M.-" r yr-? ar- .! .( J - J1 ' - - rA v.,u4 ' Aw&rWill Mtri 4o i ill w " SE 1 1 m i ruT- l WrV l -m-t- vr- f.--. EEC I t T onowiNQi OnOWINQII 0H0WIN0III , . ' North Done! Fast Forcing to tho Front From (Sunday's Dally. H tlioro llvui a mini whom) oluerva tlon It ho blank an to not boo Unit tho town of Nor'tb Ileud lo cllvo crtil foet wnlklim to tho front, ho certainly mutt be n Ircnk of noino kind, In tho unit tliroo montlm, dntliiK tho uxtremo cold, rnlny winter nonthnr, tlno town liflH forKQil nhoml. JttilMtnie In rapidly olni; on an lust no litmur tun bo tccurod nnd moil to do tho work. Thcro tiro now ovor umlor wny nnd ordur 20 IIOIV IlOUSfH nro booked (or about 00 nioro, Tho hulldinjiji nro oil ol a lu'b'atnntlnl nat'uro nnd would do credit lo any country. Tho now bunk biilMln it fmt near ItiKcompIullon. Thl, whon (Inliked will bo tho liandivmoit bunk In Cooi county. Tho vaulta uro now being In cad in maionry. Tho finish in thla building Id uuiiiio nnd duMunud by n matter hend. Tho oilier rootnion tho second floor nro nil well ilithtcd' nnd finished In natural Hood, nnd tho wnlnrcotlnita wn tlioin a, muRuiflcIont npiK!ruco. , Thq now planltiK mill it working bsril on odvnnco orders. Mr. Loitulo raya tho now mill Is now wnmped with work which will take teveral months to cloar up. All of tho flnlshlujr for tho now M lonlaTvmplo nt Msrshllold It to ba done by tho mill at North JJend, Cedar and flr will bo utod and tlniehrd In oil. Tho ralllnit andttalr banltton aro now belnu finished and will bo beautiful In tho natural llnteh. The now dry kiln at tho Bath it Door factory, which la capable of drying near ly 100,000 feet of croon or wet lumber In ono ek, and dry It ao It will be thoroughly masoned, la working even bettor. than tho inventor of this ner ysletn anticipate), In flinall lata it la capable ol thoroughly drying lumber In from (50 to IK) hours. Tho largo blower la being put In place now, and when it la completed will bo able to convey all tho duqt nnd champ crlnga from tho various machines to tho fire-box of tho onglnoa, Tho new Sash A Door factory has not an equal on tho l'aclilc coast for couvonlonce, Mjulpmeut or capacity to turn out largo volumet of work. A largo now Invlnclblo Bander la now on tho dock nt North llcud, for tho b'aih A- Door factory. Tho Woolen mill Ih now itinnlnn with about 75 hnndo, A largo amount of cloth la now rondy for tho finishing process and It Is thought that next wovk tho mill will ba running At ful' capacity. Tho mill is now woiklng n 12 1-2 hour day nnd it Is oxpented that soon n doublo shift will bo put on. Tho various machine nro slowly hoiug worked nnd 1 1 mho rod up nnd in the near (uturo thla institution will bo In full blast. W. H.Sponr Is fitting up tho largo hotel building nt tho cornor of Shop man Avo. oppoelto tho bank. Ho has furnished tho cntlro houso and w'll do a gonoral hotel buslnoM. Thn unexpected Growth of North Boml has brought to notteo that mora botol facilltlee aro needed nnd we nro informed that n company is now form ed that will in tho near futuro begin tho orection of a flno now jhotol build ing. In the now town thcro can bo heaid n'q knocking but thnt of knocking to uclhor boardH and nnlls, and amy It oyorbo thus. Mysterious Circumstance Ono waft'palo nnd huIIow nnd tho oth er fresh nnd rooy. Whonco tho diffor thee? Bhtt who Ih blushing with health Unoa Dr, KIuk's Now Life Pills- to malu tnin It, Uy gently arousing tho laity orgnnp thoy compol good digestion nnJ bond off constipation. Try them, Only 2Cu, nt John Prouso Druggist ... , , A stitch It! Unto wives a lot of verbal UurnUig,' i 1 1 1 1 should; purchase ' COOS BAY COAL Only Way, Sayo F, Pg Baumfrartnor by Which Portland can Expect ' to Extend Trade M K (Journal) from Wednesdays Dally, "Many residents of thin city scorn surprised," says F. 1. Haumgnrtnor, lo cal ngont of tho Oalifornln A Oregon Conn Htvnmihlp company, ''thntecvornl steamers nru not plying rcgulnily be tween Portland and tho towns on Com liny, They nrguo thnt thnt section of tho country Is considerable c'otor to Portland than to San Fruncieco, and con tcqnontly la inn position to tecure nil tho trade down that way. "To ono who doet not understand tho tltuatiou such reasoning may Hound plautlblo. Tho facts of tho mattor aro, however, that under tho circumstances Portland la getting lior fair share of tho builuetr, and will probably bo un ablo to got mora unless n sudden and great chttngo comes ovor her citizens, Not one dollar of Portland capital Is In vortoJ In tho Coos Hay country, and lo cal consumers do not buy a pound of produce from thorc. On the other band, Han Francisco capital has opened up and dovolopod the country. Captain Blmpton of tho Ilay City owna nearly nil the eawmllls and the sash and door fac tory. Ho also oporatcaa float of ves sels up and down tho coatt. Tho Bprcck lot own and work the coal mines; they alto own the railroad which connects Manhfleld and Myrtle Point. Cnllfor nlans have established croamorles and many other entorpriiot thero, Tho pro duct of all those Industries is shipped to southern points, because a ready market Is found for them. "Ban Francisco pooplo use Cos Iluy coal, and tho merchants of the several towns on the bay patronize them in re tarn. V at has Portland done toward aiding In the development of that coun try? AbioluHy nothing. A local buel neis man tho othor day askod mc what It would coat him to havo a cargo of Coot Iliy coal laid down In Portland. I replied that it would cost him t& a ton. "Why,1 ho answered, I tan got Tuj;ot sonnd coat for f3.25,' It Is useless to arguo with a mau llko that, and I said nothing. If ho la willing to pay 25 cents moro a ton for Sound coal, that is ills butlnees. Tho Coos Ilay coal is fully ns good R grado nnd Is choapcr, but the Portland connunors scorn to imagiuo that thoy ought to got It for nothing. That is one of tho principal reasons why Portland does not enjoy a greater vol ume of trade with tho Coos Day towns. 'Thoy got nil tholr flour, mill-feed and such like from here, but wo get practically nothing from them. be- llovo, however, It would bo possible to Induce Portland residents to uso tho Coos Hnr coal if tho matter was .taken up h a systomntlo mannor. If somo ona with a little capital would tako hold of tho proposition hero, build bunkers and preparo properly for handling tho business, I think he would do woll nt It. U la a buanlnoss that would eventually pay. Whon tho coneumora generally be come convinced of tho fact that tho con! Ischonpor and bolter than thnt procured at othor places, they would soon begin to buy it In liberal quantities. North bound buBlntea will croato a southbound trade, and by uelng tho coal tho effects would soon bo folt by tho additional shipments mado on tho returning etsam ore. If wo want tholr patronago, wo will harvo to reciprocal. "San Francises will nlwayo havo a blp hold on tho country, becauso it was opoucd up nnd tho principal enterprises thero nro ownod by her onergotlo citi zens. This wB dono whtlo Portland capital wns lying idle, and now come people wondei why it la that tho mor ohnnla of Coos IJ.vy do hot buy every thing thoy need ,'from business houcoq In this cltv. "Tlioro nro Hired etoamcra regularly plying botween Son Frnnoieco and Oooi Day points, That makes about an aver- r se of nevon steamers a month. In ad' .... ... ...... .... (imon there la a omnil licet oi samngi vcHtola calling thero at regular Inter- vala from the Ilay City. On tho return trlpa tho latter novVr take out.any thing! liiil Itimlinr .r . .j "In tho apring it la tho intention of thocorripnny Iroproient to put on an other steamer from Portland. Hho will run in connection witlt the Alliance, which will proyldo a eurvlco of about six sloamorB a month from horo, It will then bo up to tho pooplo of Port land to extend their commerce with Coos liny, It can bo done, hut not by refuting to purchase anything produced in that section ol tho country," 3SCK STOP IT! I w I ch Wo Vofer to Coughs, Colds, Bron chial Trouble. Asthma. Crbtip) Etc. Tho best romedy for these ailments Is-- : : : LOCKHART'S SPRUCE GUM AND HOREHOUHD 25 cents and 60 cents and your money back if not satisfied. Lockhart's Pharmacy Special 5 Clubbing Offer. Here is the clinucc of your lifetime. It is good oiily as loug as this nd nppcars. ' The WEEKLY OREGONIAN The N. Y. TRIBUNE FARMER The WEEKLY COAST MAIL The DAILY COAST MAIL OUR OFFER The OREGONIAN, TRIBUNE FARMER aud WEEKLY COAST MAIL, 1 year frjr only -. - ' ' $2 50 The OREGONIAN, TRIBUNE FARMERf aud DAILY COAST MAIL, 1 year for duly - - 4 00 You all kuow the Oregonian. The Tribune Fanner is one of the best farm .papers t. pub lished any where. If you are a farmer and do not take advantage of this ofler, where do you .expect to get ofF'at? It is epen to all subscribers, old or new. , TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS ABOUT !T. ! ..CLUBBING LIST ami For all subscribers, old or new paying one year Jin adVance. With Daily With Weak Wookly Orogonlart ' Examiner' .i. . 00 i Chronlciozr "' " Salem Capftal Journal ,3 BO ' " Salem Homestead .. 375 - yj TrU Wookly N. Y4Trlbuno , 3'75 Thrlo.e-aSWssk N. Y. W6rlti Monthly Qrj Poultry Journal ?" fftrtf.. 1Tint That Mennf Mr. Jr-Ilf.h you wouldn't mioro ao. Mr. .7.-1 have to, my dear otherwise the other honrdera would hear you,- Co,mn!'1n 3wWv' t'rnor of AfTcelloli. Bho You don't Unow what it In to Jove. lie 1 don't, eb? Haven't I been (o rvory piny, rend every popular novel In the Inst Mix monthfl, got Into debt liopc lowly nnd cut oft my mustnche, and all for your mike? Konton Journal. Itallf Klennor I'vo timed. Intimidation. refused Udgnr flvo J)orothyWcll? Klennor Hcre'H n noto onylng ho lenda mo thla' lovely diamond ring to wear Until I accept htm. I 1 5?. 5 x 00 ,., 2 00 3 00 ill Iv Coast Mall S3 75 Coast Mall $2O0 2 35 i 35 r lob ,t-- i ..,." 2 00 -V' j, . - v2r00 I2 00 2 00 .1 v. 7 3 7fe sast My Breath. Shortness of Breath la One of the Com monest Signs of Heart Disease, Notwithstanding what many physio-' ians My, heart dlaeose can be cured. Dr. Mllca' Now Heart Cure liaa per manently restored to health many thousands who hod found no relief In tho medicine (allopathic or homoeo pathic) of regular practicing phyalcfans. It hafl proved Itaclf unique in tho his tory of medicine, by bclnp no uniformly, successful in curing thoso diseases. Nearly always, ono of tho flrst bIrtis of troublo in nhortnesa of breath. Wheth er It comes as a result of walking or running up ntalra, or of other iercle, fl tho heart la unabia to meet this extra dumanil upon lt pumping poirere thero is pomctlilng wrong with It. Tho very best tiling you can do, In to tako Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. It nill go to the foundation of the trou ble, and make a permanent euro by , strengthening and renewing the nerve. "1 know that Dr. Mile New Heart Cure la a groat remedy. For a number of years i nufTercd from shortness of ' breath, smothering spells, and pains In my left ilto For months) at a time I . would be unable to llo on my left side, I and If I lay tint on my back would nearly smouier. a iricna nuvisca. usire xr. Wiles New Heart Cure, which I did with good results. I began to improve at once, and after taking several bottle of tho Heart Cure the pains in my side and other symptoms vanished. X am now entirely welL All those dnadful smothering spells nro a thing of the past." V. V. DRAKH, Mlddletown, It the first bottlo docs not help you, the druggist will refund your money. i'?l,, wrue 10 us xor Tee -irisj C XvJCiJCf 2'ackaga of Dr. Mile' Antl- Pain Pilli. tho Nkv Bclentlflc Jlemedy for Pain. Also Symptom Blame. Our Specialist wlli Olagnosa your case, tell you what Is wrong, and how to right It; Free- DIt. MILES MEnitlIJ CO., LAUORAXPIUiiH, iiUOLLUX, INC GRISSEN MUSIC CO Obolco Selection of Mattel Goodt- Musical Albums MusiclRolis Mandolins Guitars t, Violins Sole Agents For Thc Chlckerlng - Kimball , Weber, Vose And 25Other Makes of High Gradc- PIANOS IOOFBIdgMarshfiekl IF YOU WISH TO ADYEimSE IN NEWSPAPERS AJHrWMEH AT ANYT1X3 Can r Write E.CDHE'SADYERmKSAGEKCY 4 6 JHM-ctuurtJi' Exelwass SAN PKANCU40. CAU itatmtBw BO YEARS' EXPERIINOE Marks DCIIQNB Oof taiaHTa Ac Anronft endlax a iktk sad dlpUn may okir MMriws fur DMoroq wso wueviusr to kt MMrtaia fur c blrvt lloiuitlirtlrconOJwMi). ant frA. uidtfft tMtmar I iiu i'mttnu Uk Urouk Uaaa A Co, TCMtTt tf of jor Hrw PftMaH. IDitUl nH. Kkol Wiiil Ul Scknlilk flanrkan. X huidtomtlr iUifriil Vtaklr. lAlreot tit. euUMoa of mr imo 01 uy irsapii losmsfc Term. o a ri loor Ms,sa, aaAf BntwtAe.'Uer. Cojj?rfrr- Niw Yorfc BrBfl 99. MB WV TTMOIBSKm. u. U. IWNJK Bead iaodl,ikua or pixMo Hiatal rnxrerocioa t(eriUbliltT. Brsn UoTrtoSaouruTBanr lilBlfC r-ilM.WFI LlWklHil uppoaite u. 3. latent ornoe WASHINGTON D. 0, 5 vVAW ONCE IN A LIFE TIME Tlio Hamilton PIino la for those who buy but one piano during a lifts limo. Its touo Is Bwrst and full, its rtuo is bonutiful nnd iti wearinc qualities bo jond queotlon. With prldo wo coo icfer ynu to nearly fifty thousand purchneiire. Wrltoforlllustioted catalpue. By our ensy pay ment plan yoa can pay whllo yguplay. Wherever you Hye ;e driver free of traneportatlon iAad transfer charges. - -;' f ' .f' I ft- H.-M.'FUKMAN, ' v " JIarehflold, Orfj;ou. BepresoVitlng Allan Jk Gilbert-Rnmaknr Conjpnny, tf taMBlatatataV Tram Tar 1 loor m Bta Off CATARRH otsUKaxxti AMD H JUL t IK O otm ton u n I Ann H 99Pffi Ely 's Crew Win ihw. Ceatwu te drsr. . , It U qalekfy attorned. OlTMKelUfstenea. It Opni ksd CletiHe the KuD VMtttm. Pflt II Ik H FA IK Aiurlonmmtfofl. wi- wrr IUjJ nd Proweu the MMibrun. RMtett ttw fiMi of Tut Mid flmU. ! fr( ? eM t UrufClits er lr mJI; TrUI 91m, 10 cxnlt hy H. KLX jUUTIUUW. M Wsrraa 8tret, ton TwX. iikimii iCBunaw :GE fee. K a M m m n w m is s S3 DEALEIt IN" OltOOEUlUfl FRK8IJ FRUITS, YEGH TA BLES rjlOVISIOKti, FT.OUB FEED, ETC., OT THE BEST QUALITY. 1'KICES REASONABLE, FR023EN OTfSTRX? EVERYDAY, : Street, Miraji field, Ort IBiaiHIHiHI a a zi aA H K THE STEAMER , ARCATA, JT. C. JTJSLSONt Masta . . t Will VfUm KexrMlnr Trip BETWEEN caos BAY -AND- SAJT FBAIfCISCO -CARRYING PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT AT ', ' - LOWEST RATES. , ' Oregon Coal & Narration Co., - Proprietor, F.S1X)W, Ageat, Carshfield, OrogOR i.O. CO. Ageat, Esmplre City, Oragoa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS V - , .m. tiiu.JJmcwA' I S KAUFMAN ft CO , 'Make a Specialty of Real Eetale " OfDcefl. Marsbfleld over. BengtUcren'a DruR Store. North Bend, Sitnpeoti block, : j : : - : rr ' r-i : : t-7 , J. M. Ubton t ATTORNEYAT-LAW "' Marsbfleld, :: OfuRon J. W. '.Bennett. Attorney nnd.Counselor at Law. MARSHFJELD -. i : 0RE(U;.V John F Hail. Attotltey at Law ' '" Office In Eldorado Block" ' MABSHFIELO i . OREGOV'' WtE2pkSm mp'mgM Lssssss J 'Mr IsLssssssT ctr : rr-irr '' ' R. H. ,ValterD,'D. S.t Dental SurReou and Meclntitcal Deaitlst , OfficoNasbure Butldlnc, X V : . .- Phone 38V- V'j '". '' MAh'SHFIELD j Vv' 9REG0X E. E. Straw, M.'D. ' Phyelclan and Siirgppn. v 1 Speolnl attention given to dteonsea of tho Kye, Karryose and ThroatT' , Ofllco In Sengstackeii & Smith Bldjr.'' MAltSHFIELD OKKGOX 1 t W. U. Douelas. t.i 1 Atlornoy nt Law audJU.S.CotnmJIono? ' MAltSHFIELD i i OREGON I """ ! - ' Dr. Haydon, f - " Office opposite Union furnlturn gto;j . Hours; 10 to 12 nnd 2 U " , ' ' Special attention tmld to dlfioupo of' Sliliil " "' Urlnary'and UlKestlvo (tons, , Uii U. S. 11'ensibn Kxnmlno?." Thonc. cqp , llJiBrj,' .-:: ckegot' . ' -y- U sr: Eric Wold MARSHFIELD- :: ORE002C Homestead ind Tlrr.Vcr Losstloa. 1 t Ml Su j. . W' ' ,