Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, January 09, 1904, Image 1

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MAllf "
Eastern Relations No
JJoyds Raising Insur
fpeclal to the Mall.
Toklo, Jan. 0 A Boml officially state
tncut shows tliut Japan and Iluula are
noaror tho breaking point than over.
Russia has declined Japan' propoti
tlon anil mbinlttul couhlur proposals
culling (or a neutral xono, and practl.
cnlly claiming Manchuria,
London, Jan. O-Ono hundred and
twenty Hritlih tailors and ton officers
loft Genoa today to tako tho two uowly
acquired Japanese crtilaors to Yok,a.
Iinmn, Lloyds ! now charging rr per
cont on Oriental bound shipping,
Coming on Alliance
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Portland, Jan. 7 Tho following pas
congers soiled tonight on stoamor Alii'
anco:-J WTIbbots, WG Young, Mrs
W (J Young, Mrs Whltely, W 0 Brad-
ley, W Weston, II McDonald, J Clark,
FDroBRlns.O Droghott, I)r Ktonmler,
Mrs It W Tucker, Dr Bwonion, II W
Knight, W Youne, Mr Whltely, A L
Johnson, J Probntcl, A W Miller, W
Mcponnld, J McDonald, J Uauoudy, G
rTolmesll, Mrs Dr Btommler, J Lowitt,
Dr fl UiiHiell, II S Mooro, J K Millur,
W McDonald, W McDonald Jr, Mrs J
McDonMi, Miss Frnnklo Arrington,
!le Mlnlo Young, F Ilothlika, W II
Rogers, 8 Walter, 11 W Tatkor, W B
' i
HllUvrariu lint I.nttnrc.
1'rofonHoi' V. C Woodworth of tho
Ohio Btuto university Ih engaged In
brwdtng Hllkwoiiim which will thrlvo
on lottua1. It appears tlmt tho leaf of
tho lottuco Ih n mitiltlvo uqulvalciit or
yearly w of tho leaf of tho white mill
bhrry and Ih a much cheaper product,
bt'Hldmi being avallalilo at all HuaHoim
of tho year. Tho fact, howovor, that
tho lottuco and mulberry leaf aro
chemically neatly Idontlcal doca not by
any meana provo that tho silkworm
will tlirlvo upon lottuco or tlmt tho
quality of tho sill: produced will equal
that produced on tho nuturnl food of
lio wnrm
Tim CimliiMY Nut.
Tho cnBbow nut serves a unlquo pur
poso na n coametlc Ju tho West Indies,
wbcro women desiring to remove ox
cosslvo tan anoint tho akin. with an oil
from the outer surfaco of tho raw uut.
l'or two weeks tho patient must rotlro
from eoclety, for tho faco and hands bo
treated turn black. At tho end of a
fortnight's seclusion, howovor, tho wo
uiau, who lma undcrgouo tho cashow
treatmout emerges, observers atato,
"with ukia nnd complexion as fair as a
New York Suffering
(Special to the Mall. I
New York, Jan. Q Tho woollier It
modoratlog, and Is only four abovo zoro
this morning. Five deaths dao to cold
occurrod laot night, t'hr tho first tltno
In years tho harbor 14 nearly ploiod
kith Ico.
Will Try to DownTeddy
In Convention
(8peclal to the Coaat Mall.)
Kansas City, Jan. 7 The Star today
r1" N"!7' T'" ,!'-'
Korans as stating that Senator Llanna
will nnuounco bis candidacy for tho
presidency on Tuesday next,
From Friday Dally. ' "
Tfic j)arfja(ita Fischer Compaay
Among tbo attractions announced to
appear in our city in tho near faturo, Is
the well known and cminont actrear,
Miis Margarita Fischer, in a grand sce
nic royiTal of high class reportolro of
la to nnd standard surcotses.
Tho amusement loving public should
fool flattored that Manager Stauff bas
booked such a woll known star as Mlis
Fischer, and 'wo trust our citlzont will
turn out unmano and demonstrate that
they appreciate tho efforts of tho mana
ger in securing such loading attractions.
Miss Fischor has starred with hor
own Metropolitan company in all tho
leading citios of the Pacific coast, and
nt all points was uiot with a most liber
al patronaio, and received tbo highest
encomiums from both press and public,
For th6 proEonttour of tho organiaa?
tion tho maungoment have ongnged tho
best talent nvailablo, nnd all woro so
cured with a vlow as to tho upecial A'r
neiB of him, or hor, aa to tho part per
formed .
Tho plays aro interspersed with epec
inltioB from beginning to end in which
all tho latot't Bongs and dancoa aro In.
troduced by tho different members of
tho company.
Thoy carry thoir own uniformed
band nnd orchestra, giving n street
parndo and concert dally. Scats now
on salo at W. J. Butlor's.
Irnto Watchman Look n-bcrol Don't
you sco that sign? It's big enough and
black cnougbt It Bays, "No Smoking!"
Agrconblo Trespasser I know It doca,
my friend, but, really, you must not
bollovo In algus. Don't you boo that I
am Binoking novorthclcaa? Cincinnati
By Foreign Relations
Special to the Mall.
Washington, Jan. C Tho Benatp com
mlttcc on Foreign Relations (his morn
Inn for the fifftUlraa took up (ho new
canal treaty.
In view of Morgan's proclivity for
lengthy discussion of anything pertain
ing to lethmian affalM, , it is cxpoctod
that tho committee will bo unajjlo to re
port for o considerable period,.
pedal tiithe MalL
Chicago, 111, Jan. 7t At their annual
meeting held heto today tho stockhold
ers acted favorably on tho proposition
to increoeo tho capital stock of tho com-
pany from 125,000,000 to 133,000,000.
Tho now stock la to bo issued at par
and to bo used in acquiring wbolosalo
distributing markets and refrigerator
ears. Tho small margin of profit in the
packing industry and at tho eamo time
tho mammoth oxtent of that industry
is illustrated by tbo flguros contained in
tho annual reports of tho Swift company.
which show a profit of f3,000,000on grow
vales for tho yearoxcocding $200,000,000.
Blaze Starts Between two Buildings
but Is Extinguished
Frorrf Frldaa Dalfr. ' " t :
An alarm of flro brought tho Depart
ment out in a. hurry just betoio 11 a. m.
yeetorday.( Tho flro was betweon tho
Rogers building 6n tho cornor of A and
First strcote and tho next building, In
which tho Owl saloon is situated, Thoao
buildlPRB aro 8 or 10 inches apart, and a
window opona out of tho Rogers build
ing botwoon tho two about 10 foot from
the rear, Paper and other trash had
ovldoutly been thrown out of this win
dow and had lodged bolow until qulto a
lot had accumulated, How this got
a lire does not appear, but it was in u
lively blaso when soiuoono pabbiug tho
reai of tho buitdlrg happoued to look In
nnd soo it. ,'
A small hoio wa'a turiied on the flro
and It was checked when tho department
arrived uud soon drowned it out, Had
it obtained a good start, tho rosult would
have been disastrous.
Commout on tho criminal carelessness
which was tho cause of this. 'ombryo, con
J flogratlon Booms to be unnecssary,
Man Released From
(Special to the Ooast Mall.)
San Francisco, Jen, 7 oan Happi-
rjuo, whrfhai beon ten years in tli'o
county Jail waiting a new trial, wa; re
leased this morning. Ho was conVictod
of forgery pnd eontocced to thrco years
in tho penitentiary, Ho petitioned the
supreme court for a now trial, AfterlO
years delay, today was set for bis trial.
On his appearanco in court, Judge Cook
said tho man was entitled to bis liberty,
and released biro.'
Jpeclal to the MaV
- Washington, D.O. Jan, 7:. According
to tho Russian calendar today is Christ
mas day and tho dato sot by alarmist
reports for a second great massacre of
Jews at Kisheney. In response to pop
ular doraoncj tho Btato Department re
cently sent Inquiries to the American
consular diplomatic agents throughout J
Europo asking what grounds if any ex-
isieu lor too rumors ine replies would
indicate that no foundation whatovei
if any, exists for the widespread appre
hension among tUp J owe.
If any further ill treatment or killing
of tbo Jows bad been eontomplatod It is
beliovod that tho agitation in tho Unit
ed Statoo and England over tbo first
massacre would causa tho Russian Gov
ernment to jako vigorous stops to pro
vont any further slaughter of tbo help
loss people.
A New Mnohlno Can.
Tho new machine gun which bna
Just been formally n'doptcd for uso in
tho Dutch army appears to bo most
etnelent and -weighs very llttlo moro
than an ordinary rifle. Its Important
dlfforonco from all other luhchlno guns
Is that It caq bo carried and operated
by ono man, and it has no bulky car
riage, but merely roqutros a tripod
stand for a mounted man to cany the
gun nnd 1,000 rounds of ammunition,
which can bo flred nt tho rato of SOO
rounds per mlnuto or slower if desired.
Tho cartridges aro not carried In a
belt, but are tltted into curved maga
zines, each holding thirty rounds, and
packed .sldo by sldo into n special kind
of knniwnrfc.
A Philosopher,
Tho old man was sitting on tho roof
gazlug placidly across tho riiBhlns wa
ters. "Washed all your fowls awayr" ask
ed tho man In tilo boat.
"Yes, but tho ducks Bwam," omlled
iha olA mnn.
V Triv in vmir nhim troea?"
"Don't mind it much. Thoy said tho
crop would bo a failure,"
"But tho floodl It la up, to your vrtn-
"WclVthem wlndowB noedod, waah-
In ojrwKtoX.ri6Sd- ,w. -
Morgan Again Has tlie
(Special to the Coast Mall.)
Washington, Jan. 7 In the Senate,
Penrose presonted a large batch of petl J
tions fros Pensylvania for tho expulsion
of Reed Bsoot, of Utah,
When tho Morgan resolution that tho
President exceeded his power in declar
ing war against Colombia was taken up,
Morgan took the jfloor.
In 'tho Honze tho Committee on ap
propriations reported a bill proyiding a
quartcd of a million dollars for experi
ments in destruction of the cotton boll
wcayll, It will be considered tomorrow.
From Tueeday'e Dally. ' '
Now York, Jan. 7 Tho directors of
tho Union Pacific today accepted Burta
resignation and elected JE. H. Harrl
man president.
Napoleon I., who was a great nfl
mlrer of female talent (when its owner
did not, llko Mmc. do Stacl, direct it
against himself), used to Bay, "There
are women who have onjy ono fault
jbthat tbey- aro not men."
llllll JlBiB BBBBBBBBsf
.f,M0ghes dc Matsoh
To Let 151a,Sea Fleet
Pass Dardanelles
China Catching ih$
(8peca tf H Cot Mall!) ' '
Paris, Joa. 7 A dispatch te the ?
trie from Constastbiople aaya that Sas
ela is negotlattag with Zarkaroeraatt
the Black Sea fleet of 78 jrac to pJt
through the DardakelyM.
Peldn. JOjB.7 Aaa tmmlt of adVke
roni Wei, of Naakkag proviaee. tbfl
war between Ratata and Japaa la iaa
mlnent, government officers aje . bnsi
est commuBlca'ion by telegraph wltk all
provincial viceroys.
The tenor of the 4kpateb.es eaaaei aa t .
araai a-i4w;a-wi a ' ea.- T'
ig"tfa J-,?fe-'HH,f
OUR 'Bill,
-. .
Speclat to tb M,itb
Portland, Jan., r-Harvoy ff, Scott
telegraphs today that theSenatocomni
tea baa Bgreed to r,ort unanimoaa "Jy in
favor of tho Lewla nd Clark bill.
... 1.
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