Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, February 06, 1904, Image 1

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No. 6
Japan Increases De-:
mands on Russia
Traffic Stopped on Si
berian Road
Excitement on St,
Petersburg Bourse
' ' (Special to the Coast Mall,)
r Paris. Fob', 2-Thii .Sows rccohcd thin
afternoon n sinister report, to Ilia effect f
that Japan Iim Incrcaied he: demands
ou Itumlu,
llcrlln. Fob, 2-Tho rJchlcssIche Zel-
tung, a conservative newspaper, aiierli
that tlio war between Japan and Ituttla
ls certain nnd an outbreak li Imminent.
Tbo papora rnyi n recout council lata
cd orders to stop traffic on the trone
Siberian railroad from Moscow oostword
and eavo tlio trains for military uio,
Hoods awaiting diipntch nt Moicovr will
bo returned to senders.
Tlio paper ntatos tlmt thcao facto have
created groat excitement on llio nt
Petersburg Hourto, ,
IHcituo of tfeitung's hlrfh ropuUtlou
for voracity, buslnee rlrnlm iu Ilorlln
aro alarmed. Tlio foreign office doca
not notlco tlio crisis,
Btoto rnllwny managora any tboy have
received uo Intimation of tbo stoppage
of trains transporting qiborln t(A(llc,
. Fukln, Feb. 2 Tbo Corcan rnlolstor
h'ero iins been recallod, and will lenvo
rutin within n few days, .
Corean legation continues to rccoivo
disquieting news regarding coatljllons in
Coroa, ,
Tbo Jnpanotominjstorat Tckln die
credits tbo froitqits. Intimating that n
poaooful tottlomunt will bo arrived at,
especially In vlow ol Russia's Imtnedt
nto warllko pjoparatlons.
Fraukfort, Ky Fob, 0:-, ..Today was
thoannivorsaiy of tho death ol Gover
nor William Goobel and hi honor of his
memory appropriate oxorcleos woro held
by the olnto Isglalaturo in sosslon horo,(
Addrossos ouIokIbIIo oHho character
and publ.o doudsljUq dead csecutlvo
yorp dollve,rod, p?d as .ly further rnarjt
of reepeot to bis mamory both uhambora
of tho, assembly adjouruod lor the day
To Ship on Pacific
Mail Liner
(Special to the Coaat Mall.)
Newport News, Feb, 2 Nearly 100
seamen from numerous foreign vessels
In thli port bare Uosorted during he
bait for days to abip on the new 1'nclflc
mail liner Mongolia, which leaves tbo
shipyard for Ban Francisco on Thurs
day. One iblp acka 74 men. Tbo masters
mtIioro mon have decertod are securing
warrant, but probably the steamships
vr II bo unablo to sail on time, owing to
short crows.
' (Special to tho Coast Mail.)
Chestor, Fa.. Fob. 2: Tbo magnify
cbnt steameblp Oily of Columbus,
built for tbo Ocoan Btcamablp company
jvos'launchod today at tho yards of tbo
Delaworo Shipbuilding, and Engine
company. 7 ho christening ceremony
as porformod by Miss TIaudo Durnott
of Columbus, (la., in honor ot which
city tho boat was named, Tbo launch
lug was attended by oQlcials o! tbo
Ocean tileamshlp compauy and tho
Central Railway of QoorRl andi a
party of prominent peoplo of Columbus,
Speolal to the Mall,
Bt, Louis, Mo, Fob. 8 The second
car load of bl timbers for the Washing
tou Btato Uullding has reached the ex
position grounds, With tho timbers
wao tho big dan staff which will form a
feature of the Uoueo Hoo-Hoo, tbo
structure that is being erected by the
lumbor intorosts of tho United States as
a rendeavouB for tho lumber trndo who
will visit tbo fair. Bocido serving no n
club houBO'fur tho lumbermen tbb
structuro la liltebdod to form a .niuedtitii
of tlio luihbor products ol the United
Bttoa, 'Wlitlo tbo big .log'Btnff 9Pin
from tho statu of Washington other
portions of ho biildlng will bo con
struotod from epedimeus ot plumber
LurcVuct inDasMlohlgan, Mmheso
palllprnia, Klorldp, MiBsleslppl and
nutnorouo other states.
Japan Exasperated at Russia's Delay and
Will Soon Send Ultimatum Seoul
Railway Seized
(Special to
Toklo, Feb. 3 An Important council,
attended by the Mikado, Marquis Ito,
tbrco admirals and the War Minister,
waaheld today. It is believed that the
HusianJapaneio situation bas reached
n i-limax. Tbo higliest officials make no
effort to conceal their exasperation at
tho tardiness of Iluiil&'a reply.
Rome, Fab, 3 News from the far
East arserts that Japan Is determined
to present an ultimatum to Russia Feb,
KtyU to conclus-lo $ rwesjed prior' to
thst lime.
London, Feb. 3 Letters of Jealiuz
men in Toklo to friends bore state Mliat
orcr thing is in readiness in Japan for
war, nnil that an outbreak is inevitable.
Russia's concessions are not likely to
snfllce, and this is the last phaso cf no
Kotlations bolorc a rctiort to arms. In
fluuntial Japsucso ctlUens ol Europe
. ' ' COUNT
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Now York, Feb. 3: Another woa
added tolbo list of Amorlcbn glrla who
havo weddod titled foreigners when Miss
Marmot Stone, daughter of Mrs. Joseph
F. 6tono, became the bride today oj
Count Alexander Betoldlngen, ol
Austria. Tbo ceremony was herformed
in tho Church of the Incarnation, tho
Rev, William M. Grosyenor officiating.
Count Rubldo Ztchy, of tb'e Austrian
Kmbapsy at Washington, was among
tho ushers, nnd tho othor nUonUabts
Included well known young society peo
ple ol Now York, Trovldence, anfl sever
al other cltlee. Following tbe church1
ceremony, tboro was a rargely 'attended
reception at tbe resldouoo ot.th eIde'a
mother In EMt Thirty eighth street.
! J (
par.ee Postpone
Owing to tho)(aot that br. MinguB,
hoalth officer, line advised that no public
meetings bo held at North Bend, lor tho
present, on account dl thodneasles, tbo
North, Bend 'Band hnvo thoughble9t to
postponohefalanco Vhlchv waa to be
hold in tho pavilion hbxt SatuirdaynJghti
until a mbrg fnvor'Aule time.
the Coast Mall,)
footing noted diplomatists have &d
yieed Japan that now
is the limi
" j.
Parirf, Feb. 3 Acting under govern
ment order?, the Oriental shipping
companies are holding several vessels
in readiness for possible troop transpor
t.tIon work in caee ot war.
St. reterabnrtv Feb, 3 The Beonl
railway, according to dispatches from
'Vladivostok, bis beea eccspled by Jap
anese troppp. The Japanese have aleo
taken gnss to ?eoul for protection ot
their legation.
Farls, Feb. 3 A corrdepondent of the
Journal at Fort Arthur cablee that or-
dors havo been received for mobiliza
tion of tho Russian Hioadrons there and
nt Vladivostok, and both aro now ready
to toko tho 'or at a momout'a notice.
(8pecIal'to tho Coaat Mall.)
Chicago, til, Feb 3-Both tbe South
Pacific and tbo Santa Fe have deter
mined to concont rate their efforts dur-
incrthu next few vears toward tbe
e -
settlement and( development pf Tcxa
andl the Southwest, G. W. McKinney,
laaniigration agent for tho Ilurriman
system, will tomorrow start with a party
otChlenco Board of Trade men ou n
trip through Texas and it Js expected
that tho result will bo an Influx of treeb
Chicago capital, A Chicago company is
now organising for tho purflose of ac
quiring; extensive rice lands Iu Texas,
r)tto WasWrsty
r Thureday 6to Scnetter celobrated bis
Sbtn blthrthday. Ho was 30.
He was vory adverse to telling It.
It.was also tho birthday of tho Em
pire, having mado, bur maiden trip into
Coos Uy Tho bones of. her fister ehlp,
tfto Eastport, which Wbullttor the,
CooVB.r trh, pfjf lifrbfeptilderteit bn
thvCali((orniA cQajt., Mathe upara ot
hoi eurvlvors tver stftnd as a mdfaument
tb thg trftde ua prosperity ol Coos Byi
Physician Says
No Danger
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Watbington. Feb. 3 Uanna passed a
bad Dhbt. He Is not so wc)l today and
is very weak. Dr. Klxey says although
much deblii&teU bis condition is ua
alarming. This afternoon a rumor wa? circulated
thatllanna non dead, this created a
small panic in tho corridors of the capi-
tal and principal hotels. It was quiet-
edbytbeannuncementat tbe Arllng
ton hotel that bis condition since n.orn.
in- was unchanged. Ho Is still ralioiiHl ,
.. .
though weak. Dr. Rixoy is constonlly
at bit bedside.
Later Dr. Rlxey insists that there Is
no cause for alarm.
Build. Permanent Streets
A news item in n Eugene paper tells
how tbe mud is being hauled off their
streets alter it is scraped together with a
machine scraper. There may baVe been
a time when this could have happened
in MarshQeld, but sin.ee tbe new street
work ol building etreeta with fire clay
has been inaugurated this burning tbe
light at both ends, so far as oxpenco is
concorned ceasos.
' fr
New Woolen rilill for Baidon
Bondon citizens are equal to ttho oc-
casionof keeping the town to tbe front,
I (Jood Clothes forBoys II
Hi o . mm m
Hi ,r , H
II H ' ' sssV
Mv ' . ', . i... - jji!aLlzm
Tht;clti;"ni linvn gitlMCiibud ilm stock
tdr il.ti mc'ijjii of a new up-to-datn
wcolen mil!. Tli capltol stork (s all
raleid ami tvotl: uiil Jiccin immediately;
Tbo mannter cl Ibis new corporation
baa loft for .m Franciscj and tbe easf
to purcbiw tin niachtncry. We aro In
formed tlio Jie-A- plant will bo built with
tr.o intention ot manufacturloK ehrf
finer line of iootl4 and eurerfor quality
dud iiur t.di'i will be tbo rock upon'
which tbe new n-ill will build the:r
futiri. '
Tfle Apple Exhibit
The Jan of apple: in II. SengstacWn,f
window present A'baciieome apperancei
and aro nttractmg a gojd deal of at'
u-utinn. They illustrate tbe way fn
whlch'ih" Coi pounly apple display
will hepiito.'iat Et Louis, A large
number of ibetujirs have beearprocur
cd by the Puoli Clafy 3, 1 and 5 inches''
in ihamo cr, an-l new some six'inelj
j.us bare beH ordered, as ft was founcfk
1 ln utftrtnt a( amv VtXn oi1 Ahnlda avnulrf
not co Jbto the ctce en lunl,
Th( a 8eiwlacken.f whdo
R0 prfcetVed in a clear liquid prepar-j"
r M. B. Everltt, drpnlit in thai'
lelitbiiebment, who lias bad consider-'
,,.,-, .,i ,
I" -,-.....ww . ....- ...... - ..-. -
;roctiB pf preparing a liquid oepeclall;-
ndpled for the pruponJ.
fr-dered Oat ol Towil
Will Danism who la repidtnt agent for
Coos county for a whole lot obthe mosf'
responsible firms in various parts of the
country recently returned from Coquille"
had on unusual experience when reach-
inz tbo county tuat by being met by tC
committio nbo had read a personal in
tbe Coast Mail about Mr. D going over
on business and that he would probably
walk back, an "walking was good." The,
party mrt Mm at the train with a typi
ul tratnp'o bundle already prepared ami
and tbo spokesman told him very .em
phatically that they knew enough of-him
from roading the Daily Mail, and
banded him tho bundle and told him
to tskothw track bank to Marshfleld. HA
too'k tbe bundlaand It was some tew
minutis buoro he oould reallie tbe joftri
llmif lutil nnvnatpnlDrt An titrr Ti (lawn!
oa (llm thlU lll0 letn had Ia tha
one cant da.ly.
& Matson.,,..
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