v" ft ' h ' i ,-. i i r $4n V i ' Nms olJhe War (''V- ' ! JnpanoBo Ships Disappear London, Mnr.l'J 'J'iio Port Anlitir Central Nowfl, In wiring Inot i vcnlug, nlaton that llio Jnpnnoflo wjuadron which illmippimod nftor tho bombard- iiitint ami torpodn fliliL on tho tun tit had n6t yst returned, yesterday inorii- l"K. Tlio Iliiatlnn niuadrnu prococdud to Kin, rotiirnltiK In llin nftornoou without tiigotlng thu enemy, Lino In Bad 'Condition fit PotoMburg Mnrch 12 Tlio chief Inspector of tho trniiH-Hlliorlnn Roll tond u'pnrta llio lino in bad condltloii. Trackmen nro neglecting thulr dutluo. Snow li tilled up ntul landslldcH nro lllriuvtoiicd. Othor roporli rovrnl llio fnot that fumlno threatened Tomekikntn A'ercholleld nml nil Intormixllnto villa ges an account of ntoppago "' ordinary trnlllc to allow tran.iportn.lon of troops. Food ivt theeo plncca hit1) renchod pro hlbltlvo prlctH. VICE ADMIRAL TOGO, A . ml W ill ,.- W' I IN COMMAND SEA FLEET. Colonol's Dnughtor Klllocl .St. l'otorflburu', Mnr. 12 A lato Port Arthur report ctnt"a that during tho bombardment n rhtdl buret eight yarde from the houaeof Colonul llnrou Frank, injuring hid wife nnd decapitating hid daughter, both of whom wcro In tho ho nee. t - J Romovecl from Railway St. Petersburg, Mar. 12 All Japanceo roiUlents along tho traue-ejborlan road nnd thoeo living at IllaKOveetchncak have boon romovod to Irkutsk. Tho aiithoritlca feared thoy micht Injure tho rallwoy. Sooul Nearly Dosortod Bconl, Mur. 12: Tho city is almost drucrtnd by the Japanese ooldiora, who havogono north. Tho etroota nro pa trolled by Korean noldloro, wltllothofor oiim legatlono couliuuo to bo guarded by inarliicB. Tho funeral of tho lato Downzor Km- In Thirty Seconds Osslnlng, N. V., Mnr, 11 Thomas Tobln. minder of Captain Craft nt tho Nmpiro hotel In Now York two years ugo, wna, electrocuted thia morn- ing at sic o'clock. Tobln was poriootyl cool, ,Ho waa pronouncod thirty seconds. dend iu Powder Works Explosion Oakland, Mar. H An cxploBlon oc curred this afternoon in tho Bobranto povrdor worka. Foiif nro reported killed tour or tivo uayB, lhoueiewaro wltnccB aomo'lrlonua navmg a itionuiy convr d aovtrnl Injured, othera ' a expeotod to nrrivo Wednesday. BOtlcn. Naglo oamo la :ftid walked out -.... n Russians Rotroatlng Booul, Mnr. 12 It Is roporlod hero Hint tlio Ittiaalnuo liavo out flro to tlio town of "WIJu, on tlio Korcnn aldo of tho Yulu nnd havo rolrenlud ncroaa tlio riv er Into Manchuria. At Coplu, tlio Itunolnn evacuation If proceeding duo to tlio Jnpanojo advance to tlio north. Port Arthur Dnmogod HI. Petersburg, Mor. VI DuriiiK Thurodny'a bombardmonl at Port Arth ur, bayn n dispatch this afternoon, tho now town eustnincd great damage. A lawyer named Bldorskl, nleo n woman and children woro killed nnd several Ghl rioiio woro woundod. (Ion. Floeesol nnd staff woro sprinkled with apllnturfl hut received no injury. A Jpnnoo Ironclad wnu tdruck byn iluoslau shell nnd noon to ulowly drnn out of rnngo, mid It la thought alio was crippled. OF JAPAN'S YELLOW prosa will tako placo Monday. Ameri can minletor Allen, hna gouo to Cliln ampu on a Japanceo transport, Official Rojolndor St. Petersburg, Mar. 12 Tho official rejoinder to tho Japaneo disclaimer ol violation of Koreau neutrality eaya the lottor'a argument la valuolose, na Korea in January promulgated hor ueutralit) to thu powers and thercforo noatatool nnd cavo trto Japanese a riKht'to violate hor neutrality, ThoJnpaneBo ooutentisu over hor at tack on the Kualau ehip nt Chempulpo February 0 la fulbo because of Korea's neutrality proclamation, v Tho Jnpanoso donlnl of interference with Uueelau tolegrnma over tho Danish cabloa la termed (aluu nnd nn Iiibtancu cited wherein Dnron Deroson nt Tokio did not recelvo n mossacu for throodnya. Car Barns Burned Chicago, Mar. 14 ; Two huudred and fifty enre wero burned last night in n flro !'t tho Union Trnetiou Oo'a. car barne, with n loea of tlireo huudred thousand dollars. Second Botkln Trial Begins San Frnnolfco, Mar. 12; After two postponraeiita tho second Botkln trial uunmonced thia morning; tho task ot securing a jury la expoctod to consumo . MftK. . Maknroff's Policy Ht Peteraburg, Mr. 11 U.laoporM that tlio torpedo boat eorllo waa tho rd suit of tho now policy of Admiral MnkarofT who line Just assumed com mand of tho Port Arthur fleet. lfc nl r.o ordered tho removal at the tattluhip Rotvlean, which was stranded at tlio mouth of tho harbor, to allow freo cat' aogo to tho battlethipa. I Port Arthur Naval Battlo ' Ht. I'ctoreiburK, Mnr. 11 Tho NotoI- t rot, u Port Arthur newopntxr, copies pi which havujtiat arrived, dcccribca tlo naval battlo of February Oth. from tho Ittutdan standpoint. Four bnttleehlpii, tho Ilotvizfln, Czar evitch, nnd two othcro woro too badly Injured from torpedoca tho nijht prov lonn to participate. ySg1 5v y .SIS3 JOSkStiU VIEW OF PORT ARTHUR SHOWING THE POSITION OF THE RUSSIAN VESSELS SUBSEQUENT TO THE NIGHT ATTACK OF THE JAPANESE TORPEDO FLOTILLA AND DURING THE DAY BATTLE WITH THE JAPANESE FLEET. Tho Jnpnrjcse demonstrated In their double nttacl: on the liussbm vcjsuIj nt Port Arthur the QUulltj of their strategy. First, their torpedo boats were permitted to bo Been In the hope of Rcttlnjr tho Itusslana to conio out after thciu, when tho entire Japanese tleet would have joined in the attack. Falling In thU the Joira mnil Uielr torpedo attach by nhjbt Thtyi, Instead of running In to put tlio crippled Russians out of commission and taking chances ot being Injured try the forts, they remained at n distance of three miles, as the)' realized That their superior inarkamanshlp waa a greater dement In their favor ft that raon than at u ehortcr one. At oIht In tho morning four Japau- oie cruitero rounded tho Lino Tallin' promonatry, Tho fait cruiser Boyarin, tout to reconnoltor, returned and ro ported that n Isrco Japancie Heat waa alchtcd at oloveu oclock, oouipojed of twelvo vesBolr, six battleships aud elx cruisers. Tho Japaneto oponed tire nt fourmilea md tho ItutHlnna replied. Tho land battorloB followed tho ilcot in action. Viceroy Alexleff nnd hla etafl observing tho action from Golden hill. Tho enemy etoamed in to about a thousand yards thou headed eouth and disappeared in tho mlat, Their flro waa directed chiefly ngalnBt tlio Golden hill battcrieB whom a pcrlect rain of tholla waa falling. Only tho NovakaE kold ar.o Dinintv sustained any injury. Toward tho end of tho oncacoment n column of steal a and emoko poured uirtj p nAMMn nwrn '"gain, thou walked In and stnyod. Wil li AULL DUUnlJ UYLnrosBwolkotlbackiothecloaetamlcamo For Assault Commit ted on Burns From Saturday's Dally. 1 Patrick Naglo wna bound ovor to tho next term of olrcuit, today by Juetico of tho Pjcaco llydo, on n charge of aetault with a dangoroiiB woapon with intont to kill, tho crirno allogod to have beau com mitted on tho porson of J. J, Burns at North Boml on Mnroh 10th. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Farren, handled tho case for tho prosecutlca, MoKnlght & Sou brook for tho dc(onev Tho examination enmo to an abrupt end beforo nil tho wltnossea for tho atato had boon examined, whon thu dofonao wniy od furthor oxnmiuntlon. Tho toatimony brought out waa sub stantially oh follows: , .T. J. Tlnrn'a nroBnciitlrmiwItnoaa wns in tho Martin nnd Roia ea'Ioqiwith ...... .. ! ' . . - TERRIFIC NAVAL - ENGAGEMENT LONDON, Mar, 1 1-A Che Foo dis patch Reports the progress of another naval battle at Port Arthur today. Rus sian destroyers and torpedo boats made a sortie from the harbor and attacked the Japanese fleet. A terrific encounter follow ed in which it is reported that some of the Russian destroyers and Japanese torpedo boats were sunk with all on board. 2S? 'yzus V. HI' I, from a Japanoso vessel and it is boliovod that ehe eauk. It waB learnod Intor that 0 oj tho ene my's eliipa wero damaged and a hundred men killol and wounded. Th ; account aay8 that tho speed of , tho Russian cruisers prevented tho Jap nnoso from Retting within rango. Tho Novik diatinguished itself by at tacking tho Jnpanco battleship Misktt. Pro-Russian Riots Prnguo, Mar. 11 Pro-Ituasian mani festatlona, worked up by Czech political leaders. Iaat night culminated in big nnU-Gortnan riota. A Largo forco of pollco with difficulty protected German property. Russians Retreating London, March 11 A Tien Turn dis patch atatea that Chincao refugee!! just arrived report that thoy eaw tho Rus- in again. Remembera nothing after coming through tho door. Did not aoo Nnglo, but know nothing till ho found himeolf ifftdor tiro water-tap, with Addl- aon Cook and others, hr!iigi.u him too. Found himaolf very uore la the body' and poncil and other articles in his pockot woro broken as if ho had been klckod. Had no controversy with Nnglo. Did dot eco Nagle strike nt him. Cross oxnmined by Scabrook Had rr un friendly feelings toward Nnglo, nnd had mado no threats toward him. Tho ques tion na to whether there had been eev eral fighta botween tho partle 8 wna ob jected to by tho prosecution mid tho ob jection waa sustained. A6ked if thero waa anything to prevent hia eeolng tho man who struck him, witness eaid there waa aud drew a diagram to ahow the situation. It wna botwoon (our nnd half pnet four in tho afternoon. II, 0. Robb Waa tending bar in tho oaloou, Firet ho saw ho hoard a blow, looked up nnd aud saw Mr, Burns fall im;, Rati back and took hold ol Pat Naglo and told him ho . would havo to go out. Naglo went 'Wut. Naglo was right nt Brijnn'ni",witlesB; thtought he was going to kick him,. Nagle had a boUlo In Lis hand. Brittle was lull.; - avcV ""' 22'r' oian army retreating, burning villsrcs ni they j;o. r . Preparations to Evacubto Chcefoo. March 11 A Chinaman just arrived from Korea reports that fifteen ! thousand tons of coal soaked with kero sene have been placed at tho mouth vof thuYalu river, In readiness for firing, eo that ehould tho Japanceo land thore, tho coal could bo readily destroyed Tho Russians havo made overy prepara tion toevacuato their position at tho Yalu. Troops in Good Spirits London, Mar. 11 Tho Central News correspondent, en route for Port Arthur tolegrapha from Vcrkeyhneudinak, V Siberia, "1 havo seen but little, but the troops hurrying to tho front are good soldiera in excellent eplrlta nnd warmly clad." Thero wero about 20 men In tho house. Naglo W6B nearer Burna than any or.o else. Had heard no cross words or con troversy. E. A.Glenz Was in tho saloon etnnd ing alongside the stove. urna wont berk to tho closet and nhen he cauio back Naglo took tho bottlo out of hie pocket and struck Burns. No worda had passed betweon the parties, tnl no hostilodomonatiation. Saw Naglo kick Burns three times after ho waa down, Burna had on a Bllckor nul hia hands wero in tho pockota.J.Wheu struck ho ft II forward on his faco. Witness thought Burna waa dead. Whan bottle waa taken away from Naglo ho went outside and witness saw him ruu away from tho marehel. Grose-examined by Seabrook Witneaa waa not working for Burna. Naglu waa drunk. Said ho waa going after eom one. Thia waa raid outside of tho saloon boforo tho assault. From the position where Nadle stood Burna could not bavo eoon him without turning arouud , K. K. Sbaw, city marshal ot North Bond, Arrrested tho dofendent. Fret saw Nagle after tho aasault about 0 feet from tho saloon, walking away. Start editor him and,clled on him to etob. Nagle started across the etreet on tlilirun with witneea. alter" him. Orofsed the etreot and etarted acroto an open block, J Co to The Front Bt. I'otoraburtf, Mnroh 11 Grand Dllko VladlmlrovitcU, counsel lor of Aloxandrovcky chief delegate of ivtrivsu i society, Pi in thelted'CroH wirM tliRPtwo dotfttchmenta of tho Mnitsryeorpfl crossed lake Balknl by train 'VMtonJAy. Socialist Manifesto 8t. Fotcraburg, Mar.i-biel'oat re ports that Pollch BOdalWta nro flooding the western provlncfifl brltuosla with anti-Russian t manifcaloa caylnir, "We cureo the Czar, and Japan'n ancteaua flll U3 with cxhubcrnnt delight " V- rl Prqtost Will Be Uphajd WaBhiDKqatMar. 1U The cabinet todiiyvdlecuased the unofficial repsrt cf cowinandcr Sawyer ot the Gunboafc Holor. now in drydock at New ChwanR .... that ho had protcstad to tho Ilutian bloccdhjs ot-tho'-channel- uy sinking Junks at tho mouth. It waa agreed that if euch a protest had been mado it would bo uphold. Detained at Mukden Mukden. Mar. l It ia cfllcinlly nu nounced that in tho abwnce of doflnito knowlcdgo na to the ffheroabouta ol tho Jnpaneso troops, tho Russian army corps juat arrived at Harbin will ba de tained there,, although it wil. ontail hardehip, as nccomodatipaa aro moapro Seattlo Wash. March 11 Tho trial ol Mre. LloydSmitl'i, rJiargod wi th telling worthlosa mining atock to women in man? coast cjtfg?, haa been postponed till tho 21et. still running. VMtnwa fired hia revolv er. Naglo stumbled and fell and wit neea overtook hm, and finally threaten ed to shoot hlro, betorcVhe gayo up. Orosa-exnmlued Nagle appeared to bounder the influence ot liquor. The doforjfo asked qdtjfiHonp tending td bring out that thero hud1 been troublo between tbo parties beforo. Theso questioun woro ruled out. and at this point, tho defeneo waived further oxamanaion. Naglo wa boqnd over In tho aum of ?500. Bacraniento, bal, fllar. II Tho Post offico at Vina waa robbed last night by thieves, who secured ?200d bootyr: Guam, Mar. il; Caolb advices atato that tho steamer Scotia ia aabore At Spanish rocka and will probably bo a total loss, Budapest May, 10-i-Count Czaky, re lated to Kulnly, tbo vlollniet, by ma: miago, anT Secretary of the Ilungar lon Ministery ottho interior, Bliot hia wife and a cqmmercial traveler Friday eVe'ning. Both are in a serious (oud. tion. They deny theyre acquainted witi each other . t" V ; in -' w $ j '-41, ( ;i- I ' , 4 'u vff "T wy " .if SfffwmnSSii vAlmm$w V. wwjl . .-. - 4m-L 'wlrt i 'uiJ sitca'ki? -ir liMWMwmBV 1 1 tt a.r& ! imaaFMiaamnurmmr.