Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 02, 1904, Image 8

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personal apd
imiMnrii'fviw "wrai tw4 Aliinuniirw
V aiili
From Tuesday's DaUy.
Tho barometer etood today at 29:63.
' .' ?. ?: f
Atlisacopaeiad out hist night bcund
Foulh. '
' Tho three matted
brrived today,
schooner Advent
' S. 0. Brown hna tho contract for
leg Mts. L. Hirst'i residence.
A yib1.ii.co commif'.eoislbeing tbiked
ol to execute any wan who uualions
Tt'o Jzmneee bottling works r.o:p to
hVrnuningwith a remarkable decree of
xenlatit Musty Ike.
1 A. N. RolilnsttB. of Portland' arrived
on the A'llcrce, Ho will epend a low
dr.ja in this city.
Tho Marehfield Chamber of Com
m'erce will meot Thursday night at
their rooms.
The Norlh Bend Mercantile and Im
provement Co. eold $5W0 worth of
Korth Uend real eBtate yesterday.
J. 0. Lanuorthy and son Cal went to
Curry county to mako eomo improve
mints on their Iiowekteadfl today.
" Over Jf-CO, pounds of mail was recoived
Ciie ythterday, requiring four pack
Lonvb to briui; it to Sumner.
" Chas. Mulky who Ijaa had a stock of
stationery and confectionery in the
.Kagb Bakiry has told out bis butinett
to Cbes. Taylor.
II. E Chance baa bought out tho ex
press business f armerJy run by Tom
Johnson. 2Ir. Chance takes poeteEeion
Mrs. Eluford Dayis of iforth iCoos
river was brought to towi! today to un
tie, co an operation for apcudicitis. Dr.
Miuua will perform tho operation.
, Win. Nasburi: who was operated on
Saturday for apcndicltla is rrportud e
Improving and it is how thought ha
everytaiug in IiIh favor for tpcedy re
' This af lei noon Captain Edwards lo-
came seriously ill juet before tho Alert
left Mnm.lleld tor , Alleijany. Dr. Mc
Co.-mac was calhd ihile tho boat
, -
Frank Barue of fJardlner yesterday
bought loto 6 and G in block 2tf, Nortli
Jtund. forf 1200. The deal was made
through tlio North .Bend Mercantile
nnd Improvement Co.
L. .7. Simpuon Itaa arranije-a to p-u r
iiew 11000 oandle power arc lihte )n thr
fctruDta at Worth Bend which will b
)Iaw-ul b?hjoiio3 thi'y can reaih here
fron Ran Fnicciico.
( L. PrtfkisM-f Noith BPiiilwao-jjlvn
n ple.uant turprlso lust, ovoninj; on thr
.occasion of his 70th birthday. About
SO frlfltdf gathered in, and with music
refreshments etc. tlio ovonine was
jjreaily enjoyed by all.
MiwclL. H.-Ileianer'ndrayain tome
1 1 111 . f. Din .
MM ran too ch.tootoviuroi w um
,?arfl Htore nt. the rear end- aud tnfe
life obtOit tho bflbe bo It woulf
j-jje obtOit
tbfPll poglliJ to llWw. ,H
llUtM in, Tt
....... t..( .' k...4 . M.l '..,..'. aim!
nn UUfc in tri im;- iin i si nunfc i ... .
and I t len ' paiioiI but mklit time'
Hoi li ilwi l lit building.
Travel by Sea
The follow in;; pneugora went south.
im tho All Kin w Monday: JuaitM A vena,
l W Hioh.rK F 11 McClure. I Wolf
ter, II HitgUtiiii It K Swan, Dm ill
Sneddon, Mr K 1. Agwra ami children
Uniform Arrives
, The i:tw uniform for tho W. O, V.
!ro tram has urtlvet), Hcvoutuen
uumbr simI thoy will get off the
, ,.o.lmn team in .'ti;nnt tt)Ie. The
'H'-iirvi twin win u am on patauo out
K;r fl-b.
A Croat Sensation
Theu was i big H'nsaAion iul.ecsville.
Ind., when W tt. Biown of that place,
who was expected to die, had his life
aved by Dr. King's New Discovorv for
Contumminn. He writes: "I endured
iutufIe:blo agonies from Asthma, hut
your New D'tcovery cave mo immediate
relief and pdou thorcr.ftiT eflcctnl a com
plete r.uft." Pimilnr cuiea of t oucunip
t.oti, l'liennionia, Bronchitis and Grip
are nninvrnui. IVii tno peerless reiueuy
for alt mront and Iiiiik troubloi. l'ric
."A:, niul l 00. (iimrantced by J:i3.
l'reiiea I'rultt, Trial bottle free.'
io League Bail
It iia boon drflnitcly tettled that
Marslitifld will not havu a league ball
tvatn this year. M.iny of the local lull
player have lcn trying tn work up the
league, but the Ci'.lilorni.. players eeom
to think that the huh leaguers are all
njntly nmaey and demand talarie? which
t Jie CAl'l-iruitt hn'Uen could not pay.
'I l.c poor Eiifferinu public ot this county
ulll bo otlied to content themsulvos
with thf umrrioJ mun'd cluln and the
like of that.
Fixing Fences
E. P. Dean, of Myrtle Point, was in
town Monday looking up his friends and
riitliuu ai-quainted. Mr. Dean is a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for AsKeor. Formerly he ftas a mem
ber of thb Ccuillo Valley Packing Co.
hut now is located on a ranch near
.Mvitlo Point. IIj was formeilv asses
o'r tf Curry county, wnich position he
iiikd in en acceptable manner nnd ilur
iut' his termti of cflice fie added many
thousand of dollars t.) tho aetexment
roll and tlrtiirhtened out many crocked
. . c ii.ott. ivtiiltinz in many thoue
ai il ot dollars addtd to the taxable
proprrty of Curry
Option Expires and Plant is Sold
"The wcci n.ill wl.k-li v.ns to have
if en purchased by the citizens of Bjn-
Jnn, was sold last Saturday to uomeimr-
ties tu the hat. This will end mailer,
n the woolm mill iir.o for toia-i time,
.hen wo' may try aj;ain. Our people
Veiaulo.v to rualiKu thw vhluo of thie op
.loriunily, and tho option hold by par-
IriiH hertj was ullowwl to expire, hence
tlm sale."
It. E. L. Etdillion. of Bandor, sends
he iibovo information to the Mail.
.Mr. Bcdilllcn was almost lolely instru
mental in securing th option referred
to aud it ia to be teitretttd that Bandon
has niifM:dllin)p'iortoiilty to secure the
ettulislimui.t of tins inUUdtry.
r-'rom Vcdncbday'o Dally.
Two Limericks
A tootervHro looted the flute
Tried to tPiicli two vomit: looters to
Raid thu.tivo.tp.the tutor,
"la it hardur to toot, or
f To tutor tv i) tboteta to toot?"
riisro wan a yo'unj: (fellow namer Tiiit
tVho diiit'd wlrti iii i jrirl at tJ:0a.
'hit I'll hu'.e to lelato
What that feliotv named 'J'nit .
Aod uii tete-R-leto ate at 8:0a.l Ux.
fiheriff Galllor wbs iu town today.
The tug 11 untor cuniu up thio after
noon .
Tho hi.roiiit.-.r Mood,
o'clock, at LO.ri , i
.J. H Dlors ol Euipire.Nvrts a Marsh
field buninen vialtor tcdiiy.
Mia; .VWIrtli returned to Kcr'hotuo
yostoiday after it short vteit in town.
MUs Lioln Border accountant for tho
North Ufml Woolen Milts was in tov:
W. II. lftmiytni, tvhti tin bftoti n
painter lit Maribnem tno pw jonr,
moved to North hnd.
Thoic t iu epidemic cf mumps pr
va'iltiTg tHrnuKhout I he eoinity ais con-s
oT .1. A. Sawyonr'fl at 'Alltgany.
Mre. Alico KniiKi the piouruwivo
j Isthmus sloupli poultry fauciur was in
town tmlav. Ews aro looking tip.
Arayo Chapter, Itoynl A roh ilaKoni',
will t-onveuu tonight in speclat Sdisk'ii.
Woik in Past Mactei'd di'Ktee.
IhuL. A. Club held ito InU meetlUK
at the huntu of Mrs. Condron'a and the
next one will ba at tho homo ot Mrs.
The steamer Alhuneo will ?o on to
San Kriincuco tliia trip. Tho triko
aituation has beou settled nnd o Ilia
anin clear sailitiR.
The tue brousht tip tlio Esthor Hnhno
and the Chas. K. Falk to load from th
railroad dock. Tho James A. Garfield
was brought in this nftcrn-on.
Jon Lird has resigned his position ns
mail carrier on tho we.it on I of tho
Coos Bay wagon road, whereat hi
friends tvlonR tho ronto aro sorry,
V. tV. Gairo and wifo camo down
from Alleeany on thflr way to Cwjuillp
City. Mr. Gk ia iiiiltm up for the
Democratic nomination for rht riff.
The Dan Lumber C'orrjMny now cx
pjt to keep their mill runuliiu for
cuorul months i6 they have orders
enough nhaad now.
Marshal Carter ia entitled to much
praUo for the nctjvo part which he Is
ttklnu in clennini: tip c.o!a walks in th.
suburb. Let the cood work co ou.
Mr. liackcy of Nebratka has bought
two lots iu North Bend on Virginia and
Uuion nnd will erect a three storv store
thereon and will put In a full line of
J. W. Bennett today bought tho bean
tiful.CoiiKar iikln which hunt: in front
of Cia?. (JeorsH'd Btore. It wan a Coot:
ar whlcl.M.rtiouldrf Allegany, cnpMired
and a beauty.
Dredging Vork will Not Stop
Ho;:. Binder Hormann writes regard
in2 harlwr improvements Hiat ecouomr
is tho watch word, and no river and
harbor hill will h reported, but nn
etnerxuney bill.will ba ncreod to wlih-h
will appropMaU about two million dol
lars for emtrunncy work. Thia will
bring tho money at once for flninhlnir
the shoal removal in Coos Bay opposite
I'ouy elouyh.
Makes a Clean Sweep
There'p nothing likn do'loij n tliloR
thoroughly. Ot nil Mm Salvea you ever
heard of, Bncklen's Arnica Salve ii th
host. D rwepn away and curea Hume
Horo. Bruise?, CntF, Boilp, U.-er,
Kk:n Ernptlona and Plica. H'h only 2.c,
and unaranteod to uivo satitfaetion by
I'icusd th DniKlcibt.
Sumner Improvement Notes
Captain Harris has had a forcn of car
peuters at woik on tlio Cottoxo hotel,
which he iHconbtrucliui
A. D Vr'ght i3maklv.;hhln:u wltli
which to cover his home, which ho will
aleo raleo.thia fipring.
Ctplain Harris in preparing to make
extensive improvements on his dairy
T, K. Boono Ih frolnj? :o movo hit two
house, and will place one facing Waver
ly avenuo.
Boad Supervisor J. W. Caleliina in
fenda tn grade and gravel ItodeburK
tlitot tliia fciimnitr.
J. P. Wilson contemplates remodllnx
and Improving his farm rcehlenco.
. Hermann,
i j
a . '
Tho Mail is now in n position to nn
junce that Schiller ii. Hermann tfa
withdrarvu nM camliditto for Joint sen
ator, TtilJ rumen Irom Ml. Hermann
n direct y that tiero ran bo no nih
tnkunbeutit, and tho Mam. i w l
liberty i atitiouneo ll.p fiat, which verl
lies tlm rrcl' 'ions tnmlr In Ihe-'O col
ut ntiiii t. ii" rl,
11 laif. Hid tn the .i rtty of eon
KWtnlttWwt: Mr. Hermann n thin r
ttuti. wjii h nit only li er-.Mt tn hU(
hoencit. but eltATa tho jiolitioinl httnM
phero, nlo.
rwmfrhuret'ay'a Dally.
i '
EvtKJ have reaoheil 2) cents por iltmuw
iu tlJicK'al maikct today.
Johnnie Kttauernid M burineifl
visitor In Murthllnld today.
Alliirl Collver of aituJiliiK elpuelt wnt
in tovu todny on husluni.
V. A. GUmore, i f Willimeh hlotuh,
wus in town on buMiivsH jottcrday.
Mrs. P. S. Woavef of Soijth
field, ia visiting hor tiU'er Mrs.
on eouth Coos river.
(luptill Mr. ami Mrs. H.N. Black ot
inj: slouch wont up Coos river
Jar t3 visit Tom Bldtn.
A Thoughtful Man
M. M Atu'ln of Viiicheter Ind
Uiioa' what todo in tho hour ol need,
His wifo had such r.n unusual cni of
vtomnch and liver trouble, phypicians
could not help her, lie thought of nnd
tiird Dr. .vi' Now Life 1'IIU iud Hhe
trot relief at olco and w.ip llnally cureil,
duly .'5c. On flo a't I'reusi.i Drujj
Hfnry Wisder Mi tiy way ol Drain
yeHerday forSan Frnnclsco, whom he
has srcmed n roo1 j ositiou.
Tho M. E Church iH'oplo nro serini;
tamalca nt Mrs, M. It. Smiths resi
dence. Mrts Annie Smith who ha, boon vlut-
o i,
lni in town returned to her 1 om
Kontuck slough today.
The I-ndiee Art Art Club which wa
to meet n nt Mre. Edman'H on April 1st
has boon postponed until April Sih.
Alfred Hnglund, of South Marrhtlelil.
has imprnveil his proporty lately by
building a new fenco around his acre
Win. Gamble.' of ifenthek slough
brought a enr loadot mutton ahoop
over from the G'oquillo yoitenU) for 'd
North Bend meat market.
Thin ia Ann weather, and It It will
hold nut n littlo longer, thorn will ho
omo fine tubing on Coos riror, as the
trout nro boginnint; to tnko tho fly,
Hnsty Mike's Diary. March 31, 1001
Advertisin ain't no gnmn of rhanco but
the feller who goat in thinkln that it is
sure to loso.
I. S. Hill of tho J. 0. Bayur Fnrnnco
Co, will leave overland for Portland to
day. Tie han been hero todo tho work
of placin r tho furriancss in tlio Manonlc
Tomplu but wai unahlo to complete the
Job because of tho interferonco of high
tide and othordifllcultk-H.
Y ill Hot a to San Francisco
Agent Sliaw for tho steamer Alliance
received a telegram from Eureka today
to til J effect' that tho Allianco would
not 7,o fait hor this trip than Eureka,
and is expected horu Saturday morn'ng
Firemen's Drill
Tho flro boyn worn out last overling
for drill practice, and tho engines work
ed to perfection, and the new chief
handled tho men for the first time.
Fivo hundred feet of hoso and two Bah
cock Chemical Extiuguishors havo been
added to their equipment.
Tern Cat Plays Foster Mother
At the homn of J, L. White fioulh
Mnif.lilli'ld tlioro in iipecuiliir fnthoring
of n clutch of ehicUonn by a burly old torn
cat who tukfH tho little chiekeno under
his wing, en tn xpeak and la rnlfir.f
them. Tho Ilttlo fellowfl aro doing nicc-
ly and thriving under tho management.
They nrcTeidnnlng to tiudeutnnd tho
felluo call. Tho old boy In iu had
straits when It cornea to ifirotchiiitf for
worms lint tho' little fellown nlo It&l
teaching himiuid the. zoological fact
that th cat .nevt'.r ecratcheir for lood
liiay b" changed ifi thio iaen,
llumailC PilfKcrsb'drgcrs
The CtHiulllo llornld'a Parkoriihtuu
correHpondi'tit toll of
n doo which
tho river at
nilxoil up In a
t ii mlih llio
with Vil ni'i ol
ntteiitpleil to mvlm
that point mid got
tltlMjIo of IO;h ItMf
-l)l.'. inn roiluuc tl
veulmHi, l"it l utiiHlio fooling piMMM-d,
and tl o.-jhAUt.i deor wufl ro cje I lit
tint epi of Veyiihil duoklnft, n(ld ii
bnlii tenderly enrofor, i for' to lii'lnn
ulilpped to Smi Frnncltco.
From flic t'oquillc Herald
Tho SiiMtner Klixal.u.h arrived at
Itaudou from Sah Friuu-Uco Halurday
tnorniun. i
CM. Vlckhmiot fleavor Hill, emm
nvr x'wtertlny for mclcnl treatment.
helm; a irtu.it milfoier fiom blood polimi
itiK in one of hlse.wi.',
Henry Quick win over from Boaver
Hill vetnrdiv. lie tell-i us that Krimk
ntilrii!4i, tliu party wlmittft tllod him
with it knife on tint 'JU.h lint., had
skipped out. While Henry was not
reriously Injured, it waii not through
any vrood intentions ot Hlnndndye, nd
if tlm ituthoriticj ran ttel it hold on him
lie thsiild bo summarily dealt with.
Tho railroad enniueorinii crow con
tinting nf IS or 20 men, recently locntid
at Coaledo, niovitl their ramp In t
Friday, and now Invn tholr tnntJ pitch
ed near the mouth nf Buavur ploiuh.
Thee men iuo making it thorotiKh sur
vey and In considcrahln rperulatlon rr
to when work will Im-kIu, Tliu linn in
Hiipposod to crms tho river near the
mouth of lUlclirt (luuci .
We Have Lots io
And if You Wapt
Lots io 'Sol!
Wc do a general real estate business.
We handle city property in Marshfield and North Ilfitd.
Wc arc the owners ami sole agents for the Occ.tu View
addition to the city of North llcttd, aud can sell you t-.iiable
resident lots Irom $25.00 up.
Wc have ranches aud limber lands for hale aud can
quote you a thousand bargains in Coos county home.?.
Wc have houses rmd furm-dicd rooms for rent aud if you
are looking for a business location ou Coos Hay we ate always
yours lor information. '
Yottr business and correspondence respectfully solicited.
i Horfli Bend ftoiiaiiiile
Offices !u North Heud and Marsh field
O. L. Williams, Marshflolcl Roprosontatlvo
W-WfH-Ki I liiillllll l - M
Wfctf4 tSkHtOk1
mill wj
J,J? -,.'6
1 1 1 1 t. si' . ii. 111 rirrwr, --i ,n . t
wmmmamM "
y-a' V"'.;i'
c x:1 .! ' . a
ft V,J Jlfttf SI
II Btr j'l .xk
l.Vi ? rrT frrmfti ihhh1. i 1 ! inwnnwmi. . -.! ..
t .
Your tlocior will i It vot that
tliln, pdU'i vcK, u.'i ott olill
dron bvciMliu stroni! :ti'.J 'vtjll
by tnlilnc, Aycr'n Sr.r.ii inil.i.
Small closes, for a few days.
The qhaiine Is very prompi
and very market!. A?.k your
tlocior why It Is. I le has. our
formula ami will explain.
"WIiimi i) ro1" ''! '' i''1 i'i"iiiii '"
flllDllllUU'lllt IIOIllll lVtlK'llilPn( iIiIiiIiIikxI.
Ilul II n li w ti, A ' I Will ('"in
HleiHy iittinrni nn in ii ii
if I'., Ill t KMIhmr i
. i.
j JIMtl linlllx.
I ... 'Mull
The Children
nan urtrrmjirmMv3fW & uitrnienMX3l
i:iilntifinnnn.conitluatlon nrifont ro-
covory. Cure thuau vMth Ayor't Hlllo.
Coming On Areata'
.San Fiaucisco Mar, :: Kotlowlni; nro
tho pnsrmiRorii on tho Atchln tallint;'
from Han Kraticico (or Coos Hty at Id
i in today :Dr Win I tore full mid wife,
W It Ih-afie, J Jucraft nnd wlt, J H
Hckhoff and wifo, B Kwanlon and wile,'
M Richmond, Mist: McKttisio, .Min
Etta Danlulion, Mrs. It A Church,
'hurch, t ChltirtiuiMi t stunr.iKO.
SSiow Yois Free 1
to Buy, We Hava
You Dirt Cheap.
& Improvement Compy
- v - Mt I I IHI H-H-H-HHH'
jwwiri 1
. tivf i. .
jv y. , . .
,t .
w nm&.
-ii ifcjrfj. ij.. .it:
.' ;i Kiwji
. si ljnLx.t.it;.
tr-v i.!-::i;jj.:
, j-.: aitl.-' -j
. ,fvx' '. li (
v ''.'l
& Watson
I l
llllll 1
llllll '
T zft I Hi
'Wty'tL 11
wJAiK v
v aWl II
1 if'mr llllll
J 'i .-.. llllll
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B'v, p,l 3 1