(f& "rr, B ;v Ud ,W V. 1 li,. - i-mm . ?! H H M M'i h x J .! "O " ITlSAHfflEROFliEAlIH I maw POWDER AbtoItiHIyPurV ' mm m.ia substitute (From Tuesday's Dally.) Marshal Carter impounded a cow today. fhe baromolet stood at 30:18 today slightly rising, Doss Uio clam fritter ita time away? -Philadelphia Record. Was. Waters of Kentuck slongh was in town today on business. : t Capt. James Rooke has cbargo of the ?.l$rt during Capt Kdwards illness. Mrs', S. J. Sleep of Llbby la visiting with her mother in South Marsbfield. Circuit court convenes' on tho 4th -Monday in April. Bemttaber the Jate. Miss Ida Gamble has engaged to teach the Sumner school beginning Apr. 18lb. v Mlsa Sadie- Krnse baa been doing Bteaegraph work for a few days for J. M.Upton. ' l i jf' Julus Krnso the proaperooa farmer of IethmcB slough was in town today on businesfl. f Dade Haines and Watson Uros. re peived two bull calves from Ivy Condon's fancy f 400 bull today. " 8 . ' The lumber for a largo warehouse for Horth Bend is being put on the dock for the ships to store freight. Supl. Colgan, of the water works, has put in a new hydrant at the corner of H. and N. streets Southarsbfield. ?t . r t , WW.. Hevonor of Penn., Mutual Life insurance Co. is on the bay today .03 insurance bdsinese forjib company. Tho Ladies Presbyterian Aid Society, will meet at thn home of Mra. Geo. 'Ayers in South Marsbficld Ap.:il& lWtf. -, Jlrs. J.vL. While of South MsrebGeld has been confined to lior bed for the past week with a Eevere cose of tonfo litis. Tho lumber for planking Front street in front ot the Hirst & Nasburg store building will soon be ready and put down. ' "ft ' A. D. Wolcott returned Monday to Coquille .City to resume his labors in the sheriff's office, where be Is employ el as accountant. Dr Horsfall mAdeUhe following entry in hia day book today;, ( Marthfield, April oin to J. 1J. uuuuenu'.-aru, paterfamilias, a girl. one 'i J Fred'Wilsbn, of Sumner,, e preparing iogo Into tho giusing 'business, having eqnt for a supply of roots, nud will give this industry. a test on Coos Bay, '' , The Breakwater Ib duo lo arrivo in 8an Francisco' today and Jt Jb thought the will be on- the bay within SO days. This will be good news to Marebfield buelne3 men. ..v i ' , .' ' The bridge at the WaN pTabTf 'oSjVtle 7U4ikHiV 9 r0j: wli.ic" syiiMfV M Mir CSMBfiMlftf jaau W BSiimM tm4j fr trvl. AlUeVt Wn. der Worth the genial entes inn for A. ?ciiu1nifo Ccu OtkSnh 'rln- tiinn ppoi interview Inii his customers on Cooa Bnjv tills week. Mr. von der Wcrth reports trrnlo unusually good for ihisaeason ot theyor-r. tho oftlcca and approaches for tho nuw warchoufo In Marabfleld lire Inst nturlnp completion and tho dock bus been extended out to tho water front .i i -jn . i. i ami mo now wnreiuiuou i duvu uu ready to handle freight. On Friday afternoon April Slh tho ladies of tho A. N. W. Club glvn one of llielr "Aftornooni" at tho homo of Mrr. J, ii. Taylor, Coffee and cako vrlll lo otved and tno proeede will bo need to atMst tu A.umni Association iu im proving tho school grounds. City .Marshal's Report Marehat Carter report for tho quar ter ending March 31 shows tho follow ing licenses And feea collected : Tlijrty-nlno dog licenn-s; 0V.C0, 10 team UcenBca 42o. 00: show licenses fS5; empouuding fees $3; and fines 15. Tho marshal says ho has already made a good start tor tho now quarter. Makos a Clean Swoop There's nothing like doing a tbinr thoroughly. Of all tho salvea yon over heard of. Bucklen'a Arnia Salvo is tho beat. It aweepa away nnd curea Herns, Sores, Bruees, Cut, Moils and Ulcers, Skin Eruption and piloj. Ita only 25c. and oiarauteed to, tive eatitfactloa by Jne. I'reutr, druygist. Sir.. Fulton. Still on the Beach The work of getting tho steamer Fulton off tho beach at Port Orford ha betn abandoned for tb present oniug to unfavorable conditions. Tbo steam er Dispatch left for Portland last evening and will return acain when the tides are rlht. Nothing was accomplished iu the recent attempt but breaking sev eral large haw&ers. Another try will be made in about two weeks. ANOTHER BIG INDUSTRY . FOR H0R1H BEND L. J. Simpson telegraphs to friends at North Iliad that he has secured a largo salmon cannery as one of the industries for North Bend. The information is good new for our sister town, down the bey nnd wo can heartily cay three cheers for North bend, Mr. Simpso3 was called to Poitland and did not go on a fools-errand, as will be eeen by tbo above paragraph. Ihus Ib addtd one after another of industries which will certainly give North Bend a a permacy which has taken many towns pcorea of yeara to accomplish. Mr. Bi-npeon'e liberal treatment of large proposition ia bound to win and he will have his two miles of water front lined with manufacturing plants, employing thoueand of laborer?, within the next five years. Ho will reap rich rewards financially and at the Eame timo js set u 'g pn rximnle for progress which has no tqual on the Pacific Coast. He be hoves the way to get these things is to go after them. PORTLAND TO GET COOS BAY COAL iTelBglam) ,' Coos Bay's best grade of coal is to be introduced to Hie Portland trade. The Die.nicjiooner Chko, .which is to leave ri.Hn Francisco Saturday or Sundaywill call in at that harbor aud load 250 tout for M: OOhoal, of this city. When aeked with rcforence to the proposition today, Mr. Cheat euiJ it una hia intention to bring this lot na an ex periment, though he bad placed ordera or the entire consignment? but In tho event of it providing patisfactory, and he received, anylencoaragement, a regu lar line of eteamereivould bo pot on to transport the prodrist to the' Columbia River. The Ohlco will load the Jot on her deck, as her hold will bo occupied with general cargo, but if the fuel is to bo brought from there in tho future larger capacity will be provided, Tbo Cooa Iljy coal can bo laid down Here and sold much cheaper than that from Australia and1 tadysmlth, but It cttiiiut bei'brtMfhU into competition M'Iil the !yrWW 'wl ( Of 8o.und' For mw tlrna' talk) haa beW rla of bthialbg (b(i pal to Porllaad, but that propotttlon was never before taken tcld of wUhdeterrolnatlon, -"', : TheGhlco wllljmako at,)eat,two trjjM to Ladyamftii ter 'dlsfclUrgintc'hwre, and it 1b not liupolmblc she will travel to t bun or tii niter tho cowplellon ot those, Tho Introduction of this olnss Ot coal might prove nuothor boon tor !io port, ns c(oarahl owners qonteud, tho price hero at prcsout is to high nud for that reason they prefer to tnaku tho vx- alter being loaded in the harbor. A station was established at Klavel n few years ago and sovoral vcssola coaled thoro with fuel brought from the north, but tho dcparluro did not prove success tul, Manager J. V. C. Comfort, of tho China Commercial, state Jl this morning that his stoamors would not tako coil nt his port, would endeavor to load sntficlont on tho other side, of tho Pacific to last durlug tho round-trip voyage. MORE PROOF OF A SANTA ' FE EXTENSION A late San Francisco dispatch says: Paul Morton, second vico.president of the Santa Fo, arrived hero this room ing accompanied by Freight and Tralllic Manager W. D. Uiddlu and Pasceneer TraUlc Manager George T. Nlchohou, al60 uwaru unambers, general Ircigut aont of tho Santa Fo coast Hues, and' Joan J iiyrne, general passenger ngont ot the Santa Fo coast linoa. On account ot the presence of so many Santa Foutllciala, surprito Is caused in railroad circles. Passenger Traffic Man ager Nicholson said today thut their only objects a'ro to preparn for tho com ing Knights Tempiar convention nnd to look over Point ittchmond proqerty. Ho would not say whether his company intended building to Portland from Eureka, bnt implied as much. It U evident that the corporation is intent upon extensive PaciQc coaat im provements, as many of its engineer and officials havo been through here lately. Southern Pacific people say tbey are not worried and profesa to know that tho talk of the Vanta Fe extensions' will not in any way affect their business. Robbed tho Cravo A startling incident ia nirrntod by John Olivet of Philadelphia as follows: "I was in an awful condition, My skin was almost yellcw eyea sunken, tongue coatt-d, pain continually in back and sides, no apoetito, growing growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given mo up, Then I w as advised to ueo Electric Bitters; to my ureal joy, tho first bottlo made a decided improvement I continued thair uso for three weeks cud am now a a well man. I know they robbed the yravo of another victim," No one should fail to try thorn. Only 50 cents, guaranteed at Jno. Prueeadrug ttore, (From Wednesday's Dally.) County court ia In session this ncoU The Signal catnoup the bay today for fuel. Ivy Condron went to Coquille today on business. ) i Tho Omega is expected back to Coos Biy soon. Jens Hanson came up from. North ." v-i Uhas. SltHitreem of Tenmila was in townitoday on butinees, , II. B. Fulton of Uaynes; Slough, was 'in town today on butiness. . Tom Barrcy and R. E Shine came up from Empire today on business. A. B. Campbell and E. A, Furmau were vieitora to North Bend today. W..T. Bay of Wlllanch bIoukIi loft this morning to attend County court, S, C. Brown ia painting the ho.ic cart houses, in iVdet and South Marshficdd, .Mra. Wra. KardeU wont to Humnor today to visit the home of her paronts, Robert Krugor brought down a raft of loga. today or, tUcySinjpSjOnumbw Co. Hilrja ffbrt rpttir'ned (cday dfta Coos river una a targe 101 oi sjucica oeani- Win. Dungau has been working for ATT. OvvoH'WliHo the latter has bawn en the dob; list. ' . : . K 1 ' Kretl M'athoaou of Flagstaff has left for flow Uavtyt Alabama, where Ko will enter A colony of Danes, Hon. J.II, Shop formerly cotjnly fudgo. and Iteci'lvcr In tho land olllud wl KowiburK died Monday. Tho Gtudlnorduleuntes to tho-Douitlas Qounty convention nru instructed to work for I Ionium duleuntca to tho tou gressioual convention. Tho Marshal's quarterly statement in yesterday paper should havo wild $1123, for tenni license, and JIW CO for' dtfg hccnpo. With tho wind blowing from the iiorrJi, a cloar sky and balmy, spring- 'like air and tho baroiuotcr registering 30.65 what more do you want fot proc ect Wnu Duobnor has ool I hij interest It tho'bhtcksmlth shop formerly owned by Duobner & llngleatoln to Frod Ilngle stolu. Mr. Duobnor will rctlro from the blacksmith business. Tho Chehalia is now in tho Columbia River and will tako cariio for San Fran cif-co then sho will return to Coos Hay and 'toad lumber (or somo foreign port. A liri3 uumher nt thn doWftteB to thri County Couentlon went ovor to tho county seat today in order to be on the giound early. Capt. Geori;o Lcnovo ot Coqullto tool: cfmruu of the Alert today. Captain, Itooko gees back to North Bend. ChaB. Baiim, who pitched for tho Bandon team last year is now pitching for tho l.oa Atipe'wa nine. This was tho chnmpiou nine on the Pacific coatt and won that honor last year. Thn Eugono Register saya thora nru several citizens loft In Lane countv who don't waut office. It Is difforont hero In Cooa county. Myrtlo Point Enter prlso. Tho Enterprise undoubtedly speaks the truth for ita own town. Old Squaw in Bad Shape Bill Noblo is having hla donkey, Squaw fixed up. She has been run down on South slough for rome time und has been in nrod of fixing up badly. She has been rnn for somj time by all kind' of scrubs and Bill will Boon have her in good sliapo again. From the Coquille Herald Prof. W. II. Bunch was in "town yes terday, aud informed us that his son, U. B. Hunch, who huo been a great sufferer for some time, is much improved nud hopes to be able to como homo in a few months. t From a lotter wo received from R. C. Dement, of Myrtlo Point, we- are In formed that range Block havo suffered very teverely tho last two monthr. Therp will bo a conaldorablo lots of young Block on the high rangeH. , Attempted Monopoly The Myrtle Point Enterprise claims a monopoly of all wild nipn, real and Imaginary, In Coos and Carry countlos. Eecaaie It published a half column about tbo Sixes wild man three w.e'eks before, the Enterprise trios to cast re flections on the Mail's ScripoB-MaUae dispatch relating to a wild roan In Coos county. Welare pained to obsove that tho En terprise ia atljl aflhetedwith that in- ubilityUo quoto the Coast maid ao print ed. It eays our dlpatch, "aayg tho wd man has been terrorizing the rncbora nnd mlnerajn tjio blxc6," whereae ourdispatch'mado no mention whatever directly or Indirectly, of the Sixes. WheniH little 7 by 0 patent Jneld.e ebrrt J il.ll.5u unn .linn nil nllinr mtuo.vit. I lejtorefaway from all tho wild mon in ibis wooded country, it is likely to waste its efforts, ', - A Groat Sensation There' u una big tonentlon. in f.oefl vllle, Ind. when W. 11, Brpwh of thnt. laue, wno,waa expected w uie, nnu ma fa Mv'ed bv Dr. -Klnu'e New Diecovorv for CoriBiimptlon. Ho write: "Ion-4 dured insufferable ngonles from Asthma butvourNew Discovery gave imraedi ate relief and anon thereafter, effected a' coroploje cure,", SJmllaY 'curea of Coo- V Price Me. and M.00. Gaaraateed by I .Tnn. fronaa flrtiocrut. Trial hnttla (rati. I fHWI w-w -. V.". - -.w -wv. iimiMWi.4tf"M.('i'iMy.-iii(u remedY for air tfiroat and lung tr'oublM .A(Af tCf MMU vv. v,.llss Grace JIcCormno gave an Alter-, noon In hmiort'ttfss JenuQUeMoUlifflr An mtM nlferlioon. A nale .waacatrlenbutU)! having onelt guest' qinbrolder on a square ot llnun their nu t'oonjili and ft deslKii. Tnk'ng n-voto ot those pnitont nstotho lliutnu innnit oi iglnal. Mian Biitht Kck worth, Hvelyu Amleritou and Klilulhiuuott, worn nwnrd cd the prlxos, Thoio pioaotit wue t Mlssea Jauotib McOluro, Mnrgai ot Anderson, Evotyn Andorron, Acnes llutcliojoi), Mnudo Uool, Elslo IHnnolt, Allcu Butler, Pusio Klckwortli, Murlftl (hlsten, Mu tnto Mahony, Eilnn O'Coiinull, UikbIh Hrown, JCIlon BcnmU nud Mosdamoi, I!. IC. Jonos E, L. 0. Knrrln, I.. It. ltnbert aon, W. E, Dungan, J, A. Ltuo, E, II. Soabrook, E. E. Mlngus, J. II. Taylor, Ferruy, J. 11, Itoohon, II. (I. Mol'hurson, Chat. ICAlior, S. II. Hatird nnJ T. S. Minot. A Tnotightful Mnn M. M. Austin ol YVInuhealor, Ind. Kiimw what to do in tho hour of need, Hid wllo had rncli nu uuusuut ciiao o stotnnch nud llvor trouble, physicians could not help her. Ho thought of ud tried Or. King's Nuw I. Ho PHIs and she cot relief at once nud was finally cured, Only 25c at Jno, Prcuss Drug store. Easter Service at Empire Joyous Easter ervires, In which ev. ury member participated, wore held by thu Sunday School chlldron ot Empire, Sunday at II a. m. Thu lossou of tho day was read and ap propriate Easter recitations and musi cal selections woru rondeied by tho young people and cujoyol by both pnroutB nnd pupils. Tho room had been handsomely deco rated with ovirgrcona and furna" by 'thu older mombcrs. Beautiful Eastur cards were distributed and artistic nc eta of colored eggs churiatd nnd gratified tho little people. All spent a hapy, Instructive hour together, utul tho leader, Mrs. Mono, and teachers hope for a continued effort in every good work. Ureal cicdlt is duo them for thair Interest In tho religious training and uplifting of tho young eo plo of this place. We should have moro spch people In tho field, working for tlu noble cause. "The harvest is great, but tho reaper are few". THEY DEMAND BIG DAMAGES A. H. Ames and Wife Sue C. A 0. C. S, S, Co. A rceent San Fraucitco djfpatch nyt: In the United Stater district court to day A. II. Ames filed suit on behall of himself and wife against tho Oregon Coast Stiamship Company to recover $25,000 for personal injuries allegod to have been inflicted upon Mrs. Ames. According to the complaint Mra. Ames was a psssenger on tho atoamnr Alliance, running between this city and March- field. On October 10, 1003, alio actorta when a few days out from this port, she was criminally attacked by Thomas Dayis, a porter on tho boat. , Davis is under indictment and his caso comes up In tbe Unltod States district court Monday. . ur, - i ?u; rjo (From Thursday's Dally.) Mrs. M. It. Smith haa been ill for a wack confined to her room, .J, LbwIh leatlng lias commencod work for Joo EkWIio hakor. o i" Captain Nashy of'tho'ffarfletd says his ship w,ill be loaded in a f own) ays. , , , o Chat, Stauff, of the C, 0. D. Grocery, went to Coqulllo today on business. Trout a,re hitiug.up, the river and sovcral fine strings wore brought in Yes terday, v A Toledo man line been sent p jail r kissing a girl I'oecdbiy' it Was for worth It'. y mffk -. ... I The Czarina leaves San Krancltco to morrow, Tho Areata also suilsat SV ra.i.toasorMit the latter.wcni'wu' 4Vhoars,'1nd the guardian angel of AMt Dew's.iJice says she will coiio p la go hcurs. Aiuem AakfBWafarfbaVAakallatf SI BSBBBBHSBBBBfWBrFBBWr S3 WlVrJn tli5J nerves nrc weak cvorythlnit fioea Nvrong. You arc tired nil the time, easily dlscotiMKed, nervous, ttiul Irritable. Your cheeks nrc Sarsapanlla pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor snys you are threatened with ft nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. . "Vnrninra tlmn MMti I luiynutiM Ajrrr't HrMiMiiiit In mr fmnilr. )ti n m'""1' '""I" at nil llmoi, niiil v'ii)ilurri liilii'Min t or Un ill Minx! "-!. 0. Ilutr, Weil Unveil. Conn, alMa bnllte. All ilruril.U. j e Avmii-o., Ijiwi!I Mill,, Weak Nerves WsKHUUMttfc1 Koop the bowuln ruuulnr with AVer's Hills, Just onu pin onoi night Thu Bchoouer Advent, Alosou Master, will loavo from Porter mill nbout Fri day. o H Pocoodti of the A. K. W. ball w 111 bo applied to civic Improvement. Don't lUKleot to cot u ticket. tl (leo Wosrou thn plonnnr South Slouuh farmer was, up from South " Slouch yer.terday. ' I ! I Q i W. h, i lood rum, of San l'rtiiielico U on tho liny taking a soilous of photoa and paiiorainlo lows, , ' J. 0 , Tho L'ovornment ilredenr wa bronrht npthnbay to"lay ami Inndcd at tltd,"""r Standard Oil Co. d'ick, .Ml r Tho now steul supports h tho maln audltorlnui In thn Moronic Tern plo are expected on tho Mcamor Alliance. ''' '" o 1 , i r Mrs. Irvine. Mrs. German and Miss Couslanco Irvine, who have been sick for somo lime, nro Improvlne. S Iter. TIioj. Irvine, cximcti to leave, on the next Alliance for Colorado, where ' he will take up hla rosldoncc. . TI.e schoDnnr Falk, Heniiiue Matter, . will bo ready to sail thn latr part' of this weok for San Francisco, Tonight thoOhamborlaln Domocr.Ulc club will meet at Flromans hall and bold their regular weekly love feast. Alox Tast, of North Ccos river brousht to town today, as fluo a atrlna of trout ns lias been seen on the Bay for romo timo, i i Don't forgot the fl. N. W. ball on Apr. II). Beat muaic ever fiirnlnhed on Coofl Bay. Marshtlold Orchestra of 0 pieces. II i Charles Mulkoy who has been cm ploycd'ln thn Eglo bakery has returnod to Coquille, whero lie )ms rTccopted a position. 8', Vm. Smith Ib working in Anguft- Farley's barber shop whllo Mr, Lang worthy Ib visiting hia ranch in Curry county, G. T, Coleman. has made a large drag for dragging for, articles which may, be j. lost over-board, na " nn" accomoda tion to the public, . ' j" ' 4 Jamoa 11, Flanagan has boon appoint Oil reealvnr for tint l!nnn Tlav Mill A Lumber Co. of this city nnd Is expected , 1 home on tho Areata, ' , -o- Andrew Anderson and wlfo who hayo been visiting, on Ontclilng Slough for the pa at fow dnys,'Votiir'tied to their hqme1 lnVoat Marfhllold today. tTho'foundatbn of now dredging scow has beon laid at North, Bend by E, Heuckendorff, and the lumber for hor construction ia nearly all sawed,' WikLTEh-8oath Marahfleld, Oregon,) , . AirilG, totheWlfeoflt.il. Walter tV fm r, i .;fv si .- u fi i '"iS '' t ' J a '4 r i - - jja.iji'" i . i jy vt