Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, April 02, 1904, Image 2

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1 1
Late General News
', I)ob Angeles, March 24 Anita Kelly,
ft Now York rociety girl, has been'
awarded f33,307 (50 damages against the
Hotel hotter Company, oI Bantn Bar
bara, (or tlio loss of ber leg in an ele
vator accident.
San Domingo, March 25 General
Arias who gave firing order to tub in
eurgents that caused the death of Engi
neer Johnson, of the American gunboat
Yankee, was captured and shot bv gov
ernment troopi.
New Yo?k.Mar.84 With the dissolu
tion of the Northern Securities Co.,
western railroad magnates it it believed
havo resurrected tbo community of in
terest plan, which provides for an In
terchange of' directors, .and by this.
iuuuur liiututmiv wiu couiu iciatiuuo
will obtain as when tbo Securities Co.
S was in force.
' Tho tremedous buying of Union l'aci
fie stock recently la said to bavo been by
a magnato heavily interested tho Great
Northern, who will be elected director
in the Union-Pacific.
San Francisco, Cal, Mar. 21 The
following statements weromade by tho
jfightere this afternoon. . ,
"I Will go into tbo ringdn better con
dition than ever beforo in San Fran
cisco. I have built up for tho weight
and am at my strongest and expect to
win with a knockout1' Corbett.
"Never bavo felt mora fit for battle.
Have reached the weight without im
pairing my strength. Am active as ever
and expect to add a decisive victory to
n.y record." I3ritt.
Tuthill, Corbett's chief, trainer, an
nounced tiiis afternoon that the cbam
pion weighed 123Jii this morning.
, fc'on Francisco, March 23 The Botkin
trial was marked this morning by a sen
sational verbal encolinter between At
iorney Kuight and Mrs. Grace Tucbler,
one of the chief witnesses for tbo prose
cution. Knlgbt asked her a number of ques
tions concerning ber life, beforo mar
iloge. With tears In her oyos she i vig
orously denounced the. questioning as
cowardly, ungentlemenly and insulting.
Tho court rebuked Knight, and re
fused to rcrmlt him to continbo to pry
into the witnees' private life. . .
Mrs. Tuchler as (iraro. Harria was
clerk in a dry goods etoro' where Mrs.
JJotkin is alleged co have purchased two
bandkercbiefa one of whieh was in the
candy box. Mrs, Tucbler identified the
accused as tbo' woman to whom she
Eold the handkerchiefs.
San Francisco, Mar. 25-Tbo morning, Br.mfitlwenine nrincinally
'sesBion of the Uotkin trial was consumed
by arguments over the testimony of Prof.
Thos. Price, the poifon erpert. Thede -
feme claims there is no pnof that
candy handed over to blm for analysis
was the eamo received at Dover. The
court will pass on the question later.
' Chicago, Mar. 23 -Ono dead and fif
teen injured is tho known list of casual
ties, the result of a terrific tornado
which swept the suburbs from Kvan
fton' to Indiana Harbor last night,
causing a property ioea of half A million.
' The latter town boro tho bruut of the
etorn and hcueea were unroofed' and
buildings blown in.
Louis Baker was killed and a number
injured by tho collapse of a ' two etory
building in L'ast Chicago.
Hammond, Thornton Dauphin Park
nnd othor townB Buffered efeverely.
'Teleurnph and telephone wires were
prostrated and Chicago was practically
' itol'aled foi- twelve hours.
St. Louis, Marclj 5 Half million
'dollars daiiisgo was done and two per-Vons-waB
futally Irjurdd ih; laet-nlghfo
etortn. in Alta suburb, tho ntuuurg
Iteductleu Company'a buildiuB was
blown down. Sevornl buildings of tho
St. Louis Firowbrks Company were de
stroyed, Din:or'a hotel and n numbor o(
residences were dcmolielied, and a panic
was created,
'.Naples, Mr. 26 King Victor
Kaiser Welhehn lunched aboard
Hohcnrolorn today.
Port Louis, Mauritinus March 20
Twenty-lour were killed and immeuso
damage, was done on the 22d. by a tor
nado which swept tho island.
Wichita, Kansas, Mar. 20-Kditor
Smitb, of the Daily JJaxoo committed
euicido today by hanging himtolf. Tbo
cause was an indlctmont lor porjury,
salnt which ho had no defense
Waihington, Mar. 2d It is practically
decided that Hear Admiral Coghlan,
cnmrooudlng at tho Isthmus of Panama,
will succeed Ilodgcrs as commaudaut at
the New York navy yard. Jewell is to
relievo Cojhlan.
Louisville, Ky., Mar. 20 It is believ
ed that damage throughout tho South
due to the storm now raging will aggre
Cte a million in property 16ss.
In this city fifty residences have been
unroofed, and churches and distilleries
Waihington, Mar. 25 Tbo pustofllce
appropriation Dill was passed lato this
afternoon. The item raising the salar
ies of rural free delivery carriers to
720 per annum and taking from them
express out! news ogont privileges was
retained, after sharp contra'.
, Waihington. March "d-Tbo Houso
today adopted a resolution permitting
tho cou of the latu president of Nicara
j;ua, SeaUya, to attend West Point.
Tho Houto disagreed with senate .
amendments to tho Indian b!l and cent ;
it conference. Then took up tbo Bun-
dry Civil bill carrying 53 millions.
St. Paul, Minn. Mar. 20 A decisloo
was handed down today that arthtic
work 1st not subject to tho rules govern
ing tho work of artisans.
Tho Minnesota BUte capitol cqmnits
elon awarded to a New York Arm a big
contract lor mural decorations. The
painters union sought an injunction on
the ground that no bids wero asked.
Tha court ever rnlod the motion on the
ground Hist tho work was purely ar-
St. Louis, March 20 The day of tbo
trial of Senator Burton, of Kansas; be
jgan witb tho rebuttal testimony, at tho
cloie of which the covernraent's counsel
'pn lhc ac(ual fln(1 ImpC(l io(llienco
Iflltemant upon tlieUe 0r tl)0 .Benator's
I . . ft corporft(Ion 80ch ag the
auUo Gra.n Company,
I, Burlonia.:lBWyarBj pictured tbo hoi
; rll)!e conEejocnco of mistaken Justice,
The Senator Jiiraeull teemed collected.
Portland, Mar. 2-Tho -Alliance sail
ed for Coos Bay today with the follow
ing passengers: MisBaecomb, ond
Itarnily, J A Hindi, and family, M J
' Couroy. C It Seeley and wife. Mrs
, Kirciiman, J M Foster, Mre F B Tichnor
Rev J A Secrlst. Mrs J) Bonewilz, Geo
A Taylor, L L Differnbrch. Win Miller
and wife, H W NeUon, L D Nash,' Mrd
Jessie Kolley, S 8 Freaao. Jaa Coll'ns,
H M Avurill, A J Paul, K J Kirkmnn,
and wlf G 11 Odborno, E W Beoman, S
Kelloyendfilx 6tcflrae.
Chicago. Mar. 20 Niedermeir, Yan-
lilino and 5nr.:. the carbarn bandits,
were today contoured to hang. April 22.
Tlioy betiayed no emotion w lien tho
sentence waa pcated upon them. A'big
ciowdru'hed to tho railings when the
condemned' men passed out, and dopu-
lino frvtidlit llm npnnla back.
j The mothers of Vandino and Niedor-
inoir were present, tho former owIir
tn grief, tho latter appateuU unim
pressed. ,
Union, Mo, Mar. SO-Owf-0 Colllnn
alias Fred Lowls was hnnged- 1:30 p m
today. Ho was a participant In tho
murder o! detective Sojiuiuuher near
Swanton January 25, lt01 Uai the
doteotho atteniptod to tfrcst Collins
and Dili r.udolph (or bHtil robbery,
Rudolph was found gull J- this after
noon and his punishmont till bo death.
The verdict wa rondoicd In hour after
the drop foil for Collins. I
Just as tho black cap wit adjurtod,
tho lattor said "Cuttor loos hoyf, and
mako a good job of it."
Wilkes Ilarro, P., Mur. 2r-A cage
full of mlno workers at tho Dorranco
colliery fell down tho shaft tday. and
soveral ro reported killed. A
The ropo broko nnd the CA$ dropped
6lx hundred feot. Two dofl bodies
havo been brought to tho sufuco, and
six or eight more nro at tb bottom.
Tho shaft is blocked with wrefcago.
It is known that four are doad, and
probably a fifth victim will to found.
The engineer failed to step tie car and
it crossed into tho tho atoll wheel and
fell back a tbouoand Kjot belcw tho sur
face. Fivo hundred miners, "fearing an ex
plosion, died through tho distant opon
logs. ,
London, Mar. 20 In tto raco bc
twenn tho picked oarsmen U Cambridgo
arid Oxford Universities (oday, Cam
bridge won by four leng(i)S) in 22 min
utoe, 3t secoudi, there was much in
terest in the event and tLe contest was
witnessed by an immense throng of
spectators, although, owing the court
being in morning for the liuxe of Cam
bridge, there wcro no nyalibs on tho
The races between Oxford ami Cam
bridge date back to 1WU, when they
weVe rowed in tubs over the ouras from
Vectmincer to I'utucy. fmcu ltilll tho
contesting oarsmon havo swept tho his
toric path alone which tin struggle to
day was waged - from Putney, to
Mortlako, but in tbo meant itno the
racing craft have erolved- from crude,
unwlaldly skiffs intp tho keellesa, out
rigged shells thai ikim over tho , water
liko swallows. Sliding teats wero ueod
bv the crews for tbo first time in 1972.
New York, Mar. 20 A serious fire
started at noon in the basement of a
bnilding, on Broadway occupied tho
Norrir European Express Company.
Tho flamea spread to two adjoining
building And in the Consolidated Stock
Exchange opposito, liunlncss was susr
pended. . i
At ono o'clock the fire was under con
trol. Thero was much excitement be
cause of the location in the heart of tho
financial district, Bankers and brokors
removed their valuables and tbo big
office building wern emptied of peoplo
by order of tho police.
Tho general oflkes of the Adams &
Norrls European and American expws
ompany wero destroyed, Iho estimat
ed loss la four million, Thousands of
dollars worth of registered cxpretB
bullion wns carried out in suit casea and
baskets through tho rear of tto burning
building, Tho Wull Fargo people haul
In,; out over ono hundrel thousand in
San FranciBco, March 20 Jjmmy Britt
was given tho decision ovsr "Young
Corbett." by referee firanoy, last
night, aftor twenty rounds of hard
fighting without a knockout.
8an Farncisco Cal. Mar, 20 Llttlo
Jhe vvorHO for tho torriflc in which thoy
engaged last night, Britt and Corbott
are around today, one receiving tho con
gratulations of friends tho other condo
lence. The lattor Is simply dolnged'witli con
gratulations. Ho ia suffering eomowhut
from tho punhhrueut particularly
about tbo face and left oye,
Tho scntlmont of many who last night
agreed that llrltt was outltlod to tho de
cision changed today and tho hollo! If
growing that a draw would havo boon a
bolter vordlrj.
(Jorbott spont tho night In ft bath,
his nt'or dejection provunllnu a rooJ
rest. When hu nroso tills morning, his
fooling that ho had been given tho worst
of it by tho rufoico was umllmtnUhod.
Ho Is without a mnrk ns n result ol
tho flglu savo a slight cut over tho loft
eye. His plans for tho future nro un
settled but it is likely ho will roinnln
horo awook or so in tho hope of botng
roiuatched with Ilritt.
Uuffrtlo. N. Y. March 27 Jim Corbott
said today: "I'll take (Inny's decision
as right regardless of how the rounds
road. Corbott was stalled too much I'm
alrald. It looks ns though Britt was in
bettor condition, nnd won In tho last
two rounds."
Berlin, Mar. 2o-Gorman troopi havo
defeated tho rebel Horroros at Omatako
berg. Two Germans wore killed and
three wounded. Ten Horroros wero
killod. Tho Germans also captured
Ormurambu together with I several
thousand hoad of cattle which had
been plundered from the colonists.
Kverolt, Wash., Marcb.25 Jack Lo
bros, a saloon keopcr at Bryan, Wash,
whoso life has been threatened many
times, was shot through tho heart and
instantly killed last night by an unknow n
person rVlnlu ho wai locking up his sa
loon. His was tho only saloon In town
and n license was granted a short time,
ago in eplto of a petition signed by
nearly overy citizen.
Djnvor, Colo., Mar. 2.'-C.iptaln
Wells, of troop A. his ostabliiho 1 a
press couorship at Toll uride not equal
lod by either Russians or Japanese.
Ten stiikers' families Thurjdaj. it is
learned by mall, wero ordered from
their homes during n )iovli,.g blizzard,
ranrched to the depot, placed on tho
cars and ordered noor to return. Tho
exiltH, sonic with small babiurf, reached
Rldgoway almost frozen and dostitnto;
Thoy wero taken care of by tho West
ern Federation. '
It is understood that Wells will today
repeat tho performance. Tho Captain
id chorgod, in tiie injunction suit
against the Tellurlde Citizens Alliance
with being tbo ring loader of tbo mob
which drove out 2 unionist from town.
Outray, Colo, Mar. 55 Eleven do
ported unionists from Tollurido return
ed to that city on tho noon train, on tho
advice of President Moyer of the West
ern Federation of miners. As soon as
they arrive they will be "Bull ponnod"
by tho 'military, when habeas corpus
proceedings will be Instituted.
In all 111 itactl ttIO
lUould U cl(mlix)?i.
EIt'a Cream Halm
1 tleunf,ioiltbcantbU
Ike diieuca memurmo.
It caret caUrrh and dritrta
$nj a cold in tbo bead
Cream Tlolm la plu'od Into tbt noilrlll, iprttdi
Orcr the mttnbttoo and Ii ibtorbtd. Jt.lf U Im
mediate nd a cure follows. , n Is cot dryliic-lo
not prodoea enteilng. Large tiltt, to centi at Drujc
(liti or bjr mall j Trial 81m, 10 cent by wall.
ELY 1MOT1IEKS. 80 Warrvn UtreoU evf York.
BO 7EAn8
Trade Markm
CnpvmauTB &.C.
AnjnnonondlnK n tketrli nndrteicrlptlon mar
nutiiklyi lurorlnln bur opinion freo wliother uu
lurniillnn U prohnblf tmtcntablu. i.oniiuuiilrrt
t lcm mrlctly (onlUlontlal, Ilundbook on I'atuiiu
1 i firuunuif imiviuauiu. i,MinuiuiiirTf
ctlviYinUdiintlril. Ilundhtwilifin l-ntitlilti
tunt iruu, oio
in iruo, umini aifenojr ror tecunni; iinieni.
I'utunt tukuu llirouuli lluim.Jt Co. reael
fltil inllfs Witt. fint M,n.,.t IfV TT ? '
IV( etui
frv.M., l.fvuv WUOM.W, .M.MW
Scientific fltnericaii
A Imndiomclr Jlluntmtnd weekly. I.nritit rlr.
culullon -tit uny aeiontltlo Itulua). .'fofnn. (3 a
renn rourrooutna.il. Bold bjull nemdculcr.
MUNN & Co.aB. New York
ilraacU Office, C34 i U W-bliulvii, 1). V.
J& cotfl Uol
Nnuil Catarrh pdoVly y Itlda to tronU
went br Ely's Uroum llnlm, which l ngrfo.
nbly aro'iintlo. It In reoslvsd Uirounh Uio
noiilrlU, olpnimea nnd holds tho whole irur
raco otor which II illnut iUolf. DniH(:l
toll tho 60o. uUo; Trial lr by nml , 10
cents, Test It and you aro uuro to contlnuo
tliu trcntiuont.
Aiinnuncoincnt. .,.
To Kccointuodato tliuno who aro jiartlal
to tho uio of ntomUora hi upplylnu IlijunW
into tho nnnM jiiirtKiii for ifim.i truu
I'let, tho proprlotoru pronar (.'roam Halm In
llmild form, vhluh vrlllbo known ni JUy'ii
IJciuld Croivni llnlm. I'll" Including tho
iprnltiK tubo ii 70efU. l)rog!i' or l7
mall. Tho liquid form embodies Uio nied
iclual properlios of Iho iolld preparation.
MnrqiilM Ito, four times liivmtcr o
Japan, Is ono of Jiipiin'H greiitwl
MAnguta miiuiii'Mt no.
8tn(eni(ll. Ho bus iloito iin nnlCll nr
nny other mini to itiodvriilro his couu
Our Monthly Publication
will keep you posted on our
work and methods. Mailed
Free to the
of any responsible house.
, . Call oa nr WHIl
64 & 6$ Merchant' Eicluuite
moslhly tho roulr dooB not euro how
soon tho nutomobllo takca Ito plnco ns
Unit nld td wnr.
When n politician tells Uio troth you;
tnny bo sura that ho has n point td
Kaln by doing 19. s
I have had octajlon In uu vour
DU'ck-Driuaht Stock and Poultry Mcdl-
cine and am pUaicd to lay that I never
uied anything for itock that tfavt half si
good satisfaction. I heartily recom
mend It to all owntri of tock.
J. B. DELSNER, St. L00I1, Mo.
Hick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any in6re than
wick peruon should expect to bo
cured by food. When your ntock
and poultry ure sick give them mod
Icinef. JJon't stuff them with worth
Ivhh ntf)ck foods. Unload tho bowoU
and ntir up tho torpid liver anil tho
animal will bo cured, if it bo possi
ble to euro it. Black-Draiifflit Stock
and Poultry Mcdicino unloads tho
bowols and stirs up tho torpid Jiver.
It cures overy jnulady of stock if
taken in timo. flccuro a 25-cont can
of Illack-Druupht fitock and Poultry
Mcdicino and it will pav for Itself ten
times over. Horses worK better. Cows
flvo moro milk. Uoga Rain., flesh.
And hens lay moro eras. H'sgl ves the
nroblom of nidking an much blood,
flesh nnd energy as posDiblu out of
tho mnalloat amount, of food con
Buraod. Buy n can fom youndoalur.
1 1 S l i1
LJmvffirK !
YlTmm rJ
S- JktrtJ wJ .Ii '
1 f .J9Mr kV..
('. XJil.tft.V, Mitvi . '
U'lll ItluKei Itruiilni- 'l'rlt
Oregon Coal it. Navigation Co
F.8.DOW, Agont, Miuihfluld, Oiogoi.
S.O. UO. Agont, Umpiro City, Onvvi
Flanagan & Ben net i
IHllKCTOIiyT. U.Shori-
ihlll.J. V. Iloillll'lt. l'ltllS i
nml. II. Kliiiingiiii, VICI'J
I'UBS. ; it. t Willlrtins,
Capital, $50,000. '
Thi works aro Hlgin, Wallham or Due
bor's, nny'grndu or alto yen chtoru at
right prices.
TVutchos and Jo Iry repairing donri oa
short notlco, mid in tip-to dnto stiu
C tho
We promptly obtain U. H. iud Fwdct)
nnil inoilol.ikcich or iilnjullnnBUcn lei
it 1 11 iwMriimiiiiiiy. ror irre dook,
im.rutRADb-HARKS lc
! Opposite U. S. Pntnnt DfflrTft
Comer of Front and A Streets,
IIOTBL, lollcltaaahare ot ihllc fiat.
h0.1'.K?: NeY b?,1,, .na 'rl9ir 'm.tir.tiai,
nava been p oeed In almoy, (ovary leeplnL
room pi thla home and aellicr trouble uor ex
order. -TKUMB- '
Hoard nnd Lodging, per week ." 00
Hoard, per week (H)
Hlnglo meals 50
FM-P-A-N-s Tabules
Doctors find
A good' prescription
rlio C-cont pnUot Irf enougli for usual
OCCnsioriH. 'Nhi fnmllu lnln tttn nnti
contains a unpply for a year, All drug
giata sell thoca,