Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 20, 1904, Image 7

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i m'"- 1 ,r i , ,.Mi; n,,f , - 'i r -'ii ' rvfy'i' "-r "- - ' -f - .,' , .,.., ..,,,, Ml , i jBi'
. -rt , v
"I I-
it. I.
Ha Explains the, Circular Note Which Ar-j
.roused Suspicion of European
Germany Disclaims, Knowledge? of Passage
Will Have Less Dele-
gates Than Last
y. ' & 'if jA
of Baltic Fleet ThrouMajser
.. I ! - t f. I iiC ..ti. . ', . ,t.y . . - .. - . , J. , H . ' S V IV.WHii m'1 4'
'' ; , .STATE
, :. . s - i(
Condition Now Reach
ing a Crisis
Special to tho Mail.
Washington, Fob, 12-Altltoiich the
e'alctncnt'ie mado (lint Hnnna paused a
f.lr night, tho conditions arc- terlou,
r t ' sr i 1 i'J
(Opeclat to tlia
j uimy uub any miuwiouk U1 v,,w vh-iv.- .
! abouts of tho Japanese warships. None !
I . . , ..L i i i 4. r i
nave oeen seen since
Port Arthur. It is presumed that they are i
conveying the captured Russian trans
ports to Corea
Copenhagen Feb. 10 Tho Russian
Bailie Host Is ro ported to bo itlll at
Kroniladt where tho slant icobrcaker
Krinak is kooplnR tho channel opou.
London, Fob, 13 Japaneto Minister
Hayaabl received n telegram today from
Toklo announcing thai Havloff, Hussion
mlniatur to Corea, had left Kooul for
Tim cmbatky was ciccrtcd from tho
capital by JMmncro trocpa in on)or to
proyunt hoatllo demoimtratione. Japan
cto forcco aro maintaining order In
1 ho Teienram doca not rIvo any loa
on (or tho mlniator'a departure J lay
itolii aaya it lo ponclbly duo to tho rebuff
which liavloff received rcirardlnu tho
question of tho dlipoial of tho Iluialau
mnrlnca taken prleoncr after tho alnk
uii ol tho Varlaand Korlots.
Tho Tclok'iam alio says that liavloff,
lu addition to being accompanied by tha
members of tho legation, lhad as coin
panlona many Itucalan; roeidenta ol
feeoul. Tho Jnpanoiio trwpa altar cicoit
ing thorn to thontation (nrnlahed a mil
itary guard on tho train from Hooul to
Waahlngton, Tab. 13-Tho following
xplanatlou of Hay'a circular nolo which
jio aent to tbo potvora wan mado thia
frn-8 mn n J n 1 1 1 1 1 1 MN 1 1
II v inoludinc all the nvallableot
H V .....
f ment, n comparliou la reaencu wmcu
Jtuanln .
Armored cntliora
Protected cruisers
Battle Ships
Armored cruisers
Protected eruieers
M M 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 8
Ai A nappy cisi"'
bn Friday eonlng a forr of tho intl
malo frionds of" Aire. Win. Deubnor and
Mrr.O. A. Uonnott nurprlsod thoao ladioa
t tho homo of Mrs. lloubnorln honor
pi tholr blrthilaya. Tho eybnt was very
nloaaont to tho participants. It was a
iood old faahlnned coning .tQgothor of
frlorda ami a jolly, good tlmo. Jtofroau
ments wro aervud nnd all nnjoyed tho
treat. Tho ovout will bq plcanntly ro
momborod, na uuoh oecaBUB nlwavd
tend to mako etrongor the tie which
binds trim friends. . ':. ..
ThoBe prooont wori MoauHmes B(gl(n,
Aiken, Andornon, .Jttiunctt,, Ilutler,
PoedanflDeubnar. .,,,
..J.omliilenccB p bynRonoWyB paBsed
(fiftWMS.66 nway too .WfoTtly nnd tho
IrloudnSvoro loth .to part hut did bo
1 1 1 -. m i Curt tarn.
With 'the wieu wai we ,nvvr- "
talght ccour many raoro tldoo,
Coast Mall.)
1 a, No one appar-
ino pumuctrumum. ui :
''After aomo preliminary ezcliaugo of
vlewa botKetjn tho government and oth
er poAo'ra, which introduced Chlncio
tnattora, tho department of ttato on the
10th of February aent tho following in
etructiona to the American ropreecnta
Uvea at fit Petersburg, Tokio and Tckin:
'You Will cxprcM to tho Mlnlatcra of
Foreign Affairs the earnest dceire of tho
government of the United Elates that
in tho cotsrae of the military operations
Juatbcgrin bptween Ruasla and Japan
the uoutrallty of China, and in all way
practicable, her admlnlatrativo entity
ahall bo roapfceted by both parties, and
that the arcA of hoitilitita ahall bo local
hod and limited aa much as poitiblc, so
that undue oscltemont and dlaturbancea
of tho CIiIijcbo peoplo may bo prevent
cd, aa much at jwnslble. and the inter
ruption of commerce and tho peaceful
Intercourse ol Uie world may bo avoid
ed." Signed,
John Hay,'
"At the eamo tlmo ell tho powers
algnnlory to tho l'okln protocol woro
notified of thia nolo by aitnllai action."
Hay thia nnruiug paid his eolo pur
poao was to protect American intends
in China, and eavo the latter from an
archy. Ho expressed rtgret that Euro
pean dlplomalata thould pursue the old
llnea of auaplclon and dlttruat.
1 1 n 1 1 ii-i rr 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Oh NAVIfcS i
both powors abovbOOO tons displace- T
?. . .T
is raucu in iavor oi uumii x
Tone. Bneod. Qona
345,114 ' 17.1 ' SIS
68 451 19.4 .. JM ;
'44,016 81.S 70 !.
512 ;;
iw ::
mo ;
W 1 1 1 IH M I M M I ! 1 1 1 1 HI, I
An Excellent Senator
(Salem btateaman)
Tho Port Orford Trlbuue thus early
mentions tho namo of Hon. It. 1),
Humo aa a strong man for tho Republi
cans to nominnto for tho position of
Joiut SrimtoV' from Curry and Coob
counties. Willie tho Statesman dooa
not lntoud to mix .In tho local affairs ol
any county' it,' foois justified In siijing
that Mr. liumovould make an excol
lunt Senutpr nn'iUvf? influouco would bo
ported In favor'oihe atato'(j develop-
. ";
other aultamu material for .thia noaltoit
bn't Mr. liiim'e sets a very coodatand-
afd by which to Judge other aaplranto.
r.nl tlioy fire now believed to bo at a'
c JIb. At -1:00 the Senator's brother
cirne Into tho Arlington office, find Mid
that tho senator's caso was desperate!
though rot hopeless, The patient is
mpondltig sllghlly to tho oxygen treat
tnent and his breathing seems to bo talc
1 g a decpor hold. Secretary Dover
t.lpphoucd l'rctidont Roosevelt that the
patjent's condition was critical.
Only Unauthentic Re-
port of Battle '
Rumor of Annihilation
t .
of Russian Fleet
Mark HaimaDiedMon
day at 4:10 P.M.
The telegraph line was very badly
grounded ycaterday and it was ienpos
aible to work through into ltoecbnrg.
all bnalncea being repeated at Laird's
consequently our prcas dicpatebca fail
ed to connect, as tho Itoaeburg opera
tors aro not of tho kind that givo them
selves unduo trouble for any ono's ac
comodation, but quite the reverse.
Ure water valley was Hooded, pre
venting the lino ropalrerB from getting
out to fix tho wires.
'iiio f ollowiDg was received by tele
phone late laet evening:
Japan is slowly gaining. There are
unverifjed reports ol a land battle in
progreta. on the 'alu river, where 100,.
000 Japanese and Kuaaian eqldiure are in
a fierce battle,
The Czar is continually wo?p(ng over
the losses of bis ships.
The reports are that twdve battle
ships were destroyed, and eight captured
oft Port Arthur, - .;
The above report baa not been official
ly confirmed.
Mark Uanna died at lp, m, Monday,
! '
Tho Fulton, now aahoro at Port Or'
ford sailed (rbm tho Columbia February
3, with about 400,000 feet of lumber i
J. . . i t i
under command; of Captain Leo who !( ,
regnrded a cnvcful unvlgator, II hn.
been in tho employ of tho company for
ovor six years, moat of the tlmo an mato
on tho etoam echoonor Despatch. Ohitif
Kuglncor Counslly, of tho" Fulton, waa
on tho atenm echoonor Ruth, ot tho
same Hue, when she waa lost In Novem
ber at Fisherman's Buy. Tho Fulton
W8B c""r
waa cohstructed at a cost ol fCO.000 in
tjbeing Inched'; Iatv-PrtIrriave'Vbfunoljea rise much more thtfeoms
orllla. IloairtiouBlfes nvere jSa, wMrltftW logs will scatter to
feet losg, 83,0 feet beam anc? 11.4 dentirshelow lands and entail the erpaaae of
ol hold, hauling them to the bank'
Special to the Mall.
Portland, Feb, IS The Republicans
will hold tho next convention in Port
land Thnreday, April 14th. Each coun
ty will be represented by one delegate at
jargo, and one for every 150 votes daat
for Judge Moan at'Unt general election,
and one for every fraction of 150 larger
than 100, the total number of delegates
to be 301, In 1002 t,be total was 9C3, In
1000, 330 on the sanl) baais of apportion
ment. -
A Grand Success Financially and
From Tuesday' Dally.
The Chamber of Commerce Concert
Saturday evening was a decided aucesc
in every particular. '
The music by the Band was of the
highest order, tho Overture, Bartholdo,
being especially beautiful. The Ambus
cade also was presented in a moat realis
tic and masterly manner. ,
H. Ltndo rendered a flute solo in bis
usual pleasing atlye; and that the piano
solo was thoroughly appreciated, was
attested by the enthusiastic encore she
A. II. Gallon, the snecesef ul dog train
er, whose years of careful attention re
sulted in the wonderful talking dog of
Lcondor Bros, circus, exhibited a train
ed do, Its tricks were bright and
amuaing and thowed a wonderfnl
amount of indulgence for so young a
F. A. Sacchl's vocal solo was executed
with his unal superior degree of excel
lence, and his response to an encore,
though brief, was charming.
Tho Banjo selections by It. M. Crux
showed a surprising degree of skill and
wqre successively applauded by the
,The vocal solo to have been given by
L.J.Simpson waa not forthcoming, but
that gentlemau treated tho audience to
a few words explanatory pf the position
ol the Chamber of Commerce in eo di
verting a manner that bis. delinquency
was forgiven.
W. 8. Gureona boihg unavoidably ab-seat.-'the
program was necessarily rob
bed of a very attractive uumber.
The "Message from Coon Town" was
right up to the standard of work aWaya
presented by Meicers Pratt and Dqngan
and closed a most pleasing program with
a happy touch of real hnmor.
The attendence was good and about
1 110 was cleared for the exchequer of
the Chamber of Commerce,
We have received a apsdlal edition ol
the Dally Coaat Mail, imbllahed'atMarih
fleld, Oregon. It ia a handsomo edition
finely printed on heavy book paper t?Ith
attractive cover, boiug in fact, equal to
the I igh claaa monthly magazines pub-
llahed in eastern cities. Georgo Cole-
, ,
man, a former 8auta Claran, has our
. ' , ,
kUHU.U WI ...w VWy Mwn w w- w.vv.v,.a-
., North Coos River up
Tha North Fork ol Coos rlvor la high,
in ratf.ny place's flooding tho low lumle.
Tli or o aro mnn'y loqs abovp, which can
not bo lot from their booms' until tho
wator recedes. It ia feared if tho
. ..
(Special to Ihe Coast Mall.) f Wednesday, suffered a repalie by the
Loudon, Feb 12 An unofficial rcpo'ft'JKuM . J f
was circulated here thia -morning that
the Japanese havo taken Port Attbur.
Paris, Feb. 12 According to informa
tion received today, Admiral Stark who
was in command of the Port Arthai
fleet has been recalled as a punishment
for defeat. He will be succeeded by
Admiral Beydloff who is now in com
mand of- the Black Sea fleet.
Berlin, Feb. 12 The Japanese Minis
ter Kurino, at St. Petersburg, baa,alnc&
he arrived here, given ae his opinion
that China will abandon her attitcde of
neutrality! and join Japu immediately
after the latter gains a decisive land
Paris, Feb. 12 An official dispatch
confirms tho cable advice that the Jep
ancee marines who attempted to land
Special to the Malt
San Francisco, Feb 13" Tho case o!
Mra. Cordelia Botkia, under sentence of
lifo imprispument for murder, will be
called for tho tecond trial during the
cominc week, If the prosecution ran get
ready by that time, As in tho former
trial tho chief witnssses for the state are
to Up bnyight from Dblaware. The case
first camo up C years ago, 4 new trial
hai be-::: obtained on a technic.il itv,
. f.
Coos Bay Not on their Map
Chas. N. Norrla of Tenmlle returned
to bia home yesterday, from a visit in
San Francisco. While there be met
many people who were making inquiries
aboot Coos Bay. Generally the first
question was in regard to the railroad.
At the hotels he beard several inquire
about tho Bay and was surprised at the
stupidity ot the hotel clerks, they being
unable to give any information. There
was no way to .find out bo to. reach
Coos Bay only by referring to a direct
ory. Mr. Norrla went to several hotels
and made Inquiry about Coos Bay, our
ious only to see how the subject would
bo treated, and he invariably met with
the same result.
T'aere should be something dono to
Inform tho traveling pr.bllc, how to
reach Ooos Bay. A placard framed and
hung In public placoa, such na hotols,
restaurants, eteAmor landings and docks.
It is certain that much koj-I could bs
accomplished is that way.
A Wash Out
It waa reported last evening that
there wa a jrash-out on the. railroad
between Oeri tervllle an'dtMarahnW, and
alhlhVwWdla'yodi ; : V
Later it had not been discovered who
bad her wash out,
'u iC
' -v ' ii
London. Feb. 12 A dlspateW froa thi
Central 2fews, Bureau at Berlin ya
that'flie"vKtes4RjJIeet will leave th
Baltic rnifnajjjsrin Skagerrack etraite,
into foetsyjattflBttsatead of by way ol'
the KIeusppaAA eorrespoadeat ax
& rr
rtsasy bashlntnd that, tho
canal is not epes to belhgeraata.
Officially, Gar-easy disclalM any
knowledf e of the lypeaflf of
the Bottiian Baltic Meet threw h the
Kaiser Wilhelm caaal oa its way to Ye-
A great number of KosslaB warship
at Port Arthur have already bees dtfl
abled, and several Japanese warship
have been sent borne for repairs. '
"" "
Shanghai, Feb. 12, 2 a. . Eeporte
are current here that three Rtweka
crisers were sank, and a Rtwelaa basic
building destroyed by the beabardaaeai'
of Port Arthur, which still continue.
y j-m h w N
Special H the Malt. ,
Washington, Feb liHThls morHifC
Senator Hanna waa Sleeping peacefnlly;.
and there had been apparently bq
change in hie eeadltlon since 2 o'clock
this morning.
It la iwiCa. co8cL pMyte mt,
lere'a no dncr in that. AJmlKias; tkew .
rv r . x. . -4 .fvi-b .
colda wkfck are- daegwou; for may
ftal sickssM bgi lth a cold. If ,
pould tell the coamoa j eald frora tke tut
comtaoa we, could feeltquite safe, Batw
cau't. The uncotutaou vaciety a rarely,
recccabcd until it has fettered its bold os
the lungs, and there are sywptoma of eesu
sumption. ..
At the first symptoms the careful persfjsj
will heed the warning- by taking a aiK.
laxative ;. some wgctable pill that will aeli
disturb the system or cause griping. Abei
the best ia "Dr. Pierce's Fleaaurt tUU
If the cold starts with -a c-a, and it
pertiits then some local treafsaiit for thfaa
condition should be takaau A well known
alterative extract, which bu bea highly
recomuiended byrthouad ot users,
Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery.
la. aLAaPBaaiBaasBaHBaaiBaiBaiBaiBH'
-ui iuiw vymyuunu is eposeQ or art
extract of roots aad herbs aadVas a sooth
ine effect ubob the mucaw swmbraae,.
allays the mHatlon and at'tke same tin
l1?8 W1! proper and rsBable way,
at the seatof the trouble the atagaated o
poisoned blood,
It contains no alcohol to stirlvtl f th
blSSd co(puwl9' but akM 1" ri 3 t
J?r,'l,erce'' -P illiMtratad book,
"The Common Sense Medical Adviser." kr
sent free in paper coyers-XHi reWptaC i,
w.et stamps to Wto7
Tor sr stampi the eleth-tKHiiHl v4mc will
M swt. ipoB ptrM.v It mi Irwmrrrly seUI
a i