Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, March 05, 1904, Image 6

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Our MMtblj Publication
Wilt kHf yon posted en our
wwk and Metho4. Mailed
Free lo the
of any responsible house.
From srtunliy'sj Daily.
Gay 0. Lalttn, ot South slough was
doing bualncia in towu yesterday,
Tho s'.camcr Homer tills for San
Francisco ato o'clock this morning,
Itifl reported that the Coquille river
ia rieing alowly bnt is notat a high stage.
U. E, Bestey has rented the Ivy Con
dryn (arm, and haa moved bia family
upon tho misc.
So far as can be learned, the rumor
ot damage to the Alliance in crossing
ont over tho bar teems to have been
without foundation.
The work of converting the shipyard
shed into a warehouse for the Marin
field Deck & Warehouse Co. Is progros
eiug and tha tiding is now being put on.
I' troubled with weak digestion,
belching or soar stomach, use Chamber
lain' Stomach and Liver tablets and
Jou will pet quick relief. For sale by
oh u Prensa
Deputy United States Marshal W. A.
Thomas, arrived in town Thursday from
pan Francisco to eubpeona Gay C. LaU
tin and wife ol South slough u wltnnea
see at the Ames trial in San Francisco
on the Oth oj March.
Another New Boat
The MJlii. is informed on good author
ity tbat the O. U. & N. Co, will not lag
ar behind in the matter of fornlehing
transportation, and tbat a fine passen
ger steamer will soon be placed on the
run to Sjtn Francisco, carrying coal
from tbo Llbby mine in conjunction
with the Areata and Empire.
Hear Anything Drap?
0. H, Merchant, through his attorney
"W. U, Douglas received yesterday from
a representaive of L. D. Kinnney $61)33,
tbo final parroent on the land near
Centerville which Major Kinney had
bonded nnd which all of our Coos Bay
wiseacres bave been cure be would nover
Discuses Condenses, and Furni
ture Factories and Hotels
Tho meeting of the Board of Trade
Thursday evening was well attended
and thero was no sign of an abatement
of Interest in the work undertaken by
this organization.
A considerable part of tho Beseion was
taken up by tho discussion of the milk
proposition, and the concensus of
opionlon was tbat Mr. Seoley should be
giv?n evory enionragoment to locato a
plant Jn Marshfieid, and that an en
deavor ehould be made by tho board to
meet any reasonable requirement in the
way of site or bonus.
- SB) ia SBBk
MUlsula7 llafl
Tho matter oln furniture factory for
Marahflcll, waa also brougH tip by
the Introduction ot three latter recent"
lyrcceidby J. -W. Flanagan from
furniture manufaiturca, In reply to
communications which he had ecnt
thnm. At least onoot there acctnsd to
t3 well worth following up and Preel
dent Malton instructed Secretary Mc
Knight to wrtlo to the tattv, giving
them tho Information they called for,
which touches tho amount of ash, and
oak timber available bore and the
amount of bonus offered. As neither ot
these woods Is plntlfulln tho Imuicdl
ato vicinity of Marshfleld, any ono who
can give Information of any considerable
bodies of cither available will confer
r Reat favor by communicating with
tt o tecrctary of the Hoard.
Tho hotel facilities of tho town were
alsodlicuMed,andlt was the unanim
ous opinion tbat an Improvement was
imperatively demanded, and that tho
Hoard should mako It part ot its busi
ness to tea that they arc furnished, and,
if the owners of (ho existing hotels
would not move lu tho matter, to find
Bomo ono who would. President Matson
accordingly appointed II. Lcckhar), J.
W, Bennett and F. S. Dow n comraittco
to attend to the matter.
The following appointments of the
two standing committees wero announc
ed: Industrial committee, II. Songatack
Dr. Tower, Jas. Flanagan,
Finance Committee: J. II. Mllner,
Wm. Naaborg, F, M. Friedborg.
From Sunday's Dally.
Morton L. Tower was a visitor in
Marshfleld Saturday.
A. Cavanangb, of Catching slough,
was in town yesterday.
Joe Hcdton. of Coos river was In
town on business yesterday.
B. F. Riss, of Ross slough, camo to
town yesterday to do eomo trading.
Tbo schooner Signal was unablo to
ail vestcrday owing to the weather.
Dr. Prentesa returned today from
Bandon whero bo.bad been on profes
sional business.
L'ttle Hulen Gnlovson, daughter of
M. P. Gnlovson is quite sick wltlfrhou
rnatism fever.
Geo. Krute of Isthmus slough who
has been visiting in town tho past few
dayr, returned Saturday.
C. F. McKnigbt and John Coko tho
Marshfieid attorneys went to the sand
bills last evening for a few days recera
tlon. ,.
The Coast Mail will accept in ad
vance the apology of the Coquille Bul
letin for crediting.a long article to the
wrong paper.
Hon. Joe Laird, mall carrier for Hie
Bangs, was in town Saturday visiting
bia sister Miss Eva Laird of the Tele
graph office.
A little boy who had watched lit
flames from a high building told his
nurse that sotneona had made a hole in
the earth and ho had seen hades.
bight Kinging and choral class All
those desirous ot entering meet Mon
day evening at M. E. Church. Terms
$2 pei term of 20 leeeona payablo in ad
vance. Mra.,0. T. McPhereon, instruc
tor. Sir Henry Robcoo, in a privately print
ed book of Lecturee, eays that onco when
he and tbo German ecientiat B unsen
were traveling together in England,
your Health and STRENGTH with
a psant, potehtv. and permajteiit Invigorator for WOMEN,
Oi.LDlbtN. and MEN. . kfroaiywrDrf
iT" ""-- ---
jthcy mot alcdy who mistook IIuiiimi
'fur l.tacoiuln, tho Clionlter Uunaou.
11 .vo you finished your book. 'God In
History,' yet?" oho iwkcd liliu, "No
mndait," ho ropllo.lt "1 regret that
my untimely death has prevented my
doing to." . $ '
A Id Inch Oliver Chill plow. When
lastetcn It waa headed up n furrow on
tho Fratik Kojs place on Cittchliip slough
Thu owner has sotno hope ot flndjng the
same whou the Wiathor clears up.
FuHon Floa ts
L. W Shaw Informs tho Main that
tho Fulton has been rtloat several ttmoo
at high water, whore alio Ilea, at Port
Orford, and tho Dispatch la lying off In
readiness to get a lino to her anil pull
her oft tho beach aa soon aa tho weather
and tea will permit
Another Cannery for Coquilte River
(Ihmlon Recorder)
Satnui! iNass, of Aaloita, haa been
ruatling on tho river for tome time, v Ith
tbo result that he hat) formed n com
pany which will build a B.lnnu cannery
at Trcaper. Following aio tho namea of
thoofficera: R. V. Bullatd, Pros. ; T. P.
llanley, Vice-free,: Chaa. Ashton, 2J
Vice-Pres.; John Niclsou, Sec; N.
Poteraan, Treaa.; J. E. Wiilatrom, P.
Gehlke, William Ilabton, J. A.
Morriaon and Sam Xasa Directors. The
compsuy will Incorporate immbdlntely.
)Yiiid at Port Orford
Dnring tho elorm of Thursday ono of
the doora to tho tchoolhouio blew out
and away, and tho south aide of the
roof lost a largo pitch of thlngles. Tho
school took a sudden vacation ard haa
been Vacating ever aincc, but will prob
ably resume next Monday. Tho roads
wero badly blockaded with tlmbtr,
many fences wero blown, telephone
linea prostrated, and all tho small
streams wero up out of their banka.
Tho roada have been cleared, and other
lepalra are being made aa fast aa is
Proper Treatment of Pneu
mqnla Pneumonia la too dangerotia a disease
for anyone to dector himself, although
he may have the propor remedlec at
hand. A phytclan thould always bo
called. It thould bo borno in mind,
however, tbat pneumonia always results
from a cold or from an attack of thu grip
and that by giving Chambeilaln's Cough
Remedy tho threatened attnek may ba
warded o3. This remedy ia alao used
bv physicians In tho treatment of pneu
monia with tho best result. Dr. W. J,
Smftb, of Sanders, Ala., who is also a
drcgifUt, eayaof it: "I have been soil
ing (Jluinborlain'd Cough Remedy and
prescribing it in my practice for the.
nast six years. I use it in cases of pneu
monia and have always gotten tho beat
results." Sold by Johii I'reoae.
A Trio of Cockfels
A pretty good one happened recently
to ono of the clerka of Marshfleld, but
bur informant wouldn't tell who.
Knowing, however, that VInce Pratt
handles moro chickens than any other
clerk in town, it certainly would be fair
to guess that he was mixed up in It, It
happened in this way: A blushing dam
eel from rlouth eloqgh tripped Into the
rear end of tho atore with threo chick
ens under her arm, She held them for
awhile and gazed about the atore aa if
looking for eomo particular article. Sho
finally laid tha three birds down on tho
counter and started for tlio other end of
tbo store, when tho affaable young clerk
shyly aeked her, "Will they lay there?"
not knowing they were tied, and being
too busy to take care of the poultry at
the time. "Why no," ehe replied,
'they are all .threo roosters." Mr.
Pratt immediately began looking for
something nnder tho counter but he
nover found It.
x 'Juvenile Stipflsc Party
Th young frlonda, of. Mndgo Savage
gave her aaurplia party Friday even
ing at the homo of Iter parottla Mr. and
Mrr. A. J. 8avngo, Oatm-a waro played
and, nice refreshment a served and tho
folkalmd a delightful tltno. In the
ajucaiing game tho first ptUe was won
by Mary Murphy, ard Ileitsto Flyo took
the booby.
..Tho;o'prcQtU wero Mltiea Vlvan Tar
hn Nuttlo Morse, Mary Murphy, Utim
Marsh, Rtby Cimpbol!t Iala Marah,
Muriel Loutr, Martlm Bcrultt, Florouco
Aiken, lliia Klyo, Lttlliin Hull, Voarl
Rlggi, Graca Kruac Unset Tibbult,
MadgoS.ivsgo; Maslera Riy Campbell
Ktldlo Welder, Gordon RaatmitsMi, Tom
Brown, Victor Diuimlck. llantoy llan
scu, Ben Chandler. Pat Flanagan. Iris
Klrod. Ben Wilson, Fred McCormac,
Tom Mtnqtt, Joo Ilcnuett, Ktlc Bolt,
Harold Leo, Clmrltu Merchant, Charl
ton lcc, Wllllo Ilutcheaon.
An Assured Success
Chlct Utto8chottor. of thu Marshfieid
Fire Department, reports thl tho pro
poted historical aouvonlr of tho depart
ment la meeting with decidedly liberal
patronage on tho part of the bualnci a
men of lh city. Mr. Loolbourrow, who
baa been engaged by tbedapartment to
completo tho Souvenir boa been gather
ing data necceary in writing no authen
tic history ot the organisation. In
apcakiag ot tho subject to a Mail re
porter, ho enid tbat thero aro many In
teresting incidonta in connection with
tho early history of Marihfield'a Fire
Department, now all but forgotten.
The boys aro making arrangements to
havo their pictures taken, of which cop-por-plato
reproductions will appear in
the souvenir. The vol u mo will no
doubt bo an interesting ono and wo
hope, its publication will quite material
ly aid the boys in their laudable efforts
to improve the city hall and equip
themselves adequate quarters.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Hark Dunham waa in town Monday,
The Czarina eails from San Francisco
Wedcorday morning.
E. II. Gl.nn of North Bend was
Marshfleld Monday on business.
Mrs. F. M, FrIcdbor has been suffer
iDg several days from a severe attack of
quinay sore throat.
Tho meeting of the Lndlea Preab'ylcr-
ian Aid Society has been changed to
meet with Mrr, D. h. Watson Mar. 2nd.
Tho A. N. W. Club will meet next
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. F, X. Ho
ler wlio will outartain tho club for Mrs.
Started up Again
Porter mill, which haa been abut
down for Bomo time making repairs and
installing a new band-saw plant In ad
dition to tho regular plant, started up
aaaia Monday and is running smoothly.
This mill la now In lino ehapo for a big
season's run and will havo a capacity of
HO thousand per day.
Saturday -evening somo of the
(rienda of Mr. and Mis. P. M.
Wilbur dropreJ in on thorn unexpect
edly and before the arrivals stopped
enough wero there to fill throe tables, so
progressive whist was Indulged in and
a joyous good soplal time had. Mrs.
Dr. McCormac carried off first prize,
J. II, Taylor tho booby. Tho party
broke up after midnight,
Inflammatory Rheumatism
William Fbaffer, a brakoman n(
Dormlfton, Ohio, was confined to hla bed
for reveral weeks with inflammatory
rheumatism. "I uard many remedioi,"
bo save. ''Finally I sent to McCaw'a
(drugstore for a bottle of Ghamberialn'd
rain Balm, at wnlch time 1 waa unablo
to uao band or foot, and in one week's
time was able to go to work as happy aa
AUuaa," For sale by John Preusa.
At the Methodist episcopal Chuck
On next Sunday evening, tho pastor,
Itov. Chns, T. McPhorton, will begin n
series ol special sermons propound espec
ially for tbe bualnors men ot Mattmlleld
and vicinity, flenotal theme, ''The He
Unions Instinct of Mnu". tittlijoct,
BumUy ovontng, ."The llloeflfuue of, Bol
ItudV't At 11 a, in., the lervlco will be
especially for tho children of tho city.
Subject, "The Blouedncm ot diving".
Parenla ato reqaonled to prepare tlmlr
children for the service,
A Committee of One
K. B, Bcabroek who la known for his
gonial tunvlty lu nil Instance', fioarly
out did hlniself recently, when ho cnt
as a commltteo of one, ropretonling tho
Marshfleld Board of Trade, ivla launch
to Kmplro to meet n dlatlhculihcd capi
talist, whom that augUst body wish
ed to proporly land lu tho Interest ot
Marshfleld. Wo dare not mention tho
details of Just how the wonderful fust
was accomplished, but possibly by ap
proaching Mr. 8. properly or loading up
to it In tho right way you can know.
A Collision
On .Saturday morning, about daylight
acolialon occurred on the bay which
did considerable damage, Robert
Kiuger waa having Ida logging outfit
towml up tho bay to attend to some
rafting work, when the ateatnor llomur
waa going out. Tho scow waa being
towed by tho Mayflower and all lights
wro yet displayed, though It waa near
dayllgnt. There was no eccaalon for n
collision aa tbo channel there waa broad
and tho tug waa entitled to tbo advan
tage. Fortunately the scow reared to
one aide or alio would havo been run un
der. Mr. Kruger says everything looao
In tbe scow waa put In heap by tho
jar. Luckily the stove had no fire hi It
Tho acow wtfa considerably damaged
and will have to bo drilwn out, rccalked
and aplked.
" Capsized
Goorgo Lattln, who haa been deliver
ing milk af North Bend for W. h.
Walker, met with an accident whllo re
turning homo Sunday morning. Hla
boat, a sail boat, waa capalzud, tho bay
being unusually rough and the aeaa run
ning high. Ho righted the boat and
was clinging to It when picked up,
I.attln remained in the water about one
and a half hours before assistance
reached him. H. K. Illggi rescued the
man with a gasollno launch.
Mr. I.attln wao neatly exhausted
from cold and could not hvo laated
much longor, tho water being oxtrcmo'y
cold. Ha considers himself very lucky
to bo nlivo to toll bis story, Word was
sont to Miualiuek for aid and Copt.
Holland, Marshal Cartor and Ooorgo
Boono leit for tho acono aud had gotten
within CO rods of him when tho other
launch reached him. Tho Marshfleld
launch picked up tho sail boat and re
turned to North Bend with It. Those
going from bore aald It waa the roughest
thoy had aeon It in many a day tho
launbh dipping water many times.
Unclaimed Letters
List of unclaimed lettora remaining
in tbo Marshfleld O;epon Poet c-llco
March 1st 1001, porsona calling Jfor the
satno will pleaeo sav advertised and pay
one cont for each adyertNdd totter call
od for. Johan Amos, 1 W Blalno, D II
Campboll, Jas Cunningham, Mr Dun
ham, Elmor Forld, DD Oorellno, FT
Qutbrio. F W Hardonbraok, Horman
Hermaniou, Mis E Hewlyh, W B
HughoB, Capt M Jorgonaon, Wick
Lemon, Mra L B Locko, ti W Minor,
Mlaa Margaret Marray, Pat.Murphy, Olo
Nelson, 0 Olson, P J Rassmusson,
Clara Reynolds, August Btahl, J K
Smith (2) W D Slmpsoq, Capt Frank
Whiting, Thoa T Wright, Miss llazel
W. B. OontiB, P M.
Coos Slyer Items
Plenty of rain. Plonty of current In
Caoa river.
The farmers are anxiontly waiting for
Niwnl OftUrril qulokly y elds to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, wliloh la acre,
ably imi'imtlo. II la received through the
noatrlU, oloAtmen and hoivln tho whole eUr
face over which it dimiaou Itself. DniKKlsU
sell tho COo. slxoj Trial alao by mid , 10
conta. Teal It and you ato aiiro to ooullnuo.
tbo treatment.
Aifnouncomonfc. .., ,
To Aoooniinbdata thouo who aro partial
lo the uao ot atoinlxora lu applying Ilouliw
Into tho imnat pannage for catarrhal trpu.
bit, I ho proprietors prepar Cream Balm In
liquid form, which will bo known M Uy'a
Liquid Croruu Balm. Priw lueludlug the
aprnylug tube is 75 cents. Dnigijlita or by
inall. Tho liquid form iiinbodles the mod.
lelnal uropotllun of tbo solid preparation.
weather to begin farm work.
Our Connnlisloiier J. J. Cllnkou
beard wis aeon on tho eteninor Coos
rivur Inst Haturdiiy, John's on thu
huatlonud If hn llnda anything wrong
with Coos couutr he's going to fix It.
Our Sunday aohool In going full blatt
In spltu of thu current In Codi rlvor and
thocrosckoin raying "you cau't do It,
Ita going to rain."
Tho MolhodUt mlnlater Itov. Mc
PhoraonwIU preach nt Moalur Chapel
Wednesday evening,
Tho young pjoplo are trying to organ-
he a singing olats and eugage tho service
of Prof. Ayro ot Murshflold.
Mrs. I'M Ceftclt aud lllllo lorotliy
have been visiting at Mrs. S. U. Itogors,
and Mr. Frnuk Itogoia last week.
Mr. Warieti Quick of Marahflcld la on
nn extended visit nt tho hotns of Mr.
Anton ltogera.
What's tho matter with ,Mr. Pnoss,
hae ho quit tho drug tuslucrs and gone
to running gasoline luunchon for tho
benefit of rchool district number 7.
Tho subject Ir now before tho people
ol consolidating the nhool lu thu rural
district?, By all means lot us conaoll
dttto the aclioola. Why ehould country
boya and glrta only bavd three, four or
flvo months of schooling and tbo child
ren In towns nine or tun. Tho education
I ot tho children lo thu future hope of tbo
nation, We wish tbat acme good apeak
ar would come among ua and call tho
people togethor put tho anbject boloro
them plainly. Suroly i(tho aubject waa
proporly understood thero would hot be
a dissenting voice to the phne.
Not a Very Encouraging Statement
of Mr Marklovltch' Condition
Mrs. A. Marklovltch received a letter
yeaterdny froin W. I), McNary, 2d aealat
ant phtelcinn at tho Oregon In,sano
Aaylum, from which tho Mail is per
mitted to mako tho following extract:
"Mr. Markovltch Is getting along
reasonably well. Ho does not acotu to
be distressed by hla confinement hero
aud Is apparently making thu host of
tho situation. Ho, of course does not
realize his past or present mental dis
turbance and, consequently, boltovos
that ho la confined horo without Just
cause; but hois taking It cheerfully and
ecomn to bo in a vory good humor moat
of tho time and says tbat ho will, ot
ronrso, have to' stay hero until we
chango onr vlows concerning him. Ills
Is a form of iussnity that ia usually voty
chronic apd It doca not yield readily to
treatment, ao I am not In n position to
give you u vory encouraging itatoment
aa to tbo outcome of his case. Hon
ever, It ia not devoid of hope and ho may
gut along bettor thnn Is anticipated. I
think, iiowover, you can count on.lt be
ing n numbor of months at best beforo
lie would bo In a cor.dltson to look nftor
hla own buslncea,''
QetJt Romody for Constlpatln
"Tho flnett remedy for constipation I
ever uaed ia Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets", says Mr, Ell Butler,, of
Frankvlllo. N. Y. "Thoy net . gonlly
and without any unplcasunt effect; mid
leavn the bowolu In a perfectly natural
condition. Sold by,John Prouaa
Wortk atrlvMsr For,
Sho And you don't think tlioro las U
chnuco Ju tho vorld of our Wvlng
through our Uvea without n quarrel?
Ho Tuoro hi ; ulwnyB n fighting
chnneo,, der, Cincinnati CouimerckJ
" , !xsmK'
,j --'
'ww mzjffi7tt