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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1904)
I NMtT) WEOLD RELIABLE HhsA Absolutely Puro WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE k t cw rwwTM Sq) iEjSOHST.A.I-. From Wednesday's Dally. Kucono is to have n new $50,000 brewery. Douglas County has levied a 27 mill tax. The largest ever. Byron Hodson, of Ko3 slough woe do injj business in town yesterday. Tho Areata arrived last evening, after n quick run from San Francisco. Tho election of a Fire Chief and an Assistant chief will bo held on Thursday evening. The Czarina arrived from Ean Fran cisco yesterday, bringing considerable freight for Marsbfield. The Salem Tile Factory shipped over 100 cars of tiles this season, Coos ISay seeds a tile factory. ( ieo. 2. Farrln received a hen egg yes terday which measured just S inches in circumference the longest way. The Portland Journal in its Woman's Club page speaks of the "Artistic Male CIub"oi Marsbfleld. This will bo news to many of tho A. N. W'o. Dr. McCormac, who returned yester day from the Coquille, reports tbe steamer Dispatch a?ain running, the re port of her accident having been much ixewcrated. steamer off the bar Monday even ing was the Czarina, instead of the Au relia. The latter boat, it eeems, Ellpped quietly by, and went to Portland, her ckipper being afraid of tho bar. The machinery of the Milkmaid broke down Monday, while making her regu lar trip from Haynos slough to North llend. She was towed up from there by the Curlew and fs now laid up for re pu.ri. Her englae will he thoroughly owrLauled, (icorgi) H. Norton arrived yesterday to ibit hla uncle b.V. Norton The young man was mustered out at the -'reeidio Jan Cth, ufter follow jng the flag threo years in the Philippines, an Ciperianco with which he seems well ieased. After a ehort Btay with hia uncle, he will Ko to hia home in Law reuce, Mane. Huety Mike'e Diary, Jan. 13, 1WM llauy successful advertisers make mon ey befoie their advertising is credited with being above tbe ordinary the ' loop tho loop" advertiaing that emin ates fjom adv school graduates show a willingness in tho writer to become fam oue before ho makes the money . Domestic Trouble It in exceptional to find a family where there aru no domestic ruptures occasion ally, hut there can ho leseoned by hav ing Dr. King'fl New Life Pilla around. Much trouble they eavo by thoir great work in Stomach and Liver troubles. Thoy not only rolievo you, hut cure, "oo. M tied Crow drtuj a I ore. . lrt5m-t'oribwrmj itom-appoarod in tho Salem Statesman lasuo of April V, 1854: "From Scoltsburg, April Oth init.-M Business rather itull. Tho cltUons havo completed i subscription of f3,000 to be expended in coniplotinc n wagon roai from Bcotlsburg to Winchester, bolero the 15ih of ,1 nne." Tlu hoys wcro not so slow oven 50 years aco. Steam schooner M.rehtleld, owned and operated by C. A. Hooper A Co., ia evicted nt this port to losd lumber ut the Day City :MHI, She hnn n capacity of n half-million feet aud will rail to it California port. The Marshfiold was, lui.t en Coos 11a v several years ao and I her oynpe have been remarkably one-, cessful. This is her first visit to the place of her birth since she was launch ed. A young man was fined $10 this week for using vulgar and indecent language on the street. The marshal had been watrhim: tho antics of tho "pang" and last Saturday nicht nipped them. Al- thouuh the vile language tho marshal overheard was almost to much for his modtsty and camo near causing him to collapse, the women who wero with the young man did not seem to bo tho least distutbed by it case hardned, eeems if. Myrtle Point Enterprise, Death of Mrs Eliza Paterson News has reached hero of tho death at Detroit, Mich., Dec. 29th, of Mra. Eliza L'atcrson, mother of the late O. W. Paterson. She will be remembered here by the many friends she made while in Marshfiold fl years ago on a visit to her eon. Although nearly 78 years of age she was remarkably woll prcierved' and was spending the holi days with her son Andrew, at Detroit wtea seized with her last illness whqajj was very short. Tbo remains wero tak en to the homo at Ingereoll, Canada, for burial. Wonderful Nerve Is displayed by many a man enduring BainB oi "accidental Cute, Wounds, ruiues, Burns, .-oro feet or stiff jotnta. But there is no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill tho pain and cure tbe trouble. It's the best S-ahc on earth for Piles, too. Z3c, at Jno. Prenss, drug gist. Shoulder Dislocated Gus 1 nejren was brought to town laet evening ami had Dr. Horsfall set his shoulder. which was dislocated yesterday . Ho was working for hia brother John Knegrcn on Kentuck slough, and was leading one horeo and riding another, when the former pulled back in such a way as to dislocate Euegren'fi thoulder. Money in Trees Notable among tho articles in tho Jan uary Pacific Monthly is is that by K, II, Kennody, under tho title, "Money in Trees." Mr. Kennedy, who baB con tributed other valuable articles on the trees of the Northwest, is a practical lumberman tnd knowH whereof he specks. He has gathered eome most enlightening statistics regarding the amount of timber still standing, and ita market value, and clinches them with eonns striking torr.parlsone, which con voy Mj .den of tho immensity of our foretU, where figures wpuld bo meaning, less, The article iu illustrated with half tones of photographs of exceptionally large trees and typical JoreBt eceneB, Bt A Booster One good resolution for 1001 ia to quit being a Knocker and begin being a BOOST K If The Knocker ia the man 'woman too) who never loses a chance to speak evil of his town, hia neighbor or bh friend, and ncer uses a chance to apeak good of them. Whenever you l,cave the proa enco of the Knocker you feel that ho ia saying something dieagreeahlo about you, because he has been saying disagreeable- things about eueryono else who was mentioned in his hearing. The Knacker can't see a virtue with a micro. scope, lut , he can detect a FAULT with thu hakad eji at a dittance of tweatyleagnoi. Ho-to-eor on every body and U la mutual I 'Tha Boostor la tho tnmi (womnn too) who nover loses nchanco to say boimo thing good of his town, hla neighbors and his fridndn. If hu can't aay Homo tiling good, ho keops alill. Tins is tho way o ho ami to bo happy. Hesolvo m 190 1 to "UK A BOOS IT? P.." -Kx. A Very Close Cull "1 stuck to my iuikIui , nlthoiijiti ovory Joint nched and every norvo was racked with pain," writes C. W. It iltatuy, a Uv ootnotixe of Burlington.' Iowa. i1! utfu wiuiL- mill uilhniit utiv uti. 1H,tit0 nmi nll run down, As I was about to slvo up, I got a bottle of F.lectrle Bit- tore, ami niter taking it, 1 felt as well as j ,.Vt.r uW in mv life." Weak, n ck'y. run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satiefaclion guaranteed by Juo l'reuss, Trice DO cents, The Southern Girl Last evening tho Flschor Co. played the strong Comody Drama to a good audi ance. Tho play was put on by request and the entiro Company appear at their best in this play. The audleuco was au appreciative one and tho play was well received. Tho compauy maintained their high standard in overy detail. Af ter the play the hall was cleared and all who wished engaged a social dance, by special invitation of tho compauy, Iu speaking of the Btrengtheing of thin compauy einco ita first appearance hero, it must not be overlooked that Miss Dot Fischer has raado a remarkable gain and handles tho ports sho takes quite charmingly. Too play tonight will bo "An Equal Match," a drama in which A murder occurs and jastico is tnetod out, Tho Fiichors Jwill bo hero until the Aberdeen goes eouth Saturday whan they will go to Eureka. They will play each evening until tho Aberdoen goes. On tho laat night of the Fischer en gagement a prizo will be givon to tho most popular lady in Marahfleld, and this prize will bo on exhibition' in a prominent storewindow today. FIGHT WITH A PA NTH EH Eden Valley Farmer's Exciting Experience .Coquille Bulletin; We learned recently that Mr. Hil'intre, wi,0 jjvo8 ncar Ash Swamp in Eden al- ley, had quite an exciting encounter with a panther about four weeks ago. It eeems that Mr, Hillings has a ranch iu Kden and raisca cattio, and some hogs. Panther arorjuito Humorous in that Ecction and after snow had fallen their tracks wero to be eeon almost any morning around tho barne. Prom the size of tho tracks Mr. Bill, inga thought ono of the animals must bo exceptionally large ao he thought hu would try to capture it. Two good-sized steel traps wore set ono'iTvoning in adrivoway uotwoon some buildings and during the night a light snow covered them from eight. In tin morning Mr. Blllinge wont to look for hia traps and found them gone. He put his doga on the trail and started nut to locate hia gamo. The trail led u"own along the river where arfteep hank on the mountain side left only a narrow path along the bluff into tho river, which at that point wan cut down quite deep, Mr. liillinge had not gone far ulong thiu path until ho heard a noise above him and, looking up, saw tho pantfior crouching on tho high hank just about to spring down upon him. He fired at tho brute a quickly as possible nut it did not stop him, and tho next instant Mr. JlillinK's felt the sharp clawa tearing hH ileah aotho panther alighted on hia back and ahoulders. Tho beaHt had two of its feet fastened In tho trap which undoubtedly saved Mr. liillinge' life. During tho ecufll.i both tho cotnbatunta fell over tho bluff into tho river, which was running qiij h'gh, and Mr. liillinga, after diving twice managed to break tho panthnr'g hold and swam to tho elioro. The animal went down etrtam for aj Aycr's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Cherry Pectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. Me knows nil about this cough medicine. "Wo hTO 1111 Ajr'i Chwr IVdntjl In nor unniy lr Trui. n'l ini' Hiiu-iMK Irutlt'lov Mill witltlliV liitliUHllclnrrlill." MlK. A INII4KHJV Al'r-lrtun, MIMI. iSc.W..l w, j o. Arnro ImwpII, M. I aii .mifKi.i.. for Weak Throats Ayor's Pills urontly nut rocovnry. Purely vogotnblo, Rontly laxatlvo. abort dlatanco aud then was drawn un der by an eddy and drowned. After tho freshet had abated Mr. lilll inga wont back to see if lio coulJ find anything of hla gamo nnd found the animal caught in the branched of a largo treo which had fallen ncrosB tho river. Ho will have tho panther skin stuffed as it la an unusually largo one measur ing 0 feet 7 inches. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notlco is hereby given that thu part, nnrclnp herutoforo existing betwueu A. V, Wickmau and V. A Wickmnu under tho firm ur.moof Wickmau k Wickman has this day bocu dissolved by mutual consHiit; that all claims nnd 'demands owing paid firm am pavuhie ti V. A Wickman, and that wild V. A. Wick man has assumed aud will pay all dc mands against naid firm. Dated this lit day of January, I '.KM V. A. Wickman, 1 Out A. V. Wukman. From Thuroday's Dally. School is now open iu the new school house in Kugunc. Mra. S. A.'Ycakam waa down from her Coos river farm on bushiest yetter day. Tho schooner Sail Buenaventura camo up tho bay today nnd docked at Dean A Coh wharf. Gilbert Harris who hai been under the weather for n few days ie cgnfu able to Imi about. Trie Alert brouxht a number of Coot river people down to seo tho Margarita! i'er pcopki HscherCompany last evening orCompany last evening. Hop growers aro looking forward to n great year nnd muny are nlready con tracting their coming crop lor a fancy price. A 'nrgc number of i'oog Kiver farmorn wero in attendance at tho Margarita Fisher Co. Tuesday and Catching elough turned out laat evening. 0, ('. ItoavB, of tho Johnson Creek Mining Co. was the gentleirjau in the wrecked atago near Koinoto, who was eoriously injurod when tho etage turned over. The county court has put up K,0, to buy glasB jars for to exhibit eruiiis and fruita in at tho etato fair. (!ooi) county whould do likewise and have a state (air exhibit. Tlio Forestora of America are making great proparationa for their maequorado Imll on noxt Katurdav. niuht. and it will ho a very Buccesaful affair. A ll8t of tho prizes to ho given will ho found on Huh page, Capt.A.D.Boono,ofB..mnor,return.!Savod FrQm TorrJ)o Doath ed homo yewtorday after btaylng overi ... ni jht in town. Ho waH accompiinied by hia daughter, Mra. Win, Cardell, who will make a (ihort visit, Runty Mike'H Diary, Jan. H, lf0 1 -Advertising en pickiri' berriea aro jt;pt alikfr Bomo pooplfl ukim over tho whole field on novor got notliiii' while otheru JiiBt tako one hush at n tirno en by care ful huntln' got good resalta. Tho valuable present which tha Mar. garlta Fischer CotnpanyttwIU Blvo away to tho most popular (lady on the last night of Urn ongagomoiit'wan on display ycsUrday In Iho window of Hnngnlnck uii'h Pharmacy,, mid Browed uuico nil miration. Thu workmen on the new Masonic 'IVuipla woro busy yesterday putting In the heavy steel girders which will ni'tko tho nperahousu lloor frcu from poMii swmh would ohiitiui't u Irt'i' 1pIu:i Iruin all ptuluof tho hiilldltit!. Particular attention of all ctory lovum la called to the aiiiiouiu'euieiit tho gi'tiul story of whlcu the llrat iiibUliiicut wl'l appear In next Sunday's paper Don't tnlss it, fur It iH a good um, aiidlin thio Umbered country will bo upovllly uileicsting, (.'. 11. Hiiuch, who Iiiih brcu III Arlxon and California (or his health for rami months, is iu San (''rauclccu, aud mulct hocaroof two prominent lung special. Inti, who eay he will bo well ill n few months, Buya tho (Viuillo Herald. Thu new front lu thu Iloniiutt and Walter Block la now almost complete, This now improvement will inakn this onu of tho handsomest fronto in town, and MagneB A Matson will have tho goods to decorate it and their decorators have tho know how to maku thu best of it. Matt Tajumu whllo irndline with Mimo ft lends had his left haiid dUlocat e.l. Ho was made as cumfurttiblu n IHMiible having it so' by Dr. McCormac and will toon hn around ngaiu. Mr. Tajunm is out of luck, m it was only a couple of itioritha ago that hohndlho misfortune to accldeutly si toot liiioscll in the let;. Travel by Sea l'atratit'era on outgoing Areata for San Francisco: Mir-s Laurel, Mrs Karl, Miss M James, Miss Black, J U Beatty, M Olsen, II M James, Mrs James, p llenness), K Gundeltlnger, M 'lliomp- nou, A (' Owens, Mra Jackson, Mr Jack EOtl. M. W, A, Install The following oilier of Com itay Camp SlOb M. W. A, were inalallwl luowlny voning: V C, J C lluatlry; ,,nnkor' A J McK"'i Clerk, W K Ham Vfin; W A, I' J Tibl, Tibbult; Kport, W K Wowiwnrd; Wiituhman, W Capploiu; Sentry, K Ftotio ; Manoger, 3 ydjart, J W TibboMs. Foot Jammed Win. Tumor, a luiigihororiian wat aerloiiHly hurt Tuesday night while the heavy hatch was being closed lown on tho CVarina. It dropped Htriking hie instep and budly hriiisinit, Dr. Heydon was called and tho mans foot wan net It was found that no boiu-E woro broken, but tho jam will lay him up for fcuvurel weeks. New Steamer for Coos Bay Cap. lie5rgo Heaman formoriy captain of thoCyariiiB, ban been onlorod Knstto bring around a new Btoamer for the Kpreckloa which ia to bo put on butweon Coos Buy and Sanl'rancisu. 'J ho nteamer will have a Hpecd of 1 1 IcnotH per heur, and will be fitted for paoeon- . orB nn'1 ,.rolhU ,,iB rn',orl iH iv"" for what it io worth oa It huti boon Irn pousiblo to verify II. iiiu luiuiiy in .uru, ni. I,, IIOUIHU 01 Ilargorton, Tonii,, oaw her living and worn poworleiiH to rave her. Tho moat skillful phyaicinnH and i'yary icmi'.ly lined, failed, while coniuniptlnii waH hlowiy but euroly taking her lifo. In till torrihlo hour Dr. KIiik'b New Din- rjovery for Connn.iitiou turned deiipair uitojoy. -ino nroi uoit'o iirouglit im modiato relief and its (.outinuod uao complololy cured her. It'n tho moat certain euro in tho wmld for all throat and lung troublco. (Junranteod Dottlen 00c uno $1.00. Trial bottlou froo ut Jtod CroBtJ Drug Htorc. -'Rapidly Bqcovcrlrif - John Colgan who waa.riTitutjy oporat' od by Dr,J. T, MuCormao (orapondloltls. In recoviirltiK nicely. Mr. Colgnu lsll yearn of agi. Thu iqu'rnlloii was tmrfj formed alter thn lliltd attack, M. li. Cliurcli Thu Firnt Quarterly (Jonferonco oi tho M. K. Oluiich waH hold Tueeday, Jnnl I'J, at 8 p.m. Presiding l-.ldcr D. T. yiiiuiuereilht prurldcl. T!.u follow lug inomlNirt wMii prment: P v. Chun, T. McPhorion, J Bk.-aii, P. H, Worvcr, MlloNutnncr, M. It, lln wn, Mra. riadlq Cartel, Mih. I.lxlt llohtiHr, Mrs. J, I.. Brown, nnd sovoral lltor. Thu following IruolocH wuro elected foi thn propoitil North Huml M, H. Church! Kv. Chno. 7. McPheraop, , M. Pith and John K. hMmiuide, Valuable Carj,ro (OregoulaiO Tho Portland & Ashitlo Htcamshlp ('oiiipiny'a big llnor liidraeitinlia sailed from Vokolioiua, her lmt port of call In thu Orient, laet Tliurpd.iv, with the larg. t and moit valuable cargo of Orictal (relicht ucr brought to Portland' Among other freight on hoard .the titcamcr Is nearly W carloads of thu Philippine oxhibit for the World' Fair at St. I.ouis, and n coiieiguimint of idlk, ahid.l at nimtly H.tHW.O'X). Tho KtnaiiKir N coming direct, and Is duo iq Portland, January 'id. The Jlilk Condciisory Mr. Kwdey, who Is looking for a con d on sod milk plant, in in town. Ileli quite favorably linproescl with Marsh field as a hi'Ati.m fur hie eutnrirlsi, and every encouragement should In: given him t-.' place it ticre. More than out valoatdp iiiduetry hi Ihu driven away from Marnhiield by attempta to hold up the promoter for a site The progres sive vn iihmild nee that such a suicidal pidli') duea not pruvail in thin case. It is understood that Mr. Hunli'y doi'M nut auk any thing for nothing, but that does lint prucludn thn town from showing n disposition to help his project tti any way poBjIblo. (Irrio, IJtH'm.' aro gracn and will do woll oil any Kti-n jwMtiuii. It thoy hnvo ec ivft in ii iT'vi; or luUn an much thn lKtt-r. Imt tlioy rnn HiiiHftfuIty gruwn ithniit water ti nwliu lu. Hut lu fiitti itliu tiny ii id borne v. ion ml itntln i-vory duv (Jimwh nn whhI for tlHiir fi'ulli'i, kikhI to Mill nnd good mi I ! Ihiiiiu dinner tabic ltut tho cook iiitmt know Imw to ixxik a gmmu or it will liuvn thn vliamctnrlMttc giww ft'iMir. which U grnuntlb' W.'i lHHt''fnl Io American pulutoH, rti'irtu 1'nr I.nilnir Ilrna, To inakn now to prevent henn froin onllnK ''kkh tuk' tbrei lM)rds, two four tiH-n Iiirhm whin anil (inn twelvn luclinN wide. 2Vull tlitr,n tuKiitlior for llixir, put tlmr tin twelve Inch mm In thn middle. Make two r.un of iichIh, II liy It, on tin1 oiithlde Imanlrt Make lldn Tor Uieno ueiN, iiitlli)i' liitnifs at tho upper uldn of the ir(. Com-I Iho fpKen hntvwi! thn row t i.f iMlM wlfli hoMi'dn upon which yru fnNten lilugeii. 'I'liLi makee a Inilldliu; itudlar to a dmibln corncilh, with drlvevny lietwcn From thbi ruul.e a small holi Just largo onough for tlin hen to i;o throiigli hito tho iient. It heltig i. ill.- r (lurk lu thcfto iivhIh, Mini Mill iitd Htny luiigur than JUHt to tie pnHlt her (-Kg, for which Minot)' Bhe thlnUa It la a idee, included pluct. BORN IIOOANIn Mamhfiiild, Or. Jan. It!, I'.HM, to tho wife of M. Hogan a son. Dllil) WAI.I. On IsthmuQ ulough, Oregon January K, I1,)!, of old ago. Deceased was rwosidont of Cooh coun ty over '-'() yoara, liavlni; como to thia county from Han Francisco iu 1870 and resided on thu lflthmiiH over einco. Hor husbund, Mr, Wall, preceded hor (1 mouthuago. Two uoiih Jamos II. and .Mm mirvho her. Mra. Wall'n health hau heun falling hor for (tomo time when hIio dually pafiood away In poaco and iu tlin prciBonco of tho family. Tho funeral tool: plnco from tho Catholic Church ycatorday and Iho romalriB Woreontorrod in the family lot in 1. 0, 0. l cewotery.