Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 19, 1904, Image 6

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:t A '
Late General News
Chicago, Mar. II: After elxty-four
dys trial tlio en to rl tho carbarnors
"went to tho juiy at 12:30 tcnlttj-. Tho
charge o! tho court was unfavorable to
the defence.
Merlin, March U: German troops in
southwest Airica hnro been ordored not
to Rive pardon niv.l to toko no prisoners,
but to ehoot the robel lierreros India
GowneautOhto, March 11 : Th'o ferry-
uguwuniwjiw ......
ed ou ihe water's odw off the harbor
this morning. Four men perished, nnd
fiuchU engineer was fatally burned.
Jtohu, Idaho, March 11 A cloudburet
has occurcd nt Oamaa prairie, 75 miles
front hero, and the water in tho Bolw
river is rising here. Peoplo on tho low
lands havo been warned, and no lives
have been lost.
Delayed in transmission 'uxccavatlng, nnd when in full swing
Stockton, Mar. 10-Tho heavest wind tm?re wonW tllIly or oity lhoBMnd
ttorm in tho history of Stockton began iaboters employed,
at an early hour this morning. Up to J The population of tho strip is now
'noon it bad done thousands of dollars) flvo thousand and tl is will bo increased
vroitli of damage. The steamer Alton bv fift? ,0 Mvonty ihousand. Jamacia
was tipped over bv the wiui and sunk nP,rCM nr0 jMireBWo for tho work.
jn oioceiuu cunnnci. lancer ooais .
between here and San Franci:o are
unheard of, and ftars aro entertained
for tbeir safety. Bouldin Island is re
ported flooded.
Washington, Mar. 11 Formal invest
igation of the charges against Senator
Dietrich of Nebraska that by his official
position to further his personal financial
advantage in tbo appointment of Pott-
master Hastings and in tho leasing of
the bnilding for post offico purpoees be
gan before the eub-committeo of the
Fenato Judicary Commiteo this morn
ing. Hoar is chairman of the Com
mittee. Washington, Mar. 11 Tho gallerios
of the House were filled with an expec
tant public today, when tho discussion
of the Brietow reports was rwumed.
Cowherd, of Missouri, defended the ac
tion of the committee in bringiug the
llrlstow report J L of ore the Houee, and
"" ''
What The Earlii Produces,
Tl uUt liiw nourished us through un-
known ihi of I'umtw t-xUttncc. Ih it not
tn ttt the eaith BUWMe u with every-
lUtnfr mat we realty require tor existence t
Have you evei ih -uulit that it is probable
that the earth supplies us with the means
to keep our bodily vigor, our healtb, if we
Only knew it? The animals know by in-
stirict what i Rood for them and will search
until they find in home plant what they
need for correctinK indigestion or constip-
tion, etc. Is it, therefore, not possible that
there are roots and herbs supplied by nature
which will cure the diseases that alflict
ical Discovery." Years ago, when he was
in general and nctive practice, he found
that a combination of certain herbs nnd
roots made into au alterative extract, with
out the use of alcohol, would always put
the btomach into a healthy condition, nour-
fsh the tissues, feed the blood and nerves
and put healthy tone into the whole
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery
restores the lost flesh by curing diseases of
the btomach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition and enabling the iictfect di.
pestion and assimilation of food from which
flesh and strength are made.
fered terribly from stomach trouble, which the
"i nm Ull fun uuvtii. c uufvu,, nun .Mi'
doctom pronouueed Indigestion," wntit Mr,
Wm. lorey, 01 aiurnnan, siicn. "I uocioiri;
for a year without penuauent relief Wo a .!
wm. Morey, of Marbhaii, Mich, "i tioctoreit
for a year without penuauent rcllel. wo a uii-
vied by a friend to try Br. Pierce's Golden MmI.
leal Discovery, and alter the uie of iilue bottles
I was cured. I can heartily recommend Ihc
nntrirn Mrdloil Dlscovtrv' to anv one sutler.
. Ing from stomach trouble. My husband wes . of Ohio, Metcnlf, of California, all Re
alio greatly benefited by its use." .
' To gain knowledge of your own body-in publicanB, McDormott, of New Jersoy,
elcknebs ana peaiin sena ior me reopica
Commoti'SenseMedical Adviser. A lrook
of 100S pages. Send ar cents in stamps for
aper-covered, or, 31 stamps for cloth,
ound copy. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, C03
llaln Street, Buffalo, N. Y..
declared tbnt members of congress wqro
not tot ponslblo for tho iucrcascd allow
ances now denounced as irregular, as it
was Denver's work. 11 o know that ho
was violating tho law, but tho mctnbors
did not know it.
Washington, Mar, 11: Hear Admiral
Walker and General Dayls, of tho
Panama Canal Commission gavo inter
esting testimony today beforo tbo llouro
conunittca on Interstate and Foreign
I Commerce, which was considering the
--ji.ovorh,K bm providing a temporary
i . . ., , , , . ,
I government for tho sono of land to be
; controlled by tho United States during
the construction of tbo Passim canal.
Wa'ker approved tho bill then out
lined, teixother with come plans of the
government in connection with carrying
on tho work.
He thought tho titlo would bo cleared
in two or three months, Work could
then begin, most of which would be
Ame:wus canaot tUni j,f
San Francisco, Mar. 11 With tho re
storation of telegraphic communication,
tcnortd from the Morni-stricken portion
of California aro beginning to pour in.
The almost unanimous report is that
the rain was tho heaviest the statu has
experienced in many years. Tho havoc
wroucht by tho water and wind was
greater than at first supposed, tho rail
roads being among the heaviest euff
irprs. Merchants in many cities lost much
y th flooding of their stores. Quito a
inmbwr of buildings were practically
rendered worthless by the undermining
jf their foundations.
No reports of ocean disasters havo
been received beyond tho wrecking of
.. M-hooner Ma'ble Gray nt ltcdondo
Ktach. nenr 1-ch Angeles. Tho vessel
a jK-.tnidirx on thu beach when n
"uiy lino was thrown to it. Thl was
lied to twottre' care and tho tchooner
uni leached. The crew camo in on the
fhe heavy rains lait night in South
ern California are of incalculable bene
fit. Sacremonto, March 10 Reports are
"otninu in cf uidatpread damago in
wetprday'a ttorm, Many windmills
and bitrruB throughout tho conntry were
blown down. The river in slowly rising
bin all trains on the main lines are still
In the flondtd districts below Sacra
mtsto many small Iiohfos hnvo been
blown down and floated off, bat uo
l.tts havo hcon Int.
I'tii; March, 12 The Itappel today
1 Hrtf that the "Mail Mullah" In Sorni-
Und finds himtelf unRblo to continue
the etiopsign against tho Hritish and
ha offiid In ntt-rantler tn the Itslinn
envi rniiient on condition that ho w not
i.aei u &&, iuuan
inthoritiiH havo refnwtd to take the
, -(.,.- nn.i ,n..in.it,iiii,i
ll"nor end responsibility.
l , - ... , ,,
v , '..
Halifax, Mar. 12 It Is generally bo
i:,,.,,,., ,llat ,IlB .(am.r T'rnnnlrln
"tuU ",at tm "Winer i ropntria,
wU!clt loft Saint Pierre for Martinique
.Sunday week,. has gone down. A few
, ... . , ..
H'-kuago tho ttearuor Urnck bottom
J w.8 badly injured. Temporary ro-
pairs wero made but wtro probably not
Ei'.fliciont-to- island the ico am, Tho
,. ,,,,,,,,
Fropatrla had, bosideH hor crew, eixty
tllRenrfl ,,, i (),. ,..,,.,. ik
Passengers, many ol thorn wealthy 1 a-
rifclans toing homo. Tiio captain end
crow of the French cablo steamer
0.....1. ....., ..., i i,.i
Pcuvl'ijunrtier wore alHO aboard.
Washington, Mar. 12 The Speaker
this UUrning announced his appoint'
' ment of n committee to investigate tiie
; JJristOW charges: McCall, of Ml
I eeif, chairman, l'itt, of Illinois,
Uartletl.ot Georgia, and Richardson, of
Alabama, Democrats,
None of the men on the committeo are
mentioned in Brlatow'-i report. Chair-
man McCall says ho will call tho com
mlttco to moot today and organlio, nnd
they will pursuo tho inqulroy without
NowYotk, Mar. la: A reduction of
nearly (1(1 por cent is shown in tho an
nual statomont of tho United Btatos
Stcol corporation, which was mado pub
lic today.
Crlpplo Creek, Mar. 12 All union
miners employed on leases in this district
havo been ordered on strike Four hun
dred responded.
Now York, Mar. 12-I.ixtio Orny wan
found dead this morning with hur skull
crushed, nuil llobt J. tlrny, hor hue-
band, asphyxiated. Thu police boliuvo
it was n ensu of murder nnd sulchlo.
Guthrie, 0. T. Mar. 12 -Mexican!
Pole nnd Tom Tracy woro sentenced ntl jSlocktou, Cal. Mutou 12 An nged
Tecnmsoh Friday to ono year each in ' Jhlle m.m and two Japanese aro known
the peuitoutlary for ounilng in a tight t havo boon drowwl In Thursday's
in Oklahoma. stjrm which tloodod eovoral district of
. !. (tMa country.
New York. March 12 Convnlescci The gale raised immenso waves on tho
from his recent operation, Senator Clark! 000 acres of inundated laud which
of Montana, returned today from Ber-i cumplotuly washed tho smnll Iowiim.
muda on sttomer Trinidad. It is believed that covera more per-
" sous woro drowned, The Coroner left
MaJrid, Spain, Mnr. 12:-Fiv6 high- on ft ,BUUcl for tIl0 noodeil country to
waymen on Frldoy ovenlnp held up tho (hxy MniJ). rowuo ,mrli08 ur0 out u
passengera on tho Andoluslan express b?lt9 nml wIll not r(,turn MoTQ nKht.
near Grauada and obtained consider- .
able monoy nnd jewels. I n, Worth, Tox. Mar. 12-TcrrlOc
yrairio tiros aro raging in Indian Torrl.
Llvcrpoo', Mar. 12:-In tho fog totlay, liry north of Vinita. Tho country Is
the liner Fantes, from I.ago. collided lomplttely swept of farm houses and
with tho Norweglen steamer Ualfdun.
Tiro latter was beached, being badly
. i . - H
Washington, March 12: Robert M.
Richardson has been nominated for
poetmastor nt Sacramonto; also Charles
K. A. Kobb, of Vermont, to be assistant
attorney general. Kobb is now assis
tant attorney general in tho Post Olliro
department and octlvo in tho investiga
tion of postal fraud?.
Kansas City. Mo. Mar. 12:-Thero is
a split in tho local Democratic party,
and as a result cf polico interference at
tho primaries two separate Mayoralty
conventions wero hold.
;id blood between tho factions
caused Cass Wellsh, deputy marshall,
and n follower of Condinato Shelley, to
shoot Martin Crowe, sergt at arms of
tho Kemper convention, wounding him
Washington, Mnr. 12 Ur. Mary
Walker was flrBt to reach the senati
committeo room this morning to hoar
tho testimony In tho Smoot ca!o,
Vancott, for tbodofens), rueumlug the
examination of Crltchlow, asked him
whether ho expeetod to receive pay for
his services In preparing the oaso ogainit
Srncot, and rooeivud a negative reply.
Hf.did not believe it was fair to sy
his opposition to tho Mormon church
had the ilighleet bittcrnoes in It.
He admitted that ho knew of no
general or n litioue t slating in Utah to
day which woio not fully illioloeed to
congress prior lo tho paimge of tho act
admitting Utah as a state.
Chicago, Mar. 12 Kllla Bennett, the
equn.ter on hnndrnd and rix.y ccrei of
laud in tho f.uburb slueo falxty nine,
was to be onsted nt tho instance cf n
writ seenred by thu corporation wanting
the property this morning, but l.e de
fied tho dt-putiea and fired from ihle
castle. Thu fire was returned, butt no
Injury v,na apparent on cither tide,
Jiennett is now barricaded nnd fully
armed and defies tho police,
mentahuvo been uunt.
Chicago, Mar. 12: Honnolt was
tured this afternoon by utrntegy,
St Louis. March, 12 Miss Nettlo
Robertson Craven Fair, who claimed to I
bo tbo wldcw of tho lutj Senator Fair
of California, is boliovcd to ha dying at
the Southern hotel na a result of In
juries received in a street car colllelon
She camo to St. Louis ten daya ego
and registered under on assumed' namo
expecting to surprise her daughter, Mrs,
Koohlor, but found hor datigorously 111
and (oaring tho ihock would bo harmful
decided to wait n few days. In tho
luenntluto tho nccldont occured.
Chicago, Mar. 12: Tho jury in tho
Carbarnerg case returned a verdict of
culltv, nnd fixed tho penalty nt death
for Marx, Vnndlnesnnil Nuldormolr.
i Thnilnfiuiilnnln rwnlvml llin vnnllnt In
lijolld sllenco. Noldonnolr buiIIihI ear-
rr.stically. Vnndlnea mnthor ganpod nut
lid not faint. Mrs. Noldonnolr appar
ently did not rcallr.0 thu situation.
Tho lawyers nir.ilo tho usual motion
or now trial. Tho prlsoiiors.uurrounded
W twenty olllcere, illid from tho room,
Vandines lending with his head erect
mill a dlMiilnlul amiio on mo nps.
Tho Jurors worn overwhelmed by n
Vint crowd with congratulations,
barns, aud thu loss will bo heavy.
Frcdorlek, Okla., March 12 Fourteen
business homes wero burned horu lust
night. Lose $75,000.
Ulpon. WI. March 12-Flro this
morning destroyed tho Trcmont hotnl
and a number of Inislnow houtes. Loan
sixty-lhreo thousand.
London, Mar, 11 : Tho Jowij World
his morning declares that nowa from
Kichincff via fiukovina shows that fresh
outrages against tho Jews havo,' taken
placo thure.
Tho mob paradwl nnd droyo tho
Ghotto poople indoors and sacked their
ttoios nnd house. Many men und
women wero beaten, several fatally nnd
it believed that tomu wero killed. Tho
mllltiary finally drore tho rioters nway.
Tho World prints worio detafle.
St Joeoph Mo, March 11 Mark Dunn,
murderer of tho Fonton firmer nt
Rushvllle, July ISth, aftur n quarrel,
was hanged this morning. Monday
last Dunn escaped jail, but in thrtw
days nnd nights pneumonia overcome
him und causod his oapturn Wcdnoeday.
He escaped tho sooond timo but wa re
uaptnrrd Thursday, so weak that tho
dostors prodlctu that h-j would dlo'n
natural death Sunday, If not oxocutud,
Nearly 8,000 Urn Strike
litidajiint, Mur. If: Klght thousand
tiilora und five thousann metul workers
etruek today.
JurorsjSecureilr Quickly
S311 Francleco, March 11 In the Hot
kin caso, three juroie wero eccured be
fore noon.
Carbarner's Trial Postponed
Chicago, Mar. M-Tho trial of Kmll
RocBko, fourth of tho enrbarnore.' wob
called this morning a ad passed, on ac
count of the exhaustion of tho stato'u
Uwyera from the previous trial.
Steamer Overdue
Halifax, March M Up to ono o'clock
this afternoon no word had been recelv-
led 6f the' missing ftloamoj: Pxohatorlaj
Chlfngd, Mnr. 11 Ono of tho worst
storms of tho ontlro wlntor enveloped
this city today, nnd trnlllo of nil ldiuls
Is greatly Impcdod.
Queen Dowager's Funeral
Beoul, Mar, Ifl: Tho Funeral of tho
Queen Powder, who itlod In January,
wan hold today, and was a wrlrd rccun,
tho proetsrlou being 2 miles long, Thero
were a bundled ju'll beaters.
At mi'ollug of the llnpu'dloan (kn
tral Comiiiltleii of Ck lr t , Oreitoii,
IihM nt Mnrhlh!d,()rpgi)ii, r-mrimiv H',
HUM, it wnmli'til that a Itrptibllonu
Cornty Conoiit!im Ihj calleil to meet
nt Cuiiulllo City, Oregoc, on
Thursttny tho 7th dny of
Aprl. 1004
at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, for llin
purpose of choosing delrgatea to attend
tho Uopubllcati Htato Convention tn bo
hold ul l'oi thnd, Oreuon, on tho llth
day of April, iwl.alm the Itcpnblienn
convenllnn for tbo Firt Congrcaclonnl
I'lMrlct for tlm Statu ol Onuou, to bo
held Mt faliun Or., 011 thu Thlrtennth
day of April HK)I. and for the purpose
of nominating candldatu to fill I.pgln
htlvo. County and Product nlllros for
CootCouiity. lo be votwt f-r nt the Juno
election lM. Hiid for the tnuimctlon of
such other huoineM 111 may properly
como boforo aid cniiVHiitinti.
In ptiritiauce of this rail nil lUpubll
dane are nUpst'd to nirut nt thidr r
wprH'ttvrt vottiiK plncH In each precinct
In Coos County, Oregon,
On Thurscluy tho OJst day of
r5arch, 1904
at thu hour of ono o'clock . ru. nnd
chose dolegatrs to attend Mlil County
Convention which will unimlst ol duty
gatci npiKirtldiiod from tbo respective
tirecluls ns follows :
Ilurton 1'rnrlu
Cons City
Coob It Ivor
Coos Itlver North
Ccxpiillo Katt
Coriulllo West
Dcnr l'ark
MarshflKld North
Marshr.oht (south
Myrtle Point
North Hutul
Now Tort
Norway ,
Minth slough
Tho Minn being one d plena to for each
prvoirct at lnik'u, and one (or each ad
ditional ten votuH or fractiniial part
thereof over II vo cast for the Hon. It. K.
Hoau nt thu laut Btn'.o Klection. Hluri
Ihnlast Kloction however, tho follow
Ing piccliints have been croatd. North
Itand and l.tw. nnd C(KUltln Ihn Ik'cii
divulixl Into cast and wtt Ckj tij1,
nnd these olinngwt tho rominitti'ii have
endeavored to udjunt in an t'uitablu
Dated at Mnrshfluhl, C001 Couutv,
OrK0ii, tho filth day of February, A. 1),
.7. W. HEMNi.Tr, Chairman,
W. U. lJyuHL, Hi'-crotary,
. f. SKI,fiOXtMittvi.
Will isuuo -::ulr 'z'llph
Oregon Coal & Navigation Co.,
F. 8. DOW, Agent, Marehflold, Oregon
S.O, CO. Agent, Kinplro City, Oregon
R-I-P-A-N-S -Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The C cont packet la unouuh for ueila
occasions. The family bottle (CO conte)
contains a supply tor n yotr. All drug
gists Boll them,
rNtvHl Critorrh rjulokly J Mibi to treat.
ment by IUy'ii Crm Halm, which l agrwj.
ably aromatlo. It I rowlTtil thraiiuli Uio
noUll, cloansos and liealo tho wholo rnr.
face oror which It dliTui iUslf. lnRe'V,?
(oil tbo fJOo. site Trial also by nnd , 10
oeuts. Tost it and yoi ore nure lo oouthiuo
thstrcatmont. ,
To accommoilfitrt thono who ai parUra
to tho uio of atomltom In npplying Iluuliu
into tho nasal pnnuos for mUutmI irou.
bin, ths propriotora jtrepftrt Cream Halm In
liquid form, which will bo known m Uj'n
JJqulil Cream llalm. l'riio lnobidlng Ilia
ppraylng tubo it 75 cenU. I)iukbI"I or x,Jf
mall. Thu lluuld form imiliodlcs the uicd.
iclnal proper tuVn of tho folld propurallou.
The works aro Hlgln, Wnltham or Duo
Ii.h'h, any grade or tiro you uhooto nt
right prlii1.
Watcher nnd Jetu'liy repalrlmt done nit
tdiort notice, nnd In up-to-date stylo
at thu
Flanagan & Bennett
n!!tl2(!TtJKS:--T. U.Sherl-
- iitt, .1. w. h..i.(m.(li i'uiss. :
nnd. II. Flnniigan, VIC II
I'ltlCS. ; It. F. WilliniiM,
Capital, $50,000.
Tnaos Marks
Anwninurfl Ac
. .L.I.I, a.... .! hilln Rl ..
A'iklf itirlm tur 4ainn tint UtUtn
i.mihilou It pffatiBbir nluijUtili. (,)iuiuilrir
liomitrlclircuDOunlW, llanrtbookw rirhi
iint Iro. Mi ji-r ror irmriliu it'il-
l-Alaitis UkM lBtuwli lunn L tu. XiMlC
iptrtal nl, williout cburo. In tUe
Scientific JMterieaB.
A hui4Mimly IIIntlfAUJ wt fclf. L" ' &
ouUUwt uf nir urUnUP urniU: Ttvmi. W t
iri innr itive-iifiiM " ,,.......... . .
tnuoli OBUo. hi V MU Mratlilimioti, l, V.
Corner of Front nnd A HtreeN,
MAitSlll'ir.LD, Oil HO ON,
JONH SMVDER, : : : : : iPropriet?i
J I lO'llU, Iihi iant Im-n millioly roillti'il um
return slinl thioiixliout ami li ii(j.lnorwn to tin:
pillilf: (r iMlronitue.
New Ixtd mill iprlne mattreuefc hnvo bn
nlnccil in nlmoit cvmy klevpiDi: room of tli i
lionw unil in'liliiT troulilo nor iuiuium hi: bjoti
pared to put cveryililni; in first-clns order,
Itoanlan dijlnj, pcrweck .ttSS
IWj.irit, p. v. ccl , . . . , .o
SiikIuMo ,, , r..,., 35
2mt KLmmK LSilJHBiSV&yL'?
rbonil mixlcl.skctoli or pliiHool lurcnUon tor
(ruorupnrtoii imteiitulilllty. Vnr Irco book, C
OlowtoUociiruYDnnp UAnSr'Q 5
I Opposite KT'g. Patent Office !
vVW -flIW(tor- wT..w.IHM(in)1'nm,MW"
wyf,w'ii .WWWMWi