Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 16, 1904, Image 6

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If ytm htvin't rclr, hwUby.moTtwnl of th
bow)i ttry Uy, you're I" or IIU Uer.yp
Wwil. !
!?:. J . ..til .l..k. la .UhtaMIU
wt.lit,tnoiprl;w7 ct k-crlaj
10 UK
Uo-.ri.cl oin ii m i
ttr loi. Write forlrt upl. n4 booklet
twlth. iddrr.i "
krxmuia BtxtDT costast. cntcicotr siwtqti.
From Saturday's Dally.
The iran who peijures biraselt for a
chance to earn about (75 must be n
cheap guy.
iuq is the reason when the circula
tion liar cames to full bloom; but the
county courl'that ia deceived thereby is
not wise.
Engrse Kcon espect! one of the Uleet
np to date shoe regalrlng rapchinc3 on
tho Alliance. Tliia will be a mevo to
the fiont in the repair line.
Oupt. Harris has the Curlew ont on
Momejniif ways having wine repairs
made, and pulsing pipes In for heating
the cabins by tho exhaust.
The Aberdeen arrired yesterday from
Eureka and will eal! for Portland today,
in coming up the bay she found her way
out of tho channel opposito town and
ra dehyed about half an hour.
When bilious try a dose of Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
realize for onco how quickly a first-cUia
up-to-date medicine will correct the dis
order. For ale by Jno. Preues.
Ttuety Mike'a Diary, Jan, 9, 1001
The merchant who goes o sleep en lets
tho other fellow get hh trado bx adver
tising is like tbn man who left his stable
dpor opon en let his boss get stolen.
H.'SestjsUeken sold a fine piece of
property yesterday to B. C. Rogers. I;
consisted of tbe lot formerly owned by
Mrs. L. Earl, situated at tho corner ol
Front 4 C ttreets. The new acquisi
tion gives Mr. Rogers SOxHO feet from
Front to First.
Services at tho M. E. Church Sunday
at lie, m. and 7:30 p.m. The Presid
ing Elder Rev. D. T. SuramerviUe. will
preach morning end ovening. Tho ioly
sacrament will be administered at the
morning service, Sunday School 10-a. m.
Epworth I.iaguo G:20p. m. A cordial
invitation i txtendod to the public.
Encampment Installs
The followiag officers of the 1,0. 0. F,
Encampment were installed Thursday
evening by Grand C P, John P. II all:
Yf B Curtis, C P; Is I.audo. II P; C A
Johnson, 8 W; II Bcng.Uckon, Ecribo;
JenB Hansen, Tress; Ieiac Landrltb,
J W; John Rtanff, Guide; A Usgolmas-
ler, 1st W; It Peters, 2d W j A W Neal,
8d V ; Chas Kabb. 4th W ; J W Keating,
OB; Alton Kingston, IB.
After Installation tho members? went
lo tho Broiler, and omjoyed n fino spread
tho Encampment people being men of
"lino apbatile.
XCSS.'- ' . , ,
Vsssr ssssv
New Launch
Am.U.or fliiO'g-isolino Uunehlook Its
!lrt.t dip into thu -raters of Ccoa Bay
1r.r.d.y B.'teit'oon, 'torn Hollands
shirynri. The new boat is tho Motoor,
0K ncd by Anson Raters, and isundoubt-
cdly tlio liiietl inuncn ever covh .' v-uu
llvy. It is lir.nl' ooil finished and if
l.t.td willi the latest model 7 li. p.
htauilril online. Holland rays sho
n .!l Kv.t the 1 elrphono, w Melt t eon -
j..prl vert fait launch, and has cfur.
eil Anson lic-ais MCO If she falls to do
10 in tho Sail nice to bo held tome wink
l.il IT.
School Tax Levied
At ft special school meeting held Fri-
lay night for the pnrposo ol levying the '
tnx for school purposes for tho cneulns
xpftr. for tho Marshfleld schools, on 8
mill tax was voted. The S mill levy pro
vides mean! for a reparato school for
the colored and Chinese childrcu, The
vote stood Sti for and . against.
Tho resolution provided that if tho
vote was for, It should stand for S mills
and a separate echoed, aud if ng.iir.s, it
uould stand for 7 mills, and tho colored
children and Chiueso would have to be
taught along with tho rest of tho Marsh
field pupile.
This action dcfinitly settle tho color
problem so far aa attending tbe Marsh
field e:eoo! is concerned.
There was much discussion ns to pro
viding waya and menus for separate
schools aud the sentlimnt was ever
whelmingly in favor of a sepirate
school for tho colored and Chineae.
Many of Marshflehfa hocry taxpayers
wore present and gladly assented to the
adding of one-eighth to our school tax
for the support of this now departure
rather than havo tho harmony and even
tenure of our public school disturbed.
Important Transfer
TheCroscent Mlno has jnat boon o!d
to wealthy capitalists, who will begin
operations at oneo to operate tbe mine.
Tho parties who have acquired this
property nro amply able to developo the
mines and will begin operations im-
mediately on a large scale to Improve-
this valuable properly,
Mr. P E. C. Bnrke, a capitalist ol
Denvor, Colorado, who has had a largo
experience in mining both gold and
coal pieced a bond on tho Crescent
mine nt Maxwell last Summer and im
mediately commenced active work in
developing the property, blocking ont
coal and making preparations for work
tag the mine ns similar properties are
managed in the East.
ilr. Burko started overland about a
month ago to meet parties who have
been negotiating for tho purcharo of the
mine. The sale waa arranged by Mr.
Darst, who ia believed to bo acting for a
company ol English capitalists. While
tho purcbaso price is said to be 1 10,000
this sum ia thought to'bo only a umal)
part of the actual consideration for which
this valuable property ia to bo trans
ferred. Tbe syndicate baa had the mine ex
amined by experts and it was largely on
their favorable report that tbe sale waa
consnmated. It is thought that the
change of ownership will not affect the
elleting plans of the former owner and
Mr. L. D. Jonea will probably bo con
tinued as resident mancger. Uo is now
in San FranclEco in conference with Mr.
Burko and tho now owners. Tho two
large coal bankers, began last Summer,
will be ruahed to completion.
a pleasant, potent, and permanent Bivigorator for WOMEN,
arr rr iraioM touk DMiJGGLrr.
Gasoline Ordinance Passed by tho
Town board
Tho tovui board mot loht evening,
with Mayor IVngsUckcH in tho chair
nut! all I'lcnbera pttmmt.
Iu tho mutter- o( tlt marihnli'liiP.
, among four applicants J, Vc Carter vm
I fleeted, and th salary of tho oftioo wnn
mired (tout (0 to 7fi pir mouth.
An ordi.Miuci' was passed to regulate
' tlm rua'trr "f keeping vMolInu within
' tho tottti limi'-. It forbids tlu keeping
j on ttnrage or for sale more than P khI-
lonsof KisoUnc. dihtlllate, bctislite or
rectified or refined product of potrolum
emitting an mlUmmnblo vapor in any
bulUlinc within tho corpornted limit?,
between a lino 300 feet north ol Daltn
filroot and tho north of iUroad add!
lJoM( and not ,0 lo wjtj, Q0 feet ol tho
Standard Oil warehouse.
hours is allowed for taking away nuy
landed from boate or atenmors.
When this pipor want to pre:s the
council was discussing a lliensn oidln
anee for teams, to provide a special fund
for minor repairs of the itroots-
Mr. John II. Culloni. Editor of the
Garland, Toxm, Ni-ws, has written a let
ter of congratulations to tho manufac
tures "f Chaiiiborlaln's Cough Itemed
ns follow p: "Hsteeti eara ago when
our tlm child was a baby ho waa subject
to eroupy Fpt'lls wo would bo very un
easy about Into. We began using t. ham
berlaiu'e Couch Remedy in lb", and
tinding it uch n reliahlu remedy for
colda and croup, wu havo never been
without it in tho houao uinco that time.
We have Hvo children and hnvu given it
to allot ttioni with good results. Ono
good, featurt of ttua remudy is that it is
not disagreeable to take aud our bablea
really like It. Another ia thut it ia not
dnnu'erous, and thuie is no risk from
giving an overdose. I congratulatu ou
upon the anccesa of your remedy." For
ale bo Jno. l'reuss.
Figures to Show Advantage of
Milk Condensory
Tho Mail is in recoipt of a commu
nication from a prominent Coos river
dairyman, who does not caro to havo hia
namo published, who urges the Mail to
agitrtto tho matter of a milk condensing
industry on Coos Bay, to tho end that
dairymen may get a bettor price for thier
Ue states that tho avorago prico re
coived by fivoof the leading, dairymen
of Cooa river for tho year 1002 waB 87
centa per cwt, wbilo the avorago prico
paid by the manufacturers of tho Eagle
brand of condensed milk, from Oot. 16,
1002 to Oct. IS, 1003, was tl.M per cwt.
It wonld seem from theao figuroB that
the raatttr is well worth tho attention
of Coos Bay dairymen, and tho Mail
invites communication from all who
can throw further light on tho subjoct.
Below wo quote from tho Pacific Home
stead: "Tho Condonsed Miltc company at
Forest Orove, Oregon, finda tho demand
for ita product aa active no ovor and
shipments are made as fast as tho milk
Is ready. This week care havo gone to
Denver, Salt Lako and San Francisco.
They havo been paying f 1,15 per hun
dred for milk this'month and it looks as
if e prico might he $1.50 for noxt
month, eayfl the TimeB.
The milk condonsor at Hillsboro.
Washington county, Oregon, has a ca
pacity of 15,000 pounds daily nt present,
but now machinery is being added which
will incrcaso it to 115,000 pounds, re
quiring tho milk f rornJLOOO cows.
i f '
rom Sunday's Dally.
J, D. Oltnkotibenrd waa in town today.
Tho Arcaln and tint pirn both fall from
San Francisco at 10 i, In. today.
Jackson day vac not obaofvod Halur
day on tho hay and tho local DomcerntJ
failed to honor tho niinivcr.tury,
It wco reported that tho ntonmcr AN
linnet witR bar bound nt Astoria on Fri
day nnd .'V'.mlny but would probably
reach Cooa Hay Sunday Morning.
J. (J. IlMtliii (( North Coon rlvor
catno town yoatorday to taUo tint
Allin.ico for SanFraiielsco, whoro ho ox
pecta to lucato II hu likes it theru,
Our remark yoatorday about tho
cheap guy had no reference to any
Marehfiold matter but to bu plain, to
county printing,
Society Editor. "Why ia F. Mnthe
son tho smartest farmer on Isthmus
MrrlneRoporler "Hccnuso hoalwaya
i.nlu litu ..llttlllld nil 11111.1 II. . Iilil llllllA
1 , having been constructed especially for
lay, after that ho sttunpa on tho date.".., , . , , , , ...
' ' I tho Coqulllo trade, and i-ho la curtninly
lUndon Recorder The mail ttom the
interior failed to nrrlvo yesterday. Tho
stngo is roported to have gono.ovor thu
grcdu between Roseburg mid Myrtlu
Point. One of tho passengers waa hurt.
Rudy Mike's Piniy, Jan. 10, 1001
Many men who wrlto their own adver
tising, writo it when they haven't any
thing olso to do "ml froui tho looks of
some of the advs. should not have done
W. Xorris, of Fairview, who haa been
visiting hia sIsler.-Mre. Otis Flltcroft, st
North Bend, was in town yesterday nnd
mado thie olllco n pleasant call. He re -
porta that tl.o planking of the Cooa Bay
wagon road nt Fairview haa been ex-
tended from the Stcinnon plnco to tho
Barker lane, nbout n quarter of rt mile.
Mr, Bangs, tho mall contractor ia cor-
duroying tho road at bootjack hoed on
tho'North fork hill, this boing a part of
tho work which, tho energetic Mr. Bangs
is doing on hia own account.
Organizer Harry Resigns
G. Y, Harry, for the past 13 months j
general organfaer of tho American Fed-.
crntion of Labor for tho Btato of Oregon
ha. resigned that position and his re,i-
cnation has boon nccoptcd. Ho visited
Coos Bay recently in tho interest o! tho
Lowls and Clark Fair, being n mombor
of the atato commiision. While hero ho
addresKed the labor hosts of this city on
tho principles of unionism.
FouncJ a Curo for Indigestion
I uso Chamberlain's Stomach and Llr- " AU,U"' '". " -
er Tablets for Indigostion nnd find that woman who claims sho was brutally as
they suit my caso better than nyiye-' u , , on Ul(J B,oamor Alliance
pepsin remedy I hnvo ever tried and I ',u'lu,t
iinvo ueed many difforent remedies. I porno mouths ago. She will bo brought
8?wB..K.Ute npl,0Br nKftl,18t Th0B,M
tion. I can eat nlmost anything I want Davis, to proaecuto him for tho heinous
to now. Geo, W.Emory, Rock Mills, I . ... ,, ,. ,.. i1B,im,ni4...i
Ala. Forsaleby Jno. Prouss.
Sunset Lodge I. 0. 0, F. Installation!
The following officers woro Installed
Friday night by . D., W Kardoll, to
eorvo for tho inauing year.
N. G Isaac Laudrith ; V. G., A. King
ston; Sec. I I.ando; Tros., J F Hall;
W, W F Brown; Con. W II Curtis; O
8, Albeit Soellgj I G, J Keating; R 8,
fNG, C A Johnson; L 8, N G, F M
Friedborg; R 8 V G, AIox Hall; I. 8 V
G Goo N Farrin, It SB, Kugono Schottor;
LB fiE'A, Anderson; Chaplin, Goo
O G, Btauff,
Firemen's Meeting
Friday nigh t nt tho meeting of tho
Firo Department tho following oflkora
woro elected:
E LC Farrin, Proa.; I. It Robertson,
Vice Pros; Ben Bwnnton, Secretary;
John Butler, Treasurer.
The following nomination!) for Chiof
were mado, to bo oleotod at tho next
Otto Schottor, W, P. Murphy.
Tho following committeee were ap-
J pointed;
On ny.hVB,..li. 11, Itoburtoon, W, P.
Murphy and August Kurluy.
Oanro Committee, 1.. H, Robertson,
Frank llngttu, Win. K.ckwbilh mid John
I,, Hounds.
Tho Company decldod to carry out tho
club plan recommended by tho dnnro
Mr. Win. S. Crano, o! California, Md
MUlftucd (or vonrn from rhetiniatluut nml
Iiiiuhu'd. J Id wan llunllv ndvJrtfu lo trv
i Clmmborhilii'ii Pain llalmOiltdi lio did
Iniul it I'ffi'Ctod a fQuipTu.o euro, l'w
ttii lo Dy Jno I'ruutu.
Makes the Run From
rlsoo in 24
(Drtiidon Recorder)
Now Year's Day bequoathed f to offer
ing to tho Coqulllo, in tho ulnrpo of a
new steamship, strongly built nitd elu-
k'Atitly fitted up, with tho affablo Cap
tain Jensen on tho bridge aa mnotur.
Tho now utcamor wan built nt San
Francisco, and ia ownod by K, T. Crnr.,
, inu in) si vessel tor mo nyor uini naa ueen
hero yut. v
Her water lino ia lt'J foot, while her
length ovor all la 150 (eot, nnd her
brendth of beam ia .i.' feet, H iuchns,
nud her nvcrngo depth of hold la I) foot,
0 inches. Her gross tonnngo iiftl.'itous,
and hor not tonnngo J8l, Sliu haa ca
pacity (or '.'7 llratclaHs passengers, and
six in the steerage.
Tho boilers, ongiuos and pnssengurac
commodntiona nro well nit, leaving tho
forward part of tho deck for lumber and
, otlior heavy freight,
jjur lumber capacit will hoTnbout 3oO
t0 qq jj ,H,t,
' kj,u mnj0 the trip from San Francisco
to tho Coqulllo in 12 hours, nnd under f
(nvorablo circumstances, should travel
t.10 distance In 31 hours. Itisexpoctod
' that she will nverngo about 40 hours to
tho trip.
gho has been detained by rough bar
for two days, but is bar for two day
this ovening.
' .,...,, n, ,
j To Appear Against the Man Charged
With Assaulting her on the
Tho following dispatch cornea from
San Francisco undor date of Jan. fi:
"An attachment waa lvauod by the
United Stateaattornoy today for Mra.A.
If ' ... .! f ,. .t. lTl.l rm.itmn tit f
u.....on. ,.....
iiowara J.aws, nigmwaiciiman on mo
Alllanco nt tho tlmo tho crime ia alleged
to havo been committed, nnd who was
detained an u witness in San Francisco
ia fl'.Ill in coatody thme, having boon nn
ablo to glvo f 1000 bonds required, for
Tho following ia from tho Han Frnn
cisco Call:
Judgo do Havon of thu United Ktntca
District Court yesterday ordered an at
tachment ieauod for Mrs. A, II. Amoo
'of Marahfiold, Or., to npponr na a wit
ncsa again Jt Thomna Davia, a w niter,
arrested last Monday by United Slntea
Secret Service Agent Hnzon for an na
unult committed upon Mm, Ainoa whilo
alio was a passenger en tho ateamcr
Alllanco on October HI. Mr?. Amoa rep
resented Hint the hud no monoy and
could not nfford to pay her expenses to
thlh city, so tho attachment wab leaned
to onnblo the United Btritea Mnrahnl to
brinx lior to thia city na n prisoner nt
tho expense of tho United States.
Lawyer Applewhite, acting na attor
ney for Howard Lbwb, tho night wntch
man of the steamer Alllanco and . tho
monl Important wltuisit on liehulf of till)
government, culled thu ntUmlloii o
Judge do Haven yenlerdny Co thu fnpt
that Lawn had been oonllriind In all for
u long time tin u witness nud linked Unit
ho iu) relented. Judge do Haven declin
ed to Interfere, but nugeiited that the
proper eouno for Hid I'vwyer to purniin
would he to apply for writ of habena
tfroni Tuetdsy'ti Dally.
The Cxnrinn nailed froii Knii FianolfCJ
Sitturday ihhiu. j
R, K. Slime, nl Cuiplro Ottv, was n
Mnrshlleld vtnltur jeflmday.
Simon nud August Kricksoti, of
Tmupluton were In town ovor .Sunday,
About twenty went from Mnrshltutd to
thoihuico nt Bay City (Saturday night,
Meaeore Earl Lawhetn i tho
Unipqua river nro hero trying to buy
the utenmer Aleit.
Win. Gamble, tho "spud king" of
Kentucl: olough, wap sueu on our streets
Mrs, Robert McCitnn, ol lUy City,
rvlll go north on tho Aurelh, to stay a
(ow weekn in Portland.
Rev. J. McCormnr ol Astorln will iu
rlvn on thu Alliance Inr n visit with hir,
son Dr. J. T, ol this place.
Mrs. Win. Davis ol Myrtle Point ctmn
ovor.Moudny wttlilnir children (or treat
maul ol hor little girl by an occulist.
Mils Lena Wicks formnrly ol Kugono
oscapetl the Chicago theatre fire bucausn
she could not gel tt ticket to the theatre,
Miss Grace McCnrmnc It spending r.
(err days at thu hotuu ol Captain and
Mrs, Nelfon nl tho Ll(eSnving station,
Albert Hagluud is grading down the
hill opposltu the Mutton place in South
Murehtleld preparatory to building a
roaldeuco in tho spring,
Thero waa a young squaw of Tacomt
Distinguished by qiilto nil nrointi,
Clam chowder nnd flah,
Tho duleotablu dlbh
Of this meut,Bli.)p!u thiiu of Tncotna.
Pacific Monthly.
Copioa oi Son. John II, Mitchell'?
bpoocli, "Tho Oregon Country" mado in
tho United Slates Senate Dttc. 17 have
been received by a largo number of
Marshtleld people,
Mr. nud Mrs. Bnrkas loft on thu
Aberdeen for tho KnM. Thov will visit
tho Euslorn states, whoro the havo
frionds, relatives and acquaintances and
will return in the spring to Marshtleld
Noble Bros, recolvod a hand of cattle
and hoga Monday. The stcera woro 10
in number and the hoga 20. The for
mer wcru from Chas. Carlson of Tenmllo
and tho latter fromJCoulllo City,
Tho Evorgrton Whist Club met Satur
day at tho homo ol Mrs, (J, W. Tower.
Mrs. J. H.Tnylor won thu high prizo
and Mrs. E. O'Conuell tho low ono.
When tho club noxt meets it will bo
with Mm. P.M. Wilbur.
The Aurolin sailed from Han Francisco
at ft p.m. Sutnrday, nud was duo hero
yeaterdny. Sho will hnvo nearly a (ul
load ol frulght ami n (nil complement o(
paesougore. Sho wan off the bar Ust ov
oniug nnd lo expected in tliia morning,
to sail thia afternoon;
E, M. Erlckson, of Bouth Mnrshflold
line mado some very substantia! im
provementa to hia lotldonco property Iu
North Marnhfiuld by adding nil L cou
Iniulng four room' nud ro-fthlugliiig tho
older part.
Rualy MlkoV Diary, Jan. 13 15)01
When Hmlth i)ff.!rn you ti yood hosu nn'
Joncfi offero yuu u poor ono for tho same
money youvnIu't n going to buy Jones'
boas Jcnt hectmae ho needa tho money-r-don't
expect pooplo to buy of yoa just
to holp,you out,