W$''?!Wr 'iWWWWf&WSy.yWMRMt r Ffii txw;Ljs. v.V c LOBfL From Friday' Dally, Tho railroad surveyors are not work InghtFurtidalo. " ' Tlio Infant of .Mr. nml i)vl ji Lorlouo!)'!!!. Mm, Mluford '!! (Jrnnby of Horn Motigh wno doing builniisi in town yostimlny, Mr p. A, JCrueeol Iithnus slouch into In town vcsterday ihoppfnif, Win. Ilimkelt Iq oxpoctlng n forgo now stock of harness ntid other things In hit line. ' John Hoar Is ropalrlng tho Furndala road put IIdk lu now planking, a much needed thln. Win. llronmor of Allugwiv nae In town yesterday, having n lot of black nrnlthlufc done. , Cal Wright presented one'of thoeo boiutlfut iold'byK.O'Connoll, his wife with Mooro ranges Tho cchoonor Ivy dlechargod a larg cargo ol blackiintth co.il, llmo and other builders material. ( Febrnnry 22d Is the day set for tho Democratic Stute Central Commlttco to meet In Portland , -H, N. lilnck of Humner was In town yesterday on business. Mr. Ulack will tako n trip Knst soon. . Mrs. Cottlo of Iethmns slough was soriduBly 111 yesterday. Dr. Murphy wai called to attend her, The next meeting of tho A. N, vV. t'lub will meet at the home of Mrs, E, ti. Flanagan next Thursday. Win. Itamsey, of Myrtle Point was in town yesterday coming ovnr by steamer) row boat, llo pth and train, Tho train went over as far a Cedar Point yestorday, and will bo able to got through to Goqtilllu probably to day,. Tho now depot bulMlnK of tho CDIt A li 11 H la now iimlor way nud will whon completed, bo a cr(nt improvo jnout over the old one. Chan iCdman had his left foot qulto bndly jitmmnd Monday nt tbo ltay City mill by tho cover of tho steam chest tlrbppin; on it, and ho is likely to bo laid up for iomo time. t It, K, Bhlne Hives conatdorabltt woight to tho fact that tho nrtlcto on tho S. 0. Co, land excttomunt wns crowded over into our editorial columns. Wo wish to thank Mr. Bhlno for 'tho implied com pliment, ' Undo Charflo Stidham has recently returned 'rom a trip to California on a Visit to his daughters and eons. Tho Dtiry ville clticens wero slad to welcome, him homo, and onco more havo tho orchostrn In Ecssion, of which ho Is tho horid. Coquijlo Herald Mrs. B, F. Crow, bl this city, who wont to Portland for sUrglcal nid rcroutly underwont nn oporntlonon tho 12th, n L'O-pound Ab normal tumor boln' removed. Tho patient was resting enUly nt last no counts. ' Jack Quick of tho Unlou Bnloon and his gonial aaBlenut, Sherman Short, havo rocontly rocolvod through tho U.S. mall, a complete nnd varied assortment of valcntlnos and tho public aro cordially invited to call nnd inspect tho aamo, Spmo particularly uniquo doeigns among tbo lot, Mr. Quick lino prosonted to his etoady cuatomerp, K, O'Cdnnel had some mon nt work improving on ills home place, The kiku We at work on land which is in "V, JL -l LLikWJL dispute, K, O'Oennel holding the mpir oiik tax title, K, 0. Hall, haying a claim on the tamo property oidered tho men to quit trespassing on the land, Tlie have been ordered to resume work. What the outcome will be remains to he seen, i River & Harbor Bill Will Go Over i In h note to a friend tit Marshflold, Hlngcr Iloruiunn among other thing laym "Wo shall adjourn early but thoro will probably bo no Itlvor ic Harbor bill un ill tho short session next Dccornbor." 4f. School Board Mccs j Tho board of directors of this school (jistriclhotd k ineetlns yottordfty after upon at the ofllce of Clerk John F, Hall, Ueslde the pay incut of some (blllo, con tracts wuro ordered made with Miss Kruma Howard ns teacher of the Fiflh (trade, and Mrs. Heody as teacher of the separate school, tho latt'er'for a term of three month. Fulton's Crew Here L. W. Bhaw, agent for tho 0 & 0 C B 8 (Jo, returned to Marehfleld yeatordny bringing the crew of the ateamor Fulton which lies on the beach at Port Orford in chargo of her commander Captain Leo, with some prospect of yet being saved. The members of the crew horo to take the Allianco for Ban c!co. come Fran The Golden Eagle Clay Moore has now on exhibition in his place a noble apeclmop, tbo golden Kaglo, which measures 7 feet from tip to tip. The bird was sent to him Irom Yreka, Cal,, by Mr, U'Connell a travel Ing man. The bird is a young one bu shows a powerful set of talons capable of the fiercest kind of work when it comes to defense and strong enough to hold a hundred pounds. lie la in a cage amply large enough to hold a bear. This cagewaa constructed by Bam Paus who Is a cornice maker and ia nrobablv the only piece of .best iron cornice wo.k ever done on Coos bay. The work was done without mcchioory and tbo miters aro perfect and as true as a dlo could cut them though they wcro'mado by hand, Drop in and seo it, tho cago is. a mofltprplcca in that lino. Mr. Mooro has about decided to turn his card room iujo u mouugora and has CO lio so far ns a starter. The New Ta Law If you pay your taxes ou or before March 15 you will be Hllowed a rebato on 8 percent. t If you pay your taxes between March 15 and up to and including tho fltet Monday lu April, their will not bo any robnto and nrticr will there bo any penally or interest aded. U your taxes are not paid on or be fore tho first Monday of April, they will become delinquent when tbere will Le added ft penalty of 10 per coot, and tho tax will also draw Interest at the rato of 12 per cenper annum in addition to the penalty. I you pay one half of your taxos, on or before tho first Monday in April thon tho remainJuK half may run up to and Including the first Monday In October following ; but If tho last half of tax duo Is not paid by tho first Monday of Octo bor It nmy become dolluquont, nud tboro will bo added to such n bnlnuco n poual ty of 10 per cent, and in addition such will bear lnteroet atthp rate of 10 por cont per annum from tho first Monday in April unVu'pald. On all personal proporty taxes, II ono half is not paid on or before tho' first Monday In April tho law compolls tho sheriff to' levy upon and colteot tho same afto'r May 1st, honcoto ptovontn evy upon porsonal proporty after May 1st it will bo necosaary for ono-hnlf to bo paid as above stated, Tho jaw coinpola tho sheriff to soil nil lands on wbtctt taxos havo not boon paid, rind that such Bale shall not, bo held later than March 1st of the year ucceediag the year la which the tax Ui .-4'j tt'i IT levy it made, The properly will be sold to the pr Hon bidding the lowed rate of Interest, nod certificate! will be fssned therefore, and deeds given to such property sold, unlets redeemed wlthtn three" years from thedaloof such sale. ' Coming on Alliance Portland, Or,, Fob, 17Tho follwlog passengers tolled for Coos Day on tho Alliance today : Kmma Johnson, Mr, fl. C. Warcy, Miss Ulnckerby, Geo. D. Mandlgo, Mrs. Goo. I), Mandlgo, Gertrude Mnndtgo, A. Margin, Miss Notvmnu, L. L, Bunch, A. C. Heely, Mrs Fiorcnco Wnckorby, F. J. JJIackerby, A. F. KIrshman, W, II. Hanthern, G, A. Porkowski.E. It. Forrost, W. G. While, ti, liarkor, Mist Muriel Grlsson, J. A. I'.aldwin, L. II. Dotton & v-ifo, Mis? Mnblo Mulligan, M. L. Tlchnor, L. BW Itamide'l W. h, Goodwin, Thos. Hlchurd, F. G.,Nolion & wife, Mrs. L. M. Perry, and four steerage. ANOTHER 'FRISCO MURDER (Special to the Ccat Mall,) Ban Francleco, Fob. 17-Mrs, Mary Banborn, well known as Kuasian Mary, tho notorious queen of tho gang of Rus sian convicts, who escaped from tbo Isl and of Baghalien, In a small boat and was picked np almost dead from exhaus tion and brought to Ban Francisco1 where she committed a number of sen Rational crimes, (or which one man was hanged and others sent to the peniten tiary, was found dying tbia morning at the foot of a lodging house, where she was employed as housekeeper. Her skull wai fractured, and she died soon after. Before dying she aald "Charlie aid it." Unas Hamlin was arrested on Buep,c,0D but ,,r0Ted an ,ibI' BALKIN TROUBLE SERIOUS War Now Believed to be Jmrrjinent ,, , Special to the MalL - London, Feb. 18 Thoro la great Hi quiet In unofficial circles over advlcos frptn Turkoy to tho effect that in the s Bulgarian situation war is believed to be Imminent. High ofllclala said Jbe most annoying foaturo is the act bat only diplomatic pressure can be brought to bear to restrain the antagonist, ae el tbar Austria nor Russia would use, foxee to prevent hostilities. . :'A il Whflnlo Fmta Pruning should beln to bo consid ered in Jnnuury, nccordlnc to ono of tho authorities. Porhnpd It la beat to prune fruit trees In Mnrch or-April, but Brnpoa, cummts nnd raupbcrrjci) enn bo pruned In January, Jummry nnd Fobrunry nro good nlontlia In which to pnmo pencil trees. Thin out tlio poach trcpa well, taking caro to.re tuovo nil dead wood. If you havo much pruning to bo dono In apple, pear or plum orchards you will do well to uty lio tho wonuor days that occur lu wlptor, ' . -T KrMBB BraalstoR Wwt MlMw. Secdlhig phlox plants 'won started 1b the Rreenhouso for early setting lu tho field. These soon showed slgnfl, of tnrtdow nnd"rccclved sovcrnl nppllca tlona of kcrpscno emulsion, without which tyioy would probnbly havo boon doetroyect, Ohio Experiment Station. ' t "' jt " - i ;Retoapia''to Bc-'S'1; ' flW matiy lovers has tlio lcrolne of lktat"8tory,r,, , 1 don't know, Z have only ot to Ihaotec ten," V It'ii i'' s usUu , rtfmmmwmmmmmmttwmm :i : m v A. "T . i , .A .4. i "T ! i4 ,. t$he 0hlazed m Trail Copyrtjhf, 1902. by i hittimmmmnmttmmffit. Continued from 2nd l'ago COArTEtt XVII. tWO months passed away. Win- , I tcr sot in. Tho camp was I I built and Inhabited. Routlno JZJ had established Itself, and all wns going well. The flrat move of tho M. & D. com pany hnd been ono of conciliation. Thorpo wns approached by tho walking boss of tho camp? up river. Tho man did not pretond any hypocritical friend ship for tho younger firm. Ills propo sition was entirely oho of mutual ad vantage, Tho company had gono to considerable expenso In constructing the pier of stono cribs, It would bo lmposslblo for tho steamer to land at any other point. Thorpo bad undisput ed possession of tho shore, but the com pany could as Indisputably remove tbo dock. Let it stay where It wns. Both companies could then use It for their mutual convenience. To this Thorpe agreed. The actual logging was opening up well. Both Sliearor nnd Thorpo agreed that It would not do to bo too ambitious the first year. They act about clearing their banWng .ground about half n mllo below the first dam, and during tho six weeks'' bef ore snowfall cut three short roads eof half a mite each. Approxi mately 2,000,000 feet would bo put In rrom xneao roaus, wnicu couiu bo ex tended la years to come, while another million could bo travoyed directly to the landing from its Immediate vicinity. "Next year," said TJm, "we'll got In 20,000,000. That railroad '11 get along a ways by then, and men 'II bo moro plenty." ' Through the lengthening evenings the sat crouched on wooden boxes either, sldo of tbo stove, conversing rarely, paring at ono spot with a steady persistency which was only nn outward Indication of the persistency with which their minds held to tho work In hand. Tim, the older at tlic business, showed this trait more strongly than Thorpo.; The old roan thought of noth Ing'but logging. Nothing was too small to escape his deliberate scrutiny. Noth ing was in so perfect a state that It did not bear one moro Inspection. lie played the logging as a chess player his KAine. I " la tho men's camp the crow-lounged, smoked, danced or played cards. In those days no ono thought of forbid ding gambling. Ono evening Thorps whp had been too busy to remember Phil's violin. Btrollcd over and looked through tho window. A dancu was la progress", f Tho t men wero "wnllxlng, whirling solemnly round ana round, gripping firmly each other's loose sleevfcs.JLust nbovo, tbo elbow- .At ovfirj third 'step of tho waltz they stamped ono foot.' ' Pecjita oil a crockcr box sat Phil. Ills heae was thrust forward .almost aggressively 'over his instrument, nud his eyes glared nt tho dancing nJon with the old wolflike glean. '('Asuo played ho drew; tho bpw across with, a, , swift Jerk, thrust it back wHu another) throw his shoulders from- one side to tbo other In abrupt time 'to- the maelc. And, 'tlio music I TJjqrpo.-upeqnsclpu.sly shuddered,' then sighed ln.pltyC Jt.saa atrocious! It was not even In tune. The porfonaer aaemed to grind dtient' With a 'fierce delight, In whlchppcar ed little of the icsthctic nleaWrff of tho artist Thorpo' Was" ai ft loss' to U?-1 nnedt "Poor Phil!" ho snld to himself. ' ''Ho has the musical soul without-even tho musical ear." Nc.?J ?! y11?, Plo.out of tho cook camp,, ho, addressed ippo.of tho men. "W?U, Billy," ho IaqulreaLow do you liko your fiddler?" ,"AH right," ruplleU Billy, with enn pnnsi?. "huo'h gop some go to uer,'f- km. i lj..i.kvil..iL. . irf-i i-ue, worii iiroceeueu'-une t nV,,v a' tho jyoufij MbiijbfeVmnn; ,-,haf ' sb'rjso, cnoijgji, to know that whrto ','n chivy such hs bis Is supremely effective requires careful handling to keen l good humored nnd willing, no knov c-Ycry man by his tlrst unino nnd each J day mado" It u point to talk with him for n inqmont or so. Tbo subject was lnvarlnbJy sowo pbuso or. tho work Tbovpp'novor pcrpilttcd hlmsolf tho fa miliarity gf Introducing any other topic. Ho neyor replied idlrectly to nn objec tion of a, roqudBt, but listened to It uon 'commutnllj; nnd Inter, without cxpla natipij or'reaBofiutr, nctcd ns his Judg mont dictated, Hvpd 'Bhcqrer, with whom, ho wris in most intlmntq contact, respected this trnlt la mm. Grndilnlly ho cauio to feel" that he was" making a way with bis mcu.Jt wns ratsiuBrot, staturf fbr iflt'tbnt n-v t', , Morrqa & Dalr.lntvaded to 'cause KTkeXaV&43l$if && m&rfiP&n tMWltlbejTa-jijnarrews of eamater, came lu to make som&'bbjeci tho rrfwnjetvreetf hlghrJcky' rxnks. tloa to the cooklasr. As a mter oi Thorpe's drive was floating tlieugk .... . .. . "t ... i A. . . .. ., .. . . . ... . 4 .. .; ... .j ... .1 M XI ... . By STEWART EDWARD WHITE Tlttuarl S.tart tOhlt ff-H.-M-H-f-H .-Hm4.-H.'..'M.$-H, fact, "tho 'cooking wns perfectly good, but tho lumber Jnck is a great hand to growl, nnd ho usually begins with his tnnil. uurn fwtenea to nts raguo obJec tions lu silence, "All right," he remarked simply. Next day hs touched the man on the shoulder Just as ho was starting to work. "Step Into the ofllce nnd get your time," said he. "What's tho matter?" asked tho man "I don't need you any lougcr." Tho two entered tho little office. Thorpo looked through tho ledger nnd van book nnd finally handed the man bis slip. , "I'll hnvo no growlers In this camp," said Thorpe, with decision. " "By thunder," cried tho man, "yon"- "You get out of herel" cried Thorpe, with a concentrated blaze of enerxctic passion that made the fellow step back. "I a'n't goln' to get on the wrong side of the law by foolin' with this office," cried the other at the door, "but If I had you outside for a minute" "Lave ibis officcl" shouted Thorpo. "S'posc you make mo!" challenged tho man insolently. In a moment tho defiance bad come, endangering too careful structure Tlinrpo had reared with such pains. Tho young man was suddenly angry In exactly the same blind, unreasoning manner as when he bad leaped single handed to tacklo Dyer's crew. Without a word he sprang across the shack, seized a two bladed ax from tho pile behind the door, swung it around his head and cast It full at tho now f rlghtcnod teamster. The latter dodged, and tho swirling steel burled Itself In the snow bank beyond. Without an In stant's hesitation Thorpo reached back for another. Tho man took to his heels. "I don't want to seo you around hero again I" shouted Thorpo after blm. Then In a moment ho returned to tho office and sat down, overcome with con trition. "It might have been murder," be told himself, awe stricken. But, as It happened, nothing could naTo mrneu out ncttcr. Thorpe had Instinctively seized the only method by which theso strong men could bo impressed. Now tho en tire crow looked with vast admiration on their boss as a man who Intended to hnvo his own way no matter what dlf Acuities or consequences might tend to dctor him. And that Is tho kind of man they liked. Injun Charley, silent and enigmatical as ever, hnd constructed a log shack .near a Httlo creek In the hard wood, There ho attended diligently to the business of trapping. Thorpo rarely found tlmo to visit him, but he often glided into tho office, smoked n pipeful of tho white mnn's tobacco In friendly fashion by tho storo and glided out gain without having spoken a dozen words. 'Wallaco mado ono visit before tho big snows came, and was charmed) Hr fate with gusto of tho "salt horse' bak$d beans, stewed prunes, minco pic and cakes. Uo tramped around goyly In his moccasins or on tlio fancy buow, shoes he promptly .purchased of Injun Charley, Q&ere was nothing Tiew to report in regard to financial matters. TbJoan had been negotiated eatlly on the Basis of a mortgage guaranteed by Jparpcnter'a personal signature. Npth; lag, bad been heard from Morrison & Dalyj ' By the end of the wtater'soma. 4,000, 000 feet of logs wcrtiqpUedJn tho bed or upon tho banks of tho stream. 16 un derstand what that means you must lnmglue ft pile of solid timber, a .mllo In length. This trerqendqus mass lay di rectly In tho courso of tho Btream. .ty&on tho winter broko up It had to be toparatcd nnd floated piecemeal down tho current. Tbo nroeosa Is an interest luc ahd dangerous ono and ono of Ewat delicacy. It requires for its sue cessful comylGtlon picked mon of skill nud domnuds ns toll Its yearly, quota .of cripples nnd dead. Whllo on tho dclvo men work "fourteen hours a day up to their waists in wator filled with float ing Ice. On tho Ojssnwlnamakco, as has been ttated, three dams had been erected to BtmpIIfy tho process of driving. When tho Jogs wero in right distribution tho gates were raised, and tho proper head of water floated them down. Now. tho river being navigable, Thorp6 was possessed of, certain lights on it Technically ho was entitled to a norrnnl bend of wuter whenever ho needed it or a special head, according Jft aci-oment with tho parties owning ,tJt' 7 iTlr tfwh'. mkynJ'ik: kllsh, Men with nd ,?- Mtlmw ahd, there freto om bettbtaf .Jtgpto.Mf other, pMbisirwiM. their pearey , rying oao loif, WUrdins; aaclMr,-'ifeeMf intr luff fHHtVBTBituxamo iw.ruia straight Tha entire" (rarfacaef'th wa ter was praqtlcally , eofered i1aii4(im VltA rf uunuug MUUVkBt In a motWHIt, of tkHMfc' Is the loose wooden carpet rn cr. A log In fldvasce Qp-erdeaVi thrust uodcr it The whole mmm' together, stonned and bar pile up. The men escaped to the ..-tiL' In n roarrelons manner of their owsw Tim Sbearec fouml Uwt thi ga4t tho dam above 'bad been detejL Vfe4 man in charge bad sssbbIj obeyed ei dcrs. He supposed M. t P. wkhei.lsi backupiliewatecfcrsr8Utmnte0il "z Tim indnlfed In setM lUsmasiMS language. "You ain't got no right to ekxM ifl more'n enough to leave tW Mi nai'rtd flow unless 'by agreemeat," he coaehwf- ; ed. and opened the gate. Then it was a quesUoti of breath irn tho Jam. This had to be dono by pull Ing out or cbopplas; through certain -"key" logs which locked the whole pinss. Men stood under the face of im minent ruin over them a frowBtag sheer wall of bristling logs, betted which pressed tho weight of the rising ! waters and hacked and tugged calmly ' iibui the mass began to stir. Then they escaped. A asomeat later, with a roar, the Jam vomited down oa the spot where they had stood. It was dangerous work. Just one half day ' later it had to be doa aftJh aa& fee the same reason, , ' This time Thorpe went back with Shearer. No one was at the dam, but the gates were closed. The two opened them again. That rery evening a man, rode up ea horseback inquiring for Mr. Thorpe. "I'm he," said the young fellow. The man thereupon dismounted and t, served a paper.) It proved to be aa la Junction issued by Judge Sherman en-' Joining Thorpe against interfering with tho property of Morrison fc Daly to' wit certain dams erected at designated points on the Ossawlnamakee. There had not elapsed sufficient time siace' the cqmmhwlon of the offense fer the. other Arm to secure the Jssuance of this Interesting document soit was at once evident that -the .whole affair had- been prearranged. After serving the injunction the official rode away. n "Of all the conspammate galir' ex ploded Thorpe. Trying' to enjoin roe? 1 ' from touching a dam when they're re fusing me the natural lew! They, must have bribed the fool Judge. Why,' his lnjHBCtle laeft worth the powder te blow It p." t w "Then you're all right ala't ye?' is quired Tim. '" "It'll be the middle of fftsiaer before' o ' -we get a hearing la ceftrt" aald be. r i- I M.,M M- l' 1tSraSsBP'SBBBslBV ssl3hf " W sm usbbbb9s1sbDS' RssBMwQsrl IiIp9sbbBGsisbsbCI LQrSBKMSSvQSBBPHPWasSflBBsllTviBBBo r KHBhsbt. JTOiJvyBtsasWssi sbbf saar dfl M Mk 1 sJfepwX1!!. mmmammtmmmmmmmmm "Oh, they'rela eeviayeutl They ex pect to hang jtff. up, und too latq to do anythlne wit nn tne season's cut." He arbse'an'd'begari tatlbslce back and forth. ii ' , . , ,, ,fc, "TiaV'- said he, "Is thoro, a- man In. 1 1 the crow who's afraid of nothing ami will obey orders?" ' "A doxen,'t replied Tim promptly,. u "Who's tho bestr ... , jtt.l4. "Scqtty Parsons." -to ' l " "Ask him to Btepiicrc" In a moment the man entered tho of- " flee.. Nj t "Scqtty," said Thorpe, "I want you to Understand 'that l'stand responsible foci Whatever, I order you to do." "Alb right sir," replied tho man, ,i I fin tho morning," said Thorpe, "you tako two men and build soine sort of, a . . shack right over tho sluice, pate of that ' . second' dnm, I want you to live thcfn'- c day apdrnlghti Neveletfvett-noU) . r,i' I ove-for a minute, Thft.ceflkee. ,wiiLrfllt brlntr vau crab. Take thmVol?Bl,7,S?t',,uI If anfof &"raeTffnrjrrl,Ver trynv go, out ou theflnm, you warn tbeiiyMl, Uejf srsstouaoaiMar thafT. If "? r5P r36"' wm'W allf ""' " ' '- . -. V (Te be Ooalinued) r n i nn 0 ',' t II iiW i.. ,Uv...ti!,'