tf'iii nyummpwU'i nm KWtaUwMia ilt.iiltTi1,rHiiJnlfT..riiiHilitlhr tkki&rn .- .,. ' ..... - .-.,, - L- ... fJtul. 8' 'iSSjiMiViI illiiWl I RIVER AND FAIR BILL M"M H 4i WILL VISIT Mkiwr. ROPE PIUS : : CELEBRATES' HAD . NO mm EUROPEAN' : CAPITALS Madrid, April '11 Announced that -Mt't PASSES. ' SENATE p H ?: j - : JURIS- ' J v II .. AVERTED ' "'' FIRST MASS a, ?, i I. DICTION s 'v - V On Santa Fe Railroad System i Washington, Apr, 11 Indications point to nn upon rupture between tlio Santa I'o rnllwny and tliu In(ernntlonn) Jaioufatlou of MiicfilniMei' WMoU,vII jirobably cause tho declaration ul n gori oral elrlko (n nil shops of tlio fjanla l'o system within two weeks. The executive bonrd of tlio Associa tion lias detonated to President O'Con noll authority to rcrelvo election returns from tlio local nnd tnko nclloti conform log to tlio sentiment of the Association. All rcturnB aro not yot Id, but thu majority in favor of n strike 1 so iover wheltnlngthat'O'Connoll leaves Thurs- day for Denver, which will bo Ills head quarters In caao n etrlko la declared, nhllo no announcement can bo modo, O'Connoll said It looks ai if n strlko cannot bo nvortml. RUSSIANS EXCITED False Alarm Causes Firing at Port Arthur NewGbwang, Apr. II A misunder standing of cuetoms flashlight aljtnnls caused great excitement at midnight. Theoillcers in command of thp forts thought tho Japonoeo woro making nu attack and opened flro on thu fleet of merchantmen outward bound. Two Chinese aenmon woro struck by a ahull and killed. Several shots wero fired boforo tho nrlillory men discovered tholr mUtake. Tho IncIJitit show tho montnl strain under which tho Russians are laboring. Tevorlah activity provalls among thu military who aro doing thu host they can to prepare for a Japnuoeo ntealt, BEAVERS TRIED IN NEW YORK Waahlnglon, Apr. 11 The Bupremo v ' ' Court today ruled Unit Cloorgo W. t "fioavors, of Fort Iltley, Chief of the Sal ary nnd Allownuca division of thu. Post I ofllco Dopartmont, iudlctod in connec tion wltlr poslnl frauds, was properly surrondored to tho authorities of tho Knatorn district cf Now York, Although nfrCajod In tho Bouthorn district,' nnd hat ho will havo to stand trial thoro. 0 EMPLOYMENT AGENTS INFAMOUS BUSiHESS ' Hpoknne, Wn. Apr. 11 The proBQ to" day exposed tho ompioymont ngentuln flpokane,.'hom it oIiarjfaBvfUh prpcur . ing innocent girls for houses ol ill fame, All but two agots.nro1 Involved. "' HARBOR ;Xfr " v PROPRFATION Wnahlngton, Apr. 11 The House con sldered tlio itlver nnd Harbor approprl allonr. The bill carries three million, to bo oxpended only vrhoro improve ments have Already been begun, and not mora than fllfty thousand upon any one project. Domingo Rebel at New York Now York, April 11 (itinera) Jimlticz tlio Dominican robol who tiiod to wroa tho lelrm of government from Picsldent Morales, nrrlvod from Han Jnnn today on tlio aloamur Philadelphia. Ho ro juacd to talk of his future movements or of Handomlngo affairs, - MORROS PUNISHED AGAIN Manila, Apr, 11 News retches here today of a fight between General Woods forcos nnd Morros nt Taraca rivor. The Morros attacked tho Americans and) weru repulsed with great slaughter. Iholr leader, howovor, escaped. The Arnoricaua lost two killed and- six wounded, Washington, Apr. 11 The vVar De partrnont hai received a cablo report from General Wado of tho engagement at Taraca by woods forcoi, Wood In vited tho fltiltnn of Taraca to meet him at Vicars camp tho 31st. Tho Sultnn refused nnd made hostile preparations. Columns wero eont April 2nd info tbo Taraca Nalloy. Vicar's column was fired on ten miles out, the shooting continuing all night. One en listed man was serioualy wounded, The 8ccond column was strongly reslatod at tho Tntaca river. Two inlisted men wero terioualy wounded. From that tlmo till the 7th tho troops woro engaged in destroying Xortl fications, Cottns Ncwcomb, of company ICof the seventy infantry, and Vnmp lor of company D twenty third infantry woro killed. Kvory effort was wado to bring tho Moros to terms J peacefully, but failed. Two chlola who lmvo been nt tho boi 19111 of tho troublo on tho cast side of (or two years, aro now hiding, nnd will bo arrested if possible. Lieut. Pnrel)Al),of tho Twenty-mjcond. died nt Mnrn llul of heart dlseato. MRS. BOTKIN'S SECOND TRIAL TOMORROW 8arjJrancleco, Cnl. Apr, 11 Tho ar rangomnt o(Mrs. Uoklnon tho chargo of murdorlng Mrs, Ooan was postponed') until tomorrow, Whou brought Into court this morning bIio announced that alio was not roprdscntcd by countol. If tlio lawyer who dofonddU hor in het re- f cont trial fall to appoar . tho court . will nppoiut couusol, j o - " f I Suspected Murderer Arraigned Waltham, Mass, Apr, 11 CIibb, Tuckor, who was arrested Saturday, charged' with tho murdor of Mabel Pago in her" home atVoaten, vMaroh-3t,was ar'ia(gnfid,thia morning nnd pleaded not guilty. The caso was contlttued until Apr, 'faV. Nearly Half Million Appropriated Wellington, Apr. 0 The house bill for tlio Lewis and Clark exposition, ap propriating 1 175,000 was pasted by tho Unit ad Slates senate thla aftornoon, tin changed and without comment YELLOW LIBRARIES MUST GO No Longer Have Cheap Postage Vr'ashiugton, April 11 Books cannot go through tho mails as eecood-claw mr iter, according to a decision of the euj-rome court today, in the so-called "s(uondclas8 mall matter" suit brought by Houghton Mifllin and Co. of Boston, against otbor publishers. The courts below aro sustained. Tho Postmaster General has maintain ed that the Itivereide Literary series tho Columbia Library the Detective Library and othor eo called library e wero also; excluded. The publishers contended that these were periodical magazjnes. For sixteen years these publications have had second class privileges. x 0 DAViS TRIAL POSTPONED TILL THURSDAY Mrs Ames Assailant Must Face the Music Han Francisco, Cal Apr, 11 Thp trial of Con Davis, porter on the steam er Alliance, who is accused of assaulting Mrs. A, II. Ames, of Marahfleld, Or egon, on ft voyage from Ban Francisco wont over till Thunday. 0 CROTIAN PEASANTS RIOTING Attack Officials and ' Town Hall I' Vienna,' Apr. II Near Agram, Croatia, today peasants attacked the prosideot of the town Klbaoh, nnd a notary named Vokuvitcb, trampling thorn u nder loot. Voki iv Itch is dead and the President is seri jualy injured', The snob broke into the to wn hall and turned all the public regie' sersi but Was, Anally suppressed by troov&.v Ms!ftp4irsana wera, wounded. An, utiUrytriB waa killed by the- ex- plo sloaela'cktUltige during the melee. Alfonzo will go to Paris soon as be re turns to Madrid at the end of May. Thsnco ho will go to Berlin and Vienna. 0 EUROPEAN ANARCHISTS ARRESTED Supposed to be After The Kaiser. Berlin. Apr, It The police have ar rested several persons here, supposed tq be anarchists. The police here and in other European capitals have been warned by Scotland Yard to maintain the st'xteat vlgllence for persons going to Malta and other points which the Kaiser will touch. It is evident that conspirators are working at their head quarters in London. Probaly a serious plot is afloat of which the English police havo obtained an inkling, WHOLESALE SLAUGHTER OF NATIVES Herreros Defeated by Germans UNflin, April 11-A desperately fought battle between the Gernian troops and rebel Hcrros 'at Onganlern in German Southwest Africa is reported today. , i The Germsns stormed the rebel pofl Hon, which, waa a strong one and wee repeatedly thrown back, but .the attack was renowed and after eight hours stub- .,,,,," " " ,, , born fighting tho enemy were drives j from their poaltlori. The Herreros re- treated to the eastward; The German low is four killed and twelve wounded. The Herreros ware ' slaughtered by the whdlsale, over 300 dead being counted en the battle field EX-POSTMASTER IN JAIL Former Coos County Man Accused bf Embezzling (Journal) 'B. i. Rosier. Postmaster at Coquille, who was indicted by the recently dis solved tinlted States gf and jury for em bezzlement of), nxbney-order funds amounting to 1SC0.75, was arrested at Newberg Wednesday afternoon and was brought to Portland. He was commit ted to the county jail in default o, ball, and will be arraigned before Judge Bellinger. . The indictment agalnat Nor!erv was made nubile this morning It simply charged him with the embezzlement, oi the sura mentioned while he was Post master at Coquille, Coos comity, during the two years ending April 15, 11)01. Since his retirement from the office, he has lived with relatives sear Newburg. He appears to bo greatly worried over the shortage, and informed the Federal officers tjjat he wbuld try to "have it nxed up", The Government intends to take ac tion to recover the sum frosa either Noaler or his bondsmen -and at the tsaine time to prostoute Nosier. nosier neioaiSToia weivKuown piu niBBuiuraamltf nf tlia IiiAUtll rntmtrv. a . .'iw. t s . r,u j:7h,7 w7. oM i 11 jadiao riiuu uatU tbH tillvblv ruAntAl I oitlxsi y" wv " - - --.- BrilliantSceriQaritlBig Crowd Home, Apr. 11 Pope Pius celebrated his first mass at St. Peters tcday admit a vast concourse of people. The scene was brilliant and inspiring. Tho immense baeilica was crowded with forty thousand persons from all na tlons. For hours before the Pope ap peared the spectators arrived in streams and struggled for position of Vantage, while troops lined the plaeaia and kept back the surging crowd, One feature oi the service wbb rendi tion of the Gregorian chant by oyer a tbousasd youths led by Father Perotl head of the ststlse choir The Pope crossed the cburch to the alter in sedia gestatoria and the rever ent congregatioB. His Holiness was pale and looked more aged tbaa on the occasion of bis accession to the throne. 1 .. f a 7 Quay About TU Same Atlanta City. Apr. 11 Senator Quay is reported about the same this morning. His physicians advise absolute quiet. Seciil Eyeit ii Sai Fraicisco (From Monday's; Daily.) Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Chapman former1 ly of Marsbfield, whera they resided soase years and where they will be re meabered by many old frieadri gate Birthday party at tbeir boaae at fel3 11th (St. Baa Fnaeieco oa the 6th of April, ob the 17th anniversary of tbeir Son Gordon, who is bow quite a prea klsf yeas bub. The party present were Capt. F, SmlUi, ef the "Alpine." Mr. and Wn, Brgaalpf 13th Street, Mr. and Mrs. W. JRfcfcahleos of 22th 8t. Mlw SfeU and Master Gordoa Richardson. Mr. E- Barry, O'Firrell 8t. Mr. L. Baelgalnpi of Divlwdwo St. MiseLila Wballey of Alacaedo, Mr. Geo. Ortllp of Bash and Masea (Ms. Prof. Wn. Keegan, Howard St. Mf. and Mrs. vVilbite, Haight St. Miss. Mvi tie Ash, Steeasoa 8c aud Mr. and. Mrs. C. t. Hogensoa. 'Tha party arrived early ia the even .Ids; and iessalned till early In the morn ing, forgetting while enjoying Hie music and song as well as a bountiful repast, that another day was coming on.'and w,,en wJlh mnr wlhM or ine welfare 01 tns young man, they ! all felt that it bad bees good to be there. A musical program was resdered com prising some selections on the piano by Mrs. itichardsoB, Miss Llla Whally anil Mr- Baelgalnpi as well as some number ny tne liras Trio Mr. and Mr.'. C. . Hogeason and Mist Ash. iiiiiiijiimiiiiiniiinii I We Bave Lots to And If YwlWaflt jots to Sell We do k general x;eul esthte We handle city property in We are the owners and sole X :jJ!i!... ,. .1.. .... , , .. .. t jwuiuou 10 ine cuy 01 iNouu nena, aud can sell you desirable T resident 101s irom 725.00 up. We have rauclies and limber lauds for, sale nnd can J quote you a thousand bargains We have houses aud furnished rooms for rent and if you ! are looking for a business location on Coos Bay we are always yours ior luiormatton. Your business aud correspondence respectfully solicited. ",; I- Hirth Bend Mirchaotila , Ofiicea iu North Bend and Marsbfield lfL -.. .. .si,v i n " - O. L. WilHitni :MrmnWH4rM44klmiftm' n . . .. t. i .' f .A . ,. imMIIIIHIIllllimiMtMIHIf IHlllllsilHSjilllH Wtshlrogioa, Apr. il-The ct'ce of ih ' 1 State of Minnesota vJ-Xerlliwn rseurlJ ties Co, and Greet KorlherB, and Northern Paddc whtoh was not deeided in tke Supreme Court of the United States when the merger decision wa handed down, was decided today, The Supreme Court held ilut the federal Circuit Court has no jurisdiction, and the case was distafsaedl (i T The ansa wM,b'redgh!t to sustaia Mia-' aesaU's sUtatea t '7a ferblddig the (OBBolklation of parallel r.nd jeompeliyd railroad Uses, also to preterit 'illegal combinalloas in restraint of trade and commerce. Tho obi act of Ibcanlt wa? to declare' the comblaation of the two roads and the holding of stook by the Secaritiet Co as unlawful and against the laws of the state at. well as the United States Statntesi , , I By petition the ease was remove from the state court to the circuit of the Halted States, as arising nnder the con stitution and laws of the Halted 8 tales.' The case was decided against the tUti in the federal court and was takn to the Supreme Court. The court invited' briefs oa the question of jurisdiction1 aad both skies argaed the case as 14 whether it was properly removed to the Federal cearts. (' Harland held that the suit does sot, tealiyiaad eabetaatially involve a salt or OBlroversy whlca'.' the circuit couri v eeald have takea op for a final 'dWree; haaea the circait coart should Hot have takea eegaizaaee of it, but rhoald havi reaaaaded it to tb state coairt. The de cision was aaaaimous. aTiwt'Fer SSTeet. Slr , . Mrs. Henpeck John, put on your Turkish cap and smoking jacket and apeskl the evening at home. Wont you, dear? Mr. .Heapeck Hunf Beginning to appreciate my society at laat, hey!' Mrs. Henpeck It Isn't that. I want you to sit n the new cosy coruor to give the effect! Sari Francisco Es.iru- ii mum -m ntiw Show You Free ii to Buy, Wi Hate You Dirt Cheap. business. Marsbfield aud North Beud. j agents for the Ocean View I .. ... T m Coos county homes. ; ; & Improytwiit ; dnpiy I ...... s - .. . v f ' .' , i ' '"' - V'w ,- ,, f" BBSJJBTBV. sbbbbbbF . n H J '"f1, -jlWfcyea w,. tj ..