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About Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1904)
.' V .V.V..rH - t - - . ,' .(r'W-WtwHgJ .' ' V iL.4. " .-' t 7!rEiZZ?Zr-j 'rri Ttv r ;- --r ILlLIiJLY COAST MAIL VOL XXVI 1. DARK ONCE MORE Warclouds Are Not Yet Dissipated WESTERN PASEBALL LEAGUE MARSH FIELD, COOS COUNTY OREGON. January. 16. 19'04 Ineutbal No. 3 Active Preparations Continue China Warned to Pre serve Order From Tueadae Daily, "fSHJSJfSBfJ Port Arthur, Jnn, 1 - It in roportoil tit ut owing to thn-atunlug news received from Korea, the romiiinndiiig ofticer of ;iu seventh Rupcinn brigade lino gone to titu Yolo river lo ruled camps to effect tiriTcontcittVfttloii of troops."' Tho wiio.o UuBiliMi licet iu ill fighting trim. Cpcclal o tho Mall Lincoln, Wob Jnn, 12: Magnatei) of tliu Woetgrn Baseball I.cufcuo who woro to Imvu mot hero eomo wcokflngo hut Inter decided upon a postponement finally tot toguthur toduy for thu pur pogo of arranging business for tho com ing season. Circuit changes tiro to ho made niul tho mooting will ho onu of tin iniportiinco. In ordor to avoid conflict tho magnates will probably b governed largely by tho wishes of tho major Initio oflltlnls. 1'orumott ntnon tho inattorri to reeelvo attention la tho division of territory, in Thicli tho fran chises of Milwaukee, IJnnsns City nnd Omnhn nro concerned. ' London, Jut), 1'J According to now received hero, thu Japanese urui&orn KusitgA and Nuln txmyht nt (icnoa from Argentine !n.vigoiio it: the dircc Hon of Gibraltar, followed closely by i Hrltlidi r,nr ships. Tho Jitpannso amluaendor thin alter noon iniido tho following Htatmuent: "Russia, iu her laut reply auggostri neu tralliatloti of n part o! Korea, whilo rocbgniilng Japanese preponderance und rliclita in thnt country. Japan in unable to accopt this nnd is now pre paring n reply sotting out suggestions. If Japan kocuroB whnt she wants in Koron, negotiations regarding Mnnchur. In wil take a more friendly tone, nnd the crsls may bo conaldorod passed. Al present it ie impossible tp any whethor war will or will not result." The Chinese minister nt Tokio, nt tho request of tho Jupunoso forolgn oillcor, Iuih telegraphed thu following conunanl inttoii to l'rlnco Ohlng Tno: "Tho Rna binu ruply to tljo J npnneso proposals has been recuived nt Tokio. It iu unfa vorable nnd cannot bo accepted by Japan, who will unlesa ipisoin rocodoa bo com polled to promptly roBort to arms. In yiow of elicit nu evontuality Jnpan urgeo oxpocte Ohlna to maintniu strict est neutrality and to prosorvo ordor throughout the empiro, guard foreigners roaidout in tho interior with spoeal euro and preserve ordor in tho providences of Bpaiitunu and Yunu, lest forolgn poworn might Boixo tho pretext of disorder lo mnko agijrossivo mnvomonts theroin," Tho dispntch deeply improBBod tho Ohinoso who bolluvo war Ih inovltible, NoIch looking to rntlfloatlon of n treaty between China and Japan were exchange ed yesterday afternoon, NATIONAL LIVE STOCK - CONVENTION Bpeclat to the Manv ' ' l'oi, Orozon, Jap. 12 Nearly ev ery stnto of tho I'nion la represented nt thu Seventh Annual Convention of the National Livu .Stock Association in see dion. Tliu gathering wnit formally open ed today nnd will continue in ecstlon thro'igh thu remainder of thu week. Tliu livrgu nttendiu'ce nnd the iinportance of the Hiibjuotu to be discussed comblue to make tho convention the most notable of its kind oror hold in this country. Tho throe mnttom to ho given foremost attention nro forest ruEurvee, tho combi nation of packers against stock rowors, and tranfiportntion. A in onu the men of prominence who will nddross tho con vention nro Olinucolor R. noujumin An drows of tho University of Nebraska, Col..W. K, Skinner, of Illinois, IIou. W.T. Cotton, of Orogon, Col. John P. Irish of Calif. ,Uon. Paul McCormlck, of Montana, Hon. K. W. Holt of Texas, Dr. J, K. Htubbs, of Nevada, Prol. Y. L, Carlyle of Colorado, MATTER OF FEW DAYS Japan Expected to Strike . First f$Iow i j BRITISHER SAYS TRANS- ' SIBERIA BOAD'IS WEAK F Japanese Leaving Port;Arthur by the Hun dred, Russian Troops Being Rushed in by the Train load." epeclal to tho Mall. St. Petereburtf, Jan 13 Tho Japanoso reply is expect! nt any momont. Some diplomats express a hope for n peacoful solution, but there is n yonornl feeling thnt war is iuuvitablo and that nctlvo liostilitioB are n matter of n few days only. It is felt that Jnpan will strike tho first blow. Tho CmBhareflJUIa fceliok. MraxcnKcr iioy'a Mivli:rr.Vil. X nictjacuger boy wna recently In tnirrted to meet u ix.t donkey ut Chnr InK Croats lead It acrobH Loudoti und dltfpiiteUlt from Euutoiu SENATOR HANNA RE-ELECTED ColumbiiN, 0., Jan, 10: Marcus A, Jlnmm wan today reulootod Unltod States Sonator by tho two houses oi th Ohio fitnto lonislaturo in joint cession Tlia joint ballot ravo Senator lliunm n majority of 11. John 11. Clnrko of Cleveland rocolvod the united Democrat ic voto, Tol:lo,Jnn. 13. Tho formal conforenco before the throno yesterday afternoon was of long duration nnd tho result is unknown, It is eaid, however, thnt thu response to Kuu;ln, which was I dratted ycctorday was approved and In 111 soon be doliyosed, to Itaron Do Hocpn, tho Kuseian Minister. Tho nn swer of Jupnu is rozitrded ns the last stop in tho negotiations. Public inter est in tho outcome ia at fever heat and dovolopomonte nro Anxiously aw ntted. Mvarpool, Jan. 13 An intorcting statement iuconnection with tho etrate gic value of tho Trans-Siberian railroad was inado toJay by Eulford Duah, membor britlsh merehantile firm nt Now Chwong, adressing the Chamber ol Coinroorco. . Mr, Bush, after covering thoquoetion of(tholigktconEtraction of tho railway and tho probably of tho lino being block cd it subjectod to heavy military traffic U said that his own observation, coupled with trustworthy nativo information, h convinced him that nt least 'JOOO Jap aneso military cnuinoors, disuiRed as CWncBo Coolioa, barbers other menials TOtiJg&J nioug iue rauroau, ana ic woaia not DO a fortnight after tho declaration of war before the lino would bo blown up in a dozen places. ZONE IN KOREA The Point on Which War Depends Both Sides Make Some Concessions New YorL Jan 131 special fromPcrt Arthur, states that tho Japanese aro leaving. More than n hundred left dur ing one day. Tliu Rneeiang regard tho Japanese sclzuro of Mckhhu as probnblo with tho object of making Russia flra tho ftrst chot. Trains from Europo aro crowdod with troops. (8poclal to tho Coast Mali.) Toldo, Jan, H A high Jnpan?so gov ernment official' today mado tho state ment thai tho belief In offlcial circles wao that war with Russia will bo avert ed. He said conccseiono had been mado on both sides. If Kugaia. insists on nei- tral zono in Korea it will end negotia tions. Japan has inthnatod to Russia that she Is ready to recognize Russian trading concecoioxa iu Koroa providing they aro entirely without political sig nificance. Negotiations have reached a point where a peaceful or hostilo settlement can bo only a few dayg-ofl.lCIRai' ineista pn neutral zone war Is inevita bla, but if she abandons it peaco is practically assured. It is expected n concllliatory reply will be received from Russia. Practically tho rt-lntion between Russia and Japan is unchanged, Hay ahi believes that negotiation nro Hablo to be prolonged. Port Bald, Egypt, Jan. 14 Tho Jopan eso cruiier Nishiu with cruiser Kosao'gn re-entered tho SHoz,cannI .today. Tho Kossoga started Uiroogh.yeaterday im mediately preceded through canal by KiiBslan warship JJoDskol and soven tor pedo boat destroyers. Other Russian, wnr vessels, aro expected today, , This proves thnt Russian vcssole hevo becnorderrd to keep a close lurvelllanpe on tho Japanese crnieers. .v.- PRICES OF-pLASSES .RAISED ow Yorfc, Jan. II: Persons wrjo bay ayeglasses and spectacle this year will pay a great deal more for them than thoy would have done had they bought them in I03. Two big advances have been made ia all lines of optical goods within tho last iwo montliB by concerns which control the entire manufacture. al i such goods in th United States. ttJt. .. m 4. j. stt-a x iuJHh UJ " TJ.U liTfliUU-S-S?Si?i2 Vriiitifi i ' 'Z2LiMxv&BH5&m?rnimm London, Jnn HJho Jnpaneso reply to Russia's last nofi Is modified upon miner points, according to MinisterHay nshi, who reciovc:! a copy of the text today. It insieta, howover, upon Chl Manchuria and Jap an's spbero of influonco in Korea. , j ufacturere havo ineteased tbowhol sale prlco on Ihoee articles. The ad vance, which was made this week, amounts to from 5 to 100 por cont, on all lines of'ontical goods and Is in pur suance of a notlco sent last fall to whole, Balers and jobbors all over tho country. In tho gexvl old winter time you bold her little hand to keep It from froer.Ihj,'. A. loud of coal is blaclc. but.Is.cnim- ble of shedding n roseate glo-v over a oaru ouijoot Berlin Jan. 13-Ofllcinl intelligence has caused tno government to beltevo tho situation in tho Orient to be ex tremely tense. London Junv13 -A special from Tokio aayy n minister who attended tho r.eceut ronferonco states that tho Japan's nt titudo was extremely conciliatory. . . . .. . ,.,.,,., i INAUGURATION OF GOV. WARFIELD (Special to the Cowt Mall.) Annapolis, Md 13-Kdwiu Wnrfiold rDemocrat) wna sworn in os Govornor of Maryland at noon today, succeeding John Yaltor Smith. Tbo occasion was ono ol eullinBinsm for tho thousands of DomoerntB who onmo from all partH of tho Etato to pnrtlcipato in tho coromon Icb. Tho retiring Govornor and his suc cessor woro escorted to tho stato capital by a military parade composed of tho militia companies of Annapolis, tho Fifth Regiment Yotoran Corps of Ualtl moronml tho cadotoof St, John' Collogo, Tho nddrossos wero dolivorod from tho front portico of tho capital. In his in augural address Govornor Warfleld re nfllrmed tho nuti-eleclion plodgea of hia party and couuecled economy in the ap propriation of fuuds for educational and other institutions requiring etato aid, Following tho addressos thoro was an adjournment to tho Bonato chamber where tho oath of ofllco yna administer ed to tho now oxocutiyo by Oheif Judgo McSchary of tho Court ol Appeals. Coming on Areata Special to the Mall. Snn Francisco, Jan. 1!, Tho -Areata sailed ior Coos Bay at 10 n. m. Sundny with tho following passengers: Mrs. M Cooper and sou, J J Sullivan, Goo AVil eon, llonry Vincent, E W- Forgueon, John Finn, F King, twelve eteerngo, I wtttKKKKKBBUKKtKtttKltlKKKKiBKKtttUKtBtMKKKKtttUtKKKKBKt (J00D.Cl0TilESMB.WS I NEW LINES, EXTENSIVE VARITIES, CHOICE VALUES. Magnes & Mat$on,. .L '.A !'