Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 16, 1904, Image 3

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Tho worki are Klgln, Wnlthnm or Duo
per'n, any grodo or thu you oliootu nt
right prlv'ua.
WAtalmo mid Jewelry roprtlrltiK ilonn on
short notice, nml In up-to-date utylo
red cross jewelry
Rend wherever thn Kngllrh Language
Is Spoken
Thn Thrl'i- A-Wii-k World wni a
brilliant nicciwi in tho beginning nnd
has been ntiwtMv gronliii' ttvur since.
Time is tho tout of all thlnp, nnd hai
net Iti ni'Al of approval on thn Thrico-a-Week
Woild, which In widely circulated
in avery Ktnte nml Territory of tho Un
ion, nnd whorcoytir tliuru nro people who
can read our mothur toiiRiiv.
This pnpr for llio coming winter and
tha year IW,, will inakn ill nnwa ser
vice, if iioecilili), morn extensive than
over. All event of Importance, no mat
ter wherfi they happen, aro re
ported accurately and promptly.
Tho eubfcrlht'r, for only onn dollar a
year, gets threo papers every wook and
moro norm nnd general reading than
rnoit great itnillm can furnish at flvo or
Ix timed the price.
Tho Thrlce.ii-Weok-World l nbio
lutnly fair in Itn political now a. 1'ar
titan biai In never allowed to affect ita
ntna columns, and Democrat and Ito
publican aliko can obtain in iti pages
truthful accounts of all tho great polill
cat campaigns.
In addition to nil tho nnwa, tha
Thrlce-n-Week-World furnishes tha
best sorial fiction, elnbornto market
reporta and other features of Intercut.
Tha Thrlce-n Wi-ok-World'a regular
subscription pricn li only f 1,00 per rear
and this pays for llio" papera. Wo off or
thin nueqiinled newspaper nnd Weokly
COAST MAM, together ono year for
Tha reanlar subscription prico of tba
two papers ia l-.W
United Stale l.iml otlicc, Kojeburg. Oregon,
Kept. 3, 1901.
Notice it lirrrhy givrn that In compliant": with
lie provisions of llic act o( ( oitf-.n-M of June 3,
J87B, rntlilcd "An m.1 for tlir alc ol ilmtcr
anils in lliehutct of California, (irejjon, Nc
vada, nml WiiiIiuikioii Trmtoiy," nt extrndnl
10 all (lie l'ntitic lind hutcj tiy act of Aui'ust 4.
of Luteon, County of Cook, Hlato of
.Miuuciotu, iih thin day Hied in thU
olllco hirt attorn Mtntcment No, fiOHl for
tho purchnoo of tho HWJ4 of Section No.
i!0 in Tuwnrhlp No. '-'.") Hoiith of Hungo
No. 10 Wcht,. mid will offer proof to
ahow that tho land eoiicht Ih mora valu
able for Its timber or htouu than for
agricultural purpoeoc, nnd to establish
hia claim to nii( land beforo tho Houlc
tor nnd Heculvcr nt thin ofllco nt Hoiu
hurK, Oroijon, on Monday to 15th day of
February, 1W)J,
Ho nninimna witneieea: .1 M Wcnlh
erhy, Win FollocB. CharleaThotp, John
Thoni, nil of ItoMibttrK, Oregon.
Any nml all pertain nlnJininK ndvorao
ly the above deicrlbed lands aro requoet
od to IH" their clnlnui in thin olllco on or
bwloru said IQtU day ol February, 1901.
)S 0 J. T. IliUDUHi, ltogiater.
7"Jrylnjj nroparntloni almply dova
cpdrycntnnh; thoy dry up thfraeoroUoni,
Xrulch tdUoro to tha membrane and dtconv
po, canning n f or moro aorlonn tronbla thna
tha ordinary t onn of oatnnh. Avoid nil dry.
ing tuhalaiilt, fuiuea, finokea and rnuifa
nnd uao that vhlnh olnnuoua, eootheu and
bMln. Ely'u Cienm Ufttin U auoh n romody
nnd will cum catanh or cold in tho ho4
a&olly nud pleannntly, A trial aizo will b
rnallad for 10 contn. All druQRlata aoll the
60q. alw. Ely Urothora, OWurroa Ht., N.Y.
The llalm ouroo without pain, doos not
Irritate or caaao Bnaetlug. It apreada ltaoU
over nn irritatod and nnpry trarfaoo, roller
log Imtnadlately U10 painful Inflammation.
iVlth Ely'a Orouii Balinyott aw ann4
aMJaMl p4urb m4 U TKuf
From TiicEihy'i! Dally
Possibly a New Iloat
Tlioro In strong Inlk among r,omo of
llm farmers of llio north fork of Coon
river of putting on mi oppoiilllon bnnt
to tlio Alorl nu coon nn It la cnrliln Hint
n cluwgo of ownership In mndn or ft co
operative ln.it for their own lien.
Woodmen Installation
Tho following olllcorn wore Installed In
Goon liny Ciimp No. 1(H), W. 0. V, on
Hrtturdiiy Jnnnnry ttlh: 0 C, A li Ton
brook ; Adv h, V H Dow; Kscort, Win
Klr.kworlh; Watchman, 0 D Mogary;
Hontry, J 0 Btoops; Manager, J J,ou
Hrown ; Unnhor, la I.nndo; Clork, A Ji
A Dad Actor
J. W. Tibbotta bed n oorloun nccldcnt
the other overling. ItlahlnuaunlcuHtotn
to hnvu a frolic with bin Iok heforo re
tiring for the nicht, while playing with
it In aotriu way bin foot flipped nnd ho
struck bin loo agnitiat the bed post,
eeverely dislocating the toe, which hns
caused him to ho olillRi'd to uoo n cane,
Tine Cliccsc
Capt. Horrid ban left at thin olllco n
n unmplo of cheeso tnado at bin Sumner
factory in August laet, It is equal to
tha bcit New York September full cream
cheese, and shows what can bo dono In
thin section with proper knowledge and
care, Cnptnin Harris is cortainly doing
hli part toward demonstrating that this
ia 11 dairy country without a superior,
Hume's Radium.
"The Radium" is tho namo of It. D.
Ilumo's now paper. The paper is for
the express purpose of Mr. Hume's own
iutcresta nnd will bo a lively sheet. It
will bo published once a month. The
expotiding of Mr. Hume's views nnd up
building of his own business and incj
dentally CurryCounty, will bo tho main
object of tho paper. It will bo mailed 1
to all addresses froo of charge
No! Willing lo Give Uim Up
Many of Captain Kd wards friend h
aro very much snrprlscd at learning that
ho is about to tell tbo sto&mer Alert.
Mr. Kd wards has worked hard and has
earned the full confidenco of nil of his
patrons nnd they are now demanding
that ho romnln in tho steamboat burl
neis. Captain Kdwnrds is a careful,
copntont stoambontman and will be hard
to replace and hli many friouds and pa
trons do not with to tea him rotiro from
tho business and aro mnkingan effort to
havo him remain in it.
Cows That p,ry,
During tho year just cnJiug, ono 0(1
tho cews bclonulng to the dairy hord at
tho Agricultural colloid at Corvallis haa
given 07M pounds 0! milk. ThoJ yield
of buttor from this milk wan D'JO pounds,
und at an avcrugo prico of SO couts por
pound, tho butter product alouo waa
worth nearly f 100. In addition, n mod
otntu valuation of tho separated milk
for feeding purposes to stviuo, hns boon
placed at $10, making n total ravenuo
from this cow about (200, Tho nnlmal
is 11 full blood Jersey, 4 years old, and
whilo not n wonder, yet proves that a
hord of such cows on a well-managed
dairy farm, would return tho proprietor
a handsome Income.
Singe Takes a Tumble
(Myrtle Point Enterprise)
"Tho out going etago mot with a mia
Imp Monday which gayo tho driver and
paBsengora nn exporlonco which thoy will
not coon forget. It wns about 1 o'clock
p. 111, and tho stage wan going around a
high grado near Hanten'o place abovo
Remote, whoti tho wheel of tho wagon
slipped oyer tho grado tho vohlclo ntd
hoisotj turning completely over nnd not
stopping until they landed in tho river
forty feot b6low. Whon tho wagon turn
od over tuo tlrst tlmo tho drlvor, pat-
-7-77 .
longor and nlnll wore thrown out, ono
of tho paienngcre, Mr. Kovch, bolnjt
badly bruliod nhotit tho body. Tlio
other passenger was nllebtlv brulen-l
hut luck favored tho driver nnd ho enmo
out of thoorporlonco unecratched. Tho
horses wore tnlcon out of tho water and
to tho fiurprlHO of tho driver worn not
Aorlouiily Injured nnd vroro nhlo to con
timin on thii drive, Tho prcclpico wan
rough nnd nlntip nnd it la a great wonder
thnt all wre not Instantly killed.
(It will now ho in on! or for tho North
J'end Citizen to write un editorial on the
ItoHohtirK'Mj'rtlo Point wfon rond nnd
toll its rendcra of Coon county, who havo
llvud hero nil their llvost tho peculiar
points about'this rond nnd warn thorn
that "it is not n road, never wni a rond
nnd never will he, oyen n rospcclnblo
mulo trail," beforo some of Its thousands
of subscribers- atu killed.)
A Sunday Morning- Bath
Sunday morning, nt 1 o'clock when
tho merry dancers were returning from
Hay City, whore they had been enjoying
an excellent time dancing to tho nweet
strains of n (30 Wngnor and a banjo
picker of renown. Dancing broko tip in
tho small hours. Tho night wno inky
black nnd the pnrty wns !lowly lending
itn way through tho lumber piles to tho
whnrl. Tho van was led by tbo fiddler,
with his trusty violin under ono arm and
IiIh bust girl keeping step to tho ewect
dreams and reveries of tho evening, fol
lowed by tho rest of tho merry dancers,
Tho loader missed tho proppor isle in
tho lumbor yard and came to tho wntcr
front before he expected it nnd stopping
suddenly into blank, black, nothingneHs,
going down, with tho frightened screamy
of hit best girl ringing in bin care as ho
took floundlnga in the briuoy depths of
throe fathoms of icy aqua. Incitement
ran hie Fortunntoly tho decciplo 0
of I'ncaulni began fiddling for his life
witli both his hands nnd bin feet nnd was
finally reecucd by an oar, but bis trusty
Winner had vanished in tho darkness. It
was returned to its owner for a rownrd
of f2.G0. Tho violin was ruined, a now
suit of clothes soaked in brino. The
party spont tbf rest of tho night in the
cnginoroom of tho eawraill whilo tho
fliddlor dried his clothes nnd the crowd
cheered his weary soul. It wni broad
daylight when the party reached homo,
Push Club Notes
Wo have received adyicothat tho Push
Club buttons have been shipped and will
bo hero by tho next steamer leaving San
Francisco and as soon aftor their arrival
ae poesiblo tho Commltteo expected to
havo thorn in every store in tho County
and it will not take long to seo who aro
tho "Pushing" peoplo of Coos County,
in fact, tlio Push Club bids fair to bo tho
larcest orglnlzation In this part of tho
State except tlio County iteolf.
Any 0110 thnt imagines Coos Bay is
not in it in tho npplo question should
eomu to tho wnrehouso and seo the Gol
den Pippins sont in by Gcorgo Thoni
1 nson of Togs River, tho Spltzenbergs by
Mr. Brnlmcr and tho Baldwins by
George Bea)o mid E. J. Coffelt; The
Baldwins nnd Northern Spies by 0. T.
Robertson, Tho King ol tho WeWarid
two unknown varioty by G, T. Robinson.
J. Henry Schrocdor of Arngo has sent
in eonio Rhodo Island Grooninea that
aro Blmply Immonso nnd tho Commltteo
will havo to buy an extra lorgo Jar to
got them In J. F, Dunlap nleo, sent in
eomo very flno specimens of Lava npplos
und J. D. Clinton SpNtellberg-nnd King
of tho Weht by Abo Meyers. J. li. Lamb
also cent in Tankard beets and Belgium
carrots, Alex Stauff Tankard boots.
Georgo Winner Fomo Monarch potatoes
and F. MoiieoU Son boiiio red cedar
shingles go thero is on doubt but what
St. Louis will certainly knorc tlioro is a
placo on tho Coqulllo River called Arago
and thoy not only raiso good vegetables
ns tho abovo will; show, but when It
comou to grain thoy aro right thora ns
tho specimens of Bald barley, Oats,
Whttocorn, White and Bluo Nylo peas,
popcorn and beans sont In by It, J, Tyr
rell, Jos, Lott, J. B. Nowman, G. Win-
her, will show, Up to tho prosont tlmo '
AmkOIs tho main 'Tuih'Mn tho'Tush."
Thri Committed' would have tomo
wrnppors for tho apples to dlstributo if
the Myrtle Point Kntorpriue wns not eo
rallied with work thnt they tro unnhlo
to got thorn out. Myrtlo Point must bo
0 pushing place.
Tho Blmpeon Lumber Co. aro prepar
ing n fine exhibit of woods; nil the
Creamtrlnn of Iho .connly are tnthusiai
tie over n dairy exhibit,
The Committal) wniled on tho County
court Init v.e&b with a nelilfnn i.h!i!
by h'S voters nnd thin petition nho rep-1
roBfinwu irom 00 to 70 per cent of the
tax payeru of tho county, ntklns; 'fo;
1000 to help ndvertlte tho county. Tio
Commltteo oxptel to rniso from three
to four thousand dollars In addition to
this and they havo about half of It in
sight already. Who ava thnt C001
county people are not "Pushers,"
A Very Close Call
"I otuck to my onglrif , although every
Joint netted and every nervo was racked
with pain," writes I). W. Uellamy, a !o
cornotivo fireman, of Burlineton, Iowa.
"I wns wrok nnd pale, without nnynp
petite nnd nil nut down. As I won about
to give up, I got a bottle of P.lcclri'j Bit.
teri, nnd niter taking It, I ffjlt ns well as
I ever did in rny life." Weak, Mckiy,
run down people nlwnyn gain new life.
Rtiength nnd vigor from their uiie. Try
them. Satisfaction gnorauteed tiy Jno
I'reups. I'rico W ccntp,
The Vessel Breaks In Two After
Being Beached
On Friday theeteamer Dispatch owned
by tljo Cofjulllo River Steamboat Co.,
which operates on tho Coquillo river,
ran onto a snag between Parkcrsburg
and Bandon, tearing n hole in her bow.
It was during a hard wind nnd tho
steamer being qui to high tho was un
managablc nnd was beached. When the
tide receded tho steamer settled dowu
breaking her hog chains, leaving tho
vc:rcl in n precarious condition. It is
the opinion ol some that sho may yet bo
saved but others think it will cost 08,0 Street, Marslifield, Oro
much as the vessel is worth to get her m
off and rebuild her as her back is broken.
Tho Dispatch is ono of tho finest rivor
steamers over built in this part ol Ore
gon, and will bo a eciious loss to the Co
qaillo river people. Tho stoamer cost
about 18,000.
TO TRAVEL for well established house
in n fow counties, calling on retail merch
ants and agents. Local territory. Sal
ary f'20.00 per week with expenses ad
ditional!, all payable in cash each week.
Money for expenses advanced. Position
pormanont. Business surcopeful nnd
rushing. Standard Houso, 330 Dearborn
St., Chicago. U.2J 20t
Lookjpff Up
In Coos
Mr. Seeloy, of Albany, was in Marsh
field Satnrday and Sunday looking over
tho fiold in viow of putting in a con
densed milk plant on tho bay.
Mr. Seeley Is n gentleman of means
nnd fully understands tho busIneB!.
Ho Is mooting with somo encourage
ment from the dairyman of ttiisecct'on.
Mr. Seeley is tbo owner ol a cronraory
and cold storage plant at Albany and
Iiob had a wide cxperlonco iu thin busi.
uess. Ho comes horc well recommended
and will establish a' condoneer some
where in this county.
It now stands tho dairymen of this
end pf tho county In hand to tully invos
tigalo this proposition and if there is a
greater profit in condensing tho product
of their cows than in tho manufacture
of buttor or cheeso it will bo who for
thorn to know tho full importance of u
now industry ot this sort.
Saved jrrom Torriblo Doath
The fatiiily ol Mra. M. h, Hobbltt of
lkrgorton, Tenii,, paw hor living nnd
were ioworksu to favo her. Tho most.
ektllful physicians nml oyory ' romeuy ,
need, fallod, whilo cotisiuiiptlon wns!
slowly but enrol)' tnkitnr her life. In district school. Thedeniaml for gradna'cs of
tbla terrible hour Dr. King's Now Du-, this school nstcachets far excseJs the supply,
eovory for ConEim.ption turnod jlespalr.TtiaTralrUisUfiMrtmeniwhu'i. consi is of a.
iti in ' r in iirnr iinrrm iirnjiriir m :
lillW 1V'1 4iw aawv 'yfi "' ' " "' I..
ndHutn rn.inf nml fti ir.fiHlillOil 11R
.. t-..,l.. ,,,..,1 l.r Tt'a M.n .nnB
IVMUI'tVlUtl VMM" ' "
her. It 3 tlio most
certain euro tn tlio w-ni.l tor ail .nroai
nnd lung trouuies. , liuaranteeii iioinea
r,nn nnr 41.00 'l'l-tnl llftHlnN fl-.l.l rtf l?Kll I
nrosB nru store.
tiaaaJ avaw ,-. "":... yj i-.. .... .... 1 iiku.i.i 'ii.. i.m
jr. O.XJSLfs02f,Maste.
Will Make Hrqralnr Trip
Oregon Con! A Navigation Co.,
F.H.DOW, Agent, Marehflcld, Oregon
fl.O. CO. Agent, Eraplre City, Oregon
Corner of Front nnd A afreet,
JONH fcSNYDER. : : : : : :Proprfetor
J. HOTEL has iuit bcrn entirely rcfittr a. el
refurnished throughout and is a;.ln op-n to !t c
piib'ic for patronage.
New beds and spring mattressei have beer,
placed in almost every sleeping room of th s
house nnd neither trouble nor fxpinv. hac fa.-cn
pared to put eterything in first-clAss cider.
lioardan dfiinj;, per week ."S-'o
Foard, t5 week .os
SiilcMea ... ,. 25
Flam & Bennett
dan, J. W. Bennett; PRES.:
and. II. Flanagan, VICE
PRES.; R. .F. Williams,
Capital, $50,000.
ctrrm fou
Ely's Craam Balm
Buy and plMjint to
bi. ConUIna co In-
Jarloot dror.
It U qnleVIjr abtorbsd,
ft frAfia an9 ("tAAMBAA
A?KSU3sassi- COLD h HEAD
Um1 and rrotttu tha Mtmbrtna. Rtitorta tha
BtniM ot Tuta and BmU. Larga St, 10 eU at
Dnif rUU or bjtnxU 5 TtW 8!m, 10 wnti by mail.
XLY KSOOmBS, M Wrri 6Um(, Xn Teak.
Monmouth, Oroffon
Training ichool for teachers courses nrrsuijj-
1 ltiwally icr training teaciiersiorniiDrsiien
of the ,,rofifsslo.i. Most (ipproveil meihocij
forcnilert nml ungraded ork uucht In actual
iniin Kitu inwnv vnwwi wi mvM ow '
"Cl "'l' ,ri' l ,l,( l "'', "' I"'mS
..II " - ,1 1l 1.. .....nU.. !.. .ir...
""": "'"'"! "''l ; luimuK,
l0 Sute Certificate. Fill term rcusSriU. sd
i.'or cautoeue or information address
.,. 1 II )...!.. V T U...lr
' ' Secrr.twy', . ' ' I'mide'ut
w -',v?m
BtJHHFsnav B BnhMVi liB LaKLto
. i.i ,'.
Our Monthly Publication
will kwp you posted an ottr
vrork and methods. Mailed
Free to tho
of aay reaponalblc house.
t.isjrix iwi,nwLrAAiWniw9m
juLuai m . w - v t n Min lki
Vfa protnpMr olHAln U. B. and Forolan
Bend model, iketoH or pboto oXlarvDUo
rra ropon 00 patmiaMUir. Wet few
lktenunnd I ilA
Josito U. 8. Pateini Offloaj
amvwmbrs m ttm
SJI oa or WM
o at ag Mwcfaeata' Balaaote
R-I-P-A-N-s Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
Tho 5-cont packet ia enough for mua
occniions. The familv bottlo (CO cents)
contains a supply for a year. All drag
gists sell thorn.
Notice is hereby given that under and
by virtue of an oxecut ion nnd order of
sale duly issued out of and under tho
seal of the Circuit Court of the Btato of
Oregon in and for tho County of Coo?,
lo mo directed and delivered, dated 'th.'
1th day of December. JD03, npona judge
ment and decreo rendered in a cause in
said Court on the 16th day of September,
1003, wherein F. W. Wegnor, Treasurer
ot the Tool Company was plaintiff nud
Great Central Land Company, a corpo
ration, was defendant, being caso num
ber 2001 of said Court, commanding me
to make salo of certain real property
hereinafter particularly described, to
satisfy the amount of .Ono Thousand
dollars ($1000), together with interest
thereon nt U per cent per annum from
tho 7th day of Fob. 1003. and for his
costs ana disbursements in said cause
taxed at the sum of Ninty-acveu dollars
(07.00fnow due on said judgement to
thn said plaintiff from tho said defend
ant. I havo leviod upon and will on
Monday, tho 11th day ot January, 1001,
nt tho front door of tho Court House, in
tho City of Coquille City, Coos County,
State of OreKoa. at tho' Iiour of ten
o'clock in tbo forenoon of ej$ day offer
tor eaio ami aeu iu mc iiimtat nun uvbi
biddor for cash the follonlui: dvcrihed
real property, to-wlt: All of lots Ehriit
(8) and Nino (0) in Section Fifteen (15),
Township Twenty-five (23) South of
Ranee Thirteen (13) Woit..Ql..thp
, Willamott Meridian, conwlniflj; ;;70
1 71-100 acres, wore or les?; Also tlio
I North-east quarter 1-1 of Section Six-
teon (iu). lownsnip xwonty-uvo -m)
South ol Range Thirteen (IS) West of
the Willamelt .Meridian, ull in tlio
VConnty of Coos and State of Orccon, or n
"Mfllclency thereof to satiety tho above
amounts lORoiner wuu iuu uccruisK
cost.and coste ou eaid Execution.
Dated at Coquille City, Coos County.
Oregon, this 5th day of Decomber, 1003.
Stephen Galmeh
Shoriff of Coos County Oregon.
Christ inn a Night Tired One. f '
Tha yule loss burn to nn aahon char;
Tho Joys ot tho day aasemble
LI Ito beams that cling to a dyintr star,
While a svooden soldier dreams of w,ar
Oa a Christmas bough a-trcmblo. "
Btlll la tho voico of the tittle child, ;
And sleep la como to capturo
Tha painted beasts of tho Junglo wild
And the eyes that danced with gloa and
,Whei tho dasrn awolte to rapture.
The last llttlo bear in the plcturo book
1IU talo in the wood has spoken.
And tired eyes close on a last fond look
At the sweets nnd toys in niche nnd nook
Scattered and bent and broken.
Chrl3tmas fades from tho weary eyes,
Ah day to her dark and dreaming,
nut over tbo coals, in lovo'a disguise,
Two hearts, llko stars In tho shadowy
Are burnlnar yot and beaming.
Por sleep may come to tho drowsy glee '
And night to trip tovo supernal.
Out agu tn paternal ecstasy
And youth In tho dreams of Joy, to ba
Aro Immortal and eternal. ""
--Now Vork Commercial 'Advertiser.
m --. -. , .0 '
'-': m
VM boosts i