Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 02, 1904, Image 6

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personal apd o!
fertsftrrawbaiiy. """
Captntn Nelson of thol.lto Saving 4tn
tlon is visiting In town today.
From Friday? Pally.
The barometer stood at 3").0l at noon
W. P. Murphy was a vleitor at North
Bond today.
. T. II. Barry of Kmplro was In town to
day on buslnoss.
Mrs. J. V. Farley was shopping in
Marehflold fodny.
V. lv. Duncan was a business vleitor
to North Bond today.
Two feet of enow ii rcporttd in the
hills about Loon Ltke.
Mre. John Ixjurp tail is reported ser
iously ill with pneumonia.
Wm. Nasburg is seriously ill at home
from an attack of npendicitis.
The Chamberlain Democratic Club
will meet tonight at Firemans ilall.
T.J.l'oeand wife of Wisconsin are
visiting on tho bay with menus, air.
Poelshorewithavlowof investing at
North Bend.
T. Nicholson, second mate on the
echooner Encore, had about half of the
laat two fingers of his right hand cutoff
in the winch today.
tho town at onco begin to smell fome
nting as toon in this high and lofty of
flclftlcomce in sight nml they havo busi
ness In romu nlhor part of town. The
fco now goes Into tho city treasury as
well as tho tenmstern' licences of which
theto arc 19 now issued. Besides all
this revenue there was one cow and on
drunk, and two tnoro dogs yesterday,
The city marshal Is eutely earning his
salary now,
--- "
Sciatic Rhoumatlsm Cured.
"I ltavo been subject to icintic rheu-
mnlimt Inr vnntp." nvs 12. IK WaldlOIl
of Wlltnn Junction, Iowa, "my Joints
vor stiff and mvo mo much pain and
dixomtort. My Jolnti would cr.irk
when I straightened up. I uetM Cham
berlain's IVin Malm and havn been
thoroughly cured. Have not had a
pain or ache front tno out trounie tor
mnnv months. It Is certainly a wonder
ful liniment." For sale by Juo. l'ruess.
A North Bend Citizen vs. the North
Bend Citizen,
Chas. Bwanson has routed his farm
on Daulcla creek to Win. Norton.
Mrs. Jensen has ndtl.nl a now and at
tractive sign at her board lug house.
W. !1.8liJni tnod hU Interest In
the Blanco iWolover to K. J. Flanagan
who Hill opcratftno house ,or tll l"08"
Severely Biififei)
Tho Misses Marshall and Mngeo of
Umpire wore in town today shopping.
John Thornsthwolto has bought tho
Tinker Borers farm on Daulcla creek.
Fred Noah ol Allegany waa in town
on business today,
Tho Dean Lumber Co. will atatt ttiolr
mill again Monday.
Tho Marehtleld merchants had an un
usually lively trade today.
An onernLSn was performed upon
Win. NiuIiuk this afternoon, for npen
dicitis l)r.Mingm had charge nl tho
operation. t tho tlmo of going to
prota wo hoi not learned tho success of
tho operation
Tho milk hut robber was In evidence
ngln todny.thls tlmo Mealing n quart
can and returning; rfco can to thu steam
or, Mr..Frnk Flv. tho owner, says he
will buy mlk lor anyone who can not
afford It bulho wants It understood be-
foru baud.
Tho barometor Mood at noon today
30.01,; exactly What It w8 yesterday.
Miss Rosa Glbbs la spending n few
days with friends on Catching slough.
Bho will commence a terra ol tcbool at
Bay City next Monday.
The Fnneral of Frank Holland took
place at 3 o'clock p. m. today from the
kpisccpal church, Rev. Horefall
Tho grading crow at North Bend be
gan work to tlrnl'h tho grading on
Urant Circle.
, Holler has arrived In
out San Francisco. Ilia oc
hat of Sign and Pictorial
we are ploaeed to note that
he Intends t locate hero permanently,
lie la n brotior to Mrs. 12. M. Furman
of this placo
Mr. A.
cupatlon U
fainter an
Mrs. S. J. Sleep nnd Mrs T. E. Mor
ton ol Llbhy, wero visitors m Marsh
field today.
J. B. Davis'and wife returned from
San Francisco yesterday. They left
their baby in care of friends and a nnrte
for farther treatment.
II "North Bend la a "one-man town,"
for goodness ke let all Marebfield's
progressive spirits incorporate, to n
hey can act "as tne man." Musty Ike.
The A. K. W. Club met Thur4day af
ternoon with Mr. J. T. McCormac.
Tho next meeting will be with Mrs.
Lando at her home on Telegraph Hill.
The mail which arriyed this morning
was unpacked eleven times before it
reached Marsbfleld from Roeeburg.
There Is a force of men opening the road
lu the mountains.
There is eomo talk in tho Coaledo
neighborhood of a move for a school'
hnnso in the district. This is in the
right direction and should be done.
Why have a school district without a
Ecbool house.
Adjudged Insane
Chas. Werdan, who has been stopping
Rt tho home of M. Vogal on Coos river
waa brought to town this morning by
Capt. Levy Snyder, who waa deputized
to bring him to town for examination as
to his fuulty. Ho was brought before
JudgoIIydo today and ndjudyed insane
Captain Snyder will etartto Salem with
him Monday.
Travel by Sea
., . ... V
L-OKBengera on outgoing "",i-" hMv.ndllne
AV Hall, Mrs Unit, Mr. Blrtelr. Chas b " "
Editor Dallv Coast Mail,
Marihfield. Oreg.
Yetterday'a attack on Humo shows
to hat extent a "fool editor" can go.
Evirvbodv that is familiar with Gold
Beach and Wedderburn knows that
there is not a person or firm that treats
Tjith his laboring class as liberal as II.
0. Hume. Tho statement that he
works his employees eleven hours for a
day's work is as false as Is hla chargs
that he rents houses to his Chinamen
free and charges bis white help rent,
ofter hauling them thirty miles, etc.
Everybody on this coast that runs a
fih cannery, employs Chineee. Mr.
Timon, at Bandon, Southern Oregon Co.
at Empire, H. Sengatacken, at Marsh
Bold, and Ueed at Umpqua, all have to
employ Chinese, and they all havo to
mako a contract with them and guaran
tee so many casea, fish or lo fish, be
sides thoir exponsce In and out of the
country, together with their buakala-
tion or house rent, as tho "fool editor"
calls it,
A short tlmo ago the readers of the
"Oregonian" could havo read a piece,
stating one cannery bad suspended
operations failed for $20,000. The
caoee waa guaranteeing w many thous
and cases to the Chinamen and no run
offish. Just tho same way Mr. Hume
would have had to haul Chinaman
back over this rough road of th'rty
miles free, while the boas Ch'namen
carried tho sack, if there was no ruu of
fish. Did the tho "fool dditor" stop to
think of this side of the question?. If
Mr. Humo was so unkind to hla working-men
how is it he pulled every vote
in his precinct, excepting three votes.
Now, we know that Mr. R. D. Home
baa donated to the boys on Coquillo
River 12C0, towards boring for oil, and
the boys interested in this Oil Company
aronotgqing to forget it this coming
eltctioo. Also Mr. U. D. Humo sent
his tug to uoqulllo River and, Rtocked
the river with spring run of young eal-
Lraon, freo to all. Aieo no gov u
paeeed to protect there and all other
young eilraon from being caught with
E. K. Jones sold his lot at North lfe'nd
today for $525 through the agency of
Wyalt & Peterson.
K. E. Wilson tho Meadow Brook
rancher was In town today. He helped
bring down tho mall.
Firrt Steamer to Land
Tho Emjlro landed today at North
Bond at tlo now dock, sbo being tho
first eloamr that has landed at the city
dock. Thsevont wna celebrated by the
blowing of jvhietloa nnd ringing of bo'la.
(Coquillo Bulletin)
Last Monday morning when Kdwln
BUItiRMit waa starling n flio l '
brother' lurnlluro store, n fan of gnso.
II.... .till.,., ton nmir It) BtOVO, OXpil'l"".
spattering Iho liquid over the young
man which ciuhmi m cranium -
lire. Ho ran to tho lmu' door and call
cd for help which, fortunately, wn near,
nml niter rolling lt In n pool oi '
In tho mlddlo of tho Nttort tho flames
i.. i.i- ,-intl.lnu worn oxtlnguWhml. Ho
had boon badly burned nootit the lego
and arms, hut hid woolou eweater pro
tooted his body.
A crowd had collected by thla tlmo
nnd all turned their nttetitloit to extin
guishing the llamoH In tho building,
..i,t..ii limlL-nlnod eonsidorabbi headway.
My hnrnlu and unorgotlo effortn. thon i
vm mmn under control ai'd very llttlo
dnmiigii wan ilono.
At hist reports tho sufferer was get
ting along as well an could bo expected,
but waa atlll In eoimldnrnbln pain.
Thla emphasizes tho necessity of ex
trnimi caution in handling gasoline.. It
i. ...... nf t)mi?roatest dangers wo havo to
contend with In modern times, owing to
its great tendency to quick explosion ami
tho universality ol its use. Too much
caution cannot bo taken wbon this nrll-
olo la kept on tho promises.
-22i"2'J-rU'- t
Vlnoorrairis helping out In" Btattfls
grocery today.
lr. and Mrs. ,ml Mills wero visiting
in town over Hunday.
Tho barometer was unusuully low lq
day reaching Ulf.fB.
W. I'. Murphy wont to North' Bond
today on Illiniums.
Wm. I.awhorn Htartod oporatlono on
tho Hay Ulty logging camp tonny,
.Mn. H. A, Yoakatn nml daughttr
Mary wero shopping In town lodny.
iii "U" '
John Johnaon of Knrndnlo In making
Improvements on hfn resMoneo.
Miss Evn Wilson wont up to Hiimuoi
today, nfter spenillng n week in town,.
Dr. Cnlen, of ('(xnillle. was In.Mnrilf
Held Saturday on professional business.
Mrs. Ida Patcrson is moving today to
North Bend whoro eho will open n store
for tho salo of ladies' furnishings.
Engineer Geo. Roberts of tho Kmplro
fa visiting his relativos up Coos river
while tho steamer is here.
'I havo tsed Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver lablets with most satisfactory
results," siys Mrs F. L. Phelps, Hous
ton, Texas. For indigestion, bilious
ness nnd constipation these tablets are
mostexcelleut. ??oiu oy jiio, i rcuea.
A number of tho friends of Mr. and
Mrs. P. M. Wilbur met at their homo
Friday ovoning and enjoyed a Bociablo
round of progressive wbist.
K Henderson traveling salcsmam for
Hill Bros. San FrancUco wholesalo
Coffeo & Spice house ia making tho bay
this week.
Noble Bros, havo 20 fat mutton eheep
nnd ten dressed beoves coming on tho
Alliance to relievo the stress of tho
homo shortage.
Did You Ever
It may bo interesting to somo who
have slipped in Just a few words" of
writing In n packsgo of paper or mer
chandise mailed at tho lowest rates to
their friends, that tho abnso has be
come so common that postmnstorn
have been instructed to examine such
packages and report, if writing is found
to tho department officials. Tho next
he knows will bo a visit from n Deputy
U. S. Marshal with n warrant of arrost,
tho result being a fino of fi'j nnd tho
cost of action. Ex.
Tho Gardiner Gazette comes out this
week under tho management of Chas.
A, Perklus. The Gazette is very much
improved thoreby.
Jeff Thrift, who has been at work tho
past week assessing North Bend,
returned to his homo In Coquillo on ac
count of sickness in his family.
Tho Ivy which Eatled In aj big aa life
Thursday under the guldanco of n new
captain went high nnd dry on tho mud.
The tug has raado several pulls without
A Successful Business
Mr, E. Marsh the Racket storo man
has now been In business two years in
Marsbfleld. His business tho Racket
atorowssan experiment. Ills now
an assured succosa and ono of tho fix
tures of Marsbfleld and will somo day
be onoof tho leading businesros of tho
tho town. Tho butlness has almost
outgrown its present quarters. Mr.
Marsh is not pushing tho businesi ns
nggrcsivoly as possible on account of his
health, but la morp than satiation witn
tho treatmont he haa received, coming
to our midst a etrauger.
Coquillc Valley Creameries
Tho Coquillo City Creamery com
.........! n..rtimi limt Monday under
the management of Nosier Lyons.
They are receiving milk only on alter
nate days at present until wio eenaun
opens up more fully.
Tho patrons of tho Coquillo Ico A Cold
Storage Company had n meeting Inst
Saturday and It was decided to run tho
plant on tho eamo plan us last year.
Tho owners will manufacture tho butter
and sell It for tho patrons on commie
olon. Nocheeio will bo made unless by
.....ui ntniiest ol thoso furnishing mo
milk. J. A. Davenport will act as man
ager and Win. BllngHby will "sling" tho
middles. Thoy will begin operations
next Monday.
Tho meeting ol tho patrons of tho
Star Creamery at Norway last Saturday
wa o, very satisfactory ono In every
particular. Thu same directors wero
rc-elecied, with tho exception cf Mr.
Strong, who linn Itft tho county.
Tenn Roblson was elected in his p'aco
and H. L. Carl was elected malinger.
Thoconrcin Is to manufacture butter
for tho patrons at 3 ceutH per poutid tho
coming season.
Noble Bros, received somo moat on
tho Alliance, though not nil thoy order-id.
i ii f i .i
W. V.. Woodward who has been work
ing for J. B. Davis is now ttayiug in
Tho gasullno Koiohod took up n lure..)
supply of provisions to tho Ln'vhorq
logging camp today,
Tho ivy wbh brought up today by tho
lug, having been delayed sorerill daa
on tho mud tints.
A band ol .laps arrived on tho Alli
ance for tho Hprrckles Co., to work on
the Hectlons on thnt road.
Isiac Lnndrlth left today v'a Drain to
visit his brother at Lorain, Lane count)'.
Mr. UndrlUi will bo absent n mouth.
Tho Kiutoril HtrnocUblu given at the
hall nf the I.ulliurii church was n grand
ruches both financially nml otherwise.
John C. McDugal representing J. H.
Newbauer & Co. of San Francisco,
wholceale grocers is on tho bay visiting
his many friends nnd supplying his
Sorious Stomach Trouble
1 wnB troubled with n distress In my
stomach, rour ttotnach and vomiting
spellH, and can truthfully eny tint
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv.-r Tab
lets cured rne. MrH. T. V. William,
Lalngsbiirg, Mich. Thnsu tablets nro
guaranteed to cure ovory case of stoma
ch trouble of thin character. For sale
by .'no. PretiSH.
Dr. Kline, of Brndon, waa lu town ov
er Sunday. Hn will rcmovo to Cottage
(Wove, w litre lu will rojldu In the fu-.
Mrs. J. Porklns ol (lardlner, elstor to
Mrs. Cowan, who baa been visiting In
Morrhfleld for revcrnl weeks returned to
her homo today,
Mem-rnA. I). Wright, Win. I.nwhorn,
S, B. Sherwood, Kd Flock anil Mark
K'lioeto catiui down from Sumner today
to register.
Coquillc Schools
The Emplro camo In today nnd whilo
coming up the bay towing a Bcowload of
apudB, thercow wasswnmped at Bong
stackena warehouse. Some of tho pot-
lntoes wero lost.
(Ccquilio Bulletin)
The school census for 11)01 shows n
total ol 420 children of school ngo In diu
trict No. 8, which compriro. tho city of
Coquillo. and about 60 children who live
outside the city limit.
Thn nubile school building in this
city will bo enlarged as soon as thjs
term of school is finished. Tho lumber
is being hauled now nnd two now rooms
will be added which will provido for tho
Increa'ed number of pupils. It Is n do
prorable fact thnt with a ceneus cf 120
of school age in this district only about
two-thirds of that number attend
The Coming Manufacturing Center
01 Southern Oregon
Mr. L L. IMfirihaiigh, u young :i an
from SpoLnno arrived on the Allium n
yesterday and will tulco a poiltlnu with
i.H.Kaufman A Co., in their rur.l
estatu agency.
Blakloy. A J Blakely, D A Doneleon,
Mrs Watson, C B Marshall, Mies A
Anderson, Mrs Tolnome, Chas Lenberg,
Joo Abelll, Bennett Swanton, Mrs Wil
liams, Miss Kauffraan, O D Laval. Mrs
Te Laval A child. E R Denkee, W T
Garratt, Miss Clara Earle 5 Eecond
Earning His Salary
The city dog catcher is doing n good
business thio month nnd has already
taken tho ecalps o! about 35 canlnee
Mho wero not wily enough to eecape lib
jong grasp, In fact tho common dogs of
T.n flihnrman on Ccnullle are not
going to forget Mr. It. D. this coming
Now. Mr. "fool editor" of tho "North
Bend Citizen' if you havo any more
charges against Hon. It. D. Hume wo
hope you will make it known quick, ne-
cause the Primaries nro noor at hand
and yon will bo to sick after they nro
over that you cannot writo thorn. But
for goodness eake, don't be bo eilly ne
you have been in this article referred to.
A North Bbnd "Citjzf.n"
North Bend, Or. Mar. 21r
From tho Bandon Recni dor Saturday
brought E. S. Detn. of Myrtle Point,
this way. Mr. Dean is an aeplrant for
political honors lor the ropuoucan nuo
of the house, nnd was probably out on a
handshaking tour. He wants to do
Eomo osnesslng during the coming term.
Growing Fast
The A. O. U. W. lodgo nt North Bond
tool: in 20 now momberB last nighi,
maklnu 70 In all. Tho new lodgo now
hasthedeatlnctlon of having taken in
more mombora during tho past month
than anv Workmen lodgo In tho Btato of
Oregon. North Bend Lodgo No. 80 ia
the name and within tho next two
weeks they oxpect to give n grand ban
i quot to their friends and members,
Tho pooplo of North Bond havo sc
cured the establishment ol n paper pulp
and paper mill, capable of ampin) lug
over 800 people, thus lidding another
now industry. Tho Mail is informed,
howover, that thoro Is an obstacle to ho
ovorcomo hoforo this vnlunblo acquisi
tion to tho miinulaeturing industries of
Coos Bay can be nn nssured thing, nnd
thnt U a guarantee) of an ndequcto water
Hiipply. It will ho nernesary for sot o-
ll,l.i, ntmr "(l() (WW LMlllnilH nor iliw. at n
Ettiiiiu. Mimh w. ..,-.- n i '
. i... .....,.,1 n tnurn. It In nut I Inw rntn. nnd it IB found that tills MIDPIV
expected that It will become provolent cannot bo obtained from tho present
or that It will e oi a Bcriuua nniuiu. n
wnnld boncood precaution though to
closo public bcIiooI early and not havo
From the Gardiner Gazette
Scarlatina, n mild form of ecnrlot
C.ipt. Levi Snyder who camo ovir
from thot'oiuillo logo to the Asli.m
ns asslNtnnt guurd for an limine man
was obliged to return homo today, on
account of an nttuck of tho mumps, lib
waa obliged t'i secure nnothor deputy.
Wm. NaBburg wl o was opented upon
Saturday for iipendicltlH bus railed from
it in lino shape and Is in n ond way to
recover. Tho physicians who did thu
work nay ho woa one of tho worst cntos
ever operated upon on Coos Bay,
t IV
,r Heklth krid STRENGTH with
.1Vr. -r.. ..j LL.li. Inlor fop WOMEN.
jtHfliiiUtN, and MEN. .rbei k ?&
nm nrlvatn term proposed until it is
etamped out.
An intercat la manifested in turning
eomo of our many poat bogs into cran
hnrrv i-ar.lena. Tho beavers havo left
mnny spelt bpotB roady for improve
rnnnt. Exnoriencod growora ar now
upon lie ground looking over tho pror
pecta; poon their report will depend an
important induBtry. Wo linvo Biiitnblo
ground. Whom thty nro now owned
and the ownora do not caro to improvo
tho grouud eatitfactory nrrnngomentH
ahoold oe given growerH to do so.
Tho new machinery nnd lighting
plant lately Installed In the mill hero la
prouounced aauccoss, -Much mora can
be accomplished now with tho same
force than ormerly
Tho (ico, E, Chamberlain club met
Friday night In eeeret conclave In tho
l.JlliL.. ., .In. Minivlnii ilninnmt fir I I'lrnlilltlk'H hnll. iMtlOM JllltlOrlnilt lit nl
iui:iuui'c, iu iiu ij"'n .w i "-, -
wnter in tho now town la bo grent now i iiess in being traiiHiicled nnd the Dmho-
that it will pOHSloiy preciuuo una nonvy .crate urn ning hj pm mi urn ngiu m
tueir uvea in inos county tuu coming
additional demand. Yot Mr. Simp
boij lionon in tlio near futuro to arrange i tlection.
for nn odequnto water supply bo thoro
will remain no barrier to any industry
for which there may ho room nt North I Boat
Bond. .
Wo nro infnrmod thnt tho furnitnre
nnd box factnrioH urn Hnfely landed and
that both will bo in operation before
six months havo pamed.
Couqh Mocllcino for
From Tucsday'o Dally.
A Inrgo flock of Cooto jiro in tho bay
today fiHhing.
' L. Wlrth of Milllcoma was a buelnoaa
visitor today.
When yon buy u cough medlclno for
hiiuiII rhildrcn you wntit mm in which
you can plum Implicit eonlldenco. You
want one that not only relluvun out
cures. You want ono llint Is nnquoa
tiuiiHhly linrmless, You want ono that
y tilfminul to take. Chnmhorlnln'ii
Cough Uitmudy meetu nil of theso con
dlilons. TIiitoIh nothliiK to good lor
tlio ciiiii.'Iih httil eolda Incident to child,
ho'id. it in nlio ii fi-rlnui preventlvo
niiilcumfor croup, and- there Iw no
danger whatever from whooping cough
win n it Is given. It hH been used in
muny epidemics of that disease with
perfect euccouu. For salo by Jno ProUjB,