i ' 0. ji '
nuiimiiuu ui iuu ouiuuiiiiiuiu v. uv iiiu
sJJloComm'ef. $ jg & J
..HeBftldjheJia boon marrlqdithree
in 1880, .Uy Colin Dibblenvho Wna his
Borro, Yt, Apr. 20 The hcavicet
enow etorui of '-Uio toason raged lust
night, ton luclib'a falling, aud It Is still
allowing, . '
, St Louis, Apr.20 Six incbea of snow
foil In southern Illinois nnd MiseourL
... . t"r il. .. .
s. . itu .: ii , '
I. lud..
Sl6ux,CIty,. April 20-FiveUnchoB ol
enow foil Inst night, 'inSouth Dakota
nnd norUiwostewIown,
lA06dnK-p1ilf?-'AM'blg etbrmon
d rfl v jt fPtJa V?e?7g -; tho past thrco days,
has damaged tho grado at Luciu cut-oRj,.
if n "''
. juuiv-iojuiyyvjijj m
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lilltl BLH
llllll iBI
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HhMagnes de Matson.
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