Weekly coast mail. (Marshfield, Coos County, Or.) 1902-1906, December 26, 1903, Image 6

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,.. ; .
- 4-TS
Jetsam, qiy m SB hB IB H ft VBfPb m
Inside cnch pound package of
Lion Coffee
will be found n FREE game.
60 different games. All new.
At Your Grocer's.
win! . ' iii-ii 'jr , ""
Prom Saturday's Daily,
l'at Hennessey of Libby is seriously iii
Vrilh Neurlsy,
The Csarlna will leave San Francisco
fet noon Monday.
Mrs, A. Morton of Libby was in town
Friday shopping.
Mrs. Lennon of Empire b shopping
In Mah field Friday.
Dill Tetlyjobn is nstistln:: A.B.Camp
bell daring the hollidny season.
Tho poalofficfi at RJverton on tho Co
quillc baa been discontinued,
The Martbfiold Football team enjoy
eJ a tocial dance Friday night.
P. S. Weaver ia circulating a contri
bution box for tho Methodlat miselon
ary fund. ,
M. J. Wilson, of the upper north (ork
of tho Csquillo was in town yesterday
and reports the' loggers of that neigh
Wiiood as. doing a good business.
A number cf Empire City Indies were
doinn their Chriatmaa shopping in town
yeiterday, and for their accommoda
tion the Crni3er ,made a special trip
down late in the evening.
M U.
A Frightened Horse
Running like mad down tho atreot
dumping the occupante, or a hundred
other accidents, are every day occurrence
It behooves everybody to have a reliable
Salve handy, and there's none as ood
at Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Burns, Cute,
Bores, Eczema and Files, dieappear
quickly under its soothing effect. 25c,
at Jno. I'ruess Drue Store,
John Porter, was .down from Alle
gauy yeiterday, and brought in thu
pelts of two black bears that have been
feeding on his Angora goats this Sum
A, D. Wolcott, R. J. -Coke and Ben
nett'Swanton, appraleers of the estate of
Thomas Hirst, yeiterday placed a valua
tion of something over f 22.000 on the
The Bazaar of--the Methodist Ladles,
Aid Pociety, ih'the Lutheran Hall was
well attended yeitdrday afternoon and
evening, and every one seemed pleated.
It will rontlnue this afternoon aud
evening and bids fair to bo very suc
cessful. ' 'Qno of the large Jplata glace panes for
t&e new Magnes&Matson (how window
frini broken b ythe workmen, bnt was
braced with)cleato and placed in posi
on pending the arrival of another from
an Francisco.
1alte OATALOGVE OF DISEASES, witH directipns bow to treat them, lvan in
B'erfeljr plain, yet absolutely clean language. Your Druggist or Dealer will sun
mly" It rou FREE, !l rt M to ft U, a I'mui Qui huttt I. Wi. 0, JAYNE SON, PulUUUPUlA, vui trlx It Ii 70s FREK,
Alliance Will Lay Up
A flu the nest round tr'n t" r0tt!.unf
the Alliance will he laid up in i'tm
Kranci.i i) for nu overhauling, which it
la expected will take about ton day.
The ownors write th n;unt hero Hint
it doe- not look now if though it would
ho necessary to put nnolhVr beat in her
TO TRAVEL lor well est ildUhid lfiiu
in a few counties, cllinu on retail mt-irh-ants
mil agents. Loo.hI lerrttoty. ."!
aryf20i) per week with pxpeuH'Q ul
diticnnll, all payable in cash each week
Morey for cxpeine? advanced. I'lt on
permanent. Business nueer-tliil and
rutliini:. Standard House, 330 De.irlmrn
St, Chicago. U2(25t
Travel by Sea
Departure by Alliance (or Portland
Dec. IS: J SchalTer, Or Knecoll, Mis
Turpon, and child, Mrs J Robinson, J
P Sten lor, wife and child, J N Nelson,
C Ward, wife ard daiuhtur. Mi
Thompson, Frol Mount. Miss O'botne,
Miss Hcndt'Ttun. Miss McClnrc, Dr.
Swenson, Misi Sutnuer, 0 IVtenen, H
Peterson, 1' 1' Harris, C 11 Love, Mrs
E J Masters, a:.d child J A McDonald,
ei;Lt in the steerage.
A Costly Mistake
Blunders aro sometimes very expen
ilvo. Occasionally Hie itsell is the price
of a mistake, but you'll never bo wronir
if m.i tko Dr King's Now Life Pills
fo PvipepMa, Dizziness. Headache, Liv
er or Bowel troubles. They aro gentle
vet thorough. 23-, at Jno. Prueas Prog
Margarita Coming
Tho Margatita Fischer Company will
bd hero from Portland on tho return
trip of tho Alliance. They had their ar
rangements mado to como on the
Navarro, that boat failing to come, they
were obliged to wait for the Allianco
They have been playing successful en
gagements all over tho Northwes
since tneir laet visit nore, ami ere
coming with a better company than
But Is Compelled to Restore Him to
the Mother
Times were lively at tha Alliance
dock and on Broadway for a little while
yesterday morning tho event being the
capturo of a child by tho father and its
recapture by the mother, assisted by a
large number of chivalrous citizens.
Iteeemn that Mr, end Mrs. E. J.
Master; have concluded to lliyo separ
ately and the lady was about to depart
on tho Allianco for Portland taking
with her their, little 'boy, Gene aged
about 5 years, tho other two children
having been Eont to Portland some time
The little fellow was running about
on the wharf, when the father appeared
on the scene, (picked him up by the leg
starting off towards the depot, On
seeing thir, the mother raised an alarm
and quite n number of men started uftor
Masters. One partisan of tho minority
brought the mob ti b3y by flouriehidg a
plete ol ga3pip3 and tendering his eer-
; vires to brain the first oncomcr, but tho
exponent of chivalry went nround him.
Matters was ovcrtakon and compelled
10 give up the child, who was restored to
his moHier and they sailed on tho Alli
ance. I'orl; In rrumla.
Tork in still the favorite meat of the
working people of Prusflln.
.J t. -
New Competitor Msy Enter Trans
portation Field
A. K. Abbott, formerly tho
up ns i'
purser ol tho Alllr.niv, c.rn
nasiruigor nu that boat. Ho has auvor
ed hi connections with the ('.and O.
C. S, S. Co. Laving received n morn at
tractive dftr Itoni HitMoittfe Uodora
Co. in thu wholesale lumber and ahip-
!iu Itiiti.
- -
Mr. Abbott i hero now to roo nSout
plnclni: one of t licit heat on thu run. K
nough buvhtce U in olght to jttttiiy it,
tho steam icIiopiicp Aureliii, plying be
tween San Fr.widsc.0 and Poilland, will
cull at Humboldt and Cdos Uay on l.'or
way north, coming about U tituci a
Mr. Abbott m!II canvas the tho rna'ter
going over tin trr t ry (rom liurdtner
tn Colli Pieaeli, uu I it his report hi lav
ablu the Aurpl.a will be here about Jan.
1st, bound r.or.h.
Tho Aurclii in a good seaworthy boat
with plenty of power, and with accom
modations for about 30 tlrst class pas
sengers. Notice of Dissolution
1 Notice is herooy irivtvi Hint the part
nership heretofore intin hetucuu P.
E. Nelson and l. A. Hoff-chmi It, doinu
busiin'M tinder Hio tirm turrit of The
Coos Bay Iron Wcrk-J, a Unn day dii
solved by uiuHl ncreoiiiutu, aud that
SAid F. t,. Nelson li:n hecomu tint owner
ol all property o( n.ud puluuraliip, and
all notas anu account uue or to become
due said thin are and th.ill be pa:ble to
him, and that said t. h. o!son lias as
nind and shall pay all debts ol said
firm hereWoro incurred.
Dated nt Marshfield. Coss C)untv,
Oregon, this H'.h day of Nnven.lwr IW
F. E. Nruhax.
11 21 ut
R. A. HvrrccmiioT.
C. D. Egbert Convicted ol Murdar
Taken up to Penitentiary
C. D. Egbert, aliai John I). Frost
was taken to the p?uitentiary Tncday
afternoon by Sheriff Thomas Allen und
doputy J. W. Buoy, ol Harney CoulIv
Egbert was convicted ol the. murder ol
Deputy Sheriff John G. Sazton and
John W. West. He had coipmittcd a
crime in Douglas County, aud was arrest
ed at Burns by Sheriff Alhn in responso
to a telegram. He broko jil and killed
tho two deputies while thev ero at
tempting to rtcaptore him and Hod to
Idaho, and thenco to Nevada, and wa
arrested nt EIko. Ho was tried and
convicted at Burns on Dec, 8, and was
sentenced to he hanged nt Salem Janu
ary 3'J, lUOi. UU will be thu first exe
cution under the new law at tho pent
tentury. The prisoner is a younz man
only 27 years old. He is a desperate
character, and to avoid the possibility ol
escape he was handcuffed and waro an
Oreton hoot, and his arme wore strap
ped, Egbert riaid he was cure he would
be lynched if ho remained in jail in
Harney County, and he wni willing to
take the chances of being hanged at
Fight Will bo Bitter
Those who will persist in closing tho'ir
nam against the continual recoiniiienda
tlon of Dr. Kinc'n Now Discovery for
CoiiHuinption, will have a long and hit
ter ll'.'ht with their troubles, if not ended
earlier by fatal termination. Road whut
T. It. Heal 1 of Beall, MitH. hut to say:
"Last fall my wife had every symptom
ol consumption, Fhe took Dr. King's
New Discovery after everything else had
failed, Improvomnut en mo at once and
four bottles entirely cured hor. Guaran
teed by Jno. I'ruosB.driigght. J'ricnoOc
amui.w. -irlnl ijottlea tree.
Most useful of
rz: llooliti Glot year
of Publication. Printed In.
CUACES. , Contntnu Correct
Cftlondnro fqr all lutltudos,
-EclipHo, Tide and Weather
Tables Astronomical data,
list of Foast, Fant and otber
Holidays, (fraphlc MbonlljfHt
Diagrams und-choidal illua-
KraKiunat kes Ainirrt a nn i
Vi'Vtt HTimiWVrlr
MMnptfW MP Si
.? L?S
tXCELSlvR 0f?ANy
sntl SI Pngpf irS n'
ont.i.M m irtt Bj
.Ji Tll.l ItVll K
C!!M 1 H")iii !
;r, !J t ,-m
k it I IdU v imt,
I l t( tt Vj Ali
ill til i' ,., , ,U
l.lif ,
Itk.lilJ.!,),, otlif to
ii. u. in i m a koi,
Ktill .xlitl !., Max.
nm n fi-n-pv-t rau
Prom Ounday'o Dally,
Tim hlptrest stick ol randy ewr seen
on tho bay hangs In the window at Mrs
E. J. Hattten'd.
Special School Meeting
Notices have hetui posted lor a pcc:al
school nieetltiu' to ho held Jan. Sth at
7:S0p. in, to h vy a special a t r
((.hvnl purpost's and rnulr to tl 0
iftionl grounds and al;o ub'.ain oxprit
sion ol opinion of votarr, nu thu tiiim
Hon of separate school for colored child
ren. Fiflj Thonsaiiu Less
The aisowed Aaluu of tho. property in
this kIioo district for llMi is f;)S,.VJ7.
Tho valuation for 1W2 was UM.2.T'.
The reduction comes through tho ( ut
ting eff ol Kcclicu lo aud its addition to
the North Bend district. This inclujes
Porter, part of new North Hi;d and
all o( ISaugor.
Margarita Fischer Co
Kilern Journal
The Company has played 11 wt-elc at
Balem to cor a'Aiitly increasing audluuies
and loth as a dramatic company and
as muiiciana and spechlists, hare prov
on thcm:clvcQ a verv worthy organi'i
tion ol entertainers. Tlicii plays are
e'ean and lull ol fun and enjoment and
. ul,
, Tr.J BHtok-
I ,"PEr3l!Wx
jKi vic?'r-m
M-m'smm. (uvm
WW I'lH U'll ''
worthy ol tho attndanro ol the beit A. N. W, club did honor to Dr. and
people, The company is etroni; in all'MfJ. T, MaCormac, It belnc their
Its support, tho leadiiik men and women wedding annivorBary havltn; been mar-
parts being flrst-claes artlets.Ureunau tho'rid 'JO years. It was In thu nature ol
old man parls and as leading comedian
beint; equal to any. Mils Firchor has dc-
velonedcreat abilities in tho short time
ihu has been on tho stoce dieiu; one of
the most beautiful and veisatilo nctret-
ses that hap been produced in tho Went.
Sho is posfeecd ol great talontc, aud
with her constant devotion to her art
she is bound to.boceme n star in the
proleitlon. Sho bears hcrsoll lu all her
plays with a wlnHomo woniaiilimub thnt
tlial charma all, anu nor announces
espociallv tho ladies, vibrate he
tween laughter and tears. The com
pany has a fine array ol robtumon, and
carries many accesioris of the fctuu
that f nables them to produce plays in a
very effective manner,
Loon Lake Notes
II. E. 2akir, cf Loon lake was in town
Friday night, Mr. Baker U ono of the
pioneers ol the Loon lake country, and
for several years wbh In partnership
with Henry Laird. He now owns about
400 acres ol dairy land there and Is
naturally much interested in tho qtics
tion ol wagon road communication
He corroborates the statoment that
Loon lake hae received practically no
attention from thu Douglas county
an thorilloH, and that the eettlore nro j
anxious for an outlet this way. Thoy
can find a much bettor market on ii
Hay than by going tho other wny.
It is understood that tho Coos rouuty
court will put a road through to the
county line, about 18 miles from Allega
ny II tho settlors will build a road to
connect from tliero to the lake, about
4 miles. This the cottiers am ready to
do and about $ 500 him been subscribed
amoni; thorn for that purpose.
There aro about 1000 acres ol tho fin
est ol dairy land around Loon lako, aud
when trnnflportation ficilit!oj are given
there will bo rcoiu for n larfo nu.ubtr
cf people. Tho trade of thin rich cun.ur
of Doulaa county Ih well north jrolrj
after, and the Cece county ugnrt nun ot
spend money to bettor advantage than
in opening the road proponed,
TlieMargariJaisclier Co
Among the attractions nnnonncsd toj
I.. 111. .. .V f - I.
rceuto revival of high class reporioliu
"atj and standard uccom.
" nmnsomuni loving puunu iiionni
feel Haltered that Mninieer btaufi ha
uookou sticii n noil known star at .who
Mflclier, and wn trust our cltuonn uill
turn out uuuiassu and doinoiiHlrnto that
thuy nppri'Clrtto thu cffoili ul the Matia
I f,ui iii iiuuuruiK nuoii iimiiuiK luiriicnonr,
I.. ...I. I.... I, .. ...r...
Mien Fischer has starred with her
iiwn Mctrnplltan Company in nil t)i6
le.ullug citlou of the i'aoilluCndst, mid at
all points war mot with a moat liberal
)it tronage, and received the hUhoit ei
coniutiislrom both press and public.
For tho prosunt tour, ol the oruanizv
ton, thu management havu engaged thu
beit talent available, und till woru
reciircd with a viowmt to the rpvrlal ol
ntiiesHol It i 111 or hor.nu to thu part to bo
The playo urn iuturfpersed with
p't'liiltlcn friini lugintilng to cnit Ii
uhlcli all thu luteal songs and dancer)
ate introduced hy the (Lfforcnt munibori
ol the company.
Thoy carry tlioir own t'liilormed baud
nndorrheHtra,; giving a street parade
ami uoncort daily, h'oats on sale nt .
.1. Cutler'.
Rovolutlon Imminent
A biire cIl'H of nnDrnnchini rnvolt nmi
ttenoiiii trouble in your oyetum ia nur-
voiiRuus, rtieepirsanes!, or atomacu up
rit. Electrio Ullte.'d will ipUcUly dl
muuibvr thu troubturom cattstn. It miv
it full to tone tho atomach, reulnto the
tho Kidneys and Ilownls, atimtilnU) the
Liver, and clarllv the blood, ltun down
xyntum buuetit particularly and all the
usual attundfne aches vanish under its
siarchiiik( and thorough oflrctlvuoius.
Electric Hittura Is only 50c, and that Is
returned II (t don't civu purled rallilac
tint). Guaranteed by Jno i'ruuss drug
Klt. Silver Weddlnjf Suprlsc
Friday night a largo number of the
members ol tho Everroon WliUt aud
' suprise and overy one present thorotiRhly
enjoyed It. Cnrds, social convene and
u idly good timo was had. Ucfrcsh
incuts wore terved, Twentyllvo years
ol married life did not seem to mar thu
gaioty ol tho bride aud Kroom.
A boantifnl iftof n silver frnit bowl
was presi ntcd to the couple.
(lood night was said and tho rovoloN
1 departed for home, nmi wo mlgnt ray
that probably some ol thorn while trip-
' pinit iiome reuecteu on -now win 11 no
with us when fi and 1'0 years marriod."
From Tuesday's Dally,
T. M. Hoono ol fiutnner, was in town
The hcavyX-tnaB malls aro taxing tho
i poetolllcn crew.
Thu Allianco is scheduled
Portland tomorrow ovonicg.
The Areata and Empire will eail from
.San Francisco this altornoou at 4.
II. B. Prico ol Klyorlon ia a Marsh'
field visitor, coming over 0:1 yesterday's
(Tend iii your orders for ths special Il
lustrated number. Fifteen conts, 2 tot
25 centx,
Tho wharf at tho side of tho
Lumber Co's store Is recolying a
ough overhauling.
Tho back room ol A, I'. Owen's cigar
storo is receiving a now coat ol paper At
tho handa ol (J. W. Tribboy.
Thornae Howard hya had tho Interior
of liU Ijfwuiryptnm nuwly decorated
with a very handsome pjlturn of papor,
Heautilul variety of sjippors; just tho
the thing (or Christ man presents ut
I'eler Clausoq'fl. 1'hono 281. 11-221
1 ;m ' ) h 1
A wrong impression may havo been
conveyed by tho item touching tho lra
end At the Alliance dock Friday morn-J
I "I'l'0'11 "' Ul" tl,7 '" '"" nonr iiiuic, ik
tl"Mvo" k"w niiil cinlttout nctreis,
Misi Margarita Fioulior, in the grninl
Iiir, when It was said that E. J, Man
tor'a took hln lilllu hoy up by thu lo
and iitarted off, The (nut le, the boy
wus pteked up In hlti l.ithcin anna nmi
carried uuvural blocks lu his attempt to
prevent (he child bulriK tr.len nivny,
whlrh hu had 11 perfect ilcht lu do.'
The I'lnreuco cuiiio don 11 yeiterday to
htliiK' thu Alert's ptimiifinn !,llo thu
latter hroiiKht doun tliu (Irnl liiro hcnw
load of rock for thu lnnpltul at North
Deputy l'roicctitlr. Attumny Fiirriu
goes to .Myrtlo Point I lit j nu rnhiK to
proKCciilu u cato aKalust a man dutoeted
in having deer skins unlawfully In his
On account ol thu Illness ol my Ifu I
have boeu absent (r)in Nolileo' M"t
mat Let (or the psl week and (rom now
on will hu In thu shop, am! will liu pleat
ud t) serve thd patrons ol tho ahop
Tho llroilur will receive thu target!
khlpuicnt ul oyiters ever hroiiihl tnCoos
Hay at out) time (or thu ( Iiilntiiiui time
Hot udixon or two to your family.
A Ncr Sliocmakcr in Toiui
Euuuue Keen h;s opi'nol a hoe shop
in thtiDlhhleAWIIIIiimi rent t ito clllcu
next to h'niiKstuekuu'd drm; otore. Mr.
Keen la no relation to Kvanethu nctor,
but is n clover actor heu It
comeii to putting your col.1! in hapu
and when It cornea to putting an upper
on your aula hu can llx you to thu
iucen's laito. He ran Hue up our luut
no matter how piccoutOtfd -on aru.
Chicken Thieves Again
Threo chicken thluves from the l.iy
wore cutiKht in tho net ol uppioprl
atiriK poultry be'.ornlnu' to John Iliasco,
who llvei on It, II. Herrou'ri plaio uu
C001 rivur, a few duys nuo.
Joe Voakam aud Hilly Diylo were
tho captor?. They heard a duturhanrs
among Hlatci'n chlekerif, an I enipoot-
ailng somethlnit wroriK, went over amUur
i prised thu thieves. They were, three
I young muii, whotu names nru at pnuent
withheld. Ther got off easy, bnt if they
are caught in that usighboihood again,
thoy are likgly to havo pool taiuc to
regret it.
Civil Coses
Jodgo Hyde's court was but; Cilcr
day with tno civil suits.
Thu case ol W. If. Moblu Ts C, J.
Hrotchko, (or tllT.CO lor turd (or an en
giuu was tried. Tilts case was hotly
contused on tho part of both witnesses
and attorneys, Hall and Hall appeared
for plaintiff, Coke and l'arrin lor de
fendant, Tho cieu wtis taken under ad
'isorjiout hutll 10 a m'today.
,Tha sasool F, K. Nolton umimt tho
earn dolohditnt, for 120.21, nlvo came
to trial and continued into tho owning.
W. U. Douglas appeared (or plaintiff,
yoko und Farrin lor defendant.
1 1
I . ... i-i'-.r: -K!?
ork to Commence on Now Steam
er Dock and Warehouso
I !
The Dian Lumber Co. lot tho con
tracks yeiterday for tho new warohouu
and dock to be occupied hy the Mareh-
(lold Dock and 'frarohoua Co., at which
tho O, G. A N. Co, stoainura and tho
(jzarinn will land
I Win, L&ckslrom will do thu building
and A, W, Neal will constiuct the notV
whar,J :z
Work will comraonce at once, and
thin substantial Improvement will soon
lo under uur,
J V9 '03ffNVrf MVH Si
oSntRpza 4ajucipjDiv So s t-9 a
0)iA jo uo 3 A
iSUadVdOMnN'NI ,i V