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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1904)
H "V il us m .. fcE " Prom Tliui'nlny'o Dally. OFFICERS OF CLEMS' ASSOCIATION Organization Well Starlod on Ca reer of UnefuhicKs I'ollou ltn; nro IhuofllcurHol tho dorks' RMaulutlim reci'iitly fcit titcil In Marsh ilulil, which i known tin Loral No, UT of til tho Retail ClotUs' Jnlornatfonal Pro teellvo AmoclHlioit, branch of the A. F. l-,l I'mdilent, F K Uiigiiu; lit vice prouldont, il J IMvviihIh ; Ud vleu presi dent, (J I'uiinnck; recording secretary, Tom Fox i lluiindal necniliiry, Ilrnry Reed; Irimmiriir, Walter iiiillur; j;nitr dlun, J J Kroiiliolm; guide, Dan Keitl Jllg. . Thu orcnnlacnllori ting nlghtnun imiin burp, including nimrly nil (do rlurka In town, itinl II In expected tlittt Ihu others will coon be added to tlio roll. MtoMno :ro held In Out Eaglea' ball on tint lbt and 3rd Monday of each niotith, Tlio Iioh tiro well ploaaed with their movement, bo far, and wllli irottr man moment It will doubtless prove a good thlriK (or all concerned. MORE MONEY FOR Sfl'OOL This Year's Tax Levy Will Pro v'de It. (I'rrgonlun) In making animal tat lnvifli thin month, County otirli will Iuy for for bcIux.I purposes k run tlittt will Ih equal to ' ur capita upa.i tliu school population, i'rlor to tliia year tlio luvy for school 'pnrpoeua hai bum 6 mills on tlio dollar. In soiuu counties thlj pro duced n rovouttu .much In excess of por capnta, while in it produced Ills. Upon tlm theory Hint school ruv or. mi ilionld l)u biued upon tint number cf children of rchoo) ugo rather tlin upon tlm asternal taltiucf property in the county, tint I.uialitturu at ita regu lar flceteon in IW.'i inulo tlio change ulmo Indlcutod. Thu net alto provided thut no county rh mid lovy a pur capita amount U-hfl than tlio per capita for I Ml Throughout tliu htutc tlio clinio will remit in an increase in tliu ninoiint ol uiuiiuy nvnilnblo for uehnol pnrpowa. In Ihotu counties which have herulciorn Tgleasd ruoro thaiif'l per capita nochangn in effected, but In other tliu rate of levy must bu increased. From Frlday'i Dally. MuKwen tliu ilypiiollit u doing I In vnlloy towns. The Alliince wan reported lo bo off thu bar lait ovening, in some counties voters ato already Tfdsterlng for the Juno election. Sir. arid Mrs, J. T. Collver, of Catch ing slough, vruru In tow r yostorday. Tho stoanier Aberdeen had a roiiiih trip up to Portland, nha did not tttoj at Astoria, koIiiu direr! to Portland. Runty Miko'a Diary, .Ian. 16, 1003 It ain't always bocauau thu Lord ain't on your aide thut you don't micruud in busi ness, Fr. Mubllor, who i illlititf Fr. lon uolly'a place during Ilia r.monce, Blurted for ((.inilnor hiat tvoisiiiK in nnawur to n call. Any ono who dout: not revdvo hij in por rugularly will confer it favor by noti JyJiiK thin olllce, that Hid fault may bo .traced up, t .1 1 Any ono wiahiiiK inlonnatiou aa to how to approach your boat vi l tlio fe, . dark con j;i It by cniiulrins of 1-5. (J, W& ,,110891), south Coos rlvor. , Tlio liuijeno (luard ia List bocouiing ono ot tho boit Dally l'flpora in tho Wlllnmutto valloy, having added over 10 pur uenl to ita lints tho pant year, Tho A N W club mot Thnraday at tlio homo of Mm' ,1. If. Taylor. A prnfltiiblo tiiiMilliiK wan had and all wuro IiIkIiIv plmiHid at thu prokrptn of thoclub'fl work and tho next munttti will bo held with Mm John Hoar. i l.unl year it raluod 205 daya in Lon don, which exjiorloncod ono of the limit tliluht yoarn on record. It lake.i rain, and lota of It, to malm it man fscl Kom). Ftnihlilno in all vury well, but lo proiiiolo thu joy of life, lvo uu rain. In RauFrnnclfiCO n woman in under arrunt for placiui; u 8-year-old child on hot nlovo. In New York in a woman awaiting trial for burninK n boy with n red hot pokur. Klxty-fivo btirtm and brufocn wcru counted on tho body of thu .Vow York child, and part of i tb hair had been torn out by Hid root!!. Neither til thu women exprenred any regret for her actloup, nor did either appearcouecious that alio had uaed tin uiiial violence toward tint hulpIuiiNcreat uro in hnr power. .Such cases ten :1 to uinko ono bellevu In thu van"" hten of d(oneracy.-- Kx. Tw'o mon wcrodlopullnKOverchurchci;. Ono wnun Mothodiet and tho other n Haptiit. Finally ono of them ntlloi to a nelKhbor win rrat paabiliK by mid abk imI him his opinion ne to which was thu only church Jn which to boeaved. "Well noluhbora," eald 'hu, "son and I havu been haulhik' wheal to mill nigh on to forty yearB. Now thorn nru two roadi luadliiK to tho mill. Uno's tho valloy road and thu other takeu over th hill. Sumiiliiiiuu 1 k thu one, ecmutimuH I'oUier. And lwJvcr yot, frirndf. ha& the miliar nuked mo which road I took, but hualwaya afxn: "Is your wheat toodV" Dccorah Iowa Journal. Chief Olio Scliclier Tho firo departmunt eloctod last ovc nine resulted lu tho election of Otto Kcbottor ai chief and Auguit nrlcy e alitntit chief. WARNING All porBonsaro hereby warned not to pay any tnonoyor kIvo any credit lo Jamea Uriel !ln on my account Imikd Ahki. Marfhfleld Ciuar Factory. I 16 (it w Uiifomided Report There has been it rumor current for ruvcral days that the Ico A Cold fctorano plant at MarshllaU was to bo movml to North r.ciul. I'pon inijuiry ofPrecident .Slchokon Tin: M.'i. was informed that Ihu ruinurwae without foundation, Epworlli League Tliu regular monthly busiuuen meathiK of tho iipworth LoaRtio took place Wed uosday ovenine, at the home of M. it. itronn. Aftqr the regular work of tho -loacue 'euyu'ral hours were ope'nt in a j social K(ld time nt gamos, tuusic and converao a!tar which delicious rofreBh-j menta went partaken o!. The I.enRiio ordered thu laatlpaymeut mado on tlio organ. ADVICE TO EMPLOYERS How Thoy Should Conduct Them ' , j8lves Toward Employee ' Tha following, from tho Amorican Merchant, is published at the request of n Murdblluld merohant, who ia talk-. in1 of formlnic i" omployora' iiBfioolatoin j with theau for tho bylaw a Or lie nmy only bo josliim; thndorkp. Alwaya ratoo your hat when addrosf iiiic nn umployo. lliana geod a,a you aro and probably thinks ho ia a ureal deal better. Never criticieo, u inan'B torh, how- rcr poor.. It la nn insult, to Uili uulou' whicii was organii'od by and for tho poor workman, and besides it might hurt his foeliuRO. Kncotirago jour men to piny pinooiiln and choekorH during working hours, It helps thorn drlvo dull enro away and promotin Kood fullowalilp. This la es pecially Important on an operation where different traded oro employed, as il Irmda to a bettor acquaintance among Ihu men, and they will hold together lofu-or on n oympiithotic strlku. Keep a key o' heor in a convonlont plocu on nil jobs. You will find tho ii.on npprcclativu. If any et balloons on, xotid them home in cabs. Ilavo an orchestra fitatloncd whoro over you havo many employes nt work. Novor mlit tho cxponco as lorn; nn tlio men enjoy tho music, but mako anro tho riiuticnno carry union cards or acci dent ineuruueu. A nico roaditiK room, a pool room and a bowling alley would bu oploidld, but no eonnlblo worklriKinan would expect you to mako such provisions for his comfort and atnuapment. Novor hire n now man without flril conmiltlriK your other employes. If ha doesn't IioIoor to n union they prrbably won't play. They may oven prevent him from working, and thev a perfect rJht lo do bo, Itemembcr Ihiu in n free country! Do not Inidat on ionp; Jioura. No bank opnui beforo 0 o'clock, and thoy usiiclly cloto at I. SEE THIS . Weekly Coast Mail the largest home-print paper in Coos county the daily EveningTele gram, and the New York Tribune Farmer, the best farm paper published, al! one year for $5 in advance. iwiwmi amim Never ,bo Impudent to nn employe, ft will cost you money. Always liston courteously to tho walk ing delcgato, and then do as ho com mands Noror take your own head. That would bn fatal. In all cneea remember (hat you are only thu mat: nho fives tho laborere employment and paye them- Who enables them, ia short, to make a living (or thomeelrca and their families. Tluty are the pooplo who, if thoy fol like it, do tho worl that you supply and tcko your money. Thoy aro nolni; you a favor, and you should nevor forget the obligations you aro under to thou. Alwaya bo polite, unasumi ii(; and tub eervleiit, aa bctitd your position. I.ifo. Official County Court Proceedings Hxpensoa in vacation nftor October.", UK'S. Special Term. Salaries ' J 173u 01 Indlnonta f 210 0 Janitor Clfnrt llouee f 120 00 iitatiouory,''otc. '" .J ' 17 40 Ordorod that the following bills for im provement o( Coos Bay Wncou Korul bo paid : II 0 1 Inches 4 fo CC Moore' IW J It Poiutor '' 17 60 M 0 Miller ' 2 OU Ueo Norrls ( 00 00 A Flanders, mipevintcudcnt 120 00 Henry Yost " 7S 70 i: P 8 Abornothy, luoiber at OGO 019 03 Waltor Nool . 80 00 13,00 Kay Xorrii Henry Miller 12 .GO Frank Yonn h"? 00 Joe Shannon 10 W J A Lamb & Co, hardware 17 10 ltOKuiar January If 01 Turin. t At n regular ;mcutitn; of tho Cotinty Court of Cooa County, Oregon, at the January. 004 ( term ( rpcoluttion$ I dt respoct wero unanimously nuopieu Tjy the auryiviuR membora of this Court uoon tho death ol Donald JJcItitoab. Ordered that J J Ollnkcnbuard, bo p. pointed Countp '.Cobnmisjlonor to fill Taconcy caused by death of Donald Mc intosh, Ordorcd that Allon McLeotl bo appoint ed Conatablo of District No 2. .IiibMco Courts. Btalo vb Gar Sutton and Al Plilu. W II H Hyde, .untlce, ? 1 DO Allon McLeotl, Conittablo 0 (X) Ktalo y J 8 Uoera W II B llydo, JiiBtico 3 05 Allen McLeod, Conatablo 3 55 Ktalo vs Chaa N'cwroan W H n llydo, Juetico I 10 W 8 Gravee, Constable 7 Go Ktatova Til Crowford W II B llydo, Justice 0 83 Alien McLood. Conltablo 0 00 Aok Putoreoti, witness on fco nono 11 C Itraioard, witnesa ! TO A Iieckela, witness 1 GO Hormon Lareon, witness , , 1 GO Allen McLeod, witnefis, r.o fes none T F Crawford, witneai, no ico nono William LInd, witness 1 GO fitato va Charles Kast, W H 8 H)do, Justice -1 45 Allen McLeod, Conatablo ! G5 Statu vs Geo Schmidt G D llolden, Juaticc 10 10 Leo fkodman, Dep HhiT G Stephen Gallier, Bhoriff G 30 A Halwly, witness one day 1 GO l McNeil, witnosa one day and inileago 3 70 C Cooly, witaeea ono day and lallene 3 70 Waltor Webbor, witnees one day and miloago , 3 70 Dills Smuncr quarantine, K E Straw, M D, sorricos 10 00 E MmauF, M I), sorvicoa 1G W IV Uurefail, M V, sorvices 20 00 State va Cavett, ot al. O A Kelly,, Juetico S 70 Wm Rohm, Conttablo 7 30 State va J M Riley. 0 A Kelly, Justice 7 10 Wm Rohm, ConBtablo 7 GO Geo Weiondunk, Dcpt Cou. 3 00 J V Foster, Dept Con i TO E J Price, witnesa 1 50 Eddie Price, witness I 50 Vt Luliu, wltneea 1 60 W Ilorefall, wltnass , 1 GO L E Drown, meal and bed lit prisoner GO ITWoekly, Drawing fury list Dlat So 4 l 00 Samuel Stout, Drnwlug Jury list Dist no 4 2 (0 1 11 Weokly, Drawing Jm? V.A DIstno4 oesistari' 2 00 8tatlouory and prlntiuc. Glass and Prudhomme Co, sup plica. ,., f lu 03 )t II Hazard, eupplica Clerks ottico t 14 20 C 0 Drydon, Priutinj? .10 IV i Coo Hay Publiahlug Co, IUanka 12 60 r.anrroft Whitney Co, Vol 21, i ' '" Orcgou Ropoila 3 7j "Tho Hun," FilntluK 8 O'l .1 J Stanley, Snppliea ' 102 55 Cqrjuilie L'ity Horald, printing. H 0 Stophuu Galllor, bupplica, fyierlffa oiTlcti .' 117 77 Ordered that the Nortl Land Citizen ami Coquillo City Horald bo tho oflicial nowapapora for year 1001, rato not tc exceed tlftyconta per squuro ol ten Hubs broyieio typo, Ordered that war'raiita bo"ilrawn1ioo 'bounty TroaBurer for ?10.00 in favor of J T Jawott tor support ol himself and family. IndlRonts and Ineano, etc, Hotel Coqnillo, meals.for prison-' r 00 60 00 11 49 8 10 lil 92 10 fiO 1 60 CO 00 5 00 3 75 18 00 132 00 24 6." 10 to 3 00 10 CO Mary Dlnck, nursing Maggie Ilodeon Cbas Btnuff, eupplles, Ramsford & Nelson 12 (i Flanagan, suppliep, Josh Neleon Jos 7erry, Btipplio? F F Williams PK Drain, supplies, Geo 8 Hrnith G II Croy, wood, Geo 3 Wostnot Wm Jenkins and eon, suppiico A C Hoyt F M White, M D, Borvicos Delia Poland 'A O 8tran(, supplies, Weatnot Joel Patterson, nursing Weatnot W Culin, M D, eervlcca Brnnll- pox patients Alfred Johnson, euppllca Bar- Kent Southern Oregon Co, supplies, Doc Kamioy J J Curren, lodging Delia Pol land Maria C Grant, monthly allow anco Poor Farm. C U Fry, 8upt 1 months end, Dec 31st. '03 L Ilarlopker, 1 mare for use on farm N Lorcnz, bal for mdso ' Dykes. 191 04 I 90 00 1 19 15 Petition ol J W Bennett ot al for dyk. dist, considered, Clerk ordered to issue citation, and Z 'X 2iglin, F 1 Norton and llorbert Lockhart appointed viewers and S B Catheart surveyor to meet March 1st 1004. E L C Farrin, rnilsage Dep Dist Atty 21 00 In re Inquest upen F C Kinnicutt I T Weokly action coroner 10 CO I 0 Stemler, constable C "0 J P Stemler jaror 3 20 R A Kasson, juror 2 20 W L Krantt juror 3 M Wm Abernethy, Juror 2 60 J R Bonham juror 1 40 FB McDowell, juror..,- . 1 t0 W Culin, M D, witnesa 10 00 Carrio Kcunicutt, witnesa 1 GO Ollio " " 1 50 W M Laird " 1 50 W L Laird " . 1 60 J D Laird " ; 1 60 In re Inquest npon JamesKelly, E Q llolden, acting coroner J W McDonnald, jurer A M Buntou 10 00 1 0O 1 00! C S Farmer, " It Anseluiy " Cyrua lorrpri " Cria " JWGammlll, " M Ranes, " John Haynei JUSweneonMD " It Conhoy Dep. constable .1 G Sweuson, 11 D services. In ro Inquo'st upon Geo. Adami E Ben Jer. 'coronor C O Carter, ;Conitable K A Leep M D Services Glass A Prudhomme Co Regis tration supplies 1 00 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 . 1 GO 1 50 a 60 10 00 r 70 1 oo to 00 82 19 j 60 E B Prico, election Hall rent special t . Roods and Bridges. i In re Cooj Bay Waon Road. Ordered j that tho following bills be paid : i Honry Yost, lubor 4 dayB f 800 37 60 23 00 now 'n to 22 00 '0 00 A Flanders, supt 12J-J daya Wm Ilayter, 1' J -2 days Goo Norris, aelf & team 4 days, Geo Norria, solf & team 0 3-1 days, 13 ?0 JoeSteinen, U days Jess Barker, solf it team 6 daya K r fl AberMathy, 40350 2-3 ft lumber at 6 GO & atumpago 2ti7 32 Wm C'Jtten, 1SG0 Hn ft slabs ' , at 26 cents rod . 20 75 Ordered th.xt the following bills bo 1 poill out ot tho rpid'Juiid; A lr flaleh, labor on brlUKee Dave Drew, labor b 1-2 StewortMjllor, ludor 5 1-2 days L A LnWhorp, self & team 5 1-2 daya ?' . L .. . 00 13 75 13 75 27 60 1 5 75 Wm Poson. 575 It lumber '" - 'iv ... . ii, c, National? mm L'o, extra, lor i road machine ' 16 00 h Hsrlockqr, repairs on t?ad 5 90 ferry 25 00 A tlowey labor self & team 40 25 Endicott & Milter, repairing tools elcrdl8& 23 . '23 75 Ordorcd that petition for road "on South Slough be dlamlflsod. Bert Dudley, labor r d no Id ChostorDudljy, labor r d no 1(1 Earle Stoelo, labor r d no 11 Ray Flanders, r d no 10 Poter Ncdaa, r d no 10 Wm Willord, r I no 18 A E MnthowSj labor r d no 10 E M Randleraan, labor r d no 20 Goo Soil, labor r b no 21 John Loggett, labor r d no 21 Jeff Ownby, labor r d no 51 W F Keller, labor r b no 22 J, R Woodward, labor r d 22 D P Strang, labor r d no 22 WFMil!or,!aborrdno22 Geo Counts, labor r d no 23 W 8 Bushncll, labor r d no 23 JesBA Warfiold, labor r d 23 8 O Bradon, labor r d no 23 machinoet '. - Poter Michoibrink, keoplng ' 33 &-j 0 03 1 87 22 2o 12,25 1(5 00 31 60 A cd 20 00 17 CO 12 00 01 GO 60 40 23 87 38 00 II 75 11 00 72 4? 210 60 109 10 44 00 24 00 27 00 0 75 Gi CO 73 75 E E Bender, labor i d No 23 Geo W Motfll, labor r d No 23 W W Phillips, labor 4 No 2J J. G Belieu labor r d No 23 Geoiainger, labor rd No 22 H Goodman, labor r d No 22 J A Loom if , labor r d No 23 P F & L Co, lumber rd 22 21, 10 and 15 and 15 SO 71' D"EAif Tfl 'TfiSfi ELL". "' ComateA Btnmn Thoughts nn llntchnt U ami Ualtatclinlilo Kitten, Chtdca dytru? la tlio only thing that jfwsventa 100 per cent hntctics. I car. remember back; to forty years njjq, when liens made about tho name avti Ak as they tlo"now.'I con remember i certain gatepost that I had for n mart When dtspoatng of tho egga that the Lena failed to hatch. Breaking tho eggs to see what was In them woe nev. ct thought of Uien and la not yet, but when It comes to running incubators It Is n different thing. I Iiavo seen peoplo hatch 80 per cent and ft) per cent of the fertile eprjrs nnd worry over 10 or 20 per cent dylns Id thu shell, yet the same people would perhaps Innocently admit that tho in cubator did better average work on nil the eggs thnp tho bens. There Is Just this about It: When SO per cent of the fertile eggs hatch anil 20 per cent do not hatch it Is evidence In itself that something Is wrong with the 20 per cent or they would havo hatched also. Why not mix In a little cool reasoning in comparing incubator? with licus nud do away with tho unjus tified prejudices? Good Incubators equal good hens, but neither can hntch uu batcbable eggs. If.nll fertile eggs were hatchable, then wo would simply waste time In selecting ntrong, vigorous cock- co ' crcl3 nnd hens. There, would bo no use PQ or sense In selecting fresh eggs; neither i .would freezing or overheatlngthem be- fore they wero iuittln tho machine nf fect thorn. These uro stubborn, serious facts, and not a slnglp reader of this paper will dispute, them, yet many will contluuo' to throw the eggs that tho hens can't hatch at tlio gatepost nnd make n post mortem examination of the eggs that are left In tho Incubator, nud, still piorv, thoy may unconsciously sckvt eggn for the hens-ami fill tho incubator with moat any kind to mako up, the numbers. Commercial Toultry. 'A skating pond does not make a win ter nor an engagement ring u mar riage. . Illusions and fallacies nro the thin that the other fellow has. Of two evils don't choose eitlwr. Truth Is not n farthing rushlight, and it It a good deal farther from be- III.' MjHlltl.lll Tlio VuJlrt;Kor Next Yer, Tho fpuudatioa of success with fowls It to hutch all the pullets about the tiiimo timo If possible, or got them out curly ut least, rullots of tho-larg' breeds should surely be hutched befora March 15 or not later than April 1 anit thoso of smaller breeds not later than May 1. Attention Is called to this mn. ter, ns t hero is now but llttlo time left for doing so. If tlio hens do not becomo broody get ti sumll hundred egg Incuba tor and provldo a pluco.for if brooder. By hutchlug as muuy as possible about tho sumo tlmo thoy will all bo of tlio f sumo ago when winter cornea and wilt also bo mora uulform lu other respecur, which will by 'much better than having! them hatched at different periods, with,' some of them too late to inaturo andi become" profitable as winter layer. Sell or part with-tU ofjat'o cockaret tfa( sodil as' they lire large enbughTte be marketed and thua bavo cost and giver tup puljcts more toom.Wcatern Poulv trv-.tournaL .- ui" Vt l! i f .v I u i M ) i $ A I i , JkL -JUW