Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 26, 1904, Image 2

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Late General News
lndlRBopo1iv, March '18: Miners? Jn
the hliu'mincHis district of tlo Central
state will not strike. At noon tho voto
war announced, making n majority of
31,141 sgatntt tlio proportion to go out,
San Francisco, March 18s Tho Hove
uuo cutter Daniel Manning loft port
this morning to look for the American
ship AW II. .Mason reported off Coos
Bay in a helpless condition.
Tho Mdson is 18 days out from I.ady
Emilh, 1). 0.( for San Francisco.
Vienna, March 18: An Arad Hun
gary report elates that a miner named
Klimpian, suspecting his wlfo of fatull.
iarity with a lodger named Kohout, ex
ploded a stick of dynamite nnlla at the
dinner table, blowing himself, wie,
lodger and four children to atoms.
, Now York, March 18 The bricklayers
Strike continues and threatens to
wtoivo anoiuer gigantic laoor war
similar to that of last Bummer.
A conference of tho joint board of ar
bitrations and representatives of the
bricklayers ended in a deadlock thit
morning, alter an all night session.
Twonty"thousand men are oat now.
Ohicago, March 17: Judge Dann wa!
thiB moraine appointed receiver of the
JnterilioBfl-PaokiBg Co. -I is -aifrf-ed
that tho concern is insolvent having a
million and a half liabilities and seven
hundred thousand assets,
Tho petition alleges that tho directors
have lost a milion in gambling on board
of trade. Since '03 tho plant has not
been operated.
Berlin, March IS Tho Voerwaertz
states that Southwest African cruelties
are confirmed. Germau troops co-operating
with the armed colonists are retali
ating on the natives.
From details of the barberons treat
ment meted oat to the blacks in re
Venge, it appears tLat the Germans and
Herreros resemble two armies of devilr,
with hell let loose throughout the
Sacramento, March 18 There is no
important change in the building trades
lookout today, aud things are likely to
drag along eometimo without marked
development, as both aides announce
theii determination to stand firm
Carpenters are the only building trade
working and they will be out of work
tonight when all building operations
will close.
No One JBut Yourself
if You Don't Get
Well When SlcK.
'AH we e&n do U sire advice.
Of coon that's easy.
But our advlco la really worth a Utile
more to you than most people's, for wo
fctter to give you the first bottle or our
medicine freo, If It falls to help you.
We could not afford to do thla unless
our medicine was rood. Such an offer,
pn the wroner kind of medicine, would
cut a merchant prince in the poor bouse.
Dr. Miles' Nervine, however, as years
bf experience have proved, U a medi
cine that cures the alck.
i Those whom It cannot benefit less
than one In ten thousand vra prefer to
refund their money. ,
'Alt we ask of yo Is to try Jv. Mllea'
Itestoratlvo Nervine for your complaint
Zf you suffer from sleeplessness, nervous
exhaustion, dizziness, headache,' mus
cular twitching, melancholy, loss of
memory, weak Btomach, poor blood,
bilious troubles, epilepsy, St. Vitus'
Dance, eta, we will guaranteo to. benefit
you or refund your money,
,Tou aro Jthe doctor.
"My son Bert, when In hla 17th yeart
became subject to attacks of epilepsy,
so serious that wo were compelled to
take him out of school. After several
jiliyslclana.lmd failed to relievo him, -wo
ravo Dr. Allies' Nervine a trial. Ten
months treatment with Nervlno and
Liver Pills restored our boy to perfect
health." int. JOilN 8. .WILSON,
Deputy Co, Clerk, Dallas Co., Mo.
Wrlto us and wo will mall
you a Vre.a Trial Packnrn tt
'VM-Antl-PalnPllli, , e Jfow,
lorn Blank for our Specialist to diagnose
vivmiuu twuicujr ior train, auu rymp-
vuho ana. leu you wnai in wrong
-:'v ;r"Qv:.i.L ivxt-strf- JL?y
in rliFlif if Aftunlnf cAxr 1V,.
.uurtfHia: inc. fwii.ktn mumiimai. rii
Itfanbt expected thatPtheMrouble
will spread to othor trades. '
Vallejo, March 18: The Spreckals
Summer Mansion at Sobro Vista, Sono
mn county, burned this morning. The
flro was started by an explosion of ace
tylene gas. Tho damage is heavy.
Tho Sprockets' building was formerly
known as tho Hoopor mansion, but was
bought rovcral years ago by Rudolph
Spreckcli andused by him as a summer
The watchman was the only person
it tho building when the explosion oc
curred. Tho entire building with all ita
contents was destroyed. Tho total loss
may reach 1400,000,
St. Petersburg, Mar. IS A fanciful
theory has been started here to tho
effect that tho Japaneso are tho lost ten
tribes of Israel. Tho idea, whilo lndi
cious, has been seized upon by tho nutt
Semitic press aa a means of stirring up
a now antt-Jewish outbreak.
Tho Novoo Vreyml not only treats
tho matter seriously, but dally declares
that tho Jews in Russia are eubJcribing
large sums to aid their newly found
brethern fn the conduct of tho war.
The near approach of Easter makes
tho Jowa fearful that tbo contention
may caaso a renewal of tho Kiehiuef
massacres. The fact is they aro sub
scribing heavily to tho Russian war
Belgrade, Mar. IS it is reported hero
that on Albanian insurrection is in pro
gress between .imrovnzo nnu ipe.
The revolutionists nro well supplied
with arms.
Tho Albanians threaten to precipitate
a general rising, and declare tbo inde
pendence ol tbo conntry, unless the
Sultan accedes to their demands, the
dismissal of all Christian officers and
employees at Usku, relief from payment
of all takes, no Turkish garrison and
amnesty for imprisoned Albanians.
Vienna, Mar. 18 It is reported that
tiie Macodonan leader, Sarakoff, has
left Geneva for Mccedonla, to stir up a
New York, Mar, 18-&. J. Bully and
Co., of the cotton Exchange, have sus
pended. Sully b tho famous bull oper
ator who ran the recent cotton corner.
New York. Mar. 18-Following the
suspension of Bully, the Cotton Ex
change finn- announced its failure on
the Stock Exchange and Coffee Ex
change. Sully was a member of all
three. The cotton market broke
abruptly twenty-five points, May soiling
to 14.33, Jnly 15.
The falluro caused tremendous excite
ment as there had been no intimation
that Sully was in trouble. Under his
manipulation tbo price of cotton reach
ed oighteen cents and Sully was credit
ed wf ih finding tmilHone. Presumably
this is all gone in endeavor to keep the
price up.
At tho office of tho company no state
ment had been made at 2 p, rn. Cotton
slumped two hundred poiuta to 13.20.
Washington, March 17 Toft before
tho House Committee on Insular affairs
dlecuBfed the Cooper bill authorizing
tbfl Phillipine commissioners to tissue
lie approved th6 suggestion that the
maxima for supremo court justifies,
salaries bo fixed at ten thousand dollars
aud favored tlio uniformity of measure
mo.ota noceesary in tho enforcement of
mininb laws.
lie suggested an additional coction
amending the coinage law. so that the
treasurer may he authorized to issne
silver certificates in denominations up
to-'one thousand pecop, ujulvalant to
fivn dollara.
He also asked for authorization to', re
peal or modify the tonnage tax on vee-
sola coming into Manila harbor, to en
conrago largo steamers to come in from
other ports. True la now oa capacity ln
stead of cargo.
Taking up tho raiiioad question,Taft
said that Root had tried to interest Van
Ilorno, of tha Canadian Pacific, wild
built tlio Cuban road, but tho loiter was
too much occupied in Cuba. Ills Vpln
Ion was, howover, that private on
torpriso cau manage tho railroads "much
more economically than tho Govern
Chicago, March 10: Tho heating of
motlous for a now trial in tho v caso ol
tho carbarn bandits was poitpotml to
day. v.
Alburquerque, N. M., Mar, 19: Fito
last night destroyod tho Santa Fo car
shops, Involving a loss of fllty thousand
"Washington. Mar. 10 Tho Senate,
'passed th bill appropriating twelve
thousand dollars for a fog signal station
on San Francisco bay.
Berlin, Maroli 19: Tho VoisIichezeJ
tungropotts that .Major Inokoff, of tho
Russian headquarters staff, has bom
discovered selling valuablu military to
crets to Japan, and has been publhly
degraded and shot.
Rcrlin, Mar. 10 A Dlrpatch from
Col. Leutwcin, commanding tbo forces
in German Southwest Africa announce.
another battle with rebellious Hermes,
in which tho Germaci wera forced to
retreat with losses of several ofllceriand
nineteen men killed
and many Tonn-
San Francisco, Mar. 18 Folioving
aro the passengers on Areata, eating
for Coos Bay, at 5 o'clock, today :
E K Jonos and wife, T I Poo anj wife,
Mrs Earl, Miss O'Connell, Mrs C
Simpson, B C Kuckor, L II Shellon, I
D McCoy, J Q Houser, John Matlon. U
A Dwicht. C Croft, A Smith a
id 10
New York, Mar. 19 Tho Suspension
of tho J. II. Garrison Company was an
nounced on the Cotton Fxchango this
New York, Mar. 19 The Sully Com
pany made an assignment this morninK
to Joseph II. Ilcadlr, for tho benefit of
its creditors.
Gompers Returns
New York, March 21: Samuel Gom
ners returned from Porto Rico this
mornine, where he has made a close
study of labor conditions. It is expec
ted thai ho will make a sensational re
port. Thinks conditions can be improved 5
percent in a short time but just bow,
will not ho diecuBscd at this time. In
Porto Rico ho was received as tbo labor
New General Manager, '
Salt Lako. March 21. J. Krnttschnttt,
general manager of the Southern Pacific
is confirmed as director of transporta
tion of tho IlarTlman roads.
Heywood Makes Denial,
Salt Lake, Mar. 21. U. S. Marshal
Hoywood denies that additional sub
poenas for a largo number of pcrtons to
testify in the Smoot caso have been
received. Up to noon, uuno had been
served here,
tBotkin Case Commenced
Ban Pror.ciBco, March 21 The open-t
ing statements in tho Botkin peso were
begun this morning. It is expected the
taking of testimony will begin Isto this
afternoon, ,'
Cooper Succeeds Evans,'
Washington, Mar, 2.1. Admiral Coop
er cabloo from Hong Kong that ho has
assumed command -, of tho Aeiactic
station, vice Admiral Evans.
Hi I
Sale of Export of Giain or Provisions
1 From Shantung Province Prohibited -
by Chinese Authorities
Napoloon's Ghost.
St. Petersburg Mar. 21. Tho report
lias gained widespread credence among
tho peasants that Napoleon's"" ghost is
waiting on tho banks of the Amur to
lead tho Russian troops to victor.
This has fired tho enthusiasm of tho
credulous people, who have opened
shrines to Napoleon, and, confident in
his protection, await thonucccsiful close
of the war,
Chlnoso Squadron Moving
London, Mar. 21 Router's Chefoo
correspondent wires that a Chlneso
squadron of four cruisers, commanded
by Admiral Tray, arrived thore Sunday
Thin ki not a nceno from a comic opcrn, hut nn actual view of Yokobnrm,
om ef Japan's great dtka. Civilization una advanced very rapidly fu the
Lewd of the Choraanthemum, hut tho struotM nod tho ncoplo are m pleturetQM
Bad Democrat Accuses
Him of Fraudulent
V&'hlugton, Mar, 21-r-ln the. IIouso.
Hepbnrn, Rep. of Iowa, raising tho
question of peaso.ial personal privilege
stated that Buker, Dem. of Now York,
had violated tho Usages and courtesy of
tho House by inserting in the record a
newspaper attack on Batcpck, repre
sentative, charging him with loading
down the moilfl under his frank so that
the amount handled by his owq post of
fico aud railroads would increase th'olr
business aud compensation, Babcock to
bo rewarded by the right to issue passes.
Hopbu.rn m4ved that t&, speech be Ex
punged. ' i
Roll cflll.rcaalt 130 to 28, and tho mo
tion to expunge carried, Tho House
adjourned as a mark of respect to the
late Kcv. Thompson, of Alabama,
. ' Sullivan Seriously III -,
Boston, Mar. 21 John lv. Sullivan is
seriously ill at his homo in Roxbury,
and it is feared he will become blind,
and will proceed to New Cjiwang as
soon as tlio ice clears.
Cormans Warned
Yinkow, March 21 : Addicsslng Gor
man subject at Now Chwang, Sunday,
tho fi or man consul notified thorn that
if thoy remained it muft bo at their own
risk, nnd in event of lotto, recovery ol
compensation would ho doubtful,
i W '
Snto of Grain Prohlbltod,
Port Arthur, Mnr. 21. In view of tho
unfavorable harvest in Hhantuu prov
ince, the Chinese authorities linvj Isiucd
a proclamation prohibiting tho sale or
export ol grain or provisions for the
Rusiions, under threat of torero punishment.
The New York Also
Damaged by
Holy Head, Mar, 21 Tho American
Ilnor Morian collided with tho steamer
Glangerant this morning in a dppee fog.
The latter was seriously damagod
Liverpool, Mar. 21 The Merian
arrived this afternoon and landed her
passengers safely, ',
I South Hampton, Mar. 21 The Amer
ican )iner flew York was dry docked
hore at uoon. Bho is badly damaged
below tho walor line, due to grounding,
Part of hdr cugo is injured,
Adam Grant Dead
Ban Francisco, Cal, Mar, 21 Adam
Grant, one of tho best known morchants
on tho Pacific coast, ond a member of
(ho whplosalodrygood'jhouso of Mnr-
phy tyrant & uo. uiou mis morning oi
old age, j
n,Wt NMM.
No Further Failures of
Exchange Firms
Noy York, March 10: l)upllo the
declaration of tint inapeiislon of tho
Stilly Company a lotlur was received at
tho Cotton Kxchango In which the hull
lender said that ho would meet all obli
gations. Whim tho openhm figures
woro quoted Hiilly oxprtsiod hltntulf as
A fonturo of tho cotton market in
LlvorHXl wnn equanimity, which char
actorUetl all dealings,
Comment among boinl inoiiiiKni war
that Sully's suipuiulon would not In
volvo any other Mock houser, Tho
cotton markut qulutod down, though
undurtouo ronuiliitsl norvou. At oloven
o'clock tt was normal, with strong evl
donce of liuavy eupjiort,
Brolots uxprcsiod thu opinion that
tlio wor?t was over and there would ,bj
no more falluros.
Pilces hero woro from fivo point
down to 2t abovu hut nights closing,
Liverpool ntn firm tom, ilupresued
in but small degree liy tho Ourrlson fall
tiro. Tho ttcclc mnrkot was steadlci
and stronger and Mioncd cainaovur lint
nlsht's dote. .
Will Lunch With Roosevelt
Wcihlngtou, March 21 1 -Tho Pfrt'
dent has Invited tho member of tlio
Panama Commission, holding their fir.t
meeting, tomorrow, to tako luncheon
with him nt thu Whitu Home.
U. N. Harrol, of Now Odeaus ond C.
K. Urunoky, of Ban Kranclco, iiinmbon
of tho commission, were prcauntoJ to-
tlio T'eildcnt this morning,
British Still After Gold
St. Petersburg, Mar. 21 The 'ovlte
declares that the real uccro t of tlie,JJrit--irh
Tlbotan oxrqdillon Is tho discovery
of immentoly valuable gold deposit,
Tlbot being n second California,
Ho New Devefopmenfs
Hacromento, Mar. 10 Thoro nro no
now dovolopmonta in tho labor situa
tion, Both sidos aro waiting tho action
of tho Citizens Alliance, Announcement
is made open shops will go into effect
New York,'Mr. 2I,-Wm IV Grace,
twire mayor 61 Now York' died at noon
today. He wail horn at Qusonstown.
In 1800 his firm effectod a settlomont of
the I'ernv'fim d"ebt of forty millions. He
was director in many steamship lines,
and hank'o aud commercial enterprises,
and his woalth is estimated at many
millions, "' '
The cause of his death was exhaus
tion, following pnoumonla, .
confUgratM ,
and Accident
:,r,r i.'j
Berlin, Maroh 21 j Tagohlatt roports
that flro lias destroyed tlio town of Klo
van in Rusala, Houses, churches, sy
nagogues nnd schools woro domollslied,
and fivo thousand pooplo aro homolees.
I rxn
Moscow, Marcli 21 ; By collapse of an
engineering establishment today, three
workmon woro killed nnd fifty Jnured,