-fJW- vt1 it i-i -., ., " . I ' 4 4 : 1 '4 I 1 fe .' '' Weekly coast mail ... te: :?noKE, main 455. tiiertC In the Postoffice at Marshfielu, ,-' as Ucccnd Class Iia'.t'. w ' COOS BAY PUBLISHING CO., TVC, LEVAR, F. X. HOFER, " Prflfnre nnd Mnnno-prs. Editors nnd Managers. G. W. WOODWARD, Foreman, Kissed Every Saturday. Terms: In Ad vance, 5: jo a Year, Si.oo Sbc Months. DAILY! By mail, for advance payment only, 30 cents a month; . months for 1 00. When not paid In advance the price is 50 cents per month, straight Issued every morning except Monday. . PEANUT-EATERS IN (.ARS. 'Jl PobMc Hnleanc Tht Mo Poople .Would Llk to St-a I'nt Down ad Oat. "If I could have my way about it." told a sensitive citlscn, according to the w York Sun, "I would haw a law passed forbidding thej eating of pea nuts in elevated or surface cars.at.d re quiring the guards or conductors to t-ject from the cars any person so of lending. ''.Mui, strange as it may seem, not children, are tnc chief offenders in tll direction. You may ie ijrimn men sitting in a car, and. regardless of their fallow pa tern per, calmly eatinc pea nuts and dropping the shells on the floor. "To many persons the odor of pe a nuts within a confined tpece. as in a railroad car, is unplrasant. 85 the -igh: of the litter of shell on the floor must Ik? to nil. Rut the men pinnut raters go rlpht on eating, anil to disposing of the shells. Vi'hy, I haxe seen a district messenger toy eating peanut in a car do bet-tor than they in one way anj bow. ThU boy put hi emptx shollo back into the paper beg from which he Lad emptied the peanut into hi pock et. "1 1 ae seen m n eat apples in an ele vated ear and throw the core under ' the seat. I have rcen a man eat an or ange in an elevaed cor and not even takr the trouble tn do that with the orange peel, but just lay that dov n on the vacant teat tx-slde him. Rut Mich men a. (host I regard as fine gentleman ns compared with the grown man who eats pen nuts In an elevated car and drops the "hells on the floor. Illm I re gard as . ."Well, the peanut eater I would have firmly, even if gently, put off the car." WHITE WATER IN THE OCEAN. ttairolar Phenomenon WllneiMd at Karl IntervtvU In Sk Toi- leal nKlonjL. , t Of the many sights xvitneised in the oceans of the globe, one of the most curious nnd most weird is that de scribed by sailors a "the milky rea," rihips being surrounded for kcveral hours by water that appears to bo a snowy whiteness. Compiled from ex perienced recorded during th last 70 years, an interesting account of the phenomenon is given on the North At lantic and Mediterranean Pilot Chart, i The spectacle is restricted to the dark iness of night and rare occasions, and, ' while it is limited mainly to the warm er waters of th tropical belt, it ap pears to be more common in th In dian ocean than in the Atlantic and 'Pacific. From tic xrhlte water the light is so strong that ordinary new, paper print can be rad on board ship, but the scene all around is of an awe inspiring description. The horUon is blotted out, sea and sky seem to bft cbme one in a sqrt of universal lumi nous fog, which, like a London fog, rob the observer of the sense of dis tnce and direction, the deck being lit sap writh a ghartly, shadoxvlesg light. Lat June off the west coaxt of South 'America a bucket of the xvhito water mptied back info the sea resembled molten lead. This- curious sight has 1 JnUrested scientific investigators, Dor vin among them; but while it it, no doubt, related to the many phosphor iceivt displays common at sea, there br no difficult explanation forthcom Sag of this particular manlf estation or of the singular atovotpiieric offeota r ttiUng from it. 4tSa4W ?IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE f IN NEW9PAPER8f) AKYWHURB AT ANYTIKO CoN oa or Writs $ ftG. DIKE'S IDYERTISIKG MM i MOVING BY INSTALLMENT. Strange Way of Ciinawtiis; tjutxelera Ucvcnle.l ti a xv York UittruMniuu, IIo looked like n truthful man, yet who does?" "The fellow that will finish the haul ing, probably," he returned, serenely. "Aren't jou going to do tho whole JobT" hc asked. Viv r.nlv lmlf nf I. I will take OlC things to our olllee and somebody cue will take thciu the rest of tne way. The boss at the dck will know the ad dress. I don't know It. The moving Is done on ths iimtiillment plan to keep jou folks hcie frj :n llndlng out wlicr tVe other pn-pli vent. Thy were afra.. to trti t tue with tl t number for fear iv migh worm it ut of me, io thc ti.lu it to nrb.'dx but the man- airer. lUf of people who move often I ..... .,. ..... ' m..ke the trip in sections, like thr.l. ll.-.lf the time when I take a t run!, r.w ay from a boardine-h. use I don't l.i.-w where it will wind up. That Uginer ally done when thtrc has ben a row and tho folk w! o leioe il.nl want to be followed. Reen a little trouble J here. 1 imagine," he rsddui, tcutntirely. , "Yes," sighed the landlady, "a lit tic." Great tlrlt.tin Lena. TTr. in now. Rritain retains from 20 to 25 per cent, of the total trade of the universe. No other nation ha yet cume within hnlf of this remark able percentage. Nearet I tier man v. with nearly It per cent.; Fiance claims about nine per cent.; tic United States secures rather more than nine per cent. If xve add the output of the colunieti the Rrit ith empire show n record of nbout one-third of the trade of tho wholo world. Phtiroah' Chnrlnt IHcoYrl. Ph.-.ra.'h'fc chariot, m which he rodo at Thebes, has been discovered in a perfect condition in the Valley of the Tombs of the kings nt Thcb, along xvlth the tomb of Thothmos IV. which is nearly 4.000 years old. i ; t . f WARDROBES' OFvJcOYALTY, t Lnll of .lobtlJtr 'Who Oat Cot- laaiM Baoosll to Ctmnao Icrv- oral Tin co Btuh Dy. Tho croprcia of Oorroany nnd the cxarina of IlflMiji.tre the most fortun- jute womeu in liope, if good fortune i roeaiLNtheabilitx fowartlnu raiments land N change their cotume a often ar it max jileoM; their fancy. It iu aid 1 ihr.t to kiep the xxardrobc of the (r 'n.xn it!prc. properly rt-plenithe 5 re quires the constant .ervice f (. i.o.t u drensmnker, and that on occnion of court fettixltiei or when her majesty prepares for an Important Journey thia regular staff is ir.cref!d Vo 40. We arc informed that this wonderful x-n'roihf conrlkU c.f 10O evening nml ttato dretiti, at leait txvo visiting ui.d tTrrfagu e-Mume and pwirc than 150 holism and deinitoilets uur.ua 11). All tl.'.se are made ly hand down to the minuteat particulars. The empress of Russia ie 6aid to be the most extravagant dresser in l.u tr'p, although naturolij siii.jil iu her I t&stcfi. Her adhetence to plain tiros proxoked w much g rumbling among the ladies of the court during the first few j ears of her marriage that ahevx en: to an extreme of magnificence which one fine! it difficult to as&odat with the daughter of the mild l'riucua Alice of Hesse. ItallouixlltlM and aleldv. Rhootintf is by fnr the most ponuiar 'method of ending life, with polsoiiaud ( drowning in the order named. The percentage of iuic.de iu highest 'among those whose inotheM were born In France, with Germany and Kus.niu. jl'olnnd second and third. Tlie dvCTn rate from suicide of t-his. xvhosc moth ern were born In the United Stated wan much lower. Chicago Inter Ocean. About tho I'lfi'iir I'lunt. The pepper plant piper nigrum , which produces the whito and black pepper of commerce, is a climbing xiiiedlke shrub, found growing wild in the forests of Trarniicore and the Mal abar coast of India. Pepper is entire ly tropical in its requirement. The xxhite popper is the hlnck pepper decor tlvai.ed by maceration and rubbing. ' Xuvr X-tlar MncfiilD. A nickel-in-the-lot X-ray maelsine has been invented. The observsr places a coin in the slot, moves a lorer, puts lilts hand, or whatever he wishes to examine, into a box without any tides, and looks down at it through a flour&s cent screen which forms tho top of the :V - . VicloBS, "" " Lucllla It is said that Kwiutiful xvomen depend wholly on thsir looloi ior social success. " Caroline PerhapS tno' a truo- ' isndt every girl that cart talk as en tertainingly , m ybit, dtur--Kn4M ttty. Journal. M nobody would ucitcxe nun . a. ..... ..... " r , f nbcr, . n violation rf nu.x he did not know xxhere the mink were ing from Asia, the Ant ..peeliuon.x of tl e f wnr,or ,lf . .ju,,.UI -oing, relate, the .New York limes. ' rurlous fish known r. the nnube. exer .' r , .,., , , KMM fr,.u "It i, x cry strange thut you duU brought to this, couutrj, s,k the . " u ,. ', , nJtri.mll ,, Mll. know." said U.. landlady. "U.u are nne. r " , w at 'Stassl, 1M., m.s a Wash the expressman. If you don't know, The specJal peculiarity of thcarmbe. J-' ' . . . .. t . ... t. t. .. . i.i . i. l.. . n.iu. , i.,.......i.i I. 1.......1 -' - - j-tfrf - FISH COME WHEN CALLED. ' Curious Itpcclcii lli-OU,itit br i Hexr YorU xaturnlliit,i'ii This Coun ter feoni Akin, Otto Eggollng, a naturalist of Jfr.v which InunbltH tho trlsms or Interior India, is -tlmt it travels fur milw mi land in search of water whvii the streams are dried up. Lovers of aquariums hae fur jenr1 endeavored to secure spcclmuitt of thl flsh, hut without sueee.s as thu, ..i wax died in transit, eipeeiiillj wliea In the vicinity of -the Suet eniml, ow ing to the li)U:no heat. Mr. Eggeling eoucelxed the Idea of placing thu fish In earthenware es!ols. coutniuiug a suitlclctit qitnntily of wnter-suaked earth, and two intiuthx ago ho corresponded with" frltiidn ,u inoia, who teoureu .exerai tine pil mens nnd shipped thoni. The t.h i.r- Ml'...t t.l .1. .. .l.. 1 I ...I ' rived last week, and when the eat then- ware pot were opened, the earth therein was found perfectly drj at J the iUh were inalifelcK4 htatu. Sovcinl hour after being pla. ed in water, how excr. tliex came to life, nnd nrc now a- '" " vcr, Iliese fish arcbeautirully marked, and when the liirht Ftrikes them at cer tain attgK's their xxhole bu.Uos niuine all the colors of the rnlnbow. Tliex a err.ee about txxo nnd oneduilf iticli'is iu length, and, unlike other fish, breathe through tl lungs intisilf the gllii, thtm eunbliiii: them to lixe on land. It is said that tho nnalie can l.p tamed as any domestic aniniol. and come xxhen ealled tt, eatit. food out of one' hand. Tl'"i h Imxc what might be called "crawlers" on the lox. er part of their bodieH, thus inllin0 Uiom to travel over land. Man of Simple Tncte. '.'Did you enjo.x jour trip abroad?" "Yes," answered Mr. Cuiumx; "but I niU't say I mi'sed the kind of cook ing I'm used to." "Couldn't you get anything you wanted?" "Possibly. Rut you see mother and tht girls iindn't taken tho trouble to learn the French for pork atid btaus." Washington Star. vi .,.0h WRITES MAYOR FOR A WIFE. The Xerr of (he Iielc of Tonnr Men t ICanosba llrlnixs a Proposal . from the Cnot. VTilHani IT. Moist, of Verona. Pa., writes to the major of Kcnohn, Wis.. stating that as marriageable young women ore scarce ih.xxn l.ls way ho would like to wed a Keno.hu girl "I fee by the papers," he tax y, "that the young women of x our city have in act as their oxvn escorts oying to the lack of young men. Therefore, I would be glad if x on can cure me a xvife among them." Moist adds that he Is sober, in dustrious, and of marriageable age. As his letter has been made public it Is ex pected that he will get a deluge of pro posals. Preoareil for Tro'iliI. Joseph Chamberlain is going to South Africa on n mission of peace. He w 111 make the trip on a xvarsihip, wiys the Chicago Record-Herald, and in addition to being strongly guarded xvill have a gun in his boot. THE UNGUIDED BRIDEGROOM. Them la Roocn for InMroetloaa torn 111 ta on How to Look Prop- erlr aPr. A thoughtful young man of Wash ington was heard to decry the fact the other day that while there i n deluge of don'ts and do's for the bride to fol lowhow to enter the church, how to behave during the ceremony, xvhnt to xvear, and so on the bridegroom munt shift for himaolf, says the Post of that city. "There -is aboolutely nothing to guide a man but Kin own awkward self, and it isn't fair," he said. "From trw time n girl is old .enough to hear, sho understand! the Importance of hnvinf things done properly at a wedding, while the prospective groom is some thing necessary to complete the pic turu, but a secondary consideration,, and nothing short of inapiration can. gut a man through a marriage cor mony gracefully. "In order to impress tha bride and .pectr.tor that ho Is enthusiastic about It, he appears with a aort rf frozen grin on his face that you ex pect to melt at any moment and run dow n hia collar. If he is too frightened to respond in u loud voice some of tho bride'u girl friends will whiapor that he 'xvas unwilling, from the first' again, if ho replica in a loud, stern voice, another bunch in another direc tion of the church will huddle together and express how glad they are that they are not marrying him, xvhllc the attitude of many is that they are sign ing away their life and all worth living for. So I think it about time," contin ued the thoughtful young man, "that somebody is writing a tew hintsjO?t1j ow tOiheljave that weinay appear eiithiis laitlc about being married without be ing ridiculous and a turgat for thpb pit to knock .- , k SHARPElllNG OF SABERS. ' Tha crlnrr of War Anuoiutt'e'l Taut It U t ii Violation of tit l.mis of War. The question has come before ihi war dnnrtiuent whether the sharp tiKton report. That o nicer reports a well circulated opinion among olUcer that It is not permisslhlt to grind si.h-.trs w hi n titlt t ing a elxlHsed eiiemx. The Judge d TOente general of the ivrtn.x fouiu tinUiing which brings the character l (his Inquiry within the ixeeption .t paragraph SI7 of theuriux regulation, nnd the secretary of xnr niuioim.ee that the sharpening of tabors Is not r. violation of the Inxvs. of xnv nor of at y of the convention uhloli haxe hiei accepted by the I'nited .States, eithei exprex'ly or b implication for tin government of ItMullltarx foieesxxl.ee engaged in actuul milltatx i.ratl i s The tienevu couxuntion and its. modi ! tkation relate to the care and ntutiali- ration of the sick anil wounded iu tutu of xvnr. Ilonryiuiioti mid Juli, The Jail keeper at Fort Scott xxaf ar tonUhed the other niht when a p ' hmkltV 5"iig eM.ple anle.1 for p- r ttiiMi.m to staj iu one of the cells til morning It xvaa e:plaine t that the had Just been married oxer In Mlsimn and xx ere golnrf Into soutiiern K'lti'iis xxhere the man hud work. The.1 rnr out of ui'invj and had no place to tleep The Monitor says the bride h gone poking ami cheerful and seemed to re gaid thematterns something of a J.d.c Rut think of honeymoon eommeucce in toll. PLACED DUTY BEFORE WORK. Jtila In .Ve.l of Kniplnyinrnt llefitsou Job ( atureh xxilb lu Uu- entptoi J. . A London preacher had an intercut ini; experience iwt long ao with a hun prj man. The ineiHheant ixplained that he l.nd found It nhMilut.l.x impos- ble to get xvork. lie had applied ex irjxvhiri. alixajs to be ttirm I xvaj. autt ah lant nothing remain"! for him tiut to big from dor to door for the food that xvas nvevsnar to keep life In Me body. The clrrgxmaii'i. heart xxna filled xxith inty. '1 he poor man leemed to he honcvt, and after being furnihhed with a good me.ul he was r.ke! xxhere a me- go xrould resell hitu. lie gaxc an ad dress und went away. Then the preacher tat doxxn to think the m.it tor over, lie knew of no xvork that he could find for the, man, but he decided to inxent a Job. According!) the nextday tho preach er sent a mes.vge to the luckless man, saving: "Come at once. I haxe o petition for yon. W'n nted a man to clean our school house and keep it in order." He rccelxed an immediate rvply as folloxvw: "Sorry I can't c-omo. I havoHoinnrch with the unemployed to-day Would to-morrow do?" j GUN FIRED BY ELECTRICITY. Germans Are Deeply Interoated Iu HUUIatid's KUclro-tMaifaalla v Cannon, Rlrkland'a ejeclro-magnetlc cannon, the one described in dispatches from Norxvay a year ago, is now engaging the attvntlon of German artillerists m an ii proved shnpe. Although it is only available in fortB and Is too com plex to be trusted to an ordinary gun ner, the German experts regard It n the forerunner of n new type of ordi r.nnce. The principlu of the gun li the passing of a powerful curreii" through wire trpiralb in the bore xxlth out heating. It throxvs a S0-iouik1s projectile more thnn three mllea xxith accuracy. Rut Rlrklaud says he can increase the diatanco fourfold. This is the flrflt electric gun German nrtil. Icrlsts have found practicable. , Oldet Pamtlr in h tVorlfl. " "The oldest family In the world Uvea In Rell county, Ky.," said R. F. Creech, a prominent merchant of Four Mile. "I do not mean thut they have tho longest pedigree, but that they have been here a long time, nnd have a fain lly hiutory that ia perhaps the moat unique in the xrorld. Lewis Green U 03 yenru old; bin xvife, Virginia Green, U 02 yearn old. They xvere married 73 yeuns ago, and went to llvo on a tfnrm at the mouth of Ringhnm'a creek, in a bend of tho Cumberland river. Tihcy are Mill living in the same house to which they went as bridegroom nnd lirtde three-quarters of a century ago. They have ten children, the jotlngcht ja now 43, and there haa neicr been a death in the family. All of which miikeH me believe that Re,ll county Is Up healthiest .place op the ace of th-e gjobe, The.Jjrecns live about'fen anilea' ' from ' PJneviJle." LouIsviUo fOturier-Joumi.l, AleJu.,iL- , i "r. 1....- MSa CHIMNEYS OF .CONCRETE. Material Noxv fee it In OoiiililnnUos wltli Blel In the Count root loiof Lotlt SiuoUetieUL, Onn of tlm latent usea of Uio com- bliwxtlon of steel and coiici'eU) fot building V,"'l",nL't w'ts exempllllvd at l.os Angeles, Cat., a few months ugo An enormous chimney for the puxvci stutJou of a uuiiibur of eliutrie n mil was eoitntrueted of thlit mateilul, ie porta tlie New York Tribune Tiv height of tills chimney from the lms (which xvas 13 feet belop giound) wai 1H0 feet. Tho lower poitlon wus 1! feel sipiarti, oiitsdile iiuasurement, but at an elevation of M feet the sitrixtuie nsitumrd a eylludrieal form and had a dlamuUT of l' feet txxo luuhes. llecautc uueiptal heating of various parts might lead toiinequnlexpiiiii.loii, lesviltlug Iu fractures (or at least uu luce. miry .train), ami purlutps fot other reasons also, it xvau decided to adopt a double xvallnyaein. The outer nho.ll begins with a lhcklieM of ulue inches Just above thu square portion, later gets, along with six inchest mid flnlhhen with llvo Inolief. For thu in ner shell the thlekueesra at corre sponding elevations are llxe. four and oiie-half and four Inches In route quenco of the reduction in l"Wi xxallt the tpaco betxreen them increases with height. It begins xvith 11 inches and oiulx xxlth Kilnchrs. Korthecutrr xxall the Ingredient-, of the ooiwrrtc x ere mixed in tills proportion: ('nil foruia Portland cement, one pirt; sand, two parta, and Hue broken stone, four parts. The formula for the Inner shell was 1:3:0. Perhaps the moht common ratio for coucroU in 1:3:5, bqt engineers xary it frequently to suit special conditions. Kmploxlng tllght Ix diffurent coitMtsltioun for different paru of the same xvork is a practice oflvn followed. In order to giro greater strength to the- structure txvistod nteel bars were arrangrd in the concrete, both xertlc ally and holtoutilly, in occordnucu with a well known patented sxst.'iu. l)n the outside one cannot detect the metal, hut It I thrra. MESSAOES IN MERCHANDISE. Knur Instnrvaaa Are on Uaooed, Asoonir Tlteiii llrlow Some o4 TeatrtoAl Kaluev. In regard lo the atory whieli has Ivcun going tho rounds of the Knglith (tftpcrs lately as to a Liverpool man finding a msta written upon mi fif bv tint tiaeker. r. wliinw in Mai.itflxx, ! xvhom he ultlmaielx married, tne lm don Chronicle remarks that m.'M.v true Incidents of the sain kind eouid be related. In IM0 a mussnge wns foutid in n barrtil of apple that had rome from Nxv Zealand In this mtssage the pucker of the fruit, a young won an. stated that her ancestors-, whote names were given, came from KM nnd she asked the finder to ascertain if any of her ivajiui and family Mill remained In tha country. An slatudlu the papers of the time, the flndur xi r.i able to give her full partlrulars r.s to surxiving rIatlvcs. Rut Mr Tew. of Leeds, a member of a Yorkshlt e bank ing family, had nt one time n col lection of these "messages III mi r cliandlse," some of thvin being very tragical, and being a sunivnl of the days xvlrcn peaceful trnders were caught by Algerian pirates and sold into captivity and slavery One such inensnge had In on written in blond on a coarsu canvas bag that had eon tnined gum arable; another appeart( as a aort of tattond stain on a laigi cork Uiat luiil fastened up I vessel containing at tor of roses. MORE THAN PIVTC SENSES. The Hombar I'ossessad hf X Est ad4Xl Vr Those of tUa lxwe Aultunla. Many of our scientists, until qulto rocuntly have Ikch reluctant to admit that a number of the lower anliualrt possibly possess other senses Ihnn ours. Ho inuoh now nnd undeniably nfllrmatory evidence Is, however, now Isclng offered on this point, that there can be no longer any substan tial reason for doubting thut the flvo mines man imperfectly exeiclses am by no nwans all that are possible to sentient creatures, ay the Scientific American. One such sens not .possessed by human beings, but to a graalor or Josu degree almost universally pres ent in mammals, birds, reptlleu, fish and insects, i what perhaps may bo called tho sense of localization. It cnnhlcH Ih posaessor, apparently by its sole use, to llnd a desired siot. It is evidently eloaely connected with nn instinctive ami perfect memory of distance and direction. That the homing plffoon KcrcJses it to mime extent, though undoubtedly aided by the lnndinarka it rocognUes, is in diuputablo; that tho honey beo ha it in its fullness and perfection can not, after the careful experiments of Albreoht HoUiw in Germany, be doubted. Examples of insects that pooncsr an X-rayk sense, not wily among Eu ropean' )iut our oxvn hymonoptera, oan'be mtiKlpIisd indoflnltoly. Only dim' nt two fot the suimtH peculiar to the Tdwwr1 Animals fre hero noticed. LuboWk, sfg'gosta that "thoro may b U "" 8iL08"AD EN8ILAQH, 0. .... jrhn Mrtotnl Quest Ion of UMiiic Ttr Willi Nlto Corn. Homo llvo or nix yearn np I built building nflcr a phui I wiw In HouiiI'h Dnlrymnn unit divided It In lliu m. tor, luiikliig two hIIoh of about 100 toiiH cnpiiclty eiicli, wiyn ii corrciqioiiili'iit of tho inpor mentioned. 'J'h llit '''illod for tho fmiiio going liorltonbilly iiimiimiI und milked totfethrr, wllli nirneni lit' nldo cut off, which 1 did not do, und I w-IhIi io Hiiy that tlm Hllo Uiih iicvur Hprung out of rilmpp. It wiim boaidcd doiiblu limlde, with tttr or wax hiht Iictwfoit, ii ml clnpbonrdi'il on ihu out iildu on to up anil down hIiiIh of thro.) or four Inclu-H In Width. Now for tlie oxppikMU't'. Olio of my nclglilitu-H who hail it alio (old mo tny ioi n wiim no rlpo (It wiih nil ghu'-d und lit to cut for thu old way of ImrvciiUm; nnd hiiNklug) that If I did not put on mtni) witter It wiiulil brut nnd dry out, or, iih xvo mil It, "lire fling," urn! bu wortlih'si. Mo did not any how much to put on, und I cnloultitod thut t!u bent would bo great and It xvotiui neun qulto nn ninountj tliort'foro I put forty, buirelH on ouch alio of 100 joiK 1 hml very lino oiinlliigo, and, .foclliu: two bushol bnnkuta lo each cow per ilny Avlth nil thu grain Hint grow on the HtiilkA, thoy llnproviil In HckIi nnd gino u good mipply of milk. Tho Millie wan lino, and thoro xviih no tiisto of onHllago cither iu tho milk or liutb-r iiuido. A friend of initio who put bin In thu nlto in tho milk ntngo of tho com had to atop feeding bin eiullngp boeaiiKo of tho milk lusting no tlmt bin rtintoinorrt Would not tiilw It. Vt luivo i-outlnuoil to let tho com ripen it ml wot it whoii put Into thu alio, with tho t-xivptlun of onii year my sunt thought ho would not wot It, und tho ronHcquoui-o xvnn that wo lout t-ovortil toim of oiiHllago, and It wiim largely In tho Hqtniio oornora, wl.lcli I could Imrdly account for, but xvlille liiHtdo moudllig tho botlolii of tho hllo hist year (by tin way, s.-xon nnd ctiif-tinir feet of tho hllo Im In the ground, or iih low iih tho bottom of the collar xvheiv the conn nn tied tips I lind sumo water loft, and n I ntooJ thoro 1 throw It up uga'uHt i.u luu look Hiding liiHldo and ns tiiirprlHwl to seo how qulikly It drlinl oir, and then it mine to mo that tho dry Hiding, drawing ho much moisture from tlm uiflliige and double the amount In the hqimru coruorn, xas the hoiirie of th! hwH of ho mitoli otislhiKe III th square coinotri an In oimphilued of every yvnr. I itiiioludnl to try uu v Tliuoiit on I.Mt yonr'H enMlugo when put in ami put on sixty barrel of Water to each sllo und put fully mu-linlf .f It into the eoruorit nnd nmitust tho hiding. Tlm rettiilt wiih all I could usk. not a htiHhel of hpolh-d oiihIIuko. Itntlier tliiiu pill on l.-HM xx-aler I would put a barrel to n ten of onHllngc. I xvotild HiiggoHt to nil Hint have flllo to llioroiiglily MitiiratL- them with wit ter or wot the ciudlng'' nnd let thu trumping of tho ulliigu go. hk It will Ik1 boaxy uiiougli to take euro of ItHclf. ItnUlnir Dairy Cnlvrs tVllliont MRU. Tho 1'oiinnylvnnla oxpoiimeiit Hta Hun IIiiiIk little ililllotilty lit raining, piinio iliilo oiiIvch without milk after thoy are two w-eek old. The cost of mining cnlvcH on a milk MihHtitutc up to thu tlmo thoy can bo put on a hay und grain ration, or when thioo or four months old, need not oxcii-d flO, ox t-ltmlvo of i-uru. Cn I vch fiom high cliiHst, well bix-d dairy titock whi-n ruined in tblsi xvny am worth much moru than they coHt and an tint only meaiui by which it milk dairyman can ralou hia herd to a high Htitudnrd. Men. ncro In llttlo Johnnlo's composition on "Men:" "Men nro tvlmt woiucu marry, Thoy drink nnd Hinoku nnd swear nnd have ever ho innuy pockotH, but don't go to church. PorhapH if thoy woro bonnctH they might. Thuy nro inoro logical thnn women nnd hIho moro zoo logical. Roth mon nnd women havo sprung from monkcyn, but tho women certainly iiprung further thnn tho men." -Rloomflold (Ind.) Democrat. A Iloiieymooii Ipcrleno, Tho Groom Would you mliul If I tvout into tho nmoklng car, dour? Tho Ilrlclft Wlintl To ninokoT "Oh, dear, no! I want to oxpflrienco the agony of bolng nwny from you ho that tlw Joy of my return will bo nil tho more IntciiHlflcd." Rrooklyn Life. I don't cure to moot tlm mnu who hail novor mndo a mlatiikc, for that Jnfnlll bio individual linn likely novor uiudo nuythlng clao. llncalilny. lloxr to.Clunil floors. Hub the flngor nmrkH with a clean piece of llunnel dipped in pnrnfflu olL und tho innrka will dlanppcur like mag . 1c. WIpo wltli ft cloth whine out of wntor to lake nwny tho snioll. It la far totter thnn using wortp ,ntl wntcr, M It docs not tnko off tho pnlnt. Ho xv to Sliumeii HclsMortt, When bcIhhoih got lilunt Hharpca (Horn by opening nnd moving bock-1 Vrnrrt'iTnCl fonvanl ofji.-pleco of glaei. Tli6 Htcm of a WlneghUH 1h HUltuble tt Blmrpuiitt tho bluiUcat iiclewora uivl tart bo ropented wImu noccstfary. fc. 4i