H33P!55 i r if r i ".-, i u it 'wrui f, Hr 111! lb fcJ f .. ,1 S3 , - ?v. I .! ii , H k s j a ' r . i r-t' . - y W!U2X..i. t"5 friSAMmaoFiwam mkiH' POWDER Absolutely Par 7HLHE IS W SUBSTITUTE From Wednesday' Dally. Er-sherifl Gage waa In Marshfleld Tuesday. .' i . Obas. Doan of Catching slough was in J town yesterday. Xa TTonnnmsAV wad in town Vfll!rflV on buiinces. - -. The Star restaurant has suspended fcifor.the present, ' tfvWi '1911 ' w Ed Gallier was in town Tuesday eerv- Ing attachment papers, Wf J B. . Shine of Empire was in town Tuesday on basinets. S. J. Sleep and Alex Campbell of ' 'LioTTy were in town yesterday. The steamer'Arcata Bailed yesterday at 4 p. m. from Ran Francisco. The coal-washer at Beaver Hill it laid up for repairs at present. Andy ;eil loaded the now boiler for his pile driver onto a scow today. James Watson, the prominent Coob City dairyman, waa in town yesternay. Mrs. Gonld and daughter who were f visiting at Coaledo returned home Tneeday. a About 1,000 Iocs were turned loose in tho East Fork of North Coos river yee- terday afternoon. The large slack dump at the Llbby mine has been washed away by the recent rains and freshet. , Jx,Tbe band boyi are requested to turn oat Thursday sight for band practice, st the fire department hall, The young salmon at the Coos river hatchery will be shipped to the Coquille soon, There are between 4 and 5 mil-(lion- Mrs. Wm. Gamble of Kentuck slough returned Tuesday from a months visit .with her daughter at Llbby, Mrs. S. J. Sleep. The A. N. W, will meet with Mrs. B. H. Hazard on next, Thursday, instead of .with Mrs, Frledbnrg bb woe formally announced. " The Ladles Art Club held its Jatt t tneeting at tho home of Mrs, Rolchcrta mltho next meeting will be at Mies ItooLo'fi.horae in South Marshfleld, . A. I?. Noah id Portland, a barber of ,,Jiigh standing in the profession has tak en charge of one of the chnfra at tho Central Hotel barber shop. What Are They? J Obambfcrlaih'a, lomach and Livor . Tabtota, A.U6W,Teineidy lor stomach '. troubles, bilUOUA&eee, andtconstirmtion, ,ad.ftoo4bjwi,rico25 centB, lor sale 1 o: Mi Goodall Mr. KyU as i B.Dow Biade a launch trip up Oom river Tan day. The gentlemen express them- Belv as highly pleased with tho outlook. The eoclal danco Riven by tho young menot Mnrshflcld nt tho I. O. 0. F. Hall, Monday night, was null attended and a very plcaiant tlmo Is reported by those enjoying tho treat. G.Orr, a master mechanic ot Denver Colo, hut now ot Gottsgo Grove, Or. has been la town for several daya looking up n p'.aco to locate. Ho le well Im prettoi with Cooa Hay. Ho went to tho valley (or his family. Inadvertently tho nnmo of Mrs. K. M. Furman was omitted in tho wilting ol the Chamber of Commerco concert, that number on the program being ex ceptionally finely executed, A. V. Wiekman, who has boon visit ing at tho Life-Saving Station tho past few days, returned homo Tuesday, Stopping of! at Empire City, finding his folks nil down with tho measels. Ho took for the wagon road immediately for Marshfleld, and was picked up on tho wayt by tho mall carriers and rought to town safe, Unfortunate Drowning Fred Davis, a young man at Coquille waa drowned yesterday while trying to clear the front ot the Eteamcr from a lot of drift. He went to tho landing to buy a sal mon for tho family and while thero mot with tho mishap which cost him hia life. The polo slipped aad ho went into the water and was never seen again. An effort was made to recover the body by dragging tho river but it met with no sccccss. CHAMBERLAINS STOMACH And Liver Tablets. Unequalled for Constipation Mr. A. R. Kciip, u prominent drupgfct of Baxter Springs, Knns n soys: "Cham terlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, are in my judgement, (he most super ior prepurat on of anything in uso today for constipation. They are euro in ac tion and with no tendency to nauseate or grip. For salo by J no, Prcuss. For Goodness' Sake Editor Mail, Marebfield, Oregon, Dear Sir; For Goodness sake, what aro you do in,; now. For goodness sake, are you writing our i writing our advertieemcts? For gocdave sake, is that type Better I of yours out of a job? j For goodness sake, what do you want , li nroll a oeirA thtnp for. I For goodness sake, I thought you wero next to yourself. Forgoodne6S sake, I'm so mad so I'll Bay uo more, for 'tis time for tbo geese in the geese bouse to turn out the light. , F. S, Dow. Water Receding On Tuesday the freshet on tho Co-q-illle river had reached its higbast point and began to recede at Myrtle Point. The river has been full ot logs and nearly tdl havo been stopped at tho booma ond segregated to their respec tive departments, but few passing, and they were loga which bolongod to tho lower river. Tho logs coming down wero mostly from tho mlddlo nnd an 1 North Forks, Coowivor haB fallen eevrrrl feet, Captain Edwards loft early yesterday on the return trip to enable him to get through tie floating Jloge tafely, Tho freshet haa done vory littln demago eo far. Friendly Spirit Tho cltizenB of North Bend circulated a subscription for. A. J. Davie, who had the miefortunate to hnve hia new storo building blown down, They mot with good biiccpbp, raiding oVer $00 Inn abort time. Thla waa presented to Mr. Davis to show the ubod will of tho citizens. . . !''.' r aw.iiti The abevn k saa el the.lhlftfe .which always takes place in an as-to-the-tlme and progressive coBimnafty Where a buitnuHmnn mots with unexpected misfortuuo. Mr. Davis la amply nblo to rebuild hlo iloro but tho oitlcons rcaliKo the serious loss nnil wish tp dem onstrate their toolings and interest its businetc mens in a substantial manner. May tho present spirit of friendliuoss nover die out. Cncouragc the Hustler If you want n llvo town, push tho hustler. Few towns nio without men who havo raoro push and 'energy than means to carry out their plans. For haps tho hustler may occasionally mako a mistake, possibly ho may ovorn-ach iu his efforts to build up tho town, keep him going, help him push. Ho may be come wesry and should bo encouraged. Don't got jealous ot him and throw cold water on his efforts, It ia moro diflcult to build up than to tear dowry; that ia why eo many nro engaged in destroying what the few arc creating. A. half dot en actlvo mon in a town are worth moro to it than n huudred passive men. It takes moro entorprWo than money to build up a town. Get bokiml tho hust ler and keep pushing; don't push back. If you can't push crawl out ot sight and sit down. If you can't say a good word say nothing. , Will Work Prisoners Pursuant to and under tho authority of an act which was passed ot-tho last regular session of the Legislature, Sup erintendent James, of tho Penitentiary, id now making preparations to begin work on tho roads between the stato in stitntious; that is the roads from tho Penlteniary to tho Asylum, to thr Asy lum Farm, to tho Deaf Mute School and to the Reform School, altogether about 20 miles of road. While it provides that tho slate shall furnish tho rnoLey for tho work, convicts to do It, and em powers tho Superintendent of tho prison to hire or purchaso such extra toatue bs shall bo found necessary to do tho work, and employ a suitablo person to ovcrtco it. Marlon county is required to furnish all of tho necessary machlnory and grav el and material with which to carry on the work. Remember When You Buy Meat Tire following story waa recently told of a Marshfleld marrM couple for which the husband had been accustomed to do nil the buying. Tho husband finally had so much bmlncsaon hand that it became necessary to turn the buying oyer to bis wife. One morning ho told her to get a shin bone to mako como soop, She aGkcd him what a shin bono was and the husband lifted hia trousers and indicated that portion ot the anat amy, When tho wife arrived at tho butcher shop she bad forgottonthe name of the bone wanted, and to inform tho butcher, had to iift her skirts and ahowher ehinB. When Bhe retnrned home she told her forgetfulncssand how she bad to show her shins to let the butcher know what she wanted. The husband heaved a tired sigh and said. ' 'well my dear, I am glad I did not tell you to getn romproaBt." To Organize Hoard of Trade Those interested in organizing a board of trade in Marshfleld nro requested to meet at tho fire department hall to uight, There is nothing where Marsh fleld can benefit itself moro than by having a live hoard of trado, which will ruotlo to encourago any now proposition which may arrleo, such as promoting a milk condenEery, pulp mill, broom fac tory or any other enterprise which may Eceka location in Marshfleld, Every influential businessman in Marahfield should put ble shoulder to thq wheel In organizing this Mnrebflold hoard of trade, as tho Coos Hay Chamber of Com merco cannot handlo enterprises for any ono locality, Marslifleld citizens are goneraly widenwako to their own best lntoreets and no doubt will eee tho nd vantge of in thin move. Tho business men eco that a united effort' should be made to cronto a pay roil, it ia tti bo WUMtL. .'.nun,"!,', b9fltbtt this wilt i-Mpll In MtJoa that wi.. b of Baaterlal benefit toMarsh field. Perfect Conf Idonoa Whore thoro used to bo n (oolluu of uneasiness and worry in tho household when a child ohowod symptoms ot of croup, thuro la now purtcut coilll douce. This In owing to tho unlfurm success of Qlminburlftln's Conch romedy In tho treatment of that dlvraso. Mrs. M. I. Uasford, ot Poolesvlllo Md.. Hi spcaklnj- ot her oxporlenco in tho uso ot that remedy pays t ''Ihavnit World of confidence In Chamberlain's Cough remedy for I havo uncd It with perfect success. My child (Inrlund la subject ot sovoro attacks ot croup and It nlwayn gives liltn prompt rullei," For sale by Jno. Prouss. From Thuraday'a Dally. Tho Alliance wilt sail (or San Francis co on Saturday, Wm, Dotty of Fnlrvlow was a Marsh' field visitor yesterday. Clatsop County Is Qguriug on erecting a G0,000 court houso, Peterson and Wyatt sold Several Iota yesterday at North Bond. H, Nelson ot Dandon was doing busi ness in town Wednesday. E, L, Bossey of Coos river waa doing business ia town yesterday. G. A, Gould of Klkton brought in a number ol bearskins yesterday. Tho McMinnville Nowa haa installed a Siroplox typesetting machine Capt. and Mra. A. D. Boone ot Sum ner, woro In town yesterday shopping. Alex CAtnpbell wont to Llbby yestor- day withMr.Hendrlckson thucoffeomnn. C. M. Goodull and Mr. Kylo returned to San Francisco yesterday, going over. land. Band rehearsal for this evening postponed, on account ot tho Board Trade meotlng. Amstoln & Hibbard are putting n now roof on tho laundry tarn, to replace tho ono which was blown off by last Sun day's wind storm. Tho Jennie Wand which lotthero last Saturday ran into a squall the first thing and lost her main sail, after which sho encountered more rough woathor. Tho congressional committeo has been called to moot at Portland oa Feb. 23 for tho purpose of determining, the timo and placo of holding tho congressional convention. Jena Hansen, ot Marshfleld, and well known In this section, pasted through here early this week enrouta for San Francisco where he goes to purchase the Btock for his new store at North Bend. Mr. Uaasen sya North Bend is growing steadily and that hia order for building lumber waa the forty-second order ahead ot tho mill tlja day he left tho Bend. Gardindr Qatetto, River Falline Tho Coquille river had fallon last evening bo the track otCodar Point was just about bare, the water having fallon about 3 feet and it ia thought by this . . . K .1- morping tliatlt will newtmin mo uan?. The train muy poisiblo get through to- day, Lotr lam m, , ... , . , Tho logs which wero running out of the East fork of North Coos rivor havo formed n J?m near tho mouth and nru fast and eolid. Fred Noah haa under taken to break the jam with hia bull team. It is thought that Bovoral wooka will be required to lot them out. Passed Away ' . Jack, OltoSchetter'a true and faithful dog, lias passed from this world of oiuh fn the rei-ular. do hcavon. Tuesdav. Bomotlilng went wrong with hia digoflt-J) .V i 'Wmiirt.fiimi 3T Ive organs aad Otto aihauittd all medl al skill nt hit oomnaNd, It la rowo thought that he had an attack of ajf poudioltls, hut it wai discovered too late Poor Jack had a pcdlifroo as long as an dog on tho bay. Tho death of this dog Is only another exemplification of tho uncertainty ot life. Otto has al ready an option oa k high bred, pup whu will In tho near future atop Into Jack'h shoos. f to Reviyal Great victorlos nro being achieved at tho Miithudltt Eplecopol rovival. About fifteen havo knelt at tho Altar of the church and accepted Christ. Thoy are witneasos of tho work of graco that Is being carried on, Tnulght thero will bo a opeolul oet,vlce of song and speech, This sorvico will bo specially for toatnon. Sunday wilt bo a great day in tlu history ot this ro markahlu work ol tho Holy Spirit. Sub ject tomorrow night'God'sItoadlncsB to Itccolvo Sinners." All are most cordially Invited. A Rough Trip Tho tug Columbia brought In tbo bald headed, three masted schooner Bella and tho sohoonor Ivy, yostorday. Tho schooner Holla, Capt. Jensen, mastor. was out 21 days from Bin Francisco bound for Coquille. Sho encountered severe Southeast and Southwest winds! and sighted Coos Bay sovorol times in her drilling. Her mainsail wna carried away and sho waa abort of provisions and was finally obliged to put in hero nt last. Hho will load at tho K. It, dock. Tho Ivy was 7 days out from Sail Fran cisco. Tostal Checks Tho rapid extension ol tho rural frcc- dollvcry sorvico Increase tho demand that tho Government shall provide some easy, convenient, and safe method (or tho transmission of email sums of money through)tho mails, and was urgo npon Congress tho Importance of pausing como law which will insuro to our p roplo this advantsgo at as early n date as poislblo. As tho rural frco-dcllvory sorvico has been extended tho numbor of letters carrying small amounts of currency has greatly Increatod. At present there is no convenient method provided in tho rural districts for making such remit tances through tho malls except in cur rency or postage stamps, and such cur rency and stamp rouilttaacoa aro a con stant tompUtisn to tlioso handling them. Young Atkinsons Body Found Word was bronght to Eugene Satur day by Ernest Lyons and Edward Whiteakor of Walton, of thr finding ot the dead body of William Atkinson In tho mountain!. Atkinson waa about 20 years of ago. and on Tuesday morning ho left his home at Walton and went Into the hills with dog and gun for a b4t. Ho did not return that evening, but that did not cause, the least alarm, as he was thoroughly at home In tho raoontalna, and the farnlly thought nothing of his remaining ont over night. Alarm waa occasionod, on Wednesday however, by the return of the dog with out his master. 8oarchIng parllos at, nncoweutout and boat tho ilmboi thoroughly. About noon on Thursday . k t. 1 1 1. I it iuney vorior, wuo nau gone 10- vx head of Itock Creek, about flvo rnlloa rom tho Atkinson homo, found tho coi'peo lying face downward in tho In snow near a log, hia gun eomo dlstanco from tho body, It was oyident that ho " ; IIUU UCbUllIU IIUMWVUO 1UII UAJ'UDUIU and fatlguo and eucoumbed to tho cold, CHINA HEW YEAR . OBSERVED IN MARSHFIELD Chineso Now Year begin last Monday at midnight. Tho Murflliflold Chlnoao nro colobrnting tho ovont. Tho yoar, is reckoned in tho Chinese calondar oa tho thirtieth iu tho reign of tho Enxporor iiuang bui, xno uuineeo in every towq i ' . lift ill . .. .' eleVrato thla holiday as no ;bth( holi : - iJrtyr'yyfflfr Ayer's Pdcd your hair; nourish It; give it something to llvo on. Then It will stop fnlllnit, and will grow lone and heavy. Ayer's Hnlr VlRor Is the only Hair Vigor hair food you enn buy. For 00 years it hns been dolur, just what we claim It will do, It will not disappoint you. MMrhr ! ' r7 ,,", l!'it'r u.hiRAei'IUir Vlnr lioilllini.il liexnn lei crow, Mi'l liuw II li rmirlM limln'i lJiK. lliUiiiiinilii(lliriullliJMtillrl)llK ttlliin.t Hllli'Hil nr lilr" Mur.. J. II. Virtu, Culoudo di'iln-i, Uolm flNr. l.ollle. All .Irmrnl.H. for IiwhIIi Mutt. Short Hair dsy Is so important In thu estimation ol a Chinaman as N.ow Year, If tho good old custom of tho Chlnoio could bo adopted by Americans ot tho dread ot being In debt on tho beginning ot Now War it would boa blessing In a way. Tho Chintso havo a peculiar bellof In regard to the celebration of their new ydai. Tho closing of tho old and thq boulnnlng of the now marks practically a new existence with thu Celestials. All Chinamen believe thnt thy are doomed to destruction It thoy pormll tho now ycartotlnd them In debt, and thoy ns every effort to pay their bills boforo tho uow year day arrives. Than, too, if tho relation between thcnrielvm nnd any of their acquaintances ho etnlntd '.hoy tcek each other and cqunru thurnuulvpB with a good handchako. lloth ngreo to forgut tho past. Htould thin practice bit neglected, Ills said that tho guilty ono Ij doomed to destruction. MARSHFIELD BOARD OF TRADE Organization to Be Perfected This Evening Tho meeting last ovonlr.g to orgniiuo a hoard ot trade was a great eurcoss, bo ing wll attonded and most enthusiastic. J. W. Bennett was elected chairman and II. I.ockhart secretary, uud a com mitteu was appointed to draft bylawa for tho organization, and Dr. Tower, J, A. Matsou and Wm. Nushurg bolnu. named. ,Aftor a ocneral and animated discussion of different questions which cnnio up, tho meeting adjourned until 7 :IJ0 this evening, at the namo placo, tho firemen's hall. Evorybody should turn out and help start tho ball rolling. When Yom Havo a Cold The first aotlon when you havo a cold should bo to relievo the lungs. Thla is best accomplished by tho froo use of Chamberlain's Cough Itornndy. The remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from thu air colls of the lungs, produces a freu expectorat ion and opens the seoretlona. A com plfitecuro soon follows. This remedy will cure a BQvero cold In less Mmo, than any other troatmunt and it leaves the nyitom In a natural and henlthly condition. It counternutH any tendency toward pneumonlu. For Salo by Jno. Prouss, Grccnaud Ayhalea BWMttrnce attain ho ngo of 00 yenm. ' i ' r WAven icacr'i-nwa YVVO. Wnvcn trnvol faatcr than tho?InJ Which causes thorn, nnd In tbo bay, of lllscny frequently during tho autumn nnd winter In calm weather a heavy son Kctti up nnd rolls in on tho.conM twenty-four bourn tieforo tho galo.whtch ciuiHi-B it urrtves and of whlcJi ItHu tha prcludo, . . rmu BORN t MENEG AT South Marshnold, Oro, Fob, 12, 11)01, to tho wifu of J Mono gat, a eon, ANDERSON-At Kinplra City, Monday Feb, 10, 1001, to Mr, nnd Mrs, Antono Audorflou, a son, M HIL6TItOMWot MrrahOelil Thurs day Feb, 11th o tho.wlff b! Jolitt Hilatrom a dhliiht'er, yiPwiri fc AmtrtnjmivtiDumi atiJcuMfi , .