Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 16, 1904, Image 4

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    ..."iU 'Ji
Aviv .
A ilfciWi MMWkMw
Enletttt in the Pr.'ttkf t Ut.rOkCt
doos wnr vvM&nm co.
TEr.ErtlN'E, MAIK 41.
&JUJA': ky mill, for stva payment
n:tf, jo ec a ir.iOt; 4 Mouths fct
St.oc. Wre sat paid in adraitfc tht
pHcc U j cents r maatts, Iraki.
Issued turj" uonusg except Xc&ay
Issuta" Frtry Cluray. Twins: la A4
venct, $:.jia Year, Si.ce Six Months
The KccJcer
Knocc, k osh, hmt(k!
KaocX, kttCck, km.cU
Vhsi'i thi urn ( iuiyt!a? Xotliln'l
So ve knock !
Everybody tuciJ.es us sore?
We've heard nil your joker before;
To bo livte' is a bore.
So we roat--'l
Lit town it on Hie bo;
So v. kiiork.
Fho guy Unit hvve next door
N a Bum I'
H wy fos-.e
People's Jiiwrkin makes Li:n wtc
Sever conje here anv more
3cii:s-. we knock;
grcanej when any tliln conies 'roun'
'Hiat'.i bmctit the town.
A ho Mrs)
"'o can never eeo tlic point,
"nt jtist crawl bark in our joint.
And knock!
rhir 1. mlI ts bar. ditpoiitija cl
.,'.... 1
w.o pr.rt 01 .nt county court to u-tJ
down t! ic .:'o;iL:r.r for a ;I0O ap
p'opriatlon for dvrtifia- Cco cocrt7
at the St. l.ic.i icir. One ol the i.
aou'fl frlrea a?alnt making thii appro
priation is t&ti to L-c t.'iftt wcey vs
reeded for ioxU.
It is tola hoped that bo ntron n;
pcr?:mouloui vr of thi marTii:.
I Sskcn by tb wur tr coart. Tho pt-
ilioni that bsvo burn QIo.1, contsining
.ie aamf t o wany of the brje t?x
yera r.r a Cttalcltiut indication that
the srnilmni o the people or Coos
ccsniy iB ia fivor of doing eornetbi.i to
bring Coci to the frout, where tho bt.
ionss. !
It is true that money is nedwl for i
roade, an 1 it is aleo true that one tod
way to Rtt it is to encourageJaa-Jotitrt o'
populotic.-.devfelopinentof oarreeouru.-6
Rd increafe of Die tax roll;
The Si. Louie fair offra raru chancn)
to Coos county, am'.iit should not bo
neRlectcil. One thcciaad. dollars nro-
,u j
perly Frent '.hare will- briDg ?Dcalculn
ble beutSt to '.his reition. Tho day for
cction Uzivrr.'iiA nnd the C'ooa coun'y nt'',e' thi ideal form. Wo prewjnt tho
rfi'.n,i t . . uIkjio as otic of the most hymmetricnl
court is co;,! .( g6nt,en,n w,.o aro taBM bhown alxi'e forty pounds The
-cilaiui capable ct appreciating tiie!"' c'nc'ral 'onn, character and ador
. , ,.,.., ''ol'1,8 r tlll tjplcul Ilromw to-k are
liquation and taking the propK- action, worthy of imitation on tho best turkey
IMhey xet off on tho wrout' tjotit wi'l ' r,",,,M and vius -ow quality la
V .....!.... 1 il ...
fcv uuuuiiK iuse tuan apuui jj udeiortnnb.
Tracx Marxs
Oopyrichto ic
a mm,tm. AMilIni k I K ajsiil AtlAFrirAlftn ism
iWukir 4ruai pf r oiHnioo in mhtxu ati
tloiu atrlctbr
e.nt lra Oil
Piuuu Ll
iyielol fnUt4, wUtaoat
mutmm et aa;
. VMiii-fivYsatS'-
Feed For. Dairy Cows
The following rations furnish tho rui
' term I necessary to mwliico milk In
1 about the Weill proportions, nocvidiug
to Pnfosr C. II. Loklos of tin' Ml"
swmi experiment station. Uy tho term
, "ration" N mount tho food for twenty-
' four hour. If a cow Mill not give a
' good (low of milk In tho early part of
tlw milking period when fed n liberal
, muount of one of those rations It Iiult-
' cutcs thnt filw is not nrinpled b. iiiitucv
! to bo ti dairy anlnml. and -he should he
disposed of. The ntnounts given are
oiisldorod alvut right for a cow glv-
in? from twenty to twenty-tiro pounds
of mill; a day. Tor heavy milkers theso
ration are to be Increased and reduced
for lighter milkers. In making up
tie? rations it Is designed that the
cow Ik? given practically nil of the
ivuchnoA she will eat. ami then sulll-
dent grain Is added to furnish the nee-
ewnry amount of ilifestiblo material: 1
Clover hay 1
Ham (.
Clover hay
Clover hay
6 to S
i to s
6 to S
Corn ar.il cob meal S to 10
Gluten or cot!otiicU tnol i,
Alfalfa or couou hay IS to M (
Alfalfa or cowpeti hay
Corn ptovcr
.to i:,
3 to K
4 to t
Corn aUngo
Clover hay
Corn t!lae
Alfalfa or cowpra hay
Cottonseed meal
Corn ullace
Alfalfa or covrpeA hay...
Corn fodder .. . .,
Ttinoth) hay ...
Corn ...
Coltomecd meal .
$ toM
The Silo.
Brlafly rumiued up, the advantages of
j the silo are: I'irU ennilage prMltiits
' chenp protein; second. It N a aucculent
1 food and as wear to June gr(t we
can get Jn thu winar anil makis dairy
ing the moat Drorttnble In winter time.
when prices are highest and Uhcre 19
Wore tlmo to take enre of the vows;
ttllrtl in n eltrt y?ti n i ctrn the rnn.f
1 .. .. . U..V. .J. V.... ...V V...I ...V '.
"HxI tu tbe smallert space; fourth, onsb
Vuge does away nlniost entirely with
the necessity of purchase- .-0:1111.1 rdal
feed; fifth, the productive c-tpaclty of n
herd is increased; blxth. ensilage is tho
chcnpet and u4 hupplemeiitary fsl.
A. W. Mowbray, I'rwident Mlnnraoto
Dairy Association.
TyplcuU Broil 'Tarkey CneL'.
The above spl sndid specltneu of
rrooz turkey 'fan second gobbler at
Madion S'auare Garden iouItry j-how,
New York, last -winter, oxhibit.'.I by
Mr. Cef.rRo y. ialsbury. I'orty ihuih1
RronKw males an not nro at tho lead-
ovxii' isoBxrvoCyiiB.
Ing hhoMs. Ilowrrrr, males thnt are
" mudl obove 5taD,Jflrd wtWit rurely
possess finch roiind.td fonn la uli bee-
tlons. The great fault In moat large
poultry Is coarseni(ta. Tho medium
sized birds of thrj b.rccd. aH h rule, nro
. . .--...,
A I'tTMUl.
I a huoacnoer hciiuk uh a letter no ro-
cdved from a breeder of poultry of
whom bo propowrd buytng some trtx:k.
This brooder claims hla herw lay from
U-VJ to 300 eggs a yvar, many of them J
1 producing the larger number. lie offers
to bell a po" for $10 or n trio for 0.
, The breeder who inulcra uch clabiis
, condemn hirnwlf nt once. I leas Unit
I...,. ....... ih..- i-ti-u 3j i-KBa "I )K'H
could readily be sold for inoro tliiii this
breeder fifTi.ru r. tnir. fm. o r.n lm
L-ltl .-rt.i.. ........ no, n...... . ..,.
' Mich hens are not for Bale, for tho very i
good reoaon that thev rio.not exlKL- .
good reoaon tliat they do (not exist
Commercial Poultry.
Hair U UtcfuL
Tho acret Is dbieovered,
The plot la all laid buro,
Tbe reason why our poea
Wear lonir aud shaKxr hair.
I '! H' .l .. . I-
WMn from th soona nor , l
.y editors thrr thrown ', yi,
Ww bslr, a mattad cushko. " ,
! W
y?2tOQ laEtCOaaaa 1
tr& ' In ill
1 2wA:.i
Humor and Philosophy
lVj.;tlUt, 1. bySimisva IUIciCo.
When n man Is ut npnlimt It.
When lie Irnnn't ot u flunk. '
If he nc'or liof'ro has nMiectl It
Then hu'll II ml tlmt It taken nrimU
To irt out nnl hnntlo illtmcr.
HrouUfn.it, uiper. what o pleaao.
lie may count hlmsolf u xtlttiivr
If h capttiroM ono of these.
When ho has the outlnK habit
lto will ko nt brenluieck njcod,
If ho plRhtt ft J.'k to Krl It
And to worry out ti fwctl.
He will iltul hlx woe., nro tunny
Soon nil all htM coin in mink.
Af for frlentls. ho iMnn'l any
When hit haan't cut a plunk.
hlskit the Job Worth While.
"Considering thnt they nro out in nil
kind of weather, rural mall currier
t ohould get Hum' pay."
"I don't know. Think of tho per
quisites tliat no with the Job."
"1 didn't Knw there wero any."
"Don't they have n chnnco to read nil
postal cards?"
She Hid Her Reasons.
"Why did you turn down young Itag
"lie Is a cbumn. nnd I know what 1
am talking nlout. I luve ridden
through a tunnel with him."
Byo, oh, baby; baby, hys "'
(lo to aleep ntiil Jo not cry.
You can tM In our ImcV. yanl
1'houKh yvii tn10 no union ciiriL
Ure. oh. b.vl j . Ii-iby. 1) e.
Go to sltep axtl lu nut ery.
Uye. oh. Imtiy, Ui'y. bye.
lUsl yu. rest yo.. tlmi't l ahy.
Whvn juu're rouii, my 11UU ln,
Yott will Im u union man
Iljf. oh. ttttby, bflb). liy.
Hrst )iu, rant you. don't U shy.
Ily. h. Ufy; ImIi)-, l)c,
Sof.l Kr.tlv. elu. rwir eye
You aro tl!l yHir mother'H rst:
I'nlons ' n't Bt ytt yet.
By. h. by, baby. be,
Eoftiy, Kontl, c1mm Jtir eye
Beyond Her Mcjru.
"Why did Mabel throv the
"After consulting Iwr guanllan she
decided that Flic could not aQonl tho
Had the ProoL
"Do you bolb-ve in evolution''"
"Certainly. I know lota of men who
nro quito as intelligent ns monkeys."
Changed Her Kind,
Tho relieve was too ancient
Kor her to marry him.
Though he hail gold, h was tco old
To c.it hur malilon whim.
Anil when he calmly ncj)ilA-icod
And lrjppel out uf tlw rati
Ehv startuO, ium. t' Kt sumo dust,
V bnach of promlno case.
, I.llierntor of I'annnuu
Dr. Manuel Amml.r. minister of
tlnnncc of 1'annma. was tiio leading '
splrit of tho movernent to overthrow
Colombian authority on the isthmus
and establish an Independent govern-
inent tliere. He lins xcn called tl
"UU'rator." Dr. Amador, who is seventy
yourti of age, was at one time governor
ot the province en Panama
it la nccefisary for all chickens young
aud old, fowls, turkeys, ducks and
geese to liavc plenty of grit. Always
luive plenty of It where they can help
themselves. It Is not a good plan to
mix it In the mash food excepting for
youug ducks, nnd for thwn use quanti
ties of course sand. Hut this l.s imly
jnado use of where they ro growing
broiler ducks und they Muff, and fed
tliein 110 iiard to make tliem grow fast
that Jt is necessary to mix this kind of
rlt w,.th t,,olp f0"1 to ona' thom to
"wuinB enough to grow tS unuKiml
nlzo Jn a very abort time, Jn dry chick
food or Jn dry Hcratchlug food or with
grain foods' of ail klnda no harm or In
jury will come of mixing Home grit
among It, for tho chickens will pick
out tho graih from among the grit nnd
only tako what grit thcy'nc&l or wish'
to' have. 6rlt !'s tho only teeth that
poultry have. They grind all their rood
with tho grit and cannot exist for any
length of tlmo without It.
'? WoRLDrg-H7cnrpAiY;
All trie l'rnceMie of lliittoriiiuUltiH
tit lie VIoMetl 1J the Pu!llo.
lVrfcctlon In luitter ptvducllon wll'
be obtaliutl In iho creanievy that will
be a leading feature of the dairy Hoelloti
nt tho coining world' fair at HI. Louis.
The creamery will be 1M) foot long and
20 feet wide, and tho walln will bo or I
..I. ..i.i t. it....... ..(... .M. ... ... IlLliMlti '
;iuw. iniitii - iiiii.i niy 'ini, 'iw"i
to which the milk In treated from tht
tlmu of Its receipt until it It traiiHferml
Into bulter or choose.
Tho dairy section at tho world's fait
will occupy U0,h0 Niputro fiel In the
I'alace of Agilculture. The mwlel '
ereauiery, which will iho R.tKHl muiudi I
of milk (tally, will be against the wcl
wall, near the Motithcru end of the
hu'.Mlng It will bo equipped wllli thv1
latest buttur and cheese making up-1
pnratUH and will lo In operation every (
day of the exposition The glim walli
will penult vlaltont to see every proecii i
but nil wtnitKvi are guardiHl and thl '
.section At xrteiied that lllcrt will llnil
it a dtlilcult to efToot an entrance 111
vlsltoiM will. All of the machinery used '
in the model creamery will Ife operated
by either electricity or compressed air,
and only the latent and best approved
methods will be employed.
Connected villi the model creamery
will be a model dulry touch room.
Hero the vbltor may tost tho elll
cloney of tho creamery for hlmnolf.
ilk nnd cream, absolutely pun, and
butter nnd cheese, sweet and frnih,
'y le boughr. Nothing will Nj mild
' In '"" lunchcry sovo tho output of tho
1 model creamery, witu tuu exception of
bread. Tlw visitor may get a IhiwI of
milk and bniid. or ho may order "half
nnd half" or full erenin If h- deslrei.
1 IStitteriutlk will also be on the menu
; card, as will Min-ap -ho i.tnl eniun
1 clnswe and all other prodtiotj. of tin.
t creamery, t'lisuillnc) will bi U10
1 watchword. The milk and ctvaiu will
, be wld III bottles, and when poured
Into glnKS or lwwl thero will be found
; no sediment.
In eoniiecUou with the model cream
, ery there will be shown n Hniiltary
mill; plant. This nN will Ik- In dally
I operation, and It will be prnoilcnlly
. demonstrated that pure milk tan be
I lurnthlKMl In lnr'.' eli:.- :n w.ll h It
' can on tho farm. IUn- v ill shown'
J by practical tets the lx'tit nuthiMU of
ghlpplug the milk, tho bu-t met, the
proper way to receive and to handle It.
In the event that the milk fchottM be
floured, or nearly ho, wbon It Is n
ctlved the value of the ndlk as milk
! gone, but the butter fat Is ns vnlii-i
able as ever, nnd this milk will be
ttK-d for buttermaklng.
Tho pimtciirlzliig of milk will bo
ahowu in this exhibit. Tho milk Is
ran through a xerlos of mahlnos nnd
is subjected to a heat of lt dega'es
nud Immediately is run through a
cinder and restored to a proper temper
utnro. This lioat' destroys any grtns
that may be In the-mllk, but In no way
Impairs its nutrition. It Imparts to 1
the milk a nutty taste thnt Is soon '
rellshisl. The lieat of lVi d.gr.Mdoes
nut boll the milk. It would require a
heat 10 degrees (stronger to do Mint.
After the milk Is pastetirlz.d It will iv-
'ni,,u w'L'ot rr twenty-four liouw lou
ger than without tills treatment.
The Jupiiiieur Mlulster,
iew niombvrs of tin; foreign corpH at
Washington liave bud u wider diplo
matic experience than Kogora TnkH
Lint, the Jnpanesc minister, who
' through press of buslm-M bus been
Iip-Il(tl 11 fuH''l '1 'lllte.,pla,. U-
It to hlK native l.ml with Min. 'laKn
l..m, who retently willed f-i the land
cherry blossoms uloii Mr TuJta
blra began bib dlplo
ran tic career in 1870
r- attache of tho
'pane. legation at
Washington, re
illUllllllg until IhW,
11. returned to Mils
i Liitry eight years
Inter iifi consul gen
oral to New iork,
men going 10 itoino (
us mlnisHT, from which lie was trmifl
ferrui to the ost nt Vienna, consider
ed one of tho highest diplomatic he 11
ors (lu. 1000 he came to AmeriT'itaiiH
minister and noon demonstrated that
he po'teessed a remarkable k'nowirslge j
or tw. language, government, history,
pcopls.. and ctistouiH of the country.
a He Gete It.
Manwnntfl but little hum below,
A lucky thlriff, borniuju. -u hnw
Trutt, thouKli ho tollii uni Xumwi iw.d rota,
It'a nullity llttlo tlmt hw . ti.
AVortlilexN IIoiuIh.
Jltiilding worthless roads U one of
tho i:i-oskCHt forms of bwindilng tlio
people, Haj'H tho Ilufralo Knijiilrer. At
b.Ki lhe nubile is awake to tho necca-
sity of having roads wbleli slxill
good both in uuiisj und lu facU
Ilia Eoonotiiloiil 'Way,
"My huuband him strango idoao of
"flow ia Uiatr
"Why, ho seems to tliink 110 fiavea
money by drinking so much ut tho club
that lie baa no appetite for breakfast."
Chicago Post.
' , Not on the Square.
"TiJlV country merchant writes that
he is in business on th'u aqua re."
"Don't you believe It; I know lilui.
llm "i:eolsloi-,M the "WtorU of the
lli'Mieron" mill the "OIU Oloek. on
Iho Slnlr" t.'mni' to lln Wrlltnn,
"llir llrliluo" Wuh Horn of Morion.
I oneo wioto to tho poet lonu.follow
usklng 1 1 1 nt to give mo some iiceoiuit ot
tho ilrcuimduiiccri under which ho
wrote "The llrldge" "I itlood mi tilt)
bridge at midnight" 11 poem whUh it ti
etiiliuut ICuglHIi ciltlc has culbd "Iho
iiionI h.mpntbellc In this language."
1 i-eeUol lu return a coi'dlal note rroiu
the 1 oet III which be Hitld, "If you will
emiie over mill pass tin evening with
me It will gle me pKusiiio to tell you
ll.e bl-tory of the poem and also of any
ol my pueiiiH that may Interest joti."
A few tweultigs later found nie at the
pod's door at bis Cambridge iuniie. lie
wuh then verging on seventy jenis, lu
the ftilliieiw of his fXperU'liee nlid tho
ripeness of his fame. I was shown in
to a long, hall-like room, dimly lighted,
lu w inch were a nroutl tutile, niitiitiu
luruttutc and 11 tall colonial clock. The
net was them alone. Ho arose to
meet mo tiud formed a striking and
ht.llucs(pic llgtlie, with his kindly smile
nud long white lutlr and beard.
"And so you would like to know
Komethlng about (ho inspiration of
Home tif my piwuis what led mo to
write them?" lie said when we wero
Houtisl. "Well, you are very kind
"I will tell yotl llrst how I t.rne to
write tho Tmiltn of Life.' I was 11
young man then. I can ns-nlt tho
time. It was 11 bright day, nud th
trees wen blooming, .ml I filt mi lm
j'iile to write out my alio uid i'iirpMe
In the world. I wrote it for iuy If.
1 did not Intend It for publication.
Home mouths afterward J was askisl
for a poem by a popular magadm- I
recalled my Tinlm of Life.' 1 oplisl
It, and sent it to the periodical. It saw
the 1,1 ght, took wings and lle'r over tho
world There you may m' It written
on 11 Japanese screen."
lie minted to 11 high, richly ornn
iiiciiti'd M'roen w hh h t.l b fore it
great lln-plnee. He mlded mi ntus-doto
wli,li I have awa)s rigurded an a
true picture of his soul:
"When I was In Kiitjlnnd I wan hon
ored by receiving an invitation from
the (tieeu. As l Wirt leaving the pal
nc jtird my carriage was hindered by
the crowd of vehicles. There came to
the disir of the coach n noble looltlng
KnglUli worklngmtui.
" 'Mm you I'rofcwKjr'IitJDefcDow'' lto
"I bowed,
" 'May r nfik. Bir, If you roto tin)
"I'salmof Ufor"
"I nnswerod thnt I did.
" 'NVotild you be willing, nlr, to tftko
11 workUigmaii by the ImndT
I eteiid..sl my hnud to him. lht
elasped it, nntl never In my llfo have I
received a coinnllment which mvi. me
ho iniicii sntisfactiou
"l wnjto 'KxieUlor,'" 2o c.nflm.sl.
"after P-eelvIng 11 btier full of lofty
reiitliiicuts from f'liarlfrt Hninner nt
Winihlngton. In one of tbu w nletxts
oeeiirred the word 'eoiiUIur.' As I
dropped tin letter that word iigulii
caught my eye. 1 turned over Iho let
ter and wrote my jmji m. I wrote the
Wreck of tho Iliyperim because, nfter
rending an account of the lou of u part
of tho llloucostor llshlng licet lu an
i.tituinii storm, I not the womIm 'Nor
mail's w:' I reltr. l for the nllit aft-
(r r tiding the n-p.ut of Mie illHattter,
bi.t H.e htciii. Iiaurited mo. I urow to
irlte, nnd the jkjciii fumo to mo Jn
Whole HtllllKIIS.
' 1 be rlock Jn Iho corner of thoiroom,"
be w nt on, 'is not the one to which I
lef.r lu m Mild rioek on (he .NtuJr.'
J bit clcvk stiKiil In the (tiiintry house
of my father In-lnwnt nttneld,(:imong
the II. ll.slilre bills."
'Jiie great dock in M10 nwim wan lxat
lug the air lu the shadow h uh he spoluj.
1 lould seem to hfar It tiny:
Jamah toujotirst"
It Wfta lheio -u-ords by u J'n'ncli tru
thvr that hud Kiiggenltsl to him the
iiolemu refrain:
"Forover-nevMr' ,
Nov. r -for-erl"
"Kxcelslur" hud Iki-ji set to populiir
music by the JltitchiiiHous wlicii tho
poet met one evening tho minstrel fam
ily after u concert in lloilon Muslo
liiiil.l "1 have," ho wild, "another. poem
whli ji I will Howl to you." lie did ho.
It was tlio ilrst copy of Uw "tjJd.filock
on the Malr." Oini, of thc-.lfiir.nUy
tho words to music
"MyjtHiiii eiitlllod 'Tho llridpi,"" ho
paid lu effect, "una written JnifcrrvW.
which iinitlo 1110 1lI lor the liujelliu.un
t j ii. . . .
' "imira. i was a wiuowoirm u.r
,,lr'. "nU r "H',J ' hometimes Jgn over
tlio bridge to JJowton evenings to meet
friends and (o return near mil Inlght by
the minio way. Tho way wim tsllcnt
iiavo lieio anil there 11 belated .fpotstep.
Thoea rose and fell among (lio wood
on pttnn, aim itntro was a greart rnriiaco
on tho .jtrlghton liilla wlioao trod light
wim iciieeiuii oy wiu waves, it wna 011
au"h a Jate, politary walk thrrt tin njiir
It of tlio poem camo upon niv. 'J'ho
bridge Iiiih been greatly, ulnefcd, but
tho place of It is tho siime.)'- -Ilceklah
JJuttc'nvortll It) mprlcaiifA'; otliov,
In tlio show business prermotern rtyo
gonerally awaro of It wlieb ihey tiro
entertaining nngebj. ,
I Humor onD Philosophy
0boilntili 1WO, by ttniii'ii-lloOiie Co.
One Myiitry Solved.
"Wlirrv tk you ttuppoito nil of tlio
plitM go tnV"
"I can't tell yoti, but 1 know whoio
nil of the bullous go to."
"What liecomcH of them?"
"Arte tlio mint who paiwti Iho cob
IwtVwi Uiudtet lu chiin'h."
WM a alrl of two Hint twenty
Weds a follow I loll mill M,
11 lu lovti tluil proittptH bur aullon-
N.-or iiiIimI what you've lukit tod
Jlut it'a lnm that morn than likely
It li only lovo of gold. '
Gconomlziiu; Space.
'DotMi lm ntiitid well with lierV
"1 g'lcsrt no. Ho sits well Willi lift
aiiysvnyy for ouo chair tloes for both."
Iortho triiuyiull ronils lead to roatn,
Modest ptopln nro not the only ohel
(b dm 41I looked Irj' electricity.
MllHotmlren cannot hlro other.! to di
gest their ftsM for them.
It mnkcK It tiiieomfortjible fr n
young 111:111 to be turned down when
lie trlisi to turn down the giw. ,
Fotufltlme rlchen lake wings and
homeliuioH they only go away behind n
rats- hoise.
The last nse of Ntimmer U not half
fo dear as the Mml lose of winter.
If you H It In Iho patent liiodicllio
nliiuiuae remember It wim written for
the iiiuophlHtliTtt.sl.
IVrhnjvs nfter nil Mohammed weuf
to the inotiutaln Ikcuuso he bud bax
fever. Tho tiMospor is nlu'uyit a victim of
r.lbtilacisl CotlKCleiiee
Some men who an1 impidi-d to ln
ImiiI 011 nccouut if the company they,
lis'P really coniaiiilnnto the isiiuviiiiy.
Qniietlmes by
....lie refill' to
W?iti!Xs.,:F b'' bygones evell
KaV '-' though a Mini
liii 1 irrv.y?ivr w't uiem to
e,'r) 1 SrYl Troublo la
wyc ' thiiu you wm
a I w a y s llnd
when you are bsiklng for It. '
One of the Mtraiiiifit things itl-nit the
Clilneso Is Mint none of the imtlvoH tr
ritimi'l John Smith
DIvoice Iiiih no terrors for tint fellow
?hul ln't inurre-l.
Hoaltli is what you have when you
aii't afford to have anything cle.
A l'nlr lloliiilnnte.
Among the buds wisi uuido (Mr Ini
tial bow to tlie guy wbrlil of Washing
ton thin season in Miss Ihibl Hint;
fldist daughter of the seeretnr of tb..
treasury, who leada the debiitiuite pro
cci'slon in olllciul Importnnco. Last
rMi '!' .11-
June Miss Blmw, who Is of u ratlicr.
ntudioiH turn of mind, was graduated,
from Cornell collego, lOvya, hcrfather'3
rjjai; mater. Bcerotary Sliaw ut'tuhdedf'
tho cojiiinonccmoiit .exercises and mado,
nfi nddrenn. After leaving 'collego Mian
Shaw npent uovoral months In Euro
peon truvol.
I .
vJMrL ",W . ' ' ' "
-. K-iaBKV'ai
4"MMi . 4