Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 20, 1904, Image 6

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    vwt.-ifeastiMmenw -l,fc,tlilMMy
i..-vMiwn...-' .jmm.t irtu-ct-. iccSi-errA (i-ralm",!tt!( iwSVto, Tti-Z " ?nWte
. 1 v
J ,
LsnTeWil llOBMi
UUitV IftlMJj
Out IfMtbly Publkatka
wertt'iavi ketfcode. Mailed
Free te the
M ,r repsibH house.
- -The Rerirsl
From alllmHcatlefla'Uie revival At (lie
Mctl odlsi Episcopal church will con
tinoo through next week, On Suml.y
evening ihc lecture room of the church
will bo used. Don't stay away lor fear
you enn't fled a teat, coma early. Sub
ject ct 11 a in, "Fatth nntl
Sucdaj (chcol 10 n in. Kpworth
GVO p in.
fmm ttiurday'a Dally.-
James Slock o( Catching slough waa
In town yoiterJry.
Mits Stella Conger o( Coquille la vhit
log frlecdi in town.
Erie Wold went to the sand hllla yes
terday to vist bla farm.
Baptist Church
Jliv, Thomas Irvine pastor.
Sundny tchool nt 10. a. in, Preaching
scrvico at 11 ft m. Topic "Faith's clot
lugNeue." Text Rpv. 21:5 BYPP
at 0:30 p in, Topto "Tho ;Ohri9tlacn in
command of the chip" Text Acts 27:31
Thumlay'a prayer meeting at 7:30 p m,
A cordial invitation extended to all of
the services.
'XmaI Cr Wrrfe laklor yiU tmu
neat by JUy'a Croats Balm, which Is. agm
Uy arooMtls. It la roalrad threuk lfa
ncxtrib, eleaasea wuVheah. laa wkela irar
Una over whlah it dliTuiw ltwlf. DrscetaUi
oil tho BOo. alia; Trial aha by a&ll, 10
eonl. Teat it and you aro aura to eoutlaua
tbotrcataittd, ' ,
To acoomsuwlntd tkosa who ara thutUaI
to tho uto ot atomisers In applying liquid
lor marrfltu (nm
an Cream lbum la
nutd iorm. wuicn wm uo jsuowu aa jura
LfonUl Oreora Halm. Prfto icluiliuH ilia
i tpraybirt tubo ia ?G ccuU. DruggUU or by
mail. Mho ligulil form embodies Uio raou
iciiml properties ot tho aolld preparation.
Fr.om lundayXDally.,,,,. , . .
The alcamor Signal is now flvo data
over duo. ,
CourpRn," Julo tho uoiaI paxsngoti foi
.j, t -.v.,,,, ' M, tho proprfctora propa
til l.-suo ( H i(1 f0Jm(WLtch will ba
Tho Cciullto Fire, Co., Id IicIok drilled
b teat cAllr.
The JcttU Mluur la now duo but
Apparently Waterlogged But Crew
Has Probably Escaped'"1 '
Oregon UUiiclitAin'ii Viilijiittnuj hd
inland Fob. 1 lib, 'CD. "
Tito Curry cOuhtybx roll is In the
hnrda cf tho sbotlff,
.' . lii..,vri.
TLo tup took tho Jcnuto Wnnd to tho
lower bay yeaterdny,
Mre. C, Mills of Daniels creek is spend'
inx n few days in llanhflcld.
Jos Houcon of Rosa tlough as in
tjwn'on bnilncsa yesterday,
Gio, Keating who has been visiting
with hla mother Lere for the past few
days h&s returned to Qardincrj
Bottor- Than Cold
"I was troubled for fcvera) ycara with J
curonic luuigemon anu nervous ueuni
ty,n writes F. J. Grcsn of Lancaster, N.
II. -"No remetly blpcd mo until I be
gan uring Electric Uittera, which did
me ruote cooil than all tho nediclne I
ever used. They have also ki-pt my
wife in czcollcnt health for years. Sho
says Klrctric Hitters are just splondld
:or Icmaie troubles; that thoy are a
crand tonic and invitrorator fcr weak,
run down women. No.other tnedfeino
can take its placo in our family." Try
them. Ualy 60c, batisuction guarnn
teed by John Treuga
The Cbrittian Endeavor society of the
Freabyterlan church held its regular
monthly meeting at the home o! R, J.
Coke, last evening.
Capt. Harris of the gasoline laucch
Curlew while eoing down the bay to
North Bend Thursday lost a 5 gallon
can of milk overboard, , -
Geo, Roae, of Rose slough came to
town Thursday with bla gacoline launch
but was compelled to leave it at Marsh
Held on account of the rough bay.
Reached Highest Point
The Freshet on tho Ccqulllo is about
at a stand still. It is about at its
highest roh-.t and tin river began
falling at Myrtle Point Friday. The '
train did not reach Myrtlo Point
yesterday, owing to the high water. At
CcquiHc tho river is just about flooding
the banks, but unloes more heavy rain
falls it will toon bo back to a fair stage.
Tho tug O'luinbin which left hero
Thursday evening at S o'clock to go to
the relief of tho steam schooner Fulton
at Port Orford, returned yesterday with
tho uewa that tho Fulton waa aahoro
anuouioi reacu oi auy astiatanco siio
could render, She lies now on the beach,
apparently wator-Ioggcd and her main
mast ia gone. Captain Mugco judged
from appearances that lor crow had
escaped to thn shore, although it waa
impostiblo to get Kith hailing distance
with safety,
The telephone line being broken par
ticularsarc unobtainable.
Mrs. Doano ot Catching (dough
been vltltlnj tnciuta lu town tho past
W.t her toiccntl: Rain today
Ludica nil out wlthtliolr ilad rago on
K. J. Bailey, tho County Judge In
Curry county, has announced his caudU
decy for ro'dectou.
Gentlemen Whist Players and do
Them to a Finish
Presbyterian Church
At tho Presbyterian church next
Sunday morning tho Pastor Rev. Thos.
M. Waller will preach on tho subject
"How Christ eaves sinners." All sinners
ere cordially invited to be present. The
service commences at eltven o'clock, the
Sabbath school at ten and tho Y P S C
Eat 6:30 pm.
Victor Wickman, who has been con
ducting a grocery store in the North
Star building, has turned his affairs over
to F. S. Dow, representing the SanFran
ciico Board of Trade. The assets aro
about 5700; liabilities $15G0.
Miss .Daisy E. B. Reedy has been
teaching the third grade ic tho Marsh
field public school this week, filling
in the interim between the departure
of Miss Clara Vaughn, who has been
teaching that grade, and her successor,
Misa Zigler, who will take charge Monday.
TO TRAVEL tor well established honee
in a few counties, calling on retail merch
ants and agents. Logal territory. Sal
ary 20.00 per week with expenses ad
ditional!, all payable in cash each week.
Money for expenses advanced. Position
permanent. Business successful and
rushing. Standard House. 330 Dearborn
St., Chicago. 112i2Gt
Dan don Post Office Burglarized
, Recorder
Some party pried np a window in tho
post office here last night, and tried
their hand at opening the safe, but wcro
not successful. They got some stamps,
but tho amount of the robbery has not
teen determined yet. There is so clue
to the robber,
(ff was reported in MarshfleM last
evening that $200 worth of stamrs wcro
eecuied by the robber?, who bed not
been apprehended,)
A Logger Loses His Life on
North Fork of the Coqullle
.Geo. Waters, an old resident of Coos
County was in town yesterday. He is
oah1a way to Illinois to attend a
family rennion, having been away from
home feu- 65 years. He takes with him a
lotofRo?al gold dust, some which he
washed out from the aands himcel. Ho
expects to have it made into some sou
venir rings for hit nleoel,
Spine Fractured
J, Galli an Italian giiner In the Beav
erHill mine was serloscly injured yester
day. A largo rock foil on him frnctnr
ed his spine, Physicians were sent to
tho mine and all done for him possible.
Thursday afternoon Tom Cripps. a
logger, who has been working In the
Pierce & Bradbury camp on tho Nnrth
Fork of the Coquille, about 30 miles
above Coquille City was accldontly
There bad been a jam of logs and tho
crew t were at work breaking tbo jam
and when the jam broke bo remained
too long on dangerous ground, The lost,
on which ho was etandlng beean to
move and as he tried to escapo he went
into the water. The water not being
over three feet deep, he was caught and
jammed between tho logs and tho bot
tom and about 200 logs passed right on
over him. Undoubtedly he was ground
to shreds by the loirs ao many of them
wero dragging on the bottom. Tho
body baa not been recovered. '
Mr. Cripps was a single man having
one ulster at North Bend and one nt
Tbo Evergreen Whl&t Club hold one
of their evening sessions Thursday even
ing at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, Is
Lao do. Tho occasion might also bo
called a houso warming as it wsa thn
first largo gathering in their now homo
which by tbo way ia ono of tho pleasant
cat in town. Tho alto is n beautiful one
and bar no equal in Marsh field for its
plcturoaquo view of tho bay. Mr. and
Mrs. Londo wero showered with com
pliments for their new home.
Whist was tho principal factor of the
evening. Somo of tho scientific ex
perts wero knocked clean off tho deck by
such unpretentious players as Joa Bon
nott, Frank Norton, Hofer, Joo Rochon
and others. Joo Bennett camo very near
winning tho hooby and would havo had
ho not been almost crucified by some
of his partners. Ho was excused, how
Ivor, by promising novor to do so aualn.
Tho prize winners wero Frank Hague,
first and Dr, Straw booby. Tho special
prizes giyen by tho gentlomen to the
ladles wore won by Mrs. S. H. Hazard
who won tho first, which was a beanti-
ful cut glaja dish and tho consolation
prize waa awarded to Mrs,, Sengsteckenr
being a pearl handled gold pen, 'in a
plush caro.
Tbo refresbments wero excellent and
the gentlemen present did themselves
proud in tho way thoy showed how to
despenso the delicious morsels. After
the refreshments then came a tost of
skill. Each one gave a conundrum and
they wero answered by any ono, In
this the eentlenrun were vorv inferior
as the ladles promptly answered all tho
meritorious ones.
The entire evening speod away too
quickly but will bo remembered by the
Mr. and Mrs. Allen nud Mr. and Mrs.
Clark of Myrllo Point wero lu town Fri
day attending tho funeral of Mrs, Smith.
S. B. Cathcart hns given tho required
5000 bonds to qualify him toactns offic
ial log ecalor in caso of disagreement be
tween buyer an roller. (
Miss Mablo Mauzoy. who has beon
nursing Mre. U Amstein fur tho past
ten days, returned homo yojtorday,
Mr. Atastoia now being ablo to bo
; -A Great Success -
Tho Chamber of Comm'ircn Conoert
Inet oveulnl was well nitoiulad and
while It was too Into for adolalle'd. write
up In tlila Uiuo, it can bo said that It
was n br;ilant aucceu, though much
dlenppolnlmcnt was felt that L. .T.SIm.
pron was unablo to favor tbo audlenco
with tho solo for which lip wn on tho
pi'o'grmn; also nt Mr, W,B. Curaon'a
atactica on account oi his wlfu'a Itlnokfl,
Coos Agreed With Him
Georgo Norton, who has bocii visiting
bit uncle, F. P. Norton, (or tho put
month, left on tho Alliance, nn hla way
to his homo In Lawrence Masa.
Ho returned from tho Philippines just
before coming hero, and it- In evident
that tho change to a Cooh Day cllmato
agreed with him, ashognlnod 20 pound
in weight while here.
Escapod nn Awful Fate
Mr. II. nigglus ot Melbourne, Fla.
wrltn, ".My doctor told mo I had Con
sumption and nothing could bo done' for
me. 1 was given up to din. Thn offer
of n freo trial bottlu of Dr, King's New
DHcovery for Consumption, induced tuo
to' try it. Results weru startling, 1 aut
now on tho road to recovery and owo
an to Dr. King a ew Ulscovory' It
btiraly saved my life," Tills great euro
is Kunrrantecu lor alt turoat nntl lung
dusuatcs by
Drugriste Price COc ft $1.00
Trial Kottlcs freo,
Mar)y,i thertlo now.. -.....
Coming out In tho Into tiftornoou, tho
paper would contain tji6 nown ,b( that
day, both local and forolgnjliiitead of
coming out with it Uio next morning
titular a lutur dutu.
North Ilond utilificriborq would got tho
p.ipor tho lamu day insuud, m wo would
go to prcta In limit tu untch tho Inet boat,
MnrMitlcld suMurlbor could toad hu
world's iitmnof tho day id us imrly nu
hour nn pnoplo in Portland oi Hnti Frnti
eliuo. H would bo about 42 hours abend
of tho Portland Journal or ITalogrsni,
bore, wllh tho rniuo news; 00 hoiiru
ahead ofthu Or.vgonlim, and c t 111 lurtl't
t in ndvnuco of tho San Fronclico
. Notluo la horcby given that tho pniN
norablp horotoforn existing hotwouo A,
V, Wlcktnnn unit V. A, Wickman under
tho firm nemo of Wlckuinn & Wickman
has thin day boon dissolved by mutual
consent; that all claims and demands
owing tiaid llrm nru pavnblo to V, A,
Wickman, and that said V. A. Wlck
ninu hud assumed and will pay all do
nutiida against itaid tlrtn,
Dated this 1st day of January, 1001.
V. A. Wickman,
1 0 Gt A. V. WlOKMAN.
Capt. Goodall arrived at Marahficld
Saturday night from San Francisco,
coming in via Drain. He wilt inspect
tho mines at Llbby before returning to
the city.
Tho Evergreen whist club met Satur
day afternoon at tho homo of
Mrs Fred .M. Krledborg. Mrs. T. S.
Mlnot won First prize. Mrs. L, M. No
blo was awarded thu contolntlon prize.
Tho club has adjourned to moot again
tho first Saturdzy after Easter when it
Will be with Mrs. S. il. Hazard.
Birthday Party
On Friday evening Misa Hattlo Ferrey
entertained a largo number ol her young
friends by celebrating hor 1 ith birthday.
An excellent sptoad was served. Tho
tabios itcro beautifully decorated and
artificially lighted. (James, music and
social convcrso whSlod away tho hours.
Tho old as well as tho young thoroughly
enjoyed tho event,
Tho party broko up about 11 o'clock
and tho popular youug,ady waa shower
ed with well wishes and ,tho hopo that
ebo might iivo to celebrate many, .many
uioro birthday?.
From Tuesday' Dally,
(Joo. Rons brought tho mall down yea
tuday from Stunner.
J. J. Ulakoly of Daniels Creek was In
town yostordny on btislnatr,
Thu wcodmcuof tho World will give n
crnud Anniversary Ball on March IMthr
Tho good ship Czarina will sail
San Francisco Thursday oruulng,
Tho wind storm yesterday did lomo
damago to tin lauudry barn, blowing
the. roof off.
A largu number o! logs aro roporicd
coming down Coo) rivor. They aro l.c
iug beomed nt tho mouth of Coos river.
Changed Dates
Tho Margarita Fischer Company hnvo
beon obliged to chaugc tholr dates for
Mnrsbfiold two times since tholr arrival
in Marshflold lu order not to butt in on
home entertainments. This tlmo tho
Myrtlo Lodgo ia making great prepnr-i dates havo been arranged for:
ntions for tho celebration of tho K ol P Thursday, Friday mid Saturday, Feb:
anniversary next Friday evening tho ,2otb, 20th and 27th. Hotwecn now and
Means Phllpot and Johnson, tho
painters returned Sunday from Maudon,
where thoy hnvo been doing ome work
iu thjir fino'on R. H. Hotn's store.
Harry Lock wood 't launch ii on thn
ways nt Will Holland's ship-yard forrn
pnlrt, which wero sustalnvd in tbo Into
J. M. (Hill) Nyo, thu gouoral ralcc-
Quito a number of tho host local Ihoso datoa Llbby, Boavcr Hill, Coqulllo tm,n for Mnrpby Grant A Co, Is Inter
talent havo consented to tako part in
the program, and with games, a ban
quet, toasto and dancing it will bo ono
of tho groit events of tho season.
. Committed to Asylum
A. Markiovitch, who bus been con.
dueling a tailor shop in .Marshflold for
many years was on Friday adjudged in
sano and committed to tho asylum, and
was taken to Portland on tho Alliance,
sailing yesterday, by Sheriff Steve Gal
Her, assisted by Frank Denning.
Myrtlo Point and Ilatidoii will bo played.
This company aro not strangers nnd aro
better ablo to do good work than over
before, and will glvo Marshflu'd n good
show on tholr triturn.
vlowing tho
this wcok.
Marahficld business men
A Good Suggestion
Mnrsbfiold, Oregon, Fob. 12 1001.
He is in a very critical condition and
has a slim chasoe for bis life, Hla low- Bandon also, and a brother east of tho
twliiabeereiwltaed. . (mountains. - '
Notice is hereby given, to all persons
whom it may concern, that in persuanco
of an order of tho County Court for Coos
county, State of Oregon, Letters of Ad
ministration wore duly issued out of
said Court to James W. Rooko. Sr. tho
undersigned, appointing him adminis
trator of tho estate of Helen M. Rooko.
deceased, and authorizing him to net as
such administrator.
Now, therefore, all persons .having
cminiB ngamBi emu esiaie aro ncrt
notified and required to present the
samo, with tho propor vouchers, duly
verified, within bIx months from tho
date of this notice, to eaid administrator
at tho law office of McKnlght and
Soabrook, in tho city of Msrahflold, Coos
county, Oregon,
Dated this 20th day of January, 1931,
Jambs W. Roojck, 8u.
Adminetrator of tho Estate of Helen
M, Rooko, deceased.
Mystorlous Clrcumstanco
One was"tatfl'and Hallow and the oth
er fresh and rosy, Whunce tho differ
ence? ,8ho who ia blushing with health
nsea Dr, King's New Life PillB to main
tain it, By gently arousing tho lazy
organs thoy compor good digestion an J
tioad oil constipation, irytliom. umy
2oc, at John 1'ruuts
Stepped Overboard
Ono o f tho passengers who, camo in
on tho GaBgo last ovouing stepped into
the water instead of onto tho slip, Ho
was holped outbyfrionds butblavallcoa
wore afloat in tho bay and wero after
wards picked up. Tho gontlomnn was
nono the woreo for hia wetting but will
hereaitor be cureful about stopping onto
Editor Coast Mail:
Dear Sir: Wo notice your sug
gestion in tho mailer of establishing a
pulp mill atMarshflcld. . That is t good
movonnuwo hopo the promutora will
succeed. But thoro is nnothorontcr
priso that would bo a great boon, not
only to Marshflold, but to tho whole
county, that Is, a condensed milk fac
tory. Marshflold is the moat accessable
point in tho county. Supposing a plant
should bo constructed at or near tho do.
Druggist P0' e&y on ho filto to the old match fac
tory, tho mjlk from all points of Coos
tiay could bo landed from tho. steamors,
and tho product from tho Coquille rivor,
from Bandon to Myrtle Point, could bo
delivorod by tho train at tho faotory,
Why not ngltato this along Avith other
enterprises. Citizbn,
Ifnrry Ponnoll, suporintondent nnd
general tnanngor of tho Slmpron Liirn
bor Co. at San Frauclaco nrrvod at
North "end, via Druin thu othar dny.
Thnnnxloty which wai felt about tho
Areata, on account of her long trip to
San Francisco, was rulioved by tho nowa
of her arrival at thnt port Saturday
The Ladles of tbo Prosbytorian Aid
Socioly, mot at tho resldenco of Mrs. T.
Nicpls Fob. Ii. Their uuxtmootlug will
bo at thu homo of Mre, Piogor, on Pino
street Fob. if.
If You
..nir''1 r f
Stittkx from WEAKNESS, take tue
Travel by Sea
Departures for Portland on the
Alliance Feb. 13;
0. Langhcad, 0. L. Davleon, Mrs. J,
0. Mo. Dougal, G. II. Not ton, Steve
Gallier, Frank Denning, A, Markiovitch
Misa Louiao Barker, E, K. Sheldon, R.
Prospects for Afternoon Paper
Tho proposal to mako (ho Daiiv Ooabt
Maii an afternoou Instead of a morning
paper, and increasing tho eorvico of
preeadiBpatchos is botng greoted with
many oxprossiona of gratification by our
Marshflold patrons, and we aro in hopes
that tho project can bo carried out,
It may, bo well to explain to our nut
of town subscribers thai tho change
wou)d effect them in this wayt that
tiiey would get the outside nuwo no par-
lier but they would get more of it, ttnd
Remoinbor that tho Now York Tri
bune farmer ia tho inoit thorbtlirh'y
practical, interesting and instructive
agricultural pnpor in tho country, and
that you can got it In connection with
the Coast Mall at a metoly nominal
A, D, Eordor wna prenented with
fine enlarged pieturo of himself the othor
day, Tho present being by Robert
Maradoo, Hr. Tho work was done by a
San Fianclaco houao from nn original
photograph takon by'j. W. Riggi, 'Tho
pieturo is n maitor jdoco in crayon
0. Lacy, Al B.;ICellum'; H8.,Wooro, J
Fritchett, N, W, Smltb, W H' Purdy, tbey wonld yt practlclly all local news I
Nearly Fprfolte His Llfo
A runaway almost ending fatally,
started n horrihlo nicer on the log of J.
11. Oruer, Franklin Qroye, I'd. For four
years it defied nil dootoru and all romo?
dies. ButBucklun'a Arnhia Salvo hTd
no troilblo to cure iilui. Equally good
for Burnrt. Hrulaea, Skin Eruptions nnd
Piles, 25o at tho Red Oroeu Drug Store.
.x - . ' '
rxOMliXrjc tx-iuxixMuaixfjfgff!!!!!,,,