Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 13, 1904, Image 6

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I i
Monthly Publication
prom Saturday' Dally.
jLct fate do her worst, thoro Arc momenta
' of joy,
Bright dreams of tho past, which ehc
cannot destroy,
"Which como iu the night-time oi sorrow
and care,
And bring back the feat a re that joy
utcd to wear,
-.. . sj
J. B. Fox, of Coqullle City, CAmoovor
b yesterday's train on business.
Jens Hansen is a passenger on th
'Areata for a ahott visit to Ban Fran
cisco, Wm, Haskell, was putting a new can
vas cover on one of T, iticola' delivery
wagons yeiterday.
Thos. Cowan was called by telegram
Thursday to Eureka, Cal where his
sister Josie is quite sick,
TO TRAVEL for well established house
in a few counties, calling on retail merch
ants and agents. Local territory. Sal
ary (20.00 per week with expenses ad
ditional!, all payable in cash each week.
-Money lor expenses advanced. Position
permanent. Business successful and
rushing. Standard House, 330 Dearborn
St., Chicago. 11 24 26t
Enleconal service at the St Lukes
cbnrob Sunday morning at Empire, and
at Marshfleld iu '.Le evening.
Connty Commissioner J. J. Clinken
beard was in town yesterday on bis way
home from a visit to North Bend.
The Areata was ready for Eea yester
day but did not get out, on account of
rough bar kicked up by some ttorm off
shore. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kaplinger, who
hare been residents of Marshfleld for
tome months, are passengers for
Portland on the Aberdeen.
ii i
Wm. Btauff hit ty rtho- AtcaU for
Ariaona, where ho gces.for tho benefit
of .his health, beln troabled with
The Aberdeenlanlved yetUrday from
Eureka, and sails at 1 p. m. todey
The AllianM leaves San Francisco at 3
t. m. Saturday and ia due to Mil for
Portland Tuesday.
Coqullle Herald H. H. Klabn, one
of the founders of the Coos Bay Iron
Works.'asonof Wra. Kalbn a pioneer
of the bay, was inTown last week look
ing over the field for a location for an
iron foundry. He visited Myrtle Point
also, It Is our judgement that tbero 1b
a good opening in this valley (or an in
itiation oi me Kinu, r
gfjjjgjjpjjPp. i " '
rrsssssV 'B
Departures by Areata Fob, G: Win
Stauff.TlioaHoward.il Vincent, Mrs
Berko 3 children, J Hanson, Mrs Doub
nor, MraJ R Davis, JO Howsen, lr
Huwson, Jno Lot!, Antono Malkor, 0
Cheevor, II Maurice,' Frank Buko, J
Morten, J O'Noal Q Funti, D Rufettl,
S aocond class.
There will bo preahlng at tho Prcsbv
toriaa church next Sunday morning at
eleven o'clock. Tlio pastor Hov. Thomai
M. Waller will try to toll tho peopla of
tbo greatness of God'a lore. Tio Sab
bath school meets at 10 o'clock, The
Young Peoples mooting at 11:30 p, m, A
cordial invitation ia rxtandod to all.
Awful Mistake
By ono of those atrial and unaocount
able mistakes, an "a" crebt into the
heading of yssterd&y'a item noting Otto
Schetter's birthday, making it rend
"Otto Was Thirsty'1. The geniel oper
ator, to whom wo are indebted for many
favors, has our most abjact apologies.
Of course we would not intentiall con
domn him to each an unfortunate state.
Chamber 3f Commerce Eutertainment
The Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce
is preparing to givo an entertainment
on tho 13th n( this month, the proceeds
ol which will go toward proteputing tho
work of thejebamber. Tho entortalnment
will consist of a concert, vocal and in
etrunrental, etc, The North Bend Band,
Miss Witto and others will tako part
and every one is assured ol a rfch treat
in return for helping along tho Cham'
bcr of Commerce an institution which
should receive the heartiest support ol
otter Than Cold
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous dobili
ty," writes F. J. Gresn ol Lancaster, 'A.
H. "Np remedy helped ma until I be
gan using Electric Bitters, which did
me more good than all the nedfeine I
ever used. They have also kept my
wife In rzcollent nealtn lor years, eno
says Electric Bitters aro just splendid
(or female troubles; that they are a
grand tonic and invigorator fcr weak,
rnn down women. No.other motllcine
can take its place in our family." Try
them. Only 50c, Satisfaction guaran
teed by John Prcase
From 8unday'a Dally, ,.
The Last of 'Rastus
Upon the roost he saw the bird,
And atralghtwaj tried to pluck him;
The Bpring'gnn went off as he stirred,
And he never knew what struck him.
The Empire arrived
San FranciEco.
yesterday from
Mrs. L. 1L Heisner on whom an oper
ation was performed Thursday, is re
ported as getting along nicely.'
Ed Uendrickson salesman for Hills
Bros. Coffee merchants of San Francisco
was doing the bay the past few days,
Wm. Bonebrake oi Catpbihg slough
was in town yesterday and was accom
panied home by Mrs. J. W, Bonebrake,
H. Sf Bonebrako and Pearl Kig-gs, for a
Travel by Sea
Departures for Portland on Aberdeen
Feb. : W 0 Bradley, Mrs A CCrow,
J A McCormao, J L Kaplinger, and wife
Mies Jenuie Kruger, J Martin, 0 Wenge
G B Courtwright, H M Pershall. Mrs M
J Thompson and daughter. David
I Johnston, H Moyer, F Risko.
Travel by S
a tfiasanC potent, and permanent Invigorator for WOMEN,,
CHILDREN jrilffiJCW. !'," .." -.
I I I II I I HIM C I fl f) I I
... on it riiok roum druggist.
DnllrT nrenwtlons klruply dive
opdry catarrh thoy dry up tho secretion,
vtuaU ndhtro to tho mombnui and daeoin
oi, causing ft fa mow Brioun trouble lha
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing Inhalants, iumca, amok raid snuffs
and uia that which cloauc, sqolbta and
rWla. Ely's Cream Balm ii mioh n remedy
and will cm-J catarrh or cold in the h4
easily and tdcMautly. A trial six will btj
mailed for 10 cant. All druggist sell th
COo.plso. Kly Brother, GCWarwn El.,N,Y
The Balm curea without pain, doca not
irritate or canaa sufleslng. It tprtada iticli
OTer nu Irritated and angry lurfaoo, roller
Inn imudlatoly tho painful iiiuamniatlon.
With KJy'a Crown Balin you are ora4
r-gftiui If aiftl CaUrrU and Hay 1'arox.
Tho mall arrived yeiteulay (Kd
Fnrrin plcaso take notice) nt 2 :3() p, hi.
afera lapsoof one day, caused by bad
slides .ntid washouts in tho canyons,
A. P. Owen line hupg ia front ot his
cigar ttoio an illuminated sign ol tho
Alexander Humboldt cigar, which is
tho haudsomest thing oi tho kind in
Tho Evergreen whist club met at the
homo oi Mrs Abo Tcnbrook In West
Marshfleld yesterday. Miss Holmes
won first priro and Mrs. Songntack
cn won the consolation priso.
0. J. Seeloy returned yesterday from
Dora, having been Uking advantage of
the fine weather to look at some timber
on Elk crock, a tributary of tho cast
fork of tho C'.qulllo.
Tho Wsbrly Coast Mail of this last
week had more home-set reading matter
than any two others of the county pa
pers, barring the combination of Coos
Bay News with Coquillo Herald.
K of P Anniversary
Myrtle Lodge, K. ol P. will observe
the Pythian anniversary on tho 10th
inst. Addresses and n literary program
aro part ol tho'cxerclees, so far planned,
together with games, dauclug, and a
banquet. Each member will bo per
milted to invite a limited number of
friends, and every effort will bo mado
to mako the evening an enjoyablo ono.
John Messer'o has sold 55 acres of
land, lying back of Andrew Hongel's
placo on Catching slough to Arthur
Mat eon, together with eight head of
cows, farming implimenta etc. Mr.
Messerle has improved this land until it
is some of the best on Catching slough,
bat has some 200 acres of the finest
andt pn the slough in another place,
which is enough to keop him busy, He
Intends to milk about 35 cows this
season, and when ho gets his place in
a little bettor order intends to go into
the manufacture of fancy cheese.
.... .il
Hotel Changed Management
The North Bend Hotel has changed
hands, tho new manager nnd proprietor
took chargo Feb. 1st. W. 8. Turpln re
tiring, E. A. Beckett taking possession.
Tho new proprietor ia a thorough hotel
man who fully understands tbo business
and is giving tho now town of North
Bend n hotel service which any man
might noil feel proud,
Mr. Beckett expects to giyoa grand
opening dance and banquet on about
Feb. 20th, to which a large mumber of
invitations will bo Issued, whon the
houso will be formally oponod under
tbe new management.
Mr. Beckett will make some improve
menta throughout tho house,
Church Notes
Friday evening thoro was hold ia the
M.'E. church one of tho beet services as
yet. With out exception tho poodle
and pastor seemed to realize the great
ness of tho work and are now pledging
themselves, to the work as never before,
-4laVN . Iwlm
Aitor tho pronchtcg servlco n general
testimony meeting was held ntul a num
ber ot talks v.cro glyon by mumhora
ntul visitor;. Uev. Irvlno gavo i lino
talk which helped nil present nml won
very Instructive in showing how onu
who wants to bo n Christian bIiouM
live. Tho Kngineer from thp Aberdeen
alto gnvo n llvo testimony telling somo
oi hta (xpcrlencos while la tho mission
of Ban Frnunicco and I.os AugulOH,
Knding tlili was n goneial handshnk
InR and jjood followship muoting which
clored tho nvuning.
The choir ot young pcoplo doaervo
credit ,'cr their good a, tendance and is
arcat help in n meeting of this kind
(or most people enjoy good singing nml
havo boon treated oachuvonicg to Homo
special song. Tho people nro going to
havo ono of tho boat moctingfl Sunday
evening Marsbtlcld luis over known,
Evorbody is coming,
Esonpod nn Awful Fate
Mr. II. lligglnaol Melbourne, l'la.
writes, "My doctor told mo I had Con
sumption and nothing could bo douo for
mo. I was given up to din. Tho offer
oi n irec trial oouio ot ur. King's .ow
Ditcovery for Consumption, induced mo
to try it. Results wero startling, lam
now on tho road to rccovory and owo
all to Dr. King's Now Discovery1 It
suroly savrd my life." This great euro
is guaranteed lor all throat ami lung
dcscAces by
Drugrists Price SOe A fl.00
Trial Eottlea free,
From Tuesday'e Dally. ,
tho Czarina ia duo Ifom San Francis
co this niorning,
Mrs. Ren Smith ol Daniels creok is
reported seriously ill.
Mrs. J. A. Gould went to Coalcdo,
Monday, to vlilt her daughter, Mrs.
Capt. Pendorgrasa reports that tho
whalo who was sighted in tho lowor bay
has put to sea again.
W. W. Gage is in town, getting lum
ber with which to do somo iencing on
his placo at Allegany.
Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Hodson, of Ross slough aro quito sick
with pneumonia.
Tho lileaeo Rodine, Georgia and Lucy
Gould of Allegany nro attending County
Teacher's Examination.
John W. Brown, n noted Socialist,
will sneak at Mosier Chapel, North Coos
river, on Feb, 10, in tho evening.
Homer Ring, ot tbo Danlelu creek
camp, tbo man who never pulls down
the blinds, is spending a short vacation
In town,
The Coos river brought down a largo
scow load of hardwood timber yesterday
for S. R, Davis, from tho McKnlght
place, ,
Mr. J, B, Robertson and Miss Agnes
Robertson of Long Beach Cal. havo lo
cated in Coos county. Mr. Roborteon
in much pleased with- Coos Bay so fart
Rusty Mike'e'Dlary, Feb, 0. 1801,A
baker would bo n chump II ho thought
his was tho only kind ', ol food adver
tising don't hev to bo M ono kind to bo
Herman Edwards and Dan Roberts
Jr, wont to the Coqullle, Mondoy.
Horra and Dannlo are alwrys' following
off some rchool-ma'amj They'll return
though In a few days.
Ira Chapman's furniture arrivod on
tho last stoamcr Empire from Sanll'rnn
clsco. Mr. and Mrr. Chapman nro
moving into the lowor flat ol tho Fox
'residence in West Marehliold. t
Wm. Gamblo tho Bpud king of, Ken
'ttjck slough who is preparing to ppou n
meat market in tho North Hendjreturp
fea,Bu'uday from CuVrccuifty yfo;lio
had been' after a band of sheep', ' 'He
reports eorae know on tho rnnga on
! . !
Kttohon creek, Ho reports stock down
that way not in tho best condition,,
M. H. Revival
Tlio revival nt tho Molhodlbt
Uplsppcal Olid rch is assuming largo pro
portion's, Several havo been converted,
Groat iutorost is' mnnlfotlod iu tho
mcotlngB by tlio peopla of our city.
Mrs. Kva Honors ' o( Ban Fronclsco
will prcucli thts ovoulng, Como early,
You nro Invited,
Hiram King In all ivt sin to whothor
ho Is nn old bachelor ornn old maid.
First ho tins the rheumatism nnd then
tho nvurn'gln, Ho gous to bed with tho
rhoiuiintltin in his lult hip nnd wakes
up with tho neuralgia la thu right ear.
Hero Is a ehatico for somo unoncmnbor
ed female to solace tho declining years
of one ol tho finest fellows Iu the county,
Don't all speak at once.
Pacific Monthly for February
Tho February isiuo oi tho Pacific
Monthly is an especially enthusiastic
number. Under "Progress", the ro
snirces and possibilities ol tho Tactile
Coatt nro ably nnd energetically put
forth ; while in "Problems of Seattle"
wo nro given n pocp into Scottio politics,
which, as well as the solid littlo article
on pessimism, is calculated to give tho
thinker food for reflection.
After 10 Years
Mrs. JamosRolandson of SouthMarsh
field Invited a number of her frlonds and
neighbors toherhousoMonJay afternoon
it being tho 10th anniversary o( her
marriane. Thoso lnyltcd wero entire
ly ignorant oi tho fact that it was an on
iversary until it was discovered by an
unguarded slip of tlio tongue of the
hostess during thealtorncon,givlng away
what s tin had thus far concoalod.from
her friends.
Tho company immensely enjoyed tlio
afternoon, which was a regular old fash
ioned good visit. Delirious refreshments
woro served, aftor which tho hostess was
showered with loads of good wishes and
hopes that sh might celcbrato the hap
py ovent a hundred times.
Thoso present bcsldss the hostess
Mesdamos Weaver, Curtis, Folcncr,
Robertson, Walter, Merchant, Kruso
Modern Woodmen of America
Saturday evening tto Modern Wood
men of Amorlca had a littlo Impromptu
banquet alter tho regular meeting. The
members ot tho Foresters of America
wero incited to thoir hall and thoy went
there In a body, enjoying a very pleas
ant timo for an hour or so, Speeches
wero made by Uoputy District Orgaulzer
G. F. Cotnmor, oi CottngoGrovo, nnd by
Professor Goldoti and othora, intor
sPorsed by specialties by J. W
Flanagan und Wm, Dangan, who wero
veritable fun-mills, properly wound up
apd set, going, Tho refreshments woro
of a high order couducivo of a general
good .feeling. Tho Dally Coast maid
can vouch for the goodness thereof,
Tho Woodmen of America, thtetrong
est frutcanal ardor In. the w.orld, has set
a now precedent, tint ot inviting in
their neighbors, n npirit which should
prevail among nil fraternal orders, in
utoad of tho contrary ono of trying to
get ahead oi tho other fellow by tramp
ling him under foot, Wo pray that tho
abovo spirit jnay bejeatching as thero is
amplo room for it in Marshfleld,
Nearly Forfeits His Life
A runaway almost ending fatally,
started a horrible ulcer on tho leg of J.
B. Ornor, Franklin Grove, 111. For four
years It defied all doctors nnd all rerno
dies, But Bucklon's Arnica Salvo had
no trouble to euro hint. Equally good
for Burnn. Bruleeo, Skin Eruptiono and
Piles. 20c at tho Red Cross Drug Store.
Delay Aro DtiuitvrtniH,
LovcfAnrt so 'yoijp mother' doca not
beliovo In long engagements? 1 nm do
lighted. '''
Miss -Do r.rojfor Yes; mnmmn says
.oyer so many girls' fnthcrq.lmvo 'failed
during long ongngciudn'ta, niid'fliotpoot
things nover gotimarifcd at all. Now
York Weekly.
R-I.pA-N-s Tabulos
Doctors find
A good proscription
For mankind
Thu .Veoiit pitukut Ir enough for tisun
ucuAMlniio, Tho (niui)v boltlo (110 eonls)
I'unlttliiN iisiipply for a yoari 4 All drug- ,
glstu sell thorn. I r j
Comer f Front and A Htrccln,
JUN1I SNVD1IH, l t ! t J :lroprletot
X NO'ri'.I, Ins hut lutin onilnly r milled imt
rcfiimtflivil ilnuuijiiotitnnd U uiiln open o the
public for ixttroiirtRe,
New Ikms nml spring tn.iltrwrt tuve liscn
pl.uctl In nlnioil every lccpln; room of this
iiotue ntul iiritlirr troiitiln nor oipiiiM Uz been
trc(l to pin cerythlni: In ftrit-cuu order,
Iloatitun ililnj:, pcrucek ft5o
Itoiuil, pa week, ,,od
Slni:toMci .. . 35
Flanagan & Bennett
ilnn, J. W. Hoiiiiott; J'KKH.;
nnd. II. FlnniiKnn, VICE
PRE8. : LR. F. Wminms,
Capital, $50,000.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho part
nershlp heretoforo oxlstlng lietwoun A,
V.'WIckman nnd V, A. Wiukman under
tho firm iiainii ol Wlckrnan k Wlckman
lia this day been dissolved by mutual
consent; that nil claims nnd doniando
owing said tlrni are pavablo to V. A.
Wlckman, and that raid V. A. Wlck
man has assumed and will pay all do
ru'iiida against raid firm.
Dated this lit day of January, 1001.
V. A. Wickuan,
1 I) Gt A. V. Wickmak.
Read wliorovor tho Knglish Laoguago
Is Spoken
Thn Thri:o-A-Week World was a
brilliant success in thu beginning nnd
has been steadily growing over nlnco.
Timo In tho test of all tlilnpc, nnd has
not its seal of approval on tho Thrlco-a-Week
World, which In widely circulated
iu uvory Stntnnnu Territory of tho Un
ion, ntul wlioreoynrtlioru nro people who
can read our mother tongue.
This papir for tho coming winter nnd
tho year liKCI, will mako its news ser
vice, if tiossiblc, moro oxtcnnlvo than
over. All ovoutsnt importance, no mat
tor where they happen, nro re
ported accurately ntul promptly.
Tho subscriber, (or only ono dollar n
year, gets threo papers every week nnd
irioru iiowb and general reading than
moot great daillos can furnish 4t fivo or
six timo tho price.
Tho Thrlco.a-Wook-World In abso
lutely fair in Its political uows. Par
tisan blaa is novor allowed a affect IW
news columns, and Democrat nnd Re
publican alike can obtain in its pages
truthful accouuta of all tho groat politl
col campaigtiB. . '
In addition to nil tho nows, tho
Thrlco-a-Weok-Worjd furnishos tha
bust aerial fiction, elaborate market
reports and other features of Interest,'
Tlio Tlirlwi-a-Weok-World's regular
subscription prico Is only f 1,00 per vnar
and this puye (or ICO papers. Wo off or
tills unequaled nowspapor and Weekly
COAST MAIL together ono year for
Tlio regular subscription price of tha
two papers is f2.G0
ISTRATOR Nolico la hereby glvon, to all porsOill
whom It mayconcorn, that In porsuancd
ol an ordor ol tho County Court for Odos
county, Stnto of Oregon, Letters of Ad
mlnlfltrnt'on woro duly Issued out of,
enld Court to Jnmns W. Rooko, 8r. tho
undoralgiied, uppolnting him ndmlniH
trntorof tho estate of Itolon M. Rooko,
deceased, nnd authorizing him to net as
such ndmlnlotratpr,
NoWjthurcforo, all persons hnvlnf
chiliriB ogalnot said ootatu nro hureh
notified' nml required to present tin)
E.AIHP, with tlio proper VoiioherB, duly
verified, within alx tnontlio from thd
date ot this notice, to said ndinlnlBtrator
nt Hid law of 11 co of McKnlght and
goahronk.in thu city of Msrahlleid, Code
comity, Oroaou.
Dated Mils 20th day pi January, lUt
, : '' JAiiKH V, Rookk, 811,
Admintrator of tho Estate ol Helen
M, Rooke, deceased,
! ii