BiMpwABl wiffiii Jtfi m mtnmmnmmnmtmnmmmutmtrmp, 99Ooaaecoeoaiwaiii9OociQ)fawoQ9oofici0 iohe 'Biased Trail , Copyright, 1002, by P Ooo9oiioaeooooioo90oooeo&ooioo9bioi4ftoo'j mttmwwnmtmmnwmmwmmJr, Chapter II Continued IViumi Ifoli'ti 'ITmriMt road" tutu mio cried. 'I'IiIiikh liml gone wrong that morning, iiu1 mi ciii'ournglug won! .would hnvo helped her. Thu hoiiiIht tiiiin of her brother's rummiiiilrntlon throw her Into it III nf tliu lilui'H from which for tho HrHt tlmo hIhi saw her HiirroiimlliiRH In n ihprexHlng unit ills, timtiimi light. Ami yet ho liml writ ten itn In) did with tliu kliidcm possible motives, thLrt i fii oo 1 1 Im whm ni-M-r eiitlrcjy itrre with thore lie Invtil. AflT the rilkKi-ncn r i,jM f(,.r n a r ry Thorpe Imd im a urcnt deal of thlukliiK met plmuiliiK which ho kep nomier. iney pitMimii n m...,. JllK Mli'l had iiilli-cltl Hit- leiiialnilcr of tlio inisi'nioiH. wlih tin exception of Hliiwrer ami T1hiiim, nnl now were mmUs tb" JiiK rupldly from hand to jwild. Mw)ii they bciiiiue niimlntl. Httlk ItiK up nno of tli wlenl. lonn ilrawn out rlmtitN imi popnlnr with tie linntv lMy. Tliirj"' lrHdJy ;mimiI lil cotiipttulmi hi it man of niiiu wiM iiiul did ii-tl hMltntc to niwrlhe hU hu muiilty fioiu uiittuyniictf to tb odier'H liri"ence. Hlt'n a bad tlilnir." flkl tbt walklnt: !. " tim-d to U mi It nifft'lf, nnd I know." "Ilew'n I.ol.:" tried JJmmy niee)y throiittli ilm nj-rtitn of Hit door. i "You'll lied tin iNiardln' hwitto Just ACroMi oi-r tlio track," mild tlio vmIn DWIi, holdlnc nut bU IiiiihI. " iii; Kwt yon iik.iIii If you don't llitd a jti with Iho old fHluw. My iiai.e-'H Hhenrfr." "Mine U Thonw." replied the other. "ThMttk j on" Thorp followed ami fouml hluiHelf on the frozen tilatforui of a llttlu dark railway Mtatlon. Directly ncrow tho track from th railway Htatlon a hIii Kin building wiih pricked from rtie dark by n rolltary lamp In a lower atorj1 room. Tho four wlm had descended beforo Thorpe imide ovii' toward thin llKbt, HtumblliiK mid lailuhliik' oncer. tnlnly, m In knew It wiih probably tho luiardliiK bourn mid prepared to follow; them. The llvo wero met nt tho Hteiw by tho proprietor of the lmnlliiK Iioiiho. Thin tnau wiih hhorl mid xtout, with a hare lip and cleft palate, which at once kuvo htm tho wVII known Hlurrlui; Mpeecb of pcritouH mi nilllcted mid liiiiarted id) to tho timbre of IiIh voice a pcuiil Jurly hollow. rcouaiit, triitnpetllkn note. Ho (dumped alMint energetically, nn,(i wixxleii Ick of luiinu inauufacture. It WtiH a ciimlierHomo liiHtiiiiueiit, heavy, with deep pltm Hocket fur tho titiimp and u iroJeetliiK bmco which IJiucied under a leather belt around tho iuuu'h wnltd. This liiHtrumcnt bo tiHed with the dexterity of a third hand. Ah Thorpu watch! him he drove in a pro JevtliiK nail, kicked two "turkcya" lu hMo the oputi door and Htuck tho iirinM cud of IiIh k'k' h'K tlirotiKiniiu top mid lyttom of the wblHky Jiik that ono of Iho new arrival had net down near tho door. The whlnky promptly rain out. At thin the cripple tllrted the Im paled Jiik from tho wooden Ick far out,' over the rail of tho veranda into the hiidw. A mowl went up. "Wlmt n thumler'H.thnt for?" Hnarb, il ono of tho owuerri of tliu wlilukyj threateningly, "Don't allow no wlilnky hore," snuff Id tho harelip, i Tho men wero very aiiKty. They nil Vunced towurd tho cripple, who re treated with nutoulHliliiK nullity to tlio lighted room. There lie bunt tho wood en Ick behind liim, allpped tliu cud of tho bruco from beneath the leather butt, H'Ucd the other pcf; end In IiIh rlKht haiul mid ho became poiiscKsud of a imirdurotiH bludgeon. TIiIh ho biiuul lulled, liopiiitiK at tho Hiimo time buck anil forth in Mich perfect pnlno mid yet with io ludlcrouH an effi-el of popping coin that the men were mirprlucd Into IuukIiIuk. "Nully for you, pckIokI" they cried. "JUila.H mi' rej;erlatlonH, boyH," replied tliu latter, 'without, howover, u ahado of compi'omlDiiiK 1 IiIh toucH, "Had Hllt)0lV', CIIAl'TKU III. mllORPH waa nwakened n tlmo before dajilKht by rlmjlni: of a noluy boll. long the Hu ,, drcHuejl, HhlvorliiK, nnd Htuin bled dowuatalrH to tho round utove, bl uh a boiler, into which tho erlpplo dumped hut,'o Iokh of wood from tlmo 'tto time. After. breakHSt Thoruo r- .... .... iru fiiu fir u'liinr unrriiiiiirni0f'iifiu i iliorpo hitil tho misfortune to bo onej ;',,,'' ,.' ,.,. , ' ..,, ,., ,Ilimillfltl. Thorpe went out, lie hud mndo the '" "'" "'l'v l "'I"'. Hioiiitli "r,. "J l,Hli ,7 ,)' i on, e S tha lev,,, In chop- Iw or what peoph, K,,.rl my i" mlm lHtruct ! ln" w"0,1 k,w, ,,,,wr " Ho .think of them. n,u In it eorre,pudlngi ' ",l' H ,M ,r ", , n ' did not know where to turn next, mid dereo ,,,,. ,,, . ,, if l0 ' ' T "'Si b' onl.l not have biid.U.e money to rew tiiey jnv. 'iihh fof iik wiih fur- V . .1 , . i i - . ' ICO far In any who; ko, although Hlienr oxiiKK-mtl by a .,...,tltui!..i..l i H,r,,,?lA ",w,,n'' ",,1 U,.vhi iUT J. ' U bruKoim irreetlin: that mriiliiic bad .KlirlnkliiK from any ..uuriml niHMlf.-v ,'-;.p " ' "7,," ,"' a lack of cordiality. Ho revived 'UHlnii of Hi,. emol.MA 1WI,,,,,, fj Mt"'" ,hr"" ' ,n .H"" v". ,.)n'r ,,M ! !r ! . n..,.l..,l Iho rlvrr mull of 1.W nroin. ..... ji win- fY it By STEWART EDWARD WHITE i t ft w. H I? Wlexuart CtlUiurrf XOhti ? turned to tlllN iitovo nnd Hitt linir (lOZlIlg for wlm t Hccmcd to lilm iiiituld ages. Vim cold of tliu northern country vn Initialing him. Men ciiiiio In, smoked n brief iIiuj Mini went out. After n tlmo lie himself put on his overcoat nnil ventured out Into tlio town. II semed to Thorpu n meager iilfnlr, built of lumber, mostly unpiiliitedwlth always tlio dark, men nvltiK fringe of tliu forest beblml. Tho grunt miwiiiIII, with Km tnll Htaeks and iorj lie." Ho followed and nitcrwl. In a naiTow hIhm ralld off from tho main part of tho room waited Thorpe' coiiipNliloiirt of the ul'ht before. The remainder of tho olllco piifi accomuio datlon to threo rlerkrt. Ono of then) Klaucctl up ItKiulrliiRly iih Thorpe came In. "I am lookbiK for work," hiiIiI Thorpe. "Walt there," brlclly couunanded tho Cl.'lk. In a few Momenta the door of the inner room openeil and Hlo'iiror came out. A iiinn'ri Iwnd peered from within. "Ohijb on, boyH," Hiild ho. The live iippllcnntH Nhtillled through. TIorw found hluiM'lf In tin1 pnM'Uc( of a man whom he frit to lx the natu ral leader of tlno wild, IndoiM-nileut uplrltM. Ho wiih already a little pant middle life, and bin form bad bwt the elantle vljjor of youth. Itilt IiIh eyo wiih keen, clear mid wrinkled to a cer tain dry facetloimni"M, and bU IlKuro wiih of that bulk which gives an Im prixuduti of it iitibtlor weight anl iKiwir t Iih ii the merely physical. Vou fell bin HUHrlorlty even when ho won most eomr.ulely with you. Thin man Thorpe wiih to inei-t under other condition, u lutein tho Mtccl hand would more plainly clink the metal. Ho wan now rented In a worn ofllco chair iH'foro a littered desk. In the cIoko air lunik' the Hindi of Hlalu clKam mid the clear fraKrauce of pine. "What Im It, DenulH?" ho linked tho llrnt of tho men. "I've been out," replied the lumber man. "Have you t;ut auyUiliiK fur tuc, Mr. DnlyV Tho mill invncr latiKhcd. "I KueHH h. lUjort to Shearer. Did you vote for tho rlht man, Denny?" Tho lumberman h'rlnnrd nhccplHhly. "I don't know, dr. 1 didn't get that fur." , "Hotter let It nlono. I mippono you nnd Hill want to come bnck too';" im ndilisl, tiirnliiK to tho nest two In line. "All right; report to Tim. Do you "ll'c fire ff vcru hutirjwm here," he nii1. want work?" he imptlivd of the hint of the iiunrtet, n big, bashful mun, with tho Hliouldern of a IlereuloH. "Ves, Hlr," answered tho latter, tin (omfortable. "What do you want?" "I'm n cant hook man, air." "Where havo you worked?" "I hud a Job with Morgan & Slob Mns on tho Clear river last winter." "All right; wo need cant hook uu,mi. Report at 'fioveu,' anil If they don't want you tliere go to 'thirteen.' " The man wont out. Duly tinned to Thorpe wits tho lust dickers of amuse ment In IiIh oycH, "What can I do for you?" ho in quired. "I am looking for work," Thorpe replied. tvSr I " (mM... I lfln1 Af tpnil4" I "Any kind, w long nn I enn loom something about tlio luinbor IiiihImuhb." Tho older iniin studied lilm keenly for n few iiKiinenUi. i "IIuvo yoti had nny other bunwoii . experience?" "None." "Wlmt have you been dolngt" "Nothing." Tho lumberman! eyo hardened "Wo ii ro n very buny linn hero," ho mid, with n certiiln 1ellbenitlon. "Wo do not curry bli; force of men In nny olio deportment, mid each of those men Iiiih to llll IiIh place nnil slop iioino over do' not prutoud or ut hero. If you i i ro u lumDcrmnti you intuit leiim uio lumber business more directly Hum through the windows of n bookkocjwtr'H ollci'. ('o Into the woods. Iarn u few llrst prlnclpleH, Kind out tho differ once between Norway nnd white pine iinywiiy." After IiIh fipccch tho buslnenn tnnu whirl! buck to IiIh desk. "IIuvo you anything for mo to do In tlio woods, then'" tho other asked quietly. "No," mild Daly over IiIh shoulder. Incd iiKMlntniice, That noon he cnrrlcl out Ida rcaolvu. "Jo up and tacklo Itadway," mild Kluiarer. "Ho'h Jobbing for im on tlio Caiw bnineh. Hu nwdn men for rortd ' In. I know, localise Ixh behind. You'll i;et a Job tliere." "WImto Ik ItV iiHkcd Thorpe. "Ten nilleH from here. Bhe'a blnzc-d, but you bettor wait for tho wipply twim 1'rlday. If you try to mnke her yourHcIf you'll got Jotft on bomo of tho old loKRlni; roadH." Thorpw coiiHldered. "I'm buntHl," lie Nild at lant frankly. "Oh. that'H nil right," replied tho walking Ihhw. "Marxhall, come here." Tho peleggcd iKiardlng Iioiiho keeper Rtnmpeil In. "Whtif in it?" he trumpeted 8nufT inuly. "TIiIk Itoy wuntH n Job till Krlday. Then le-'s going up to Itadwny'H with tho vupply team. Now, iult your hoi- I luring for a chore Iwy for a fiw dayH." I "All right," Htiorted Marahall. "Take that ax and opllt Home dry wood that you'll llud Ixihind the 1ioum.." "I'm very much obliged tovou," be gan Thorpe to the walking boH-, "and" "Thnt'ii all right," Interrupted the hit tor. Job." ".Soiuo day ou can give me a CHAITKR IV. Oil five dnya Thorpe cut wood, made flren, drow water, nwept lloot-H and ran orrnndH. At the cud of the week he received 1 IiIh employer, dumped bin va from lise Into a low bobUJolgli driven by a man mulllcd In a fur coat, unstated In loading tho idclgh with a variety of tlihiB.s, fniui Mjiearhead plug to raisin, and tunuHl bin fuco at triHt toward tho land of hU hope.i and dCHlrcH. The long drlvo to camp wan at once a delight and u misery to lilm. Klrst IiIh feet became numb, then bin hand, then bin noe was iiIpikmI, and iluully his warnt clothei were lifted from him by invisible hiiudrf, and hu was left nuked to Hhiver-s mid trembling, lie found it torture to it Htlli on the top of the balu of bay, and yet bo could not boar to contemplate tho cold nhock of Jumping from the Hlolgh to tho ground. The driver pulled up to brentho his horse at the top of a hill. "You're droned pretty light," ho ad Vised. "Iletter hoof it a waya nnd got J warm." The wordn tipped tho balance of Thorpe' decision. Ho descended Htltlly, coiisclotM of n dlstigreeablo Hliock from a hI.x Inch Jump. I In ten minutes the wallowing, Blip plug and leaping after the tall of tliu 1 ulcd had Kent bin blood tingling to tliu I lust of hi protesting member. Cold withdrew. After a Ilttlo while they arrived by way of a hill, over which they plunged Itili. Hut iiililill.. At' i Ii 1 1 , .until Tlwirmi I hiiw three large, building, bucked end to end, and two Kiualler ones, nil built of heavy logs, roofed with plunk and lighted sparsely through ono or two windows apiece. The driver pulled un opposite Hie space between two larger bulldli:j,'s nnd begun to unload hi pro visions. Thorpe tot about aiding him and m found himself for the first time in a "cook euinp." It wiih n commodious building. One end furnished Hpuco, for two cooking ranges and two bunk's placed one ove'f tho other. Along ono Hide run u broad table shojf, with other shelves over it and numerous barrels underneath, nil lllled with cans, loaves of bread, cook ies and pica. The center was occupied by four lung bench flunked tallies, down whoso mlddlu struggled utensils con taining sugar, apple butter, condiments nnd huucoh ami whoso edges wero set with tin dishes for about forty men. Tlio cook, n rather thin faced man with a mustache, directed where tho provisions wero to bo'stowed, nnd tho "coukee," u hulking youth, usslsled Thorpe and tho driver to carry them In. In a fow moments the task was tin- j .sued, with tho execution o(u Unlfdoz-; n tn other cawn, which tho driver' rtculg- nated n for tho "van." Tho horned wero unhitched and alablod In the third of tho big log bulldlngH. The driver Indicated the xccoi.d. "Hotter go Into tlio mon' camp nnd nit dorwn till tli' boHS gets In," ho art- Tided. Thorpe entered a dim, ovarhented Ptmeturo lined on twoTrldeB by a don- I bio tlor of largo bunkH partitioned from ono another like cnblm, of a boat andconlercd by a huao (dove over which 'hung slender po-ciC' 'Tho latter wero to dry clothe on. JuHt ouuddo tlio buukn ran it atralght, hard bench. Thorpe stood at the entrance trying to nc(iwtiia bin oyea to tho dbnticH. "Bet down," nald a vofeo, "on ' floor If you want to, but I'd prefer th' dea con rent" Thorpo olxdleutly took poidtlon on the bench, or "deacon Heat," HIh cyen, tuoro ucd to the light, could make out a thin, tall, bent old mun, with bare cranium, two vlslblo teeth and n thrco dayH' Htubblu of white beurd over bis nienger, twlHted faco. Ho caught, perhaps, Thorpo'n Bunrifl td expreHHlon. "You think th' old mnn'u no good, do you?" ho cackled without tliu HllghteHt laallce. "Ixiks hi decflvlu'." Ho Hprnng up Hiviftly, tlio tfx of IiIh light foot in bla loft bund and Jumped j bin left foot through the loop thtiH fftnned. Then ho nut down again nnd laughed at Thonie'H iiHlonlidimcut. "Old JnckBOn'ti Ktlll purty Binnrt," si Id he. "I'm barn boss. Tliey nln't a man in th' country known as much about boHHOH as I do. We nln't had . I but two tdck this fall, nn' Ixjtwcon you . uu' mo they's a skate lot. You'ro a greenhorn, ain't you?" i "Ych," confessed Tliorpe. i "Well," said JnckKou reflectively, but rapidly, "Ii Puhuui, he'H quiet, but ban; and O'Orariy, ho talk loud, but you can bluff blin; and Kerry, he's only bad when he gelH full of red llkker; nnd Norton, he' bad when bo gctfl mad like, nnd will uxe aics." Thoriw) did not know he was getting valuable taints on tho camp bullies. At dark the old man lit two lamp, which Hervcd dimly to gloze tho Bhad own. and thrust logs of wood Into the cast Iron stove. Soon after, tho men came in. They were n queer, mixed lot. There wero active, clear built, preclco Frenchmen, with small hand find feet and a peculiarly trim way of wearing th.-lr rough garments; typlcnl I native born American lumber Jacks, powerful In frame, rakish in nlr, reek let In manner; big blond .Scandina vians and Swede, strong men at the vawlng; an Indian or ho, mrnngely In contrast to the rest, nnd n variety of lrlfbiuci), Kugllbbuieu and Canadians. Those men tramped In without a word nnd set busily to work nt various tasks. Foiiio sat on tho "deacon seat" nnd be gun to take eft their socks nnd rub bers. Still others selected nnd lit lan terns from a pendant row near tho window mid followed old Jackson out of door. They were tho teamster. "You'll llnd the old man In tho otllce," Fold Jackson. . Thorpo made his way across to tho unall log cabin indicated us tho otllce, nnd pushed open the door. A mun sat ut n desk placing figure on n cheet of pnper. He obtained tho figures from statistics penciled on threo thin leave of bcechwood riveted to gether. In n chair by tho stovo lounged u Milkier figure, which Thorpo con cluded to be that of the "old man." "I was tent hero by Shearer," said Thorpo directly, "lie said you might givu ine some work." So long a nllcuec fell that tho appli cant begun to wonder If his questlou had been heard. "I might," replied the man dryly nt Inst. "Well, will you?" Thorpe inquired, tliu humor of tho situation overcoming him. "Ilnve you ever worked In woods?" "No." The man smok)d silently. "I'll put you on tho road In tho mom lug," ho concluded, uh though this were tho deciding qunlltlcutlon. Ono of the men entered abruptly and uppronched the couuter. Tho writer at the desk laid aside his tablets. "What Is It, Allien?" ho asked. "Jot of chewln'," was the reply. The senior took from tho shelf a long plug of tobacco and cut off two inches. "Ain't hittln' tho van much, are you, Albert?" ho commented, putting tlio man's name nnd the amount hi n little book. Thorpo went out after leaving bis naino for the time book, enlightened n to the mutliod of obtaining supplies. Ho promised himself some warm cloth ing from tho van when he should lmvo worked out tho necessary credit. At supper ho learned something oIbo. that lie must not talk at table. For ono thing, supper was a much brlofei'i affair than It would lmvo been hud ov ory man felt privileged to hike his will in conversation, not to speak of tho nb-j Hence of noise nnd tho presence of' peace. Each man asked for what ho wanted. "Pleaso pass tho beans," lie said,; wltli tho deliberate intonation of m i.lrt .1. .4- twtiisl ,l..i4 lil.i .1 Aiimi it uu tuna uui i.i'ivb limb .a in quest will bo granted. Hoaldos the beans woro fried salt pork, boiled potatoes, cauued corn minco pie, n variety or coouies aim doughnuts, and strong green ten. Thorpo found hlmsolf eating ravenous ly ot tho crudo fare. That; ovenlng ho underwont n cato chUra, a fw,proctlcaljokoe, which hd krk tmnj jutuxdJju atA A ytfksJ of chairing. At 0 o'clock tho Hgnw wore nil out. Ily daylight ho nnd n dozen other men were nt work bowing a road that had to bo na smooth and level nn a Now York boulevard. Thorpo nnd four others wero set to work on this road, which wn to bo tut through n creek bottom leading, ho wbh told, to "seventeen." IIo learned lo use a doublo bitted ax. From tiliortly after daylight ho work id. Four other men bore htm cotnna-i ny, nnd twlco Railway hlmxelf enmn by, watched their operations for a mo ment and moved on without comment. After Thorpo had caught Ids Mcond wind in. dhlovcd hid tnk, finding a Continuu;! on Oth Cage A N Y Club The A.:r, W. Club met r.t tho homo of Mrt. Clialroo Dungan Thtutday after noon, by content of the Olub bo cadbo it wa tho birthday of tho boetcai nlio ecrved refrcGbuieute, which v.cre highly onjqyed by nil, Tho next meet ing of the club will bo vtlth Mra. Kd ronn. The Coming Attraction Clara Mathes Company will begin rn engagement mIOO F ball about Fob. int. The etnr in eaid to bo ono of tin clfvereit, the company experienced and clever and tho equipment extensive and elaborate. In addition to tho ex cellent dramatic company, n number of hi(!i-clae9 vaudeville artists appear be tween tho Rcta nnd make tho perform ance continuous. The folIowinE aro n fow prees com ment!. "Of tho many flno performances I.n Hello Mario was certainly ono of tho bcft.V Vancouver, B. C, NcwJ-AOrcr-tWer. "Euliro encagement a finccesB." London Free Pros!. "Clara Mathes scored a triumph." London Adverticer. "Standing room only at an early hoar Clata Mathes is always welcome." At lanta, Ga Constitution. "Tho house is filled whenever Clira Mathes appears." St. John, 'fld., Sun. "Clara Mathes was exceedingly good New York Mirror. New Club Tho C003 river ladies lmvo fallen in lino by organixing a sewing club. Tho oljects of tho club aro charitable, and every family on South Coos river was represented at tho first meeting, v.hicb was held n fow days ago at K.J. Coffeit's place. Mrs. Coffelt being general mana ger ct the club. An Appreciation A man went with his wife to vieit her physician. Tho doctor placed a thermometer in tho woman's mouth. After two or tbroo miuutes, just as tho phyticlau was about to remove tho in strument, tho man who was not used to eucIi a prolonged spell of brilliant silence on tho p.vrt of his life's partner, Bld: "Doctor what will you tftbo for thetHiiug?-Tib-Blte. Autumn Tho naked hills Ho wanton to tho breeze Nudo nro tho fields, tho grovea un frocked, Aud baro tho limbs of tho shivering trcoa: What wonder that tho corn i3 ' shock ed. Now York Suu. John D. Garfield On all sldoa aro heard exproisioni of regret nt the news of tho death of John 1). Gtutbld, which occurred at Oakland, C.d., on J.m 23th, and w.u, the josult of a collieion with n dairy wagon wht'.o ho wan riding a bicycle. John D, Garfield was well known by all tho oMer residonla of the Hay, whero bo lived for many years. IIo engaged Fuccessfully iu bggiug operations, hid last work in that lino being near the head oi Isthmus slough. Making a hnudtomoclean-up. bo fold out his legging outfltftm' opened a hard ware store in Marehdold, eonetrucling the building ou Front, stree, recently gutted by Are. lie nleo brought down ' from thy Intimitis tlio rtnldonco which he hnil constructed tltcro and thin house now alAiidj at tho corner of Kirat nnd A otrcclff. Tlio htiildlngwaa brought down ontowi, this being tho (Irut operation , o tho kind here. " f ' When tlm Attempted, Loom wo- tiiunchcd. in the SO'. M.r (Jarflold built thu largo hotel, which etaltda n& a mouu- mrul to his oaergy aud bfs propensity for building up tliu town fortunate enough to claim htm as a resident. Mr Oarllol 1 was a native o! Michiaan nnd his age was 1,1 yearr, 8 months and 23 days. IIo in survived by bin wife-,. 'formerly Miss Florenco Dyor, a son and t'.io daughter?, Albert; Maud anilUroceir Davo Waliaco of ltoas Slough, brought don Ii t(7o fat bctva to Flanagan's tiiar-t ket yesterday. Wm. Bonebrako and dtughler, of Catching siotigh vrereMarabfleld visitors yei(eidy, V floo. Norton, who is visiting If fe nut F. P. Norton, thinks tbii oount'ry Is nil right iu at least ono respect, iiu W4q weighed yesterday nnd fournl bo haJ giiniftl 17 pounds sinco Jan. (Hli. when ho was mustered out of the arm in San Francisco niter n conplcof year? in the Philippines, ' Tho P.oieburg and Eugene baseball elubi aro signing up paper) for the coming lonson. llosfuburg hns eignd Nai'.lcr who ptoyed iu the Morehfiold nine hst year.' Albany baa signed il"c Ginnia Bro'demalr. Hep. Hermann has protested to Cbftirinan Burton against the action ,of the committee in refusing to report a river and harbor bill, lie told Bartou that on moat work's tho dr.iTinso frqui failure to cosliuuo the improven-.nts-and protect what had becu done would cost more than tho bill. . . The Czarina rolled and pitched in the w!.vt3. "Dean boy," groaned Otto at tbo end of his firbt hour on shipboard, "ptomiso roo you will tond my remainR nomo to Coos Bay !" A second hour passed. "Deah boy" feebly moaned Otto, you uecdn't send my remains homo. Thero won't be any." While tho weather in thu eastern and middle states is kept busy freezing tho loga off cast-iron kettlo? wo aro basking iu balmy Juno breezes hero onCooi Bay. Tho fheriff of 3Iarion county ha at tached the plan: of tho Salem Sentinel which was pa;ksd up and ready to be moved to California. A run of Ohiuook salmon nro in'. 'the Columbia river. . v The Empire arrived yeEttrday' morn ing. ' Tho 0. A. Jensen stock was moved to the Bouebrako atoro yesterday. K. A Vhllpot the painter returned from n bhort trip to Bindon. GuyLnttinof South slough sm n towu yostoday. . Peter Mikelbrink of Allegany brought in a iot.of applc3 yesterday for ship ment be'.pw. Timee were made lively ou Sontb Cq river last Sntulay evoning by a eart'iy masquerade carnival procawion wlilefi visited a largo part of that section. A, B. Camplell tveut to North But)' . ycstciOay ou business). Sheriff Alderman of Tillamook com mitted eujctde Monday in bin barn .-, ( shooting himself. Tho deed wan cm minted- while laboring under ilia sir."- of a reported shortage In his cccoiintt, , tMre. Frank, Rogers,, of f4kCoa8 i ivc, was Biioppiug in town y(Mieruy, ( r- -1 I ff n I $r V 1