Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 13, 1904, Image 5

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' J (
i b .
ll Tratt
f Cmpyrtihi, 1903, by
Continued from 2nd I'-igo
"Harry," replied Wallace nohorly, "i
nm sorry I mndo yon Hny Hint. I do not
rnro for your nninc, except, purlmpa, (o
put It In the nrllek'H of partnership,
mid I lmv no concern wllli your tin
eostry, I loll you, It la a favor lo lot
iiiu In on tlila deal. I don't know any
thing (i bout lumbering but I've got
oyca. I cnii vco Hint big timber stand
ing 1 thick nnd tnll, nud I know pro
plo iiuiku profltn In tlio business."
Thorpe considered n few mouionts In
'Wallace," ho snld uravely at last, "1
honeatly do think tbnt whoovor goes'
Into (Ilia dcnl wild mo will make mon
ey. Of courso (horo'a alwaya chnncea
nKitlnnt It, but I nm going to do my
Tho mnu'a accustomed aloofness had
gone. Ills eyes (lashed, his brow
frowned, tho muscles of bis cheek
contracted under his benrd.
Wnlloco Based at lilm with fascinated
' "Tbon you will?" bo naked trcmu
ousty. "Wallace," bo replied ngoln, "they'll
any that you bavo been tlio victim of
nn adventurer, but tho result will
prove them wrong. If I weren't per
fectly sure of (his I wouldn't think of
It, for I llko you, and I know ypu want
lo no Into (his mora out of friendship
for me nnd because your Imaxluntlon is
touched (bun from any business sense.
Hut I'll accent Kindly nnd I'll do mr
"Iloornyl" cried (bo boy, (browing
bis cap up In (bo nlr. "Wo'll do 'cm
up In tbo first round."
Ai'iiju niincu icu iiiom mo
two men settled ngnlu Into
(heir customary ways of llfo.
J Up to tho present Thorpo had
IWII.II t,ll, t& .. ... -
enjoyed n clear -field. Now two men
en mo down from ubovo and established
n temporary camp in (bo woods half a
mllo below (be dam. Thorpo soon sat
isllcd himself that they wero picking
out n route for tho lodging road.
Tbo two men, of course, did not both
er themselves with tlio timber to be
travoyed, but gnvo (heir cnttro atten
tion to that lying farther back. Thorpo
wua enabled thus to avoid (hem entire
ly. Uo simply transferred his estimat
ing to the forest by thoVitrenm. Onco
ho mot one of tho men, but was fortu
nately lu a country (lint lent itself to
his poso of buutur. Tbo other bo did
not seo at all.
Hut one day ho beard blm. Tbo two
up river men wero following carefully,
but noisily tho bed of a little creek.
Thorpo happened to bo on tho sldo hill,
so ho seated himself quietly until (hoy ,
flhould bnvo moved on down, Ono of,
them shouted (o (ho other, who, crash
lug through ii thicket, did not bear.
'Hq-o-o, Uyerl" tbo first repeated,
f I era's that Infernal comer over borot"
"Yon." nssonted tho otbor, "coming."
Thorpo recognized tho voice instantly
na (lint of lindwuy'a senior. Ilia band
j5rlpcd lu a gesturo of disgust. Tbo
pia'n bad always been obnoxious to
Two days later bo stumbled on their
camp. Uo paused lu wonder nt what
bo saw. .
Tbo packs lay open, their contents
scattered In overy direction. Tbo ffro
m,d been hastily extinguished with a
buckot of wntbr, and n frying pan lay
whero it had been overturned. If the
thing bad been possible, Thorpo would
bavo guessed nt a bnsty and unpro
meditated lll(;ht.
Uo was about to withdraw carefully
lest be bo discovered fybeu be wua'
pturtleU by a touch on ma eioow. it
Tvns Injun Ohnrloy.
"Dry go up river," bo aald. "I como
aeo what de row."
Tbo (ndlnu oxnmlncd rapidly tbo con
dltlon'pf (bo little camp.
'Poy lbok for aoinotbln'," aald bo,
making Ida hand reyolvo as though
rummaging nnd Indicating tbo packs,
"I t'lnk day bco you in do woods," bo
concluded. "Dey go camp got 'urn
boss, lloKH bo gone on river trull two ,
t'reo hour."
' "You're right, Charjoy," replied ;
iiiuriiu, who iiau ucou (irnwing jiih owu .
ronclualona. "Ono of thoin knows mo,
They'vo been looking lu tholr picka for
their notebooks with tbo descriptions
of thnsn sections In (hem Then they
plied oiit for tho boss. If I know nny
tblng nt nil, tho boss Ml mnko trades for
: "Wot you do.?" asked Injun Charley
"I got lo got to Detroit boforo they
do; that's rill."
' Instantly tho Indian becnino all ac
tion. "Yu come," ho ordered nnd Bet out
at u rapid paco for camp.
There, with incredible doftuoea, ho
packed together about twolyo pouudtf
of. (ho Jmiicd venison nbd.a pair Cjf
blaukcts, thrust JThorpo's .watqrbrobf
Wtttomrt K,4r4 WktU m
match safe In bis pocket and lurliuil
eagerly to tui young man,
"Von coiIkV ho repeated.
Thorpo baxllly uuiiirilird Ida "dc
ocrlpdons" and wrapped (Item up. The
liullmi In silence rearranged (bo inln
placed articles In such n manner na (o
relluvo the camp of Its abandoned nlr.
It was nearly biiikIowii. Without u
word the two men alruck off Into the
forest, (bo Indian In (ho lead. Their
courso was southeast, but Thorpo ask
ed no questions, Ho followed blindly.
Hoou ho found (lint if ho did oven that
adequately he would have llltlo utteu
(lon left for anything else'. The In
dlau walked with low. wlft strides.
Ida knees nlwnya allBhlly beilt, even
nt tlio llnlsb of the step, his back hal
lowed, tils shoulders and bend thrust
forward. Ilia gnlt had n queer sag In
It, up nud down In a long curve from
, T mv, ,a "'r. After n line
I J h?W J5m fascinated In watching
oiio rise to (I lo other. After a (Inn
ucioru mm una easy, untiring lojit
hour after hour, without (bo varlnllou
of a sccoud'a fraction in speed or nn
Inch In Icuglh.
At first Thorpo followed blm with
compnrnllvo case, but at tho end of
thrco lioilrs bo wua compelled to put
forth decided effort (o keep pace. Ills
walking wns no longer mechanical, but
conscious. When It bccomen so n man
soon tlrt'H. Thorpo resented (be lu
eqtlallllcs, (he stones, (ho roots, the
", i ,. , 7, '. . T ' ,n '"
Wa WHy Ho fe,t d"",1""1 ' "
patches 'of soft ground which lay In
tnnce, but nnytblng clso was a grntul-
tons Insult.
Then suddenly bo gained bis second
wind. Ho felt better nnd stronger nnd
moved freer.
At midnight Injun Charley called n
halt Uo spread his blanket,, leaned
on ono olbow long enough' lo cat n strip
of dried meat and fell asleep. Thorpo
Imitated bis uxomple. Thrco Itouro
later (ho Indlnn roused bis companion,
and (ho (wo hc( out agalu.
Trum 3 o'clock until 8 they wnlkcd
continually without a pause, without
an Instnnl'a breathing spell. Then
they rested half an hour, nto n little
vonifon nnd smoked a plpo.
Ah hour after noon (bey repeated the
rest. Thorpo rose with n certain phys
ical reluctance. Tho Indlnn seemed ns
fresh as when bo started. At sunwt
they took nu hour, then forward agalu
by tho dim Intermittent light of tbo
moon nnd stnra through (ho ghostly
hnunts of forest until Thorpe (bought
bo would drop with weariness nud
WftH mentally incapable of contemplat
ing moro tunn n hundred steps In ad
vance. "When I got to that squaro patch of
light I'll qblt," ho would nay to him
aelf nud strugglo painfully tbo requir
ed twenty yards.
"No, I won't quit here," ho would
continue. "I'll mnko It tbnt
Then I'll Uo down nud die."
I And so on. To tho octunl. physical
' exhaustion of Thorpo'u muscles was
. added that Immense mental weariness
I which uncertainty of lima and distance
I indicts on a man. Tho Journey might
mm a ivcck lor nu ue Know., in wio
presenco of an cmcrgeucy tbeso mcu
of nctlon bad actually not oxebanged
a dozen words. Tbo Indian lod; Thorpo
Whoti tho halt was called Thorpe
fell Into Ida blanket too weary oven to
eat. Next morrilng sharp, Bbootlug
pains, llko tbo stabs of Bwords, ran
through Ida groin.
"You come," repeated ths Indiani
stolid as over.
Then the sun was an hour high. Tbo
travolors suddenly ran Into a. trail,
which as suddenly dived Into a spruco
thicket. On tbo other Bldo of It Thorpo
unexpectedly found himself In on cx
tenslvo clearing dotted with the black
ened stumps of pines. Athwart tho dis
tance ho could percelvo tho wldo bluo
hqrixon of Lnko Michigan. Uo hud
crossed the upper peninsula on foot.
"Host conio by today," aald Injun
Ohnrloy, Indicating tho tnll atneks of n
mill. "Itltu no atop. You mnk' him a ton
titko you with htm. You got train Mack-
,Inaw City tonight. Doso mcu, dey on
Thorpo falculnted rapidly. Tho en
emy would requlro oven wltli their
toama a day to cover tho tldrty miles to
tho fishing vlllugo of MUrilslng.Vberico
tbo atugo ran, each morning to Boney,
tbo present terminal of the South
Bhoro railroad. lie, Thorpe, on. foot and
tli roo hours behind, could never havo
caught tho atagtf. Uut from Sonoy only
ono train n day was dispatched to con
nect nt Mackinaw City with tbo Michi
gan Central, nud on that ono tram, duo
(o leavo (his very morning, (ho up rivor
man was Just about pulling out Uo
would nrrlvo at Mackinaw City at i
o'clock in tho nftornoon, whoro ho
would bo forced to Walt until 8 lu tho
bvo'nlng,,. lly cntchliife a. boai.nt the
'"" it1
firm Thorpe ciiuW'nUU tasks' the mum
train. Thus tbo start in (he race for
Helrolt'alnnd oilice would be fair. '
"All right," lie cried, nil hl energy.
roturnfriK to lilm. "Here gocsl We'll
beat him odt yet!"
"You come back?" Inquired (he Indl.
nn, peering wlh ascertain anxiety Into
JiIh companion's! eves!
"fitrin lianLf'f li1 rrli-- ''. .'
., vnvw Auuiye, -iou UCl
.. yoiininu"
"I wait," replied the Indian nndiwns
Thorpo saw over (ho headland to (ho
cnat n donso trull of black amokc. Ho
act off on a Mumbling run toward the
B nrrived out of brcnlh at a
typical little mill (own con
sisting of (ho usual unpointed
houses, tlio saloons, mill. o(en
nnd gcnornl store To tlio latter bo ad
dressed himself for Information.
tiio propriolor, sllll' sleepy, waa mop
ping out tbo pin co.
"Docs tbnt boat atop hero?" Hbouted
Thorpo across tbo auds.
"Sometimea," replied the man som
nolently. "Xot nlways7"
"Only when there's freight for her."
"Doosn't sbo stop for passengers?"
"How docs she know when there's
"Ob, (hoy elgnal her from the mill."
Uut Thorpo was gone.
At (ho mill Thorpo dove for (ho on
glno room. Ho know (hat clsowbere
(ho clang of machinery and (ho hurry
of business would leave acnut attention
for blm; and, besides, from (ho engine
room (bo slgnnls would bo given. He
found, as Is often tho case in north
country sawmills, a Scotchman in
"Docs tho boat Btop here this morn
ing?" bo Inquired.
"Wool," replied tho engineer, with
fearful deliberation, "I canna.say. Uut
I hao received nn orders to that effect."
"Can't you whistle her In for me?"
asked Thorpe.
"I canna," answered the engineer,
promptly enough thla time.
"Why not?"
"Yc're na what n body mlcht call
"Jno other way out of It?"
Thorpo wna seised with an idea.
"Hcrol" bo cried. "See that bowlder
over there? I want to ahlp that to
Mackinaw City by freight on this
Tho Scotchman's eyes twinkled np
proclntlvcly. "I'm dootln' yo bae th' freight bill
from tlio olllcc," bo objected simply.
"Seo here," replied Thorpe, T a cot
In ., Hint linnf H'u inv,l 0(S 1 ...-
I... w .., ...uu. wn nv, hi, F.w IV MJC.
nud I'll "squnro ft with (ho captain.
There a your twenty."
Tbo Scotchman deliberated, looking
nslunt at the ground nnd thoughtfully
oiling a cylinder with a greasy rag.
"It 'II na be a matter of llfo and
denth?" be nsked hopefully. "She ayo
stops for life nud denth."
"No," replied Thorpo reluctantly.
Tbon, with nu explosion; "Yes, by
heaven, It 1st If I don't make that
boat I'll kill youl"
Tlio Scotchman chuckled nnd pocket
ed tho money.
"I'm dootln' that's In order," he re
plied. "I'll bo no party to any such
proceeding. I'm goln' noo for a fresh
pall of wnttcr," bo remarked, pausing
nt the door, "but ob n weo item of In
formation yonder' h th' wheestlo rope,
nud n mon wbeestlea pno abort and one
long for th' bont."
Ho disappeared. Thorpe seized tlio
cord and gnvo tbo slgjiaL Then .ho
ran hastily to tho end of tbo long lum
ber docks nnd peered with great eagct1
ncss lu tho direction of tho black
l moke.
Tbo steamer was as yet concealed be
hind n low spit of land which rati uut
from tbo west to fo'rm one side of the
harbor. In a moment, however, her
bowB appeared, headed directly down
toward the strait of Mackinaw. When
opposite tho ilttlo bay, with' a grand,
frco sweep alio turned and beaded di
rectly for him. '
Ho negotiated briefly with the ca'pj
tain, pfdd 30 piore for speed and the
privilege of lnndlng.at .Mackinaw Cltyl
Then ho slept for eight hours on end
nnd was n,nkf nofl in, time to drep.ldta
a small boat, which deposited 'blm on
tlio broad sand beach of tho lower peu
insula, Tbo train was just leisurely making
up for departure Thorpe, 'dressed as
ho wna in old "peppor and salt" gnr-'
menta patched with buckskin, his hat
a Hopping travesty, on headgear, Ida
moccasins worn;' and dirty, his 'face
bearded nnd 'bronzed, tried as inuch
as posslblo tonvojd attention. Ho seu(
rtij instant telegram to Wallace Carpen
ter couccivcd as followa: k
Wiro thirty thousand my order care land
Oftjce, Detroit, beforo 8 o'clock tomorrow
mdrrilnar. Do It It youliavo to rustlo all
night Important.
Then he took a Beat in the bnggnga
leaf on a pllo of boxca and philosoph
ically waited for tho train to start lie
know tbnt sooner or Inter tho man, pro
vlded ho wero on tho train, would stroll
through tho car, and ho wanted to bo
out of tho way. Tho bnggugo man
proved friendly, so Thorpo chatted
With; 1dm till nftor bedtime. Then ho
entered tbo smoking cur arid waited
patiently for morulng.
At. tho las,t : tfequght Thorpe decjde them,, t Aithough thS'clerk's rodelpt
ia'sdnfl a-second Hwi ."t't9JiiBk
next atfttita, ST M m. ft rei'
, Amthtr tuytr of timber on same tralH
(with m. Must hvarfloeyAt s o'oleek
' lie paid day rates on it to insure im
mediate delivery. Suppose the bdy
should bo away from bomel
KVerylhlng depended on Wnllaco
Carpenter,, and Thorpe could not but
confess tbo chance, slender. One other
(bought made (he night seem long.
.TJiarpo had but m left.
Morning came at last, and tlio train
drdw in and stopped. Thorpe, boing
In the smoking car, dropped off first
nnd stationed himself near the exit
Whero bd could look over tbo pauscu
gers without being seen. They filed
past. To two only bo could accord tbo
rolo of master lumbermen, nnd in theso
two ihorpo recognized Daly and Mor
rlsou themselves. They pnsned within
ten feet of blm, talking earnestly to
gether. At the curb they hailed a cab
nnd drovo away. Thorpe with -satisfaction
heard them call the natno of a
It wns still two hours before tho land
office would bo open.
Thorpo repaired at once to a boarding
house off Fort street, where bo had
"oulflUed" threo months before. Tlicro
bo reclaimed his Valise, shaved, clothed
himself In linen nnd cheviot once more
nnd snunterod alowly to the land office
to nwnlt Its opening."
At 0 o'clock neither of the partners
bad appeared. Thorpo entered the of
fice and approached (be desk.
"la (here n telegram here for Harry
Thorpe?" ho inquired.
The clerk (o whom he addressed him
self merely motioned with his bead to
ward a young fellow behind tho railing
lu a corner. The latter shifted com
fortably nnd replied "No."
At the same Instant steps were heard
In' tho corridor, the door opened, and
"I'm ooln' noo for a frieh vafto) viatUr."
Mr. Morrison appeared on the sill.
Then Thorpo showed the stuff, of which
ho waa made.
"Is this tho desk for buying govern
ment lands?" he nsked hurriedly.
"Yea," replied the clerk.
"L have somo descriptions
,Vln" '
I wish to
"Very well," replied tho clerk. "What
Thorpe detailed tha figures, which he
knew by heart -The clerk took from a
cabinet the three booka containing
them and spread them out on tho coun
ter. At this moment the bland voice of
Mr. Morrison made itself heard At
Thorpe's elbow.
"dopd morning, Mr. Smlthers," It
Bald with the deliberation of tho con
sciously great man. "I have a few de
scriptions I would like to buy In the
northern peninsula."
"dood morning, Mr. MbrrlBon. Archio,
(hero, will attend to you. Archlej bco
what Mr.Iorrison wishes."
The .lumberman and the other clerks
consulted to a. low Voice4, after which
the ofddat turneA -to fumble arsons
ike records. Not finding what he want
ed, he approached Smlthers. A whis
pered consultation ensued between
these -two. Then SraHhors called;
Take a seat, Mc Morrison. This
gentlchinn la looklrig oyertbes tqwa
ships and will have finished In a few
moments." "
Morrison's eye suddenly, becamo un
easy, i ji, 4
"1 am somewhat busy thla morning,"
ho objected, with a shade of coinraaud
in his Voice. '
' "Ifi thlsiVgontleman" suggested the
clerk, delicately. ... ,
"I am-sorry,'! put In irhorpe, with
brevity., "M lme, too, is valuablo."
Morrison looked at him sharply.
"My deaf Is ablg1 bnej" 'he Budpped:
i'.'X'tn) probably-arraage wlththls-gen
ticjnwn to let blm havg, his farm."
( :i,ciUm precedence, lled. Therpe
"Well.'J said Morrison) swift as light,
"I'M tell you, Smlthers. I'll leavo my
list of descriptions and a checlCwith
you. Give mo a rccolpt and mark my
lands off nfter you've Unieuea wiui
this gontleiuan,'.1 ,. '.'""
Now, government and state Inmlanro
the property: of (tho man fh'o .nara.for
-Hi wlBmk
aaaaaaaaK? ? 'WflmWfmtmWIl I
, f. ' , j a. Ai ,'l" mii'im'ww"I" gp in t
BevertMoJeSrJ itt woW' aoeM mnn-tot'
a lawsuit Tbqrpe saw the trap and
interposed, ' ,
"Hold on," he Interrupted. "I e)ai
precedence. You can give no receipt
for any land in these townships until
after my business is, transacted, I
have reason to bellove'that this gentle
man and myself are both after the
same descriptions."
"What!" shouted Morrison, assuming
surprise. , ,
"You will havo to wait your turn.
Mr. Morrison," said tho clerk, virtuous!
before so many witnesses , I
The business man wns In a white,
rage of excitement I
"I insist on my application, being filed,
at once!'' lie cried, waving his check.'
"I have tho money right here to pay!
for every acre of It and if I know the
law the first man to pay takes the
Ho slapped tbo check down on the
rail and bit it n number of times with
tlio flat of his hand, Thorpe turned
and facod him .with a steely look lu bla
level eyes.
"Mr. Morrison," ho said, "you are
quite right The first man who pays
gets the land, but I bavo won the first
chance to pay. You will kindly step
one aide until T finish rny business with
Mr. Bmlthcrs here."
"i suppose you nave tue amount ac-i
tually with you," said the clerk quite i
respectfully, "because it you have not
Mr. Morrison's claim will take prccc
"I would hardly have any business
In a Inn1 n(1tta tf T fll.1 nnf Irnnxtr 4lin " I '
replied Thorpe, and began his dicta-
Hon of h ,io-lntlnn n Mlmlv vW
though his inside pocket contained the
-- - ,
required amount In bank bills.
Thorpe's hopes bad sunk to zero.
After oil, looking at the matter dis
passionately, why should he expect
Carpenter to trust him, a stranger,
with so large a sum? It had been
madness. Only tho blind confldenceof
the fighting man led blm farther into
the struggle.
Thorpe's descriptions were contained
in the battered little notebook be had
carried with him in the woods. For
each piece of land first there came the
township described by latitude and
cast and west range. After this ge
neric description followed anotfier fig
ure representing the section of that
particular district So 40-rl7 W-r6
meant section 8 of ihc township on
range 40 north, 17 wcat If Thorpe
wished (o purchase the whole section
that description, would auQlcc, Oil the
other hand, if be wished to buy only
one forty he described its position in
the quarter Bcctlou. Thus 'SW NW
40178 meant tiic southwest forty of
the northwest, quarter of section '8 in
tho township already described.
The, clerk marked across each squ.ue
of his map as Thorpe read then the
dato and tho purchaser? name.'.' i
In his notebook Thorpe had of course
entered th briefest description possi
ble. Now, Indicating to tho clerk, lie
concclvcu the Idea of specifying each
subdivision. This gained somo' time.
Instead of saying simple, "Northwest
corner of scctiou 8," he made of it four
separato descriptions, as follows: North
west quarter of northwest quarter;
northeast of northwest quarter; south'
west of northwest quarter) and south
east of northwest quarter.
He waa not so foolish as to read tho
descriptions In succession, but sq scat:
tercu them (.hat the clerk, putting down
the figures 'mechanically, had no idea
of the amount of unnecessary work be
waa doing. .Tho minute hands of the
clock dragged around. Thorpo droned
down tho long column. Tho clerk
scratched Industriously, "repenting' In a
halt rolco each dcscrlptlou us. It-. was
At length tlio task was finished. It
became necessary to type duplicate
Hats of 4tho descriptions. . While the
somnolent youth finished Ida task
Thorpo listened for the messenger boy
on tho stalra.
A faint slam was heard outside the
rickety old building. Hasty steps
sounded, along the, corridor. .The laud
looker merely stopped, the vdruuralng'
of hla fingers on the broad arm of the
chair. The door flew open,ahdtWal
tyca Carpenter- walkequlcJdy.to,hlm.,
Thorpe's face 'lighted up as be rose
to greet hli partner. Thaoy 'had feet
forgotten their impact, afts alt.
"Then lt'a all right?" queried .the lat
ter breathlessly, - r
" fSurol" answered Thorpo heartily.
"Got 'em In good shape."
At the eanio tlmo he was drawing the
youth beyond the vigilant watchfulness
of Mr.'Morrison. ' , ' " '
"You'ro Just in time," ,he.(sald in. an
unuertono. ".never iiaa so close a
squeak. I suppose you have' casii or a
certified check. That's all they'll take
hr:'l , - . ...Pr
"Wnat do you tajeaqlr asked.Ciarpen-
ter blankly,
, . - ,
"No,-' repeated Thorpe nhis turrj.
VVhat can we do?" " " t
. "Can you ;get,youc check certised
hero near nt hand?"
' 1 IM. '.. .. WM.
v sJ'We'H, go do it. And; get 'a move 'on
you. 'You havo precisely until, that' boyj
there finishes ticking that machine not
U second loijger."
. "Can't you get them to wait a few
," Wallace' said Thorpe, "do you see
that white whlskored, old .lynx In. the
corner? frht'a MorrlsenV tbVulau wfia
wants to get our jla'wTU'v'fIi fall tdd
l"uu uunM VUU Vim UH(,I Wf U19IKM 41
i sMMwnau x' ft srnutif -jK"wf(4
"You're jutt In tMc."'
"cmanucu ne gem
J0,'1 tako.it Now go.
is demanded he gets his chance. And
Dok't hurry uni'
til you get beyond the deor, then fly.", .
Thorpe sat down again in his broad
armed chair and. resumed his drum- ""
tning. The nearest bank was six blocks
"'"' Ho counted ever la his lnd the
?tcP f Carpenter's progress-now to
f i ii 'vt$jty'j ' "
EuammmTi j
i ariMaKfta' xiarr vt-a . jurv
HI. it. VbbbbbI.ibbbbbbb
' I amV rlw ikh
T Buc flaal
, I'- '
,y .. .. .
ihe door, now In the next block, now so
far beyond. He had just escorted him
to the door of the bank when the
clerk's voice broke in on him.
"Now," Smlthers was saying; "ril' '
giVa you a receipt for the amount ami
later will send to your address the tlthi t v
deeds of Uie descriptions." , -
Carpenter find yet tS find the proper
offldnl to Identify himself, to certify
the check and return.. It.wa.hopeleM.
Thorpe dropped bis hands in surrender. .
Then he saw the hof lay the two'
typed lists before bis principal. and -dimly
he perceived that the youth,
shamefacedly, was holding something
bulky toward himself. ' .
IWh-what la it?" aeBtaJBW?!;-
drawing his hand back as'thetighjfrom-,, ,
redhotlron. ,vU?re
"You asked me for a telegrass.'f'wtld1!1'
the tay stubbornly, as though .trying'
to excuse himself,, "and 1, didn't Just
catch 'the name anyway. 'henxW.iwy .-,
It on ih'ose: lists, I nadto eopy I thu Ig J ,
of; thla here' " ' , " ' - - '
"Where did yoa geti It?" .nskdi , ,
Thorpe breathlessly yfi u. -. ,.
"X fellow came here early Sb1 Uitt-'-'rJ
It for you while "("waB'Bweepiag-bHt.W'''
explained (ho boy.- "gM he lmd l,1 ,
catch a train. It's yours, all right"
"Ob, yes," replied, Tliprpe. .
He tookTho' envetope and walked un-
ccrtalaHr tq'the fall 'wiadow. Helook- f i.
ed oat at the chimneys. After a,,nio- .,
moBt he tore open the envelope.
"I hopo there's no bad' news; air?"
said the clerk, tKnrtled, at the. paleness -
of tho face Thorpe turned to be dosk. ;
"No," replied the land looker. "Give "
mo a receipt There's a certlBed'chccli''- "
for your money l" .
To beCoBUBBed) ;..,:. ,. &
Tlie Cnmnoiiltlou of "a Rocket.
The, ordinary skyrocket Js made of
various coUipoiiltiotls packed In tubei
rolled, rightly reflad a 'Cy Hsdrleal core."
The match, by whloli,. tUet rocket hftx ,. ...
piouea is piaccu la a cavity at tho hot- . ,
1 toil. Tho movement'of thtfrocket would "' '
be Irregular if it were not for tho guide
stick, which la made very" light, so that
It dooa not retard the flight qt.tbe rock
et when the gases coiiie oHt'and h'ft!ne'," '
ground 'with! all ihelr wight aparendacytT
the rocket ,uftlnt9,tje alp for all i,,
s U-rtu.
1 ,-l,lj'aiTnv.'
Odaidea AatUbalieta..
When the Portuguese 11 rat explored l
Braall Wtf BwsaHVt'fttH'et the W- &
tives of rtbt oao.tryjhynuKi they had-.'.
lattice alpbaVjt j 'jX'lipaapIsvi
.the InVaderadWiared;'wItheut fe, ley.
or iwfiatl rW(h,laV o'r;kliig? '
The 'Mohawks, again, have .WiblaklfilfrjflOwrV
ABd Vowed ,lt was nbsun.1 ..when thij
missionaries tried to ieaclTthcralb pro
nounce p and, b.J'for. who," said, they,
"can spealc'wit his1 InollaVTSlflItl2,?,0
Blackwood's Magaalite. - t -1' f ' '' h
- -- - : .. v
, , Tpoo Conalaeritte, .
Mlstrees, (returning1 froin holiday)- '.iA m
Why, Bridget, whatever hax'becohie oc ifav-
.the parrot 7 1 viX w 1" ..',
Bridget Well, ypu see, mum, nftvL,
you left It looked abU plhlngllko nnd ' v'
didn't talk muob.sotha eeokaud I pt "--('
It put of Its misery, poor thing, ami I -. ,,
had It stuffed for my new 'at. Judy.
. . .MSSWI
Str ASHfir,A'3- .-- ..rv A
fdangereus," gu!el , Mhie Itpsebufl, jr&
Whatiposelb'ia disease coSfd bilpii r
;bykissigr 1j '!.; '5 iM L
1 "Mnrriage, ,madani;;siBntedtiaiir
tf .a
Sold Illmae
Fiyst ClUxettlndltjual
Pfiedw( -ypuiiyr.
ilsc . mkmm.
tolk1 4'$BSh
mmmmu weiysjjBjBjsv
sjajHOBKiiue. (sjrT
NHkirv WbjjH
j.amvwtMl .VWHKMUU
rtn. '-nii.il...- r a.
aaan; he was bough
tjm i.vjpi-
r Tk'hU WH Ht 'f Vt vQ
l iiWtoiWWHiiiiniiiiHni lguj.JU.