WTaWtM 1 1 ft BBI HIIMbi U1U1R IHMIj! Otir Monthly Publication will keep you posted on our work and methods. Mailed Free to the ADVERTISING MAN .of any responsible house. 1 .AIT LOO.A Xi From Friday's Dally. Clay Moot o wade North Bond a today. Tbo Cnarina arrived today from Francisco. visit San W. J. Butler was business today. in North Bend on The Areata will sail Monday at 4 p. m. from San Francisco. 0. C. Shaw nas been appointed shall at North Bend. Ma: The Ooos Bay Foundry cut op a o" "trass nnd bronze today. lot, Tho Alliance leaves Marsh&cld To'tlani r 1 1 l 'clock tonight. for Bert P.i.etson.of tho L. S. S. came j up today to go to Sumner for a visit. S. B. Sherwood came down from Sum ner today and Kill make n visit to North Tend. , .. , ' . . , J. D. Dyer, of Sumner, has been in town a couple of days haying some den-! tal work done. ... . , I '"" " Ouv;uii li'jmv' Sv .. wmk-y for the eecond inauguration of President Roosevelt. The fishing reason doted n Astoria on March 1st, and will remain sp until April 15th. Tho tui: Columbia went to Port Qrford txlay to asifit the Fulton off, weather permitting. Lowery Owen, special purchasing agent for tho Daniels Creek railr.oad waa in town today. Itev. Wm. Ilorsfall will conduct eervi ces at the Episcopal church here this evening; also Sunday evening, and at Empiro Sunday morning. i i The schooner Omega, Captain Laweon, waa reported coming into the bay yester day. Sh la from a Mexican port. Har ry Simpson in aboard, having been tak ing a trip for his health. Simpson Brothers, new arrivals from Vermont have leased tbo Forest build ing at North Bend and will put in a meat market and will bundle all kinds of fruit and vegetables. juiiub i.areen received the new ma cninery tor hla new dredger today on HIU VMIUI UUU H'ou It i(UIU 1110 Bteamerto tho barpoon which it will be erected, Rusty Mike's Mary, March -J, 1004, j YA a woman didn't never ceo or hear tell , of pretty dresEeshw wouldn't want so 8anfaFe in tho neighborhood of $12, many Its tho conyluclng thet creates 000,000 to complete ita connection he tbo need. tween Eureka nnd San Francisco Bay, VI K J. Coko receiver, la' shipping n shipment ol match wcod on tlio Alliance - : ' ". to tho l)uny match Co. at fcnlem Oregon. Thceo romkraon were formoly in tlie hiatciTlniahiuf a In Coos Co, Andrew Olson ot II .jnca Stonp.li was in town today, taking homo with him n Sharlcat separator (or hU dairy ranch Mr. Olon has the destruction of hnvtng t tilted tlio Drat lumber ever cat in Marahfiold. K. 0. Connell hna built n stairway ami plank walk from tlio stave mill landing to his residence nt Kittyvllle. This. Is an Improveiuont which will bo greatly appreciated by all. Branch Store AV. P. Murphy has decided to open n branch store in North Hen J. llo will put in n full lino o( hardware, lie will kcop a Qrst-clajs workman for all ktuds of tin end plumbing work. Will go to North Bend It is reported that K. J. Sooley, who was figuring on putting in a milk con densaryon tlio bay, has accpted tho offer of L. J. Simpson and will establish tho plant at North Bend. Young Sea Otter Geo. Schroeder, whilo over on tho beach tho other day, caught n sea otter pup about IS inches lone. The little fellow is a beauty. Tho animal was washed on tho beach and was helplesJ, but is now at North Bend where 0. M. Byler will try to rairo it. It is said the otter ii capable oflbeing tamed, Inflammatory Rheumatism cured. William cbaffer, h brakeman ol Dounion. Ohio, was confined to his bed for Ecveral weeks with Inflarnmatorv rheumatitm. "I used many remedies," he save. Finally I sent to McCawV drug Mure for a bottle of Chamberlain's Fain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week's timo wss able to go to work as happy as a clam." For sale by John l'ren&s,. Not A True Report. The newa item which we printed yes- terday, that there was a move at North Bend for a new woolen mill waa not cor rect but was given to ua aa bonafied by a reputable citizen. Wo have since round that to bo a mistake and consc- quently make tbo correction, in justice to North Bend. North Bend doea not need that kind of booming. Captain Reed Injured. A roport cornea in a Sau Francisco paper, that Captain Al Reed waa in the Emergency Hospital in a critical condi tion, from the effect of poisonous gas. It seom3 that tho lime cargo of tho Bes sio K, of which he was tkipper took Are wea extinguished by the uso of acid. Then Captain Reed went down in tho hold and was overcome by tho fumes. Line Will Cost $12,000,000 A San Francisco, dispatch eaya: The Santa Fo Railroad haa finished all of ita prsliminary eurveyafora now lino to Eureka, Humboldt county, nnd ita enuineere flrn now fiimrlnt nn Mm on the cost mr nn t iIaaI,1a . n 11 . I Tnaa4 !. Ti tu uo tu uvwuu u.J a liliai iuVdllUU. At known th(J codmny hM matlo lfcr .,.,.l... .1 . .,ll...l.l. ...!. hn.ini qui itjo nv a wuiiniuuinuiu uuimy 'of timo and money in an effort to get a eood modern lino through tbo moun tainoua country ot Humboldt counties. Mendocino and It will cost tho your;Strength JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, - a pleasant, potent, and permanent favigorator for WOMEN, CHILDREN and MEN. . qet ts rubic your J From Saturday'o Dally. ,..., ,. . ,.,.-.-,-.- Moascia eio reported provalont in . Siutmur, Tlio, Otucgo, C.i lain liofSon, will load at1 North Ucml. .' . K, F. rtlmor ol South, Coos river waa In town today en buluesi. Harry KvauaoltLlbbyw as lu town to day with n griet of poultfyf!' Tho Cxarinn nnd Alliance went to the lower bay this afternoon. Fred MuC illo'u ol North Bond loft for Sin Francisco on the Alliance. Win, Bonebn-ko i having a farm wagon made nt G T. Coleman's shop. Tho funeral of Mlts Joslo Cowan was held from the Catholic church today. Win, Smith, formerly englneor ou tho Blanco is now on tho Alllauce lorco. Kusty Miko'u Diary, March 5. Atlvertisln Meat Ilka Hihlc it Up takes good bait to catch tho bitt fish. Miss Eva W'iUon went up Coo river yesterday to apt-nd a low days with the lamlly of Al Smiths. Mrs. J. D. Johnson who has been seriously ill for somu timo is again nblo to be up. Her many friends will bo pleased to learn. Rov. Win. Ilorsfall was tumble to rnmn (mm ihn Conuillo VCStetdllV. to J will be unnMe to till his appointments ! here. Mr?. E. B. Seab-ook and urn went to Portland on the Alllanco short visit with her mother. Dean for n Frank Kelly who has biw on tho sick list for a week in Mnrshfleld return ed to U'tavcr Hill today Pelcr Mickclbrink of Allegany had tho mWortun? yestonlay to chop his foot while making rails, iio cut off tho second toe and nearly severed tho big too at the nnt joint. Chat Hullng and Chester Myrtlo Point arrived from trip to California. Bender of a months Ed Hansen returned from Ban Fran. t?etrto-.Vtrtb-7;tUan ol engineer on the Columbia, in placoof Al McCullough, resigned. Port Orford Tribune. Frank Smith yesterday told to Robert Marcden, of Marshfleld, a lot, 00x100 feet, immedi ately joining the Centennial saloon lot M. E. Everett, pretcriptlon clerk in Sengitacken'n Pbaramacy.,is a passen- ger on week's the outgoing Alliance for n visit to Hillsboro, Or , where property interests demand hie attention. J. A. Matton haa just received on tho Alliance a full-blood English setter bitih, She la a beautiful animal, eleven mouths old, white with black markings, and her name is Becky Sharp. The enipo may bo expected to suffer this season. The Fishes Company left today on tho Alliance. Thev will (open an engage ment at 8outh l.'fclid, Washington and will not return to .Marshfleld again be fore about July when thoy will have a large tent with the necessary seating capacity. Harry Simpeon who wbb seriously stricken with paryolyeiH whilo in Mex ico, returned on the Omfgo to North Bend for the benefit of hla health . vry much improved by the trip and is able to navigate on land pretty well and hin many frieuda will bo pleased to see him lully recovered In tho near future. Jena Hanson returned today via Drain from San Francisco whero ho has been to procure a stock for hla now atoro nt North Bend. Tlio now firm will rueh the new etoro building with all hoeto and when completed will install one of the beat atocka in the line over put in on Cooa Bay. j 1 j i . with ioRuaann. . w Boy's Arm Cut "Joseph tho 13 year old son o! Mr. and Mrs. Jo'onliKQti, was ncculentiy cm on tlio nrm by nu nxn lit the hands of 0'io ol his young friends "Uh whom bo Wits' out cultlng wood, A gash about tvto Inchon loni: was cut. It is nut dnticor oiu and tho boy la fortunalo to gnl off 0 Travcller's'Soclal, The travelers' social, held nt tho rosl ilomvot Mrs. John Bearycsterday oven lac, Is reported to hnvo been n tplend'u success loth tlnatolally .and voctally, being uunsually well attended. Choittr Wolcott won thu first prito in tho Rtiuselug contest nnd Mrs. Wood thu eeroud yrlij, The Fulton's Condition Port Orford Tribune. Tho stoamer Dispatch lay In our harbor for n few days last week, waiting for lavorabto weather in order to tr.ako 'an attempt to haul tho stranded atctmor Fulton off tho beach, but tho storm icoutlnulng alio passed on. Tho owners still hope to haul the ettel off. nnd though sho is considerably damaged, this may bo accomplished, if tho effort is mndo dtir ing northwest weathor and full moon. She is lying in an easy position, and thereabolng but little sand on tlio hod rock sho will not settle, and not likuly to receive nny further serloua damago Prbpor Troatmont of Pneu monia Pneumonia is too dangerous a dlnecfo for nnyonu to doctor hlmtelf, although ho may havn tho proper remedies ut hand. A nhyrclan should always hu called. It ihunld bo borno in tnlml, however, that pneumonia alwas rmtilti Irom n colli or (rum nu attack of tu itrli) nnd that by giviug Chamberlain's CoukIi Ketnetly thu ttireatoncd ntlnck may bo warded off. This remedy U ntao used by physicians in tbu treatment of pneu monia with tlio best results. Dr. W. J, Smith, of Sander. Ala . who is alio n. drcgist, says of it: "I havo been sell Ing (. uamberlaln'a lough Kemeur and prescribing! i; in my practice for tho pait six years, f uo it in cases of pnuu tnnnitt and have always gotten tho best results." Sold by John i'reusa, From The Bandon Recorder Rolert Marsdcn, oi MarHhflold, waa in town Suuday night on hit way down tho coast. Ho and C. Stidham, of Dairville, wcro passengers on tho south bound stage Monday morning. Tho now mill nbovo Prosper haa shut down for tho present, the salo for fir and spruce lumber being somewhat alack. It la rumored (thai tho Howell Logging camp near Prosper, will open up soon. Captain Kroth, of tho schooner Ituby, got Into harbor yesterday with his ves sel, having some forty ton of freight. Capt. Kroth waa out air daya from San Francisco, and reports having experienc ed the heaviest storm he has seen In his twenty-two years of sea lifo his ves sel drifted north na far aa Yaquina Hay. Travel by Sea Arrival by Alllanco from South March 4: From San Franclrco; Mra Kardoll, Miss M Kardoll, Mra V J Squires. Miea C K Bennett, Mies L A Brown, O E Broadbent. E Ilauecr wifo and child, J H Colo, W Abernathy, and wife, J Han son. J Bender, O E Hilling, Bert Savan nah, II L Yi right, John Blomqulat, E Gundelflnger, From Eureka; T B Corran, Mra J Daily. J JO Vale, Jas Muaphy. A Medine. and .'I 2d class. Departures north on Alllanco, Mar, R: II, O. Rohrabacher and family, Mra. L. M, Porry, J. S. Kchroedor, Dr. F, K. HJator, F. C. Ifozelton nnd family, Wal ter Cummins, T. F. Stlllwoll, Sam Naas, M. K. Evorltt, Mlsa Boyree, A. A. For antr, II. C. Johnson, Mrs. E. B. Sea brook and child, A. C. fiooloy, W. A, Cummina, '.W. It. Williams, A. W. Dutcher, Tho Fischer Company, 17 poo plc. North Bond Items J. J, Burna has just completed tho framo-work for hia windmill and will havo the wheel In petition In a fow daya. Chaa, Kckhoff has his etoro building about completed, When complotod tho building will be occupied by Mra, Painter, who will put in a complete fltock of millinery, , Miss Myrtlo l.org, who Into broil urn ployed At-thn-Jlotal-tfnrllr'Kcn.il for tho pant year la Inking u much needed rest, ' K, S. Fjitcroft nnd. II. l'.t McCJiiIIokIi purchased aovoii lots in tlila'utt'y Wcd hea.l.ty on which thoy expect to orool ol rgntit roohlonet'3 na soon ha tho weathor will permit, Tho sain was transacted through thu North Beml Ileal Estate Agency. F. M, lluinmolt J, will resume, hla du ties at the North Hitml atoro, Monday, after n three week a lay off with soro oyen. Sherman Short was nmnug tho many Mitrshllold vMtora to our city tho first of tho week. Tim roport waa curront on our strootn joateidny that this city had secured tho milk cundouaing plant. Wo iiopo tho roport comes (runt n rollabln nourco tin this will add greatly to tho many 'ln- duitrlca now In operation In our city. From the Coquille Bulletin, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Uollonl went to tho Bay last Monday to visit friends for a low days. The dairymen mot at Coqulllo Thurs day to dliciiHS tho question of putting up a mllkcondensary in this section. No doflnlte conclusion waa reached, but anothor meeting will bo held March I'Jth. C. F. Andrews, who haa been In Los Angeles, Calif., for several months, hnal returned to Coqulllo nnd will taku charge of tho Coqulllo Creamery this nuxt Season. Mr. Andrews hni givun satisfaction in hla work In this section, and his many frieuda nro glal lu know that ho i to bo one of ua for tho coming reason. A special meeting of tho executive commllto of tho Cooa County Push Club has bcon called (or Thursday, March 10, 1001, at ten o'clock a. tn., at Ccqnlllo City, at which meeting reports of the work ot tho Push Club up to tho pres ent timo will bo submitted and tbo character of tht Coos County exhibit at tho St. Louis exposition finally decided upon. From Monday's Dally Watch for Mlsa Floyd Coffolt'a en gagement in tho near future Attornoy Holllsternnd H. O. Holmes. of North bond wcro in town on buslncta today. F. M. Stowart, tho marble woikor, wont to Coqulllo on a buslnosa trip to day. IIIIIIs Short and family havo gonn to houso keeping in tho O'Connell house on Cedar ttrcot. John Voakam has just returned from atrip to Drowsier valley whero hu has been buying etock. A. F. Madlnongent for Rowland Hnw os ft Earl of Sau Francisco tho hIioo merchants, is in town. I' troubled with wrak digestion, belching or sour stomach, usn Chamhnr Idin's Stomach and Liver tablets and you will get quick relief, For ealo by John I'reusa Joo Yoakam was in town today and brought in a Ann sample of thu Heokless pound applu for the St l)uls Fair Ex hibit. I'otor Micholbrlnk camo down today to havo his foot dressed, which ho hud severely cut recently whilo chopping; raits. Tho North Bond dancing club gavo a party latt Saturday Tnight, about ,'10 attending from Marshflold, A fino t'mo ia reported, W. C. Dlckford of Daniels creek -vaa soriously ill latt weok, A physician from Marshfleld was called Stttirday nitflit at a Into hour. Tho Marshflold Board oi Trado will meet Wednesday evening at 7:80, In ita rooma in tho I.ockhurt building, Every membor ia expected lo attend, Tho North Bond Poet Ofllco wbb mov ed yestorday to Ita now quarters In the Taylor drug store in ttio new town, Sig, Hansen is assistant postmaster, Tun VLKANOtNtt AN It UKAUNO (JUIIW l'OU CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Kty nl plMnt to niit. ciiilm 110 in Jutiom (iriic. It U quickly nlitrtrti1, (Itrn l(Jloft(iiifo. II din mitl C1iii4 CJMRRH n Hid .Tl l-AIIKCfl AlliTi Il1iiitiinlliin ih .1ml i-M.L-f 1. rni n iM h f a rn IIcmU hil I'titPCM ttin MintifinV UltOt lllrt Hciirroor Tittldinit r MU Mrat1te,fDrnnlat i;ni(vKinr ut miU I ri nu, luciin ny ini' UA iiui 11 imo'niKita.eii vmiu biu, y Vwk. J Uuslv Mlkn'a Diary, Maroh 7, 1001- Thora'a unmethtii wrong with thn npwi- pnpor that never imIa Itaotrottlattnn tn- rrwtnHl nor raleo lt ralo. jost tha anmo ea it sinnll boy (hot don't keep it growing. Mr. and Mra, Win, Aboinethy return ed from a threo months visit to Cali fornia, mostlr spent In thu Hnnla Clara valley, and will return to thulr home nt Dora asaoou ua tho weather permits. K. O'Connell has received tho llxturoa and hinges and kcka nnd ratchua fur tint Masonic Temple, n dls'plny of whtnh may ho seen In his shop window. It Is nil In Old llras Finish and of n very substantial kind. "Waltur, I And I havo just enough money tn pay for thu dluner, but I linvn nothing in tho way of a tip foryotirsoll." "Let mo add up tho bill again, sir. Moomhlno. Bost Romody for Constlpatln "The fliiPit remedy for ronstlnatlnn I over tticd isClmmberlaiu'M Ktomach and Liver Tnhleto", says Mr. Ell Duller, of l'rntikvlllts, N. V. 'Thny net gonlly and without nuy iiuplearnut effect, and leavo tho hown In a tmtfrclly natural cou.'itioii. Fold by John Prciits W. E. William, superintendent nf agencies, of Seattle (or tho Prudcnlnl Co. has been in Coos county tho past week establishing agencies. Mr. Wlt iams tn a genial gentleman and has at tained tho dnstlnctlon ol being ono of thu most valued Life lusurancu mun on tho Pacific coast. Mr. Williams ban been lu the Insurance, business for 30 years mid is known all over tho Pacific erft, Will Cliaiijrc Hun All tho Cooa river lwata will run lo North Dend, beginning on March 7th. It la understood that they will llrst land nt Marshflold, pass on to North Bend mid thonco to the old town to wood up mid roturn to Marshfleld touching nt now North Ilond. The Jewelry Trade Thomas Howard tho Jowelor, whllo'in San FrMicisco bought tho largest and best assortment of liL-h lt-vIo goods over brought to Marshflold. Among tho goods received Ih n fine Hollstorlc Barometer and Fiiron Mr. Howard lias n largo assortment of standard sliver waro, cut glass and watches. Thu goods aro all of tho high est grade goods No cheap John articles kept In his stock and tho prices nro tho lowust possible, considering tho quality, holt and Contlgradu thcrmomttera ac company tho instrument. Duly nf Parents following, from tho Dawcon. Sentinel, haa been handed 'In Tho Minn. with thn rcquott that wo publish II : Proildwit Norlhropof tho stato nnl vornlty used vigorous English In a talk to tho Woman's Federation a fow daya ago. Among' other things hu said: I would wlpo out of oxlstenco ovary club on earth if neco'eavy to mako mothora frilthful to their glrla nnd boya, Neither church nor Jtato Is doing what it ought to for tho young. Children nro thrown Into tlio public Echools like clothes into tho laundry to bo fitted for life, Thoy coma to school without nny charaotor training and mothoin nro sitting calmly down, seeing things not duno, You have no right to quit your homo and ro out Into Boclnty to becomo intoxicated with an effervescont womanish feeling. Tho Ond-glvnn powpr of paronta to train their boya and glrla tn bo noblu men and women h nbovo every othor object in lire. R-I-P-A-N-Q Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The recant packet ia enough for 11311a occasions. Tho family bottlo (110 contn) contains a supply (or a yo.ir. All drug gists Boll thorn, l ,1 4. tifl k ii i' it- 1 ,v ',a- ti. LitJ . kAStC -. Jj-v . Wa i.al' .' ST- t$u hb " TTHWWSIWBSSaBBBaBSSSSSSBBjaiy' siKV' ' "-r :-