t1yfcWWiaiftliiliiMAJa.J wsjwe&iei wjyy-ryj'pJiHrtimp) p "-;)-lpf 7 - ' . if. jJt , . . r- V f-. Wrf Jft i fc 1 1 1 iiiii HtftUtAtttlttUm , ta ' . ' - 'I " !, The Blazed Trawil Dy STEWART EDWARD WHITE t OpyrtoM, IM, JIU Mtutut Kheard Whttt - I'nutiuuoil from llth I'nyi' r-iiii.rii-Tiiii i I, ,11 iuiinii.il io lln oilier, Ki'i'piiu: ii xniiii cjc on tlu ilclnllti of the unrli. Ill'i iii'iicllciil expcrleuni wiin miliicli'iit loiudvo readi ly Hinli problem iin broken tiieklc, ex ttii expedlcntM in facility which the days brought fortli. Tlio fact tmt In lilin wim vested llio power to discharge lii'iit Hut men nt work. Dyer wiin In lint lutlilt of Htiirtlug for (lu marsh mi liotir or no after wnirlsc Tim crow, of course, wero nt work by daylight. Dyer heard them often throtiKli llllt 07.I Jllltt UN III) llCIIld till' (limit boy roiuu In to lnillil tint tiro mill llll lliu wntcr prill n fresh. AHcr n Hunt tlio lire. Inillt of kerosene utiil pitchy lilnclt pine, would get no liot llnit lit M'lf dcfrntm ho would urine mid dress. 'J'lii'ii liu would bronkfimt lei nuri'ly. 'J'lniN tin Incurred tlio onmlly of tlio cook nnd cookcc. TIiono Individual liiivo to prepare food tlirro limes it ilny for liulf n liiliidrril riitiTM, besides which on tdclgh IiiiiiI they n ru imp ported to nerve hrcnkfiiM at .'I o'clock for tint Iniidcnt and n variety of ItinchcM up to midnight for tlio sprinkler men Am iii coimcijucuro ihcy rcbent Inf tac tions or tin llttlit NyNtitin tncy mnjr Jiavo been nblo to Introduce. Now, the liuxliienN of n foreman In to fxt up iih hoiiii iih anybody. Ilo docs none of tint work liluiHelf, but liu must iu-e that Noiueliody cho iIoch It nnd dws It well, liu iniiHt know how a thing ought to he done, mid ho must be on hand unexpectedly to Nee how its tie coiuptlidiuicut In progressing. Dyer idiuuld hnvit been out of bed nt first horn blow. One morning ho slept until nearly 10 o'clock. It wiin Inexplicable! liu hur ried from hlN bunk, mndo a hiiNty toilet nnd Mnrtcd for the dining nvim to get uiiue Mirt of n lunch to do lilin until dinner time. Ah ho Ntepped from the door of the olllce ho caught sight of two men hurrying from tin; cook camp .to the ineu'N camp. Ho thought ho heard tlio hum of conversation In the latter building. Tlio cookeo Net hot coffee before him. Tor tlio rest ho took whnt he could find cold on tho ta ble. Dyer Nnt down, feeling for the first time n little guilty. Thbi was not be chum! of n Hciimyof a dereliction In du ty, hut became ho feared tho strong inaii'ri contempt for Incfllclcncy. "1 ort of pounded my ear a llttlo lone tliln morning," ho remarked, with mi unwonted air of bonhomie. The cook creased IiIh pnper with ono hand nnd went on reading. "I HiippoHo the men got out to tho tnanth on time," suggested Dyer, still raslly. The cook laid nnldo liln paper Mid looked the hciiIit In tho eye. "You're tho foreman; I'm tho cook," nald he. "You ought to know." Dyer wan no weakling. Tho prob lem "prcHcntlng, ho roso to tho emergen- "IToto's thU, ment" cried Ducr 7mn'l. .icy. "Without another word ho pushed ibnck lily coffee, cup and crossed tho jnurrow, bpon passago to tho men's Iptunp. Whon ho oponed tho door n Bllenco 'fell. Ho could bco dimly, thut tho room jwnn .full of lounging nnd fimoUIng lura- LlMsrtnoii. Jin n mnttcr o fact, not a tnan had Htlrrcd out that morning. HIIow' thlH, mon?" crletl Dyer slinrp ily. "Why aren't you out on 'tho Jmnrrttt?" a No omt nnBwcrcd Wr n momont Then 'UnptlHto: ' "Ho nink' too tarn colo'for do mnrsu. MouHtor Uadwny lie apik Ut wo kip off Uut niareli w'eu ho uiftk' colo." )ycr know that the precedont Wti lu Imputable, "Why didn't you cut ou 'eight' thenr bo nntird Mill In peremptory tuucM. "Didn't novo no ouo to nIiow ua rrhere to begin," drawled a volco In the comer, Dyer turned on hl heel and went out. Tho crw worked on tho mnrnli that afternoon nnd the nubrierUent duyn of tho week. They labored coiiNclcntlotiN y, but not r.enlouHly. Tho work moved rlowly. At ClirlNtuuiN a number of tho men "went out." Moxt of them went bark again nfter four or llvo finyn, for wlillo men went not plenty neither wn work, The eiiulllbrlum wiin nearly ex act. I ..... ...uin nu.i dnt to Dvor the dnyn of their debauch. J (intend of keeping up to fiO.OOO u dajr. n Itndwny hnd llgureil wan ucccnmiry, tlio nculo Would not have exceeded 30,000. (To bu Continue I) Iryhiff nroparntlona ilmplydTeV op dry cutftrrli j lliuy dry up tho neorotloni, Which fulhrro to tho mcmbrAtia ivtid do com jx, Mtuilng n f .' more erioun troublo Ih&a Iho ordlnnry form of catarrh. Arold nil dry lug InhalanU, fumel, tinokr nnd muffi nil um (lint which clflktmo, noothfii nnd hal, KJ' Creoin lllm i kucli n remtdy tout trill ouri otrrh or cold in the bend cMlly ti(l tilaMBnlly. A trial lz trill h mailed for 10 ctnU. All drugglntu ll tho Mo.nIm. KlylJrothori,COWrren Ht.,N.Y. Tho Jlalm oureo without pain, doai ntA irriUto or eno muting. It iprriul lUeh OTtr on irritotod and ongry nurfaco, rnlloK Ing Itnmadlottly Ui4 pulnful lnllmu3btlon. With FJy'o Creun Jlalin you art artaeo! Kgftlty Mm1 Cttnii Mid lUj Force Dbvyed Ibktractlono. The dty editor nummoued tho photog rapher of hid Htnir. "Colonel Weill enn'n Iiouro Is burning," ho iinld, "nnd I want a picture of tho tire. Get out there m quick nn you enn with your enmern nnd tnko a view of whnt'n left of tho building from tho Ineldo of the fence conw.T." "Hut," Nnld tho photographer, "lf"- "Thnt'a tho point I M-nnt it token from right In the corner." "Hut I think there'" "I don't care whether there'n n bet ter point or not. You know whnt 1 wnnt Hurry up. You nre losing time." Tho photographer took hln cnniern nnd departed. A few houro Inter hi enme In with the proof of u picture hi hnd taken from tho dcvlrcd point of view. "What Ii till?" nld Uio city editor. "Thnt I a photograph of tho ruins ol Colonel Wclllgnn's houso from tho In side comer of tho fence nenr the street." "I can't eo anything of tho house." T couldn't, either," responded the photographer. "I tried to tell you there was n big tree standing between thnt comer nnd thu house, but you wouldn't let mo." Tibet, tti'o HlrnnRe I.nnd. It is n wonderful country nnd o Btrnneo nboiile. Think of n tract ol land where hot springs nbound, round which tho deposltM nre of such rain bow tlntu ns blue, purple, green, red and yellow. It is easy to Imagine thai tho InndNcnpo effects of such coiorttiF nro wondrous. Tho social customs ol tho pcoplo nre scurcely lem astound ing. Polygamy Is common where the men nre rich enough, for wives Beem to bo n question of wealth. When pov erty compeU them, several men will havo ono wife In common. Hrotheril iisunlly enter into those Ntrnngo pnrt- nershlps. Tlio peopio rnreiy wnsn, llndlug It warmer to bo dirty. Tho men anoint their faces with butter, while the women stnln their countennncei tnnhognny color with wood chips nnd lacquer tho bridges of their noses Jel blnek. Cleanliness is an uncsteciucd practice. London Outlook. I'nlnl 1'rcciuillon. A farmer In Cunihcrlaiul county wai driving neross n rnllrond trnclc when a train lulled both his horses nnd knocked him about ten rodn off his course. In tho resulting milt for dam ages tho plaintiff was ou tho witness Rtnud, making out a good case, when tho dqfeudaut'a lawyer auked him: "Did you tnko nny precaution before driving upon tho track?" Tho witness seemed reluctant to nu fiwer, but, being pressed to do ko, Until ly stammered out: "Waal, squire, I took n little Just couplo of swallersJ, that's all." This started n new lino of defense, nnd It turned out that tho couplo of fnvnllows wcro tho Inst in n pint llask thnt hnd consoled tlio honest old farm er along tho road. This put a new face ou tho situation. Lowlston Journal. CATARR OLKANBINCI ANT) nHALIMQ CUJUi BOH 6ATARRH Ely's Croam Balm Kaiy ond ploutnt to m. ConUlna no in iutlooi druif. It It quIcWfjr otxdrbod. airtinUiftonc. II Openi ond Cltinm bMK Wpm AllTInflinmtfon.. w uo.(ru huq a uenreott, HlptdrlF ma n&iii runnii inn n-ir uiiii .. HmIo ond IWWM.ino Momuri.no. HMioreo no plai;o ol tho'ArJanco. nr.iUUnrhfcfcoll!TrtilBio.lOcenlilyinu. . 18 nt proeeiH J IJI Pftn i' HLT BHO'iJija,MWwKaBut,NoTriofc. Jgoinu needed r.upairp. It Mil llll 1 1 I'll ill I ii Love's Constancy (' Prom tlio nubllme to the redlculoui 'Tin but a etop,M Bpokochavo. To tlio porurnl of tlinre, ond there rtct-ott 'w, who confilitcrcd mylat lit tin poem In the Poant Mail, "Tho Hoc pllnl I'rtllct'' too luKiitroui nnd nchn clioly, 1 wleli to rrcotntneni) tlio follow ing ditty of qultra n fllfT.ircnt, and even what (otno might call a mtpetflcinl and lively alrnln. Ho was a child, and nho was n child, In tho pBradfro of Coai tlayj And they lov'd and play'd through many nghdo On many n summer day j Thus the years soon pafs'd Oh t would they could Inst I 'Till Hobby went nwBy. Then what did Noll do?" now I'll tell It to you- 6ho didn't hergnrments rend; Kho struck up with a Sncdc, who garo her a feed Of candy tho newest blond ; Then eho bonrdnd tho Cruiser and went with tho snoozcr To a danco at New North Hend. Now, Uoby ho went to fork In tho woods That grow aronnd Mjrtlo Point; Hot ho made no gold, eo that toon "sot old," Bo hit boots ho did nnnoint; And growing bold, bud whltky sold In a Ban Francisco "Joint," Now, what Is tho matter with our poor Swede, He iooks to meek and glnm? He's awfully chummy with our old friend ''Gummy," And drinks whisky and hot rum; Jn fact, ho looks "on tho back of the books," Llko an editor on tho bum. Well, I'll tell you 'Sweet Nell a lettor has sot From hor dear Robert, you know; And he's got tho dough, and ho's coming, you know, V To make tho thing a "go" Co, iho wrote her Swode a hit of a rcrced, Which meant "You get and go!" Now, nfter this, Coos Biy-itcs all Will placo their best rclianco On the constancy of love, and bid All doubts and cares defiance; So Hero's to loro and tho turtlo dovo Robort'o coming on tho "Alliance." MicHAxt, Liber. Mtirshfleld, Ore., Jan. 22, 1001. tt 1MII1 t HI I II III H I 1 I 3 I HUHIIiHltj KIIU i U i i lit 1 1 Mil iiiiiiiliiinii)iiiiiii!)(iii ABERDEEN HAS ROUGH TRIP FROM EUREKA Brings Large Passenger List From That Point Good Boat and Popular Skipper From Tuesday's Dally, Tho 6toamor Abordeon, Captain Dan- fiole, arrived from Eureka oarly yester day morning niter ono ol the roughest tr'pi tho emit Jevor made, Tho steamer oncountercd a heavy north-west wind off Humboldt bar which endured (or thirty-six hours, nt times making loes than thtoo knots an hou-. Tho Abordeon nrrlvod off tho bar about mid night, but owing to tlio intense dnrknoss and tho rough condition ol tho bar, Cap tain Daniels nwnitod outeldo (or day llht. Tho Abordeon brought twenty-six pneeengogr, eight of whom woro for Mnrshllold, four for Empiro City, wlillo tho roraaintler nroeu routo for l'ortland. 'Iho master of tho Aberdoon Captain Dnnidlu, who Ib n comparativo Etrnugor in this port, is ouo of tho host known Hki'pncrs on tho rnciflo Count nnd ie eo imdcred ; very careful ns well ns a I'uinpHont navigator. At any rnto 1 ie according t: tho cot.ceuHua of opinjon of pneeengura on tho ship, n "prluco of good follow". Ond of tho pnesengora paid to iv Ma. w reorhrr thnt it wns worth tho faro toconu in contact with such whole uouled giod humox as b possoased bg tl.o mtiBtor of tho' Abor deon, . ' rills is tho eo:ond trip to Coos Iiayol on mis routo in Tho latter voatfu roncuco unller? H I I H H M 444 M 1 1 I y- it t I o UNION SAYING AND LOAN ASS'H Affairs not so Desperate as Has Been Feared From Tuesday's Dally. Quito a number ot peopio ou tho Ray will be interksted In a letter, received by Henry Sengetackeu, in relation to tho affairs ot tho Union Savings and Loan Aeaoclation of Portland. It is eAted Jan. 20:h and roads an fol'owa: Mr. Henry S, SengeUcken, MarshQeld, Oregon. D jar Sir: Roplyin: to your com munication nnderdnto of Jan, IS, havo to advUo you that tho affairs of this As sociation nro in my hands as tni3tco, and I havo heeu doing nil I could for tho past two years to collect funds "vivh which to satisfy claims o! utock holders and othors, but bo fnr havo been nnablo to mRko eufilcient collections to pay n dividend. The greator part of tho as sets' of tho Association consists of unim proved real property and was largoly incumbered with taxes when I took chargn of its affairs. Huve bean doing whnt I could to straighten up tho titles and protrst tho odds and cuds for tlio boueflt of the stock holdors. Trust that in tho early spring I may to nblo to -ell er.'fllclotit of its property to pay a ' cudsomo dividond, Vill bo ploneed nt nny timo to glvo you nil tlio information I can regurding tho nffalaa of th Association, Youra moat respectfully, 0. W. Miller Trustoo, HERE ARE THE WATCHES FOR YOU. Tlio works aro Elgin, Waltham or Dne- bor's, nnygrndo or eir.o you cnooto nt right prices, Watches nnd Jewelry repairing dono on short notice, and in un-to-dntu style nttho RED GROSS JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. THE STEAMER ARCATA. jr. c. yjiL&oy, iratct. Will nXaUc KcKular 'JTrlpH BETWEEN COOS BAY AND SAN FRANCISCO -CARRYING-PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT - LOWEST RATES. Uictjon Coal Sc Navigation Co , PropriotoES. F.S.DOW, Agent, Marehfiold, Oregon S.O. CO. Agent, Empire City, Oregon WANTED FAITHFUL PERSON TO TRAVEL for well established houeo in a few counties, culling on retail moroli ants nnd ngente. Local territory. Sal ary $20.00 per week with expenses nd dit.'onall, till payable in cash each week. Money for espouses advanced, l'oeition lermuncnt. Business successful and rushing. Standard Honee. 330 Doarborn St., Chicago. 112Ct R-I-P-A-N-s Tabules Doctors find A good prescription . For mankind Tho 5-cont packet is euough for ucun occasions. The familv bottlo (tiO cents) J contains a supply for n year. All drug glsta sell them. Tnaoit Marko C'cbighs COPYJIIQHTO OlO. nnMnt n akclab Mid fl.WCrlpttC'l ' ..fl.Ll.. .ihirmln nu. ntUulWl fn ft n.nti. finl lurtnln fnir otlnlMi JtiO whutlliU. H;.-V,?.nii l Drobnblr n(jntbl. Cora probablr rutwtiwb. mtuilut.' ..,. v---.-,,. - i. j -, lloiuniiTniuuui UUOi. Al Ion Ubo ok ou fuoiJ UlCl iut free. OIiM ofT lor ooGurnKPMw7 iPKial notlM, wltbool oirvo, lu t"0 l'ateuts taken lUluuan nwui f wv -. - brauati Sctetttific immt iliitlou of liny oolomwo lournol., " Ijrccrt rir 1'orme. V ' 4 yonfi or montlu, fU Sold Oy oil .'wrur'ivij. J BUI4M1WUO iguHvi., - BIUNN 8 Go .MiBMorter. H ew) orb Wo promptly obtain U. 8. and Irclgn 5 Send model, akctcti or pboto of la rcoticn icJ i to report on pr.lenUblllty. Tor frw tooX, , UoiTto3ooureTD,npiApifQ vrrtttjl Opposite IxSpatant Office ' ic WASHINGTON D. 0. $ l iwvwwvwwwvvwwwvo vNgMKfEXPHRIENCB CENTRAL HOTEL Comer f Front and A. streets, MAR8IIFIELD, OREGON, JONH SNYDER, : ! t : ! :Proprfetot miHS WELL-KNOWN AND FA VORITn J. HOTEL has lust beeti entirely refilled and refurnished throughout and Is ag.dnopcn to thr public for patronage. New beds and spring mnttresm havc,,l.ter r' -d In nlmoii c-rery slrrplng trvn of lit 1 ' c and neither trotilite nor Kittm"- It.tr I) ei t J to put everything In 1irst-cU onitr. TBRMS. ard an rising, per week ",'5 o .nrd.p.' A'cck i.o n:k M- 2$ afTa & m nt ra ra hx t, rn sa a wt B ,i(EE 1TEE. 8 a . ? a w i a H as a S3 3 R B i H R B B H DEALER IN GROCERIES FRE8H FRUITS, TEGB TA BLES PROVISIONS, F'LOUR FEED, ETO., OF THE BEST QUALITY. TRICES REASONABLE. I'UOZ'E'H oysters EVERYDAY. : : : Street, Marsh field, Ore a B n a rx a n a caaaHUHMBBHEHISBmB Flanagan & Bennett Bank DIRECTORS: T. R.Shori-dtinj-J. W. Bennett; PRE3.; nnd . H. Flanagan, VICE TRES.; R. F. Willinms, CASHIER. Capital, $50,000. MARSflFIELD, OREGON ' TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1873. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Lr.IttU States Tjind office, Rosebwg, Oregon,- Sept. 3, 1003. NoL'ce ii hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June j, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber .mtls in the States of dlifornh, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all (he Public I-and States by ! of August 4, '. AUGUST W. rETERSON. of Luteen. County of Cook, Stato of Minnesota, has this day riled in this office his sworn statement No, 5081 for the purchase of tho SWJ4 of Section No. 20 in Townrhip No. 25 South of Kauge No. 10 Wcht, and will offor proof to enow that tho land sought is moro valu able for its timber or stono than for agrieultural purbosos, and to establish his claim to said land beforo tlio KuuIe ter and Receiver of this office at Roie burg, Oregon, ou Monday to 15th day of Fobruary, 1$XU. lie names as witnosses: J M Weath orby, Wm Felloes, Charles ThOm, John Thorn, all of Roteburg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly tho abovo described lands nro request ed to tlio their claims iu thisofTico on or before eaid loth day ol February, 1904. 12 5 J. T. i3.iiDor.s, Register. THE NEW YORK WORLD THR1CE-A-WEEK EDITION Read whoroS-er tho English Language is Spoken Tho Thrlcc-A-Week World was 11 brilliant succecs in tho beginning and has been steadily growing ever cinci'. Timo is tho test ol nil thine?, and h'an set its seal ot approval on tho Thricc-H-Week World, which is widely circulated in everv Stnto and Territory of tint Un .m, nujl whereover there aro people u-hn ian read our mother tonuo. This papT for the cnuiini; winter and the year 1'JOS, will mako Its news ft-r-vico, If possible, move extencivo than over. All ovontsof importanco, no mat ter whore, tliev happen, aro re ported accurately and promptly. Tho subscriber, for only ono dollar n year, geta three papers every week and moro nows and genoral wulim: than moBt great dailies can furnish nt flvo or tix times tho price ,,,, . Tho Tbrice-a-Week-World is ahec lutoly fair in its political newn. lu tiennbiasls nover allowed to affect us ucwH columns, and Democrat and lt- publican alike can ouuun 111 iih j'iik" trutliful acconhts of nil the grout politi cal campaiKiis'. In addition to all tho nowp, tlio Tbrico-a-Wcok-World furnishes thu Vest ferial tlotion, elitboratq ir.arkH reports nud other foatures of interest. Tho Tiirice-a-Week-World's regular eubtcrlptlon price is only 1.00 irar vor.r and this pays for IDG papers. Wo offer this nnennnlod nowepopcr.nnd ) cekl ,COAtT MAIL together ono year lor ?3.00 ' . , ., . , the iho regular suoscwpuou vim u tvro papers is $2.50 I . .